Resolution-PC 97-154~ ~ ~E,SOA...7TInN NO- PCii7-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE AN.aH~lM CITY PLASdNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CO~D:~fIONS C.'- APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIC)N NO. 92R-1]1 ADa?T~D 1N C:ONM1ECT[ON WITH CONDITIONA~. USF r'ERMIT ~C1, 35?G WHEREAS, on lunc ~i, 1~~11., thc Ci-Y Counci! adoptcd T:esol:,(ion i~Jo. 92R-111 to approvc Conditiona! Usc Pcrmit No. 351G and pc?an~t a sclf storagc an:] rcerca~icnal •vchidc sto~aga fa~~~~tY with waivcrs of {~rmillcd Gcc standing siyi locatie~n, minimum numbcr of p•rrkdng spaccs ar+d pcrmittcd numU^.r of carctakcrs' units; anJ lhat Condition No. 1 c: said resolution spccifics "That subjcct usc shall lw limitcd to a pcricxl of fi(tccn (15) ycars; providcd, howcvcr, that acfditional timc pcrioJs may hc rcqucsled by thc pctitioncr pursuant to thc proccdures scl fo~:th in ticction 18•03•(MJ3 of thc Anahcim Municipal Codc:." ~ ~... WHEREAS, subJect ProPcrlY ~s ~~°~16ix", ~'`'~~h '~ s~lf steragc and rcercational vchiclc storagc facilily (All Aboard Mini Sloragc) in thc ML (Limited Industrial) z~mc. WHEREAti, L:+ncc U. Alworlh, rcprescnting All Aboard Mini Sloragc, has rcqucstcd an amendmcnt to, ur dclctiim ~,f, said Condiliiin Nu. 1, ~::rtainin~! to thc timc limitation, ln pcrmit thc usc for an adJitiunal 25 ycars'ant~~ D~~~mbcr 31, 21132. hccausc a Icndcr, in conncetion with pcrmancnt finuncing, rcquires ~hat thc timc pcriuJ fur lhc conJi~iunal usc pcrmit I~c 10 ycars bcyor.J thc cxpira~ion dalc of lhc loan. WHEKL"Ati, thc City Planning Cummitisirn did huld a public hc;uing ~U the Civic Ccnlcr in thc City of Anahcim on Oclubcr 2?, 1997, al l::ill p.m.. noticc <if s:iid public hcaring ha~~ing bccn July y~cn as requircJ by law an~,1 in accorJancc with thc pruvitiionti uf ~hc Anahcim Municipal Codc, Chaplcr 18.03, to hcar anJ cunsidcr ~;vidcna•. for and against said prup~~scd amcndmcnt ans to invcstigatc and m~kc findin~.s and rceummcndatic~ns in cunncction thcrcwith; and WHER:r~lS, saiJ Cumm:ssiun, aftcr duc inspcctiun, invcstig:dion and sludy madc by ilscl( and in i~s Uchal(, and aftcr duc considcraticn of all cvidcncc anJ rcports uffcrcJ at said hcaring, dcx.s find and Jctcrminc thc fullowing facts: 1, `Thal subjcet cundilion~l usc pcrmil is bcing cxcrci~cJ in thc samc mxnncr and in conformancc with all conditions and stipulations :ts originally upprovcd; 2, That subjccl usc has opcrated for Gvc ycars ia a manncr not dctrimcntal to thc lcxation nor to thc surroundinb land uscs, nor to thc public pcua', hcalth, saf~.ty :inJ gcncral wclfarc; xnd thal therc arc no rcportcd CoJc Enfurccmcnt ar Police Dcpartma~l ~roblcros a.aociatcJ with thc usc; 3, Tbat thc subjccl pn>pcrry ~s IucalcJ in lhc Anahcim Sladium Arca which is currcnlly undcr swdy but that fulurc ~cvclop-r.cnl in thc arca, including thc Katclla "smart titrcct" corriJor, arc not cxpccted to advcrscly impact this propcrly, nor is Ihi„ ~~~r~~s~- cxpcctcd to advcrscly impact [uturc plans for the aroa bccausc subjcct propcrty is irrc~;ularly-sh~ipcd (long ~+nd narrow), it has IimiieJ strcct frontagc, and it adjoins railroaJ tracks an~~, thcrcforo, ha!: limitcd suitability for morc comcntional lund uscs; 1 PC'~I7-154 CR:,(P)~PL.WP ~ ~ 4. That dclction oC Condition No. 1 lo eliminatc thc timc limilation is ncccssary to pcrmit reasonablc operation undcr the conditional usc pcrmit as originally grantcd; and 5. That no onc indicated thcir prescncc at sai3 public hcaring in opposition; and that no corcespondence was rcccived in opposition to thc subjeci petilion. ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALiTY AGT FIPJDIN(i: That thc Anahcim City Planning Commission has reviewcd lhe proposal and docs hercby lind thal the Ncgalive Dcclaration previously approvcd in conncclion with Con3itionu! Usc Pcrmit is adcquatc to scrvc as thc rcauircd cnvironmental documcnlntion in conncction wilh this rcqucst upon finding thut thc dcclaration rellcc4s thc indcpcndcnt judgcmcnt of the; lcad agency and that it has cnnsidcrcd thc previously approvcd Ncgativc Dcdaration togcthcr with any commcnts receivcd during the public review proccss and furthcr Gnding ~n thc basis o[ t6e initial study anJ any commcnts rcccivcd that thcrc is no substantial :viJcncc that thc projcct will havc a significant cffcct on thc cnv~.ronmcnt. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEU that thc Anahcim City Planning G~m+nission does h.rcby dclctc Condition No. l, in its entircty, from Rcsolution Nn. 92R-111, aJoptcd in conncction with Conclitional Usc Pcrmit No. 351G. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptcd at the Planning Commission meeting of Octobcr 27, t'J97. ~_~~~ z~~~- ~ CHAIRPERtiON, ANAHEIM CITY PLANI~[NG COMMISSION ATTEST: t SECRETAR , ANAHEIIvI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAHGAM ) l, Margarita Solorio, Sccrctary of thc Anahcim Ciry Planning Commission, do hcrcby ccrtify that lhc forcgoing resolulioa was passcd and adoplcd al u mccting of lhc Anahcim City Planning Commission hcld un OctoUcr 27, 1997, by thc fullowing votc of thc mcmbcrs thcreoL• AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, Hi~NNINGER, NAPOLES, NOGS: COMMISSI0I~ERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, PERAZA IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, 1 h,~vc hcrcunto sct my hand this ~ day of O~u'/'r~^-c 1997, ~_.,~c~~~ SECRET Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLAtVNING COMMISSION _2_ PC97-154