703 -- .~ LEGAL .NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , -~ - Onb~N_"-NCE NO. f03 tions (a) t-o. (n), both Int'.1usive, of I \ - : this section, shaH be applicable only ~INANCE InXING CHARGES to prem ises .to which a sewer main . . SERVICES AND F4CILI- i ia aval1& '. . Jt r~. Ii!IO~OlW~9r~gNSE;~1t~ II th~:cJ~. .::~. ..:~..,~~re ~~~~~~~~r~~ I; ~ SYSTEM ANUl1;0VIDING and p . ~.hall have.;.the follow- .~ \ . E COLLEC~~8~F THE ; In~ me .. : i.~: " , "~ . . . I (a)' rtment Hqul!l., is de- r t~:~~. Y coU'NCiL 6r ~if. CITY I' f~~~~ ~i;~~~i\~~~g u'::1:a~~~ l ~ ~HEIM DOES O~P~N..AS separate 1u~ir facllltt&s, but i u.ere Ws:. . '..;" shall n.ot incluift any bUilding com- : nore 1. The City of AfIie:beim monly known as a hotel. motel or I Ish to the residents thereof auto court. that. and facilities In connection (b) A Rooming House is defined . be ~ sanitation and sewerage as beinlr any building other than now i For such services and fa- apartment house, motel, hotel or and: the following charges are auto court, where two or more fixed:. rooms are rented to others fOl" lod~- lerS 'or ea-ch single family dwell- ing purposes by the person in nta 8 sum of One Dollar ($1,00) charge of such building; nth: Section 3. The charges fixed by . For .each single family dwell- this Ordinance shall cover all serv- .am it in any duplex, double house ices and tacilltles of said City in ny- er building containing only connection with sanitation Bnd the ~oes ing,,' . ily dwelling units, sewerage system of said City, ex- :lan .~' . '.Dollar n1.00) per cep.t. the use of of said ser.vices, fa- . ..._ :'. . calJtles and sewerage system for the ~ Fo . artment house, the carrying and disposal of industrial -l9' ($1.00) per month wastes. All charges in connection acft t therein; with the carrying and disposal of . elllng unit. with Industrial wastes shall be fixed, ~- r cooking meals, from time to time, by written reso.. . to I or a'!1to 'court, lutlon or ordinance ot .said City J.ve ~'. . . ollar nl.00) :.~~r Council as said Council shall de- , ;-. . . . ..... '. .,' . ". termlne. Lng! ,For' .. Aelling unit -Jet Section 4.. . be the duty of ;On~te toll. .... Htles in any.~."f the Public . epartment of nd hotel, or ..~O' court, oth~r ~D said City . all charges velUng unit described In ~la..ool herein prov ~.. .:~ . ley on (.tl:) hereof, the sum':':.(-. Sectton 6. etia.rges herein !ntnty.fl~~. Cents (25c) per In'o~: fixed for a e8. shall be col- ) F-or'. each water closet In::ctw lected with .'. es and rates '0.. 1. motel or auto court, ofltlU) , 'tor electrlcl . '. ~ 'furnished h.\' L a water closet In any dwerRllg. .'aid City to . tses. The ,ds, described in subsections (ft.) Charges herel 11 be billed ~l- (e) hereof. the sum of One up'on the sa is prepared er lar ($1.00) per month: tor Charges f :!.: .... ty aervl ce, r) For each rooming house. the a.nd shall be"'. <. '..: d payable \ of. One Dollar ($1.00) per month monthly at th ;. '1': at suell i!ogether with Twenty-tlve Cents I Charges for e1 . .' ....: .. lyice are (25c) per month for each rented I due and pa.yabltli.~" .. _,..,;,.. :~~ount room: due for the chal'l{eS'~h.te~ '.' m and ":\' (h) For each club house equipped for charges for electrettY':', tervice ; J1 sanitary plumbing facilities, shall be paid as a unit ancl~l of the .. .. . sum ot One Dollar ($1.00) per provisions of Ordinance No. 626 of h tor one water closet, and said City pertaining to the collec- Cents (50c) per month for tion ot charges for electricity serv- water closet in excess of one; I lee fChall apply to the collection of tied. further that should any any tiuch total amount. . ouse rent rooms to others tor! (b) In the event that said City 1bg purposes, there shall be! does not furnish electricity "E'rvke ed an acl$iltional sum at to a premises, but "does furnish y-flve Cenaa ~ (.25c) per month water service to R~ch..premises. th~n : 'ch rOQm... . '. nted; the charges herein fixed for such I I:"~~r ea.~. .' ,.tr.e. dance hall, pr:emlses shall be eoh."ted with the ,: ; rin~.'.I . . ,.. . _' 'J,. bowling al- cha.rges and rates .fOlr: .ater servit'e ~ .~the,...~ ..,'~.~.. amusement, furnished by said . . to such J ' .::. witJi.;~:' . y plumbing preridse~. In such ev.' he charges I , . . the;".; , '. " One Dollar he~ei. fIxed ~hall b~ b upon the I ~( ,.r mo. ." .,~..qne water same; bill as Is.prepar .( .~,9-harKes: ~l d Fln .' (50c) per for 'water serVice, an' q.;:be due; I "r eaeh. 'iiet in ex- and. apyable monthly~,,' t;.he same: ...-c'.., .."",.- ........... I~_ I es::.: - ne: ...:t time that such char~~-~~:'water .................. .. .."..-...:~'.~;..~...';'''........_nl~ l ~it ~~n~~~~' . b~~ta:~~~t: ~~~:~C~:~~n~u~u~~~il'J:eb!~har~~: ~~ r ~ _ J an'ufacturing or.J" ' tng plant. herein fixed and t~f~lh",narge~ for ~n...... n....l;'.....~.................._.....m..........._._ J Q"d any other c~ &1 estab- such water service sh,U~ be paId as Notary Publtc. p lahDient not elsew . .peclfically a unit and all of the'~vhdont: of (If I / t melltloned equipped W h sanitary Ordinance No. 626 of .'M Clt.y PH- ~ /' ~ L ',. ~... )lrl / ,- '7 'plllWlblng facilities, the sum of One taining to the collt'"ctld'n of charges ~ · Do.1l&r ('1.00) per month tOl" one I for water service ~halI apply to the wat.er. closet and Twenty-fLve Cent:!ll I collection of any such tot.al amount. (2,5e) 'j)er month for each water I (c) In the event that :-laid Cit)T closet In' excess of one; does not furnish either electricity Or.) For each .offlce building I flervice or water service to a prem- equ(p~. with sanitary plumbing isea, then the charges herein fixed facIUt*.' the sum ot. One Dollar for such premises shall be due and Ul.~)' ::'"r month for ODe water payable monthly on the first day of clo..t:<.,.,nl..Twenty-five -Cents (25-c) each and every month and shall be. per IROIl\h for each ~ater closet. In.. paid by the person In charge of such eXC8aa" of one; provided, ho'wever. premises.. It shall be the duty of that the"Charl'es fixed by this sub- the Public Service Department to section 'Bhall be appicable only to prepare and send separate monthly that portion of any building devoted bills for all charges herein fixed for to otOc_:' premises to which the City does not (1) "For . each office situated In furnish either electricity or water any building other than an office service. buil41nl', the sum of One Dollar I (d) The City Council of said City (tl.00). pe,r month: . I shall ha.ve the'right to require any (m) For each trailer camp or person. liable to pay any charge . trailer' park. the sum ot.. One Dol- herein fixed, to make a reasonable lar ('1.00) pel' month ~or each deposit with said Public. $ervice trailer space; . Department to insure collection of . (n) For e&ch school, the sum of any charge herein fIXed. Fifty Cents (50c) per month for Section 6. In the event that any eaeh . water closet therein and/or I person shall fall to pay any charge connected therewith, provided, how.. f herein pro.vided when the same be- ever. that during. summer V&c&tloD comes due. the City may, in addi- months. no eharge shall be made: I tlon to any other remedies it has, (0)' For each premlsea to which.. cut off any of said services and sewer' main is not avatlable, where facilities referred to In this Ordi- such: premises .Ia occupied by one nanee. and shall not resume the same . 81" more persons, or Is used for until all deHnquent charges together commercial, profesllonal, amuse- with any charges necessitated by ment; . manUfacturing or processing resumption of such servl-ces and fa- purposes, the sum' of. ]rifty Cent. cllities have been fully paid. (&Oc) per month: Section '1. If any provision of this (p) The charges tt~e4 by subsee- ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance, Is held In- valid. the remainder. of the or.dl- nance, or the application of th-e pro- vision to other persons or circum- stances. shall not be affected. Section 8. There Is hereby created a fund whl'Ch shall be known as the Sanitation Yund. All moneys col- lected pursuant to the charl'es bere- in fixed shall be placed In' said, fund. Said fund shalf be .used only for such purposes as are pe~mttted i by' law. . , SectloJl t. The Clt7' Clerk shall certify \:0 the passa.., ot this or- dinance -.nd shall calie. thlt satne to be pubU~hed once In tb. A'NAHEIM. BULLETIN, a daily neyepapel printed. published an4. ~ircul.&ted ~n the City of An~helm. ...nd. t~,. ~..e. shan be In full force. an. -effeet - thirty (10) day. fro.,.;'an'. afteI' Its __I ~g..' '''''; '. :..' . 1....,..egOln.... or."...a-.: ~".q~' ..... ., .aJrrD.eL.:.:. . &.t~....". 10th' 4&t 'of July.- 18 '~'. " ....... .' .: . CRAS,.k PJIA-RSGN.. . . "yor of the ClW of' .Aaahe. A~;tti,ES B~ 'GRIftiTi': '. . Cltl' Clerk of the CI\7. of Anaheim (SEAL) . '. . STATE' OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )... CITY OF A.N.A.BEIK ) I. Charles E. Griffith, Cit,.. Clerk of' the City of Anahe'm, do hereby certify that the' foregoing Ordlnan-ee. was Introduced at a regUlar meet... in. of the City Counell of. the City of Anaheim, held on the 2.3rd day of July, 1846, and that the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of 8&ld City Coun.. ..ell held on the 30th' day.. of JuIl'. 1948. by the followln.., votes: AYES: Councllmen: Pearson. Van Wagoner. Boney. and. Pace. Noes: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilman Heyln8'. . And I further certify that the Mayor of .the City of. Anaheim sign- ed and approved sald Ordinance OD the' 30th day or- J"1ily, 1948. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF .1 have hereunto Bet mv hand and affixed AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION 8T.ArrE OI~' CAI...IFOHNIA ) )S8. ) ,R-1Q.t!!2~~.gm.f ~ s c hI e -. ....... ..........--.......... -........... ................ ........ -.-..... .... ........ ... ............-.......- of ~aid county, being' first duly sworn says-that he is & malt' citizen of the United States and of the State of Call- fornia,.on.'r the age of eighteen years; that he has no in.. ten'st In: nor Is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he IS the County of Orange .~~-~.!-~~~.~~.r.~~.._.~.!.~.~~..._. .__.._n........ ....__.....__.........__... of the AnHhe~'T. Eu] let1n ..... -....... -.. ...... ------..-......... ..... ....... ....- -.- ...........--........ .... -..- - -... -..-......... ---- -..--......- .............-.....--...........- a...da11-y...__.._ newr-tpaper printed, puhlished and circulated in the said County of Orange that said .~ n.Qj}_f .1. r:l _. -)j.Y1J..~..~.ln......... __._............ .__.......................__........ i~ a newspaper of g(~neral clr culation with a list of paid ~llb:'lcribt,l's. Hnd is published for the dissemination of both lo(~al and ~elll'ral news and intelligence of a genel'al char- adcr; th:l t it is not devoted to the interests or published for tb. (>ntf'I'lainment of a parti ('ular class, profession. trade, ealling", ra~e or denomination, or of any number thereof. that it hul'l been prilltf'd and published in the City of Ana~ lll'im. County ot Or,ang-e, State of California for more than one ~"eal' next pre(~eding the first day of the publication Ilt~l'eto attached; that the ..\.; r.di. n.allC.e..___~~.D.... .... :l.G; ............._..... ..___um............................. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In sa id neW:-l paper at leasL.... ...... .-.Q.~~~....~.~.~.!:!.~._n..m................. eom nll~n {.j ng on the.. ..-l.E.t..... day of _~.MgY.~_~..n..........._..._.. 1 ~l:#6. and ending on the......_______...day ot ___..______..._................... 1 !I;l....... and that said ....--...--.~~.~.~J.~.~............._..._......................_ was llU hI ished on thr' followi ng da)Ts: _.... /~ ~~..:.; .~l ~. ~< .. ~ ..~__.._~..9. ~? .._._..... ... ........ ................._...................._ -.. ~."' -. ---- - ......-.. ....... ....... ..............-.................... .............. ....................................- ."'~ -... - -.. ....~ -...o.... .... ........:~;~;/.....:_.t..... ................................... d.~L::&d.~../~.......~:.~:.::...._._.. Subscril)('d and sworn to before me thls...~..d&Y of 10 11 12 13 I I 141 15 i: !: i 16/ 17 .i r\......,.. ~"'.. ^ ..."',...,.., '!''''O ~/J J \..i .:..... :.J ..i.. J.' ~~.1. 'H,.... c.. l~ '. V (I. 2 3 Ai~ (\~,J:~.AE(;~ FIXIc:,''j. (~HAr~G.'~.S FC~~ Sk':R~_rICr.;S Aj?'J E'ACILI'J'I:SS II\ COl'JNE~TI N 4 'iJ:;"PE: 3A~..'.'I:Iriil'I('~ AFU Th;~ 3~':,~.;.';~;-::.A(}:,~ 3Y~).~ 81-:. A:~.~~ ?ROVIDIKG FOR THE COLLE _ 5 r:: ~~.:~ 0 F Th .... ::,A~:~.c.;. 6 7 -r:l:~ CITY CCUl\JCIL i~'F ':!j'lE Cli~-:'Y OF Ai';rttL~IM DOES ORDAli\ AS FOLLOvlS: 8 :"! + .t 1" .. .., i ~~cl.i..J..cn ...... '.'ne '~--" ty ''1f Anaheim does furnish to the resl- 9 de~tE th~reof BervlcE8 and ~Bcillties in connection with its san1- '~:. 8 t to n L :dl 8 e~"! e r f.1.,~"E: S.'/ f t e !-(. . For' pnc~1 services ancl. fa,cl11 ties the t'ol.~:"o",;lr~F chnrfes F.re :,'~~~re'~)~.; f1xec.~ (a.) F"or eDcr. s1nr'1.e t'A..r('1J.y ('~!ellinv, the sum of One Dollar ( 1;' ~ ')n) ....-'e"Y) 1"'.... r; thL. '. '1-; ~. . ., .' .. ..l. ....,).1.. -. , (";)) For l?f'ch sini:.'lc ::"'c;.ml1:v (=i~'ellinf' :ln1t in any dunlex, d.ouble r.10u~e r)r other t'u1]..:Jlc::~ :-'cDt::.~lnin~:"." .:)nl.y tlr:~~' :11ngle fEl.m11y a.'t~el11np: uni ~~.~, t....-tP :='urr ('f ~-nE- ')11f.:1~ ('.;'l,n:;) "1;.er 11anth; ! eJ For ~fn'h FnrI~tr:-F":~~: ':-::.ouse, the sUr"'! of One Dollar' (*-~1.00) 18 ner :'!.ontri fOl~ E-t:~nh P"Oer'trnent t~lere in; 19 (d.) For ~Fer~ d.wel11r:r' unit.. T;ti th ff:.e i11ties therein for cook1 20 :rreF.-~Ls.~ in e~ny ?!.cte~., ::'lot~l or 2.UtO '~ourt, the sum of One Dolla.r ( ~.1 "Ot-.J) r)er- !!".'J n t:1; 21 22 (e) ?,')r et..cb. d"rrel1irif:::' unit '::jlth l')rivpte toilet facilities 23 tn e.ny h:}t~l., r:lcteJ or auto court ~ ~tl:.!.er the,.n 8. dwelling un1 t des- 24 '...rlbed in Gubse(>tlf~:'n (.j ~ h~rf'of' ~ t.he sun: of Tl'.renty-flve Cents (25i) 25 -:',er 1!onth; 26 < f) ~:.'or ef ch water ~loF,et 1~ S,DY 11ot~1, motel or cute court ~ 27 :.)tr-.~pr t:::i.r;j1 .:'; ~.'rp!.~er. el:)[-;et in c.L.:} a"'Tel11nf' unit described. in sub- I ~ \. \ ~') ," ( ~.:~. j ':~J~ re 0 r ~ t L.t~ ::..lJ.1!l r)f ~ne ~o11a,r (~;:l. 00) ner mont 28 29 ~e(. t lont: .c'.nt" ;~. f:'; ~';;(.lr PI" C'l" ro~,~y-.ln'~i' '-\.('u:~e t the ~u~..~ .-:;f One Dollar ($1.00) 'Oer 30 '~.-("'r:t.;.... t::..~t'.'lF:r' j.tt.... r>.'.}"f;.n:"--L':.'tlf' "e.nts (2[=:i) ryer f:1onth for each 31 'X'a e L ~,~ ~ : "1 i . t) 0.'" : 32 I IS .. SCHUT Z I'fIIIOS '" LA. .," ~... AlUltA aDli" 'in. CAuromlA .....! 3456 f': ' , n. ?or ~1 ('~-, ('1..U'!.) :h.,~~ure eruiryn~d with ~El,nlto_ry plumbing faci- ~~:~tp:'\1 ~:,}1e ~~F;" ")i" r)n~: -'.io.~J.::'J'~ ( :..()'-,) :1t-'!""' :"onth for one water ~lose , 1 ~. FillS.. SCtfUTZ 'I! dn..n., LAW 1.1,.. 411-4. ... .. AlBa aDli. ANABel", CAUPDIrUA \ ! T~34S& II II II i~ 1 ~1nr, PiI"'t:1; ("~nT:~ (5n1.) ......er m,.....nt:t, .f-"C"I"l .-.,. c'''' ter c] s t in ..' ..: _ ....,.' '.'C' ....c:' '-.".. . .~v ...ll. .... -' t'c~ ':1. \/IF.. _0 e excess of 2 :,:,'ne ~ Yjro'or"1fJed. f'v.rt:c.~r ~ th:--:t shoulc] t~r~y club house rent rooms to :3 .:;,therr fer J.oc~r!"j DP' ~")urpn8e~. thpr!: qrlflJ...l be ch~,.rgect E4n B.fJ.o.it1ona.l 4 ,~ e n t ~ (n F\ (( ~ YJ n "t"l .-j . . b L.. .... j i . .."... Tonth for epch room so rented; ~'.U:: o f ':':':i~e n"t. :;'- f i. ve 5 ( t) I='or e F ~Lt thp~ tre 'I 6 p,nr-e (:.::! 11 ~ e. kr-! t :lng' rin!:, 0001 hall, 6 JQ,,;J. inr:' ~:~_ley, 'J1"' ..~th~~r ......~l.'.;r:--e ')f c-rru.f:,emert. eq,ulpneo. witl1 sanitary 7 "':.lu:.1b5Jlf-' f.'r.c~~..15..t.ief', t;~le fU.m 0I'"' C:nf- :)oll6.r (~~,l.OC) per month fer 8 '. n (,.':. ~"!~:,,t e 1"' .:, :..0 set r n a - ~ f'+'v :~en+ c (f,(');<'J' '"l'"'\~r rr'Olltl"... foY' each TaTater . ........ '\/ ~/ .... .I.';' '-' t.... .... ...... _" ...'" ",." .J W\r 9 ~~"l C f. e t i Ii e xc f' ~ r 0 fen E: ; 10 ( j) Fo r e r~ C 11 bu ~~ 1. :le f. f, e 8 t:.:.:. i) i1 shme nt, ra ilro a.d depo t, bus 11 12 .~:..e7">(~t ~ rrvnufactL~rinr! Jr ''irocess.inr -:Jlant! and any other commercia.l ~::stp'o2.1shm~nt net ~~lEe,.!her~' fryt.;clf'i~':ally rr.ent1oned. ea..ul'Pned ,.~l'th 13 ~;;8.~~ltt:).ry 91~.mbj.r~~.' rr:c:lJ.l~Giep, t!:lP sum of :'ne Dollar ([fI.OD) ner 14 .''1onth fr:-:n :~:le ~tf,tf?r c::,~\I.~(?t ~:L5_ r.!'1..';er..ty-f1ve Cents (25!t) per month 15 :t'or eHcr-~ t'lster ('lo:.:.~et i.n excpsp '):' r":1E=?; 16 t. :~.) ?jr C'C'.c.h aff!ce l)u11'::lrrF' e-cuip~ed ,~lth sa.nitery nlumbin~" 17 18 ':'f!.C :1.1i tips, t'~-te pu'-~.: of '~~r~e ]cllF:!", (~,.l. (0) ~,1€r month for one ~!ater '-'~.loSP~1 .[-:'.'~d Ii"Jel"..~',~.r-fivp :-::'::.n~s. (~~~;>i.; ~~er- ;contt. for each WEtter closet 19 in t?~:eef:2. 0f '~.:'.n",' ~ '"'r~\.i:~!.e(i. h('n':I~vFr. t'--Et the ChEtrges fixed by this 1. 20 Ii 21 22 23 24 3ubeei~ti':)n Srlt) f,~.. ~ .~. [: \)l...,l i(l F"0 ~_ e on]. '." to thpt ~ort1on of any j~11d1nf .:1.ev'J te6. 1",0 offi..:,~ec~ (1:: :'or ~:--(":h off"1.ce situE-te'':: in 8,I'!"- buila.in~ ot:her than an :- ...., ("':'1 f'\() ) ";0..~. _nl' ~".')~ per month; office 1-'J"i.li1. d.lr>' . th~ :-':fr ,jf (:n~ ( "- ,m; For '~.~~:;cl: tre.iJ er Cft.!T!'-:' OJ' tre Ij pr Dark, the sum of One 25 26 27 I I 281 29 .)ollBI" (:':;'l.~')n) 0er TiontL ~';or ef;ch trF.il~l" 8;~a.ce; (n~ F0r P0ch s~h00J.: the ~uro of Fifty Cents (50~) ner month for e~'.cj", lJ,'eter _'J..o~'3et therein ~".~'-,:~';,/o~:" .~()f~nected there\"11th, nrovided., +' .. ., - 1 1 ::! l1o't'.'ev~~:\r, th.:. t ~ .1["i C.i.~: r<J.D.,11er 7r. '..:~:. : 1',)(1. "!:.()u ....LS. no C,tlE..rge snsd. oe !11f.:.O. ( 0 ~ ::'0J'?:- (~~.. nl'~ "":'. i~:f f ~ C ", ~~ i,~~ r f ev,Ter rnE-~in is not B.vfJ.11abl e, 30 \'1!. ~p r c. F '..l C' r-' 'J r ~ 1: 1 8 f~ ~ :t s 'J c e 1.~ ") 1 e ;.~ ~~ y ~:<(1 e 0 r r~ 0 r e '9 e r son s, 0 r i s use d 31 for ('on:l'::~rclBl. ~ rn~Jff- ssionE'l, (;....~r.u!=;ei!"jent ~ l~1e.nufe..cturlng or 1'Jroces81n 32 ,...q'r "'ce-' ""h~ c:::"rr": "f ~1f~"t' '""t:)n+c' (r::,()~.) -r\€Y. I'llont'n. 'J"'" n()\.. f.!, '.. " ,.'....l..:' , ,..... V.Y ",".' I...... ~'- '.oW :..,J.l;~ , .:-. i.... 1 I collection of chargejB for electricity service shall apply to the 2 collection ot any s~h total amount. 3 (b) In the eve~t that said City does not furnish electricity 4 service to a premlse~, but does furnish water servioe to such premis e, 5 then the charges herein fixed for such premises shall be collected 6 with the oharges and~ rates tor water service furnished by said City 7 Ito such premises. In suoh event the oharges herein fixed shall be 8 billed upon the same; bill as 1s prepared tor charges tor water 9 service, and shall bw.. due and payable monthly at the same t 1me that 10 such charges for vatbr service are due and payable. The total 11 I amount due for the cJlarges herein fixed and for the charges for such 12 water service shall be pa1d as a unit and all of the provisions of 13 Ordinance No. 626 of said City pertaining to the collection ot 14 charges for water serv1ce shall apply to the collect1on or any such 16 total amount. 16 (e) In the event that said City does not furnish either electr - 17 city serv1ce or water serv1ce to a prem1ses, then the oharges herein 18 fixed for such premises shall be due and payable monthly on the 19 first day of each and every month and shall be paid by the person 20 in charge of' such.~..premlBes. It shall be the duty of the Public 21 Service Depa.rtment to prepare and send separate monthly bills tor 22 all charges herein fixed for premises to which the City does not 23 furnish. either electricity or water servioe. 24 (d) The City Council ot said City shall have the right to 25 require any person, liable to pay any charge herein fixed, to make 26 27 28 a reasonable deposit with said Public Servioe Department to insure collection of any c~ge herein fixed. Section 8. In the event that any person shall tail to 29 pay any charge herel~ provided when the same becomes due, the City 30 may, in addition to .ny other remedies it has, /c~t oft any or sald 31 ,r'.... " / . -. . services and tac111tles referred to in this 'ti~ and shall not 32 re.sume the same until all delinquent charges together with any rlll$ . SCHUTZ ~.Law .......... .. ... ... ~~IA ....- 4 ................ -. ~...~..................-.. ,........... ...................-:-:.... .............., .~.---"',. ..............-............r.~..oI. -..Jo-' ". 7 rillS. SCItVTZ ..... lAw -~.. "........... caur.-.IA - ... 1 I charges necessitated. by resumption of suoh services and facilities " 2 have 'been fully paid. 8 Section 7. If any provision ot this ordinance or its 1.,> ~,pllcatlon to any person or circumstanoe, is held invalid, the re- s:~; ";:.'ftta1nder ot the ord1qance J or the applioation ot the provis1on to 6 other persons or c1~umstances, shall not be atteBted. Section 8. There 18 hereby created a fund whioh shall be 8 known as the Sanlta~1on Fund. All moneys collected pursuant" to the 9 charges herein fixed shall be placed in said fund. Said fund shall 10 b. used only for SU~ purpoee"s as are perm1tted by law. 11 Section 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage or 12 this ord1nance and s~al1 cause the same to be published once 1n the 13 ANAHEIM BULLETIN, a dally newspaper, pr1nted, published and clrou- 14 lated 1n the City of Anaheim, and the same shall be in full force 16 and effect thirty (30) days from and atter its tinal passage. 18 The rorego~ng Ordinance 1s approved I " s1gned and attested 17 18 19 20 21 ATTEST: ~ 22 ~ 21" *1'" 0 t -- - .,' of n~eIii 2.., th1s 30th day of JU~V, 1946. 25 2. 2? 28 21 30 31 32 5 r':_ ..... ..~':.o-....._ .:.-..u.:. ..a,;,~..." ............. .1...~olI........ ~~. ..........M .. .~.......~I:'':';."",.~,,_,:...r. " tIS . SCHUTZ ~ _lAw "" ~C... A-.cA.... ""'.' CAU....JA .... 3GB 1 . "StATE "OF CALIFORNIA ceTJH-~Y OF ORANGE 2 CITY or ANAHEIM 3 ) ) SSe ) 4 I, Charle. E. GriftithJ City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim, do hereby'" certify t_at the foregoing Ordinance was 1ntroduct.ed at a regular meeting ot the Clty Counc1l of the City of Anahe1m, held on the 23rd day ot July, 1946, and that the same was paased and . adopted at an adJoutned regular meet1ng of said City ~ouncl1 held on the 30th day of July, 1946, by the following votes: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ") 13 And I tur1her oertify that the Mayor of the City"ot Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 30th"day ot July, 1946. 14 15 Ie 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24r 25 28 27 28 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal ot sald 0111 of Anaheim this 30th "day ot July, 1946. ~o 31 32 6 ...-.. . - ..;a..;.....,. -..I.... 'Ii.._.. . . --..... .. . ... ...._.. . ........... .~__ ......... . ~_ _.. _ . ........... ...._._.__!.,..~_...: ....u.... _ .................. .K ........... ......_ _