Resolution-PC 97-38~ ~ o~eni i~ION NO P~7~ A RFSOLUTION OF THE ANAHE~iv~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PEfITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERNhIT NO. 3914 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ctry Plannfng Commission did rec:eive a ve Of Orant ei~Siate Condftional Use Permft for ceRain real property sftuated in the vicy of Anaheim, Cour~tY 9. of CalNomia, desc~ibed as: THAT PORTION OF ALLOTMENTS IN DECREE OF PARTI'fION OF TliE RANCHO CANON DE SANTA MlA, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, RECORDED IN CASE NO. 1g78 OF THE 17TH JL~DICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF CALIFORNIA, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS RECOPDED FEBRUARY 3, 1874 IN BOOK 28, PAGE i 58 OF DEEDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SHOWN AS 'PARCEL N0. 3, ON A PARCEL MAP FILED ECORDER OF SAID 0 NGE COUNTyS~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on March 17, 1997 at 1.30 P•m•. notice of said public hea~ing havin9 bee~ duly gNen as requlred by 1aw and in accordance wfth the provisions af th s~ oe~~~o~~ °~~~ ~~~ a~ to 18.Oz, to hear and r,ons(der a~ridence for and against sald P°P~ investigate and rr~ake finciiir9s and reco nm' ~~ t~7 Plann ng Commission tmeetingsaand~ pu~ic hearing was continued to the March 31 and AP ~ ~ ftself WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspecUan. irnesti tion and study made by a~ ~~, ~S behaif, ar~ a(ter due consideration of all ev{dence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the fdlowin9 facts: ~, That the proposed use ~s properly one for whlch a conditional use permft ~s euth°ri~ed by Anaheim Munlcipal Code Section to Permn a ~~~0~ sq.ft. expansion of an existing drive- through restaurant for an oucdoor playgrnund/dining area wfth 36 addicional seats arxi with waiver of the following: e tions 18.0~ ~-`~•~~~ - Minimum number of ~~ina sua~.Si~• g~ 0~ (~ required; ~ proposed and concurred wfth by ~ the Ciry Traffic and Transportation Managerl and 18•44 066•050 2, Thet the parkin8 waiver, under the condftions fmposed, beca~se according fo the submitted park~ng study the overa~~ shopp~~g center, including the pro~osed Carl's Jr. expansfon, is expected to operate at a peak parking demand-tasupply ratio of 6996 and~ therpfore, the proJect will not cause fewer off-street parking spaces to be provided for such uses tY~an the number of spaces necessary to accommodate afi vehiGes att~ibutable to such use under the normal arxi reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation of such use; 3, That the waNer, under the condKions imposed, wifl not increase the de~ ~ u e competition for park~ng spaces upon the pubUc streets ~~ ~~ b~e sub~ect~usefor anyrsur~roundin9 because the adjacent public rfght-of-way is not used tor Pa 9 y uses; PC97-38 -1- CR2871 DM.WP ~W .~ q, That the waNer, ur~er the condftions imposed, wil~ noi ~ncrease the demand and competftion for pa~ki~9 sPaces upon adJacer~t pri~ate propertY in ths Ir^ ~tiiat= t''-inity of t,.e proposed use because there is a exfsting parkfng a9reement Qn complia ine Center pa~cel wh~ h al~°ws fOh ~~OW Code) between the Carl's Jr. parcel and the adjacent shopp 9 parking ~,vhen necessary~ 5, That the waNer, under the condftions imposed~ wlll not increase trafflc conge~inn study, the off-str~et parkln9 areas cr In'~ ^'^~~ for the use because, according to the submitted Pa k hours up to oniy o"9. 96 of the park!n;, ~Pac~ ~(3~/~ Pa~ing space ratio) will be occupied during pea and the park~ng lot will, therefore, not be fllled to capacnY~ g, That the waNer, under the conditions imposed~ wi~l nut impede vehicular ingress to or egress fnm adjacent properties upon tha public streets in the immediate vicinity of the proposed uss because the proJect ~rndves oniy a minor mod~ication to the parlcin9 lot and no chan9es to existing drNeway entrances and lanes; 7. That the proposed use is prope~ty one for which a condftional use per!~n ~s authorized bY the Zoning Code~ g. That the p~aPo~ ~~ W~~~ ~Oi e~e~y affect the adjoining larx; ~ ~ss a-~d the growth and development of the area in which ft is proposed to be ~ocated~ g, ihat the size and shape of the sfte for the proposed u~~ 3 adeciuate to allow the fuil cievelopment of the proposed ~se in a manner not deirimental to the ;: .'~' ~ular area nor to ihe peace, heafth, safety and 9enera~ We~fare; ~p, :'hat the traffic generated by the proposed use will not ;rriposc an undue burden upon the streets and hlghways designed and improved to carry the traHic in the area; will not be 11. Thzt the granting of the condftional use permn, u~der the condftions ImposA~heim; and det~imenta~ to the Peace, hea~th, safety and 9enera~ We~~re of the cftizens of the Ciry 12, That faur peoWe ~~d~cated their presence at said pub~~c hea~in9 in opposft~a~~ ~nd t~t one letter of correspondence was recoNed in opposftion to the subJect petition. ~AIJFORNIA EHVIRO~A~~~~~ ACT FINDING: Tlwt the Anaheim Ciry Planning uare-foot expanslon of an ~cisting drNe- Commtssion has reviewed the proposal to Permn the 1,109 sq through restaurant tor an outdoor playground/dining area wfth 36 addftil~t~ a~he ^ort~east oimer of number of parking spaces on an Irregula~ty-shaped 0.9 acre propercy La palma Avenue and Imperia~ Highway wfth frontages of 150 teet on the north side of Imperial Highway a~ ~,50 teet an the e3st skie of La Palma Avenue (57ot Eant ~i 9~~Veh9ed~a tion Refleats the and does hereby approvE the Negative Declaration uPo tNe Deciaration together independent jud9emeM of the lead a9ency and that ft has considered the Nega wfth any commecomments~eceNed thatuhiereeis ops bstantial evide centihac~hehP~~l~ W~~~h~ve~a study and any signfficant eftect on the ernironment• Ptannin Commission does NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ~iESOLVED that th~ethe fdl~owing con%tkios Which are hereby hereby g~~Y s~bject Petftioe fou'Condo t e p oposed use of ~he subjeci proPer~Y in order t~ preserve the four.d to be a necessarY P~ safety and general welfare of the Cittzens of the Ciry of Anaheim: PC97-38 _p. ~ ~ 1. That prior to issuance of a b~ildiny permit for the proposed play structure, plans shall be submitted to the Pianning Commission for revisw and approval as a'Reports ar~d Recommendations" item showing that the two ;2) level play structure does no4 exceed fourteen (14) feet in height and matches the c;~lor and material of the existing restaurant building. 2. That plans shall be submftted to the Cfry 7raff!c and Transportation Manager for review and approval showing conformance wfth the latest revisions of Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 percaining to parkin9 standards and driveway locatiuns. Subject properry shall thereu~on be developed and maintained in cor~ormance wRh said plans. 3. That an on-sfte trash truck tum-around area shall be provided and malntained to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanftation Divis(on. Said turnaround area shall be specffically shown on plans submitted for buiiding permits. 4. That a plan sheet for sotk~ waste storage and collection and a pian for recycling shall be submftted to the Department of Maintenance for rev(ew and approval. 5. That minimum fifteen (15) gallon sizecl, ten (10) foot high, palm trees shal~ ue planted, irrigated and maintained in the planters adjacent to Imperial Highway (minimum seven [7] trees) and La Palma Avenue (minimum twelve [12j trees). 6. That nu signs shall be permftte~ on the playground structure or table umbrellas. 7. That the granting of the parking waNer is contingent upon operation of the use in cor~formance wfth the assumptions relating to 2he operation and intens'ity of use as contained in the parking demand study that formed the basis for approval of said waNer. Exceeding, violating, intensifying or otharvvise deviating from any of said assumptions, as contained in the parking demand study, shall be dee.med a violation of the expressod conditions imposed upon said waiver which shall subject this conditiunal ~~e parmit to termination or modfficat(on pursuant to the provislons of Sections 1t3.03.09~ and ?8.03.092 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 8. That any trce planted on-site shall be replaced in a tfineiy manner in the event that ft is removed, dainaged~ diseased and/or dead. 9. That the propossl sh211 comply with all signing requirements of the CL (SC) (Commercial Limfted - Scenic Co~idor O~~erfay) Zone unless a vat~anca allowing sign waivers is approved by the Planning Cummission. i0. That the developer shall submk a water qualfty management plan (WQMP) specffically identifying the best management practices that will be used on sfte to coMrd pred(ctable r~ollutants from stormwater runoff. The WQMP shall be submitted to the Pubiic Works/Englneering Department, Development Servfc:es Divisiors, for review and approvaL 11. That subJect property shall be developed as conditloned 'nerein and substantfally in accordance wfth ~Ixns and specfficatidns submitted to the Ciry of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file wfth the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos.1 through 4. i2. That prior to issuance of a building permit or wfthin a pertod of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condftion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10, above-mentioned, shali be comp~lied witti. Extensions for further t(me to complete sa(d condftions may be 9ranteo in accordance with Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 13. That prior to final buildiny and zoning inspections, co~dn~o~ r;os: 5 aiw 11, above-mentioned, shall be complied wfth. -3- PC97~8 ~ •,. ..in* 14. Ttia3 approval of this applicatiar. constftutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, Stato and Federaf regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordi~ance, regulation or requirement. 15. That no delive~les shall take place beriveen 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and between 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 16. That a security guard shall be provkled from 8 p.m. to closing, ff deterrnined to be necessary by the Anahefm Polfce Department, to discourage vandalism arxi/or loite~ing upon a: adjacent to the subJect ProPertY• 17. That the existing reciproca! access and parking agreement shall be maintained beriveen this property and the commercial shopping center property located to the north and east. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim C'dy Planning CQmmission does hereby find and determine'that adoption of this Resolut(on is expressly predicated upon applicanYs compli~nce with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condftion, or any part tnereof, be declared invatid ar uneMorceable by the ~nal Judgment of any court of competent jurisdictfon, then this ResQlution, and ariy approvais herein contafned, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI~N was adopted at the Plan ng Commission meeting of April 14, 1997. /~ /G~~ 1.1~.QJcs~- CHAIRPERSON ANAHEIM TY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ SECRETAR ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certHy that the foregoing resolut(on was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry °lannfng Commission held on April 14, 1997, by the fdlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMNAISSIONERS: NONE lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day of J~_ 1997. ^ U 0~1~ `~~ SECRETAR AhlI~HEIM CITY PLANNING COFAt~IIISSION ~ ..q_ PC97-38