660 27 1 ORDINANCE NO. 660 2 AN ORDINANCE ~1ENDING SUBSECTION 69 AND 39 OF SECTION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO. 50? 3 4 5 6 7 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That subsection 69 of Section 10 of 8 Ordinance No. 50? of the City of Anaheim, entitled "AN ORDINANCE FRC'!IDING FOR THE LICr.~NSING OF BUSINESS, PROF'ESSIONS, SHOtiS, 9 EXHIBI1rIONS AND GA1~ES CCNDUCTF.~D OR CAREISD ON IN TH}~ CIfJ.1Y OF 10 .A.r~AHr~Ir.1, FIXIKG TE~~: :--:ATF: OF LICEr:SE THERE?OR, PF,-O"IDING FOR THE 11 12 CCLLI~CTION THER-i~~OF~, AND FIXING FEI,T ALT:~-F:S FeR THE VIOLA'l'ICN THEREOF II J eS heretofore ~mended, be and the s~me 1s hereby emended to reed as fol1o'tvs: 13 14 69. (~) Of tile business of running, driving or operating any vehicle over the !ublic streets of the City of Anaheim for trans- 15 16 9ortatlon of passengere for hire between r811way stations and hotels, for each vehicle, Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year. (b) Of the business of hauling or transport1ng goods, \ wares, merchandise, freight or beggage within, to and/or from sFld City, exclusively to nersons, firms and cor~oratlons using said foods, wares, mercnandlsp, fre1ght or baggage exclusively for ~esale or in manufacturing, the r~te 0f license 1s hereby 17 18 19 20 21 22 fixe{ End estebllened es followA: For efch vehicle used in 23 8ucn business, Three Dallers (t3.~O) ryer yeFr, provided further, 24 tn.... t t.t1e mE.x1mum c.ffiount ChE rgeable e_s a license from anyone 25 licensee under this DE.ragrEDh shell be Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) 26 ')~:r ~7 f' PI' . (0) Of the business of hauling or transnortlng goods, 28 Wares, rtercha.nd.1se, freight or bFg[s.ge 1r-.rlthin, to a.nd/or from saj.d 29 I City other than such business described in the immediate fore- 30 I going lJE..l"e.[l"'l:\"?h (b), the rE'te of license is hereby fixea ana. 31 established as follows: 32 For eEch vehicle used in SEl.id ous1ne8s, drawn or operated by other tnan m€chanicB.l ryower, Six ($6.00) Dollers per year. FRIIS fr SCHUTZ IITrDIIII:YS II' Ln 402-404 IAIK Dr Il.ftfllCIl ILDli. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA Ta.erHDII! 345& ,I 1 30 31 32 . FRIIS ft SCHUTZ JlTTDIIIETS liT LIl. 401-404 1/lIK ur IU'9It" ILDG. ANAHfIM, CALIfORNIA JUrtlUIE 3456 1 For every automobile truck used in said business, hav1ng a 2 manutacturer's rating of not to exceed one to~ , Twelve Dollars 3! ($12.00) per year. 4 : For every automobile truck used in Bal~ business, having a 5 manufacturer's rating of more than one ton, but not to exceed three 6 tons, Twenty DollErs ($2G.DO) oer year. 7 For every automobile truck used in said business, having a 8 mA.nufacturerl s rating of more ths,n tnree tens, Thirty Dollars 9 ($30.00) per year. 10 For every trailer used in said business, of the capacity of 11 one ton or more, Four Dollars (~4.00) per year. 12 . Section 2. That notwithstand.ing the provisions ot 13 Section 4 of said Ordinance No. 5)7, all licensee becoming due ., 14 ji and payable under Der~gra?h (b) of subsect10n 69 of aect10n 10 15 i: ~t said Ordinance No. 507, as amended by Section 1 of this ordinanc , Ii 16 Ii ahdl be wholly due end :)e,yable on the first day of July of each 17 and every year hereafter commencing July 1, 1943, and may not be paid in installments. Sectlon 3. That subsection 39 of Section 10 of said 18 19 20 I Ordinance No. 50?, as heretofore amended, be and the same is 21 . nereby amended to read &8 follows: 22 39. or selling or delivering petroleum products by means ot tank "'lB.gon, tank tl~ucks or other vehicles \vlthin, to and/or from 23 24 I, said City of Anaheim other than the business described in Para- 25 I. grsnh (b) of subsection 69 of section 10 of sS..id Ordinance No. 50?, 26 as sa.id subsection 6~1 is emended by this Ordinance J TlI!enty Dollars ($20.0G) per year :1er ~.!agon, truck and/or vehicle. 27 28 29 Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, shall certify to the i)f:.8sage of this Ordlns,nce 8.nd cause the SB.me to be 'Jubliahed once in the (/L..CL-u..<- '-- &--7. ~- '.,. , a weekly nelrlSpaper of general circuJ a1:"ion -print ~. Dublished and circulated in the City of AnEthe1m, and thirty (3n) ds,ys from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. 1 The forego1ng ordinance 1s signed. B.nd ayrnroved by me this 18th day of ~ay~ 1943. 2 3 4 " 0" ~/'<-J L-.--~ " ~.' / ---' ~ .,,-~~.~ . Mayor of the City of Anaheim 5 6 Attest: 7 8 C Ane..he 1m 9 10 STATE CF CALIFCP.NIA) COUNfry CF OHANGE ) BS. 11 CI'lIY OF ANA}IEIM } 12 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of 13 Anaheim, do hereby certify thEt the foregoing Ordinance was 14 introduced at sn 2dJourned regulEr meeting of the City Council of 15 the City of Anaheim, held on the 4th day of May, 1943, and that 16 l: /: 17 18 19 20 21 I 221 I I 23 Ii I I 24 I I: 25 I' 261 27 I. I I 28 i I 291 30 I 31 !, 32 . FRIIS ft SCHUTZ JlrralllU5 liT LA. 40Z-414 11111 II' AMElitA ILDli. AnAHeiM, CALIfORNIA Ja.UllDIE 3456 tne SErrie VL'c.S DaBsed ;.:nd 8.dopted. t t e.n s.djourned regular meeting af seld City Cou~cl1 hel~ on the 18th day of May, 1943, by the follow1n? vote of the members thereof: AY.2S : co U~. CIL:'lEE , Pesrson, V&.n '~~!t;;v€:oner, Sheridan, ieBey, Barnes I I tt I I I I 1943. ~".lC ~~S : cc urzc IL:J~EI\: , None A35EI.:r: -.e I..~~ GO U~\Z C IL/. EI'.: , And I further certify tj,1b,t the l'Jla.yor of the City of Ans.heim signed ~,nd apnroved said Ordina.nce on the 18th day of May, 1 ~143 . IN ~fJITNESS \\!HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand B.nd ~lf:f :ixed. 'the sea.l o:C Fc..ic: Cl tjT of' Anthelm this 18th day of l-1ay, ( S:i~AL) ,.~.. '. ". . <-. of Anaheim Affidavit Of Publication STATE 01," CALU"ORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. n... ....... M.8 .WriD"ht .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ........ ...e::I...... ... ... ...... .. . . _ .. .. ...... ... .. .. _ ... of said count}", being first dul~' 8W01'11, says-that s,he. is a. cit- izen of the United State-s, and of the State of California, over ,the age of €,ighteen yeal~S: that she has no interest in. 1101' is ,she a party to the matte... herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed, publi.shed and' circulated in the sa.id County of Orange that sa.id ORANGE COUNTY XJi1WS is, a newspaper of general drcula.tioll with a list of paid sub l-ieribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local a,nd g-eneral news and intelligence of a general chara.cter; that It is not devoted to tile interests or j'nblished for the entertainment of a pal'ticula,r class~ profession. t rude, calling, race or denom1na- Unll. or of any llumber thereof' I hat it has been lprinted and pub~ lished in the City of Anah . .. elm, (ounty of Orange. State of Cali- fornia for more tha,n one year next preceding the first day of the publication ,hereto attached' that the · ...9~~;.~~~~~__.~o. 660 .. .................................................. of which the anne,xed is a. printed ('opy. was .published in sald news- pa~r at least ___....~~,____.________ ('ommencing on the ----__201ibday of .--.....J4..y___u.__..___ 19___~, and pllding on 'the .-.---..----.---.-____u day ot' ....... ....................-....._.......__..... 19_______., and that said -..~g1~JlQI__ '...n_._.__.__._. was published on the fPllowing da.ys: ... '..... .~-Yu_2Q..___1..9i~ ___m..... n -~ -..:. --. -.. -..~-- -- "'(.----~.:- uu__..____u____ __ ". " ,,' '..' -. -... - ~- 4 .~-------~-..----_. ~-_J..:':::~..,---::::... Subscribed and __~worn to before me thi!:l ....,.? -<- ~ "...-,-7-.........-...---.... day of ~ ,r I.' :.. L-:L ~' -,") ..... ""''';;___;;'''__ , .._..._ 19__~ l. - t _ ORD~ANCE 110." ,. ' AN" OItl'JIKANCE MdICDUIG Clt~ of Anaheim other than tile au__acTION . AND' ,Ie OJ' bulln.. d~"d in ParBgrapJa .SN~T'" 10 Qf QIlDIIIAItCE (1)>) ~ ...~n ...,of MCtiOD 10 . o...~ ,'of aaid Ordl.-ce If,. 607:1 .. said THE eJTY COUNCIL 01' TU aubeeetion 8~ it ~cled by thl8 CITY .Or."ANAJl.BUI 'DOES o&- 0 r . i D & n ~ ..' TWht~ Doll... DAIN :AS:I'OLLOWS: ',('11.'0) per ~ear per w &.. 0 B, S~~~. Tha~ au..u. 89 of truck ~Dd-or vehicle. . Secti~~_lO of O~.. N.~ 607 of S8#tiOn 4. The CIty Clerk of theCl_.,ADue~...titled.."AN the City of Anaheu. .shaD. eertib ~RDIN'.6.lI(:E PBO~ to .tbe JI8MIICll of ib OnllDance I HE. I.{<fINSlNG Q..'. , " ~ cauee the.'8UIle... be published . PROPIIIIONS, Slloara. '~"". ODce In the Onqe Co1lllty New, · SITlO. AND G4Ib.," on ' , · Weeld7 n~~per,of ...-al eIr- t DUCT., OR CABBI~. :.ON ,iN ~ultltioD pnntedJ ~1ibU8hecl and clr- THE' CITY 'OF ANA,pIll, PIX-" c.ted In the CIty of Anaheim, . ING. '1.'IJB RATE OF . LtCEltSE and thirty (80) daJ'8 from and , rl:H~R, PBOVWING FOB after ita final ~... it .shall take · 'UiE Sa~TION THIJlEOF The to re l( 0 In. onllDance Ia AND , G PENALTIES" FOB effect and be In full force. .. THE VIOLATION TDRBOF" aa Biped and approved ~y me thi8 hereto~ore amended,' be and the 18th daY' of, M.,., 19". same 18 'bereby amended to read CH"S. A. P:&AB.SON. a8 follOWs: Mayor of the Cit,. of' Anaheim ,69. <a), Of the buaiDeBl of rUIl- Attest: D~ng, 4dIlng or operating any v"; C~A:aLES E. GRI~ITH, . ~ h~cle 9ver the public streets of the CIty Clerk of the Clt7 of Anaherm 1 Clt)' ,of ~eim tor ,tianaportatioD STA.,:'E OF C4LIFOBNIA) of ~~r8 for hire between rail- COUNTY OF QB.ANCE )S8. " way stations .and ,hotela, for each CITY OF ANAHEDI ) ! vehicle. Ten Dollars (, 10.00) per I. C~le8 E. Griffith. City Clerk ! year. of the City of AJiaheim, do hereby (b~ Of'the buliDeBl of haaliq certify that the forepiuc Ordi- · or trauporting gooc:la, warea mer- nanee was introduced at an ad- ~nd~, freight or banage' with- j~urned replar mee~!n<< of the 1J~. to-, and-or from said City ex- CIty CounCIl of. the City of Ana- ~usi'Y. to perlOns, fiioma and cor- heinl, held on the 4tl1 day, .of May, porat,ioaa using said .pou, war.. 1948. and that the 8 a m ~ wu merebandise, fretp,t or baa... pasaed and adopted.t aD adJourn- excluiivelJ' for reiale or in manu- ed reKUlar meetine 'Of aid Cit)' . factu~.r-.._the rate' 'of license iI Council held on the 18th clay of . here~,. 'fued and '...bUshed ai Mu. 1943, by t;he foUowinc vote . .foll.oWl: For each vehfele used in of the memberf theMOf: I luch "b.-ness. Three- 'D'~ 11 a r I AYES: COUNCILMEN, Pearson, ($3.0."; oer y,ear, proYkled fl1r;th.., Van Wagon~r, SherlQ,n, ~es. i tliat,~ .axlmum .,unt charge- NOES: COUNCILIIEN, None. .1 able ..' a. Heense from any ODe Ii- ABSENT: C 0 UN C I ~ KEN, : c~,;Udv this ~h .&11 Boney. . , be -.aJlteen Dollar. ,(t18.80) per And I fu~.r ce~ity ~t the ".... ,-' "Mayor of the City' of Anaheim . . ~~). Of tile busiD..'of hauliD8 or siKned:. and a~v~. .lBid, ONJ- . tra",~.' aooa., . 'WWu, mer- Dance on the 18~h day of Jrla)', eba...... freIght OBi" with- 1943. .~. to_..Dd~r from :, ty other IN WITNESS WHDEOF I ~ha~ .:....eh, businesa ' ,'::. ,', - .bed in th, have hereunto set my. hand aM · ~....... f 0 r.e'l'O_ parasr&pl 'affixed the seal ,of said City of (b)-,. rate of lie,,- is be.reb, Anaheim this 18th day #)1 May, ,fixed .:: ~nd .estab1llheill as foBo..: 1941.. " For ~h vehiele-,ued in sai4 .(.SEAL) ::b~_~ drawn oit.':Qented. ,1>>, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. .' othilr than meelt.".t power, ~ City Clerk of the City of Anaheim :-<IS.OOl -'-Dollars per ~. , .,For 'even- automoiUe truck use4 in laid' 'business, ha~ a manu- :factu'ler'B rating of.' Dot to exceed '~ne ~~. Twelve Dollars ($12.00) . per:')!.... . ... every amoDlO.lIe truck use4l ':in' said business. haYiJi.. ~a manu... ' faeturer'. rating of more than one ' ton, but not to exceed, three tons, Twenty Dollars <E per )'ear. . For every auto ' truck used '.bt :aaid.. business, ':""., a Dlanu- '~tr'8 rating of more t haD .'~e ~~8. ThirtY'Dollars ($ao.OO') J'_:"*~ . , : ':. :": o:'or every trailer ued lJi "said: ; j),.tiDeI8. of the 4iil8itJ' 01. on, i~~. :~:,.~re, Four DOll&n ('4..00) Jt~,7.~~ ..', , ' , .' ,'~~!1J!. That.'JlfJtwitWandi1!1 '...' _VIIlons of Siation , of sai4 Onu....ce No. 607. alllieensea ))&. ~ominJr due and parable u n ~ e If pajWraph (b) of, s1ibseetion 69 of ,~etIoJ1 '10 of said- Ordinance No'. 'to'l. .. am.elld1Jr Section 1 of '~~ or\tinance. ,,:he wholly dUf ,aq. pa~ble on the. first day. of .11117 Qt 'each and eveq- year here- afie" -eommeneiq' luly 1. 1943, ~.d 'may Dot. be paid in iDBtaU- ..entA"~ ' , . Beetlon S. That 8ubeeetion 89 of ~tiOD 10 of said Ordinance No... . '. . aq'1,. .. h~retotor...',.. ~8Dcle4~ be I and the same is h..1ty-...amended : to..read as fonowa: '" ....&9,-:Of ",Uiq," "U.erinc "-' I ) :~~_=U~aIl8~~ ' . I "IUd... witll1Jl, to '. " from said