Resolution-PC 97-30~ RESOWTION NO. PC97~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y r'LANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3919 BE GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cfty Plannfng C.nmmission did rece(ve a veri~ed P~etkion~foe Conditional Use Permft for cenain real properry situated in the City of Aneh9im, CouMY of Califomia, described es: PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP N0. 92-172, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUMY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAIJFORNIA, AS SkOWN AS PER MAP FlLED IN BOOK 277, PAGES 1 TO 3 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CnUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a publfc hea~ing at the CNic Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on March 77, 1997 at 1:30 p.m., notlce of sald P~b~~C hearing having bee~ ~ulY gNen as required by law and in acrordance wich the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for arrd against sald proposed corxJhb"~ ~~ PB~K a~ to investigate and make ftndings and recommendatbns in connection therewi~h~ 8nd WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, imrestlgation and studY made bY ttself and (n its beha~f, and atier due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, does flnd and determine the fdlowing facts: 1. That the Froposed use Is properly one for which a condr'~nal use pertnit ~s suthorized by Anaheim Mw ~~cipal Code Sections, and 18.84•062•032 to permft a 15,050 sq.fL, 2-Isvel, automobile sales and serv~ce facitiry wich accessory Parts sa~es, an intertor showroom, 11 service bays, roof-mounted equipmeM, and outdoor (at grade) and secortid ~e~+el vehide display/storage areas wfth waNers of the foilowing: (a) ti n Q~Q~.09t.Ot 1 .44 and 1a.6d.GiiO•040 (b) Sectlons 1 .44. 7 and t8.84.060.040 (~~ Car.tfons 4~8.05.091.OS 1 .44. 7 and ~ _ P~rmftte~! ~*~r?ndina sians. (Maximum'~ °^ ~ 4lnale-faced sian pem'~ftted !n the Scenlc Corr(dor Zone Ove~lay~ 4 ft,S~o~ble-faced sian pn~posed) Q _ Permitted directionai sians. ,ro sed (Maxlmum ~ permltted for two vehicular entrances; $ 4• Po ) ~ _ aarmhted wall sians. (Maximum 1 pem'~ttted per froM ernrance; 2 proposed) 2. That waiver (a), permltted freestand~~9 ~9~~ ~~~y a~~~ on tho basis that there ~tre s~elal circumstances applicaWe to the prope~ty such as size shape, topo9raPhY, I~tion or surroundings, wh~ch do not appiy to other fderttkk:alllY zoned ProPerties ~n the v~iniry; and that strict application of the Zoning Code deprives the properry d privile9es en~oY~ by ~~r properties urKler to the west, wt-~ch is zoned CL(SC) and ldentical zoning dass~ication in the vicinfry because the property developed wkh a retaU use (K-mart), received approval of a variance for freestanding signage; and that although Code allows one freestand(ng sign per street nonla9e and subject property has three street frontages, only one freestand(ng sifln fs proposed; _1. PC97-30 CR2850DM ~ ~ 3. That waiver (b), pem'dtted directional signs, ts hereby denied on the basis that the proposed d(rectional sign at the comer of Crystal Drive and Puilman Street wouid not serve any purpose in directing the flow of trafflc because ft is not located adJacent to a drNeway for ~ch~as sizeshaPe~ required by Code; that there are no special c(rcumstances ePP~tcable to the property topography, location or surroundtngs, which do not apply to other tdentically zoned properties in the vic~niry: and that strict applfcaUon of the 2onfng Cade does not depfire the propetty of prwile9es enjoyed by other properties under identical zoning dassiflcatlon (n the vicinity; 4. That waiver (c)~ Permitted wall signs, is herHby approved on the basis that the proposed addftional wall sign will assist in rr~re effeatNely directing cuscomers to the sutomobpe serv(ce area of subject business; that strlct appiication of the Zoning Code deprives the property of p~vile9es enjoyed by other properties under fdemical zoning dassiNcation ~n the viclnity because properNes to tha east and west have been grarrted waNers for the number of wal~ sfgns based on those propertles also havln9 visibility in muitiple directions; and that there are specia~ circumstances aPP~~ o othertidenticallymzoned as size shape, topography, location or surcoundings, whlch do not apply properties in the viciniry; 5, That the proposed use Is prope~y one for which a condRional use permft is authorized bY the Zoning Code~ 6. That the proposed use wl~~ not adverse~Y sifed the adjdning land uses and the grovw.h and development of the area fn which ft is proposed to be ~ocated beca~se the Pr°P°sed use Is compatible with the surrounding commercial uses and that the design of this proposal wi~~ al~ow for fts operation withouc causinfl a detriment to the peace, health, safety and gene ~ mo M~t~ufpment Isf requUed oa Anahe(m; and that the petftloner has fndicated that the proposed be placed on the roof by the nature of this particular use and, further, that sald equipment wU! be screened from view in compliance wtth Code. 7. That the size and shape of the sfte for the proposed use Is adequate to allow the full development of the propo.ged use in a manner not deMmerna~ to the part~uler area rwr to the peace, health, safety and general welfare because this type of use (autnmotive sales and servicing) is well sufted to the property's extensive street fror-tage which allows for sutomobile display; 8. That the traffic generated by the proposed use wp~ not ~mPose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the uaffic in the area; 9. That the graMing of the condltlonal use pem-R~ under the condftlons Imposed, wUi not be detrimental to the peace, health, satery and general welfare of the cttlzens of the CftY of Anaheim; and 10. That no one indicated thelr presence at said publlc hearing In opposftlon; and that no correspondence was receNed in opposit~on to the subject petiUon. ~AUFORNIA ENVIRONNIENTAL QUAUTY ACf FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has Reviewed the proposal to permft a 15,050 squa~~ ~~ ~~ ~u~ ~~Ipment sind facilfty wfth accessory parts sales, an ir~te~lor shoavroom, oWdoor (at grade) arx! second level vehide dlsptaY/storege areas wkh wafvers of (a) permitted freestanding signs, (b1 permitted directional s~gns end (c1 peRnttted wail signs on a rectangul~rlY-~P~ property located at the southeast comer of Pullman Strest and Crystal D~e ~ 3~~ ~~ he north on the east side of Pullman Street, 340 feet on the south side °~ ~ry~e~ side of Sav! Rench Parkway (8200-8250 Crystal Orive); and does hereby aQprove the NegatNe Dedaratbn upon flnding that the dedaration reflects the IndependerK 1ud9ement d the lead agency arxl that It has considered the Negatlve Dedaratlon together wfth any c~mmaMS receNed du~ing the publlc review process and further flnd(ng on the basis d the ~nfclal st~dY and a~Y ~"'~"ts ~~~ ~~re Is no substantfal evidence that the proJect w01 have a signfflc;aM effed on the env~ro~merrt. .2_ PC97-30 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Arsahn he followir g condittons which are hereby grant, in parC, subject Petftio elor Cond ii~o-~le p P~~~~~ ~ the subject proQertY ~n order to hereby found to be a necessary P~U preserva the safety and genera! welfare of the Cftfzens of the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. That a fee for street tree purposes shall be paid to tha Ciry of Anaheim based on the length of ~treet frontage alo~g Crysta! DrNe, Savi Ranch Parkway and Pu~lrt~an Street, (n an amount as established by Ciry Council resoluflon. 2. That the proposed plant mate~tals shall conform to those recommended to the petftfoner by Redevelopment Agency staff. Plans submitted for building permfts shall reflect those matarials. 3. That any roof-mounted equipment shall be subJect to Anaheim Municfpal Code Sectia~ ~~'~hown pertaining to the 'SC Scenic Corr{dor Zone OvedaY• Such infomiation shall be sPe~ on the plans submitted for buiidinA permfts. 4. That Iighting of signage for subJect properry shall be prohibited between the hours of m~d~ 9or and 6:30 a.m. as specffied by Zoning Cc~de Sectton, unless a variance is app granted. 5. That the upper levet ~torage shall be used on~y for new vehicle dispiay. 6. 7hat any plans for bollardsroved by he Zoning Nisfon foa aesthetich o siderations. ong the street fronta gas shall first be aPP 7. That activities occurcing in conJunction wfth subJect business, induding loudspeakers, shall nat cause noise disturbance to surrounding properties, in accordance v~+fth Section 6.70 "Sound Pressure Levels' of the Anaheim PAunicipal Code• 8. That plans shall be submitted to the City Treffic and Transportation Manager for review and approval showing conformance with tt~e latest revisions of Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436, 602 and 607 pertaining to parking standards and drivewaYaocatiThe d~eway shown~on the s bmicted p~an on and maintained in conformance with ..aid pl Crystal DrNe and Pullman Street shall be constructed at a locat ion acce ptable to the Ciry Traffic and Transportation Manager. g. That 211 dr'Neways shall be constructed wfth ten (10) foot radius curb retums as required by the City Engineer in r.onformance with Englnee~ing Standard No. 137. 10. That the `^~ factionc of~ h e~latereUtility DNision in e herWUnde g ou d vauts ortbethind the stre~et to the satis setback area in a manner fuily sc~eened from all public streets and adjacent propert es. 11. That the legal owner of the subJect property shall in2 °~e in width, fowater serv ce mains and/ar (Water Engineering Division) an easement, twenty () an easerrient of ten (10) feet for large meters or flreUnes. 12. That trash storage areas shall be provided and mai~tained in a location accep o~~t~ ns onbfile Works Department, Streets and Saridation DNision, anci in accorclance with app with sald Department. Such informat{on shall be s!~ec~ically shown on the plans submitted for building permits. 13. Th~he Public WorksrDelpartment St~reegs and Sanitation DNisionl for~eview aind approvalsubmitted to PC97-30 ~- F~ wa 14. That an on-site trash truck tum-around area shall be provided and maintained to the satisfaction of the PubUc Works Departmerrt, Streets and San'~tation DNision. Sa(d tum-around area shall be speciflcalty shown on plans submitted for buildln9 perrr~ifa• ,. 15. Ti~at a lot Ilne adJustmeM to combine the tNO (2) extsting o~ bS thte City Engi eer~and then SubdNision Section of the Public Works Department and app Y recorded in the Office of the Orange Cc~i;n'ry Recorder. 16. That prior to issuance of a p~~rt for the directt~nal signs or for the parking ~oD~~ ~o~tfor app'roval shall submit an application for an encroachm~nt license to the Real Properry Pp pa king~lot ! ghts shall be redesigned s ch that9 hey a e~ completeiyroutside any C'rty teasements.~ 17. That the developer shall submft a Water Qualiry Managemeni Plan (WQMP) specffically identifying the bunoff.arThe WQMP shallsbe s b itted tohe Public W ksrDe~part eM~,ID el p ent Sne ices DNision, for review and approvaL 18. That signage for this faciUty shall be limfted to that shown on the exhibits submitted by the petkioner; provided, however, that there shall be no more t~n ~e2)~n i a ciordancenwfth tCocle Sub ection (1) at each of the two (2) drNeways on Cry Any additional signage shall be subject to the prior approval of the Planntng Commission as a'Reports and RecommerxJations° item. 19. p blic ~igYts-af-way unhess display~ed in colnnectionw ~ Shpecia~ E ent Permits and visible to the 20. That any tree planted on-sfte shall be replaced in a timely manner in the event that ft is remov e d, damaged, diseased and/or dead. 21. That no balloons, pennants or flags shall be attached to dispfay vehicles unless authorized in ~ - connection wfth a Special Event Permft. 22. That trees shall not be unreasonablY trimmed to increase visibil'rty of the faciltty. 23. That no vehicles shall be parked and/or displayed in landscaped setback areas. 24. That minimum fifteen (S5) gallon sized tre~ shall betpi~s d a eMtto Crystal iD i~~e ~~nec~e wfth Code, which requfres at least seveMeen (1~ 1 adJacent to Pullman Street and frfteen (15j treos adjacer.t to Savi Ranch ParkwaY• 25. That 1lghting for this "racilfry shall bs wholly contained on the site. 26. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance wtth plans and specHications submitted to the Cfry of Anaheim by the petftio f~~~ h~~e at~t ihere shall behno ol enthan Department marked Exhibn Nos. 1 through 6; p two (2) direc4lonai stgn~ for the blsiness, o~e (1) at each of the two driveways on Crystal DrNe, in accordance wfth Code Subsection 27. That prior to Issuance of a buikiing permii or within e period of one (1) year nom the date of this resolution, whichever occurs flrst~ Co~dnion N°S• ~~ 2~ 3. 8~ ~~~ 12~ ~3~ 14, 15, 16 and 17, ay be granted in a' ordance with Section8 03.09U Qf the Anahe m Mun c'ipal tCode. conditions ~ FC97-30 ~ ~ 28. That prior to flna~ building and zoning fnspections, Condft~on Nos. 9, 10, 24, 25 and 26, above-mentioned, shall !~e complied with• 29. That approval of this appllcation constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the exterrt that ft complies wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicabie City~ State and Federal regulations. Approvai does not Indude e~y ac:lon or flndings as to complfance or approvai of ths request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulatfon or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 4he Anaheim City Planning Comm~ inot s compliance w~ and detertnine that adoption of ttds Resolut~on ts expressty (xedicated upon appi each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared irnalid or unefi ovalsh e eintcontanined~ shall be deemedU ~~ and vo~em ~u~~~~ion, then this Resolution, an~l any app THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeti•r:a of March 17, 1997• CHAIRPERSON ANAHtIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATfEST: ~ SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNN OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfry Planniny Commission, do hereby certHy Commission held on Ma ch 17 1997aby~ he following ote of the mtembe s thereof:heim City Planning AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTW~CK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, PERA71+, I~ ~ day cfi ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1997. • ~ (~ n.~,6 SECFiEfARY, A AHCIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -5- PC97-30