71R-225 BESOLUTlON N04- 71R-225 A RESOLUTION 01' mE cln COUNCIL OF rHB CITY ~ AJlA1n:'{)f DErn"J..1UNG ITS IRJmm:ON TO HAlE Cllll'l'~'1)T IHrll.OVEllBRrS DIme 1'BB AUTBQBUY OF mE sn:BET LlGBXING ACr 0.. 1931~ DESCKlBING mE IHrI.OVl.HlUf.rS TO B& !fADE. NAKING THE SDll'tS lJPON 1iUCB mE DtrB.OYEHJSltCS AlE TO BE MADE>> BEFB1UtIRG TO TIlE BEPORT OF mE surERmrll1mENr or BTBEErS ON FILE. IN THE ODXCE or nIB cxn CLDK. lUD1G mE PD.IOD OF TIHE lOll WHICH mE tHPlOVE- :MERrS AlE TO BE lUDE, AND SEftING A nHE AND J.tLA.CB FOB.. ~~A~ PIO!ISTS. lIIEIIAS. the City Council of the City of Anaheim i.s of the opinion that public interest and convenience requires that a portion of the street lighting system be maintained and serviced upon certain streeta in the City of Anaheim. as hereinafter set forth; and .JlV'RA~~ the City Council did require the Superintendent of Streets to make and file with the City Clerk a written report with regard to the contemplated improveaents; and V''R'R'RAR. said report of the Superintendent of Street. _8 approved by the City Co1mcil of the City of Anaheim on the 25th day of Kay 1971, by B.esolution Bo. 71R-224 . and filed with the City Clerk; NOW, ~DO., be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Anaheim. a8 folloWSJ 1. Public iDtereat and convenienc.e dou require that improve- ments be made to certain property in the City of Anaheim. and the City Council of the Cit.y of Anaheim doti hereby declare its intention to make the following described improvements under the authority of the Street Lighting Act of 19.31. 2. !he improvements to be made are the maiDteIl&D.ce and servicing of an ornamental type street lighting system along and upon the following streets wi:thin or along th-e boundaries .of Tract No. 2451 in the City of Anaheim. to wit: lIA.HnON STBEE'l. 3. A report of the Superintendent of Streets has been approved by the City Council of the City of Anaheim and is 011 file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. designated IIStreet Lighting Haintenance District 1965-2-B.1I Said report contains an estimate of the Ci>8t of the improvements and incidental expenses for the period of time the improvements are to be made. a diagram or map showing the. street affected and showing each lot or parcel of land abutting such street. a proposed a888sament of the total amount of the estimated cost and expenses upon the several. lots or parce~8 of land shown on the diagram or map in proportion to the estimat.ed hanafits t:o 'ba race:lved 'by each lot or parceL of land ~or the period of time of the improvements. and plana and specifi- cations setting out the general t~e of street Ughting system and the location of the lights t.o be serviced and maintained~ and reference to such report is hereby made a8 though set forth in full herein, and all persons are directed to such report on file with the City Clerk for more particulars. 4. 1'he period am time for which the improvements are to be made is hereby set at five (5) years, to coIIDD.ence on or about July 1. 1971. and to continue for five (5) years from such dat.e.. -1- c: .:- '- ~.. ....... ~ ....~:"..........;,:. ..........~ ........-..... _............._..._......--........_...... -..............~.. _____.--......io'o.. ~..................._-...-...,._.........-:r~..___... _I"..'...."'.....~~ AND BE IT lUUBD. IESOLVED that the 29th day of .June 1971. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p.m. in the Cound.l Chamber of the City Ball in the City of Anaheim, is hereby declared as the day. hour and place. when and where any aud all persons having any objections to the pro.poJled improvements or to the ..ae8sment as set forth in the report of the Superintendent of Streets. may appear before the legislative body and slww cause why the proposed improve... menta should not be carried out in accordance with the report of the Superin.. tendent of Streets on file with the City Clerk. Protests must be in wx-:Lting and must contain . description of the property in which each signer thereof is interested, and be delivered to the City Clerk not later than the time set for the hearing. Protuts may be againat the proposed improvements or against the estimated amount of the aBSe8t1ment. BB U )rU.lCl:~1. RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Streets of the Ci.ty of Anaheim shall cause notic.e of the improvements and of the passage of this Resolution of Intention to be conspicuously posted along the lines of the contemplated improvements. at not more than 300 feet apart. but not leas than three (3) in all. and such posting shall be fully completed at least ten (10) days before the date set for hearing of protests or objections. The contents of such IJDtice shall be in conformity with the requirem.ents .of the Street Lighting Act of 1931. BE Ir Jfu.l(tliU. BESOLVED that the Cit.y Clerk of the City of ADaheim be. aud she 18 hereby d:Lrected to publish this I.eaolution of Intention by insertion in the Anaheim Bulletin_ a daily nawapaper of general circulation, printed, publi..hed and circ.u1ated in the 'City of Anaheim. Such publication shall be not less than ten (lO) days prior to the date of public hearing as set forth in this Resolution. ~ FOIBGODG IBSOLU'll:ON 18 approved and signed by me this 25th' day of May S 1971. .~ . '111 Pro-Tem ~ '. ;1' i I .j.~. / . . err- CLlCJIK or m~ AllAR'R'OI. ....2.... . ..-~~. ..:.......... .':":"0111 ..:...... ..~..................:~II~....._..........--~._~.."*'t--_...................':.L._.~.~.....~~~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY OF A!~AHEIM ) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk ot the city' of Anaheim, do hereby certify that "the ..foregoing Reso-lution No~ 7lR-225 was passed -and adopted at a regular-. meetin'g of the City ~ou~~il' h~ld on the 25th day of May ,. 19~, by the -foll.owing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEi'l: Roth, Pebley,. Thorn and..'Step~enson' . . NOES: . COUNClIJiiEN: None ABSENT: COtJNCILMEN: Dutton . - Pro-Tem AND I FURTHEll CERTIFY that the Mayor/of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the_ 25th day of May . ,. 19~. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have' hereunto set my han~-and' affixed the seal- of the City of Anaheim this. .25th .--day(of. ... May 19. 71 .. ~~iE~-ot~OF ~AHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, dt,'--hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7lR-225 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on May 25, 1971. J "')' - I~': -- ~~.. /II g~ City Clerk ..... .... " '-r-.. .,: ........... .Mo... .!....................-... .... ...._....._... ................ ..........,;,- ......._.._.... _ _. ............ ...,............ .,~ .""".:.. =-..... ......~.......,.. .