667 1. ORDINANC.E NO. 667 2 AN ORDIl:AFGE :'J::GULATING. THE USE OF PUBLIC SEr,lERS. 3 T ~~ .., .~ ~ .-.~.~ C I if' ~...:. COUNCIL OF T!-iE CITY OF ANAHEI~ DOES ORDAIN AS F01.LOWS: 4 SECTION. I. DEFINITIONS. 5 "In6.ustrlal Wastes" shall mean fluid wastes incident to 6 the opera.tion of roeflnerles, cenr:eries, meat packing plants, 7 rendering ~:ll.5.n t s, f'ru~,_ t .j~r-T>rodu('t '.Jla.nts, vegetable pe.c"kine- nle.nt.Sj, I 8 v e r'e te.t-j 1 e iJY-'Pro~ ;...~c t nlant S J f'rui t ',)8.cl-:lng !)lan t s, creamer 1e s, 9 d2ir:es~ wineries, tistilleriee, ~reweries, chemical plants, 10 Ie undrles, E:.r:( al1 ottler Rimtlpr f.nd dissimilar fluid lrJE-tstes 8.nd 11 se,,".reJ"e or e~'el'Y ";{tnc: ather tL1t:.n C:omestic sewa.ge. 12 nCity" sDF.ll ~ea.n ti'1e City of Anc-!.helm, a Municipal cor- 16 17 18 SECTION 2. ~IIDUSTRIAL WASTE PiRKlT. i I I I ne.r tne r-, - I I l ! 13 poration of tne State of ~81iforn1D. 14 "PerEon II stlc..ll mean neturc'.l y')erson, corpora.tion, . 15 S(-,-~P , L :i.J~m , '.jiAY irJ ~ s s trust, Associetion or other legal entity. No 'oerson s.l:1&11 dischc..rf.:'"e incustric..l \"Jastes into the o~blic seweraf€ system or [:ny municinal ineustrial waste pipe line 19 or \~ii.e 0ity \"littl.out first o"()taining~ a "'Jeri!1it- so to do from the CitJ,! 20 Counc il of t~ie C 1'l~Y )1" AnE.,i.1e 1m. SUCh -')erm1t shall be known as an I 21\ "Industrlal \if,ste Pe;"mit". A')f)lic8.tion for such permit shall be mafe 22! in \\"riting to tne City' Council fi_nd sna.Il Gants.in the follo1rling L 23 r 1n1'ol'rna t ion: I. 24 j. I: L 25 I. I I 26 I: se'::era[e Eyster,; or munlclnal ind.ustris.l wAste pipeline. 27 I' ! 28 ;. 1 ; ~ ..::l ! anc Ft8;.:ement ES -CO unoro}: mate t..a.m0. of l..'lscharg1nr same, together 291. ~~ ~ . L 5. t: jopr:!H t ic,n ~': s ~ 0 ')e1:-~.~': 10& d.s, nnG. such other sim 118.1' dB ta as ( a) Name ann ad~ress of &pnllcant. I.. \ \. 0.: Locstior of connection or oroposed connection with public I , ( c / E':stlmc..ted i:'&llonage of 'u.,Ta.ste~ proposed to be d.ischarged 30 II: t- - :'''!_~ !-,- l"""unC"l"; r'ay r"eau1re r .,,~ ,'... ",; '".J . _.L l. " . · 31 . (d! Stetement of the cha.!'a.cter of the waste proposed to be 32 i i disc.tlllrf"'~c1, includ.1n?: Ruch c;etail in eonn?ctlon therewith 8.8 the fRIlS F, SCHUTZ JlnDElleD liT LA.. 40Z-4D4 IIIIIK Dr ''''IElltA ILDG. ANAH!:IM. CALlfORNIR TeLErHOle 3456 (1) 1 City Council.may reauire. 2 Upon recel!.Jt of a~~:roliee,tion for B.n Industrial vVaste Per- 3 mi t, the Ci ty CounfJl1 sh.sll refer the Be.me to the Cl ty Engineer 4 wile shall in'~eEtl::.'ate trj,e SSfi!C enc ;-J8..1\.e renort thereof. The annll-; 511 !: 61! i: Ii 7 ,I 11 Ii 8 oj !j 1: cant shell furnish such o~her information as the City Engineer ffiEY recuire in 'Jr:~er to juc.}:e hiE inv8sticatlon. In adai tion to suet! 1"e"90rt from tile City Enc-ineer, ti1.e City Council may make such furti~er 1nve8ti~~;'atlon a.s l.t shE~ll deem necessary, 2;.nd ffiB.y require 9 ~I t ., 1 1 -, 118 (..!np.l CB.nt or ~'l S t her or i..~~2 :jf"f'lcers to appes.r persons.lly 10 before ~~he Couneil \ft;i~n respect tc tn.e ELuplication. 11 After the Cc.unci,l hE,.S r'ece1vec;. its report from the City 12 ::!:ncineer f~.na i1E-. s :r:ade SUC!1 f"ul"'tfler' 5.nve 8 tifT t ion as it d.eems 13 I necessary, the f~~licpnt RDEll De fTanted en Industrial Waste Per- 15 14 ,nit in ti'j,e event saiCl. City Council finds: I 28 Ii ,. or. :"~..~11'~-12.1nf:' t~'.i.e intent :::.nc: 291: I: {- ..~ :-. y.) 1 iet.t ior~ in ;-)c; :c"t {.)r:ly, 30 I':: respect to discha.rge of euch 31 i 16 17 18 19 ' be 20 21 22 231 24 25 26 27 32 i FRIIS ft SCHUTZ IInDlllm /IT LA. "DZ-4D4 IlIIlIC Dr AftRltA BLDG. ANAHEIM. CAUfDRtllA TI!L!rHDK 3456 (1) Ths.t there is in t~e sewera~e system of the City unused carryin{~' end treatment ca~Ecit~ ~0t necessarY..for the disposition of domestic sewBfe of the City. (2) ThE~t "C!le EHflount (:1.(1(;. enB.rc:eter of the wastes proposed to disc(i.e..rE'~ed c:y ,~j"9pli(,8.nt ere puch t:.rJ.ct tt.e same ca.n be trans- ported Enc) treE.tee; in s:J.ch F me.nner that e.n effluent will result lA'tlicl:"i c'-:-H.!lTJ11es vri i~tl r;,Jl p.T"nJ...iccole Str- te lE":"lS t;:.nc1 regulc;.tions, End v;.tl:~i.e:._, ~.n ttle oi.1inton ')f ::n~ City ~oun~il ij"~ill not result in e.. n~is~nce nor PLY objectiofiLLle OI~ unnlessant odors alone the ~1ue Jln0E Oi. in t~E v~c1n1ty of trAa.t~ents 91ants and other facilities. t: ~:~ The.t s0.eh -;.oj'E'.stes "iill not ree..ul t in d.amae'e to ,ipe lines E ;;'i.. :::. C~.lf 1'" d.isf)O SE< 1 fa c il it 1e s . The City Council, in its discretion, and toward the end ~urnose 0:1:"' t~':.ie Ordinance J ffia.y grant enC)_ mC\.y D1"C scribe condi t10ns ~rl th wastes into such sewerage system ~nd/o~ !tuniC'1"0pl inc:uf, tri,9.1 v"Bste ~:i'!')e Jines,. .r:~.nc_ ms.j' reou1re treatment j t1lereof by e;.pvlicE~n t f} ;Jef'ore t!'re.nt 1ng 8. !)erml t. ( 2) 1 In the event of c.eme.ncle unon sevlerHge system and munlci"9B,~ i 2 industrial Dine lines ~y severe.l a9~11cants which in the aggregate : 3 exceed tne surplus Cc~.DB.ci Ly of such sewerege system and./or munlclnEl.i 4 1!lE.ste ryi'Je line;:., salc3. Ci ty ';ouncll silf;ll DI"Q r8.te amon[" the severa.1 i 5 ti ~.""'.ij 1 ~ :""" n 1- c i; - '.' ."~.~.... - .... CO! - . 1..1 ~. L tbe c...Vt:~ l1r.l)le c.c?rryln,~-~ r~H-"i. tree,trnent ca.na.ci ty upon an 6 i ecul tEt'iJle :Jasls, ~~Etkln~.> into consideration the total amount of I 7 i In(~.us tr12.1 ':~!&,stes ~f r-.'E:.cti C:<')i')licant p.nd. "che che~recter and quantity ; 8 ! or such '~'Jastes. 9 The City Council shall nave the right at any time to re- 10 0uire any r;ermtttee under B.n Industl'''ie.l ~Jc:.ste Permit to install, 11 12 ..~~ t '. ,,~ i- t ,.:Cl X~'- Po n C! ~, : ..', 'J e 1. m..l. v e e s """','."_ ...... e, \..' 20 me sh scr"(:> en, tnrough which all 1n- dustr.ial lJ.Tastes to be 6..iscn8.1~f::-ed in':;() t~'!e 1)ublic se\verage system or ciny '!iunici:?al industrial '.-le-ste :::l1)e line shall pass. Such sC!'ee~ ! i ! 13 14 s.t1Lll be ins ta.1J.ea un-ieJ."' tIle 6.1rec ti~n of the C1 ty Engineer and 15 'Jr:t;'.J.l ne"..-er oe l'errovec excert under nis supervision. The City 16 (~o un c i 1 rl16. ~r f,; 1 s ere C!. u 1,t' e t ~ 1 e c :) ~. i 8 t ru c t ion, (oJ t perm 1 t tee I s e xpe n 8 e , 17 :')f :.' f3 :Je C ie..l fLf.nhole u"Oor: tl1e se\"Jer "''Ji rye 1 ine or indus tris.l 't~If.!.S te 18 :'_inc H5_j,.~!.cent tel ("remises of DerL1ittee, l'or the 'Pur!!ose of installlnfB" 19 ~;ur~ll ~iCl'een tnere in. 20 In the event thv.t nfter the ~ranting of an Industrial 21 ~f!Jc.ste Perm:l t, c.r i::,rovit.:ec... in t~'.Lis ardine.nee, it she.ll develo!, by 22 "eason of lncre~8e~ flow of ~omestic sewa~e or for any cause what- 23 evel', S{i) t -~he c:,isc..hB.rcin~~:' 01 e~-lch. industrifi.l 't~a.stes in Dursuance 24 I '~,f c;UCll'~;e.r[;ji t cc,used 1;:"0 C'E.rryinf:" IJr treetment cauaci ty of said I. . ~ 25 I: 1... I . I;,:";ei;,:€ r'r..r:.'e sy stem :::::nc/ or mL~n ic ~~~8.1 .1n:: -.lS tr .lE 1 'tva.ste '9J.pe line s to be I: 26 II: .-..... . · i . 1 1 t d ....:xc(;ec..ec J or. ca.uses a. nU.lS~d1Ce or. o'oJect one.b e or unp easan 0 .ors I' 27 IH:.r [:of:(:'i ;;10n8 Blon,. thP l1nes or' in Ute vicinity of treatment ! 28 I>h ~~ t" S_' C ;:;(.91' facil it i8 8, or ,~esul t ing in dame,ge to pipelines or 291': t :le1' l' f<' ill t i9;o, ::1' ~_r: t t~e eve ,-, t '..:.c t E De r'mi ttee violate e 8.ny !. 30 I:..f -",c' nc-cY-isio!1s)f c.,ie :l'C-inance I 0)' of Eny other Ordinence of 31 f 32 FRIIS fjo SC tt UI Z Jlnollm Iff L". 4DZ-4D4 IIIIIK Df ""!lIt" BLDG. ANAHElft. CALIFORNIA TrJ.r:rHDIII! J4S6 ,;'~ .:1~:.; " ~: ~~.. ty 'J i An :'::..r.tf~ iL'~ , State of California or of or uny lcw ~f tae ;. H t ii e Uni t.ed St::.'.. te S ;')1"2 reru1f.. t lc.r~ 1"'\ .,.. '''; .L f..ny a.ny officer, commission or ( 3) 1 agency thereof then, in its sole discretion, the City Council may 2 r.evoke said Intustria.l ~"laste Permit or may impose further concl1- 3 t.1Lons ~,Ttth res~')ect tClereof, tot.:arc tile encl of remedying such con(]l~ 4 tions. 5 The ~'ln&1nf8 o~ t~e City Council whereby a uerm1t is 6 6e...-~led, Sl."lr.ll 'ue :"~onclusive Enc~- final. 7 8t I i 9! 1 10 \ I 11 i I I SECi:~l:Or'! 3. F~EYOG.ATI01Y OF INDTJSTRIAL t~.lASTE PERMIT. :\1'0 industriHl 1~!8.ste ':,e~.:r:lt sns.ll be revoked or furtrler ; l eonc~.it:_:Jns impos€.d unan v. ncr:-cittee ~.".r1t;ilout a. 'Public hearing by the: I i Ci ty tJ0un(~il at v.?h1ch tn.e :')pr:~'~i ttee 8n9.11 have the right. to be Dre-! sent L',"~';~:':, reprepenteCi ;,)./ Fn e:ttorney. Should. the City Council be 12 i edvi sed ot' f~ct.s ~"hi (>(l j.nc lest e LEt 13 I or 'Ct.la.1~ fupt~'~er c~')n( i t~Lan8 s.Ll:Juld. be 14 it 811&.:1 set r t ir'~e (!~{i f)la.ce of 15 of' v."net~'jer SE i(~. ne I"rL i t si"i.Q 1...11 d. oe sucn ~ermit should be revoked I I oublic ~?aring upon the auestion i revoked o~ that such further condit . \ "")e ~.'mi ttee and she.ll CG.u~e the ; 1mryosed upon the permittee, 16 II t i 011 S 8 - J. 0 U 1 d '0 €-" i:: r-o '.::' sed ~ ry 0 n t t"_e 171i Ci"::y Cl,"r& to ~''Jt:i.f'~' ')0L;'i'ct.ee 0:' :3,-,cn tim~ anc, pla.ce of hearinf IS I! to>'~E' uh<,:' ':' i th tile nc t :.Lre of tl',e cl:e:C t:~e s uf'alnst Dermi t tee or c ir- 191! ct;:ne'car:,:es 1,,,,lien j'er')1.re tile ir['T)osinC of :t''...lrther conditions UDon 20 \i L :"':i, ~y I' 01' it. Suet;. ::.0 -~ ie,,;' 811:',11 oe :for"'~arded to De rmi t tee I:)Y 21 l'f:"'-':LS terRG Unltec' St[,te!' "'1: 11 ,'t Le "cL,-';ress r,'ivep.. UDon nenr.i ttee I s I ; 22 Ol".t~.'inf.l ~7;)r)lic8.tlor.: ..'or ~)errni t. The flnfings of the City Council 23 \ ct E:ler. ae ['.rin: f'1f.l1 ':::;c :t'in"l 2, '1f. co~cl us i ve . 24 ! S'gCT:ON 4. Sr~'ItI'LIl'..j{.i :3.ASIi-': PEF~ IT . 25\ i. 2611~'-:l...;.s';:es, ;)r soli..:~t; t11el"'e~r~Jm, in tile City of Anaheim, by depositing 27\: t.(i.~ 9cce in d i tC1.e s or 118 tUl'c.l \'II'atel' cli8.nnels or in Donds for I: 2S1!ev8~)')n tion t,n(; 1:lercolEtion into the f'round, or in beds fOl' drying 291101' by ')!'ocessini" throueh chemlc81 oroiolo&,ical or other type ,i 30 i: 11tl;,eFtmPi1t wor1~s 1'..':.tbOll.t first o.;)"'Ct::.inin~:~ [~ 'Jermit from the City 31 iICoun<~ i::" . An'll ~C[ t ion for such ')"'l':n:.. t SL1&ll be in wri tine, f l1eo. 32 II ii\"li th tl-.lC:" (; i tv (~1E:' rk L!.~c1 6 nc:~ll s t f.:..t e: j! OJ It 18 unlfwful for ,~ny '::'eJ'; son to cJ. ispo se of lndustrial fRIlS lit SCHUTZ !l '1\ }hloom III LAW 4OZ-4D4 IIIIIIl or AIU:IICA aDIi, II AII"HEln. CALIf ORillA I I, Ta.uJlou 3456 i I !I ]1 (4) 10 11 12 13 I! 14 Ii I' 1511'::1 tc 16 ! , 1 (1) Name ~)n6. Ecddress of aonlic&nt. .. . 2 1 (2) Location of pro~o8ed waterways, ponds, beds or works. 3 (3) Character of w&stes to be so disposed. 4 (4:) fJ1ap Ene c.5.ia.r'raJil Atlov:inf. siz.e of ~'Jater"'!ays, ponds, beds, 5 or ~:'.~ 0 111z.:. S , .:_,n() lOct:..tion of' dikes or banks and principal structures. I I I i I j !)rever~t fiu.c.n ~~lIF t3r"t,.Jl'<' S, 7Jon( s, ';::eo-s or works from becom1n~ I ! I: 6 I; ( c:, , .... J A etrlte.rnent ,'::'. S t 0 l'!~l E:. t eteps or nrecaut10ns are to be i: 7 i: !i I: i 8 I; I. i; 9 :: f: t[~.ken to c'n odor or E: ~ree~lnf: .or f'Etherinf ~lace for insects. nuisa~ce In the '.'-,,'vent t(lc':'.t; tde ~ity ~ouncl1 find.s e.nd determines t :lb_t : ( .... \ c; J No odor nuisance 1s likely to result therefrom. ( ~ \ 0) Thct suCh waterways, ryonds, beds or works are not likely t:J oeccme breec.lnr: or c'st.nel'inc '!Jla.ces for insects, End. (el That no nuisance or objectionable condition 1s likely r(-: S''';,.:''' t;, 1 t F~l[:,ll :~:'ran t such ,ermi t ,".Th1ch she..ll be kno~Jn as a Settlinr Basin Permit. T1:le Ci tj' Council ffi&.Y, in its discretion, 1 7 irr~no se condi t. ic.>ns vIi th l'f~ soect to ErJch ne: rmi t re 1a ting to steps 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 I. 27 I: I; 28 t. . · t' t .0 !)8 t l\lCen ~~ 0 l.n E~ ur e .. .t1&.' no nUiSfJ.n.ce, or insect menace or other o :: J e c t ion 0 'j 1 e C' 0 n ':~. i t i 0 r l S ~1 [~11 r G suI t . SECT:ON 5. tlEVOCATIOK OF SErr'lLING BASIN PEP~lIT. 8(lOuld In the f,vent t,::E:t e.ny "~)ermittee of a Settling Basin Permit ! maintain, 0,er~te or cond.uet any weterways, ponds, beds or \ l I v-~ork8, ~ov~r'p.(~~ 'yy suetl 'l:cr~;:i t, in c' manner contrary to the DrOVls10~S I of' t~'~iE Orc~.inc.nce, or- of eny 'Jther ordins,nce of the Cl ty of Ana.he1m~ I I I I i United. St8tes ~r eny officer, cor:-:';;ission or a.gency of the St~lte of I Cali:"ol.t:lr: or of the i:nitec. S::'2.tes,::n'. in f' m8.nner whereby an odor I or of' pny lew or refu12.tion of .tile 3ta te aT' Californ1B. or of. the nt.1.i S L,ne € h[~.6 t.een CT"8c._tec., 01' :lhF Derrn1 tted tne same to become a 29 : breectint' or p'-E;.ther lnr.' ?l.E...ee fer insect s, .::>r in a m8.nner where'~)y any 30 I' ot1.el' nuisancE 01' objectiona.'ole c')n.:::ition 11[.s arisen, then in any I. 31 I, of' sue!l cases, ti1e C1t~t Cour:cl1 may rev'oke such Settling Basin Per- FRIIS fIo SCHUTZ JlrrORIII!Y5 liT lIt... j. 402-4114 IIJIIK or AltBltA BLDG. 1:, : ANAHEIM, CALIfORNIA Tl!UrHD11! 3456 32 mit, .jr l'eauire furtuer con6j.ticns i:;o oe imposed unon the permittee (5 FRIIS" SCHUTZ J1nDIII~YS liT LA. 4DZ-41M Billie Dr AllUltA ILDG. A.NAHEIM. CALIFORNIA Ta~rHD.~ 345& 1 sfter & public nee;rinf in tile manner !:,rovided for in Section 3 2 rJ.ereof, anC:. the f'in6.in:~:.'s of the Ci t~r Council at such hearing shall 3 be 1'111&1 end conclusive. 4 SECTION 6. It 1s unlawful for any person to 91ace or 5 deposit in Eny !1ubllc sewerl, sewer nipe, 1TIe..nhole, septic tank 6 connected w1tn ~he public sewerafe system, or municipal industrial 7 waste nine line withi~ the ~ity of An~hei~ any animal fats, vege- 8 table f'2tS, cree,se, OJ"' ~im11a,r suostances, except vlhere the same 9 shEll be incidentally cont&ined. in domestic sewage from private 10 i ! i homes. 11 12 SECTION 7. It 1s unlawful for any person to place or de~oslt any sand, dirt, ~u6., or earthy ~ubstance in any public 13 se,^rer, p e\~er r.>i De, manhole, sept ic tank connec ted with the public 141 15 I 8C~leraEe systerr:, or :nunicipe.l in5.ustrlEl ~'.~aste pipe line within t..16 .: i tJ 0;'" Ana":-le:im. 16 17 18 SECTION 8. It is unlF.wful for any person to place or deposit in any ryu~)llc sewer, sewer 9iue, ffisnhole, septic tank connectsd '1.rl1~i:l l,he public sewer1age sys"::;em, ~r municipal ind.ustrial 19 ~N&_ste plc.e lint-~ within t.:le City of Ii.nc.heirn, E~ny cl""ude 011, netroleu~, 20 21 22 kerosene, or B.ny' ~-.iroduct of' crude ail, getroleum, or any substance. ~ of v.rhlc.l:l the Sc~.me fOltliiS e. canst1 tuent ncrt. SECTION 9. It is unlewful for any oerson to nlace or 23 24 denos1t in l::!~Y '1u',>lie sewer, set\"erl "(lipe, m8.,nhole, septic tank con- nectec 1;.!itr"i the "'Ju!)lic s~~I.'cre.ce SY8~~'0rr;. 1'ljithin the City of Ano.heim, 25 26 an2::t induetriD.l ......eL=<tee y,.~l'hleh eonl:.eln !f1ore thf;n one thousB.nd na.rts "'Jer mil..Lion cf' e:~ur:!"Jend.eC1. solic..s, 'Jr "'ll:icIl :lE,ve a temperature of 27 .: :n01.e th-::n 90 d.e~-/'re?e F3hren!1ei t, rJr ~..rhier... nc.ve a. pH lower than 28 I: . . !; ?O or T..ii:1~crl c.ontpln T")[-;;rt:'Lcles the size ')f 1~t{lich a.re greater than I 29 I. !' ~!Jill '.:l8 RS t(lrou~';~h .S 20 :Tiesh SC1~eEl1, or ~'lhich contain sulnhldes, or 30 ji. - '~11'11 r>(l c"')ntein '~;ny substb.nc.e '{.!hien is d.eleterious to the public 31 I;. - - . " .., v_ j' 3e1,.\i3rH~.p~e sy-stem of tLe City 'Jf An[~heirn or of 'lI'Jhich the City 1s B. 32 =")(:l.rt :.:WLer. ( .... '\. OJ 1 11 SECTION 10. It 1s unlawful for any person to ~lace or 2 I! aeoosit in eny municipal industrl~l waste pipe line within the City! 3 of Anahpim 5.ny industrit=~l 1rT&stes \vi1ich conta.in particles the si2,e 4 'j1' t1l:icn F.re c~~"ee~ter tl1Ln ~,'ill T>8S8 tl1r()ugh a 20 mesh screen or 5 which will imoede the flow of inCus trial wastes through such n1pe 6 1 ine. 7 SECTION 11. In the event thet any person deposits eny 8 su~,~';stanee in 2~ny ~JUblic Se'll'ler, S8l!!er pi,e, manhole, septic tank 10 ~.jvste ~"~~rye line '!::i.~t.Ll.r:. the :Jity of' AnF.-,he-im in violr::tlon of tl'le 9 connectec-. v!iti.1 the ':-YIl";.:l:c ee~r{erefte system or mun1ci'pal lndustr1el 12 11 nrov~Lsi:,n8 of t:-.;.i8. Orl5.inenc.e, lfl E:d.r~_itian to any other r.>ena.lt1es 13 14 15 16 17 I I 1 18 I I 19 i I 20 I. i: .. 21 I t. I: 22 I: 231' I. 24j: I 251: 26 fRIIS ~ SCHUTZ Jlnollleys liT LA. 4DZ..cD4 UIIK or APlEIlICA BLDli. JU'^HfIM. CALIfORNIA TewHole J4S& I ~rovided ~y ~his Ordinance, such nerson sh~ll nay the City of Anahe~m I I for the ~amaEe csused thereby ~nd for the cost of any cleenlng of I ~?_ny ~'ortion of s&~1.cl "')u';.)lle f-'.e'b:eI"a~f'e system nnd/or munlcipa,l lndustrlal i i ! Wl:1.ste n~,?e line mf:.;j.e r:eceS8B.ry -:~;y reGl..son tr.Leraeof. The City Engl- I neer shell determine tne a~cunt ~f such e2~a8e End costs a.nd she.ll d.e:...i~.'eY' to tn€ :Jct.:unan-:': of tl-le "--:.rernises ~'~ller,~ln said substances we!'p ryl,~:-'.ceci or d.e~.:o8 ited. in sr- icl ?''''~,)lic s6vrer, sewer pipe, manhole, set>tic tank cor:npctecl \-Jitn the nu'ol~;"c sevJcrs.ge system or municipal 1 ~ t' · 1 t 1 neus r~a was ,e ~ pe In the event line, fJ Btetement of the same. thE;. t such OCc.ur.an t fa:Lls to ~c1Y t.he ec.me ~.~!:i thin 5 days after such deli"vel"Y 01 ste. ter.flen~~, ~~i.le 01 ty l~ne~~lneer s11(-3.11 notify the '01 ty Council. Thereunon 'c...e City C'Juncil she,ll cause a notice to oe sent J:': tlle Ci ty CIe!"l-:, '\)y ref..~'lstered eni teC:~ States 1\1e.11 to the OCCUD[ln~~ of Sf 115. "~:lrernl8es c: t least 10 0.EYS orevious to a hearing on tne :::~moun: ')f ruCl: L_8.ma~?"e C:.~1d costs PS cletermlned by the City 30 finds the determi~ation of tjle Zr'[ineer is incorrect it shall 31 CC1:r'ect ttle SGr:-e ~na f.:_x tL.e c:Jrrect t:~r(ou.nt. After cOl"rectinr~ the 32 detel~mination of the Engineer or e.ffirrn.ing tne same if it finds it ( 7) 1 to be correct, the City Council ehall thereupon rr1ve said occunant 2 5 df1?s i.n T!:hiC'tl to pr.'.y (;aic. costs s.nd damages and if the sa.me are 3 not noj/:. vfit~nir. SEia. :i"ive (iPYs then the City Council shall shut 4 off ['r~.l{;. nremises frorr t.l:le use of tne public sewer8.ge system e.nd 5 rnun1cipE.l indu~tr.i~;l waste r:1!)e lines of the City of Anaheim. The 6 hec11inc u!'on deterrnininv :he 8!fi.Ount of such c.amages a.nc1 c.Qsts, a.s 7 herein ~,)l.oviC:..eo., ~~i'lsll .Je puc.llc, E.l"lC. t.cie s:?id occupant shall be 8 e;lt~!.tle(:'_ to '.ie peoresented 'oy .s.n ottorney. '!'he o-ecls1on of the 9 Ci~cy Council detel'rniJ.'1in:~~.. "'ell€" [~.mount of such costs and. damages sha.ll 10 be i'inc.l Fr..d conclusive. 11 12 SEC'IIOi~ 12. CHARG"ES F'OR DISPOSAL OF INDUSTRIAL ~'iASTES. At any t 1me i':lereafter tile Ci ty Council shall have the 13 I richt to me-Ice ctlarges for tt:e Giscn[~.rge of industrial v!astes into I 141 till'" ":'u;)l ic se.,erD!'e "'y stem' of' :..l1e 'Ji ty of AnE:.helm, or lnto any i I 15 ffiunicipf::.l incuptriEl1 :.:aste r..~lpE' line of" said City. The amount of' 16 sueH Ch[i.r~"es, End tHe time 8r:.(~:. ![![':l1ner of tJeiylng the same, shall 'be 171 fixe6 from time to tifi1e uy resolution of the City Council. Any 18 !I I Der-RC'rl V:~lO S1181.2. l."le:fu2e t:; -~~.'t:.y 01.;.ch charges shf'~ll not d.ischa.rre 19 I &.nv ill(' ustriF: 1 'olES te F in;' 0 ~: ny SAver, se"t-Ier' ~lpe, or munlcinal I .... ,. j. 20 J: 1n,~us "1'1.[;.1 vas t,="ipe llr.e l: i :tLir. :iJ.8 City of Anahe 1m, f'.nd upon 21 I d iY'ec t ion of trJ.2 "; it;: Council, t!~e Cit~'8il€ ineer shall cut off I 22 I' t~:ce """:1'ea;1se s of such :"e1'son from ti.if; use of Gny sewer. sewer nipe I. 23 Ii 01' municippl in:'>ustri::;.l ,,,ra.st~.: ,iDe ~ _ine for the diSCharge of nny 24 industrial wastes. 25 26 SECTION 13. . The Ci ty ~ngineer of the 01 ty of Ane.heim Si"lf.~ll ll;::.Ve the 00',aJer ~o tern.nol1brily snut off s.ny premises from the 27 ;"USE' C'~r .. i:'f' ."" . --I ~ n "...... .r'"'...... ',' co "I T 't.:::. , ,- l'- rI / ,.~ ".,'U\"" .l.l...: se\.;r:::-~- c!.F.e ..... ~r S ."IT! '....d._!. 0... . _' v eny municipal industrial I: 28\: WfC t€ "::11 rye line of tIle Ci t~, of A:1B.he 1m 1,o.:here the occupant or user 291~o:c s",e;:J ore:u1ses :'5 ':'1:; cine in sueil '1u'()11c sewerage system e.nd/or !" 30 Im..2r:iC 1"01'1 inc.unriE1 ,';Bste "l1)e line substances in v101Dtion of 31 : t . .:,~E ~-)r':'-:, inE.nce. The C1 ty .":nE:'ineer 8~'lEll l"eport the circumstances 32 FillS ft SCHUTZ JlnDI.~1S liT LAW . I ' 402-4D4 111111 Dr 1l~llt" ILDG. I, ANAHI:U'I. CALIfOrniA i:;': ::: Ta.~rHD.~ 3456 (8) 11 H oe:r'mi tt~:d. DY d w Ii 12 'Ii,. )rovided d 13 11 ~ i Il 10 i] !! ;' I: 14 !i 151! ii 1611 1711 I! 181! 1911 20 I: I: I: 21 I; 22 r FRIIS ft SCHUTZ I1nDD~YS lIT LA'" 402-404 IIIII1[ OP AItl!IICA BLDIi. ANAHEIM. CAUFORNIA Ta~rKDII~ 345& 1 of such shut off to the rity Council P.t its next regular meeting 2 fOllol;",ln[ such shut 01"'1'. 3 SECTICN 14. Any ~er6on violating any of the ,rovisions 4 of tilis Ord.1nance sht~."ll oe c:.eemed cull ty of 8. misdemeanor 8.nd. uoon 5 c () n vie t ion t l:e 1" '.:' 0 ~. . ~ ilE 11 be:) u n i S!1& b 1 e ~~) y e fine 0 f not more t he n 6 Thre0 Hun6red Dollars ($~OO.OO) or by i~nrlsonment in the City or 7 County -Je.il for :-: 'le.l"1i..'1ct at' not rcorp tt18,n t.tlree (3) months or by H 8 1,';.1, . t .. i - 1. ,.l 00 h sucn I'. ne :<nc. rnnr~sonmen c. 9 I i_ .' ....u ; 1 t '.'~ :~ f" 1-' ..,:' .' I i :~"..a.. ~ oJ" ::..... s e 1') a.T" ;~;.. 1.1 e 0 i J. ens e .i. J r ~p ci: su~h nerson shall be deemed every dE;! d.ur1nv any 'Portion of \"'[lich f3.ny vlo1etion of t~iE Or~lnence 1s committed, contlnued or S'J.CLl ')ersan, end SL'l[.l2. ~e ~unlshable therefor as for in tl"lis ordina.nce. SECTlor~ 16. The City Clerk shall certify to the ~assage of this ordinance ~nc BIle_l1 cause the seme to be Dublished once in the ANAH~IM '-3ULLfC'J.1IN, Et dLily newsnaper, pr'inted, 1;)ub11shed an ~:~. co ir e -:.11 e" t e d in L.(l(-; City of ~nEheim, and hereby designated for t ~-~e t nUj""J'DO p e B.nd thirty (30) C..b,YS tL~ereafter shall take effect and. be in force. T tl e foregoing Or41nance W&S a~Droved, signed and attested tr.!.ie . (... . ~ d.ay o f ..~~..i,.t1A-~t;y' '\ __' 1944. r 23 : ATTf~S11: 24 /..., ~ ..(.../" ? ~ -..--..;i~ ..d,;..~~Z,:1 A ~"~""i '; r,,12-yor of the City of Ana.herDf' 25 City 26 27 28 STATE CF CALIFOSNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM 8S. I, Crl.:~rles 8. Griff1t11, City Cler'k of the City of :: Ii Anr-.nelm, do hereby certify tnat tile foregoing Ordinance was lntro- I 31 I. clucec 8.t s.n edjourned re; 'u1&1" rneetine of the City Council of the 32 !; 01 ty ~r AnDheim, h(~l{. on tLle 4 6.EY of ancl i: .: thr::.t ::.rH:~ Sf.1,me '.:b s .')asseo. eno. c;.c:ot'Jtec. E. t :a said. ( C \ oJ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1911 20 21 221 I: 23 I: 24 25 26 , 271, 11 2SIi 29[; I' I: 30 I~ I: I' 11 31 !: 32 FRIIS ft SCHUTZ AnDaeys liT LA" .02-..0.. UIIK UP RJRlltR BLDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA Ta.ePHDlle 345& .., 1 01 ty Council c.le16. =:>n the ~ ~~ DY of ...:/..L/,v~~J 1944, by [' 2 the following vote of the members tnereof: 3 AY ~~S : . r ./... COU:NC ILM:L:N J\. ..-<~...l""-{;.",,,' ..(- ! ..- , :., ..., <'/If.. " " 1.:/ .,t ~{ ,," ., i ~. ~ I. .--' !~~ ~ ..~ --~ tA>;~tT~~. .. '. . .. "' ......,. .. .:,~ - - - r " .; J . . .' 4 :JOES: CCUNCILM.l~N, ~....., i ~_ '... " 5 AB~3E:<T: COUNCILMEN, i 1'~.~ 6 7 8 And I fur-trier certify thDt tile EByor of the City of 9 Anc-.heim sj,E:-ned end 8l)"'l'Ovecl sc:.lc. Orc.lne.nce on the ~ day of ,. :~ -~aA..-, LVIf:......:.~ I' 1944:. IN~ 'tlI :1,::;;96 WHl~EOF. I' ha.ve hereunto set my hand.and ~ I . affixed the seal of SE 16. City of Am',heim th1s .:.:..:t. day Of~o4V/ )1 " l' 1944. (SEAL) ...~_. --.~.. ," 01 ty of Anaheim I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION s'rATE Ob" CAl"IFOHNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) . .uR.1.c.h.g.r.9:....F.l ~.~hl.e._. __. ..___..__... .. ___.___ .......m___...................._ of sai~ .county, being .first duly sworn, says-that he 18 & malE" cItizen of the UnIted States and of the State of Cali- fornia,.oH;lr the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest In, nor Is he a party to the matter herein mentioned' that he is the ' .--.P.~.1n.Q.1:Q.~1....Q.l.e.~.~.. "... A na.:::.~.1.~1. ..B.u~1.ej;_1n_..__ .... u., . .....--...................... of the a..a.nil:l..__.___ neWHpaper printed, p.ublished and circulated in the sala County of Orange that said .. .. .Anah.e.1m... .a11ll~.t.1n... __. ........ ..... __....._........._.................._ is a newspaper of general clr culation with a Ust of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of botb local and g-elleral news and intelligence of a general char- aeter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment ot a parti cular class, profession trade, calling-, race or denomination, or of any number ihereof' th:.lt it ha.t'! bE-en printed and published in the City of Ana~ nenn, County of Or,ange, Stale of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication llel'eto attached; that the . .... Qr .dina.::tCB... .J.o.......6.6.7 ............ ....................___..........._...___ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In said newspaper at least............S?~.~....~~.!?.':!~..___......._.............._ commencing on the_.~r_g.........day of ...J~!.1..r.9.h.......___...___..._ 19di, and ending on the...... __.....__.day of .....0000....._.._........___... 193......, and that said ........1~.o.tu1.c.e.........n.................................... was published on the followi ng days: ..M~.:r~.p...._~.Jm..l~.1.~__ ..__ '...... .... ..m..... ............................uu......u._ . _... ~.... . -............ .... ....... ...... ..... .................... .............. ....-.,...... .....-.-...-;:......................... .' - .--.... ......,:-.!~~ ~ .... ~~~.'.~ ~~~. ".. u... _..:....: : :':~~::~ .::.~.~:.:..~;.~:::~:;..._....m._ #" ~d Subscribed and sworn to before me thls......_.............da)" of <'?~~ a~v-c ..-1:..-, ....' ,-:L('-"~ ......... n......... _n_.... -.u..........._................193".~...~.. _..........~~_......~..(~:tfri~~~- /I · LEGAL NOTICE j LEGAL NOTICE ORDI~,-\.NC~) :\0. 661 pet't'!ole.t!on Into the gI'Oull4, 01' III Cl't7 COUIlI -- I b..~d',j tor dr)Ylng or b, pl'ooe..lng premises f AS on.DJN'.:\~('l-~ I:I.;ql:L.-\'rl~(} through chemical or bloloslca1' dr, sewerage I THl:.: li8~ VV l"l:UI..H; :-;"EWEI~:-;. other t}"pe treatment. works wlth~ dUltr'1a1 w .--.. - lout first obtaining a permit from of Anahell , THI:: CI'l'Y enl':\l ~IL 01'- 'rHg the City ('ounotl. AppltcatioD tor ~ermlnlng , C1TY OP AX.\HEl:\l DC)E~ OHD.\.J~! l-mcb permit shall be in wrltlnw, 6ce. an4, . AS IfOLLO'VS: I filed with the elt7 Clerk 'and .hall aban be J] t SECTION I. nT:;J"I~lTIO~S. i atatc: pant shall ".Industrial . "'.BlOt..S.' sh:{1l tlloO'l:itl! (1) Name and addrels of a.>>pll.. aente4 by . tluld waste~ lIl~:Hj(>nt to t~H'! op.:ru- II cant. of tbe elt: tton of ref111Cl'les. l.'VJ.JUlf'rli?'~. meat .... amount oj . plll'ktng plant...:. rf'ndprin(! l.lfmlS:, I ,(~~ l~catlon of propO'Secl 'tN.ter- shall be tl , fruit b)--pt'odu('tlS plants, yt'l,; ..ta hIe I w a)'.., 'Ponds, beds or worka. SECTIO: : I pa<eldllg plant~. "egt:>uablf-! b~r_p1'1)- (3) Chara.cter of wast... to be .0 ,DISPOSAl duct plant.3. fruit IHlI"'ldn~ plaul8, dif'lposed. . WASTES. . I creameries, dah.I(.~. wiJH'l'ip:l, distil- . (4) ).tap &nd diagram showing . leries, brew~>rie:'!, t,'hemi~'al l\lant~, I SJze of waterways. poadl. beds, '01' C~~cr~ laun.dries, and l:J,l1 oth.~r ~jmilar ami. wllrks, and looatlcm ot dikes or di,ssirnilar 11uicl ,ntste-;:I and 'Hiw;ure banks an'd principal structures. r:a~~:t;l:i; or ever). kfnd othel' thoan domp~tie (u) A st~tement all to, what '.tepa 1 sewage. 0'[' l>re~autlo,;:, aTe t to be taken ~to A':'~~~ "City" shall ml:'ll:tl tllfl Clt.y of. I>~even suc wa erway8, p~nQ., duatrl... ~ Ana'helm, a )1 tl11 idpal. COrp(llaUQn b",ds or works from beeomlns aft Cf Th~ .10f the State af C'l.lit'o'['ni~ odor ~uisance or & bree4IIl" ,01' ty. E J II .. ,-. gathe'rlng place for Inlects, . ,and. the ti I Person ::;~H'1.1l rllNln IHI t 1I.nd :pl:"r- In the event that the Clt.,. Ocftlncll the earne, . Kon~ oorporal1on, "Par~np.t",,:"hlp. fIrm, tinds and determlnu that: to .tlme l: ; : busmess trust. astsocllttlc.\!l 01' othel' (a) No odor nuisance ts likely to Cou.ncll. "I Ie b'1& I elltlt~'. re9ult therefrom. ' tuae to. pi I SECTION 2. l~'.DL'STRJ:\L WASrrE I (b) That suob W6terwa.,.., ponch, dl~har..e I PERMIT, beods 0'['. workll are not Uke1y to be. any. II ewe I No person l" IHIll d i.~'i,'ll1ll'g.~ lnd 1I~-1 come breeding or gatherlaa pla'Ces' tlnh~uc8tl!'ial trial wastes illtu the puhlic ~e\Ver- for inspcts, and . . e. t7 I 'I age system Ot" an~: mu nicilJal "in- (el' That no nU"saltCe or olt'ec. ~t\on of " dustrlal waste' piTJ~ line of. the .City tionable oorndltlon Is . likely' to re- Ie neet, t without first obtaIning It lwrnllt HO I snit, it shall ..rant such >>ermtt: of lIuch p~ I to do trom th.~ Cit:r Coundl of tJH! I whi~h shan be known a8 a SettlfnJr sewer. .e~ Cit~. of Anallelrn. ~Udl Pl'!'nlit ::;hal1 R'l:ain Permit. The City Counot! dU8trtal '" I be knowl1 a~ :I,n "Jmlulit ,'ial \V'I1.';~t.e I ma~"', in ftfll discretion, Impose con-, char... of ,Permit," .Appli('.~l"iol1 fot' Hh.'h 1''''1'-' rlft~ons with 'respect to. such permit C1fSPfT~Y I mit shall bp m:-ldl": in',...ritillg" 10 the relating- to Rteps to be taken'to tn- t e I City CounC'i! and f'hR-lJ f'(YI1t~dl1 the SU'l"e that 11'0 nulea.nee. or' 'Insect the,. powel fOllowing hll~f1I'mat ion: menace or other obJeetklln.able COD- anlllPrem (a) Name 8nd addre~~ or apvli- dltion Rha1t result. ' ' PUu c .e, cant.., SECTION fl. REVOCA TT()N 01' m utkJtcI pal I (b) Location ut' (.'otlneClitlll pI' pl.ft- S}<J'l'TI~ING BASIN PERJ.IIT.' of the Si~ posed connee.'tion "with l>ubli(' ~ewel'- I'll the event that any permittee OC1culPan,tI' age sY'atem Qr muuicipal industrial of. 8. Settling Ba.in Permit .houl4 P a~ he I wade pipe lin.... maintain, operate or conduct. an,. I!JY'~ ~m &1 I. (c) El'ltlnJ3.ted Q'a.llon:lg~ (lr wate'r","a}"'3. ponds, b"B or ''Work., wa.te P~P wal!lte~ proJl()~t~.;J tc\ be di:.::.'llarg'~~cl ('overed It}P sucb 1)ermlt. tn & mL1'l. tlon. ot. tl 3.ud statenH'n1 HI'! to flPP1"Oximate ncr contrar,.. to the 'pl"O'Vlalon. fit En.-Ineer I time of dlfi101w nrillA" ~am€', tl)~ethE:"r t.hls Ordinance. Gr or' any other ()r- cl!ltancelsl,ol with inforllutt inlt a!': to Pl?a.k 11)RdK. rlfn1J.nce of the City or Anaheim or' ounc a~ a.nd such o'the1' l'tiJ'uHar clatl1. as the of any law or' regulation of 'the tonowlng City Coun.en may t'e-qulrf'. . Rtate of Californl& m- of the U.nlted IjIIICTICl I (d) Statenhm t. 0 r the c'hal'~l.d~J' iYf States or any office!",' oommla.lon ingeltaBY the waste pl'npflf5.p.fl 1') ho di~- or agency of the State ot Callfornl& Or nanCt charged. .i.nc.t\ldi"l:~' snl~h dPl.lltl in ftr of the United Statea, or in & of a mlsd connection th"'r~'wil h &-s the City manner "phereby an odor nuls.11ce tlon there CounoU 1l1a~' I"~quirt". has been r.reated. or h&3' 'tpermlttel a fine of I Upon receipt- of applk~ lion f(lr n.n the ~ame to become a bre.dlnJr 01' dre~ .Dol Indu'3trial W Ij ~ t.> . P('!r11l i t, tb ~ City J.rl:l therillg" pta.ce tor Insects, or' In a prlllon:meJ Council Nht,dl l'\'~f..,' thl~ l'ial'llf' to the manner Whereby ani other nul-.nc. Jail, for I City Engint?-t~1.' "')1ft shall in ,.t>sth:'ate or. objec..-tionable ,oondltlon bu thre.., (,3) the saine Il,net I1Hl.k~ 1""'1)0"(" ~hE-rf>ol"" 3.l"lSEm. th~n in any of such cU..' ,fiD. ,and Tha applicant ::ohnll fll1"ni::;1t '::;11....1\ th~ ~ity Council may 'revoke auch: .pers.on a1 O'ther information a;~ th~ ("it~r Enr;f- ~ettHT1g Basin Permtt, tk ..require '8epaN-t. nee.r may require in ')1"<1t~r ,tf) mak.e further conditions to _ be tmpOIIe4: in... any his, tnveflltiation. Tn. :lIMit ion to upon the permittee" att~r' a pultltc' latioh of such report frnm tht" r.it~. f'~l1g-in~I:"I',' ~earll1g in the manner' p~ovlcJed for ted. eontJ tIle City CO\lnl'it ma;\" HllJ K": :>u('h ~n Section 3 hereof, aDd', the .flnd.. perIOD.,"8 further inYe~ti:::'n.tio1J 8.'-1 it t..;'tli'lJ1., lD~S of the Clt,- Cou.ncll at .uob therefor deem nece,.:p.:al'.'". aud Illa~- l't'C.luir'e! heartn~ fthal1 be tl'nat aft! concLu';:' ordtna!lct the applicant or Ms, 'llel' 01' its 01'-1 siye. '...". 8EC'f~( fjoeJ"8' to FtJlflt-lI.t" nersonal1~' bf..f.'..re I SErTJ.ON' 6. It ts unlawful for cer.tlty :tl the Coun-eJl "\~,;j t h "~f'lpect to 111 ~ ....p- D.ll~' person to place 'or d.poalt III dbl~&ft.eb.-l' ,plico.tiC1I1. t p..ny publiC! sewer, "ewer >>ipe,. lI1all" e pu I ~ After the ("t\\Indl ball\ l'l~eei\'ed ,it811 hale, septic tank connected. wltlt BULLET, report from t}H~ Cit)1' El1g!n~er .and the publie sewerage B"tem,... 01' prln.ted..1 has :made fiuch further Jnyp.stlg'a-I Tlluniolpa:l industrial -waste pipe 11" the City tio.n as it (leeJln~ necess1ary, t.h~ ap- within the City ot Anaheim:. ..at -deBll'l1atE plicant shall he Jit"ranted an InduliI- a.nlmal fats" ve~etabl. tat... .N~ thlrtJ' ,(~ t'l"lal Wastp Pt~rmit In tlr~ event or similar suhstances, except -he. ta~e .ftfe B&ld City CUUllcil finds: t-,. "tb..e..MmI, .hall..,.... ..~.f,A1'~I. ...~ ..Jle .9l , Ol That there Is 'In. tbe sewe,rap {ifrie4 "'n, dom.-ttc ..~ .,... ~. SY8:~.JQ' ~t -the City .used car;ryln, pr.iv..te hom~...':' '::', ,'".:..,', ..,'< '......... ..~n~:, t~eatmen.t capa~tl' not n~ce.. ,pCTION. '(. It _~.,..., '.. " ','.: :!........ :-aart .tor th.e dlsPo8tt.~ of domest", al\Y '~1I01l to Ill...,.f'. . ,; ::, '.' ~ ,e~e' at the City.. , , ~ .~'I ,"bot. 1ft"" 01',: "..:. , " ~,., ..". ..' (t),',.~Tba.t the a~oi'nt: and. charaq... ,~tan.Qe tn '."')"', ,abl' . ~-' :,' .... ~.; , ~:';. ~',~e~ :~~ ,;:: ~;tS~:p~:~~~e t~u '>. rle1n~nr~~~ p:;,~,,!t4L. .~....:.. ,". ;, :,~;-: ,:'" ':~ r~&" Bame caD:":.... tr8.ns~rt "...:~e~.: .0r.'Jnuafct~1 j , ...~. '. "',... "::,. ..~d in 'such,.,.. p1~ln)er th .' '1l16~ ,111M wlt1ata tlll'\, :::;r~(~."... , ". ..~' .\1e~t will rg.lt.. whtclJ, "eo h~m. , .,". ~,:... '. ''PI .' /. . II alt apPEISt&tt. la . ':.lIlllCTION." It ..:.. ~ :.:.~~.:r-:~~n~it#."'" ,: ,lb:th.wlfi ~ ,:":;" =a&,D..:~:~~" ".,. ':.'" , .' ,r.~..,t',', In a nuwa,', "';'.. or 8.!l)" 0 hole, .se.tlc ta~lC . . je~toJlable ~O'l" U ' sat'lt odo ".publlc ...we....'..y : al(h.is~ the pipe lines or in' the vlclI1- pad. ,t..4vtrl.1 ...te. Ity, ':ot treatments 'p1am.tll and ol:b.r Iii the QttY of 'A facCUtle.. " .. " ,on, p.~t"um,.:' ~ke ' . (3) 'The.t such wutes Wlll not re- product of'. cr~I" ,01' , l!lU~ .In. danJage. t(( 'plpe Jinel add any ,.U"'t"'Il~.e~ fit" , . .;.,:,' o~_r dl8posal taclt..-. ,'1 ~rm~ a: e.onlltt~,*.llt,.. , ,The, City couogt~\ hi Its .dtscr - .SmpnON : t.,' tt....t '. tl~~""nd toward;~!r.1ft' '.f.Dd,:'of tP.~fl ~~, :&.il,.: J)etl~n to. "PIa.",,'" I. . ~Ii. bite.nt a~'~:,,,,;po.~ of . .!f.,.,'u~lC ..I!.~'r, I!. '.. , .nance, m'ay,; E.' ~,a.lIe ','" :.hlV~.~~~~ ,~e .ta.,* .- . 9 ", '.J~ ;paf~' 'On1y~<, , ,~'(.y pr~crl e ~"P.~"" '. ~'r..ft. :ay _ '.' ties 'wlth.'Ped ',to-dh_he; :e '~y.~ ~,;;..u.hil.' " ,~.n,uch;' waA,tes t.n. :','lftich,' Be_era. ..,..u~' 1rh.loh __, ': ',eYiteln and/or 'muU-tieI'pa1. 'ndu'strl '1. '......./..P&1't. jet..', waite pipe lines,' ....nd . may requ . .,.~<<,cI', so1l41. .. ' treatment ~.here~f.'.by,.~pUcants.. .:t...~.,ture ot,., ,".:, tor~ '&"!,antmP.' a :Pert.rUt; " . ';'. .~'..llren_...1.'l.l' . ' In . the event ot' .4enttl.ncls . upQ.i\. "pH '~C)w:.r thaD' :1;v.. " . ..eW'.~age ,8ystem a.pd municipal it. p~t.Jl_ th. ~ls. .- ..' d,.trlal pipe ltneRby several appQ- Ineater than, '...111, ".' .;; ca~tll which in the aggregate e~- 20. mea." .ore., or; .' '... " , oee4' the IlmrpluJI ic.~i~y ot osu4h .u'p1iI~... 4?r "hl ..._..:!'~ :" ',:.', lewerage sy..~tem &ftdfor' mUftloll$1 BllbHa~e. "hick: I.:~, ' .' ;. wa..te pipe lines, 8&14 City CouncjU" the' publlc. I.~"...;' "'.'.. ,::,' , . sbaU pro rate, alj1~nl' the .severtLl Ctt" of: A~hel"'( ~,jf '~. " , : . appUc:!ant. .the '~'I""le: ca:trYi~g City I. a: part ~il.;'"" ,I-, ,..'.:':. {" "(\'-' and treatment. C~~Y upon Il SmcrtON 10. It. 1If.::: '..' ' , eq~"table basil, '~.Ift.. ,into co - ally per.on~ to pl&M~':-:-.'r! ..ICI-eratfoD the total" amount of t - aa~. 'mUDlcl_l ~U' &11.'-" dustrtal wute. of', ~eh . a:ppUcatlt line wllhln, tli8 "et ' . lI.net the character, ..~d 'quantit-y- Df -Y' tn:~u..trlal ". , .u~,h' waites. ", .. . . '. tafJa 1)artleIVle. the ,: T.l:te City Counell' shall bave tile are 'gr.-tel" thaa" . right at' an). time to require, al\y 8.. 10 m..h se"." , or:. : 'per~J1ttee- ,under', a'D. IndustrftLl pede t~ .floW' of! t",. ._' '. ,', , " . r.' Wa.te Permit to ~.t&11~'.at perm... th~oJ1gh l!IIuch pipe Itil. : ,_,'.', "; tee". expense, & "10 ,mesh' .cre~. SB~1:'ION II.. la. '. "aI" ~ through which aU ~du.gtrlal waF.l~. any person 4epO.I~{="'"'''''''' ~ .. to be 4tachargect. tl\to Ute ~ubt1a In ~ft,. publlft .~,,~;:; " .,' ':. ' .ew:erage' Bystem 'Q~, .a~y ~UIlICi!" -l m&uh<1Je. Beptlo ti&nlf :." , . ',' , , " in~ustrlal waste'" ,.,. line' sh' '11 tll,e. 1>>ubUQ ..wer.... .. .. J..- ' ,l'a8s. Sqcb sCreen'..alJ, be In_tall '4 nlclpal tndu,tl'l..ot .._te ...... ~;... und,r the dlr~lo~,:,<ot the City EtJ.- ,w,1thin ,the C.~,. of ....11.. 'lii ,~"! gl~t'.e:r and sha.ll, 'n~.r be' renJ,oy,d ~&tlon' of tile pro'tt.'_~ '.r,.t... Or-' ,flx~pt under hi',I '.1Jpervls!on. Tte d~-.noe.' In a44ftI0ll: t,. QF ....... City CounoU ,maY'. ,.1'0" .r('(lufre t . .pe~l~.. >>ro'l'l.e4 . W :~... 18'- I ccm~tructlon" ..,t ',>>.er.pllt~ee'a .,;.. d.t.n$.lict. suell p.r.o.... ...n .,. tM 'Pena.. of, eo special" .1Da"l,101e,: uP.'" Ott)'... of A.nabeJm..,. tlte .~ I the. .ewen" 'DIve 1bte. ',or tn'dufIlfJot...l' 'cau'3e4 thereby ancl.1kw tile. __lit-' ., u i SC~~~g':~]~:t' t~;~'~~~~~~- ~J~d -:~~-;~~~ :~~ie~.I~t7.:~~~~cv~:~:!f.~.S:; A.~~~s -~. -~R;;;I;~------- l ter ('If the \\"flsttelll l"'ropos~~ to' be pipe. manhole, eeptlQ tan1c CObneet.:. Clb' CI.rk of..th. Cl~Jr of Anaheim. 'j rfiflrharged b~~ applicant Rre such ed with t~. .PU}tllc ..,..,.... .,.... '. .....0.- '. ! that t.llP. SRme (lan be trnnsported tern.. or numicl.,al tad_trial .W&ft_ STA.'I'. 0. CAIdFORNIA .) I nnd treaterI in such R. manner that 'Dlp~ Une .,.,lthht .tlle Clt7' 0.' .A.B.';' '.CO~'I"IOF .ORANGB )H. 1n.11 flff1nent will result whi'ch Com- helm.. .' . ': . ~ITr O. AN'AJlJDIU .) . plfP.F with alt apPUcAble State laws SECTION' :J.' It. .,.- lIftla"f1I1.,..' .1, CurlN E. Griffith. Ci.t)" Cleric I and "pgull1tion~. and )--hic'h, in the any. perso. ..to :plaa.' .01" :depo8lt t.. of .,the. Clt,. of. Anabelm, do hereby II opinion of the f'~ity COl1nl~i1 will not any 'PIlbllc .ew8~i ....e. pip..' mall. CfrtlfT ~h&t the.toregoln..Or4inanc8 T(,IHTlt in a. n\lisanC'e nor a.n}" ob- hole. septlo' tank. .COft*,ecte.c1 with the. .g. .lft~o4uce4 at an adjourned .Il~dfonabl(l! or unpleasnnt odors public ,,~w.r""e' ..,..lte....: 0.1" m...I"- r.e8'1l1ar meetllle of the Clt)" Council .. Rot o'n~ thE'! p;pe lines or ill the yicln- ):Ial f'Ddullt~l..l "alite. pl>>_' 11M ....Illa-. of the cttT of ADahelm. bel&! on the t tt~,. of trefJ.tments pla.nts and other in the ctt~ of 'A-..I\ellll. alQ"'. J'I'''..' 11th day of JaQuary. 1.8t.. and that t f:uAlitiel1l. oil, pe~ro"um..' "k'e~'.... .or .tlJ' the .a.e 'Was paufJd and adopted " ( 3) :rOOt l; 11 dt waste~ \d J} not re- ! product ~f. c!~4. ,011. . ,petE:oleum, .r' at .. replar ad.i<1ul'1led JD"tlng of !'tult In danHl.g-~ to pipe .lmes and any.. .ubil.tall~.e. fit wlllch .tb.'...... .~ Clt~ Council held em the 29th I othp.l" disposal faci1iti~~. ~rms... e.GnBtltuent......rt.. ',' .'. cia,. of ;rebruary. I'.., by the f.ol- I. .The Cit:r Council,. In It=" dlacre- SECTIOtJ..: ,~,' :It., fs ~nlawtul', for. 10".111, yote .of the member. there- tlon. and toward the end ot tulf111-. any persoll to. place 01". delaoslt,.,'" of:.. . . . In~ th'p inte,nt and purpose ot thls any publiC. .6w.r. .ew.1' ptl"~~ man... '. Aut: Councilmen P e & r SOli, Ordlna.nce. maY' gl"ant 8.11 appHca- hQle. .1!I.'P~lc ~~ .~nllectecl "IUt the ....I'U8.. . BODe7. V... . Wa.l'oner, 11fon 1n pa.rt 'Only.. and m~y prescribe public .;...~'I'''ft. .,.it.. within th ....-ht&D! ' f"'ondltionA '....iO, rp"JterA: to. di~charg.e Cl~y '01...A,&'h.hn~ . ..7:.' '.adu.tJiat '. NOBS: Councilmen, !lone. rff. R1H'h lVn~t4'\R i,nto !l!Iu("h l'!E'werage w~te. ,..b~oh colltalft'l'ilol'e tbaa. on.. A_JD!JT: Couftoflm.n. 11.01'11. . I ;~n:;t E'U1 IUld/Ol" munidpa 1 Industrial thou...., "rt. .pe....1Itnlh."i.~.ot. ..... :Aft4 I further' certify that the ",-aRtE' pip'" 1Il1es. n.nd may require pended sou... .~ ."h'ch . h.."., ". 'Ka101" tit the City of Al'1&helm I tl'f:\atmf'nt the1."~of bv applicants be- temperature o~ more'( than,' 90 .... .I..ed and approved ...14 Ordinance I fore grantin'~ a permit. ~r....' ~bren1\elt .01' ''''hlch. haYe a _~.'tbe. .I'th' day. of' February. 1944. 11' thE'! evp.Jlt of dem.Ll~rl.N upo.l'1 pH 1. ower than 1.0 or .J1.1'Cb .oj)nta;IIl' -: ~N wt~Nm88 WHEREOI'. I haTe i ~pwel:ll~e .~y~t~m and municipal in.. partIcles the ~I.. ~t which'. are :llereullto Bet my hand at'" affixed I tlu~trlllJ P:Jl~ lineR b}" Hcn'raJ applf- ~reater than .Ill paw. throuah.. the .eal of .~14 City of Anaheim ('Ullt!"! wh (t"h in the 8..ge:re~ate ex- 20 mesh lore6D. or which coatabt thl. Slth day of J'ebruaJT. 1844. I c~E'.d the 111l1rTJhlR capacit~. of '3uch sulpht~e.. or whleh cOlltalft iLilF (SEAL)' . ~f'\\'p.rAg-€! ~y...;tt~m and/ol" municipal aubstance. ~hlch.' Is' .eleterlous". to .' CHA-RLBS II. GRtJTITH. 'WRf':tc rdpe llnes. satd eft).- Council the publlc. sewer... lyet.1If et th. ~Ity Cte1'k ot the Clt" of Anaheim.. Rhall J.lro ratA 18.mong the several Clt,. of .ADahebn .... of which the Puft. .,IIa.rm a, 18".. RppliC'nnb thf:: available ('a'rrying City is &. part ~llfjr. . '.' I . and treatment capaoity upon an SECTIOJr '10. It. I.; unlawful 'for f'Qllita.b.le hasls. takIng in to con- an,. perIOft,. to place or depoelt. 1ft sfdl'ra 1.1011 the total amnunt of tn- au'.". municipal !D4u.trl&I'''ut. ,.". . du~triRl Wa:At~8 of each applfcant llne within tile 'eSt": of . A.II&h.'. 11'lnd the t"haracter and Quantity ot any industrial :waite. which con" SUf'll 'Wltf!ltf..'l!'. . tai.n "Partlcwle. the II.e I of wbleb The eit" Council Fthal! ]lave ~he ar~ greater than ''''111'pa.. .thrGu.h I rig-l1t. at an~' time to require an')?' a' 10 me~h scr..n.o!'.wl\tcb will fm-. I: pt1rmfUpe llnd~r n'n Industrial pede tb_ ,floW' of .indultrl&! wut.. \VU:'ltCl pp.1"mlt to install. at permit- thtoUgh ncb pipe 11ft.. '. '. , tpe'!IC f~Xpf'on!El~. a 20 DI(:Rh Hcreen. SECTION 11.. In. tbe eYent tbat ;1 hrOll=-h 'whf~h an fnc.1113tl'iu" wal!ltes any person deposits any. .ubstance t.o bA dblcharged into tlH~ jmbUo in an.;v publfre. .~'Wer~: .ewer ,flte, I sewern.rce sy-stArn or any municipal mallh~e. .eptlc _nit cODfteete4 with 1 Inrlustrlal 'waste -pipe line shall the pubUq 8."'.ra... .y.t~M or IDa.! I. flallls. Such ~creen 'sha.lI be installed nlclpal fndullltria1. .Yute pipe. Iht. I.lndt'J' th~ dire.ctlon of the City En~ wfthln the C_:t,. of Anahef1D In "'e"'! Jl'lneet. and 8h:1.11 never tIe removed latlon of t~e proYI.lons ot..thtal 01'-' ,",xoept und~r hbt 8uper,,-ision. The 'dilJ&noe.' In .a4c1ftloa: to- allY other I ('it.~~ ('ounniJ may al~o 'rt>qutre the .pen1Ll~le. '. provided . "" . tbl. Or- I (,O'nSh'll(.tfOIl. at 'PE.'rmHtet'-!'s ex,... dt.n~nce. such per,on. .ball. pa" 'tll. L prmsE'. of n ~peclal n1a.nhnle upon C.lty of Allabelm. . for the d"IDaP I thp. p.ewt'1" pipe line or industrial' cau'3ed ther.by.. anti 'f01" the. ".t .", wal'ltp line R.djacent to TH'rmiBell of a~y cIeanlne. of. anT-'Portlo*, of ..... permit.tet"', for the pUl.'pm:;e of In- public sewer.c. .Bystem &"d/or ..... stalUnJ{ I!I1('h ::Jcr:een thpl'E'in. n.lclpat. Indu..uta1 wute pipe lIa, In the enmt that after tbe grant.. . ma.d~ nec...azy bv r...on thel'.e~- iog of an Industrial 'Ya~te Permtt, The City .~nl'tft..r "all ..termlne &s provided In this ordinanoe. It the amount .ot .uoh 4all1a... ... ~hal. develop by reason of incre....d COlt'S aad .ha'll 4811.,11' to tile oc.. flow C1f domestic sewage or tor any. cui>>ant 'ot tlle prem"" wh.ereln. '.'. Oa.UI!H!, ....hatever. that the .dls- .ubstal!~e..: 'We.. pt..ea fir! .4epOillt- r.harglng of such fnduslrla,l wa.te. din. .alNf public .."'.1', ..ew.r'p.... I in pursuance of such permit caused ma.ntiole. ..Pttc' taft1c OOftl'l8ot.d wltll I the carry ing or treatinen t capac~ty the pub1fc .e"".ra.... .,..te. or ,-u. of said sewera:ge systenl and/or nfolpal In4u.trJal.,."ut.' pip. lIa.. & mun.iclpal industrial waste' pipe __tatement of the.... la .tll. Un~s to be eXlCeed:ed. or oaUS6'3 a event. that .uoh' O.........t. tall.. to nUIsance or objectionable or 'U'll-. pay the same wftbl,,' .1 ..,.. ..ft. I pleasant odors or cO"J1.ditions along such . delivery ot .tatemeet. tbe Clt. the llnea or in the vlcin.lty of treat- Engineer IhlU, 'Dotl" \. t,. .CltF ment pknt. or other faclJltle.. or Cmmc,tJ. Ther..." the Clt7. eoa.. I resulting In d.amal'e to pipelilul8 -or cl1 'shall 0... ;..: botl..' ~to It. ..at other facUities. .or In the event 'tl\ll.t by th.. City Cle~ )y r.....t.r.4 a: permittee vlolfl,tea any ot. tbe Ul;llted Statell XaU to tbe' '.,oaouPaDt I provisions af thl'. Ordlnanc., or of ot said pre.l... .t l_st 18 4&71 any other Ot4i!l&nce of the C~y :f)f previou.. kI ... . ll.H'-'.s oil tlae . .Anahehn, or any law of the State amount of ...ucb ......~e aacJ ....ta I ;fa~ll~:::;' r-=ul~fi~tho~ ~:'fi!- 'nd::tr~~~4:':'.~h..~ltV'~&:I"'~. , floe.!" eomml8s1~ or agency. theM- -ball taJt........4....*\...~. . '1 o~ thell. in'. :Us 801e diRel'eUoD. tile of. Bueh 4........: ....~ .,!if. ..d' ..... CIty Counell may revoke. ..il '111- termlq "fIletllll' tti. .... '.. 4,t,," dus~rlal 'Vallte Permit or may 1m. mlne4 bv. the BuI."I': S.' corl'eet. po.. further oo'ndltions wltb' re- If. th. Couaotl "'" tit. ...riIl...... spect thereof. . toward tb, '-bel' Of tfOl'1' of tb.' JI".....I' t. '.wr.et I remedying' sucb conditlon'B. " '. shlLI'l .co,t.ot t.. ,..... .C.. tl~ t" The finding. of the CltY,~tlell correat 'a.oqnf:, . :. 4ft. ...,...1 .' Whereby a permit f. den.ied. .ball be the' elm""t...... of tit. .... cone} ualve and tfnaI. . . . or aUII"DlIJl.r'. tbe ......; It ,_ 1111"" , SJ1CTJO:N' 3. REVOCATION OF to be COI'~ the 'Clt, .CoIIPiell ., lNDUSTRIAL W 48TE PERMtT~ thereu__' dye ...... ooou,.t I". a No f114ustrial waste permit a_all In which:" 10 ._.. "I....v eo.,. . , ' be reToke4 or further ooft4Itlop.., d~m..... "~'" If the .... ........ Impo.,d upon & J)6rmittee without a 1"1;14 wltlda ..... fl.. tIa,,1 t... DubUc hear1n.c b,. the City 'CODAcn at which the permittee shan' !lave th.' rlcl't to be pl'ese.nt ant.. ..".'1"-. 8ente4 b,. q ..jtof'ney. Silo,", th"- City' Council tie II.dvised of facts which IncUcate that such. .P.8t"mtt sh<'UlcI be :revok.d OJ' thl,t funker r.o1l4ftlons 8bQuJ4 'be ImposI' upon the: permittee. It .hall .et." tilDe 1J,'D4 pIa" of DubUe heartnl' .'. 'uPQn the que.tl()1\ of whether -14 >>trlJ1lt should be revoked or. that ."eh', fur- ther condition. ahould be '._"_'d I up~ te permltte. and shall oaUle the City Clerk t() notify ~rft\ltt.~ of llluoh tlm'~ .."d place ot b'&I"lng togethe" with the nature of the charg.. all'..ln.t permltt.88 or eip.. CU"'ltaBee. which require th. {IJ$.. posing ot furtlt.,r conditlan. upo" him. ~.r ct" ft. .'ueh BottO. _...U b. fOl'warcled to .rmltte. by ...,t.tep. 84 United Stat... lIal1 at . elM' -.4. dress given u:DOJl. >>ermltte.'." _Ig.. IJRtl appUcatfoft .tOr! Ite!'mlt... Th. fhidlngs of the City COu.Doll':at .DCIt hearing shall ,. th1&1. ..nd 'eonclu.. alve. nsC'I'1OIf ' 4. Im!''1'x"tlfQ. .."'SIN ,.JallJ4tlf . .It Is' unlawful (or "ny .pe,101t. to 41~Do,e of' Ind..trlal w.....tItI. ol!' l!!Iolfd$ therefrom.. fll tll. .etty ..~ An.fu,Itl11. hy depo_tUft. the ...me lifJ dltebes ~ natu".t ..atel' csbllJlel. or tI'l .poa4s fei' ,U''''pOI'.tt~ ut