709 ,,.}'. f'to...._ ",. , 'Vfl1~,I""~'""", . ...........~ ..' .""~'...~,.., r._~ ... .~.-'~ \) '.~;i. 'I .lV o.:lr::blI':~' ~~m 0:1' A..AD" .un: G .I:C'I'rON sBftJr '(Y) ". oJd)IKUCB NUMBER ..,.. Tsm . CITY COUNCIL 01' 'tHE CI'l'Y OF ANAHEIJ[ DO_ ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectioa 1. That Section '7 of th e Ordinance No. 702. of the City of Anaheim eutitled "An Ordinance of . the City of -Anaheim defining 8.nd I EstabUshinc' Parking :Meter Zones; Provld,lDg for. the Installation, Use I and Control ot Parking Meters; UP. . laUng to '1'raffic and Reculating Use of Public Streets: ProvIding f.or Enforcement and Peftalty for Vi 0-1 laUon Thereof.... Is hereby 811ftended to rea.d all f'ollows: Section 7. Except UPOI'l th.e holi- days hereinafter menUonefl, it Is un- , lawful. between the hours of 9; o'clO'Ck A. 'M". to 6 o'clock P. M. of i any day from :Monday to Saturday. both iDe)uslve. of any week. to park, stand. or stop any vehicle in any parking space adjacent to which a, parking meter Is installed (othel. than.. paftjng space in a Fifte~!1 Minute Pa"fking Zone, the nsf' or which is gnverned by Sectioft 6 of Ordinance No. 7G!); or (a) For more than sixty conl=;e- cutlve minutes on '..OH Angelp.s Street. and for more than sixty r-nn- secutive roinutes on Centp.r Street in ; the City or Anaheim, CalU~1')rnia, t.~- ; tween E~ily S\reet 8.Jld Clementine I Street: or ... (b) For more 1ha,n two hours (.11 all other streets in:the Cit~' or An:i- heim, Califoornia.. (other t.han Pill. 1, - ing space in a fifteen minute park- ing zone, t.hE> use of whkh i~ g:f)\'- erned by Section <<; of Ordinan'ce ~I). 70,2); or (c) At any time dUl'ing whir'h such meter is showing a signal jndi. eating that such spa(~e is illegul1v I in use (other than such time f:S .il'\ necessary to op.ate suc:h meter Vl ~ show leg'al parkmg): or i , (d) Without immediateJtv depo~it.. ! . i'n.., upo'n entering. Buch foIpace, Qne I or more IOne-cellt coins of the Unit.. I States of Ameriea or one fivP,,('e'llt. I coin ot the United Stat~s of Anwri-I ea. Tile provhdons of thi~i Sa'cl inll , shall noOt be opf'rativE\ or in flll"'(O i upon the .following holiday::;: .lftn-1 '1ary first, 1\.f8~' Thirtieth. ,J 1.11~' [,ourth, first Monda.y in septemlWl"l1 September ninth. November eIPVE'Il- th. ever~r day designated anfl ~('I aside b~r the Prelliident 01' t.he Un i t E'n I State as a da)' of Tha.nksgiving, a nrJ December. t.went.\-.fiHh. Section 2, The City Clerk ~h~ II I eertify to the p1ts15age of tll ii'i t)rr'l;. na.nce and lilIhall ~ause the ~am<:; 1'-' : be printed and published Cll1ee in lh'~ ; .Anaheim Bulletin, a now;"';llapp.r 0r I general cil"(~ulation, printed. publish-- ed a.nd circ.ulatpd in ~aid Cit~. f1.nd thirty (3(1)) c1a)"~ from and a ft.PI" I its f.ina) pa~~age it shall take eff~ct and be in full foree. I Tke foreg.oing ordinal1l'e W8:::: np- roroveEl and signed h~- me this J.J i day of .ltebru.an', 194 i. , C'HAS. A.. pg.\..n:--;( I:\;. '1; ~ta~'.or of the City vf Anaheill1 ATTEST: , CHARL.~S 1~. ttRfJi'}t'lTH, I ! City C1Pl'k of the ("it~. of Ana h ('.j I'll 8TATE Oft. CAL1Jj'ORNIA ) . ,County of Orange ) s;s ! . City of Anaheim ., ) I, Charlel!l E.. <l;riftith, City Clerk of th6 City of All ahelm. d() hereby ('.rUty that the ft\re.oin&,. Ordinan{'e w... -'ntroduced at a rel'ular. JIleeting of th. City CouJ1Cll ot the 'City of AIl..hollll~' held, qD the 28 day or .J&1iu.l"Y,'.19.'1. alid that U\e. same wU, palled and ..dopt"ed o.t a regu- 11&1 me.tinK Qt ':aald City l:.ol.1n~iJ : held on the 11 ,: day of Febrllan-', ~ 19.4:7, by the tollbwln. v.ot& 6f the ! member. thereof:' . AYES: Counctlme'n: Pearson, Me~.- ing. Bo'ney, Van Wa'g'oner. NOES: Councilmen: Noone. AU.SENT: Councllme'n: Pace. An'd I furt'her oertify that the MR. ~ yor of the City of Anaheim 8ign.~d i and approved said Ordinance on the : 11 day of February, 19.'1. 1 CHAllLES E, GRI}t'~'lTH I City Clerk of the City of Anl;lheim. Pub. .Feb. 19, 1947. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) .._.R_~.Q.b~rd F1sohle of said . c~~';;t;:"'b;i';;;'. 'fi';;t".d'~i;.'~';~;~:";~;~=-th~i.'h;-i;-'~ male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia. over the age of eighteen years; that he has DO in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter. herein mentioned. that be is the : · Pr1ncioal clerk . _ ...... .......... .......:.................._........ ........ . ........ '''''''''' ....... ........... ......... of th.a _. . AO.ahe.iIIl.. ~.ul~e.t.1n_...... ..... .... m......ou............................... ~--.-da.1-J..:v...... newspaper printed, published and circulated In fne sa"td" County of Orange that said - -. It. Ra he.1.m-.. .S.ul-l-e.t;.la.. -.-..-..,..--. ...._....n............_................... is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers, and is pubIlshed for the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the Interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it haR been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the . . _ Q. r.d'::' _oan.c.e...l\.a......-70-;t..... n..... ........................................... of which the annexed Is a printed copy. was published in said newspaper at least._.._.....Q.D_~.....k_~.2.yJl......................._...... commencing on the_nl.9.:th...day of ..E.eb~ua..:'.~..._......- 19 !J:.1 and ending on the....___u.......day of ...._...._..._._.__._._ 19 n'_" and that s.ald ....J(O.tiC.B_............................................. was published on the following days: ...~~_ ~J~...~. ..__l_9 .........1.. Cj.!tl... _._ .__.......u.nnnn_n...._.................................... ;z;?~:.::~::~::~:::: . d Subscribed and sworn to before me thll!l.r!.Q....._.....day of _uu.__ ..2...4::.---------------uT--11'/'-2 -.-m..--nu---+~,ftl~4 7 8 9 10 11 ,12 13 14 lIS Ie 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,.. 1 2 3 4 e ORDI~l.~J: ]f0. ~99 AI 0_101 or ~o, 'If:IIdPP s.d .: :~y... . " " fIlA:"': d..., ' .8 Section~. That aeetioD 7 of the Ordinance No. 702. ot the Oity of Anahei_ entitled I'n OrdlDaDCe of the 01ty. of Anahel. defining and J:stab~18hlng Park'lng lIeter' Zones;., .Provid1ng for the ID81;allat1oD. Use !IJ1d Oontrol of Parking Meters; Relatl.ng to ''.l'raff1c and Regulaltlng Use of Pub110 Streets; Providing for. ~nforcem.nt'and Penalty, for Violation Thereof.l, 1s hereby amended to read as fol1oW8~ Section 7. Exoept up~ the holidays hereinafter mentioned. it i8 ~lawful,'between the'hours of 9 o'clock A.~. to 5 o'olock P.>>. of any day from Monday to Saturday, both inclusive, of any week, to pett, stand or stop any vehicle in any parking space adjaoent to whioh a parking meter 1s installed (other than a parking spao,e in: a Flft.en Minute !a~t~ng,.ZOD.-j' the use of which 1s governed by Section S of Ord1na~o.'.o. 702); 0% (a) For: more than sixty conseout1 ve minutes on L.os 22. .. lngeles Street, ant. for more than sixty consecutive. minutes on -1- ...u........... ~.... ~... ..~.. .:.-. ~~l~..:._~ ~.. _ ....... ._...... ...-~.n.:...... ~ .":'_...' ......~._..-=w.-...... ~........... 1 2 3 4: 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 115 18 17 .18 19 20 21 22 23 24 sa 28 27 28. 29 30 31 32 spaoe, one or mort on8~oent ooins of the United State. of America or one five-cent ~o1n of the United States of Amerioa. The prot1.ions of this section shall not be operative . ' ; or in force upon ~he following holidays: January first, May Thirtieth, July f~urth, first Monday in September, September - . ninth, Jovember el~venth, every day designated ~d Bet aside by the President of ~he United States as a day of Thank.glv~ng, and Deoember tweDty-f~fth. Seotion12. The Oity Olerk shall oertify .to the passage 01 this ordlnano.~and shall oause the same to be printed. and publi~hed anoe in;the Anahelm Bu11etin~ a newspaper of general oircula.tion, prin__~d, published and circulated in 88.1d 01 ty and thirty (30) days. from and after its final passage it shall take effeot and be in tull foroe. The tor,go1ng ordinance was approved and signed by me th1r.. Wll.day of "''bruIu7,1947. ~~~- ...~l.... .---:...1....:.. .....- .........- ~.._~.~...............,.._-........I.. ..~.~........o.:.-......_.... _..~.....":..~ .. ..... ..... .lflii STATI or OlLIFORN,A ) ; County of Oranfe City of Anahe~.. I. 1 2 3 4: 6 I, Charles I. Griffith, QltJ Clerk of the Oity of 'I' e Anahelm, do herebt oertify that the. foregoing Ordinanoe was 7 lntroduoed at a regular meeting of the 01ty Council 8 of the City of An~elm, held, on the ~t~ay of January., 1947, ,s 9 and that the sameiwas passed and adopted at a regular 10 meeting of sald O~ty Council held on the 11th day of ".bmla1'J', 11 19.47 J by the foll~lng vote of the members thereof: 12 13 14; 1ts 18 17 1.8 19 20 21 22. 23 24 2f5 26 27 28 29 30 :51 32 ATlS: NOIS: ABSJ:IT: COUlfeILDI: Pearson, Hey1ng Boney arid Van Wagoner. COUlIdJILJID: lIone COUB~ILKEI: Pace And I f$rther certify that the Kayor of the Oity of Anaheim signed an4.appreved said Ordinance on the 11th day of Fetmllal'J',1947. . ~~- ~ - 1 It 0 e 1 t ~ - nahelm -.........- .-............ . 1..~...:~<tII~."oiAo..6l...... ......~.:.5&-_. ...~