Resolution-PC 96-53~ e A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM C(TY PLANMING ((:O~MISSION DENYING 7HE REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVEN~ENCE OR NECESSI7Y FOR AN A~.rAFIOiJC BEVERAGE CONTROL U(~t~{SE NO. 96-03 AT 2180 WEST BALi. ROAD WHEREAS. the Anaheim Gry Planr~i~p Cortxnissio-~ did mcah+e a ver~led requsst fa, determinatlon d public convenience or necsssky for en Ncotwlic Beverage Co~crd I~enae to seU ba~r and v~ine for off-premises consumptfon at en eocl~k~p yasdine sesvice station tor ce~tain real proF'~Y situated In the Chy d Mahelm. Cour~tY of Orange. State d Cel~orr~la; and WHEREAS~ the City PIamGW Ca-unlssbn d~d hold a pubiic heark~p at the Gv'a Center In the Cfty of Anaheim on June 10~ 1996~ at 1:3C p.m.. rsoaice d safd public hearirp haviny besrt duly fliven as required by Resduti~on No. 96R-134 and in accor~dance wwithh the pra~rislons of the Anahe',m Munidpal Code, q~epter 18.03. to hear and consider evlderxe for and apairssi said proposed determk~,eUon d P~bltc conventence or rrecesslty for an elcotwl~ beverape conVd Iicense to investipate and mrdce flndings arxl recommendationa in connection therewlth~ arxi NhiEREAS~ the Anaheim Gty Councl, bY Resdution No. 95R-134~ ~as dde9ated to the Plarx~kw commissbn tF~ authorkv to rnake tl,e detem~k~aiton a pubi~ corn+entenr~ and necesskr wt~e ths GtY ts responsible under state law to meke six:h detennination~ w~h the riph',t of appeal to (x review by) the City CouncY~ and WHEREAS, sald Cotnm~ssion, after due k~specxion. Irnestipation and study made by it4elf and in ks L~eF~atf~ and after d: w consideratfon af ell e~vldence and repoRS dfered at safd hearln9~ does flrxi arxi determir~ the idlowinp ~3ds: 1. That pursuant to SecUon 23968.4 d the Business erd Profesalons Code, as the local gcveming body of the area ;n Nrt~ich the eppik~nt prerrdaea are loc~ted~ the Plannirp Commlaskui shall make determinations repardiny publ~ cornenience or necessiry. 2. Thet the petltbnec re4uests a deRerminaUon d P~b~b canvenience or nec~ssltY for sn yycohol~ Beverage Contrd I~ense to setl beer and ~vk~e tor oR-premises consumptlo~ at a comenekxe m~ilcet ~n connealo~ wkn a service scac~on ~«;aced et 21eo west ea~~ Road (E~ocon service stac~on). 3, rr,at u,e subJea propeny. consisUrw a epproxtmately 0.52 8cre located ac tr-e souineasc ~r d~ail Road and &ookhurst Street, is zoned CL 'Corrur~ercial, Llmited•' 4. Thet, as dlecussed in the Staff Fteporc to the Plennlnp Commission deted June 19, 1998, lhe Anaheim Pdit~ Depertment detertnkiled that sub~ect propwty la locc~tted In an area whose pop~+lation allows tvNO Ikk~rr.ses for the sole d beer and wine tor odf-{xemises consumption end that two such Iicenses curre~tl;~ exisi~ end, ituther that the crime rate In the distrk~ the subJect propertY Is part d!s 2496 above the CitY of Anaheim averaqe. 5. Tl~at ttuae (3) people Ind~ated their presence at safd P~~ ~-~W ~ aPP~uO^~ attd that na cortespondencs was received k~ op~o~Ition to the subJect proposa~. re! !FORNIA ENVIRONMENTA. ~ll~~'!Y ACT FlNDIN(3: The Plennk~ COmrnisslon has determined bv motlo~ a~ac p~uwar~t a sectjon ~sos~ro)(a), u,e proposed aclect Is exema ~rom a,e requirameru to prepare an em+irorunerqal knpad repoR (EIR) as defined h the State EIR Guidelkws. CR2672DM.N1P -1. PC96~'a3 ~ ~. e ~O~•~ THEREF~RE. BE IT E~LVED thet the Aciaheim Gty PlamirW Commisslo~ does heraby c~etermine tt~at there b no publ~ convenience or necessi~' wh~h wouid be sc~ved by tha sale of beer and wine tor off-premises co~sumPNon at tt~c IocatloMion or requkamsr~. June 10, 19~6. AITEST: CJ~.J~ u-0 SECRETARY, EIM piY PLANNING OOMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) CAUI~(TY OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OP ANANEIM ) ~, Mar~arka Soiorio~ SecretarY d the Anaheim GtY Plamki0 Cocxniss~on, do herebY certlfY tt~at the foreUolrp resdt~tlon w8s passed end edopted 8t a meetlrq d the Ar~aheirn City PlBnning Commisslon held on June 10~ 1998~ bY the idlowinp vote d the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISi'OL, HENNINGER, MESS~, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER (' ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rny hend this day of _~r~'~ ~~ 1996. _ ~ ~r~_ SECRETARY, HEIM CITY PLlWNING COMMISSIOIV THE FOREGOINCi RESOUJTi~N was ad at tha PlenNrW C.o~m~s~on mee~ny °f CHNRMMi PRO TEMPO E ANNiE1M GTY PUWNI G COMMISSION -2- P(~8J~3