Resolution-PC 97-51~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC97-51 A RESOLIiTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMN8ISSION ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY C;OUNCIL AQOPTION OF GENEI~AL PLAN AMENDMcNT N0. 344 PERTAINING TO THE LAND US~ ELEMEPfT WHEREAS, the City Ce~~ncii of the Cfry M Anahelm did adopt the Anaheim Genaral Plan by Resolution No. 69R-644, sha..3ng t-,~e general descripYion and extent of possible future developmeM wfthin the Cfty;and y,; :ERFOS, rianning Commission directed staff :o initiate an amendment to the Land Use EiFmeM w^ th!~ GaneraJ Plan to redesignate certaln property from the "Medium Density P.esidential' to the •Cc,~mmes::al Rocreatlon' IarrJ use designatlon; WHEPEAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did hdd a public hearing at the Anaheim ~N~C ~srii~Y. ^,;,;;~;.,ii Chamber, 2Q0 South Anaheim Boulev3rcl, on April 28,1997, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public ~:~.~~i'+~fl hanrln~ been duly gNen as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the ,~~p!i3'm'°_ :lcipal Cude, to hear and consider ~vidence for and against said General Plan Amendment and to ~~ ~ve:-lg~~ts ~.nc~ make flndings and recommendations in connection 1tf~orewith; and `' ` ~NHEREAS, said Commission, after due consideration, lnspection, irnestigation and study ma~ie by itself, anci aker due consideratlon of all evfdence and reports offered at said hea~ing, DOES h:~REBY FIND: 1. That the evidence presented substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan and that, therefore, Exhibft A at the pdblic hearfng induding the Staff Repon to the Planning ~ Commission datdd Aprii 28,1997, should be adopted redesignating subJect area for CommArcfal Recreation land uses. ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to amend the land Use Eiement of the General Plan to change the cuRent land use designation from the'Med(um Densiry Resldential' to the'Commercial Recreation" land use des(gnation on an approximately 4.67-acre parcel of land tocated un the north side of Orangewood Avenus, approxirciately 298 feet east of the centeriine of Hazbor Boulevard, and further desc~ibed as 465 West Orangewood Avenue (Emerald Springs Apartments); and does hereby approve the Mftigated Negative Ueclaration upon flndfng that declaration reflects the independent Jurlgement of the lead agency; and, that ft has considered the proposed Mftigated NegatNe Dedaration together wfth any comments received during the pubiic review process and further finding on the t,asis of the Inftial Study that there is na substartial evidence, wfth the Imposftion of mftigation measures, that the proJect will have a signiflcant effect on the environment, and approve the Mitigate~ Negative Declaration and assoctated Mftigation Monitoring Program No. U096 (assocfated wfth the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2, AmendmeM No. 1) and MRigation Monftoring Plan Nr,. 006 (assoclated wfth subject Condftional Use Permft No. 3917). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the above flndings, the Anahefm Ciry Planning Commission does hereby adopt and recommend to the City Counc(I of the Cicy of Anaheim %~ adoption ~f General Plan Amendment No. 344 perta~ning to the l.and Use Element, Exhibft A, to redesignate the study area from the'Medium Denstry Residendal' to the'Commercial Recreation' land use designation. cr2891 eh.wp -1- PC97-51 ~ ~ THE t~~`~E3C?!WG ~ESO~UTION was adopted at the Planning Commisslon meetfng of Aprfl 28, 1997. , CHAIRPERSON, Af~AHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~'~A~f~.~U ) ~~d(91~ SECRETA;iY, 6~*~4HEI~1 ~!TY PIANNING COMMISSION ;~ STATE (~F CALJFVRN!/r } COUNTY OF ORANCxE' ) ss. CITY OF RNAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solor(o, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon held on Aprii 28 , 1997, by the fdlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIO~IERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~U~day of _,~~~, 1997. _ _ , SECRETARY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC97-51