708 - LEGAL NOTICE . ) Lj .ORDIWA..C... NO. f. AN ORDllIA.XCB. or TIIB CITY O. A.NA.BBIII GR.Alft'ING TO LOS ANGELES ..C .SALT LAKE RA.Ir,. ~OAD OQIIP AXY A!fD 1'1'1 LE.... 8EB, unft. P AOIJI'IC BAILROAD AND TIIEIR IUCCRSSORI AND AIIIGNI, . A JrBA.NCRI8ID" TO CON- STRUCT. :MAINTAIN A.ND OPER- ATE A SPUR' TRACK ACR081 A~ ALLEY BETWREN aROADWAY AND . IANT."- AN A ITBBET IN THB CITY 0.. ANA.RBI,., C011KTY 0:1' ORANGE. wrATH or CA.LIII"- OR.I.&., AT TBB LOCATION DID!- CRIBED IN TRB ORDBa 011' ~ KA.ILROAD COHMJ~IIO]!f 011' TRB STA.TE 0.. OALDrORXlA AS CROSSING 50. t3y-....o.n. THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OJ" ANA.HEIM' DOBI ORDAIN AS l"OLLOW8: .Sectioll 1. That a fran-ehia. b. ..nd the sam.e ia hereby granted tG the J.OI Angele. alld kIt L&k. Rai1rGad Company. a tGrporation. and. it. 1..- see. Union Pacific RailrGac! Com- pany. a ~orporation and their IUC- eesl.or. and ..asigns to construct, r.- co'nltruct maintain aJltl oper..te tor a periotl ot SO years, .. .pur track at grad. acro.a aD aUey between Broadway and. Santa Ana' Streets. which 8aid alley extends e..ste1"ly a.ntl westerly from Atchison Street' to Kroecer Street. at the location. ~h'Own on .. map' attached to the ap- lication for franchise' and. marked 14:xhlbit uA", a!ld which said 10(:11.- tion i. tle.ignated. ill the order of the Railroad Commission of the 8h. te of California a. Crol.ift&" No. ST-!O. 23-CD. j. Referenc. ta hereby mati. to the I application tor said franchls. and the map accompany-inK the a..m~ on I Cil. in the offioee of the City Clerk of the' City of Anaheim for further o particulars. Sectio.ft t. 8ahl applican.t. ahall bear the entire construction and maintenance expen.e of laltl .'Pur track. Construction sball b. .Qual or luperior to Standard. No. ! of G. O. No. 72, and of a width to con- '1 form to the portion of the aU.y now graded with, top. ot rails tlulh with roadside and. ..rade. ot 'lpp!'oach not exceedinJ{ 1 per cent. Protection ..h.all b. Oil. Stand..l'd. No. 1 Crossin&, SilrD G. 0. No. 7 ii-B. SectiGIl 3. That lai4 apup tralCk te b. oon.tructed. ahall b. uaed for the PU"l'o~e of .ervinc an industry to be l'Ocate4 Immediately .0ut.L1erly ot aai4 ar.a and abuttla.. thereon. Seetloa 4. Th. City ot Anaheim in Iftakine. the arut "f thi. f!"an- chi.e e:xpre.lly r..e",e. .the richt to pave. macadami... remove or sewer aaic! street or lay Ira. tIolld. wa- ter or other pip.. thereon. Such work to be done ao as to injure said track as llttl. .... Jto.sible. Section 6. That the cara upon said Sl)ur track shan net b. allowed to f:tant! 11lJOn said alley in .uch man- ner a. to unnece.sarily outruet the vs. of said alley by vehicl.1 or pe- d.strians. . Section I. That lai4 apur track! IShall be operated and maintained: subject" to suoh regulations and 1'1'0- . vlllon. a. may be pre.cribe'" from tlm. toG time by the Cit:v Coullcil of I th. City ef A.nah.lm. 0 . SectloDll '1. That the IP'&Dte.a here- of by the aceeptalle. of this fran- chi.. h.reby ..gr.. to pay to the City ot A.Dabeim the evas.a nece..ary i tor the publicatloll .t thi. ordinance ' in ,~e "&aft.r reQlllre<< by law. I lMttoa I. T.Ilat tIl. .....t... here- ~ of ~~. tU. with -tit. City CI.rk a : writ.. &ec.pt&nce ., tile. 'franchis. I h......' . pa.t... wttll.I.... tlllrt~ (10) 41rft:~. tll. It..... .,. .thl, ordl. I D.anot. . . ..~.' . 8eetleil I... 'fila' tile' CItT._ eJerk , ahall .ertit)' .. tht ........ .t tllla : o1'4....ae. by two..I"1 Yete: of .11! tht :W(beI'II of tiCI . ! th.l'" :::..~._. "---f 0... ". tl' Coull.eil of J .. . yO.....1l .lIn' _d' aball I cau.. tb. ... to 1"I",1I.lIed ODe. ill ~ ADaIl.. 11.'1.. & neW'.- i pa' 61 ..n....l cl e.1&"em pl'ln ted ; J)ull.be4 an4. elrc latlt _ the Cfty of Aaall.llft, callf~IL . ., 'file ~o....o. ~~...... waa ..,_ pro.......; aDd ....ed,;; --F .. tllIa 14th day' ef Ja.uaJ7, IMT.' . o CIIA& A. p.~ .IIOM o. "'F.~ .t th. ~ OIt,."..f Auh.i.. A~: ,. C~I: . .ai@GI..,.. . tV : Olerk 01. th.. . of- ;A..alaelm BTW' 01' CALI A) . 00 OF 0 '). CI'I'l' G . ANAJD:I ) '. . ..., r~ C....LBa 1:.. .l8'IftI. City Clb -L.' tll. CltT i of 4IIaIa.Im, do .N..... e.rtlfF' tbllt. tIl. 'lenaotBC Or41ftu.e. ....tatr6Aa" 'at .. a4- jou"-, N8Ular ...t_ of tb. City I Cou..u. .,tbe Cit,. .t ~ah.i""'eld oa ca. .'the daT .t .JUU&l7. 1147 aa.' ",t the ....:............. and adoptee at & reaul... ...tlae ot th. CI.tJP C01I1lell ....14 oa tile 14tb' 4ay ef J&lluvt, 114T. It,. .tb.' tollcnriJlI' vote af tbe lIlember. tit .of: . A~~ COUNO N:. Peanoa. Van ~er. BoneYi na. a4 Pace. NO COlJNCILJI : Mo... : COUNC : NOD.. . A. I roR'rHE .C.ltTD'r. that the JIaror 01 tit.. Ily., Aftaheim approy.a ... """eI ... 01"41..'"c8 Oil tile .14th .... of z....ar7, , 1147. l~ .'W~.. WRRIIOI'. I hay. h.reuBto ..t IIU' .a. &.4 .ffizera the ...1 $1 _14 Oit)'" or Aft.betm this lUh 4ay of .rall.af,. II..,. CR~LES B. GltIrl'ITH. C.lt)" Clerk of the City .or Anah.im . PultU.hed Jail. IT. 1147. . AFFIDA VIT DF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )S8. County of Orange ) . ~ .~ Q.n .~r.Q.....~'~:~..~.gJ~.~.~................. ... _ .. n......................................_ of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest In, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the ..r.rJ.n.QJ.Q.~l.....~~.l.~.~.~.... "" "''''__'''_ ......n...................... of tha Anaheim riulletin a.__~.~.~.~.y....... newflpaper pri nted, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anaheim Bulle~1n is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid Rubscrlbers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and ~elleral news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it Is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a part; cular class. profession, trade. calling. race or denomination. or ot any number thereof; that it hal'l been printed and published in the City ot Ana- heim, County of Orange. State of California tor more than one year next prp,r.eding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the .. 9.~.~J.~.~n.. Q_~. ..J~.a.!.. ...1Q.~... ........... ........................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published in one issue said newspaper at least............. ........u...... ........................................._ commencing on the..l.I..t.h....day of ..J.anU.a.I!.Y.._........._.. 19 lA..1 and ending on the................day ot ................_...._..._.._ 19 ...... and that said .........AiQ.t.l.c.e............................................. WH.S published on the followl ng days: ...~..~.n.1-:t. .~~ Y. ... .ll. .J-. ...l..9..41.......... ...... ............................................ ......-". ..-.. -. -..... .....:.. ....~.:~....~~:~.;.~. .....~. ..n:J-J_...~;.-._:;;..:-".L...-;.:....~.~~.~~.~:...m-- . .' ~::~~~~......7:..~~::if.~...~-~~.. Subscribed and sworn to betore me thls..2!..~4a7 of hmhmm...m.~:...hm....h~9 Y...7u. . ...._.......................__~~~....td..~ : Notary Public. . "'. ....... ,. ...,.."'..... . 'I 8 9 J.O 11 Ita 11 1,4 lIS .r"- .. t-_ Ie ~ 11 1. 1. IQ el . u M Ie .. 17 ~., .... - , ". .. ..: ..~ "";. ! t: .: .'*"'R~' .,.." r,." ."C~ lo,y.."'.... ". IJ' . (J . V ~;".J J. ~". .p.H ~ .A;. \J ~ .**.................. 1 f : ~ t--: t : f. ; f' ! I ~ .. . :.; ~ I '~~_, If :\.' s ~ 15 ~~ "'m:;!.~!~~.,..~F tHE._J;TY,0~ ANAI1E!~ ~RAl1TnrG J. '.,.;' ..,08 ..t .....l~l.l..;..;:> ~d oA~T J.iAKE RA.LLRvA.tJ COMPANY P.~ :1'8. ESSE'E, tllIQn PA(~IF'IO RAILR0AD AND. ..' . mj,,"'''1.i1-R ;:.;: "~'-t"':R"'" :.~~ 1\ ":'~"rf""'!"'.CC r. FRAN""HT:"IE TO L~.t..:.I..L """". .JJ:,,\,; .~",., ~: 4.L. ..... &:.'..J~._ ..T.......;;,),~ do ~ . V ....;;) (~:'113TRU , 1~11~INT ft.I!; .:lr:' Cr~AT'E A SPt1R T~ACK A.~P.CSS ~ ALLEY ~~T9iEEN BROADWAY AND SANTA. "1\T~ .........mR ....T 1".1.'- :T\"'n""r', I~T':"Y ,.....-. AITAHE""! t"'c'!"nrT'V' O"\\i! &., D w.L I. . '&'.''''',', \wI.to. J. \,.If '. J...IIJ.. J V U.I.~ .I.' I: ORAliGEJtl~TATE o;~ OALIF~RNIA, AT THE. LOCATION D~SBRIB.. P :~7 Iil~: GF-DER CF Tli::! RAILROAD ~Oli- 1':IS5IC!7t:'~F :'ITS J.trATE :F '~~I.IFCR~TIA AS CROSS~ ....,..a N-' l3' Y .t~J'- ....,-,.; ~ -'. . J. ~~. V . F: - G U . G v.... ~.,J ..l.i . . THE C:i:l't; .:>~:t~IrC:~' :F 1'11: .JITY ~F A~'rAI{EI1: :JGES CR:JAIN t Ad '<'Ol. ..0',,1): Sec"~iC'!lt;l. That a franchise be and t"he sam.e is herety '6rB.nted i: t. '.... ,&,1-, t:: T . ." ~: fl. .,.~. ~.' 0" .. ---. \: ....} V.i.,:' *".,./ r: Ai J.G .::: J. ,~. :.:;, ~nd ~(~ 1 t Lc.:':C: Rai lroad Company, a ii~. ~._ ~~ c.or'~?':):I'ati:'.)n, ~..nc3 1 ~s lescee, 1Jnion Pacific Railroad Company J a '.' :( ~""'r ......Ql'....ti r)D' '.: '!.d .....~l. ,,'t ~.."..."ce. s~..o.,...s !...i..~l!i J,:.j;,:,c:'1." TlCl .to c()...n~tr' ~'.ct, I{:- ;.:. l,J 'J .~ .... i.4 _. _ Lo. .... u ~ \:.' _ ....' i.A."-' . C.4. ""'-... v. -. ..... ~. ~ :J 1...1;;,) ..~,. \A ..... ( cmotruot, t'.&:n-!;,,4t. Lifd r~1lE'r...te :P01' a -:)fr:.od :)f -jo- years. a , . . b ..Yt..:...c track i.i.. t g:r'af.~ hel'O e fi at.:. ".111e~r bet"'~fe'en E~oad'4'ay a.nd Sar.i. t '& . . .... ~a .~ ~ ~. ~ _..f.. S or'" ~ : .N.",: c...... c.~ ....1"' ....1.. e. ",. A~.L. _ ~ _ ~ t: \,.0 , ,. ~.. .........,a wu... c:Lr ;t '.;:1~te~ds ...'t..l'..._4'......~. ft.. h t'c;'li~Qn ;>tre't:.t tQ' K::."o.;.g€r strt::~:t, s.t -the l.:)cation sh(~lr.rn on ~.- l'!~a.p &.tt~.o;-;ed to t1..e Ci:Pi~.l~.,~ Ja;i.:itl. fer ir....nc::itj(:;. c..!'\.d ltLari:ed Exhibit "Au, 5.-.nd "t'(c.iop. si..'..i ~".. lo0~1.ti on l. S o.es ibn.(~ t eel i r:;. the . ~)rder of the Rai 1x :.lad J GO!L...."\iLSicc Gf tl1e.~.t;tc.:.te of C(,;1 ifur:da as iJrossing. No. 3Y~aO. ~3-CD. Refr-rc';1ee it; ~lereby lJ'itt.d.e tr) tne a ').)l:tc~. -tion for s~.id ::~ fr~;;no~.':.~3e U?1~. t1:-:-::..: .~'.'.c.~'.;.~' b.CcJ1!fp(j,n~r~.ng the sCc.n;e on file. in the o~~:f'i\Je . .-:;f :h€': -Ji "t~: C1.er~ ".6f the 01 t:f. jf A':-:-.:c..~.1ei!T. f~~r i'urt.'her particul&.I'S. Sec"':i 'JT'l..; t. -3vid a[i~)lico::to snCf.:l 1et..r '.tne entire ,;on- .' :, str".lct~.<)r: aYl0. i'[iL.If1teni;nce ex ..:.ensB ,)f t-,-,'i(~.. 8 ..~ur trc.clc. 'C'onstructio . . ~. '\.. 11 "., .......... ~ ......... ..,. ; .~.,... .... '-. ;. t' na~'" ru" '?'ra 2 of G ("; ',10 7'2 ; S.~la. ~'e cO'".ll..!.. ..:.1..[ :a....A~T.i.....).\.. ;.,)V i..) ..;., -a .1.',\. .\.1. .I... J . ';.' .. ~... and 18 21 SO '1 S2 ':' ('if a ~,;-idtb to cO"1f~.r:~~ to .~llr:: f;orti'Jn 01 t~e alley- now.graded wi th ...f!t., ,.. .:<. '- '.1.......... J. .J. '........f..i. '" ",1l. l'(H:idslde 8.nd tGrades of a.,p})roach not e~- to::) S :~. ~ .:C 0, i 1 f~ , ..1 ..l..;~ . .Frvt_ptio~ s~cl: ~::t Q1:e Sta.ndard 1;0. 1 Orossing S1cin . c ee..1.i ''1;:~~' . ;;. .:; .0. ,4.....). 75-B. 8~.ctiG~.~ p. ~::'L~..t: said 8.~ur trb.ck. to be constructed st.all ! . a: 1'1 18. It .. . .. as 1M II -- ~ 18 . .SO 31 32 .. ... .- . 1 2 3 6 ~le ~sed ~or the ~+t;cs~ ~~ iLd~6try. tc be lOQoted 1m- ."'. ~ ~ c:- e r '''''; ~;- -~ -I. . ..... ,J I .... . "D tmedi.tely ~0ut~ertt of sai~ areh ~~d ~butti~th~reon. ::-~~~,c t J. (.......r... t',. ~ . T". e ,;.. of t.... ,_..~ ~ ~ .","" e i.,y, 1- n mo-, ~'1 ng~ +h e g. r!:tnt - .... ~... ~J..".... l 'WI' J. Ad 1.1.....;. . __ ~~; ....:. Q.. ~ .I. J V _ _ . f 1 i. of +hi ~ fr.;:;.nc' ice itx~:;reS61:t X€SI': rves th~ :>:i:;ht to pave ,maoadarcize, I '~remcve :)r sewer ~41d stref-t ';''1.' lb.}; bas and Fate:l' or other pioes j, : . , 8 9 l I ~. .,a,~ + .. i - ..c.. . . · ~ t k ~l.iC!J. ,,"O~~ ~Q GE (~()rH~ so (....8 ~C lr~.J ure sala. rac as ~: i ! ; ::: t~~e I'eel} . rlittle as 9QSSib11~ Section ~. lj. : T~tt :the carE up0n faid spur tr~ck ~hall '.~.'...'.'.not 1:-e. ;;.11u""l'.e"~ +() ~+'-.n(l q.it....t":"', ':.: :..id. alley ir... such. m.b.nner !!~S' to - ....... \, ~ .....t;;r; - -- .......~... ~ .. ~ O~'. w- 10 t~unnec€ssE.l'ily ;Jb::t.lxhlCt .-t,'Jse d' t:"dcl alley by vehicles or ~. :. U 18 la .};pe.de s t r- i a.ns . .j;- . Sect-ton C ~. That :s6.id SiJu.r t:CfLck arH:.~ll' 'be oper6,ted c:..nu. ;." . ~;'jnCil. i Ii t a'l nee.. S "1.1(; .J eo tf ! to L;"'.l.~h ;i-ee;;u.lc.tions ~nd provis-1ons LiS may 'be l' :;.preacr: ~:)eci fri)~~1 tiJQe to t irne by the Ci ty Council of the 01 ty 0f :'i~nah e i r::. cleat i on ~i. Th~ t th~ ;;ran tees tel eof by the accept.anc€ ~f .tbic fr~n~h~6e ~~r~by' ~g~ee to pay to t~e Oity of. Anaheim the . . fexiienses necessaryf-. tc:~" the i;ublicCl tion o! this ordinance.. i'n t'b.e .:J1o..nner :: a'i ui re<.4 1 y r ~ a.~'l . . ; ., : dection'~ Thb.t the ~rantees' hereof ,shall file with ~'he City Clerk . wt~tten ac~eptarce nf the fr~.richlse hereby :: i ..ranted. lli th:.TI tti~~Y .( 3G) ~Q.:iS after the IjaSea~e of this or'dins,!lce. oecticn 'G~~ That the City Clerk. shall certify'to the passage. Q'f this orc.t~:1cnce by t':Jo-tr.irds ~Tote of, all the members ()f . . . . .. -... .. . the C'1t.y C '~'11ncil 0:(: t~;~ ,:;i ty I)f Ani.i!ie1.rr a,n(~a shall cau~:'e the StiUlE ~o be pubJ.ished on~ In the Anaheim 3ulletin., a nel'iSpaper of genera Oir'cu.lb tion pri nt r;q~ _'~yJbl ished bnd c~rcllla tad in the 01 ty of Anahe1 Oa11fornia. .. The fore~ing ol:'d~nance WE...S appro~ed .and signed by trie this l!a..day ::..f Jai.1W~I'Y ~ , 1947. Oity of Anaheim . ' " 'jIP 1 HAS 01' OALUOIUlIA ~ ~ 2 gr;r~~=:: . :J Ie. :5 It CIW\L1J'~'I, tIlIft'Ift. Cltr Clerk of the Cit,. of AIlah.i.. 4. .. bere'b7 oertlt7 .t the. torep1DS Or4.~oe was la1:l"04ue" at. aa ~ alJo.r..d'rega1ar -+et1ag of the C1t7 00UD011 of ~. .Oltr of ADAb81. 6 _14 OD tU 7th 4&1', of Janual'T, 1911-7 &ad ,bat the .... w.. p.8se4 7 &84 &&opted a' a r.~ar ...tlag of the 01'7 a..nol1 J1e14 011 the 8 lJt.a da7 of JanurJ't 1'-'7 t '" the tollowlft1 yot. of the ._ber. 9 ..reof= 10 ADS: COU.CILIIE_: 'ear8oa, Vaa ..SOller, Bo.." ..11a. aad Paoe. 11 IOEI: OOVlat~: Wone. 12 .SD!: oonOILIII!tI* BOA.. lS ~ I J'UII!BD a_TIft t1:aat the MaJ'O!' ot tbe 01 t7 ot 14. MalIel. approTed UiI dpea 8al4 OralDa1loe Oil the 141* 4a7 ot 15 .JaB...,.. 19J&.7. IB nUZIII U_O" I lIa~e Mpe.to .., 117 1laa4 ... affix tile ...1 ot sa14 C$t7 of AaaheS.. tl11. 14th 4aJ' of Jamaar1. 19-'7. 17 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 96 as WI 18 ~eia 29 30 31 32