Resolution-PC 97-27~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC4?-?7 A RESOLUTlON OF THE fWAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3920 BE GRANTE~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim C~Y sftuated in~the Ctty of Anahe~fm~~CouMy of Orangelob'taoe Condftional Use Permft for certain reai property of Caiffomia, described as: PARCEL A: PAPCELS 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 AND 16 IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNIY OF CFtANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEJ IN BOOK 255 PAGES 5,2,3, AND 4 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUMY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, AS AMENDED BY NSTRUMEM' NOF 93-0 R 40 6 IOF OFFICIAL RECO DSROF SAID COUNTY. AS PARCEL B: PARCEL 21, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIAI, COUNTY OF ORAt~l~E, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ATTACHED TO LOT'JNE NST UMENT NO 91-532~358 OF OFFICIALGRECOR S OF SAID OUNTY. AS PARCEL C: PARCEL 23, 24 AND D, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE PIAT ATTACHED TO ~OT UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. 293 RECORDED APRIL 30, 1993 AS INS7RUMENT N0. 93-029159'I OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL D: PARCEL A, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUN7Y OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ATTACHED TO LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT N0. 295 RECORDED MAY 11, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93- 0315924 OF OFFlCIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL E: PARCEL 26 AND E, !N THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ATTACHED TO LOT UNE AD.IUSTMENT NO. 301 ~tECORDED JULY 27, 1993 AS fNSTRUMENT NO. 93-0500566 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, on March 27, 1990, the City CouncU, under Ordinance No. 5109, added Chapter 18.74 'Speciflc Plan No. 90-1 - Anaheim Hpls FestNal' t~ th~ ~~ a~~~ ft theater, permftting approximately 533~950 sq•K. of retaN space, a 4,000 sq• a 150-r~om hatel wfth a 7,500 sq.ft. freestanding restaura n t. a n d 240,000 s q.ft. d business commercial area in four Developmerd Areas on 85 acre ft~ bD ain~OPm~ ~~ p~ ~~t~y ~maCf~e ~a 8nd ihat~Chapter consists of approximstely 504,850 sq• • 18.74 includes, condftfonal uses and development standards tor the Specfflc Plan and for each Developmecn Area; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that Cfry Councii approve a revised site plan for Development Area 2'Retap Commercial and EMercalnment' to n~ ih~prs~~ously to 25,000 sq.ft. or 1,500 seats) ot the existing theater and to redesignate 20,OOU sq• approved area for general rataU uses; WHEREAS, tho Cfty Planning Cammissbn did hold a publ~ hear(n9 at the Civic CenSer in the Ciry of Anaheim on March 17, 1997 at 1:30 P•m., not~e of satd publ~ hea~~9 ~~~9 ~en duly yiven as requirec! by Iaw and in accordance wKh the Pro~islons othe Anahe~im~iMou~nicu~ ~~~ andptto 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against safd Pr P~ed investigate and make flndings and recommenciatlons fn connection therewtth; ar~d _~ _ PC97-27 CR2843DM ~ ~ WHEREAS, s21d Commission, after due inspectton, investfgation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ar.d after due considerat(on of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, rloes flnd and determine the fdlowing facts: . 1. That the proposed use is properly one for whtch a concifttonal use permit is author~zed by Anahefm Munlcipa! Code Sections 18.74.020 and to construct a 35,000 sq.ft. health club and 10,000 ~q.ft. child day care tacUiry with a 15,000 sq.ft. outdoor play area in Development Area ?_ 'R~tan Commercfai arxJ Entercafnment' of Specific Plan No. 90-1 'The Festival" wfth waNer of the fdlowing: Sections - Mfnimum number of oarkina soaces. 18 06.050.02593 (4.028 snaces requi`ed; ~ e~1~ces ProPosed~ as recommended by the parking 18.06 050.0264 study and a~proved by the Ciry Traffic and Transportation ~ ~ and Manager) 2. That the parking waiver, under the conditions irrtposed wiil not cause fewer off- street parking spaces 4o be provided for the approved uses than the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate ail vehicles attrib~~?~!e to such use under the normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions o~ operation oi such us2s becausa the off-street parking supply (induding the entire upper level sropping center parking, four rows of harking in the lower level and 50 parking spaces located on the east side of FestNai DrNe (a prNate street)) wfil be adequate to accommodate the demand of the proposed project and the existing uses; and, although a Umitstion was placed on the lower levei parking avaflabiliry ior this proJect based on walking distance to the site, there would be more parking available to the project on the lower level ff customers were wiil(ng to walk a greater distance; 3. That the waiver, under the conditions imposed, will not increase the demand and competition for parkirg spaces upon Yhe pub~ic streets in the immediate vicinity of the proposed use becaus~ FestNal Dr(ve, which runs in back of ihe proposed project, is a private street and parfcing will be made avaflable along the east side of said street~ that there are no publk streets within reasonable walking distance on which patrons of this proJect would Pe~~ntert anduthat~the p oject access po ts available in the noriheasterly porcion of The F~stNal shopping are located on a private street which provides access to the shopping cer~ter only; 4. That the waiver, under the condftions imposed, will not Increase the demand and competftion fAr par4irn~ spaces upon adjaceM prNate properry in the immediate vicinity of the proposed uses (which propercy is not expressly provided as parking for such uses under an agreement in compiiance with Section of the Zoning Code) because there is no adJacent private property in the (mmediate vicinity where par!cing would logically occur; arxi that analys(s and stud~es have demonstrated that the ~nderlying site v~•ill have adequate parking supply to accommodate an increased parking demand; 5. That the waNer, under the corxiftions imposed, wi~~ ciot Increase traffic con98s~~ within the off-street paricing aresis or lots provkled for such use because Parkl~9 is available next to the food auurt where patrons of the theater and the proposed uses may park on the lower level and walk to the theater on the upper level thereby reducing the potential of on-site drNing and congestion; 6. That ths waiver, under the cortdftiors imposed, ~vGl not impe~e vehtcular ingress to or egress from adjacent properttes upon the public s4reets in the immediate v~iniry of the proposed use; 7. That the proposed use is property one for which a corxiftional use peRnft is authorized ~Y ~he Zaiing Code; -2- PC9%-27 ~ ~ 8. That the proposed use will not adv j~y I~ted becau~seithelfitness cer~ter arxJ growth and development of the area in which it is proposed M Area 2 and w~~~ have no adverse child day care faciliry are compatible wRh existinfl uses iri Developme impact on The Anaheim Hills Festival Shopping Center or on surrounding uses; s. That the size and shaPe of the site for the proposed use fs adequate to ailow the full developmeM of the proposed use fn a manner nnt detdmental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safery, general welfare; 10. That the traffic generated by thn proposed ~se wp~ not ~mPose an undue burden upon the streQts and highways designed and Improved to carry the trafflc In the area; 11. That the granting of the condit~onal use PermK undar the condftfons ~mPose~~ W~~~ not be detrimental to the peace~ health, safety and general welfare of the c':tizens of the City of Anahelm; 12. That 3 people indicated their concem at €aid pubilc hea~ing~ and that no correspondence was received in opposft~on to the subJect petftion: c'AUFORNIA ENVIRONMEN"tAL (~~.R!,ITO' ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commisston has reviAwod the proposal for De~~~Gmern ~~ 2 tO ~~ ~~ ~~p to 25,000 square feet or 1,500 seats) the existing theater, (2) reviss ic-w sits P~n to redeslgnate 20,000 square feet of area for general retai~ vses, (3) approval of a conditiosiaf use perml: to co+~struct 8 35~000 Square foot health club andi a 10,000 square-foot child day care fac~ii'ry v~lth a 15,000 square-foot o:~tdoor play area, (4) amend CorxJftior_ ~lo. 9 of Ordlnance No. 5110 to permit on-street parkfng on Fest9al Drive, X~t~5) waNe the mirdmum n;.~m(oer of parkin9 spacas on an irregularly-ShaPed Parcel consistin of sPP y 85 acres located at t~+,e southwest comer of Santa Ana Canyo~ Road and Rooseveft Road, having approximate fror~tages of 2,170 feet on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon ~toad a~d 850 feet on the west side of Roosevelt Road and further described as The Anaheim Hills Festival Shopping Center; and does hereby approve the NegatNe DeciaraUon upon flnding that the dedaration reflects the independerK Judgement of the lead agency a~bUc evi~~ pr C~ nd furthe fln~die gB~Ded~arab ~sis ~th inftial study comments receNed during the pu arxi any commenis re~efved that there is no substantial ev~dence that the project wAI have a signtflcant effect on the environment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petidon for Conditional Use Permit, upc,n the fdlowing condftions which are hereby fourxi to be a necessary Prerequisfte to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve 4he safety and 9eneral welfare of the Cftizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That flnal pians showin~ detailed elevations, si9na9e, landseaping, exierior equlpment, cdors and materials for the facility s~haU be submitted to the Planning Commfssion for review and approval as a'Reports and Reaommendations' Rem. 2. That, due to ihe pa~ t~9 ~~ter w'rth restaur'~ant~s ~ a he ~hefm IHills Festiva~ Shopping Centere shared marketing 3, That employee parkin~ shall not be permttted on the upper ~evel du~ing the peak parktng demand pe~lods: Frklays and Saturdays between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. q, That the outdoor plaY areas for the child day care tacAity shall not be u~NUed by chNdren prior to 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. • ~- PC97-27 ~ ~ 5, That an on-sfte loading and unloading area for the child ca~ M~~~~~~ a~e~a S~all be s nhown and design acceptable to the City Traffic arxi Transporta 9 on pla~ns submitted for building permits• 6. Th Iliry tSaid~ga'teopcr'ations shall bees9hown on plans s bmfttednfoabuildi g~~~ Nd day care 7, That plans shall be submitted to the Ciry Yrafflc a~d Transportat~on Manager f°r his revlew and approval showing coriforrs~a~~e with the latast revisfons of Engineering S4andardS~~ thereupon and 6p2 pertaining to parlcin9 standards and drNeway locations. Subject p opertY be developed and maintained (n conformance wfth said plans. g, That the new drNeway accessin En e neer IDnf cor~formance ~^' h E 9 eering SttaOndarcl No.i ~ 37 urb retums as required by the Ciry g g, That the lot line for Parcei No. 2 shall be deadY IdeMffied on the site plans submitted for buitding permits. 10~ ohthe Pubtic Works Department Street and Sanifation Dwsion, for review nd aPP ~~ mm~ 11, That an on-site trash truck tum-around areri shall be provided arxl ma~r~ta~~ed ~~ a~nner and t~m-~around area~shall be spec~f~cally shown ona~lans submitted fo~r b a~^gtipennitsision. Said 12, That the developer shall submit a Water ~ualicy Management Plan (WAMP) 3P~~~y ~entiFying stormwate~runoff. BThe WQMP shall be bmitted~toSt etPuWict Worksaii7eve~opment Serv ces DNision, for review and approvai. 13_ That the owner of the subJect proPertY Shall submft a letter requesting termination o# ~ariance No. 4201 (to waNe the minimum number of parl`~n9 space~ fw DevelopmeM Area 2 in conJunction with a 4,016 sq.ft. increase in building area arxi the redes~gnation of a portion of DevelopmeM Area 2 Nom 'Home Improvement Fumishings' uses to "General RetaG' uses to the Zoning Division. 14. S bmitted toth Ciry of IAnahaim byte Spetit one~and whkh pians a ehonafile wfthSthscPlann~ng Department marked Exhibft No. 1. 15, That prlor to the issuance of a building pem~it for the general retafl uses (up to 20,000 sq.ft.), an updated parking study shall be prepared by a qua~iHed traffic engineer and the resufts shall be submitted to the Zcx~in9 DNision of the Planning Department for review by the Ctry Traffic and Transportation Manager and the Planning Commission as a'Reports and Recommendations" item to determins ff the park~n9 ~s ade4uate to accommadaYe safd 9ene~ ~e~W uses. 16. That a sound study st~all be prepared determining the current dB read(ng of ex~ting roof mouMed air-condftfoning QquipmeM a~d ~~s~hrby two (2) dBBSi~Algn~ equipmer~t shall ~have a affecting the residential prope dB reading not exceedln9 this two (2) dB reduction. Said study shal~ bets~ ~~ tfor Planning DNision of the Plannfng Depanment as a'Report and Recommenda ~ Commission review. lmplementation of sald studY shal~ be required as directed by the Commissbn. ~ PC97-27 > ~ ~ 17. That prior to issua ee~~a ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~ g 0 e111, 2~13,15 and16, above- resolutton, whichev for further time io complete said conditions may meMioned~ shail be complied wfth. Extensions be graMed in accordance wfth Sectbn 18.03.09~ of the Anahelm Munkipa~ Code. 1 g, 7hat p~ior to flnal building and zoning inspections, Conditbns No. 8 and 14, above-mentioned, shall be complied wnh• ig. That unless condftions to the contrary were expresslY ~mP°sed ~P~ « 9~rn~~9 °f the Paoved v~raNer, the granting of said ~vai~er shall be deemed conNngeM upon o~:eration of the app uses in conformance wfth the assumptionst~t f rmedt the basisofoa pp~o~ ~~~~ waNer. contained in the parking dema~d study ions as contained Exceedfng, vidating~ intensffy~shall be dAemed a vidtia ion of the express condftions (mposed uPon i~ the parking demand study said termfnation or modffication pursuant to the provis~ons of Sect~on ~8•03•091 II~ ~g~~•092 of the Zoning Code• 2p. That approval of this application constftutes approval of the proPosed ~eUuest oniy to the extent that ft complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approvai does not include ~~8 o~in~a ce,~regu a lon orrequire ent or approvai of the request regarcfin9 any other appl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahe~ ~KY P~~i~ u~ni applicant's hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutfon Is exPr Y Pr comp!ianee wfth each and all of the conditions hereinabove set fort`h~. ~~~ ~a a yuc~~ ~nio~~ e~ i part thereof, be dedared irnalid or u~er~orceable by the flnal j 9 jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cor~ta~ned~ shaU be deemed n~l arxl vokl• THt FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of March 17, 1997. CHAIRPERSON ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMI~fiISSION AT~EST• SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 5TATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) f, Margarita Sdorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, do here P~anni g tfiat the foregoing resolution was Passed and adopted at a meeting of the pnaheim Cfcy Commission held on March 17, 1997, bY the fdiowirsg vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOhERS: 80S~IVICK BOYDSTUN, 6RISTOL, H~NNINGER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONtRS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSI~NERS: MAYER, PERAZA ~ IN WITPJESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand this ~~7"" day of ,~L-~ 1997. SECRETA Y, A EI'M CITY PLANNtNG COMMISSION PC97-27 -5-