Affwatrlt of Jublitatinn
. Legal Notice
~~rd)4!(} .in EXlilblt A .hereof. and as
generally .shown o.n Map made a part
hereOf and marked Exhibit B. is
here.by designated and established.
illumination within the entire area of
- -- -.' - :~.:'::~-'-. : ~'_~':'.::_C:____J~:~. ~___ ;'~~~g~~)~,_.....______u_u.u.__u_______. Cid~~t~~~~rt~~~t~~nr;~i:;~ga~h~U
tbrit\s, at night from sunset to sunrise.
as fol1ows:
.JiL) Signs, Flood.lghting, D i s pia y
_n~, Iriterior Lighting. Illuminated
liljris and ornamental lighting of eve.]'y
4~~cription which are lo~ated out-of-
doors, . and floodlighting which illumin-
ates buildings or signs (including but
not limited to all exterior advertising
signs, billboards,' display lighting,
theatre marquee signs, illuminated
poster panels, and bullding outllne
Ilthtlng), and all interior light sources
(as 'hereinafter defined) which emit
direct ra:rs above the horizontal out-
of ..doors, shall. be extinguished, The
words, "light sources," as used herein
ate intended and shaH hl' .l'onstruNl
tq. mean and include an~' li~ht gellE~I'-
aUng elements and the l)l'ight. po\'tion
of an~' rcftectol9. lens, lumillail'p, tl'l:\IIK-
pareney, or other equipment aHl:>ueiat-
ed herewith for the control or llif-
fusion of light. ThiN H~dion 2(a)
s~l not apply to illumination for
i.udustl'ial 01' )lrott~ctive Vl11'P08~S ex-
e~pt to th~ extcnt provided for in
Section 2(b) hereof,
..' (b) Illumination of Ou h]ool' .\ real:);
Street and Highway l..Iights, illumina-
tion or outdoor areas and industrial
and protective illumination. shall lJe
controlled as fOllows:
(1) Except as. provided in Section
2(b) (2) hereof; illumination on
all outdoor areas (including but
. _. . __ __ , __ . _ __ . for a period exceedin 0' one not ,limited to au tomo bile service
e stahon yards, outdoor, pal'~ing
Year'" h . . areas, recreation areas and out-
. , . .-.LL..........__._________u_t at the notIce, of whIch door strnetqJ'es and roofs) shall
~he a.nnexed is a printed copy, has been PUJ2b~s ,., ~~~n~~h:~ ::ie:s~?etd C~~~E'h~!iz~II~:
In saId newspaper on 1 Legal Not'ce~If'"' - ~- " i tal plane at any levd of such '!ul-
, :~i'.' . ~ . door areas, and ,all outdoor lIght
OR~I NANCE NO...;. . -:,'.... :" ,spurces IIha,l~:. be shleldeu so that
AN ORDI NANCE OP TH ' ., 110 direct' ra)"s fl'om the light
.:_~'. ~ ~,_.._ .J.... .~.,:~_-:.,_ ANAH~I~ RELATING -:. ',:' source al'~lemitted above the hori-
STRICTED LIGHTING. ~.~ ~,'.' zontal., 411 interior lighting of
THE CITY COUNCIL~' ;. ,~. every descri!>Uon shall be reduced
.: Cl"rY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN 01' contrQUed so that it dbeli riot
AH FOLl.lb~VS: . c.ontl;ibute Ill01'e than one fU'Jt
SECTION 1. J, L. DeWi~t, ~:ftieu~ri',,:, candle 0(, illumInati?n ~pon, a~lY
ant Gcneral, U.. S, Army, Commanc1ln~ outdoor a.l:ea,. AJl stl eet and nigh-:
'\\'estcrn Defent;e Command',' arid way lights shall also be shielded
Fourth ,.'\rmy. b)7 virtue. ot the so that each light souree cm~ttJ
a.uthority yested in ,him by t"e. ~re8k no mo-:~ than ten. pel' cent uf Its
nent of the United States J,nd:Execu,;. total. lamp lumens at angles above
ti,'e Order No., 9066, dated Februij;ry . the horizontal. Provided the fore-
H!, 1942, and pursuant to Public Law gQing re<1l11r~ments ,are met. any
rl03-77th Congress, approved March further reduction 01' extingui8h-
21, 1942, and by virtue of h~' powers ment of ;Btl~eet or h~ghway illumi--
and prerogatives as CommanUing G$n- nation which would unneccHsarily
eral of the Western Deferi8~ :.Com" aggravate traffic hazal'ds is not
mand. has issued Public Proclamation l'equireci.
No, 10, dated August 6. 1942, arid (2) Variations from the foregoing
effective August 20, 1942,. which.. as requirements shall bt, vel'm~tte<l
amended by Public Pr~clamatlon No. in the case or illumination fot' ill-
12, dated October 10,'1142, and iaJ5ued dustrial and protective VUI'1)OHe8,
lW vtl'tue of tlie same authority reads and from industl'tal p1'pCe8Ses,
as follows. (omitting Exhlbite iiioor- whether Interior OJ' exterior, bu t
pOl'ated therein):. .' not il1chid1ng street 01' highway
uHEAOQU'.,.RTEFtS WEai".ERN lights~ only whell ancl to the cx-
DEFENSE COM.MAND AND. tent that it is llec.essar~' tr '\-al'Y
S . FOURTH :,ARMV from such requirements in OI'del'
ubscrlbed and Sworn P.residio of San Fr~nclsco, Call~ornia to ~<;hiev~ and ]~u1.lnta,in.l11axi~1Um
,'. ..._,_~~~.- .~" effiCiency; but only wltb th~ wl'lt-
d~. f. /..It ~ . i~ PUBLIC p.RdcLA;'ATION NO. 10 t.en approval of the Ninth HHgiul1al
cl~ 0 ____~~~.....~.~.~~:_ ~._ August $, 1942 . . Civilian, Defense BuarLl, ubtained.
--..._.,. _ /.~~ ~I '~ ".' in advance.
. ~~I ~ ' "TO: The. people within the ~tiites (c) 'Traffic ~igns and Higna.l~, lllUl\l-
" ..... ___ __..-_", __ _~':'__ ----X of WMhi~toij. Ore~n and California, inated. signs and si~nals whil'h al'C
, and"",*,~the PUblic (]e.nerally: '.:., author12;ec;l q,r maintamed by g'o,'ern-
_____________ ,.WHEH.EAS, by Public' Pr~)8.J#a- ~ent~l .auth.ori~y for the .purvos~:. ~[
--~b. 1" dated M:ar~h 2, .1~4a. ,.this contro\I!I1:g 01' dlrectl1]g st1'e~t 01' hig~- . '.e.r, that the watf.'n:
Headquarters, ther~ ;were designated wa~r b'atfiq ..shal1 be shielded. so that >lias, l~'illg cast.el'l~'
____ ._,.. __________ ~"'a ~tab~i8~ed Mllltal~ Areas .N~s. ~o dire~t rays from rthe }~gh~ sour,?c e . 'n ng from rolnt BunHiI
r. '2' and' . ..,.~,. . . .. . u,re emllteu. aulJ"C thC' hori:bontal 1Il thl'OU-g' M'\1e Hock, is llot inten<lflcl
Publication-A I" ttEli.~S..::;Ahe a~ed, for~es,.:of t.he respect to Ug:hls mounted ten feet und ~hal1 not be construed to be a.
enemy have '.made attacks "upon. ves- or more a:bov~ the ground. or above an ].J~I1't or the sea; aucl ..solel~' for till'
sels of tbe United, ~tates 'traye~h~1 a~.gJ.e o~ ~~l'e than si~ degl't~eS M:bove IlurllOSt~l:> of :::iection 3(c) hfll'cof, COIl-
alO.ng the .Plt.9lftc COasta.l waters ~ng the. l1~,izontal, .In respect to hg~ltl't c~ct'llillg streHt. and highway traffic',
-U1>on land lnetii.l1&flbns'. within'" Bald l116uilted less than ten 'but wore thall,! Ow })hra8~j "RI'eas vhJible f.'om till'
Military Areas; anef. it is' expected three. fe.et ~bovc the ~roun<1, or above ~ea'" it; al80 illh~lldt,d and shall ht~
that such attacks wlll' continue; and an .ail3te of. mOl'e than twelve de- ('on~tl'l\l'l1 to llu'an amI include that
WHER~'-, it is "jiecessa19Y to pro- grees abov.e the horizontal h~ rcspect vortioll of .8trcet8 01' highwa~'8 \\'hidl
vide.. Q18.xtIlJUm protection for.' war to Ughts .p1ounted less than Uu'ee nut\' llot in fact l)(~ vitJihh.~ fl'OIll thl~
utdit1es, . war materials and war feet. . abov~ the gJ'ound, ltelaUve Ht~H: hut whkh it; within al'caH gl~he\'lll-
premises 10ca.t:~~ wlthin the SUites of . variatipns in .the upwal'cl limit of li~ht Iy visihk fr'om the Ktm..
WaShington, . Oregon -, and' Califorriia are permissiblc to compensate for .1-,.\ 1I~" pCl'NUn violating allY uf t I\I~
~~in~~..:.~~~~~.;' att~.~ by sea a~d ~~ gr~d.es. ,..... I ,. ..., pl'ovh;illllH of thls .I'l'oela maUolI, fO;'
aIr. . '. ...-.'. . :,.. '..., .(~n Naltt~on and Hallroad LlghlH, cH'der'H iSKuell pur.tJuH.nt tijllf'f}tu, i8 ~uh-
w~~W';,~~~r~/'J~~s,\r;-i, ~:~ lJB,;;:"7.:r't~ ~Oa~~~i~: {~,~l~~r;m':(edlf~: e~":A (~.~l~~ '
bl' v ~ to' orltt vest" filljll:' 1 ' ~'.',I ~ 'd h "a ciimmarid;;;8.D,d to ,tIi~,::' --:f '" , peDal- i
,;"':,-' ,,}, :~,~,~, ~;:~~i:tr~~i;:<:1,~',', h,', ,- ,~~ _ rr~;,~~~ ;~ai~~~~ ;:~~~~ I
, a. In' ,lion' t((.tb ~ - ~ s 80ns ente 1lJ.~.rem n 1I1,~ eii.vlhg,-
.:. herei~b. . e. ~. ~ ;:.4hlJ11na _ on or commltthi~ aftY ~ in' -ltUitat.y I
. wlth~ , rt '.of~ .thee &ibe of -Jl.e- areas or.- n-." " '{"tI~'
_,' _ " .' ., *..,~ ..... .... _e. '. 6 "~he' p.... I".. ., . '-Dc- 'I
. h 'Ii' '......i:. - ........ ..a.sd"~ '.'1' :.:..&>:; , . eit, fen'se Bo' t.. .~bt;" '. -II . :tea' at:;
, '8 a. ~ ,rUl~r.. J:&,I.f-IiD s ~..~ 0 ..1'- th~.,prl_' --'.' t.- , Nt; en- i
,,4 ~,al~:.tlm.e~I':~lg~~:f1'O-~ _ t ~~rne iJf -- . -., elUBS, I
,to SUDrlIe., &8 . 1'iS: I' .:'." - u":ils . , es-~ .". e' . 1 law
lor::- ). st~,'- H' way'" :'"_ 4 -. ic eriforcemi' t agel; cle... ..- . "1e and.
J:s. Street. 'and 11'" -Way tfirhts, local go' rnin- '} 's in: thf;l
. '. _ ,.' . ,.'. .t.J1~.luated signs ~(but 'not. 81g- ar.8 a . 't ,,~'~ _:"', .~..tiqn
tbe e _myo '~~~ '. ,~;:,~~.'~~.;:'-.~ nals) w:~eh' are authorized or matn- ass1st Ui~ ... lrith R ...ona~-';Ctvl1ian
2, ~r~ant. to _ deter. . .,' ~ined . ~~ II'Overnmental au~Jio~1ty <.f~r Defe;nse .~pa.t:-d:. -ll) tM e1'lfVcemen t
and ~ta~e~~t ,pf ~~c. " ~>>@ .Pur_e<:-~.or controlling.. Of: ;~lr~ct- hereof: :. fi.l ../,~. . :~;.~. . '; ~. "
.ltS" ~ph. '~.,~ . a Zon~"~ . ~ . .Q}g stM-t, or highway ~~~~. 6, This ProelamaUo~ shall i becum~
. . d L. ._ ng, ; part. "'. "~- .:.ich,,~~~\blp. ~.-~. _ ~ effective August ,.. ._. ;:f'
......,.. "" ".. ., "" ,. ,. '.. - J, L. Dc"'W"lH, ....~ .t#
I LieutenQ,nt ,<1"'er~l.U, 1:).
'Army, Commandllii." ,
I H]~CTI0N a. .1:)8.1d ~lJc ,;nQChlima-
tin"; Nn_ .'1'2. m.\a.ddttta to::.:aiieac:ling
. - - :::::::::::::::::: -::::::: ::;:;:'-;':;:--'-':.'..'-.-;; ':":".;j
Count, of ...,.... .. -... t.
. .... ........-._-.-...-...._-~ ------------------..----...
of the said Countl.p, belOng duly d
"' sworn, eposes
and saYR:
Th~t 0 he is and at all times herein mentioned was
a CItIzen of the United States, over the age of
twe~ty-one yea.rs, and that he is not a party to,
nor Interested In the above entitled matter; that
. -- n_ -- -- _he iR the u...~l:i:lt_e1:_..(inc:.___. _u_. u
p u blis h~r of the. ..~__ ~_';":B_ i.L.1-_ -J.nz.e ~G.:t..e _ ____ _ n _ _.. __ u_
a newspaper of general circulation, printed and
published_...~'~~-\:-~~....~~-.:~---.in said County, and which
newspaper IS published for the dissemination of
local new~ and intelligence of a general character
and ~hich newspaper at all the times herei~
~entIo?ed had and still has a bona fide subRcrip-
hon lIst of paying subscr:ibers, and which
ne\vspapel' has been establighed, printed and
published in the said County Qf..O.xarlf;euu-------_..
, .
. ~.... . - . - - . . .. ..
<7'" 1--------:'~
:i i
~ ~; I
~' . '\i'"'' .'t-' .
',:" L,d'",""l 0'
r.... ~.
! I
Affibautt of tJublirattnn of
i I
------...... -.. -..-..-- - - --.- ... -. ......---. - -.... ....------... - - - ---.. ----~._----_..._. -...-.---...
----... - --.. -... - - - -.... - - - - - - - -.-....--.. -...... -.. .-..---..-.. -.. - - - - ..-.-..-..-- --.. - -.... ----- ---..-.
Legal Notice Legal Notlc~
be Hu shielded that the~' arc not ed by Public I'roclarila.ttOn No.
visib.lE'! from the sea. at night and so essential for the protect,ion of
tlIa t \10 dil'l'l.'t l'aYf:l fl'um tl"l e light, lives amI J}l'opet'ty of the peop
SU\llTf:' a rn l~mitlt'<1 a hon~ tilt' 1101'- the Ci ty of .\ na hehn,
izunla1., .' . ! S~CTJt IX 7. 1'h~ City Clerk
(b) HesHh'lltIal. l~omm(,l'elal and 1n- cel,tify to the adoption of this
dUotl'ial 'Vinn.ows. ,No lig.~thlg shall na.nce a~:1 {~ausp it to be pub1
be permittNI behl1lcI wm(lllw:" or once in the ..~nahdm Gazette, a. I
gla?C'd doo\':-: \'isible from t IH' S("cl llJl- paper of gNwraJ circulation 1'1
less the~' arc covered b~' dral'e8 1)1' and puhlished in this Ci~y.
shades, The fll1'pgo,ing ordinance was IS
(e) street and H iglnny" "!"'affie, and appl'o'.pc! hy me this 20th d
'\"ithin Hl'ea.l-\ visible from t'he l:W:I, lJut UC'tobet, :I !q~. .
subjl~t..'t to thp exce))tion~ hm'p; lafter t'H.\:-:. .\. flEXRSON,
stated, vehkles sha.ll operate H' night 11<-lY11I' of the Cit~.
with nu mUl'e than two llghh', d.'jv- of .\lIaheim,
ing lamps. l'egardless of the clli'pction .\TT.l~~T:
of travel, and p.al,h such lam', shall CHAHI...I~~H K nltli,'.(4"ITH.
provide a ma.ximum 01' not mOl p than City C'lerk of the
250 beam eandlepowel'. Norm:~' J'par City ot' .\l1Hh~~im,
lights, license plate lights al,d 'lear- Sta~e of c...'alifill'nia,)
aIWl' lightK (where requil'ed h~' law) County '.If (l]'ang-p, ) ~H,
arc permitted, Vehil'les whkh 11'fl Cily or .\nalwilll. )
ela~Kifi(-'tl aH authOl'izecl eHli'\'gel,.:~' 1. Clla\'h~~; E. nrjffith, City Cl
\'ehil'I~'H ullllpl' t.h~ appl1('ahlE~ F~'df~nll, tlw ("il,\' elf .,\ lIahpilll, do hereb
~ta!t~ lIl' 111(':\1 law, when opt'\'aled h~.l tify th;il tl1,' !'''I't'~"ill~ I)t'lliJUllll
UU1hlll'izf'.1 J1prSOllll~I, ami wlwn diH-
lllaying- an i1lHllIinatC'rl rp(] sl.Iot.Jl.gh1,
and wlwll l't'Hp<.l11(Hng to a flrp a.lal'llI,
UI' when ill lhe immec1iatc PUI'Hutt. f.l1'
an aetual 0\' suslleC'ted violat01' of tlw
law, 01' wht"n going to 01' tl'apl-;}101'ting
l:L lU'l'l:\Oll who iK in apparent. IH...cd of \
imnwcliatp Pmel'g~Ill'Y meqi,ca.l c,n' to\Ul'-
gieal eal'f." 01" when resporllhng ttl
80111(' other emel'gcney involving t1w
Pl'otN'tion of life 01' properlr, shall h('
l'Xt'Ppt eo from the foregoing l'l"l)vision,
(cl) Industl'tal and Protective "Hlum-
ination. .Light sources for indust.rial
purposes and. light from in~ustl'ial
processe::: within al'eas visiblc fl'om
the sea, lihall eompls with the I'e-
'quirements of t:;ectlon 2(b) hel'~of, and
shall also be ,shielded so that they are I
not visib)p from the sca at night:
~)\'flYide(l, that variations from tlWHe I
rec.iuil'ements may J)C l)crl'Q.iJ:tt~d in tlH" I
(,'a~p l)f illumination fOl' industl'i~l amlj
111'olectl\"H I)Ul'poSt~S, and fl'Olll mdus- i
tl'ia I l)1'ol'Nl~es, wlwOn'r inh'I'ior 01' i
(':...l(,l'iul' (hut nut illduding' t':trel't or:
highway lig'hh;), only when amI tu thE'i
l'xlent. that it is necel:>li:al'~. to \"al'Y 1
fl'Ulll t-l\1l'h I'etluirements in ordei' III i
udlit~'.e and maintain ma.ximum effid- '
PIlL'\': hut onl\' with the written ap-
})r()\'al of tIll" Ninth Hl'giunal Ci\'i!-
iall llt'fPllse Boa \'<<1, obtained. in
Utl\'HlIee. .
(l") Ollwl' .llluminatiull. 1~~c..:cl)t us
lu:~\'cin a 'U)\'e ].>l'ovidccl in this Hectlull
3, all othel' lightl'i visi,ule fl'om the ~m:t
are IH'ohihited al ,nigl,t. inGhuling hul :
llot Hmi tl~ll to light from fire, 110l1lil'P.~, ~
Ill'il'ked l~al'S, fla.shlight::; 30QU lantel'llH. .
(I') Vefillitlon of "Visihl(~ fl'om the
~ea," The plll'aH~~ "visible from thf'
sea," as used herein. h; intended. a nc..l
~hall lJe eons trued to meall and 111-
elude the following:
Visible at any time from the waters
of tlw l'a.citk ()ceall, 01' fl'om the
wa tC'l'S of the Ktl'alts of .Juall de .(1""llca '
lying- south of a line extemlillg cl\w
CIU~t. ri'um the mu~t southerly point of:
VaneuuveJ' Islaml amI west of a. linE"
1"l1l11ling 4.lue 11l1l'th and soulh throllg-h i
HI(' ea~tC'I'nmm;t Imint of lh~ easterly:
hlllll1(htl'" lint~ (If Uw eil \' of !'Ol"!'
"r()\\'Il~cJ;'I, WaNhi.ugt()tl, ~n' 'Vislblt'
fJ'om a uy of lhosp hodies of WH tl~I'
)o('a t.ecl 1.111 tlw Hhol"f~line (If thl~ ~t.a t.,
or CaHfl.ll'nia KPiwraUy )oH)wn aw.l
clel:)l'l'ilwd as followl-':
Hallla Mun\(oa, Hay:
Hanta Hal'hal'a. (~'wnl1el;
Han Lu.1s Obisvo Hay;
~ster~">" r: anti
Imt of Jublitatinn
.. Legal Notice Legal Notice Leaa. Notice
: ~cr.t6-ea. jl) Ei.Jim~~ ~\:; .~li~o.f, and as be 50. shielded. . t~t ". they are not eq bY,-'J>ub.lio P~clamat1rin No. .12 is
genetally .shown Qn Map made 8;, part visible from the sea' 81 nIght and so eSseritl.i1 for the protection of the
here;( arid .',ma$.ed.. .Exhibit B, Is that no direct rays from the light. lives 'and property of the people of
herebY designated and esta~l1shed. source are emitted above the hor- the City of Anaheim.
111uinirJ.a.tion' within the entire area of izoJ;ltal. ,! !. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall
Said . ZOne of Re.stricted Lighting shall (b) R sid t'al C i I d I .' .
.....__._......__... t..e a.x....tt.ng. uished 0'1' c'o'n' tr' oiled at all' l.e en 1 '. oNql~erc a. an nl-l ce'rtify to.. the adoption of this ai-di-
III .. dustria Windows. 0 .lightmg sha dance al'Pd cause It to be pubiished'
times, at. night trom sunset to sunrise, be permitted ~hlnd windows or onCe in the. Anaheim Gazette a news-
rn, deposes 8.s. fol1!?~~~ g1B.~ed doors visible from the sca Ull- paper of ..general circulatlO1; printed
.(a) Signs, FloodJi,hting, D is p I a y less they are covered by drapes or aJ1d pubU8lied in this cit.y.
and. Interior' Lighting.. Illuminated shades. 'The foregoing ordinance was signed
sicns,and ornamental lighting.of even- (c) Stre~t ar.~. Ht$"hWV' Traffic. an'd approved by me this 20th da)' of
4~scrlption which are. ]o~ated out-~f- Within areas visible .from ~e spa, but Octobe', 1942.
door.. and floodlighting 'Whic~ ~l1umin- subject to the excet>t1oDs ..herei lafter CH..\K .A. PEAHHUN,
ates bulldings or signs (Including but stated. vehicles 8~all Q_J:ije ai night Mayor of the City
nc)t limited to all ext~rl01' advertising w1th no niore. than twa. Ojht(' I dl'iv-. of Anaheim.
signs, ,billboards,' display lighting, iog la.mps, regardless of. the dli'ection ATTEST:
theatre marquee.. signs, illumimited o( travel, and "e~ch f.:nlch lam" shall CHARL}i1S E. GRIJ:4-.lt-'ITH..
postel:". panels, and building out.1i~e provide a maximujn or not ~01.P. than City Clerk of the
lighting), and all interior light sources 250 bea~. cai1dle~o.we~. ,'. NOim~' rear < City of Anaheim.
(as 'hereinafter defined) which emit lights, license pta1;e lltl.l:ts .and "lear- Sta~e of California,)
direct rays above the horizontal out- ance ligtJ,ts. (wher.e re~utred b)-- law) Count~. of Ora.nge, ) SS,
of-doors. shall. be extinguished. The are pednitted. Vehicles.. whi('h lre City of Anaheim. )
words, "light sources," as used herein classified as authot~ed. el11E'l'get,~~y J. Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of
are Intended and shall be construed vehicles under the applicable '(4"(~dpJ'al, the Cit.". 01' Anaheim. do l1el'cby ('eJ'-
tq' Jjje&:n: ,aJu, inc\ude ~ny. it~ht gener- State or loca.l law, 'when opE~ratcd by Uf~- that the foregoing' ()J"dimIlH.'(! was
atlng elements and the bright portion a.uthorlzed personnel, and when dil:J-
of any l'eftector. lens, luminaire, trallK- playing an illuminated fed spot~ight,
pal'ency, or other equipment associat- and when responding to a fire a.larm.
ed herewith for the control or dif- 01" when in the immediate purKult of
fusion of Ught. This Section 2(a) an actual or suspect~d .'violator of the
sJ1a1l not apply to illumination' for ~aw, or when going t~ ct.r, trRpS)lol.ting
i"JjciiiBtrlal p.l' protective purl?oses ex- ~ pers9n ,who is. ~IJ:. :~p~l'.ent ne.ecl of
e;ept to t1i~ extent provideft for in immediate emet'geltC~! ~e~~.a1 or SUl'-
Sec,tion 2(0). hereof.. . ','. .'~ '. gleal c"re. 01" ::. wnen responding to
. . (1'!). Illumination of Outdoor Ar~as; some o.*her,. emerS'e~1,. J,D;volving the
street and Highway Lights. l11umma- protection of life or' pr4~riy, shall he
tlon of outdoor areas and industrial excepted from the foregoing lll'ovision,
and protective ilhimlnatloll. shall be (d). Industrial a~d, Prote~tiv~'-lllum-
controlled as fQl1a.ws: fri~tlo~,~: LIg~t .c)wc~f ~or !ndustr!al
(1) Except. as. proviaed in Section p.~,tPO.ses. and" 'n.gI#,)l~oD;\ m4;lustr'lal
2(b) (2). hereot; iltuminadon on processe's within areas. vIsible from
all outdoor areas (including but ,~.'se~~ ,ha;n..:..~~~..4'itjr :!v,i~~ the re-
not limited to automoblle service quiremeJlts .of Sec{(on 2(b) her~of, and
station yards, outdoor" park,ipg s\1:.~ll..~I!1o be .s~ield4t~\~ ~hat. the~ are
areas, recreation areas and O\!~:.. not vlEllble from .fti.....sea at mght;
~, of which door.:' sti"p.ctqres., and roofs)... sh~f1 prqvided;: t~it(t:yaiil.f.tWns: from these
. not exc~e9. Q)1~ f()pt ~~dle ~t :~~.y r~uire~~~~~ . ~t: >>~ ~J;'Iil1tted in the
l.P.U . . '..,;.,.._~Int ,vhen measured on a hortzop-. case of.JlluminatTbW' fl;t Induatrial and
lotlce' ...... . lV: d~' plane at any level of such op.t- pr,Q.tecttve p~.rfose,i\..: ,$.~4, 'froin indus-
. If" .......:. .... .4"" '.:. .:aOOl' areas, and ,all outdoor light trial processes, whether Interior or'
, NO.., . ._,....~:;": .' ,'H.jp~rces . ~hal~a b.e ~h~.elded 1~0 tp~t e.x.tel'ior (but not including stJ'eet 01'
F TH .':. .. .:li6 direct rays from the light highway tlghts',- Dnlt' when and to the
iTING:' ' ;,.', :,~",;, fRq\'c;e a.re. ell1ttted ~bov~ the hori,- ~tent t~t: ~~.!~s'rm:" .e~s.sal'3t. to vary
riNG. .", . ".i!.,' , ~qn~1." X;1l". i~terl~17. llghting ~f trom such. re~tr efits in Ol'del' to
NCl1~ ",' ........ " e'Very description shall be reduc.ed a.chieve ahd irial:i1t"','n maximum efficl-
[ DOES O:R.DAIN 01' contl'Qlled .so'.. that it dbes riot eiimp'; but only :with the written ap-
eontrlbute moi'e than one foot proval 'of the' 'Ninth Regional Ci\-U-
CB,J141e of.. illumination. upon ~J;lY hin Defense !Boar4, obta.lned in
outdOOl~ area. ~U street and htgh.- advance. . · ..,/.,' .\~ j ';: .'
way lights siuili also. b~ shielded . (e). .O~1)~r _111pml~tl~J1~ .m~cept as
so that each, liiiht source emits herein abOve Pl"Q.vlaea .in this HecUQn
no IJ10re than teQ. per,. cent of its ~" all ot~t!r. ~ l~"i' 't ,:KI~e ~l:om ~he sea
.' tatal lamp lumens' at angles aboye 8:l'e proh~~te~:~ :..;~~Ji~t . i1)~lud1J1g but
,,.the horizontal. Provided the fore- not limited' 'to " .t. from' fit'e. bonfires,
. ~~ requlr~me~ts. ,are met, any parked w.~' Qes~Ugh~. .a.~d laI:1tern~~
further reduction' 01' extinguish- (f) Definition .of "Visible fl'om the
ment of ,street .01' litS'hway mlllJli.- ~ea." The 'i1~,e ~'vistQle from the
nation which would unnecessarily sea," as' useif',4\er.eh'l. Is, intended and
aggravate traffic hazards is not shaU be construed to mean and in-
rn?U~:~~~tioris ii'om the f.oregoing ~irti~~ ~r~:-if~~ ;'tro~ the wa.t~rs
.reqllire~ents s~~n l?e v.erm~tted o.f th~: "PlWlfiQ.. o~, or fr.om .the
in thc case of illumination for in- waters of the straits of juan de Fuca I
~ustrial and protective ~~rpo~f!s, lY,lng ....!O.l.\~h . pf a. lbie e.~te.ndln~ due i
and from. 1ndust.rtaJ prpce~es. eal!lt h'bm the' ~.tnost .BQutb,erly point of I
,wtiether interior or. extertor~ p:ut Viincoter Istlnd" and west of a line
not inchiding. street' 01' highway runw.\i '<<Q!;'north, arid south thr.ough
Ughts. only when and to' the 'ex- the easteriunost point of the ea.sterly II
tent that it is necessary tI) vary boundary line . of . Jhe. City of .Poi-!
from such requirements in order Towns.~nd. Wash!pgt.g.n,' 01' visible!
to: ad1ieve and maln~p maxi~~~n ffom':<I" :\Qf .?th~' 'ti'Odies of water
e'fflcicncy; but: only ;'with the wdt- lRCat4t ~ ,<<i!ij.i sh,6reUiIe of the State
ten approval of the Ninth Hegional Qt. C rRla.:~generallY knuwn and
'Civilian Defense Doard, ubtained descfl as, f9tlows:
.in advance. ... '- .'. S"P.t~.l\1:91\1!JaJ3ay:. .
tc) · 'l'rafflc Signs and SignalS. l11um- Sa:pta: J38.rbal'8; Channel;
lnated signs and signals which are S. .' ", bispo Bay;
a11thorize<I' Q.1' maintained by govern - .' . ~ and
~ntal fl:uthority for the PUqlO'llf ._
ijontroll~Il:g 01' dil'ecti~g strd?lror)i ....~. '~':~~',:tha't the waWl'S
~ t1:'~ffiq. shaLl be sh lalderJ. ' sa : tti .t '0 . .. 'r; . .lyirig easterly
#:0: direct rays from ~.~e ,l!ght.80ut~ ',r from Point Boilita
are emitted aboye the. horlzontal ':tn. ock, Is not intencled
respect to lights mounted ten feet and .. ail not be construed to be a
Qr:more a.bov~.the grcmnd, .or"abo:ve:;.1U' .1td}f..~ .-ea; .ana ..solely for thE'
I. e of .jnore than .sht. degrees above pu. ....of Section 3(c). hercof. con-
~. . ;~'J19!'fzoritiil~..J:h. respect to llghts~,:.", .. .~~ :' '~eet:.:l.atl~t. J1~hwa.~- tl'affi~:.
. "nted less t}lan teli.'but-~ore ~ .... "~~~e frollJ Ahe
t~e, fe.et a.bove .the .ground, 01' above "a...~' ,:;t'(J..180:' IntttP~ja' .~i.1J.d shall. be
an .,:angl~ . of . ,more than twelve. de- cblf~"~ ,to .mean' 8tI1d. l11clud~ that
grees above t~.~. bprlzontal in reB~~~ " !.:r4Jp. . :'9.((,,~~ets' ~~:...!,.~,~wa~'8 wht~h
to lights '.:.}Do~nted :l~ss thin t~... .~~!", .inn :.~ct ~.,v~stble fl'om the
fe~t. '. abo.ve "~he grQund. Heladve"..~ .', .....lilclf is wtdiJn ~reaR genel'al-
. ~i~tions in .tJ1e U1>wa,~ limit of llght JX. y) . ;......from the. sea:, i,.. ,.
itre"': .permlssl~l~ to compensate for ':~;~' ,.;~.~,er~on vJolati~., any ..of .the
graies. . . · 'pIlOY ..' 'Ii, of this Yrp,~Jamat1Qn,. or'
. ,i~j Na~igatioK~ndjtai1road L~P.tl:J.:'.O.fd~r~::t8tlued PUI'su.al?-:t't~~I..etu;. ~s l:ruh~
)il.'E. r. .J. I... Dee: AjI~hol'ize~ Hiihts..n~~SRry to 5'>' ~~';~'..' ".~ .~~~e4iate ~11W.O~l. flom tt~(.:
eneral. U. S. J\rm,y, .W:~ ,ail' or. wat~.r..nilt.atio au !"!.:': ,-"Wni,J;.:..ot~ the .1j}t~. .r:~.. Ye(~nHp..
~uthOl.tty veste~.in 'f.:a":;'l'al1roact~fitiit 'JIiht . I\d...... .~t ...~~~. t~...~!:~ ._.'"al;penal- ~
eiit of the United UCbts of riil'(roalf'lo' .... ;.::'....~.L.'.'_.,~ ",.'.',' ~Yl.~d)n.~~~ .'<' ,~,.N~. ~03,
Secretary of War in~ . motion are' here' . .. ...., . e.i II.:pp~y~ March 21, i
Ild.. JJrerogati~~s J-S '1I.1l the .p;ovi.<<;) .4' . ~, .~~~.'. ..~.:~~.~1~ ..vrovl~; a 'I
~~O~c~~~'~~~~~ .tJi!aL.. . ~~;4: ,<,~, . '. .' . '. ";:;" ~t'{;:S;~.f: I
y. 3 In addition. to"' .,. e rpt ftIt"';"' .tt{l~ >. ~g 1'~" Ti'. od'g I
~Ef=r~5;t. ~~~~~::~~. ~:StI~i;~~y},t~'~~~:l:r~:.!
:lil"Y AreRB No.... 1 t~ the)jea, ~. ~;""";',:&>&fd '.,1. ..\g.....ted a.!
i11timina:tion wUbJn sha!l be furth!!r.. 4~1~J8h~':".~r 1.:7~:l' .......;... n'" < $1:;:"-. lp J.he en- I
:~ri~~~lI:lg~~~~~~ ~:~. .~.~:~e~ir:::';t.. ':. . ~t;~~.~.?r~..' ':~.. . ':.,., ~~!._~fri~' ...~', ,:: .....;. ...., e P;?~~Sl~:~: I
It. 'extent .-'8 ~y 'be iI";-: ) Street,. . wa.~'-.;\~. . '. ." i.c en :{)rce:mlWt age.qclesl. ,~p S~a,;.e a~ld.
~nt such lU~mJna-. ..... ts. Street' d :.'htgh1,t&Y 'ttk "8,,. .lpOttl go.1:~,rnIVentA.l ,11-'" . .'S w1t:tIm th~
the operations. '.of ail ";, U1uminated signs:. (but not.,.sl8'-:' &r~~;. a~ct~.~.',';bY-,.. ."~~l'QclamaU(m
nals) which are authOrized; or .main- aastst. the :Nlritfi . eitlonal Civilian
the detm'~Jl\aUon. t.ai.ned by governmental ali~r.~tY t:~P.r, Defe!:'8e BPU:~ . J~, t!l~ . enforcement
lUitary necessity in tp@ purpose..or controlling ~.~~ ,"lr~ct-. here~.~.' . :.<'; .I~ . 'i..:.:, .
)1, a Zone' .of. Re- ~t:lg strE.et or highway tra,fn~ .it.Pdi" 6. This Procla.ma.UOJh shall becomc:
as particularly de- which are yJ.JJlblp_.~-"'.a- _ ~....... etrecttve. AUlUst .",j'..a'f2~
. ...:...... --" - J. 1.. D~'Wl'1'1', ...
. I . . Lieuten.nt1Q$net'a.l, U. ~.
. 'Army, Commanding."
I St~CP.rl0..~ ~.~.: ~~ld. ~bl1c .Proclama-
tiOl;(: :N o. ~J'. l~'):;:: addl.t19,9 to a~ending
Public Proclamation.' .No. ]0. as here-
__m__ _. _. ___ n. ...)
--0.---___--- ...____
- . . - . - .__ - - u__..._
ltioned was
the age of
a party to,
atter; that
aIlu...___. _n_.._
e-_ _ _ _ _ ___ _.._ ____
rinted and
and which
lina tion of
lles herein
e subRcrip-
nd which
'inted and
~e -- -. -- ---.____
eeding one
DeW'I~, .'~tlEmteti't.
rmy. COP1rna.l1dln~
command' . and
virtue of the
111m by.l tbe: Pl"e8!~
;tates alld: :mxeciJ.;.
,. datcd' Febru~r.y
nt to Public Law
approved March
tuc of. his. powers
dommari~hlg G~~-
'n Defens. :.Com.
lbUc Proclamation
ust 5, 1942, and
" 1942, 'W.hiCh.. as
Pr{)clamation No.
I, 1"42, and issued
1e authority reads
r( Exh~pits . iri:COl"-
ftS WE'stiRN
~~cI8CO, Call~ornia
$.,: 1942
-!-- .
Within the ~tates
~on and California,
lenerall)' : .,..... .'
Public' Pr~iairi}a-
fJl,I',:ocb 2, 1~4~,. .thls
~ :were des.ignated
lltary Areas N:os.
,rmed. forces of the
attacks updh ves-
t States ti'8.ve~hif!
~oastal watel~,S ~nf!
.ttOl1S . within .. said
1a. it is expected
~iJ1 continue; and
necessary: to pro-
'otection fo.r' war
:t.terlals and war
lthin the States' of
)n. and California.
c}(s by sea and ~~
Affthatrit nf lluhlkattntt nf
- ---- ..- - - -. - - .--. - ---------------..- -. ..--.----.---..----:---=--.....-...--.--.----.-.
---.------ - - -. - - --- - --------- -.---.---- ..__e__ _ .___...____._.______.______ ..______._
. Legal N~ti~e
intl"Ocftice4 .aJ.b. r~t.iI8.r meetiug - \~f
the CitY. CQunciI. of the City of Ana-
he~in, heid on the 13th da~. of.Odob<'J".
1942, and that the same was pas!S!'l.l
and lidopted at an adjourned l'pgul,ll"
meetiiig of said City Council he!cl ll!l
th~ ~Oth\ day of o.ctober, 1942, h~. th,'
following vote, of the. members thpn~of:
AYES: CouncHmen I>eaJ'son. Val:
Wagoner, Barnes, Boney and ~l1eJ';-
NOES: Counc'lmen None.
ABSENT: Cou11C~Umen None.
And 1 .ful'th~r certify that the :\1<.1)'111'
of the City' of Anaheim Siglwcl H wI
approved said OrdInance on the jqt II
day of Oc~ober. 1942.
IN \\"ITNEf:;S ~i!~.REo.F'; I ha \...
hereunto' set m~" hand and affixt.d tlw
sea.l of said Cit~. of .\naheim thiH ~1I1 il
day of Uctober. 1942.
<"H.-\ ltl...ES ]~~. G H 1J:4"lt"IT II.
Cit~. C'Ier'k or tlw
('it.:,-' (If .\nal1f.'1111.
jJlI UlJsnerl In t he said County Qf..0.r.;.~r.l~~'.e_____________.
for a period exceeding one
'I ,
"'"-0..- '.
Afl ;davit of
; "'I
;~u.~ i
-- ",_AU ~.. ....... .1, I;tll ot~el' I1ghtJl visible fl'QD1 the sea
u'".... HI lllt;' l.llllteU :states ~ll1d Execu- . totat lamp lumeri~ at .ails-Ies above ai'e PI'obi.hUed at :,ni~J:lf. including but
U\'(~ ())ol1el' ~o. 9066, daten }f"'ebl'uar)' 'ihe horizontal. pj'ovlded the fore- not limlted to light ti'orit HI'e. honfll"et-l,
H.. 1942. and Plll'suant to Public Law gOing l'eqU.ireme~t8,..,are met, any pal'ked (fa.rs. tlashllghts and blllternK.
li03-77th Congress, apPI'ovec1 March further reduction' or extlnguish- (f) Definition or "Visible from the
21. 1942. anu by vil.tue of his powers ment of sbo'eet ..or .n,tghway U1uml-- Sea." The phrase "visible ,fl'l./ln thl~
and ).)rel'ogatives as Commanding Gen- nation which would unnecessarily sea," as used herein, is fntellllcd and
el"a1 of the 'Vestern Defense Com... aggravate traffic hazards Is not shaU be construed to mean and In-
ma.ud. has issued PubUc ProC'bimatlori ~-equl..ed. ". . . elude the following:
NQ. 10. dated August fl, 1942. and (2) Vai'iatiohs from the foregoing Visible at all~' time from the wa.ters
elfectlve .\ ugust 20. 1942. which as requirements. s"all J;le """'l,ltted of the Pacific Occan. 0" frolll the I
amended by Public Proclamation No. in the case of illumination for in- ,Vaters of the straits of Juan lie }i'uca I
' 12, dated lictQber io, 1~42. and I","ued dustrlal and prQteetlve lIurPmles, lying. south Qf .. IlI,e ""tendlllA' doe:
p_:~~~.o /"0. . .. A'-I. bl' "h"oe Qf the same authQI'ltl' reads and from, ,Inqustt-Jal Jri'i>ce""".. eliSt ti'OIn the Inost southe;'ly point Qf i
../'. .. as follows (omitting ExhIbits Incor- wHether lilterlQr or extertQ..,. but Vancouver Island and West of .. line I
. ,~.. '..... - -.. J.1.. . ..... -J POl'Hted thereIn): . . not Itleltidln,. stre"t' or highWay ruimlJiii' due north and south tllI'Ough i
"HEADQUARTERS WEST,cRN lights, oilly when and to' the 'ex- the easternmost ))olnt of the (!ustet'b-!
DEFENSE COMMAND AND tent that it Is necessary W>> vary bounda.r)' linn of the City or Pod I
S I 'b d . FOURTH ARMY from such requirements hr OJ'del' Townsend, \\'RHhfllgton. 01' visllJh~!
· U lSCrl e . and SWlM'n P.residio of San Francisco, California to achie"e and malnl,al"Inaxll'lUm fl'Qm ally or those bodies of ,,,,,te,'
1 .. - '--~ - efficiellc~'; but' only 'with' the writ- h~cated Oil the Nh<'H'cline uf thp Htat(~
d:-l.\' of /':t ~. -~ PUBLIC PROCLAMATION NO. 10 ten ':piII'oval of the Ninth Itegloiial ot caJifomla generally kuown am]
-- ~~~~~~- '-- - . August 5, 1942 'Civilian, Defense Board, ubtalned describe.d as follows:
.......-. - --...---' - in a.dvance. .... Santa-Monica, lla~':
. u ..;0,4 . "TO: The people within the Rtaie. {c) 'T.'alflc Signs alid Signals, IlIum- sUnta Bal'bal'a Chunnel;
_u --- --..;>(, of W",shlngton. Ol'egon and CHllfol'nla. Inuted sign. and signals whleh are San Lula Oh,s))o Bay'
8Ibd....;fo.'the Public Genel'all~': aqthorizec;l Q~r maintained by govern-.. .c...:...'. .':" .. ~ ..; 'R. n.d ", .
....- WHEH [~.~\~, b~~ Publle Prdclama- ~ental a~th,ority for the ,p'~rpo'~ttol
. - ,~o. 1.. dated :\lal"~h 2, 194~, .this ~ontro)1ing or directing stl'e~t.-or'.hf.!l.. P . .el', that the walN'8
JWdqual'tel's, there were des~gnated ltu traffic ..shaM be.shleldelj1.. sQ...tJ1at o. ';'. . ~-1ia.:Y; I~'hlg ('aHtel'l~-
' . 0 .... -.. ~.~tabUshed Military Areas Nos. '9(; direct rays from tthe .l~ght, .~ur.ce ot,. ..... n' g fl'om Point Honthl
,~. ". 2- am} . are emitted above the', hOl'lzohtaI "in tni -. ..... ":l1e 'RoCk, is 1Iot illtellc1ed
()j" Pllblication_A .' JtJtll{EAS. th(~ armed. forces of the respect to lights mounted t4m feet and shall not be construed to be u
enem~. have made attacks upon ves- qr;more abov.e the grOrQ,nd. .Dr"a.l>>ow.jl.ft part",of the sea; and soleI). COl' thE'
sels of the United .States trRvellnF.' a~e q~ ~nC!r!3 th~n ~I~, degrees above purposes of ~ectton 3 (c) hereof. (~()Il-
alOng the Pacific Coastal wa tel's anf.t ~~;, h~rlzontal: tn respect to lIg!tts~ .c:!!t.n1Iig street, and ~I~h was t I'affic.
-upGn lanu installations', within' said nt;U~ted less than ten 'but ~ore ~1UIIf-.~, ,-phrase",. "'al",eas.,YUubLe fl'om. t1W
MlUta..y .\..eas, and. II . Is expected ~..fe~t a,bov!' .the ground, 01' above sea," Is also inu..nded a~d shall be
that such attacks wHl' continue; and ,n ,.an"~ of, ,lQore than twelve de- constJ'ued to mean amI lIlt'lude that
WH.EH.EAS, It Is necessary to pro- grees above ~~~, ,b.pr!zontal in res~,~. ~~.tlo~ of;.stt'eets 01' ~ighwa~'s which
vld~ maximum protection for war to ,llg~ts }no~nted ;:~ess ttn!n t"'~~ fll~y ~~.~t 1.0 f3;ct ~e ..vIslble fl'OIll Uw
tiUllties. war materials and war fe~_ 0; "bove :-t.h~ . gr9und.. Rela6ve Sea but whtch IS wlthm al'cali glllleral-
pr;,;" Ise. located wIth in the S ta tea of . ~Iat,lpn,; hi ,t,iie. uPwiud Jlmlt of .Ilght )y .v1~1 ble . from the s..a. .. ,
Washington, Oregon and CaUforrifit. ar.el.:: .p'ermi.sible . to .. compensate for".;. 4~":.Any person vIolating any ul the
against enemy attacks by sea and by _es. . '~:;',', ...... ,- .:. .': . .':' .:; .', '.Pr.oviJiloris of .thts ,J~r~chi.mation, or
ai~; '. . .., .:::::tiH NaV.*a.Oii.lfa:Dit' ."., 0&4, " ts.- Orders JHHued pursuant.tije~eto; is sub-
NO\\-", THEREF01' J, -.J. L. })e~ ~orlzed l~.:ilc~ .r. "J ,', .<. ~~'_.~O im~edlate el5cll#ijq;D tram th(~;
Witt,. I-,ieut~nant Oe er:al, l..I. So Ar~~ ad ....alr or. " '-' -- '~o' :tj}.!); or the ~~~s;#" ])ef:tm~e;
b)Y VIrtue of the a ." ~rl.ty; vested .:fil" '~raUr -.11 ' . ';r ~~,"~alJ,d t~ 0.t~'i(9r ~Inat. penal- :
me by the Preside.. of ~e Untted 1I0ta . of rEi:.!. " " .. '-'1 'fle!I provided in', ~Ub.lC. W'; .Nu. 603"
lllllils. and hy the l'ieere~ of War 1,1i..1lilouon .....' IUf .. ... . ~f'f1tb.. . Congress, approved March 21. i
and my powers and prerogatltes '.!Ls d,Jtlie....p;Ovlsi.o . '""~:.!1~" entitled "An, Act to provtde a I
~man<llng Ge"e~l,!~ W'~tenl ,. ..., .. .. '- . ",,\b:; f.,f.' the. ..,,!olatl,on Of. l'estl'lc-
~: :::.:;~~~ ~~ B:.i;, . ~'~\:oi' , .._)tk.:.s_!i~\i~SI
;'o~a~:rR~~t~~~t;I" lIe=~ ~t:: ,... -':'" ~,.;-'" ~.~.~:: ~id_~CIVJllan I,>~'I
Jished within MUtt ,... A~t 1(os. 1 .;., ':;:b et s~~. a~..,. ......~'..~fen~e . Board Is hereby Qeslgnated aH
and 2" and that i mlna.t n j&t.hlp". .', ~ ur er,. . ': !b~~,.prJJnary agen~y' .to aId tn. the en-
ss,id ZOne of .Re8ttili:t"" L h~;fli, - ::1 tlm '.. . :_ ~ t .'f6rcemelit, of the .tOregolnjr Pru~IHlona,
cx~g'l#shed or controlled. I.Jll~'. such se, as . :',! '!., - ~Su.e-stei1.if- ~y' -: III .l'l
malineI:'. and to such: 'extent ,as,-' ~ -~ Street, H ,. .l[' - t q . - . -_' 's alfct
n~~llsary t9 prevef{t sueti"'i. ,Ina,-. r Street.' .1 ~:-:". _ ' _' 1'- .' ' > mrven , I.. ~,e w _ in i~(t.'.
tlQJ1 from aiding the ()peradOfiB of '. 1.umlnated slgnil", . <_". ' '8)i- ar-.. 'aft'e, ct8d '- tb:fs.. ,Pro, nlatnatlQIl
t~~ eneD1~. . . " '...:.. ~ . whtch are authOr;. tr, .;&&111:- as~18t the Ninth' Regional ~ Civilian
2. Pursuant to Ule tiet~rll11lM.tio.~. . ..,,4 by governmeatal 0'11" ;~r: Dete~ llpard In the enforcement
and .statement of mflttary nece..fy{ in "~1I"rROse ..or eo~ttoUt _ . ~ereQt. '.' .:..
. P....agl'..pb .1 hereo(.. a Z""e..!, ".~6_- .:,..!itl'!et or h~b_Y., . ,,6. ,1$18 ~J:/!~~t101j; shall becom~
st~ed LICt.LtJng, ail. part . 1.. . :lJe-:~ ldl,.Me XislblA '~'- ~ ~1'tectlve Atigtll~t-'f(), ItJ42.
... .. ~! .,.... . .:Ii ..........". .~. '. ,i. ...,.. . I J. I..... JJ~WITT, '"""
.. Lleutenq.nt .qeneral,; U. H.
. A.rmy, Commanding." .
I SECTION 2. 8ail1 Public :J>>ro.clamu.-
~imi-"'No. U~ "I~ additi9t:t to ~mel1din.
Public I'roclamaUon No. 10. as.... here...
!nC\,bove sef:tqtth, conti:4ns the.lollow-:
109 parag~H.p1i9: . . . .
"13; 'rhis proclamation shall.. hH-
come effective Odobel' ~5, I !H2,
except those r.>>rovfslomt of Hu h-:
section 2(b) (1.) hereof, concerning
street and" highway. lights; Whh!h
shall become' effectIve November
12, 1942. .
C. The ree,itals set fm'th In the ._.
first three' par~J;'p.;phs;. of _ I sah:!'.;
PUblic Pro clu, rni4-UqR ': ~. ,l ~'O.' are I '
hel'eby l'eafflrmed. .E:.xcef)t a"s 'here-
Inbefore ~,xI>ressJY .~.';,..m.ende<l, all
the provisioMs and d.eterrninatlons
expressed In said t"ublic J~o(:la-
matlon No. 10 Hhall remain in fuJI.
furce and cITeet.:' .
HE<~T.ON 3. ').'he City. uf' ~iiah(tff4
herebY' recognizes the elvll and lIIlUI
bu:y ~ne(~essity tOI' the (~fJl1"c:ul'l'eJl.
enfOl'cement of the pJ'ovhliol1s ~f
Public . P.'oelamation ,No.. 10, a_
alli.q~lded. as' aforesaI4, by Jiw.' 'City Qf
. Amihelm .and' the federal gov81'umenl;;
~h,'P'r.},~N .1.- rl'~('Jl" CitY.,..Vf _,^~lH.hOI!"..~.
is . w'fttiln .the. Z6.ne.. ::of 0 ;Cr!e1ttet.. .
LIg~.~lri'i,. . d~slgnated ~nd ~;~~. : ~ lIHf1~ .
by SEC'l'ION 2 of' ~ald' 'Pub C I:~I'O-
olarnatjoll Nu. 10 aH amended ~.
aI~~t~foN 5. Wii~c~r on' '0; : art~'~:
October' 2u, 1942, Hhall ("'QmmJt. ag ,
act. hi . the City' of . i\Jiii.hbim <..~atrat.)il
to t.he Pfovisiom; of QI1;tiei:':H~r.l0Ztl~
or Hl<;CTIUN 3 or .~bl~c_ 'Proclarnatl~
No. 10 as amended as .a.foresald," whIcH;
amended proc4tma:etR~' ,s' here.na,.bo~~.
~et- tbrth. fn :f~JJ., '~jJl.~I1:'tif::pflb" of f4;
violation of this 'o.eln8.a~ whi'ch vl<!t:
lation shall consUtute ..:p. ';:mfsdemeanoJ:':
an~ .upon e!oil\~lctlo~ .tf' "E?r~ol shall ~
punishable uy a fine O. not to exe(:e~.
$~OO. 00 C)l~ P'Y .h~l:Vl'il;lolllipell t . f4;JI' .nol W
. '.. ':....~ .~_:'. '~q!f:~:!!~.Y, bulb' ImQ1~
fin an. fmpnsoument;.;., .~. .'
. SEC'.rlON 6. 'flits 'dnIliiiluce ii, l'e~
qul~'ed fOl". the h;ulUe4lAte ...p.resel'vaU~
of the pUblic peaes, b~.~elfi.
a.nd . shall take effect t .:' ...~ T~'
f~llo'W;l.. ,. fs t!1e Bat_en' :oi' facta
.~.U.tutlli8'''aq9h U~rl.eJl '0' J'yllt8,4
at..te..:f,(at ;far ~_ '(t". . ~. ..;:t6':
provlsloiis of." Publ c roo Ina.tion 'No,'.
~~ .. \1. 4 b~~ .~ul;J1ic P~P~~8.t.i~Ji i
' ilt~~. ~ .: . Ii
I inat~:r'()'t'~'iii. W~,., .'t:e' :,'In":(jrder:
t\1 .1uIuhnize the u.~n'~l". ~ .. :e~lell)r .4il.~ ,!
tack awl tu Vl'uvl~,. . Jl ......
tectlo.~~..to~: war utiU~.~,-.; , """ :,' .lati t
. ~~ ~r premh'es~ ('~"Y'" tbe I
ilDQ1.edla~e . t~:r~t ;'i~t::~,-.. .. Y attack
compliane.e. wtth., tlie':- Prov.talolls of
P.1illlic"'Pl'odlamatlon "No> to '''8 aluelici~
. JI,~
I ., iJ i""\"H
- ". .-"0.
~.". .. ... '. . ~ ..
. iI
~- ,ao". ."
4! SECTION lie J. L. DeWitt, Lieutenant General, U. S. I
Army J Commanding Weistern Defense Command and Fourth Army, by
virtue of the author1ty vested in him by the President of the
United States and E~ecutlve Order No. 9066, dated February 19,
1942, and pursuant to Public Law 503-77th Congress, approved
9 I March 21,1942, and; by virtue of his powers and prerogatives as
10 Commanding General of the Western Defense Command, has issued
11 I Public Proclamation No. 10, dated August 5, 1942, and effective
12 August 20, 1942, wh1ch as amended by PUblic Proclamation No. 12,
13 dated October 10, 1942, and issued by ~rtue of the same authority,
14 reads as follows (o.lttlng Exhibits incorporated therein):
PreB-1dio of San Francisco, California
August 5, 1942
".. ....
: "t~,;'
21 I "fO: The people within the States of WaShington, Oregon and
I' California, and to the Public Generally;
WHERSA6, by Pulll1c Proclama.tion No.1, dated Karch 2, 19.2,
23 this Headquarters, there were des181ated and established Military
Areas Nos. 1 and 2; and
WHEREAS, the armed forces ot the enemy have. made attacks
upon vessels of the United States traveling along the Pacif1c
Coastal waters and .pan land lnste,llatlons wi thin said M111tary
Areas, and it is expected that such attacks will continue; and
WHEREAS, 1 t 1s necessary to provide ma.xlmum protection for
war utilities, war $aterials and war nremlses located within the
28 States of Wash1ngton, Oregon and California against enemy attacks
by sea and by air;
, NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. L. DeWitt, Lieutenant General, U. S.
30 I Army, by virtue ot the author1ty vested in me by the President of
: the United States a~d by the Secretary of War and my powers and
31 'j preroga,tives as Comliland.1ng General of the Western Defense Command,
i do hereby declare that:
32 !
AnDllm AT LA.
Tan'HDIlr: .1456
I .'
".. ~~.
I", . :,.,',',: '
:' ~"- '
I '::i~;,'.,
~~...... ..
1 I
11 I
12 II
32 I
"na.lm "r LA. ;
caz-cac IAIK or l\l'Ia1lt1\ ILDG. i
"""HEln. [AUFDI.n" !
TaerKOIt! 3456
1. The prese~]t situation requires as a matter or military
necessity that a Z ne of Restricted Ligntlng be established .
within Military Ar as Nos. 1 and 2, and that illum1natl'on within
said Zone of Restr~cted Lighting be extinguished or oontrolled in
such manner and to ;such extent as may be necessary to prevent such
1lluminat1on from aiding the opera.tionB of the enemy.
2. Pursuant ~o the determination and statement of military
necessity in Parag1aph 1 hereof, a Zone of Restricted L1ghting,
as particularly de9cr1bed in Exhibit A hereof, and as generally
shown on the map m~de a part hereot and marked Exhibit B, 1s
hereby designated ~nd established, Illumination wi.thin the entire
area ot said Zone qt Restricted Lighting shall be extinguished
or controlled at all times at night from sunset to sunrise, as
tollows: . I
(a) Signs, F~oodlighting, Display and Interior Lighting. I
Illuminated signs ~nd ornamental lighting of every description I
which are located ~t-of-doors, and floodlighting which illuminates
buildings or signs l(lncluding but not limited to all exterior .
advertising signs, billboards, display lighting, theatre marquee
signs, illuminated poster panels, and bu1lding outl1ne light1ng),
anc all interior l~ht sources (as hereinafter defined) whioh emit
direct rays above the hor1zontal out-ot-doors, shall be extingulshe .
The words, "light ~ources,. as used herein are intended and shall
be construed to mean and include any llght generating elements
and the bright "9ortjion of any refleotor, lens, lumlna1re, trans-
parency, or other ejqulpment associated herewith for the control
or diffusion of light. This Section 2(a) shall not apply to
illumination for industrial or protective purposes exoept to the
extent provided for in Section 2(b) hereof.
(b) Illumination of Outdoor Areas; Street and Highway
Lights. Illum1natlQn of outdoor areas and industrial and protec-
tive illumination, :sha11 be -controlled as tollows:
(1) Except as provided in Section 2(b) (2) hereof,
illuminatton on all outdoor areas (including but not
limited to automobile service station yards, outd9or
parking areas, recreation areas and outdoo~ structures
and roofs:) 8i1all not exceed one foot cB..ndle at any
point whe~ measured on a horlzontal plane at any level
of such Qutd-oor a.r~s.s, B.nd all outdoor light sources
shall be shielded so that no direot rays trom the
light' sQurce are emitted above the horizontal. All
interior lighting of every descript10n shall be reduced
or controlled so that it does not contribute more than
one foot candle of illumination upon any outdoor a~ea.
All street and highway lights shall also be shlel~ed
so that each light' source emits no more than ten per
cent of its total lamp lumens at angles above the
horizontal. Prov1ded the' foregoing requirements are
met, any further reduction or extinguishment ot street
or highwaJ "111umlna,t1on which would unnecessar1ly'
aggravate traffic hazards is not required.
(2) Var1.t1ons from the foregoing requirements shall
be permit~ed in the case of illumination for industrial
B.nd protective purposes, and from industrial processes,
whether interior or exterior, but not including street
or highway lights, only when and to the extent that it
is necessary to vary from such requ1reme~ts in order to
a.chleve and ma.1nta1n maximum efficiency; but only with
the written approvel of the Ninth Regional Civilian
Defense Board, obtained in advance.
. ..............:.-... ~"""'.'::' ... ........... ...a. .. ~_... ....... "'~_ .:::. . _. ~.~f.... ....._... ~........................ .
1l~~.~ .. :" .
"nollm Ilr LA.
40Z'404 IAIK Of AtaltA ILOG.
""'Ul!ln. tllUPDI"IA
TIIDaDII!! 3456
(e) Traffic j'igns and Signals. Illuminated signs and signals I
which are author1z d or maintained by governmental authority for I
the purpose of con rolling or directing street or highway traffic I
shall be shielded 0 that no direct rays trom the light source I
are emitted above ,he hor1'zontal in respect to 11ghts mounted ten
teet or more above ;the ground, or above an angle of more than six I
degrees above the ijor1zontal in respect to lights mounted less I
than ten but more ~han three feet above the ground, or above an I
angle of more than!twelve degrees above the horizontal in respect I
to llghts mounted less than three feet above the ground. Relative
variations in the upward limit of light are permissible to oompen-
sate for gre..des.
Cd) Navlgat1qn and Railroad Lights. Authorized lights
necessary to facl1~tate air or water navigation, authorized rail-
road signal lights,: and headlights ot ra.1lroad locomotives when
in motion, are her~by excepted from all the provisions of this
3. In addltlQn to the restrictions hereinbefore imposed,
l11um1ns.t1on wlthll1 that pa.rt of the Zone of Restricted Lighting
which is visible f~om the sea, as hereinafter defined, shall be
further diminished ;or obscured at all times at night from sunset
to sunrise, as follows:
(a) Street, aighway and Traffic Lights. Street and highway
lights, and illuminated signs (but not signals) which are authorize
or maintained by g~vernmental authority for the purpose of control-
ling or directing street or highway traffic and wh1ch are visible
trom the sea, shall be so shielded that they are not visible from
the sea at night B.nd so tha.t no direct rB~J7B from the light source
are emitted above the horizontal.
(b) Resldent~l, Commercial and Industrial Windows. No
lighting shal~ be p~rmltted behind windows or glazed doors visible
trom the sea unless they are covered by drapes or shades,
(0) Street and Highway Traffic. Within areas visible trom
th.e sea., but subject to the exceptions hereinafter stated, vehicles
shall operate at night with no more than two lighted dr1ving lamps,
regardless of tile direction of travel, and each such lamp shall
nrovide a maximum ot not more than 250 beam candlepower. Normal
rear lights, license plate lights and clearance lights (where
required by law) are permitted. Vehicles which are class1fied
as authorized emergency vehicles under the applicable Federal,
State or 10cs.1 law, when operated by authorized personnel, and
when displaying an illuminated red spotlight, and when responding
to a fire alarm, or when in the immediate pursuit of an actual or
suspected violator of the law, or when going to or transporting
a person who is in apparent need of immediate emergency medical
or surgical care, or when responding to some other emergency in-
volving the protection of life or property, shall be excepted
from the foregoing provision.
Cd) Industrla~ and. Protective Illumination. Light sources
for industr1al 9urposes and light from industrial processes within
areas visible from the sea, shall.oomply with the requirements of
Section 2(b) hereof; and shall alBo be shielded so that they are
not visible from th, sea at night;. provided, that variations trom
these requirements. may be permitted in the case of 111um1nation
for industrial and protective purposes, and from industrial pro-
cesses, whether interior or exterior (but not including street or
highway lights), only when and to the extent that it is necessary
to vary from such requirements in order to achieve and maintain
maximum efficiency; but only with the written approval of the Ninhh
Regional Civilian Defense Board., obtained in advance.
11 II
13 [I
31 I
32 !
(e) Other Illumination. Excent as hereinabove provided 1n
this Section 3, ali other lights visible from the sea are proh1bite
at night, lnclud1nt but not llmlted to light trom fire, bonfires,
parked cars, fla.sh~lght s and lanterns. I
(r) Detinit14n of IlVisible from the Sea.' The phrase IIV1S1blL
from the sea,' as ~sed herein, is intended and shall be construed r
to mean and includ~ the following: I
Visible at an~ time from the waters of the Pacific Ocean,
or from the waters ;of the Stra1ts or Juan de Fuca lying south ot
a l1ne extending d~e east from the most southerly point of Vanoouve
Island and west of!a line running due north and south through the
easternmost point ~r the easterly boundary line ot the City of
Port Townsend, Washington, or visible from any of those bodies of
water located on t~e shoreline of the State of California generallYI
known and described as follows: I
9 I,
10 II
11 'I
San~a Monica Bay:
San~a Barbara Channel;
San ;~uls Obispo Bay;
Est~'ro BaYi and
Monl:ferey Bay.
Provided, how~ver, thet the waters of San Francisoo Bay,
lying easterly of ~ l1ne extending from Point Bonita through Mile
Rock, is not lnten~ed and shall not be construed to be a part ot
the sea; and solely tor the purposes of Sect10n 3(c) hereof,
concerning street ~d highway traffic, the phrase, .areas visible
trom the sea", 1s ~lso 1 ntended and s!lall be construed to mean
and include that yqrtion of streets or highways which may not in
tact be visible from the sea but which is within areas generally
visible from the sea.
4. Any perso~ violating. any of the provis1ons of th1s
19 Proclamation, or o~ders iaeued pursuant thereto, is eubJeot to
L immediate exclusion from the terr1tory ot the Western Defense
Command, and to the criminal penalties provided in Public Law
Ro. 503, 77th Cong~sBJ approved March 21, 1942, entitled IAn
Act to provide a p$ftalty for the violation of restrictions or
orders with respect to persons entering, remalnlni in, leaving,
or committing any act in military areas or zones.
5. The Ninth Regional Civilian Defense Board is hereby
designated as the Primary agency to a1d in the enforcement of the
foregoing provlsio~s. It is requested that the c~vl1 law enforce-
ment agencies and State and local governmental bodies within the
areas affected by this Proclamat1on assist the Ninth Regional
Civilian Defense B~ard in the enforcement hereof.
6. This Proc~amation shall become effective August 20, 1942.
J. L. DeWI!T
Lieutenant General, U. S. Army,
SECTION 2. Said Publio Proclamation No. 12, in addit10n
31 to amending Public Proclamation No. 10 as hereinabove set forth,
32 1 conts.i.ns the follow;tng paragrs.phs:
fIllS i' StHVTZ
Ibrullm AT LA.
40Z-414 IAII or AftUltR IlDG.
All_In, CIlLlrDlftlA
ramuli!! 3456
.r~'~".,,_., "....~.-- ........ "._.. ~a. ......~ .....~.A;_........... --.-............"T&.",.~: ::.........0UII......:..,...1I1I:r........:..:..... .:.iiio_: .:.._........~......--.......--........
fillS&- SCHUTZ
AnDllns In LA..
40Z-4'" IAIII O. AIeI.C" ILDG.
rUI'Il.IE 3456
i '
lB. This UrO!ilaation shall become effective October 25,
1942, except hose provisions of S~bsection 2(b) (1)
hereof, conce ning street and highway lights, which shall
become effect~ve November 12, 1942.
C. The recl tQ,ls set forth in the first three ps.ragraphs
4 of said Publici Eroclamation No. 10 are hereby reaffirmed.
Except as her~1nbefore expressly amended, all the provisions
5 and d.eterm1natt1ons expressed in said Public Proclamation
No. 10 shall ~ema1n in full force and effect..
SECTION 3. The City of Anaheim hereby recognizes the
B civil and mi11tary~necessity tor the concurrent enforcement of
9 I the provislons of lubllc Proclamatlon No. IO, as amended as afore-
10 said, by the City Of Anaheim and the federal government.
SECTION 4. The City of Anaheim is within the Zone of
12 Restricted Lighting, designated and established br SECTION 2 ot
13 said Public Procla~at1on No. 10 as amended as aforesaid.
SECTION 5. Whoever on or after Ootober 25, 1942, shall
commit ~ny act in ~he City of Anaheim contrary to the provisions
ot either SECTION 2 or SECTION 3 of Pub11c Proclamation .No. 10 as
amended as aforesald, which amended proclamation is hereinabove
18 I set forth in full, shall be guilty of a violation ot this ordinance.
which violation shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be p~nlshable by a fine of not to exceed $300.00
or by imprisonment tor not to exceed three months, or by both such
tine and imprisonm,nt.
SECTION e. This ord.inance 1s required tor the immediate
preservation of the pUblic peace, health and' safety, and shall
25 take effect immediately. The follow1ng is the st~tement of tacts
26 constituting such ~gency: The United States is at. war and this
city by the provisions of Public Proclamation No. 10 as amended by
Public Proclamation No. 12 ls.1ocated in a military zone ot res-
tricted lighting established as a matter of military necessity
in order to minimite the danger of enemy attack and to provide
maximum protection for war utilities, war materials and war premlser.
By reason of the immediate threat of enemy attack compliance with
TUI'IlOIE 3456
1 I
the provisions of ~ubl1C Proclamation ~o. 10 as .amended by Public
Pro~lamation No._ l~ is essential for the protection of the lives
and property of th~.people of the City of Anaheim.
SECTION 1. The 01 ty Clerk she.ll certify to the adoption
of this ordinance and cause it to be published once in the
Anaheim Gazette, a !newspaper of general circulation printed.and
published in this ~1ty.
The foregoing ordinance was signed and approved by me
this 20th day of O~tober, 1942.
ayar of the ity ot naheim
State of Callrornl~)
I $ounty ot Orange :> 8S.
w1ty of Anaheim )
I, Charl~s E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of
Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was
1ntroduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the C~ty
of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of October, 1942, and that the
same was passed an~ adopted at an adjourned regular meeting ot
laid City Council h~ld on the 20th day of October, 1942, by the
following vote of the members thereof:
.lYES :
And I fur~her certify that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 20th day ot
October, 1942.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I I he.ve hereunto set my hand and affix d
the seal of said City
of Anahe ~~o~~.
y erk or tneC ~ aheim
.i"'''Iil''.. ....... ... ..... _.... ...... +r.. ,..,... ........ ......, .... "..1&--. ~...~.-...._~~