Resolution-PC 96-69` F ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC96~S9 A RESOLUTION OF THE GTY OF ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSIOPJ INITIATING PROCESSING OF AI~ENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE DISNEYLAND RESORT SPEGFIC PLAN NO. 92-1, FQR PROP~RTY NOT OWNED BY THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY WHEREAS, pursuaM to ths procedures set forth in Chapter 18.93 of the Anaheim Munfcipal Code, the Cfty CouncA d the CitY °f Anaheim ad°pted Ae~~ No. 93R-107 ceRiiying ErnironmeMal Impact Repo~t No. 311, Resolution No. 93R-146 approvtng The Disneyland Resort Speciflc Plan No. 92-1 ~gp g2_1~~ and Hesolutlon No. 93R-147 approving zoning and developme-~t standards ~nduding conditlons af approval fot SpeciRc Plan No. 92-1; and WHEREAS, on AprN 12, 1994, the CitY Coun~M adopted Resdution Ido. 94R-41 amerxling ResoluNon Nos. 93R-107, 93R-146 and 93fi-147 and mak~~9 ~~In Nndfngs in conjunction therewith pursuarrt to Chapter 18.93~ and WHEREAS, on June 13, 19A5, the Giy Co:~r+cg edapted Rssdution No. 95R-95 amending Resol~tion Nos. 93R-107, 93R-146, 93R-14? and 93R-148 and makin9 csrtain flndings in conjunction therewith pursuaM to Chapter 18.93; and WHEREAS, SP 92-1 indudes ProPercY ow~ed by The Walt Disney Company as well as certain parcels not owned by The Walt Dlsney Company, and WHEREAS, the Cfty of Anaheim receNed a letter dated July 16, 1996 from The Walt Disney Company (available at the City of Anaheim Planntng DeparcmeM) requesting that Planning Commission initfate AmendmeM No. 3 4o the Disney~and Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 ~Amendment No. 3') for those propertles not under the ownership d The Waft Disney Company~ and WHEREAS, The Walt Dis~ey Company is In the process of submitting an application to the Ctry of Anahetm requesting consideration of Ame~dment No. 3 for those properNes owned by The Walt Disney Company; and W~iEREAS, proposed AmendmeM No. 3 wpl encompass certafn minar modHications to the Disneyland Resott ProJect indud(ng a Revised Phasin9 Plan, make modiflcations to the SpecHic Plan (induding the Zonfng and Developmer-t Standards, destgn Plan and Gui~alines and Pu~lic FacAft(es Pian) to implement the Revised Phasing Plan, and incorporate mfnor text and graphic modNic, ~ons to the document; and WHEREAS, the Pirinning Commission is authorized to inftiate applk~t(ons for review of spectflc plan amendmeMs and desires to InRiate Amend~ ~i e~~~~ ~~e p~rotpos~ed~ amen~dment would be not owned by Tha Walt Dfsney CompanY) ~ implementing the General Plan and enabling the in the public IMerest and would serve the purposes orderty development of such area; and WHEREAS, the Plannin~ Commission has determfnsd thac ft would be in tFw best Interest of the pubi~ health, safetY and general welfare to inin order to ensue that the protr~osed ame(rtdment presents a Is not owned by The Walt Disney CompanY) comprehensNe plannfrsg scheme. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commtssion ~f the Cfry of Maheim hereby resulves as fWlows: ~~CTION t. Tha Planning Commission hereby Inftiates ths applir,at~a- for Amendment No. 3 to The Disneyland Rasat Specfflc Plan No. 92-1 (for the la~ area in~uded within sa{d speciHc plan which is not owned by The Walt D~s~eY ComPany) for the purposes of (xeseMin9 the proposed amendment for constderatfon and study. -1- PC96-69 CR2683SS.WP ~ ~ Without IlmiUnp any rights the CfcY may have under appUcable law, the ~ity reserves the rigM to approve or deny Amendment No. 3 to The Disneyland Resort Specffic Plan No. 92-t. SEGTION 3. The operaWe date of this Resdution for purposes d setting a publtc hearing pursuant to Anahelm Mu~kipal Code SecUon 18.03•060 shall be the date the Planning Diredor determines that the appl~ation {a qmeredment No. 3 Is canplete, induding pre-hearing complfance wfth the requiremeMs of the Calffomia Em~ironmente~ ~uality Ad. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of July 22, 1996. ~~~ CHAIRMAN I4NAFl~IM PIANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ SECRET , ANAHEIM GTY PLRNNING COlu1MISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY AF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdorb, Secretary of the Anahelm Ciry Plannfng Commission, do hereby certify that th~ foregoing resdutlon was passed and adopied at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commfssion held on Jtaly 22, 1996, by the fdlowtng vote of the membere thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, NiESSE, PERA7A NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ' 1~ day of .`~_CT ~ ~ 1996. Gu~.~Z.~ t SECRET ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC96~69