Resolution-PC 97-28, ~~' a ~- oc$OLImON TIO PC97-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY QL.ANNING COMMISSION FINDING THAT A REVISED SITE PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT ARFJ~ 2 OF SPEGFlC PLAN NO. 90-01 IS IN SUBSTAN7IAL CONFORMANCE WITH TNE FlNAL MASTER SITE PLAN AND RECOMMEND(~E DMEN.i. NO. 2OT0 SPECIFIC PLAN~NO. 90-01) ~~~ BE ~ENDED WHEREAS, an l~Aarch 27, 1990, the CftY Cour.cN amended the Anaheim Municipal Code to add Chapter 18.74 'Specffla Plan No. 90-1 - Anaheim Mills FestNaP~ter a~i50-r~~oom hotel wi~h a,500 ~ sq.ft. of retail spaae, a 4,000 s4•n. se~ ~t~, ~~,~ ~• • freestanding restaurant and 240,000 sq•ft. of b~~i~ess c~-merciai area fn four DevelopmeM Ar ~~t~ acres; and that Devetopmertt Area 2'Reta~ Gommercial and EntertainmenY consists of aPP bp4,g5p sq.ft. of buUding area on apRroximatsly 48 acres; WHEREAS, on March 27,1990, the Clry CouncA, under Orcllnance No. 5110, amended the Zoning tJlap to reclassify subject Property irKO the'SP90-1" (Speciflc Ptan ~0-1) Zone subject to certaln condftions, including the fdlowing: "9. That 40 f~eetDcurt~to-curb) wfth on~street parkingTprohibftedsand enForced by therlessowidth of forty ( ) WHEREAS, on June 20, 1990~ the Flna~ N~e+' S~~ P~n ~g a~fOV~ ~ to issu~nce of building permits for DevelopmeM Ar ~~ by~nseccion 18.74 030; arxi hat o~ Fe~~ry e~2 ~~~tion of the Anaheim Hills Festival, as spec ~~, to the theater in Development Area 2 vdas aPPr WHEREAS, on July 28, 1992, U'ie CftY Counc~ adopted Ordinance No. 5324 to amend Condition Nos. 6 and 13 af Ordinance No. 5110 (ArrSendmeM N~. ~); WHFREAS, on Octobe~ ~9~ 1992~ the Planning Corr-mission approved a Re~ised Site Plan for Development Araa 2 in connection w~th Varianca No. 4201, redesignated a portion of Development Area 2 Nas. 1 and 2 ofiVairiance No. 4201) wR e n substarrtial coMortnance w h Speciflc PlaniNo 9a0a-01 ~~hibft WHEREAS, the applicant has submftted a revised site plan (Exhibft No. 1 of Condftional Use nrea 2 co expana cne exisc~r~g cr,eater (up to a.5,ooo sq.~. or i,soo seats) Permft No. 3920) for Development and to redesignate 20,OOU sq.ft. of'home fmproveEner-Y to'ge~eral retaq' uses; artid !hat the applicant has also requested that CorxJitlon No. 9 of Ordinance No. 5110 be arr-ended to permft on-street parking on FestNal Drive; Wi-IEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hdd a PuWic heHrl~9 at the Civic C»nter In the Ciry of Anaheim on March 17, 1997, at 1:30 P•m•, rwt~~e of said P~~~ ~~n9 ~~~ ~n duly gNen as required by law and In accordance with ths provisions of the Anaheim M~nicipal ~ joCrn~~~t and 18.74 and 18.92, to hear and cons[der evidence for and agafnst subject proposa~ make findings and recommendatlons in connection therewith~ and _~. PC97-28 CR2844DM.wp ~ ~ WHEREAS, said Cornmisslon, after due inspecNon, irnesttgation and studY made by ttself and in Ks behalf~ and after due conskleration of all ev(dence and rsPoRs offered at said hearing~ dces flnd arxl determine the fdlowing facts: 1. That e~anslon of the theater and redesl9nat6on o# 20,000 scl•it~~~ryme improvemer-Y' to '9e~e~al r~a~' uses in Development Area 2 is c:omPatiWe with~ and comp~ surcounding and adlace+n uses~ 2. That DevelopmeM Area 2 was desi9ned to accommodate retad uses and services, restaurants, flnancial servic~s~ de~aK~"8"t st°reg' a"d the~ters; 3. That a condft(onal use permit for a fltness center and chBd day care facNity wfth waNer of the minimum nurnber of Park~~9 BPa~ ~g ~~ a~°W~ by ~ P~nning Comm~s~~~ ~n connection with Corxlitional Use PermK No. 3920~ a~d 4. That 3 people ind~ated thgir concem at sald pubiic hearing~ and that no correspondence was receNed in opp~~ to tM3 subJect Petition• ,,,,;,,~.rrs~ n~ ~ei mr ACT FlNDING: That the Anahefm Cfty Planntng C~ALIFORNIA ENVIR~~. ry ~ ~ Commission has reviswed the ProP°s~ for Development nrea c;~f+e~fffc Plan No. 90-1 to (1) expa ( u p t o 2 5,000 s c i.ft. or 1,500 seats) the e~dsting theater~ (2) ~~ ft t ositec~au~ at35,000 sq.ft. health d b o f area fo r g e neral retaU uses, (3) approve a«~ n d i Uo n a l u~ ~~ ~ y a~~~ ~4) amend Condnfon No. and a 10,000 sq.ft. chAd day care facqfty v~~ a 15,000 sq• R on-street parki~9 on FQSCN~ D~e, and (5) waNe the min!mum number 9 of Ordinance No. 5110 to perm r~ ~~isting of approximately 85 acres lacated at the of parking spaces on an irregularly-shaPed Pa o~~tg {~~ta9es of 2,170 southwest comer of Sar~ta Ana C~nyon Road and Rooseveft Road, havin9 aPPr feet on the south side of SaMa An~ ~ny°" Road and 850~e ~~ d~ ~ eb~ p~~j~ N~tNe further described as'me Anahe~m HGIs FestNal Shopp ~9 ~~ ~~9~tt a~ ~~ agency and DeclaraUon upon flnding that tho dedaratlon reflects the I~Peny ~~8 ~~~ during the publ~ that ft has consfdered the Negative Dedaratlon together receNeti that there review process arxi further flrxiing on the basis of the inftiai studY and any commer~ts is no substar~tial evidence that the project wUl have a signfHcar~t effect on the ernironment• NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commisslon doe" hereby flnd that the revised s~ ~n~ ~~S~~ MasteEr Sfte~P n p{xo~ed f Sa P~~~Pan No.~.;90-U1~ are in substantial co MID G amend CondiUon No. 9 of Ordinance No. 5 OCas ~m~ended b~y O inance No. 532 that the Ciry Co to read as fdlows: "9. That ~xior to issuance of any bu~ding permft for the add~lonai twenty thousand (20,ppp) square fest o# general reta~7 use in DevelopmeM Area 2, a modifled striping ~~ Providing flftY (50) on-street parking spaces on FestNal D~ive within the vicinity of the theater shail be submitted 4o the City 1'raffiC and Transporcatbn Manager for rev{ew and approva~' PC97-28 -2- ~ w 7HE FOREGOING RESO~L.1J110N was adopted at Flanni C~m~bn ~f^~ °f Wlarch 17, 19g7• CHAIRPERSON, ANAHEIM ITY PLANN~NG COMMISSION ATrEST: /-~+`"' ` :~ ~ SECREfARY, EIM CITY PUWNING COMMISSION ~ STATE OF CfWFORNIA ) COUNTY AF QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio~ Secretary af tne Anahefm Cfty Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foragoing resolutlon was Passed a~d ~dopt~ at a mee~~~9 °f the Anaheim Gry Planning Comm(ssion heid on March 17, 1997, by the fdiavirtg vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTW~CK BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AE3SENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my ha~d this ~~ daY °# ~--' 1997. ~ SECR ARY, EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ PC97-28