707 1 2 3 ORDINANaE NO. 707 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SEOTION 22 OF ORDINANCE NO. ~73 ~!D REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 706. 4 5 THE fJITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 SECTION 1: That Sect10n 22 of Ordinance No. 573 of the City 7 8 of Anaheim, entitled "An Ord!nance Providing a System for the Assessment, Levy and ~}ollect1on of G1ty Ta.xes for the City ot Ana- heim" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 22~ The Gtty Clerk ahall, E1..S soon as the tax rate 1s 9 10 11 12 fixed, oompute 1.,nd enter in the e~sessment boolt.t in dollars and ~ents, rejectln~ frRct~ons of 8 cent, to be paid as a tax on the .orol;)erty therein enumerated., and show the total s.mount of tS.Xf!S assessed in said ~lty. 13 14 15 SECTIO~ 2; That Ordinanoe No. 706 of the City of Anaheim, 16 entitled "An Ordinance C~~ t~e C:1tv of .Anahe1m Amendln~ Ordinance 17 No. 573 by the Repeal. of Seotion 22 thereot" be, and the same 1s 18 hereby rep~~led. 19 SEnTION 3; The G1ty Clerk of the C1ty of Anaheim shall certify 20 to the passage of this Ord1nence and cause the same to be published in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper of general ciroulation, 21 22 _printed, pub11shed and oirculated in the 01ty ot Anaheim, and thirty 23 24 (,0) days fro~ and after 1ts final passage it shall take effeot &nd be 1n full for~e. The forego'lng Ordine.nee was app~oved and signed by me th1s__;L4-t 25 26 27 28 January ~~_...... -' 1 q'~ 7 . "-- day of 'l-'~ Q L/"~~ 'lato 0 h 11 ty of naherm ~ 29 ATTEST: 30 31 32 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUW,y OF ORANGE ) 88 . 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 3 I. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, 01 ty Clerk or the 01 tJ of Anaheia, do 4 hereby oertify that the toregoing Ordinance was introduoed at a 5 regular meeting of the 01 ty Counoil of th8 01 ty ot Anahelm, held on 6 the 10th day at Deoember, 1946, and that the.same was passed and 7 adopted at a regular meeting of the City Counoil held on the 14th 8 day ot January, 1947, by the following vote ot the members thereof: 9 AYES: 10 NOES: 11 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Van WagoDer, BODe" Heying and Peoe. COUNCILMElf: None. COUNCILMEN: None. 12 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the 01 ty ot Anaheim 13 signed and approved said Ordinance on the 14th day ot January, 19~7. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 15 seal of said City ot Anaheim th1s 14th day ot January, 1947. 16 ~ ~- -l~~;- 0 - - - e -- 0 nahelm 17 ( SEAL) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 .:.l ~rt d' t 11.: LEGAL NOTICE .1 . ORDIN_".~CE NO. 7'07 I ' AN ORD'NAl\"'VIt~ OF THE CITY en'" .'l'\A.HEI."M AMENDIN"{i 8~CTIOl\ I SI OF ORDJ.N ANCE NO. 5'7a A:\ IJ : R.2PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 100. i THE \~ITY COU~CtL OF" TH P1 ~1'rY i OF AXAHEIM DOES ORDAIN A,l;:i I, l!"'OLLOWS: SECTIO~ 1: That Section ~~ or I Ordinance No. 573 of the Cit~r or I Anaheim, .ntitled "An Ordilla.nce III Providing .. System for the Asses~- ment, Levy and Collection of Cit......I.. Taxe. for th. City of Anaheim" be a.nc! the lame hJ hereby amended to read a. tollowl: Section ~2: The Cit~r Clerk l!Ihall, i IlII lIoon .a the tax rate i~ fi xed, i '.'."n1pute and enter in the RsseHS- i Iftent book. in dolJa,rs and cents. l'e- i jecting fractionl of a cent. to be I paid as & tax C)n the property there- in. enl.lmerated, and show the totRl ! amount of taxes aueued in _aid i dh'. : SECTION :: That Ordinal~ee :So.; ;OS of the City of Anaheinl. ~ntit1ed "An Ordi'nance of the City of Ana- heim Amending. Ordinance No. 573 by' the Repeal of Section 23 thp.Te- ot'. be, anel the same i. hereby re- pealed, SECTION 3: The City Clerk of. the I Cit~. of Ana.heim sha.ll certify 1IJ I. the IUul!&l'e of th.is Ordi'nance ami (''tuse the same to be .published in t.he Anaheinl Bulletin. ~. daily new&pape-r ot genera,1 cirCUlation". printed. published And drculated in th~ Cit~' of Anaheim. and thirty I ;W> d.&)'S trom a.nd after it!!! ffnal pas. : sage it shall take. eftect and be in l full force, : The foregoi'n&, Ordinanr.:8 WR" a.u. t proved and signed by me this lHh I day or January. 1947. CHAS. A. PE A.RSON. I A.TTE:r~yor of the CIty of Ana,heiJn. I CHARLES E. GRIJt"'FITH. ! City Clerk f)f the City of AnahtJim. . ~ STATE OJ' CALIFORNIA) I COUNTY OF ORANGE ) .1. I CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the. City of Anaheim. do ,hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinanc~ wa. introduced at a J'('gll~ Jar mp.etlng of the City Council of the City of Anaheinl. "held on tht~ ] Oth dll.Y of December. 1'46. anrl that the aanle was pasl:Ied aud a.~oPte,d at ~ regular meeting of the CJt:r vouncll held on. the 14th day of January. 1947. bY.' the following' . vote of lhe ll1emberllll- thel'eo:>f: . A YJ.::S: COUNCILMEN: Peal'ROn, 'Va.n . Wagont'~. Boney, Heying and PHce. NOES: COUNCILMEN: Non~. ABSENt.; COUNCILMEN: NOIlP-. AND I FURTHER CERTl}t"Y that t~. Mayor of the City of Anaheim 51&,ne4 and approved said Ordinance Oft th. tUh day of .January, 194~" IN WI~NESS WHEREOF. I have J1el'eunto l4!t my hand and Affh:f:'!d t~. .eal or Bald Cit~r or ..-\118heim tnla. 14~h day of ,TantHtJ";\". L31.. CHARJJER E. GFUFJo"'JTH crt~. Clerk "t the .~i,ty ..oC. ',A'nRhpim, rubo. ,ra.n. 11. 1941.' .. (SEA L) AFFIDA VIT OF PUBtiCATION , . I V n Il :\T 1 A. } )...... .). ) ..... . ...... ... . .:;....ac... ,;.lJ~.. .' , h..in~ first duty ~\,.n fl, ~ay~ ..f.lInt lit" is a .,. t.lIe United ~tat.t.~. alld of thE' :--itah' 01" Cali. i' ! i:~. a.l'!:e of eighte en years; that I',., has no in- is he a part~. to the matter her"'!I! frH:lltio!wd: t ;. 'I ~ ...., ~ ~ 1-1 j,";ul. .L .. ' 1.,.1 I . I-~;~-. ~.".';l1-~'1 nt=>W'l'fLI't>r I'T illte'j l.l.iltiISlH~ll . t . : n !.' ,)!. t)! a 11":"C H Hi [ l" il i Ii il(] {:.rcllat~.j _ ! '5 . ~ .. .J~d.l_.L1.~ tl._.. ...,,;,'a,"'". Ofg-l:.~l1f>,'ul dl,'ul~t\t)r: wl~h a list. of paid ,:"." '. ;'i ~l.i is published for t.1lt' disNf'minaUon or both .i _.,.r,,' ;"a; 1It'\\'S and ~ ritellig't.'IH~l~ (If a ~enE.,-al \:har- i.. II lit. devott'.'d to t.ht-' .'ir-.t€'re:>-ts or'J)ublished t()r ., ':!;.{~l!t "f n pa:-ll,'ula' 1'1a~~, (lroff's~ion. trade. '.;,.'t.. ,:0' denorninaticHl. or of an\' number thereof: ':'!' 'i"I"!1 printprl and pllh!i~h.'CI iil thE" ('ity of Ana~ . o:,n\.. ..f OI':<I,nge, ~taL." of Calit..nnia f..r mure lha.n ':,". ~ ('!'f'f"erJin~ th,. fir.~t .hl.~' ,.)f thp puhlkation , ,. ... h.". i: ! h;1 t t h.~ ":- ~:. ~.. " . "' :"5: , .d; 11i_: L ~!: I ! !. .. ~ i !'l ': .. ...::..' ..- t . . ;.. ,~ t . 'f.. ,\. ." I. ..,.nllese'"! ,f. a ;) drltell 'opy was. puhHi'thed in .-" ~':. ~ .. ~. ,..,},.' .,.,'.:.q',,"" lit teaRt .hP. . -2....l.Ll... da.y nf tJ..~..~~....&.J' ....-;..1iH~ .")n the. da~ .,f ";~) :.. ~. c t,-' "0.'" ~i ~~ -: ~ ,lI.; .:ti.....t s,ni.1 -,!; -: l,..d on tt\,.. folio wing- (h.y~. .. ~ ~... .. .. .:1:: --:'" . ~(!~i....:.;., st:. . \.' - '. -:0 ....WrJrfl tt'\ bt!fc.u"t. n~e thi9J f):~ day of '..~ 0*, ""o..f:. ....~. ., =: }-;r.. ~'. -t+-o -~. ~9 Yl A~':h-4Mrf~hit~,f , .-.... ......~."........... ........ r.