Resolution-PC 96-81i ~ RESOLUTION NO PC~1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PIANNING COMMISSIGN RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ANANEIM RESORT PUBUC REALM UU~IDSCAPE PROGRAM WHEREAS, on September 20, 1J94, the City Co~ncp adopted Resolutlon No. 94R-239 appraving The Anaheim Resort Public Re~im Landscape Program and makfng certafn ftndings in conJunctian therewfth; and WH~REAS, on July 31, 1996, Walt Dis~ey Ima9ineering, authorized ageM for The Wati Disney ComP ~Y~mbn c o unct onewith n~ ppiic2tion for Amendme No.~3 to iThe Dis eyland ResoK tand.,cape og 1 Spec~ic Plan No. 92-1; and WHEREAS, The Anaheim Resort Public Realm LancJsc~pe Pro9ram AmenclmeM pertains to certain public streets wfthin and adJacent to The Disneyland Resoct SpeciRc P~a~ Area (Freedman Way, Harbar Boulevard, Walnut Street ar~d West Street/Dtsneyland Qrtve) as fdlows: (A) Fr ~f~1~ - The street design currently provkies for atte~~ating vertical trees and small or medium canopy trees. When this d,esign was apprrned, the SCE Iines were planned to be placed underground or wfthin a structure. As the 220-kV ~~nes are now proposed to remain aerial, the verticai trees are proposed to be removed from the street design as they would interfeee wfth the aerial SCE ~ine clearanae reyuirements. (B) Harbor Boulevard - The approved street design for Harbor Boulevard indudes multiple rows of canopy trees within the median and the parkway adJacent to the Mreet wfth vert(cal palm trees in the parkway adJacent to the ult(mate right-of-way. Due to the conftguration of the revised Theme Park District Drop-off Area and the existing monorail and fences along the Disneyland Theme Park boundary, tho street design is proposed to be modiFied/coRected to remove the vertical pa~m trce from the west side of the street north of the southemmost point of the Theme Park District Drop-off Area. From the I-5 to thb Theme Paiic District Drop-off Area, the tandscapod ParkwaY is also proposed to range ftom 6 ta 12 feet to provfde for layered landscaping adJacent to the existing Disneyland Thsme ~ar1c back-oF-house fence. ~~~ wat~~~ Street - The approved street design provides tor re{~ularly-spaced medlum canopy trees in the medtan and in the parkways. The proposed revislon would change the parkway trees to taller irees to further buffer the uses wfthin the Hote1 District including the SCE 220-kV transmisslon Iines alonc Walnut Streot ~p) ~~s~ Street/Uisnevland DrNe - The appraved street design providas for altema:ing vertical trees and rr~edium or sma~~ canopy trees. The proposed revislon would provfde for the same rype of trees; however, as previously Indicatect, a segment of the street may be lowered to allow a~rade-separated pedestrfan crossing and the landscapo whhin the parkway and median may be el~m~nated under the pedestrian overcrossing. The trees depicted In the graph~c have also been modifled• The vertical and canopy trees origlnally ofPi~~treerandnanother type of canoPY tree. The revised exhlbft shows one type P~ It should be noted that these are graphic representations only and that the fina~ tree selection will be made as street improvement ~lans are Ma~ized• .~ _ PC96-81 CR2?35EH.WP ~` ~ WHEREAS, the flndings adopted by the Cit~r Counctl as set forth in Resolution No. 94R-239 are still valid in Iighi of the requested amendments; and WHEREAS, the Anahe(m City Plannfng Commfssfon did hdd a public hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center, CouncU Chamber, 200 So~uth Anahefm Boulevard, in the Ciry o# Anahelm, an Aupust 19,1996, at 1:3U p.m., notlce of said puWic hearing havtng been duly given as required by Iaw and in accordance with the provisloi~s of the Mahefm Munfcipal Code, Chapter i 8.03, to hear and cons(der 9vidence for and against the project actions and to Irnrestigate and make ftndings and racommendations in connectlon therewith; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, based upon the foregoing and the tnformatfon prov(ded wfthin the amended Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program ~ocument, the Staff Report to ihe P~anning Commissfon dated August 19,1996, the flndings set forth in City Councq Resolution No. 94R- 239 and other ~nformation, evidence and any refinements received during the public headng process, the Gry of Anaheim Planning Commissfon does hereby recommend that the Ciry Councp adopt the requested amendments to th3 Anaheim Reso nsu orc F eaedman~~Na~y~Harrt~o~ Baulevardt Walnu~eS ~ee~~--~ tW ~ to the streetscape landscape p Street/Disneyland D~ive. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION opt e Planninfl Commiss(on meeting of August 19, 1996. CHA:RMAN ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISS N ATTEST: ~~ q~2/~,L fl(J ~~^ SECRETARY, AHEIM CITY PUWNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUMY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anahe!m City Planning Commisston, da hereby certify that the toregoing resducion was passed and adopted at a meeting nf the Anaheim .C~:y P~anning Commf ,slon held on August 19, 1996, by the following votP of the membe~s thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN. BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESS°_ NOES: COMMISSIONEFlS: NONE ABSENT: C•JMMISSIONEFiS: PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand thls ~ U' ~day of J~lJv~/, 1996. ~ ~5~~1.G~ SECRETARY, AN EIM CIlY PIANNING COMMISSION -2- PC96-61