Resolution-PC 97-158~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC97-15R A RESOLUTION Of^ THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENAING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF RESOLt~T10COND T ONAL U E PERMITCNOO. 3g43rION NITH WHEREAS, on June 10,199G, the Planning Commission adoptcd Resolution No. PC9G-55 to approve Conditional Use Permit No. ~3 a omobilc par~sin`a fobmer gasol'ne scrvicc~station at'2GOOaV~lestlLin oln salcs and installatioo o'i accc~~ory Avenue; and that said resolution includes the [ollowing condition of approval: ^2. That this pcrmit shall expire one (1) ycar from thc date o[ this resolution on Junc 10, 1997." WHEREAS, the underlying propcsty is dcvclopcd with an approximately 1,586 sq. tt. Cormcr gasolinc scrvice station building utilizcd for tire salcs and installation, auio~mebil15 ~ncd CL (Commcrcaal,SLimptcd) and uscd automobile sales (Whecl Service Tcxaco); and that the p p Y is loeated w~lhin Community Planning Arca No. 3 and is also located within thc Bcach Boulcvard Study Arca which is bcing considcrcd as a Rcdevclopmcnt Area. WHEREAS, thc ~~ctitionur, Shakour Cyrus, rcqucsts amcndmcnt or dclction of Condition No. 2 to rctain the automobilc salcs and repair faciliry. WHEREAS, thc Ciry Planning Commission did hold a public hcaring at the Civic Ccntcr in thc Cdy y given as o[ Anaheim on Novcmbcr 10, 1~J97, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hcaring having bccn du Chaptcr 18.03, to hcar requircd Uy law and in accordancc wilh lhc (~rovisions of ihc Anahcim Municipal Codc, and considcr cvidence [or and against said proposcd amcndmcnt and to investigatc and makc finJings and recommcndations in conncction thcrcwith; and WHEREAdue ~con idc ationnof allr vidc cc and repo ts~offe cd at sid he•ar nsbdocs find and its bchalf, and a[tcr dctcrmine thc following tacts: 1, That thc S~n~ Code violauonUs; and that the pct! t oncr has Pubmitted~a Icttcrastating that all approval and ccrtain cw g conditions of approval havc lren complicd with; 2, That automobilc sales and repair facilitics ar~ authorized bY apProval oP a conditional usc pcrmit; 3. That subjcct conditional usc permit is bcing cxcrciscd substant~allY ~n thc samc manncr and in conformance with all conditions and stipulations originally appro~cd; 4. That the pcrmit 's ubinc cXt h,shcalth,ds•3fcty and gc cral wclfa c~~ ~hc particular arca and surrcunding land uses, nor to thc p P'~ S. That ~~~~hc conclit ons of ap Doval~ andat[ W~~' ~ontinuc inspcctions of thc propcrry to confirm compliancc with all o -1- pC97-158 CR3100PL.W P ~ ~ 6, That no onc indicatcd thcir prescncc at said public hcaring in opposition; and that no correspondencc was received in opposition to the subjcct pclition. CALIFORNIA ENVIR~NMENTAL QUALITY Ae:T FINDiNG: That thc Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewcd thc proposal and doc:s hcrcby find that thc Ncgativc Dcclaration prcviously approvcd in conncction with Conditional Usc Pcrmit No. 3843 is adequatc to scrve as thc requircd environmcntal documcntation in connection with this request upon finding that the declarati oved Ne ative indepcndent judgemcnt ot the lcad agcncy and that it has consid .rcd thc previously app 6 Declaration togcther with any comments rcccivcd during the public -eview proccss and furlher finding on the basis of the initial study and any commcnts rcceived thac therc is no substantial cvidence that the projcct will havc a signi6cant c[[cct on the environmcnt. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that thc Anah~im City Planning Commission does hercby amcnd Condition No. 2 0[ Rcsulution No. PC9G-55, adoptcd in conncction with Conditional Usc Pcrmit No. 3843, to read as follows: 2. That this pcrmit shall cxpirc (1) onc ycar Gom thc datc o[ this resolution on Junc 10, 1998. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptcd at thc Planning Commission mccting of November 10, 1997. ,~ _~ - ._ _ ~J/ ~G'~~~~"~~~J?t CHAIRPERSON,ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: , SECRETARY, AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Sccrctary of thc Anahcim l:ity Planning Commission, do hcrcby certify that the forcgoing resolution was passcd and adoptcd at a mccting of lhe Anahcim City Planning Commission hcld on Novcmbcr 10, 1997, by the following vote cf thc mcmbcrs thcreof: py~; COMM1SS10NERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, NAPOLES, PEkAZA Nq~; COMMISSIONERS: NUNE HENNINGER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER+ IN WITNE5S WHEREC)F, 1 havc hcrc~.-nto sct my hand this ~~~Y °f ~~~~, 1997. ~'~, ~ ~ . ~ SECRETAR ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 2 PC97-155