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RESOLUTION N0.2005- 111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES COMMENCING ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted Resolution No. 79R-2 establishing fees and policies for park, and recreation programs and services; and, WI~REAS, the fees have been revised periodically; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to approve a revised fee schedule and establish the effective date of said fees; and, ~. WHEREAS, the fees hereinafter adopted do not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged; and, WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and declares that adoption of this fee schedule is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 21080(b)(8) of the Public Resource Code; and, WHEREAS, the following fees have been considered at a duly noticed public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Section 6 of Resolution 79R-2 be, and it is hereby, amended to read as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. -~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Exhibits "A" and "B", entitled "Proposed Fee Increases" and "Proposed New Fees", respectively, shall be attached to this resolution to ittustrate the amount of increases, if any, or to designate any new fees, for Community Services Department programs for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be operative on September 1, 2005, on which date all previous resolutions amending Section 6 of Resolution 79R-2 shall be deemed rescinded. EXHIBIT"A" PROPOSED RECREATION FEE INCREASES FY 2005/2006 Current Fee Proposed Fee PONDEROSA - PicniclPatio Category Non-Resident/Commercial $ 25 $ 35 Resident Commercial $ 20 $ 30 Non-Resident $ 20 $ 25 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 15 $ 25 Resident $ ] 0 $ 20 Resident/Non-Profit $ 10 $ 15 Application Fee $ 10 $ 15 Electrical Access Fee $ 11.25 $ 12.29* * Cost covers Recreation Director Salary, burden, and bilingual pay. PONDEROSA and MANZANITA Cate o Multi-Put ose Non-Resident $ 40 $ 45 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 40 $ 45 Resident $ 35 $ 40 ResidentlNon-Profit $ 30 $ 35 Application Fee $ 10 $ 15 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. $ 15/hr. THERAPEUTIC PROGRAMS Resident Non-Resident Current Proposed Current Proposed Summer Recreation Skills $ 110 $ ~ 15 $ 140 $ 150 Summer Day Camp $ 110 $ 115 $ 140 $ 150 Winter Day Camps $ 75 $ 80 $ 110 $ 120 Spring Day Camps $ 75 $ 80 $ 110 $ 120 Adult Evening (school year) $ 75 $ 80 $ 110 $ 120 Adult (summer) $ 65 $ 70 $ 100 $ 110 Saturday Recreation $ 110 $ 115 $ 140 $ 150 Special Olympics $ 40 $ 45 $ 40 $ 45 Musical Theatre (Per session) $ 50 $ 55 $ 80 $ 85 Musical Theatre (summer) $ 45 $ 50 $ 75 $ 80 Rec. Your Friday $ 75 $ 85 $ 110 $ 125 Therapeutic Instructional Swim $ 37 $ 37 $ 43 $ 42 Extended Day Care $ Sfhr. $ 8/hr. $ 5/hr. $ 8/hr. Program Transportation (Saturday Recreation) $ 100 $ 105 $ 125 $ 130 Two ways (Summer Program) $ 100 $ 1OS $ I30 $ 130 One way (Summer Program} $ 50 $ 55 $ 80 $ 85 PEARSON PARK THEATRE Resident $ 1251hr. + stage crew cost $ 135/hr. + stage crew cost ResidentlNon-Profit $ 1001hr. + stage crew cost $ 1101hr. + stage crew cost JUST FOR KIDS Adult $ 2 $ 3 Sr. Citizen/Child $ 1 $ 2 2005/2006 Proposed Fee Increases 2 LIVE THEATER PERFORMANCES Adult Sr. Citizen/Child MISCELLANEOUS Mobile Unit Rentals/Theme Parties $ 10 $ 10-15 $ 8 $ 8-10 $ SS/hr. - 20/additional hr. $ 95/hr - 40ladditional hr. DOWNTOWN YOUTH CENTERBOXING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES Memberships are renewed in January each calendar year. Late Memberships (Applies to memberships after August 31st annually) Child (6-9) Youth (10-17) OAK CANYON NATURE CENTER Seasonal Family Programs MISCELLANEOUS Prouosed (Non Resident/ $ 25 $ 30 7.50 $ 8.50 Current Proposed Mobile Unit Rental* $ 65fhr. + $1 per participant $ 65/hr. + $2 per participant *Mobile Unit -Basic games and crafts Current Pro osed Mobile Unit Rental* $ 85/hr. + $2 per participants + $20/hr. for $ 951hr. + $40/hr. for 10 10 additional participants additional participants *Theme Variety GLOVER STADIUM - SoccerlFootball -Hourly Rental Fee (Four-hour minimum) Soccer/Football Current Pro_L Non-Resident Commercial $ 139* $ 142* Resident Commercial $ 130* $ 133* Non-Resident $ 74* $ 77* Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 70* $ 73 Resident $ 63* $ 66* ResidentlNon-Profit* $ 61 * $ 64* Additional Clean-up (per personlper hour) $ 28 $ 30 * Rate per hour includes 3 staff **Rate per hour includes 1 staff BaseballlSoftball "A"Fields-Soccer/Football/Rugbv/Cricket Non-ResidentlCommercial $ Resident/Commercial $ Non-Resident $ Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ Resident $ ResidentlNon-Profit* $ *No charge to resident non-profit youth organizations Baseball Current Promised $ 56** $ 57** $ 52** $ 53** $ 52** $ 53** $ 49** $ 50** $ 42** $ 43** $ 40** $ 41** $ 28 $ 30 Current Proposed 26 $ 27 21 $ 22 20 $ 21 18 $ 19 16 $ 17 15 $ 16 2005/200b Proposed Fee Increases 3 BaseballlSoftball "B" Fields/Open Area Resident/Non-Profit (Adults) Field Preaaration (uer field/ Soccer Field touchup Field Lighting (after 6 p.m.) "A" Fields Glover Stadium/Dee Fee Field- BasebalUSoccer/Football Boysen and Brookhurst Baseball Fields TENNIS COURTS Lighted (hourly) Non-Resident/Commercial Resident/Commercial Non-Resident Non-ResidentlNon-Profit -' Resident ResidentlNon-Profit $ N1C $ 15 Current Pro osed $ 63 $ 120 Cu.= Pro osed $ 12/hr. $ 13/hr. $ 19/l~r. $ 20/hr, $ 19fhr. $ 20/hr. $ 12 $ 13 $ 8 $ 9 $ 6 $ 7 $ 5 $ 6 $ 4 $ 5 $ 3 $ 4 CAR SHOW One staff person required for every 100 cars $ 15/hr. per staff member $ 16/hr. per star member DOG SHOW One staff person required for every 100 dogs $ 15/hr. per staff member $ 16/hr. per staff member Field Use $ 14/hr. 1 S/hr. SPORTS LEAGUES Slow Pitch Softball Ad lt S R f F $ $ Cur_rent_ 495110 games and $40018 games $ Pro osed 499/10 games, 404/8 ames f u occer e eree ee 601 ame -three officials 4 $ 651 ame - three of cials $ 51 ame -one official g $ 501game -one official Forfeit Fee $ 25 $ 85/semi- ro - $SS/other divisions P NOTES: NA =Nat applicable -- NC = Na charge EXHIBIT B NEW PROGRAM FEES FY 2005/2006 Name of Fee Proposed Fee OAK CANYON NATURE CENTER Canyon Explorers WEST ANAHEIM YOUTH CENTER $ 4.50 (NON ALCOHOL FACILITY) Gymnasium Rental Fees Category SecuritylDamage Application Processing Fee Set-up Fee (Equal to Staff hourly rate) Resident/Non-Profit Youth Programs Resident/Non-Profit Adult Programs Resident Resident/Commercial Non-Resident/Non-Profit Non-Resident Non-Re sidentlCommercial Monday-Friday Weekend $ 150 $ 150 $ 20 $ 20 $ 35 $ 50 $ 50 $ 75 $ 50 $ 75 $ 150 $ 150 $ 125 $ 125 $ 150 $ 150 $ 200 $ 200 MM-g Room Fees Monday-ThursdaX Friday-S _unday Cate o~ Daytime / Evening , All Hours Security/Damage $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Set-up Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Resident/Non-Profit Youth Programs $ N/C $ N/C $ 30 ResidentlNon-Profit Adult Programs $ 20 $ 25 $ 35 Resident $ 15 $ 20 $ 30 ResidentlCommercial $ 25 $ 30 $ 35 Non-Resident/Commercial $ 30 $ 35 $ 40 Non-Resident $ 20 $ 25 $ 35 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 20 $ 25 $ 30 Membership Fees Cate~o 'X Resident Non-Resident Child (6-9 years} $ 10 $ 25 Youth { 10-17} $ 15 $ 30 Lunch Hour Fitness Program -City Employees* $ N/C $ NlC Lunch Hour Fitness Program -Non-City Employees $ 75 $ 100 *Lunch Hour Fitness Program membership may be used only Monday -Friday during specific posted lunch time use hours for gymnasium use ONLY. There is no charge to City employees for this program. Late Membership (Applies to memberships after August 31 annually) Category Lunch Hour Fitness-City Employees Lunch Hour Fitness lNon-City Employees Child (6-9) Youth (10-17) Resident Non-Resident $ N/C $ N/C $ 75 $ 100 $ 7 $ 25 $ 10.50 $ 30 2005/2006 New Fees 2 Youth Sports Category Skate Camp Ponderosa and Manzanita Cate or Additional Staff THERAPEUTICS Cate o Autistic Summer Day Camp PEARSON PARK THEATER PatiolFountain Area Non Resident Commercial Resident Commercial Non-Resident Non-Resident/Non-Profit Resident ResidentlNon-Profit Pearson Park Theater Damage Deposit Application Processing Fee Just for Kids Season Pass Resident Non-Resident $ 35 $ 35 Resident Non-Resident $ 1 Slhr $ 1 S/hr. Resident Non-Resident $ 80 $ 120 $ 90 $ 75 $ 70 $ 65 $ 60 $ 55 $ 500 $ 20 $ 22 DOWNTOWN YOUTH CENTER/BOXING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES Lunch Hour Fitness Program -Non-City Employees $ 75 $ 100 *Lunch Hour Fitness Program membership may be used only Monday -Friday during specific posted lunchtime use hours for gymnasium use ONLY. There is no charge to City employees for this program. EXHIBIT"C" SECTION 6 -FEES FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL AND PERMIT FEES PEARSON PARK THEATRE 2005/2006 Proposed Fees Non-Resident Commercial Resident Commercial Non-Resident Non Resident/Non-Profit Resident Resident/Non-Profit Patio/Fountain area damage deposit $500. $ 250Ihr. + stage crew $ 200/hr. + stage crew $ 175/hr. + stage crew $ 150/hr. + stage crew $ 13 S/hr. + stage crew $ 110/hr. + stage crew Application processing fee $20. SHOW WAGON Non-Resident Non-Profit Resident $ 250/day + Direct Costs $ 150/day + Direct Costs $ 90/day + Direct Costs BASEBALLlSOFTBALL "A" FIELDS - Soccer/FootbalURugby/Cricket (Two-hour minimum) Non-Resident Commercial $ 27/hr. Resident Commercial $ 22/hr. Non-Resident $ 21/hr. Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 19/hr. Resident $ 17/hr. Resident/Non-Profit* $ 16/hr. *No charge to resident non-profit youth organizations. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL "B" FIELDS -Soccer/FootbalURugbylCricketlOpen Area (Two-hour minimum) Adult Youth Non-Resident Commercial $ 21/hr. $ 19/hr. Resident Commercial $ 17/hr. $ 151hr. Non-Resident $ 16/hr. $ 14/hr. ,~ Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 151hr. $ 131hr. Resident $ 151hr. $ NC ResidentlNon-Profit $ 15 $ N/C GLOVER STADIUM - Soccer/Football (Four-hour minimum) Non-Resident Conunercial $ 1421hr.* Resident Commercial $ 133/hr.* Non-Resident $ 77/~,* Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 73/hr.* Resident $ 66/hr. * Resident/Non-Profit $ 64/hr. * *Rate per hour includes 3 staff DEE FEE FIELD -Baseball (Two-hour minimum) Non-Resident Commercial $ 57/hr. Resident Commercial $ 53/hr.* Non-Resident $ 53/hr.* Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ SO/hr.* Resident $ 43/~,* Resident/Non-Profit $ 41/hr.* *Rate per hour includes 1 staff 2005/2006 Prouosed Fees paw FIELD LIGHTING (after 6 pm} "A"Fields $ 13/hr. Glover Stadium, Dee Fee Field $ 201hr. Boysen and Brookhurst Baseball Field $ 20/hr. SUPPORTISUPERVISION CHARGES Permit Processing per Field $ 20 Additional Staff (as required) $ 16/hr. Dee Fee Baseball Clean-up $ 150 Glover Stadium Clean-up $ 435 Additional Clean-up (per person} $ 30/hr. Portable Restroom Rental $ 95 Portable Restrooms (same day pickup and delivery) $ 120 Electricity $ S/hr. Late Payment Fee $ 25 Bases Provided per Field $ 32 Container Deposit $ 50 Late Insurance Certificate $ 25 Permit Rush Fee (less than 10 days prior to event) $ 25 Snack Bar Rental Fee $ 50 per Use Snack Bar Key Deposit $ 35 SPECIAL EVENT (Maximum 9-Hour Use) Special event charges are applied if the event has a major impact on the facility, including increased security, supervision or turf protection. Examples include carnivals, a circus or motion picture production. Additional Hours Non-Resident Commercial $ 1,000 + direct costs $ 45/hr. + 10% gross Resident Commercial $ 900 + direct costs $ 40/hr. + 10% gross Non-Resident $ 800 + direct costs $ 35/hr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 700 + direct costs $ 30/hr. Resident $ 600 + direct costs $ 25/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ 500 + direct costs $ 20/hr. FIELD PREPARATION BaseballlSoftballFfeld Prep ~ 54 Soccer Field Layout/Prep - 2 x 4 = 30 $ 406 Soccer Field Touch Up $ 120 Football Field Layout/Prep - 8 x 2 $ 568 Football Field Touch Up $ 325 GYNINASNMS (High Schools and Jr. High Schools) Non-Resident Commercial Resident Commercial Non-Resident Non-Resident/Non-Profit Resident ResidentlNon-Profit Set Up Charge -Basketball Capital Equipment Fund Set Up Charge -Volleyball $ 32/hr. $ 25/hr. $ 22/hr. $ 21/hr. $ 201hr. $ 15/hr. Equal to Hourly Rate $ 3/hr. (Youth Users} $ Slhr. (Adult Users} Equal to 1.5 times the Hourly Rate 2005/2006 Proposed Fees paw TENNIS COURTS Li hted Non-Resident Commercial $ 13/hr. Resident Commercial $ 9/~, Non-Resident $ 7lhr. Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 6/hr. Resident $ S/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ 4/~. Non-Lighted Non-Resident Commercial $ g/~, Resident Commercial $ 6/~. Non-Resident $ 4/hr, Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 4/hr. Resident $ 3/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit $ NC SWINIIVVIING POOLS {2-Hour Minimum Rental) Each ~~ 1 to 50* Additional Additional People Hour 25 People Non-Resident Commercial $ 190 $ 54 $ 22/hr. Commercial $ 179 $ 54 $ 201hr. Non-Resident $ 165 $ 49 $ 181hr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 150 $ 49 $ 161hr. Resident $ 132 $ 43 $ 14/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ 119 $ 43 $ 141hr. *Includes staffing with 2 lifeguards and 1 pool manager for 2 hours BROOKHURST COMMUNITY CENTER Rental Fees for events at Brookhurst Community Center Multipurpose Room Rental -Non-Prime Time Week Days Monday - Thursday East West Both Non-Resident Commercial ..., $ 85 65 150hr. Resident Commercial $ 75 55 130/hr. Non-Resident $ 80 60 140/hr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 75 55 130/hr. Resident ~ $ b0 50 110/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit {No Alcohol) $ NC NC NC ResidentlNon-Profit {Alcohol) $ SS 45 105 Damage Deposit $ 500 500 500 Set-up Fee $ 40 25 75 Application Processing Fee $ 20 20 20 BeforelAfter Hours Fee $ SOlhr. SO/hr. SO/hr. Additional Event Hours -equal to hourly rate or 1/6 of Weekend Rate Multipurpose Room Rental -Prime Time Non-Resident Commercial $ 990 Resident Commercial $ 940 Non-Resident $ 960 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 930 Resident $ 660 Resident/Non-Profit $ 630 Damage Deposit $ 500 Set-up Fee $ 75 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Before/After Hours Fee $ 50 Additional Event Hours -equal to hourly rate or l/6 of Weekend Rate. 2005/2006 Proposed Fees Page 4 Meeting Room Rental Non-Resident Commercial Resident Commercial Non-Resident Non-Resident/Non-Profit Resident ResidentJNon-Profit Application Processing Fee Damage Deposit Set-up Fee No Alcohol With Alcohol Monday - Thursday Friday -Sunday All Days Da me Eveni~ All Hours Al l Hours $ 30/hr. $ 40~r. $ 40/hr. $ 55/hr. $ 20/hr. $ 251hr, $ 35/hr. $ 45/hr. $ 20Ihr. $ 25Ihr, $ 35/hr. $ 45/hr. $ 201hr. $ 25Ihr. $ 351hr. $ 45/hr, $ 20/hr. $ 20/hr. $ 30/hr. $ 35/hr. $ NC $ NC $ 30/hr. $ 30/hr. $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 125 $ 125 $ 125 $ 175 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 MARTIN RECREATION CENTER No Alcohol With Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 701hr. $ 90/hr. Resident Commercial $ SS/hr. $ 75lhr. Non-Resident $ SO/hr. $ 70/hr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 45/hr. $ 65/hr. Resident $ 401hr. $ 601hr. ResidentlNon-Profit $ 351hr. $ SSlhr. Damage Deposit $ 200 $ 500 Setup Fee $ 35 $ 35 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 OTHER RECREATION CENTERS (Reid, Peralta Park, Peralta Canyon Recreation Center, Pearson and Therapeutic Recreation Center) Non-Resident Commercial $ 3 5/hr. Resident Commercial $ 30Ihr. Non-Resident $ 25/hr, Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 25/hr, Resident $ 20/x. Resident/Non-Profit $ 15/x, Damage Deposit $ 125 Setup Fee $ 20 Application Processing Fee $ 20 DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY CENTER Assembly Room Rental - No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 1001hr, Resident Commercial $ 90/hr. Non-Resident $ 95/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 851hr. Resident $ 751hr. Resident/Non-Profit (M-Th} $ NC Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su} $ 50/x, Damage Deposit $ .500 Set-up Fee $ 50 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. 2005!2006 Prouosed Fees paw Assembly Room Rental -Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 160/hr. Resident Commercial $ 150/lir. Non-Resident $ 155/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 145/hr. Resident $ 135/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ l l0/hr. Damage Deposit $ 600 Set-up Fee $ 50 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 151hr. Performing Arts/Patio No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ SOlhr. Resident Commercial $ 45/hr. Non-Resident $ 451hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 45/hr. Resident $ 40/lir. Resident/Non-Profit (M-Th) $ NC Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su) $ 401hr. Damage Deposit $ 125 Set-up Fee $ 20 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. Senior Lounge Rental - No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ SO/hr. Resident Conunercial $ 45/lir. Non-Resident $ 45/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 45/hr. Resident $ 40/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit (M-Th) $ NC Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su) $ 40/hr. Damage Deposit $ 500 Set-up Fee $ 50 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15~, Senior Lounge Rental -Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 15/x. Resident Commercial $ 65/hr. Non-Resident $ 65/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 651hr. Resident $ 60lhr. ResidentlNon-Profit $ 60/hr. Damage Deposit $ 600 Set-up Fee $ 50 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. 2005/2006 Proposed Fees paw Meeting Room Rental - No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 30/hr. Resident Commercial $ 25/hr. Non-Resident $ 25/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 25/hr. Resident $ 20/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit (M-Th) $ NC Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su) $ 20 Damage Deposit $ 125 Set-up Fee $ 20 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. Meeting Room Rental -Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ SS/hr. Resident Commercial $ 45/hr. ~~~ Non-Resident $ 45/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 45lhr. Resident $ 35/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ 30/hr. Damage Deposit $ 175 Set-up Fee $ 20 Application Processing Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. EAST ANAHEIM COMMUNITY CENTER Meeting Room Rental - No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial Resident Commercial Non-Resident Non-Resident, Non-Profit Resident Resident/Non-Profit (M-Th) Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su) Damage Deposit Oak Room Canvon Room Eucalyptus Room Toyon Room $ 401hr. $ 35Ihr. $ 351hr. $ 35/hr. $ 30/hr. $ NC $ 30/hr. $ 125 Sycamore Room Facility Equipment Usage Fee Set-up Fee Application Processing Fee Additional Staff $ SO/hr. $ 45/hr. $ 451hr. $ 45/hr. $ 40/hr. $ NC 40 $ 125 (per room) $ 100-$1,000 $ 30/hr. $ 25/hr. $ 25/hr. $ 25/hr. $ 201hr. $ NC $ 20Ihr. $ 125 100-1,000 $ 100-1,000 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 151hr. $ 15/hr. $ 151hr. 2005/2006 Proposed Fees paw Meeting Room Rental -Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 75/hr. $ 65fhr. $ SS/hr. Resident Commercial $ 60/hr. $ SS/hr. $ 45/hr. Non-Resident $ 60/hr. $ SSlhr. $ 45/hr. Non-Resident, Non-Profit $ 60/hr. $ 55Ihr. $ 451hr. Resident $ SS/hr. $ 451hr. $ 40/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ SO/hr. $ 40/hr. $ 30/hr. Damage Deposit $ 200 (per room) $ 200 $ 200 Facility Equipment Usage $ 100-$1,000 $ 100-1,000 $ 100-1,000 Damage Deposit Set-up Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Additional Staff $ 15/hr. 15/hr. $ 15/hr. HUMAN SERVICESINEIGHBORHOODOENTERS Ponderosa and Manzanita Cate og_yr Multi-Purpose Activi Kitchen All Areas Non-Resident Commercial $ SS/hr. Resident Commercial $ 451hr. Non-Resident $ 45/hr. Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 45/hr. Resident $ 40/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit $ 35Ihr. Damage Deposit $ 150 Application Fee $ 1 S Set-Up Fee $ 20 Additional Staff $ 1 S/hr. Cate~rv Patio/Picnic Ponderosa ONLY) Non-Resident Commercial $ 25/hr. Resident Commercial $ 20/x, Non-Resident $ 20/hr. Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 15/hr. Resident $ 10/hr. Resident/Non-Profit $ l0/hr. ~-`` Damage Deposit $ 150 Application Fee $ 10 Electrical Access Fee $ 11.251hr.* *Cost covers Recreation Director salary, burden, and bilingual pay. OAK CANYON NATURE CENTER Amphitheater or Back Deck Rental - No Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ SOlhr. Resident Commercial $ 45/hr. Non-ResidentlIndividual $ 40Ihr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 35/hr. Resident/Individual $ 30/hr. ResidentlNon-Profit (M/'Th) $ N/C Resident/Non-Profit (F1Su) $ 25/hr. Damage Deposit $ 75 BeforelAfter Hours Charge $ 24/hr. Application Processing $ 10 2005/2006 Prouosed Fees Page 8 Amphitheater or Back Deck Rental -Alcohol Non-Resident Commercial $ 75/hr. Resident Commercial $ 701, Non-Resident/Individual $ 65/hr. Non-ResidentlNon-Profit $ 60/lir. Resident/Individual $ 55fhr. Resident/Non-Profit (MI`Th) $ 25/hr. Resident/Non-Profit (F-Su) $ SOIhr. Damage Deposit $ 7~ Before/After Hours Charge $ 24/hr. Application Processing $ 10 CAR SHOW $ 5 per car One Staff Person Required for Every 100 Cars $ 16/hr. per Staff Member Field Use $ 15/hr. DOG SHOW $ 3 per dog Staff Costs ~" $ 16/hr. per 100 dogs Field Use $ 15/hr. SPECIAL EVENT BOOTH FEES Environmental Faire Commercial Spaces $ 35 Community/Non-Profit $ NC Electricity $ 20 PICNIC SHELTERSlOPEN PICNIC AREAS Open (4-Hour Mmunum) Picnic Picnic Shelter Area Non-Resident Commercial $ 23/hr. $ 20/hr. Resident Commercial $ 19/hr. $ 16/hr. Non-Resident $ 15/hr. $ 12/hr. Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 9/hr. $ 6/hr. Resident $ lO/hr. -first 4 hours $ 7/hr. -first 4 hours ~, $ 9/hr. after 4 hours $ 6/hr. -after 4 hours Resident/Non-Profit $ NC $ NC $ 9/hr. after 4 hours $ 61hr. -after 4 hours ADMISSION/TICKETFFES SWIMMING POOLS Weekdays (1 Hours Weekends 3 Hours) Under 18 $ 1 $ 2 Adult $ 1.25 $ 2.50 Senior Citizen $ 1 $ 2 $ $ Youth Swim Punchcard * $ 27 $ 30 admissions $ 43 $ 50 admissions $ 82 $ 100 admissions Adult Swim Punchcard * $ 54 $ 30 admissions $ 86 $ 50 admissions $ 164 $ 100 admissions 2005/2006 Proposed Fees paw OAK CANYON NATURE CENTER Nature Center Group Tour and Programs Self Guided $ 1.50 Acorn $ 2 Polliwog $ 3 Discovery $ 3 Explorer $ 4.50 Field Studies $ 5 Nature Patch $ 6 Birthday Brigade $ 10 Nonrefundable Deposit $ 10 (per group of 30) Outreach/Grou~p Pro ms Classroom Presentation {up to 45 students) $ 45/hr./l staff Assembly (more than 45 students} $ 65/hr.l2 staff Mileage (one-way to an off site location) $ Up to 15 miles $ 15 16-25 miles $ 25 ..~ 26-35 miles $ 35 36-45 miles $ 45 BeforelAfter Hours Charge $ 24Ihr. Nature Center Individual Pro Junior Naturalist/Trailblazer $ g Seasonal Family Programs $ 8.50 O.A.K.S. Summer Day Camp $ 80 Refund service charge (no wait list} $ 5 Late Registration Fee $ 10 Transfer Fee $ 5 Afternoon Adventures $ 4.50 Tykes on the Go $ 3 Nature Hikes for Tykes $ 3 Art a la Naturale $ 4.50 Canyon Explorers $ 4.50 PEARSON PARK AMPHITHEATER "` Just for Kids Adult Senior Citizen and Child Season Pass Live Theatre Performance Adult Senior Citizen Child Arts/Cultural Programs AdultlFamily Excursions $ 3 $ 2 $ 24 $ 15 $ 10 $ 10 10 to 100-based on the cost of event 2005/2006 Proposed Fees pa~0 SWIMMING CLASSES Tiny Tots $ 42 Learn to Swim Classes $ 37 Water Aerobics $ 70 Private Swim Lessons $ 83 Semi-Private Lessons $ 52 Lifeguard Training $ 125 Water Safety Instructor $ 135 Community Water Safety $ 25 Standard First Aid $ 25 Community First Aid and Safety $ 60 Adult CPR $ 25 CPR -FPR $ 45 CPR - FPR Review $ 30 CPR -FPR Challenge $ 20 Automated external Defibrillation $ 44 (AED & CPR) AED Without CPR $ 35 AED Review $ 29 Title 22 (employees) $ 4$ (non-employees) $ 98 Jr. Lifeguarding $ 83 Adult Classes $ 37 Diving Lessons $ 37 Synchronized Swimming $ 37 Lifeguard Instructor $ 110 Introduction to Water Polo $ 37 Intermediate Water Polo $ 37 Adult Lap Swim $ 40 Nonresident Fee for Swimming Lessons $ 5 Introduction to Snorkeling $ 37 YOUTH SPORTS Soccer $ 35 Flag Football $ 35 ~~ Basketball $ 35 Cheerleading $ 35 Baseball $ 35 Hockey $ 35 Skate Camp $ 35 Late Registration Fee $ 5 (All Youth Sports include T-shirt uniform and a participation award} MISCELLANEOUS Seasonal Special Events Fee set to cover expenses Special Craft Classes Fee set to cover expenses Mobile Unit Rentals $b5 per hr. + $2 per craft $40 each additional hour Basic Games/Crafts $b5 per hour per 25 participants + $20 per hour for every 10 additional participants Youth Excursions Fee set to cover expenses + 10% Mobile Unit RentalslTheme Parties $95 per hr. up to 12 participants, $5 additional per participant $40 each additional hour Camp Venture $80 first child, $70 each additional sibling Extended Camp $25 first child, $20 each additional sibling Late Registration Fee $ ] 0 2005/2006 Protwsed Fees paw SPORTS LEAGUES Adult Softball Senior Slow Pitch Softball Tournament $ 265 Slow Pitch Softball $ 499/10 games and 404!8 games Protest Fee $ 25 Misclassif cation Discount $ 50 Forfeit Fee $ 25 Adult Soccer Adult Soccer League Fee $ 170/22 games + 10 per game per team Adult Soccer Referee Fee $ 65/game -three officials $ SO/game -one official I.D. Cards (2 Seasons/1 Season) $ 15!10 I.D. Replacement $ 10 Protest Fee $ 25 Excess Trash Fee $ 25 Fighting Fee $ 50-100 Forfeit Fee $ 85/55 Glover Stadium Tickets (Semi) $ 3 Glover Stadium Tickets (Final) $ 4 Adult Sports No Show Fee $ 50 THERAPEUTIC PROGRAMS Resident Non-Resident Summer Recreation Skills $ 115 $ 150 Summer Day Camp $ 11 S $ 150 Winter Day Camps $ 80 $ 120 Spring Day Camps $ 80 $ 120 Adult Evening (school year} $ 80 $ 120 Adult (summer} $ 70 $ 110 Saturday Recreation $ 11 S $ 150 Special Olympics $ 45 $ 45 Musical Theatre (Per session) $ 55 $ 85 Musical Theatre (summer) $ 50 $ 80 Rec. Your Friday $ 85 $ 125 Therapeutic Instructional Swim $ 37 $ 42 -~ Extended Day Care $ g/hr, $ g/~, Program Transportation (Saturday Recreation) $ 105 $ 130 o ways (Summer Program) $ 105 $ 130 One way (Summer Program) $ 55 $ 85 Autistic Summer Day Camp $ 80 $ 120 TINY TUTS 5 week sessions - 3 days $ 215 5 week sessions - 2 days $ 161 6 week sessions - 3 days $ 237 6 week sessions - 2 days $ 174 7 week sessions - 3 days $ 261 7 week sessions - 2 days (4 hours per week) $ 185 7 week sessions - 2 days (5 hours per week) $ 207 8 week sessions - 3 days $ 283 8 week sessions - 2 days (4 hours per week) $ 198 8 week sessions - 2 days (5 hours per week) $ 222 l4 week sessions - 3 days (4 hours per week) $ 520 14 week sessions - 2 days (4 hours per week) $ 372 S peiial Events $ 25/event A dd tional Staff $ 171, 2005/2006 Proposed Fees paw WEST ANAHEIM YOUTH CENTER (NON ALCOHOL FACILITY) Gymnasium Rental Fees Category Monday-Friday Weekend Secunty/Damage $ 150 $ 150 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 Set-up Fee (Equal to Staff hourly rate) Resident/Non-Profit Youth Programs $ 35 $ 50 Resident/Non-Profit Adult Programs $ 50 $ 75 Resident $ 50 $ 75 Resident/Commercial $ 150 $ 150 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 125 $ 125 Non-Resident $ 150 $ 150 Non-Resident/Commercial $ 200 $ 200 Meeting Room Fees Monda,~sdax Fnday-SundaX Category Daytime I Evening All Hours Secunty/Damage $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Set-up Fee $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 Resident/Non-Profit Youth Programs $ N/C $ N!C $ 30 Resident/Non-Profit Adult Programs $ 20 $ 25 $ 35 Resident $ 15 $ 20 $ 30 Resident/Commercial $ 25 $ 30 $ 35 Non-Resident/Commercial $ 30 $ 35 $ 40 Non-Resident $ 20 $ 25 $ 35 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 20 $ 25 $ 30 Membership Fees Category Resident Non-Resident Child {6-9 years) $ 10 $ 25 Youth (10-17) $ 15 $ 30 Lunch Hour Fitness Program - City Employees* $ N/C $ NlC Lunch Hour Fitness Program -Non-City Employees $ 75 $ 100 *Lunch Hour Fitness Program membership may be used only Monday -Friday during specific posted lunch time use hours for gymnasium use ONLY. There is no charge to City employees for this program. Late Membership (Applies to memberships after August 31 annually) Category Child (6-9 years) Youth (10-17) Resident Non-Resident $ 7 $ 25 $ 10.50 $ 30 DOWNTOWN YOUTH CENTERBOXING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES Membership/registration fees are due in January each calendar year, Cate,~,o •X Resident Non-Resident Child (6-9 years) $ 10 $ 25 Youth (10-17) $ 15 $ 30 Lunch Hour Fitness Program -City Employees $ N/C $ 60145 Lunch Hour Fitness Program -Non-City Employees $ 75 $ 100 *Lunch Hour Fitness Program membership may be used only Monday -Friday during specific posted lunch time use hours for gymnasium use ONLY. There is no charge to City employees for this pmgram. Late Memberships: Applies to memberships after August 31 annually. 2005/2006 Proposed Fees Page 13 Category Child {6-9 years) Youth (10-17 years) Lunch Hour Fitness -City Employees Lunch Hour Fitness -Non-City Employees Resident Non-Resident $ 7 $ 25 $ 10.50 $ 30 $ N/C $ N/C $ 75 $ 100 Boxing Club Membersh~ Category Resident Non-Resident Child {6-9 years) $ 10 $ 25 Youth (10-17 years) $ 15 $ 30 Young Adult (18-22)* $ 25 $ 40 *Young Adult Membership is for Boxing Club Membership ONLY. There are NO Late Term Membership reductions for Boxing Club memberships. GYNINASIUM RENTAL FEES Cat.~;.Y Monday Friday Weekend Secur~ty/Damage Deposit $ 150 $ 150 Application Processing Fee $ 20 $ 20 Set-up Fee (equal to staff hourly rate for 4 hours} $ 45 $ 45 Resident/Non-Profit Youth Program $ 35 $ 50 Resident/Non-Profit Adult Program $ 50 $ 75 Resident $ 50 $ 75 Resident/Commercial $ 150 $ 150 Non-Resident/Non-Profit $ 125 $ 125 Non-Resident $ 150 $ 150 Non-Resident/Commercial ~ $ ~ 200 $ 200 SPECIAL INTEREST CLASSES Recreation Classes at City Facilities: Recreation Classes at Outside Facilities: Instructional fee + 35% of gross revenue to cover facilities, registration, promotion, advertising in the Anaheim Magazine, program coordination. Instructional fee + 30% of gross revenue to cover registration, promotion, advertising in the Anaheim Magazine, program coordination. Disney ICE Classes: Anaheim Family YMCA Classes, and KIPS Classes: Instnictional fee + 25% of gross revenue to cover registration, promotion, advertising in the Anaheim Magazine, program coordination. Instructional fee + 30% of gross revenue to cover facilities, registration, promotion, advertising in the Anaheim Magazine, program coordination. NOTES: NA =Not applicable NC = No charge THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the Ciry of Anaheim this 14th day of June , 2005, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mayor Pringle, Council Members Sidhu, Hernandez, Galloway, Chavez NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None MAYOR OF TIC F ANAHEIM attest: r CITY C K OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~~3b.~