706 ^ :: ;~::, 13. Th~:.,. th~r'~< ta ~:1a hOl'(i;~ ~:,o ~.B t: ~;':.:-:~ .~;." :~o:<;; "..~~. : ::'::~r'J~:<':..J:;;. > :t~\' 1 tk;,..~y', i , n:;7 0'" FO:..h. Qunts, O!..O rl111 l4JJ~. C~4.;..lu 11t~J.:.'..). ....,.~ I... ,.. "".." :..'.iJ:.A:)UU,;:..h.....:,lJ....LJ ,. .~....o (,<<:\.)0.. ._,;",)1' - l~. .1...-) d ('\"00' 0"') D lln,..,', "',b tl ~ .j.....'I" ., .rJc1 '.0'"' r."'.t- . ,..~' 'I) .......('1 ""I'" ~, '.. ....... cao!1 One ah1\.. 0' 'i.;..J.. . ',) .,0.. (,,1: u C,:.L" 10 . l..i.'h,~':~"""",1' V '-,.......lh.(,.I.r:LOn \.:.:. ,.1. .: J. 0~_:. lluu. 1)" . .:< .~... e...~";,y '"11 tl1~.n tllO c Ol"'pO::'~D. to ltr:l :i. t D (if t;11C: C :'. "cy e'f' !s.11[3.1t::; ~'.. 1:1, c;-~c .:~:. : c~: 11;' t: H:~ p:{'O~C). ,Y ~~ ~ ;...~~:iC~Od terr1tol'"'Y' as c.1csol~ibG~\ Etntl. a:.)pr'o"v"od b:7 Or(1'~nD.no(1!1 Ill' . . "0 1~56, llYHJ. G-/[J, . ~l' ....~t:'.)ose of payltl~~ tllG elHltlrtl ~"r~t~~;l~eot of tIle 1r.c1c.J:;tcwlCGS of an:'.;.. ....:itit 111,cn:......j~~cq._ for' ~ .. ,: 0 f c;t tens ions ["......id irnpl'ove me 11 t s to the we. tel' \lorks of said Ci t:{ , to Co th e:::.'" w1',:; 1. . >I,~. . ... :,:~::~:1(~ed tcntl1n 0/110} o:f Ba~<l 1ndobtedn0:..;:;. . . . . : I < '":!::1 l'~. The 01 tY' Cl(;~. ~ of ~l10 C1 ty of' ft.nn.h.e1m shall certj.fy to t110 passage of tl110 ),~,:, . .... . ,:. end. oause the so.rllO t~J 1),~.~ J>y.:)lishec1 onoe 111 tho .a ^!~A.Jrelr~ IH11,I..JETIllu, a. ne\7Spapel" ; ....;.:.. :~i olrculatlo:1, printed, 'l)ubl~shed and. .Q1:r~ulated in ea1d Ci ty, and therefrom and ..,.......:~cJ:' ~he sara~ sl1311 tak~ ef~.oo~...and.be.1n.f~1 for.ce. ~.:~ 'to~oeo'1ng Ordlnnnoe was 'pa.so'ed'~Il~d adopted'by tho City'. 'Counol1 . pi the City. of. . .'::..':!~'. on th~, )1-4 day or Ssetaobar. .1940'" cnd..\t;Ll3 alcnaa.. apPl"oved and ~tte9~ed. bif..ce .,. ;......: (lo.y 0: Septe::.be.r, 19,,1-6.. . .' . . . . .' : ~ I .:j I : ! J L .r :.. : i I 'i. !.. I . ! I 'j. . . . . 'CHAS. A. PEAP.SON Mayor of the C 1 ty ()f Anahe 1m . ; r ~ I.' ~ i ! I ';::J..?.LES E. OR IFFI TH ..~;~.:~ of the 01 ty of Anaheim ****~**************.*************~~** ORDINAN~E NO. ~~ AN' ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 573 BY THE, REPEAL OF SECTION 22 THEREOF. . r I SECTION 1. That Seotion 22 of Ord1nanoe No. 573 of the City of Anaheim entitled . :"~1nance providing a Sya tern for the Assessment, Levy and Collection ot 01 ty Taxes for . ~ ~~" of Anaheim" is hereby repealed. That' all other seotlons and provls1'ons of sald ..: ..:-t'~e No. 573 be, and remain in full force and effect. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and signed by me this 26th day of November, , ... . '. . . ""~~~L .._-::.J'\.. ES E. GRIFFITH , . .. "'.erA. of the 01 ty of Anaheim CHAS. A. PEkltSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim j ~ i , * '"' ~t.g. ***** ,,",4" * * * .:4- * 'It '* iH.~.. ii'*" * t't" * '*"* ~t -rdti~ ** ~r 'Cr. mlWANCE NQ.JQl AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 22 OF ORDINANCE NO. 573 ANn REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 706. ! I , I l"f'T"" ~ .... ......... ORDINANCE NO. 706 (adopted) November 12, 1946 - Ordinance introduced November 26, 1946 - Ordinance adopted See Page 2152 of Minute Book Subject - An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim Amending Ordinance No. 573 by the Repeal of Section 22 thereof.