661 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA C'OCXTY OF ORANGE 88. .&. ___. . ..M. ~.~~!'W~_~&~~ .....0_._...._.._. or Haid county. being first duly sworn. says-that she is a cit- izen of the United States. and of the State of Ca.Iifornia. over .the agt" of dghteen )Tear-s; th'at she haK no interest in. nor is she a party to the matter herein mentioned; that she is the pub. Usher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a. weekly lleWSpap'el' printed, publLshed and' circulated ill the. said County of Orange "that sa.id ORANGE COUNTY ~F:'WS is a newspa.per of general dr('ulation with a list of paid sub ~criberH, and is published for the dissemination of both local a.nd g-eneral news and intelligence of a ~eneral chara.cter; that it is not. devoted to the intere,sts or ]'nhlished for the entertainment of a particula.r cIa.ss, profession. I.rade, calling, race or denomlna. tion. or of any number thereof: that it has been lprinted and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim. Connty of Orange. State of Cali- fornia for more than one year next preceding the first day of tho publication hereto attached' I ha t the- · o.r4.1.~.nQ.~. ..~Q .!... ~!?~_... _. of which the a.nnexed id a printed topy, was .published in R-a.id .news- pap-el' at least -..._.~~~~..._....u_._o commencing on the __.~~~~__ day of no__.M~Y.__.__n..______ 19__~~_. and pnding on 'the day or ..... ""_"____".....___.. 19...__.... and tha.1 said -.... ...~.... no.. was pu bUshed on the following days: _. _.. .__.M~~.__~~.I__.~~.~~....__.._..... - -.... -...- ....-::-.....-.....-.~............d.~~-:.~ I I ORDINANCE NO. 181 ried on, maintained and transacted All ORDINANCE GRANTING A upon said real property for a lim- VARIANCE. ited term, towit: for and during THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE the duration of the present war in which the United States is now . CITY QF ~AHElM DOES OR- engaged. DAIN AS roLLOW.S: Section 4. The City .Clerk shall Section 1. That Mart in Del certify to the passage of this ordi- Georgio, Emilie D. V oights, H. A. nance and shall cause the same to Kenny aDd Paul Neubauer have be .printed and published once in filed'with the City Plan$g Com- the Orange County News, a news- .mission of th~ City of Anaheim' a paper of general circulation, print- petition requestinc that a variance ed, published and circulated in be granted permittiq the manu- said City, and thirty (30) days facture &Dei asaem'bly of. aireraft !rom and after ita final passage, parts and "rage incidental there- It shall take effect and be in full to upon that real propert,. aituated force. in the City of Anaheim, County of The foregoing ordinance.was'ap- Orange, State of California, de- proved, signed and attested this scribed a. follows: 11 th day of May, 1943. Lote i, 8, and 7, and the South- 'CHAS. A. PEARSON, erly 48: feet of Lot 8 of "Konig's Mayor of the City of Anaheim Subcliviai:on'" as sho1.VJl on a map ATTEST: recorded in' Book 6, page 20 of CHARLES E. GRIFFiTH, MiseeUalleo118 Maps, Records * City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, Orange 'County, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) I That _id .CommilBioD haa made COUNTY OF ORANGE )88. an inv.uption of the facts aDd CITY OF ANAHEIM: ) made ita f.ndings with respect to 'I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk the same. and has determined that of the City of Anaheim, do hereby faets ezlat warranting the granting certify th.t the foregoing Ordi- of such variance, and has reeom- nance was introduced at an ad- mended to said City Council that jOl1rned regular meeting of the a 'Yaria~ce be granted for a lim- City Council of the City of Ana- ited term as hereafter set forth. helm, held on the 4th day of May, Seetio~ I. That said City Coun- 1943, and that the lame was passed cD 'herebt'finds froDi coJl.iideration and adopted at a ,regular meeting and i!iYeati8'ation of the faets and of said City Council held on the . the r8PO~ of said Plannina Com- 11th day of M:ay, 1943, by the fol- . 'mlaion: . lo'tring vote of the members there- (1). T h . t exeeptio'11aI circum- of: . a.-_.cto' exist appl"'le to the . AYES: COUNCILM.EN, Pearson, PrC)j)ert7 involved .th.:at do Dot .Van Wagoner, Shendan, BODey, I applf pnerally to .... Property Bamel. i~~ved'~at do Dot app,. cener- NOES: ~OUNOILMEN, None. . aJl,7 . to.. the prop,l'ty 0'. classes of Absent: COUNCI~EN, ~one.1 u.. ....~e same ~ or zone. ~nd I further .certlfy that t~el .(ft') That a .. lIayor of the CIty of Anaheim I ... vananC8 18 Deces- · . d .. , ...., for the preservation and en- Ilpe and approved said Ordl- i j~..t t)f a abata ~-1 -'- nance on the 11th clay of ::May, I . . '. .... . I .. D~ prope...." 1948. ' ~ . ~ the. petltione~.' IN WITNESS W,BEREOF I I .(8) That the. .raDti~ of such have hereu~to set my hod and I c~ditional vanance Wl1l Dot. be affixed the seal of said City of i . ~~~~J' d.~i~e~tal to the pub- A~eim this 11th day of May,: He ~1fare ~ IDJllftOua to the prop- 1948. . I " ~ or. bilprovemenfil In the dis- (SEAL) j ~ w~erein said properi)? is 10- CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, i eahcL. . . elt)' Clerk 01 the City of Anaheim I I Seetien 8. That a vafluee II heft- o' I b,. p$ated whereby .. bUliness of maufaeture and ....mbly of ~.ft parts and. .storage inci- dental thereto mar be done, car- Subscribed and sworn to be.fore L'-, me ~I~. ,oo,loom....oo.. day or ......Ir(::~.i.-J.~~.:..:: ft('.J.. ,-~' "",%. . r '" - L' ~~4.y; . ) ~~.~, I ...... 0000 ",oo_'-\::1~;;;"-~ii;;::_~' , ~ ",J-. {!d:...l-.....-x ......, / ~..........~ . \-. , ,-. . /' 1 oaDIJ"~ 110. !Il 2 AI ORDINANCE GR.llft*IG A VARIAlCE 3 THE CIft COUNCIL ot THE: CITY OF ~IK OOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4 Section~. That Martin Del Georglo, Emilie D. Volghts, 5 B. A. Kennel and P~ul Neubauer have filed with the City Pl~n1ng 6 Commission of the ~lty ot Anaheim a p.t1tlon requesting that a 7 variance be grantel permittlng the manufacture and assembly of 8 a1rcraft parts and storage inc1dental thereto upon that real 9 property s1tuated ~n the C1ty ot Anaheim, County ot Orange, State 10 ot Ca11fornia, described as follows: 11 Lots " e, end 7, and the Southerly 48 teet ot Lot 8 ot 12 -Konig's Subd1vision. as shown on a map ricorded in Book 6, page 13 20 or M1scellaneou, Maps, Records of Orange County, Oal1fornia. 14 That said Commission has made an investigat10n or the facts 15 and made its findings with r.spect to the same, and has determ~ned 16 that tacts exist w.rranting the granting of such variance, and 17 has recommended to said C1tr Council that a variance be granted 18 for a limited term as hereafter set forth. fillS It SCHUTZ JlrnlneB Ilf LAw 4U.... ... .. IUlRltA alii. AIIAIIlllI. CAUrlJlNIA TBUImI! 3456 19 Section 2. That sald C1ty Countl1 hereby ~lD4. tp.. 20 consideration and investigation of the facts and the reports ot 21 said Planning Commlss1on: 22 (1) That exceptional olrcuastances do exist applicable 23 to the property In.olved that do not apply generally to the pro- 24 party involved that do not apply g8nerally to the property or 25 classes of uses in..' the same district or zonl. 26 (2) That a variance is necessary tor .the preservation 27 and enjoyment of a substantial property right ot the petitioner. 28 (3) That #he granting of such tond1tlonal variance w1ll not be materially detrimental to the publiC weltare or in- Jurious to the property or improvements in the district wherein said property 1s located. Section 3. That a var1ance 1s hereby granted whereby the bus1ness or manufacture and assembly of a1rcraft parts and 29 30 31 32 storage incidental thereto may be done, carried on, maintained -.........~. '. . ....:....~............... ... .~.... ~..... ...:. .....-......- -~_......--.-.- ..........-..... -- _-.IIIII~""""'''''''''_.''-._,.~._,,''' fRIIS .. SCHUTZ JlinlRys ICr LAw 4UZ-4M._ II' AlBa R.DG. A"-n. CALI.....IA TUnae 3456 1 and transacted upo* said real propert1 tor a lim1ted ter., towit: 2 tor ~nd during the duration ot the ~re8ent war in which the United 3 States is now enga$ed. 4 Section.. The City Clerk shall certify to tne~pal8age 5 ot this the same to be printed and pub- 6 lishe,d once in the]. 7 paper ot general c~rcul ~ , a........ c1rcula'ted 8 in said City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final 9 passage, it shall take effect and be in full force. 10 The foregoing ord1nance was approved, slgned and attested 11 this 11th da7 ot .~, 1943. 12 13 14 ~~:... ii M8.1o'r 0 the : t1 or Anahe1a 15 16 17 A!TEST: ~"U 0- . .. . .~ ..; . ", - ....r o' t . ".. -7 'ot Anahe1m 18 19/ Sf ATE OF CJLIFORKIAI 20 I QOUlITY OF. ORANGE . I (J!ft or AlIAIIIIM . 21 I .8. I. Charle. E. Gr1ffith, City Clerk ot .ta. alt~ ot 22 .a1le1Dl. do hereby eertity that the tore"going Ordinance was 23 24 25 26 27 introduced at an adJourned regular meeting of the C1t1 Council ot the City of Anaheim, aeld on the 4th day ot May, 1943, and that tae same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting ot sald C1t7 Council held on the 11th day of May, 1943, by the tollow1ag yote ot the members thereot: COUNCILMEN, .~earson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, 10087, Barne. COUNCILMEN, lone COUNCILMEN', ;Ione And I tur~her cert1ty that the Kayor of the Cltl ot signed and ~proTed sald Ordinance on the 11th da1 of .May, 1943. 28 AYES: 29 NOES: 30 I A.sent: I 31 I I Anahe 1m 32 :.~..~. ". 1 II Ift._ ~..I IlaYl- _.-.. ..',.",. .~.:.:_ 2 dtUt4 ,be seal or 1&14 "l&7 .t -_. ate 11*-, _ '.W:"',,'l 3 .. 4 (SUL) 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 flUS lit SCHUTZ Jlnaam AT LAw 481._ .. .. A_It" ILIli. "'an. CIlur....11l TUPIIIIR 3456