701 ,. \::::""'..~~ ~. "; I j ..,--- 1 O~.AlCI 10. 701 2 . ORDIIAlOI OF 'fHIt CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF . _tAlK IVSIBSSE~. mAl)ES, PROFESIIOliS AID OCOUPA.!IOB'S, 'IXING THE 3 IATI (jf LZOZlSE TOR, PROVmIIG 'OR !BE COLLECTION .THEREOF, AID 'IXI. PEHAL'fIES . THE VIOLATION THEREOF. . 4 'HE OITY OOUNOIL or THE OITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful tor any person.. whether 5 8 a8 prinoipal or agent, clerk or employee, either tor himself or tor 7 any other person,. or tor &DY body corporate, or as an offioer ot &Dr 8 eorporat1oD, or ot_erwlse, to oommenoe or o~ry on ~y trade,cal11ng 9 profession or ooou_ation in th1s Ord1nanae speo1fied, in the C1ty ot 10 Anaheim, w1thout f1rst havlag prooured a license trom the 01ty .ot 11 Anaheim BO to do, .r without co.plying with any aDd all regulat10ns 12 of sueh trade J o.alling, protesslon or oocllpat1on contained 1D th1s 13 Ordinance; and the~carry1Dg on ot any trade, call1ng~ prote8.1on or 14 OCQupation mention,d 1n this Ord1nance without f1rst having.prooured 15 a license from sai4 City of Anahe1m so to do, or .itho~t oomp171ng 16 with any and all regulations ot such trade, oalling,proteBalon or 17 oooupation oontained in this Ordinanoe, shall oonstitute aaeparate 18 violation of this ordinanoe for each and every day that suCh .trade, ealling, profess1on or oocupation 18 80 oarr1ed on. 19 20 SEO!ION 2. Hei ther the adoption ot this ord1JU1Doe nor the '21Z'epeal hereby of 8Dy Ordinance of this Oi ty shall in any manner af- 22 feot the proseoution for the violation of OrdinaDoes, whieh viola- 23 tione were oOJllllitted prior to the effeotive date hereof, nor be oon- strued as a waiver of an7 lioense or penalty or the penal prov1s1ons 24 app11cable to any Ylo1ations thereof, nor to atfect the yalldlty ot 25 &n7 bond or oash dapos1t, in lieu thereot, requ1red to be posted, S8 filed or deposited pursuant to any ord1nance, and all r1gnts and 27 ob11gations there~nto appertaining shall cont1nue 'in full foroe and 28 .effeot. 29 30 31 32 SECTION,. If any seetion, subseot1on, sentence, c1aus8, phrase or portion of this Ordinanoe is tor &DY reason held to be'in- valid or unoonstitutional by the declsion ot any oourt of oompetent Jurisdiotion, suo~ decisloD shall not atteat .the valld1t7 ot the 1 W16.~~:ioil- .. 1 rell8.1n1ng portions Df th1s Ordinanc's. The 01 tl Couno1l ot th1s C1tl 2 hereby deolares tha.t 1 t would haTe adopted th1s OrdiDailoe and each 3 seot1on, .ub8eot10~ sentence, clause, phrase or. portion tbereot, 4 .1rrespeotlTe ot the' faot that &n1 ODe or more seotions, subsect1ons, 5 alauses, phrases, O~ portions be deolared 1nvalid or unooDst1tut1o e SECTION 1+. It shall be unlawful tor any person to violate 7 any provision or to tail to oOllply with any of the requ.irements of 8 'h1e Ordinanoe. ~ person violat1ng any of the prov1s1oDS or tal1~ 9 lng to co.ply w1 th any ot the JD&D.datory requ1rements of this Qrd1- 10 aance sball be p11~Y ot a 1D1sdeme&nor under the prov1s1ons ot th1s 11 Ord1nanoe. and shall be pun1shable by a f1ne ot not aore than Three 12 Hundred Dollars (1,00.00) or by 1mpr18onaent 1n the City Jail tor a 13 period ot not aore than tbree (3) months, or by both suoh t1ne and 14 impr1sonment. Eaoh suoh person shall be gu1lty ot a a_parate ottens 15 tor .eabh and sTery .day dur1ng an1 port1on of whloh aDl v1olation ot 1 any provision ot this Ord1naDoe 18 comm1 tted, continued, or permi tte 6 . 8Y su.oh person, and shall be pun1shable aooord1ng17.. In addition to 'he penalt1es herein provided, any condit1on caused or perm1tted to ex1st 1n violation of any ot the provisions ot th1s Ordinance shall be deemed a pub11c nu1sance and 11&1' be, by th1s 01ty, sn...r11y .ba~e~ as such, and eaoh day that such violat1on oontinues shall be regarded as a new and separate otteDse. SICTION 5. (a) The tollow1ng words and phrases wheneTer . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 _sed in this Ordinance shall be construed as defined in this Be~tlon, ~less from the oODtext a different mean1ng 18 1ntended, or unless a different meaning 18 speoif1oally defined and more part1oular17 26 alreoted to the use ot suoh words and phrases; 27 (1) .C1ty- shall a.an ,he 01ty ot ADahel.j 28 (2) .Council. .hall mean the C1ty Council ot th1s 01ty; (;) .Oath. 1noludes aff1rmation; 30 (4) "Ohlef ot Pollcel. means the Ohlef ot Pollce ot thi8 Qity 31 and any person depttlzed by him to asslst 1n the entoroement ot this 32 .rdinanoe and to i.8ue l1ceBses hereunder aDd oolleot tees therefor. 29 2 1 (5) MShall. 1s;aandatorJ; 1..,1 1s permissive; 2 (6) "Wr1ttenU .hall include printed, typewritten, m1meographed 3 or mult1graphed. 4 (7) IBu81n88s":shall be held and construed to meaD and 1nclude 5 .protess1onH, Itrad.u, "oooupation", "enterprise-, "game., '.%h1- e 'b1tion1j 7 (8) 'Person'. The word 'person' shall mean and 1nolude all 8 1ndividuals, all na~ural persons, all artif1cial persoDs, all domes- 9 t1c and fore1gn oorporat10ns, assoo1at10ns, synd1oateB, Jo1nt stook 10 oompanies, partnersb1ps ot eTery kind, olubs, Mass80husetts business 11 or ooamon law trusts, and so01et1es, engaged 1n aD1 bus1ness as 12 4etlned hereln, in this City. 13 ( 9) · Gross Reoe1pts". The tel"ll · gross rece1pts', as used here- in, shall mean the "gross receipts ot an annual l10ense per10d and 1s 14 d.et1ned as tollows: The total amount of the sale price of all sales 15 16 the total amount oharged or reoe1Ted tor the p~rtorllanoe ot any 8Ot, 17 serv1ce or employment of whatever nature 1t 111&1 'be, w)tether suoh servioe, aot or employment 1s done as a part at or in ooaneot1on wit 18 the sale of goods, wares. merchand1se or not, tor whioh a oharge 1s 19 aade or cred1t allowed, 1noluding all reoe1pts. cash, or.alt. and 20 property ot any klad or nature, any amount tor whloh oredit 18 a1- 21 lowed by the seller to the purcbaselr "w1thout any dedllotloD theretroa 22 on aooount ot the eost of the property sold, the coat of the ..ter~ 23 1a18 used, labor or ser.loe oosts, 1nterest pa1d or pa7ab1e, 108ses 24 or o;ber expense wbatsoeverj provided, tha"t oash dleooun1;s a110wed 25 or taken on sales .shall not be 1noluded, and this OrdlDaDOe shall 28 not be oODstrued ~ impose anJ tax upon any b..1Dess or transaotion 27 which the City ot Anahe1m is not author1zed to lioense or tax under 28 the laws of the state at Ca11forn1a or of the Unl ted states. An., 29 tax requ1red by law to be 1noluded 1n or added to the purohase prioe 30 and aolleoted fro. the OODSWler or purchasecr, and suoh part ot the 31 sales pr10e of an, property prevlous17 sold returned b7 the puro~se 32 to the seller whl~h 1s retunded by the seller by way at cash or ore- d1t allowance g1vem or taken as part payment on any propertl 80 3 1 aooepted tor resale. shall b, 4aduo'ted t.or the .pll1'-poae ~Xt:K..~ 2 Jill ot determ1n1ng:the gros. reoelpts hereunde~. 3 (10) ILlaenee ;erlod.1 The annual l~cense per10d oo__enae. OD 4 the 1st day ot Jul, ot each -rear and ends on the 30th da7 of JUDe 5 ot 'the next .,ear. the dally l10ense per10d COIllll8DOeS at 'the. hour ot e 8 o'olook a.a. ot .., day an4 ends at g o'clook"a.m. ot the next day 7 The quarter-annual lioense per10ds commenoe on day ot 1ssuanoe of 8 .\IOh l1cens8 and thtee (;) months after s\loh 4&7- 9 (b) The followlng rllles shall govern in the gr.....t1cal 10. laterpretat10D ot tala Ord1nanoe; 11 (1) An., gender includes the other genders. 12 (2) Singular n.ber inoludes the plural and plural inoludes the 13 singular. (3) Words used in the present tense 1nclude:the paet aDd.tuture 14 tenses, thoBe 1n the past tease the present and future teDse.,thos8 15 1a the future tense the past and present tenses. 16 (~) Words and phrases used 1n this Ordinanoe andMnot specltlcal 17 . ~ . 11 detined shall be oonstrued acoord1ng to the oontext ~ approved 18 Wl8 of the language. 19 SEOTION 6. No license issued uDder the provls1e.a of this 20 Ordinanoe shall be eons trued &s authorizing the. oond.ot ot or 000- 21 tlDuaDoe ot aD7 111egal or unlawful bus1ness. 22 . SECTION 7. The amount ot arq ;Lioense i.posed b7 this Ord1- 23 DaDOe, together w1 tJi any penalties acoruing thereon, shall be deemed 24 a debt d~e to the City of Anaheim trom the person required to pay the 26 same and an immediate oause ot aotion shall acorue to said City of 28 the oollect1on thereat 1n any court of oompetent Jurie- 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 8.. Betore any license 1s issued to any person, a 1tten applioation by the applicant shall be made to the Chief ot Such app11oat1on shall oontain the follow1ng intormation; (a) The exact nature or k1nd ot bus1ness, professioD, show, game, oocupatlon or enterprise for whloh the lioense 18 eqllested. 4 .....................-.. ""~~...:al~;;e. ~.............-..-... 1 (b) The plaoeiwhere such bus1ness, profession, show. exh1bl- 2 t1oD, game, oocupatlon or enterprise 1s to be oarr1ed OD, and 1t the 3 same 18 not to be o~rle~ OD at any perlll8.l1ent plaoe ot bus1ne8s, the 4 plaoes of residence. ot the owners ot the same. 5 (c) AD:1 turt~r 1nformation wh10h such Ch1ef ot Polloe 1l8.7 6 require to enable him to 1ssue the type ot lioense applied for. 7 (d) In the event that app11cat1on 1s made tor the issuance of 8 a l10ense to a pers~n doing business .under a fictit10us naae, the 9 appl1oat1on shall set forth the names and place ot res1denoe ot thos 10 own1ng sa1d buslD8SI, profess1on, show. exhib1t1on. game, occupat1on 11 or enterprise. 12 SECTIOIJ 9. The Ch1ef ot Police 1s hereby authorized, 13 empowered and directed to enforoe and administer th1s Ordinanoe,to 14 issue licenses and oollect tees, penalt1es aDd moDies provided tor 15 herein, aDd to appo1~t. by and w1th the CODsent"ot the City COUDcil, 16 deputies to asslst h1m 1n h1s duties prescr1bed b7 thls Ord1nanoe. 17 It 8hal~ be the duty ot ....,pollce off1oer ot the C1ty 18 ot Anahei. to make ~ate written report to the Ohlet of Police 19 of every violat1on uf this Ord1nanoe oom1ng to h1s attent1on. 20 SECTION 10. All l1censes shall be prepared and 1ssued by 21 ..aid Chlef of Po11oe upon the payment to him or the sum req\l1red to De pa1d hereunder. Eaoh l10ense so issued shall state upon the face 22 ~hereot tbe follo.~g: 23 (a> The person to whom the salle 18 18suedj (b) The kind of bus1ness, profession, show, . exhibition, game, occupatlon or enterpr1se l1oensed, an~ the looat1on ot the same. (0) The amount pa1d therefor; (d) The date of exp1rat1on ot suoh l1oense. . In no ca.. shall any m1stake ot the Chief at Polloe in atat1ng the amount of a 11cense prevent or preJudice the oolleotlon 30 by the City ot wha' should be actually due trom any person oarrr1ng 31 on any bus1ness, profess1on, show, exhib1tion, game, oocupatloD or 32 enterpr1se subject to a license under the prov1sions ot th1s Ord1- 24 25 28 27 28 29 aanoe . 5 "'~:o;:.-..~_...' 1 SECTION l~. No 110ense shall be issued to any person tall 2 1ag to present any land use perm1t.required by Qrdinance No. 69g ot 3 thls City, or who na. tailed to oomply w1th the provis1ons ot an1 4 other Ord1nanoe of 'Chis 01 ty 'hav1ng to do with the regulat10n at any 5 trade, bus1ness or "cupa~ioD. e 'No llcense tor any succeeding current or unexpired lioense 7 term shall knowingl1 be issued to any person "who at the ti.e ot .ak~ 8 lag appl1oat1on tor.any license 1s indebted to the Clt7 ot Anaheim 9 tor any ~pald l10e.se tee. 10 SECTION la. No 110ense 1ssued pursuant to this Ordinanoe 11 shall be transferable; provided, however, that where a license 1s 12 1ssued to a person ~o conduct a business at a particular location, suoh l10ensee may, .pon app11cat1on therefor and the pay1ng ot a fee 13 ot Fifty Cents (50~)t have the lioense previouslY 1ssued amended so 14 8.8 to author1ze the oaDduct ot such bus1ness from suoh other looatio . 15 17 SECTION 13. It shall be unlawful tor.any person to loan h1s l1cense to anotaer. SEOTION 14. In the event that any l1censee.loses h1s llcense. or the same 1s destroye~, he may procure a dup11eate l1cens trom the a~et ot POllce by payment to h1m ot the sum ot Fitt1 Cents 16 18 19 20 21 22 (5~) · SECTION 15- Any lloensee engaged in business at a fixed plaoe ot business 8-'11 keep the l10ense issued to h1m posted 1n a 23 oonsp1ouous place upon the prem1ses where such bus1ness 1s oonduoted. 24 ADy l1censee not operating from a fixed plaoe ot business shall keep. 25 the lioense issued to him upon his person at all times while enga8ld 26 in bus1ness with1n the City. 27 28 SECTIOB 16. Licenses shall be paid as tollows: I(a) All 110eDlee shall be paid tor in lawful mone1 ot the 29 Un1ted states of Am.r1o&i .. . 30 ~ Eaoep1i asl:~o;fg:IBf: Seot1on 46 he~ot, all annul 11cense 31 Shall~ pa1d 1n adYance on the 1st day ot Jul1 of each 7ear,proT1de , 32 however, that any person ~omaeno1ng any: business, protessiOD, show, 6 .~-:.:.;-.;,:, "IQ._::'-':'=':.:' ~~. 1 ezhlbltlon, game, oQaupat1on or other enterpr1se required to be 2 lioensed bJ this OrcUnance, shall, before oommenoing the same, pal a 3 license tor the rem~nder of the lioense perlod, the amount ,of whlch 4 SAall be'determ1ned 'Qy prorating the req111red tee a8 ot the first day 5 ot the month next p~eaedlng the aommeneement of suoh business, pro- 6 fassloD, sho., exhl~ltloD, game, oocupation or other enterprise. 7 (0) The minimum annual 11ceD~e tee ot E1ghteen Dollars ($18.00 8 required and provided by Seo'ion 46 he~eot, shall. be paid in advanoe 9 on the 20th day of Jll1l..ot eaoh Y'e~, pl'o'f'1ded, however, that any 10 .persoD oommenolng .., busine8s required to be l1censed under ~. pr v1sions ot said Sea'lon ~6 shall, before commenolng the same, pay a 11 mlnlmua annual 110e&S8 tee for the remainder of the license period, 12 the amount ot whioh sha11 be determined by prorating such m1nlmum 13 annual l1qens8 tee a. of the twentieth day ot the aonth next preoedM 14 ing the oommenoellent ot suoh bus1ness. Any add 1 t1o,nal llcense fee 15 aecrulng, pursuant to the provisions of said Seot1on .46, in add1t1on Ie to said m1nimum annual license fee, shall be pa1d on thS 20th day of 17 JUly next suoceedins the date when the sa1d m1n1mum annual 110ense 18 tee became payable. 19 (d) Notwithstand1ng any other prov1s1ons ot this SeotloD,8houl 20 &DY person licensed under the provisions ot sald seotion ~6 cease 21 operating the business tor wh10h he was so licensed, he shall 1m- 22 aediately upon oeasing such business make a sworn stateme.At ot the 23 gross reoeipts of s.uoh business tram the 1..edlately preced1ng 1st 24 day ot July up to and inolud1ng the date ot so oeasing bU8iness, all 25 1n the manner and form required b7 sald Seotion ~6, and shall 1..e41 26 ately pay UDtO"'~ the Chief' of Pollee the amount ot llcense tee whloh 27 has aocrued to suoh date of ceasing bus1ness, which amount ,shall be 28 Dased upon'the schedule set forth in said Section ~6. 29 (e) All daily license tees shall be paid in adyance on each All quarter-annual lioenses shall be pa1d .at the t1me ot 'ap- 30 d aYe 31 plication therefor. 32 7. 1 (t) In add1t1on to any other provis1ons prov1ded by th1s Ordl- 2 nanoe, .there shall be added to all unpaid license tees a penalty of 3 ten per oent ot the. amount of the tee so unpa1d for the per10d of t 4 f1rst aontb, or any; portion thereot, that the same remains unpaid, 5 and tor each and e~ry month thereafter that suoh tee remains unpaid 8 a penalty ot ten per cent of the amount of suoh fee 80 unpa1d, pro- 7 Tided, however, tha1i the maximum amount of ...h pe.nalty ,hall not 8 exoeed an amount e~ual to amount of such fee. ' . g For the purpose of this Ord1nanc.e, the term · unpa1d 110eDs 10 teel shall mean not only all lioense tees owing tor l10enses thereto 11 tore 1ssued, but a1&o any sums or amount whioh.the Oity of Anaheim 12 would have reoeived had a l10ense been issued 'as required bl.this Ord1nanoe. 13 14 SECfION 17. All tees, penaltles and other monles reoeived _1' the Chief ot Po11oe pursuant to the prov1'sions ot this Ordinanoe 15 _hall be Py him deposited with the City Treasurer ot th1s Oity upon 16 the business day next following the receipt of the same. 17 18 On or before the lOth day.ot each and every month the Chie of Polioe shall de11ver unto sald City Treasurer and unto the C1ty Clerk of this Oity a full statement of all licenses issued by him during the lmmedla.e preoeding month, the name.~4fthe lioensees, 19 20 21 the numbers ot their respeotive lioenses, and the amount of tees, 22 penalties and other monies oolleoted on each license. 23 The Chief of Police shall keep full,. adequate aDd aoourate, 24 records pertaining to the issuance of licenses under this Ordinanoe 25 and the collection of all fees, penalties and other mon:ies in aon- 2e Ilection therewith. 27 SECTION 18. On or before the 10th da3' of June, ot eaoh 28 '1e~J it shall be the duty of the City Clerk ot the Oity of Anaheim 29 to deliver unto the Chlef of Polioe a list of lioense..to whom haye 30 been issued annual l10enses since the 1st day of the preaedlng month 31 of July. It shall be the duty ot the Ohief ot Police to exam1ne sa1 32 list and use the same as the basis ot making oollections for the De% g 17 Every perlon who operates any business, whether upon a cost rental or oomm1ssion basis as a oonoesslon or upon rented floer .pace 18 in or upon the prem18es ot any person lioensed under aD7 prov1s~on ot 19 23 this Ord1nanoe, shall be req~lred to ~btaln a separate and lD4epen~ dent license pursuaat to the approprlat"e provisions of thi8 Ordinance and shall be subJeot to all of the provisions ot thi8 Ordinance. SECTION 21. <a) Ever7 person oonduoting, lIaIlaglq or oarr,. 1.~g on a barber shop haTing Dot more than one ohair shall P&1 an an- 24 nual 11oeD88 ot E1gbteen Do11ars ($la.oO). (b) Every per.on oonduct1ng, managing or oarrying on a barber 26 shop having more than one chair shall pay an annual liceDse equal to 27 the sum ot Eighteen Dollars (tlg.OO) plus Two Dollars ($2.00) tor 28 eaoh ohair in suoh .hop 1n excess of one. 29 SECTION 22. (a) Every person oonduatlng,managlng or oarr~' 30 iDg on a beauty .hop, having Dot more than one operator, wbare the 31 art of ooametolo81 1s praotioed, either 1n whole or in par1i, shall 32 pal an annual lioense of E1ghteen Dollars ($18.00). 20 21 22 25 9 1 (b) ETery pe~.on oonduotlng. managing or C&rrTlng on a beaut7 2 ~hoPJ hanng lIore than one operator, where the art ot c08lletolo~ 1. 3 praot1sed, e1ther in whole or 1n part, shali paT an annual license 4 ~qual to the sum ot Eighteen Dollars (118.00) plus Two Dollar8 ($2. ) 5 ~or eaoh operator ~n excess of one. a (0) For the purpose of this Seot1on, the "ord .operatorl shall 7 ~e 4eemed to lnolUt\e all per80ns, whether owner8, lIl8J1ager8 01' em... S ployeeB of suoh shQPs who are engaged as lIanage~"Op.l'atol'., hair 9 ~e.8er8, o08.etlo~8, oosmetologi8ts, operators and Junior oper- 10 _tors, &S def1ned QJ the laws ot th1s state. 11 SECTION 23- Iver1 person oonduot1ng, managing or oarr,lng 14 <a> 15" 'Wing or 18 ..88, the 17 < b) 18 19 ~he SUIl of Twent7-nTe Dollars (125.00) tor eaoh da:r. (0) For eaoh .'tent show w1 th a Beating aapacl ty ot more than 1.,000 perSODa an4 DOt .ore than 4.000 persons, bel,onglng to la1d oar .tval or 8imilar bUlllness,One Hundred Dollars (8100.00) tor 'the f1r. 22 Ia1 and Fltt7 DOll~8 (150.00) tor eaoh suoceeding OODI8out1Ye day. 20 21 23 (4) For eaoh tent ahow w1th a seat1ng oapao11iy ot more than 24 4,000 per80D8, belonging to said oarn1val or slallar bU81ne... Two 25 lundred Dollars (1200.00) tor the first 4&7 and One Hundred Dollar. 28 27 ($100.00) tor eaoh 8uooeedlng oonseout1ve 4&7_ (e) For eaoh person sel11ng tlag.. banners, b~lloOD.J oanes, 28 ~orn8J no1se makins 1nstrument., badg.., 80uyenirs and other Dovel- 29 30 31 32 ~le8, in oonneotion with sald oarnlval or s1milar buslness, other ~han trom a stand, wagon or tent, a dally license tee of rlve Dol- ~ar8 <15.00). . '10 ....-........rt:lliI.~-:.~~-.iiIi::...............:..~...~ 1 (t) Por eaoh .tand, oono...lon, show, exhibition or enterprl'. 2 o~.r than tho.. sp.oiflaal17 mentioned here1n. belonglng to .ald 3 oarn1val or s1m1lar business a dally l10ense tee of Ten Dollars 4: (110.00) per day. 5 SECTION 24. Every person oonducting, manag1ng or carrying 8 oa a Ferris Wheel", Scen1c Rai1wa7, Jlerry-Go-Round, Swlng, or 8im1lar 7 dey10e wbere a fee II charged or oolleoted tor oarry1ng any persons S taereon, shall pa, a dally license tor eaoh suoh Ferris Wheel,Soenla 9 ~.11wa1, .err1-Go~Roand, Swing or s1m1lar deTloe ot Ten DQllar8 10 (110.00) tor the t1~.t da1 and Flve Dollars (15.00) tor eaoh .uooee4 11 lag oOD8eouti ve day 'that the .&me 18 or are 80 oonducted, ~g8c1 or 12 oarried on. SEC'rIOlf 25. <a) Ever7 person oondllotlngJDlanag1DK or oarr7 lag on a o1rau8 or 11milar exhibltion haY1ng a .eating oapaoltr of 14 Dot more than 4,000 persona shall pa7 a dally l1cense ot One Hundred 15 Dollar. (1100.00) for the f1rst day and Fitty Dollars ($50.00) tor 16 ..oh suooeed1ng oon.ecu'tlve day that the same 18 oonduoted, managed 17 13 IS or oarried ODe (b) .EYer1 per.on oonduoting, managing or oarrying OD a oiroue or s1milar exh1bit10n hav1ng a seating oapaoity of more than ~J900 persons shall pay a da117 11c8n8e of Two Hundred Dollar. (1200.00) tor the f1rst day &ad One Hundred Dollars <1100.00) tor .soh .uooee4 lng OODS8outlve day that the same 1s oonducted, aanaged or oarrled 0 . (a) Eyery per.on oonduoting, manag1ng or oarr.ling on a 814e 24 show or after ahow to a o1rous or similar eXhib1tion .hall pa7 a 25 dal17 11oen.e of Tea Dollars (110.00) per 4ay. SEaTIOR 26. Every person oonducting, manag1ns or oarr71Dg 27 on any tent show not otherw1se speo1tlcal17 proTlded tor In thle 28 Ord1nanoe where1n .eat1ng aooommodat1oD8 are provided tor speatators 29 .hall pay the tollo~ng dal17 l10ense tee: 30 (a) For eaoh tent show having a seating- capaol t7 ot not more 31 than 4,000 persons,. a da11y l1cense ot One Hundred Dollar. <1100.00) 32 tor the f1rst day aDd F1fty Dollars (150.00) tor each succeedlng oonseoutive day that the lame 11 oonduoted, managed or oarrled ODe 19 20 21 22 23 26 11 .':".l. ..~. .~. .......:..... _,a..-II ~~.....................",~..~...............-.-..........~~ 1 (b) For eaoh" tent show having a seating oapacity ot -ore than 2 ~.OOO per80Ds a da~17 license of Two Hundred Dollars (1200.00) tor 3 the tirst dq and ()ae Hundred Dollars (1100.00) tor eaoh 81100eecllng " . 4 oon8ecutiY8 d8.7 that the .aa8 1. oonduoted, Il8.D&ged or oarr1ed on. 5 SECTION 27. Every person oonduotlng, Il8.D&glng or oarrylng 6 on aD7 street exh1bition, out door entertainment, or sim1lar eDter~ 7 pr1.., or &BY tent ahow where seating acoommodations are Dot provide e tor. whloh exhibition, entertainment, enterpr1.e or tent show 18 Dot 9 apeoltloal17 provided tor 1n this Ordinanoe and tor whloh a oharge 10 1. aad. or oollected shall pal a 4&117 lioen.. ot Fltt7 Dollars 11 12 13 14 16 (150.00) . SJl:CTIOR 28. B..ray per.on oonduoting, JDaDaglng or carrylag on a theatre where ~.OV1Dg or motion picture.,or legltlaate theatre, or YaudeY111e show. are exhibited, shall pay 'the tollo.lag annual licen..: (a) For any ."ueh theatre having a leatins capao1t7 of 1... 1,000 persons, an annual 11oen.e ot One HuDdred Dollars (1100.00). 17 (b) For aDr such theatre haYlng.a seatillg oapaoltJ" of 1,000 or .ore persons, an aDnual liceDse of Two Hundred Dollar. < 1200.00) . BEOTIO. 29. Every person oonduotlng,aaDaging or oarr71ng on any theatrioal or vaudeville performanoe or exhib1ting aDJ moving. 21 or aotion pictures in &n1 theatre, publio hall, club room,or al.emb 22 llall, tor whlch a oharge 1. .ad. or donations reoeived. shall .pal' a 23 4&117 lioen.. of F~tteeft Dollars (115.00). Bothing 18 this Section shall be deeaed or oonetrue4 to re 25 qu1re the holder of a theatre 110ense lssued pursuant to the provl- 28 .10ne ot Seot10n 28 hereot to prooure an add1tlonal 11cense to oon- 27 duct, ~ or oarry on any theatrloal.or vaudevl11e pertorBanoe or 28 to exhib1t any mov1ftg or motion plcture. at &n7 theatre 80 11ce.s.4. 29 SEC'l'IOIf ,0. Every person Gondlloting,aanaglng or Oa%'1";r1nl 30 on a shooting gallery, shooting range, aroher;r range,or o&rr;ring on 31 an;r game ot ball rol11ng, rlng throwlng, diso throwlng, stiok thrOWN 32 lng. or any g... or ga.el ot skill or science not otherwl.e .peolt1- oa111 provlded tor 1n th1s Ordinanoe, in whioh a oharBl 18 paid tor 12 18 18 19 20 24 -.. ...-............ ,...... ._....... .-1......". .,.....:;.-a..-::r........ .............. ~... ~~...~.......--...-.......:........ ..........!: ...~ .. 1 partio1pating th8r.~, shall pay an annual lioense ot One HUD4re4 2 Dellar. (1100.00) 3 SECTION 31. Every per.on conducting, ...q1B. or oarr11111 4 OD 8.D7 publio aauss*nt roo., bU81n..s or parlor, other t:baD a the.- 5 tp8, show, theatrlo~ pertormance or other type ot amu~e..Dt or reo~ . 6 reatlon in thi8 Ord~Danoe elsewhere de8cribed, ahall pal the tollow- 7 lag annual license: 8 (a) For 07 8~h publla amusement rOOIl, bu1~e88 or parlor, 9 waere1n DO pool tables. b1ll1ard table. and/or bow11ng all.,. are 10 kept or mainta1ned for use by the publio, an annual license of 11 Seyentr-tlT8 Dollars <175.00). (b) For any slI.h publlo ..u....nt rOOll, b1l81n... or parlor, 12. 13 ...rein pool table., b1ll1ard tables SAd/or bow11ng al1e7. are kept 14. or ma1nta1ned tor U.8 b7 the pub11o, an annual license of Sevent7" 15 r1ve Dollars (.75.~) together with the sum ot Ten Dollars ($10.00) 16 tor eaoh pool t&ble. blll1ard table and/or bowling. alle7. SECTIOR 32. Every person conduotins,aanaglDI or. operatlag a publ10 danoe hall .hall .pay an annual lloense of ... BUDdrea Dol- 18 lara (1200.00). or at the option ot the lioeDSe., ten Dollar. <110.0 ) 19 tor eaoh danoe paya'le before oonductlng slIch danoe. 20 For the pllrpoae of th1s Ordinanoe, a daDoe hall 18 ~etln.c1 '0 be aD7 plaoe w~r. the bU81n..s of holding or Gonduotlas .p.bllo 22 danaes 18 regular17 oarr1ed on tor profit, provlde4 that DothlDI 1. th18 Seotion.oonta1ned shall be deemed or oonstrued to require the 17 21 23 24 holder ot an annual lioense to oonduot the busine.. of a daDo. hall 25 to procure aDJ addl'1onal lloense to oonduot a danolng aoa4.~J in 26 the event that suoh danoing aoadeDl1 18 oonduoted at.the .... 100a... 27 t10n aDd ~der the .ame management as suoh publio dano. hall. 28 SECTIOR 33. <a> Z'Yerl person oonduot1Dg,lU.Da~ or 081'1' - 29 lag on a dano1ng ao8delQ' shall paT an annual lioen.. of 11pt.en 30 Dollar. (118.00). 31 For the purpo8e ot this Ordinance a dancing aoad.~ 1. d.~ 32 tined to be a regularlr established .plaoe of business or entertaln- .ent where instruotions 1n danoing or dance le..o.. are gly.n or 13 :,;.:.. ..........-....,..:. 4U<o_...:..... ~it:..".~of"';... .~..........~~....:.........._.~.......-.............L...-:. _~.. .....-,.1i...........a..___...,...nv 1 taught and a tee tor such instruction or lesson 1s ."e, paid or 2 reoe1 ved. 3 (b) Ever1 per.on engaged in t:tle profession ot dancing teaoher 4 who has no regular11 estab11.hed plaoe ot business where 1Dstruot1oD 5 1a ~OiDg 18 given .hall pay an annual lioense ot E1ghteen Dollar. e (118.00). 7 SEOTION 34. (a) Ever7 person oonduoting,aan&glIlS or oarrl-'" 8 lag on anJ trade school, trade college. bu.siness sohool or business 9 college ahall pa7 an annual license of T..nt7-tlve Dollars (125.00). 10 (b) Ever1 p.er.on oonduoting, managing or oarr71ng Oil, at an 11 e.tablished plaoe of business a sohool where instruotion "1. given in 12 ...ic, dramatios, art, designing, dressmaking, meohaDlo8, or any ot r 13 trade or t1ne art, shall pal an annual lioense ot Eighteen Dollars 14 ( Il! · 00) . 15 (0) Ivery person engaged 111 the profe881on of teaoh1ns au.lo, 18 drallatlcs, art, d..lping, dressmaking, meohanios, or an7 ~ther trad 17 or tine art, who has no regular1r established place ot busln..s wher suoh teaching is oarried on, shall par an annual lioense of Eighteen 18 Dellars <118.00). 19 SICTION 35. Ever, person conduotlftg,manasins or oarr11ns OD the business of taking or produoing one or more moving or aotioD pictures or photopla7s shall par an annual license ot One Hundred Dollars (1100.00). SECTION 3'. (a> Every perlon conduatlng,aanaglnc or oarry~ 24 lag on a 'axl.ab bUllness, or the business or oarr11ng pa...nsers to 25 hire 1n veh1cles where the eperator.:tbereot are furn1shed DY the pe 28 eon oonduoting, managing or carrying on 8uoh bU8ines8, .hall PAT aD 27 annual lloense of Fitteen Dollars. <t15.00.) for eaoh taxioab or other 28 vehiole used in such business. This subsection shall Dot apply to 29 20 21 22 23 the business of operating ambulanoes or invalid ooaohes. (b) Every per.on oonduoting, managing, carrying on or aalntalD 31 ing a taxicab stand upon any public street, road, alley or wa1 1n 32 t~s C1ty shall pay the tollowing annual lioense: 30 14 0' 1 (1) Where suoh taxioab stand 18 d..igned to acoomaodate vehlo1 . a be1aS parked parall.l to the ourb or side ot suoh street, roa4,alle1 3 or wa1, an annual 1~o.n8e of One Dallar (11.00) per lineal toot of 4 the length of suoh ~axloab stand, measured along the s1de or ourb 6 ot such street, roa4;) alley or w.Y; 6 (2) Where IUO~ "taxioab stand 18 a.e8lped to aooo8lll1oclate vehlo1 . . 7 parked diagonal11, 14ft annual liaense of Twent7...tlv. Dollar. (125.00) 8 for eaoh .paoe de8iiP'ed to aaoolllDlodate one Yehiole. 9 (0) Ever, perlon oonduatlng,managlng or oarrl1ng on the bU8i~ 10 neBS ot operating aabulano8sor invalid coaches shall paT aD annual 11 lioense ot Twel.e Dollars ($12.00) tor eaoh ambulanoe and invalid 12 ooach u.ed in suoh ~uB1Des.. 13 For the purpose ot this Seotion the term. I invalid Goaohl. 1 defined to mean "and include a vehiole u8ed to tran.port the .lck and 14 infirm from plaoe to plaoe, suoh vehiole Dot being an emerseDoy 15 vehiole. 18 (4) ...1'7 per.on oonduoting, .anaglng. or aarr71DI OD the bUll- 17 n... o~ renting the us. ot an, truck or motor propelled yehlo1e tor 18 ta. tran.portatioD ot materials, oommodities or produot8, or the 19 transportatioD ot &aJ other object, to be drl.en b7 the per.oD or 20 persoDs hiring the ..me at rates per mile, per trip, per ho~J per 21 day, per week or per month and suoh truck or yehlcle 18 l'oute4 UIlder 22 the d1reot1on ot the persoft h1ring the sam., .hall par aD aDn.al 23 lioense of Ten Dollars (110.00) tor each suoh truck and vehicle used 24 111 8a1d bU81nes8. 25 (e) Eyer1 per.on oonduct1ng, manaling or oarr1ing Oft the b..l~ 28 n..s ot renting the use of 0)' 'lIOtor propelled ",ehlo1e tor the tralle 27 portat1oD ot per.on"ta be driven by the person or persoDs hiring or 28 rent1ng the same,. at rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day,per 29 week or per month, and suoh vehicle 18 routed under the direotion of 30 the person h1ring t.. lame, .hall pay an annual lioen.. of '!'en Dol- 31 lara (810.00) tor each suoh vehiole used 1n 8ald bUBlne... 32 (t) Every per.on oonduot1ng, managing or oarrying on the busi- ne.s of renting the use ot tra1lers des1gned to be attaehed to motor 15 1 propelled vehioles ~ll pay an annual 11oen88 of One Dollar (11.00) 2 per wheel tor all tra1lers us,ed 1n 8a1d business. 3 ( g) Every persbn oonduQ tlng, managing or oarrylng on the bU81- 4 ne.. of transport1ng tor hire pal8eDgers 1n a motor propelled yehlo1 5 OYer a detlalltt:- !.'ou_, whloh vehiole reoelves and di80hargea pas8en... 8 gers along suoh rout~, shall pay an' annual lioense of 'en Dollar. 7 (tic.oO) tor each suph yehlcle used 1n 8ald bU81n88s. 8 (h) Ever1 pera_n oonduot1ng, .anaging or oarrying on the b..i- 9 ae.8 of operating a 81gb.t".eeln.g bus or automobile shall P87 an ann 1 10 l1oen88 ot TweD.'ty--t1" Dollars (125.00) tor eaoh 8UO~ sight-s..inS 11 bu. and automob1le uled In said buslnesl. 12 (1) Eyery per.8n oonduot1ns. managing or oarrylng on the busi- 13 ne8S of a 't1oket age.cy tor the sale ot tiokets tor tl'uaportat1on 1 14 ally 81ght...eelng bu. or automob1le shall par an annual l1oen.. ot 15 E1Shteen Dollars (818.00). Th1s 8ubsection shall not be applioable to an, person to whoa a 11oen.. 18 issued pur8uant to the provisions 16 of 8ub.eot1on (h) of th1s Seotlon. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (J) Bver7 per.en conduot1ng, manag1ng or oarrylng OD the bU81- n..s of renting blerelea and other vehioles propelled b7 human power or drawn b7 an111l8.1s lhall pay an. annual license ot Two DOllar. (12. ) for eaoh such blc701e and veh10le used.1n sald bU8ines8. SEC!ION 37. <a> Every person conduct1ng,managing or carry1 S. on the bus1ness ot haul1ng or transport1ng goods. ware., lIe!-chancl1a8, freight or baggage w1thin, to and/or trom this City, exolu.lvely to perSODS, firm. and oorporatloD8 using sald 8Oods, wares, ..rehandls.. 25 freight or bassasa ezolu8ive17 tor resale or in manufaoturing, lhall 28 ~. pa, an annual lioense of Three Dollars (13.00) tor eaoh vehlole used 27 1n suoh bua1ne88, pro'Ylded further, that the .axlmua aaout charge..- 28 able tor a l1cense trom anyone l1censee UDder th1s sub.eotlon sball 29 be Twent7...four Doll~. (124.00) per 7ear. 30 (b) Ivery person oonducting, lIaJlag1ng or oarrJ'lDg 011 the 31 business ot hauling or transporting goods, wares, merobandls.,tr.lght 32 or ba.ggage within, to and/or from this Clt7J other than".1lCh It..i.... 16 "... -. "C~-......;.". _or ... -~"I . .... ...~_.~.~~ ................ ~. .........00&."................_ ~.#:. __......__......-..........._.--.....................,......... 1, desorlbed in sub8eot1on (a) ot th18 Section, 8hali pa7 the follow1ns 2 annual l1oen..: 3 (1) For eaoh Yehlcle u8ed ln 8a1d business, arawn or operated 4. b7 meaDS other than~.otor propu181oD, 81x Dollar.- (16.00); 5 (2) For eaoh aotor pr~pelled veh1,ole used in 8ald busln... a having a aanutaotur.rts ratlng ot not to exoeed one to.. ,..lTe 7 Dollars (112.00); 8 (3) For eaah iIotor propelled veh1cle used 1n said b.sllle.s 9 hav1ng a lI&J1utaotur."r's rating ot more than one ton, but Dot to ex- 10 o..d three ton., Twenty Dollars ($20.00); 11 (4) For everJ .otor propelled yehlo1. used 1n lald bU81ne88 12 hav1ng a -.nutaotur.r's ratiag ot .ore than three tona, Thlrt7 13 Bellar. <130.00); (5) For-ever7 traller u8~d In 8ald bU81D~8..rour Dollar. (14. ). 14 15 (0) In t)ae eTent that an7 person oonduot., lUDagea or oarri.. on the bust...... de.or1bed 1n both 8uba8otlon8 (a) and (b) 18 of this Seotion he .hall be required onlr to app17 tor and obtain 17 the lioen.. requlre4 b7 8ald 8ubseotlon (b). 18 !his Seotion .hal~ n~ be ~110a~.. tOaD1 p.~.on who has 19 aD .stablished plaoe ot busi~.SA~li~~ o~~ots, aaDages or 20 21 oarries on aD7 of t-. bu.ln..... or ocoupat1one de.crl~ed 1n th1. Seotion, but eTer7 .uoh person .hall obta1n and pal tor the l10ense 22 provided tor br S.c~lon 46 hereot. 23 SECTIOH ,.. Every person oonduot1ng, II8.Il8.g1DI or 24 "7 open air automo\Jl1e storage or par1t1ng plaoe, parking l~t or par ... 25 lag station shall par an annual l1cense ot T.enty-tlve Dollar. <125. 0) 28 SECTION 3'- Every person oonduoting. aanaging o~ oarryiDg 27 on anT bU81ne.s hereinafter in this Section enumerated, or. aD1 oom~ 28 b1nat1on thereof. 8~1 pay an annual lioense ot Thirty Dollars 29 (130.00), or at the option of the lioensee a quart.r~annual license 30 of 'en Dollars (110.00). 31 (a) The bu.l~.8 ot oO.8tructlng houses, building. and/or 32 structure. a8 a gen,ral oontraotor; 17 1 (b) The bU81n...t either a8 oontraotor or 8ub-contraotor, ot 2 1n.taI11ng, ..lDtal~Dg and/or repairing eleotrlcl wlr1Bg.or elec~ 3 tr1eal l1lbt1ns, po'-r or heating fixtures; 4 (0) The bUlin..., e1ther a8 oontraotor or 8ub-coatraotor, ot 5 1nstalling. ..lntai_ins and/or repalr1ng plumbing,' pl~blDg tlx~ur.8 6 aDd/or gas tlttlag8, fixture. or pip... 7 (d) The bU81n..., either a. oontraotor or .ub~aoDtraotorJ ot 8 lD8talllns, ..lDtal~Dg aDd/or repairing roots; (e) Thl bu.l~.., either a8 oontraator or sub-oontraotor, of 9 10 painting, pla8terlnl, ..sonr7, stuooo work, floor pol18hlDg, hard~ 11 wood tloor installation, lathins, shingling, aoouetioal iD8tallation 12 glaz1ng, oupentr1, l!lterior 'dee,orating, wall paper haDSlDgj 13 (t) The bUIln..s, e1ther a. oontractor or 8ub-oontractor, ot i.stalling, malntalalng and/or repairing turnaee., heating unit. 14 "410'1' heating S~8't...; 15 18 (g) The bueln..s,either &8 contractor or 8U~ooDtraotor, of lD 8~alliDg, malnta1nlag and/or repairing ventilating and/or alr~ODdl- 17 tlon1ng un1te, 8T8t... or 'apparatus; 18 19 20 21 (h) The buein..s, e1ther a8 oontraotor or 8ub-colltraotorJ ot 1.stal11ng, malntaiaift8 and/or repa1rlftg bOiler.J.cabinet ..4 .111 .ork, 1nsulation, pipe ooyer1ns, oement, ooncrete, .1eTator., teDoln , metal 8a8h and door, gunite, flooring, ornamental aetals, sheet aet , 22 _. terrazzo, m08alo, maohlnery, puaps, awnings, gla8s, 81gns. .~Dkler 23 s,stems, re1nforc1ng Iteel, struotural .teel, tile, waterprootlag, . 24 weatherproofing, daapproot1ng. shades, linoleum, retrigeratioa unit. 25 or s,steml,hou8ehold fixtures, or storetixtur..;, (1) The bUlin..., e1ther as contraotor or sub-oontraotor, of 28 27 excavating, grading and/or trenching; 28 (J) The busln..s, either a. oontractor or 8ub-oontraotor, of, 29 mov1ag houses, bu1141ngs and/or structures; 30 (k) The busln..s, either aa oontraotor or .Ub~coDtra~tor, of 31 wrecking or otherwise demolishIng house., building. and/or other 32 struotures. 18 ..~~~.:- 'I,.",~'-..........-.......-...._-. .....~.,....... .~""'.......... .... 1 (1) 'lh. bu.ln..., either &8 oontractor or 8ub-oontrao'.r, ot 2 la.tallins, malntal*ing and/er repa1r1ng sewers aD4 dralne; 3 (a) The bU81n..s, e1ther as contraotor or 8ub-oontraotor, or 4 turnishing an7 labor, .kill and/or .at.rial tor or 1n the OODstrue- 5 tlon, aalnteDaDce &ai/or repair ot an7 build1ng, house or struoture, which business 18 not speo1tlcalll aent10ned or de80rlbed 1n this Section. 6 7 !h18 Seotion shall ~t be appll~~le to &ft7.peraon who haa ~ -t4t., ~(A ~~ 'I 9 aa eltabllshed place of bU81ne. .~reln he oonduots, aanaBlI or 8 10 oarri.. on aD7 of t~ businesses or oCQupatlon8 desor1bed in this 11 seotion, but 8yery .uoh person shall obta1n and pay tor the lioense 12 provided tor oQr Seo~1on ~6 hereot. SECTION 40. Everl person oonduotlng,managing or oarr71ng 13 14 OD. the business ot auto wreoker or Junk dealer shall pa7 an aDDual license ot ODe Hun~d Dollar. <1100.00). 16 16 For the purpose ot this Section an auto ~.oker 18 defined to be and construed to mean and include any person who bUT8 &87 aoto 17 vehiole tor the purpose ot dismantling or d18....abllng, or who 41a- 18 19 20 21 mantles or disass..ble. anr suoh motor veh10le whether tor the par- , po.. ot dealing in the parts thereot or using the same tor t~ pur- pose of recondltion1Dg any other vehiole, or tor the purpose lag or otherw1se dealing in the mater1als of 8uoh veh10le or 22 For the purpose ot this Section a Junk dealer 18 d.~iDed 23 to be &n7 per.oD haying a fixed plaoe of business in thi. Clt7 enga 24r 1n the business or buy1ng or selling, either at.whole.ale or retail, 25 or stor1ng on any premises any rags, sacke, bottles, cane,papers, 28 metals or other artioles of Junk. 27 SECTION 41. EverT person conducting, managing or oarrJlng 28 on the bus1ness of J~ oolleotor shall par an annual l1cense of One 29 Hundred Dollars <$100.00) or at the option of the lioensee a da111 30 license of rlTe Dollars ($5.00). 31 for the purpose ot th1s Seotion a Junk oolleotor 11 detine 32 to be any person, ot~r than a junk dealer, engaged in the bU8iness 19. ..-...~~.......~....,..':i:..~......qr~ 1 ot buy1ng or sel11n$, e1ther at wholesale or reta1l of rags, bottle. S papers, oans, metal. or other art10les or Junk. :5 SECTION 4~. Every person oonducting, DlaDaging or oarrying 4 OD the bus1ness of pawnbroker shall pay an annual lioense ot !hree 5 H~dred Dollars(130Q.OO). 6 For the purpose ot th1s Sectlon the term · paWDbroker" i8 7 detined and shall be oonstrued to !Dean and 1no.lu4e evel'Y pe~80n, COD 8 duotlng, manag1ng or oarrying on the buslness ot loaning mone, 81th. 9 ter himself or tor 8n7 other person, firm or corporation, upon any 10 personal property, personal security, or purohasing personal propert 11 and resel11ng or agreeing to resell such propertT to the vendor or 12 other assignee at prioes prev10usly agreed upon. Nothing 1n this S. 13 tlon contained shall be deemed or oonstrued to apply to the loaning 14 ot monel on personal property or personal securltJ b1 &D7 bank autho ~ laed to do 80 under the law8 ot the state ot California or ot the 15 United states. lS 17 SECTION 4;. Every person conduotlng,. ~11Dg or oarrying 18 OD aDr 10e or roller skating rink, enclosure or park shall pal' an annu.al lioense ot One Hundred Forty~tour Dollars (8l4~.OO). 19 SECTION 44. Every person oonduoting, managing or carrying 20 OD any stooqard.J sales stable or corral where horses, oattle, goat. 21 22 sheep, mules and ot~r 11 Yestook. are bOUght, sold or exchanged at publio auotlon or otherw1se shall pay an annual l1cense ot One 23 Hundred (1100.00) Dollars. SECTIO~ 45. Ever1 person oonduoting, managing or carry1ng 25 on the business ot oold storage or refrigerating plant tor the purw 26 pose of storing trul*s, yegetables, meat, fish, eggs or da1ry produc I, 27 and/or maintalnlng aDd operatlng frozen food lockers shall pay an 28 annual 11cense of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) 29 SEOTION ~6. (a) Every person oonduoting, managing or oarr 30 ing on the business ot restaurant, or soda tountal~or eatlng plaoe, 31 or boarding house, or hotel, or dry-oleanlng establishment, or lodg- 32 iDS house, or dle1ng.. plant, or laundry, or automobile servioe statio 24 or newspaper, or public garage, or prlntlns establlshment,and'every 20 ...............~..~. .~.._. i." ."""W" ~ .;.........__~.~......~~..______. 1 person aoaduotlng. -.nag1ng or oarry1ng on any whole.ale bU81ness, 2 or reta1l bus1ness,. or Jobb1ng business, or commission bU8iness, and 3 every per.on oonduoting, managin8 or oarry1ng on anT hU81nes8 ot man.~ 4 taoturing, prooessing or tabrlcating an~ prodUct, o ommodit7, alrplan , 5 .h1p, maoh1ne, 1nstrumenta11ty, or parts ot 8ame, and every person 6 oonduot1ng, Dl8.Dag1nc or carrying on anY' business, trade., protesslon, 7 oooupation, exhibitlon, game, or enterprise not speolfloally l1oens. a b7 this Ordinanoe. or by any o'aer Ordinanoe ot this 01 t7, shall PaT 9 aD annual l10ense b..ed upon gross reoelpt&Of suoh business, trade, 10 profess lon, oooupat1on, exhibition, game or enterprise aooording to 11 the follow1ng 8ched~e: Gross Reoeipts per Annum Fe. per Annum 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 Less than 125,000.00 ............................ 118.00 $25,000.00 and le8s than $50,000.00 ................................. 125.00 150,000.00 and ..less than tlOO, 000. 00 ...................!............ 135 .00 1100,000.00 an4 le88 than 1150,000.00 ................................ .~.OO $150,000.00 anQ les8 than 1200, 000.00 ................................ $45.00 1200,000.00 and more ............................ 150.00 21 tbe minimUll annual lioense. (b) fhe tee of 118.00, above set forth, 1s hereb7 des1gnated 22 (e) On the 20th day of July ot each aDd every 7ear, coma.Do1ng 23 JUly 20, 1947, every pe~son to whom a lioense has been issUed, pur- 24 suant to the prov1s1ons ot this Section, shall deliver unto the Ohie 25 ot P01ioe, tor h1, guidance in asoertaining the amount ot lioense to 28 be paid bysuoh person, a wr1tten statement sworn to be tore an ottia r 27 authorized to administer oaths, showing the total amount ot gross re 28 ceipts of the business, trade, prote-ssion, ocoupation, exh1bit1on, 29 the game or 8nterpr1.. tor whiah suoh lioense was issued, tor/annual 30 lioense period next p~eceding. Suoh statement shall not be oonolu- 31 sive upon the Oity ot Anaheim, or upon any oftioer thereot, a8 to t 32 aatters therein set torth, and the same shall not preJudioe 21 ...-- --.....~ ..": ...'V1!.~-';~11L. . ~ ........==~~_.............~~I._...,....... .............6;.-~.T......~~ 1 ot said Cltl to reoQTer any amount that may be asoertained to be due . . 2 trom suoh person in addition to the. alDOunt ShOWD by such statement 3 to be due in case 8~h statement shall be found to be 1ncorrect. 4 (d) It any pel'lOD hereby required to ~ the stat.MDt pre-- 5 serlbed by this Sea'ion shall tall 80 to dOt ..on persoD shall be e required to P&1 a lieense ot the max1mum rate here1n pre.cribed. 7 (e) All state..nts f1led pursuant to the .proT18ione ot th1. e Seotion shall be detsed conf1dential 1n oharacter, and shall not be 9 sabJeot to publlo.1..pectlon. It shall be the duty ot the Chlet of 10 Polloe to 80 pres.rYe and keep sald statements that the oonteate 11 thereot may Dot bee... known exoept to the persons oharsed by law 12 with the admin1stration ot this Ordinanoe., proYlded, howe"f'er, that the ...e ma1 be 1ntroduced aa evldenoe ln &07 court. ot oo.petent 13 Jur1sd1ct1on 1n 08.8.. of alleged v1olat1on ot this Ord1DaDOe by &n7 14 15 18 aak.er of 8uch state"nt. (f) . lor the plarp08e ot the enforoement ot th18.0r41DaDo., the Chlet of Polloe 118.1, with the prior consent ot the:> C1ty Councll, 17' · deput1ze a qualltie4 aooountant to examine the necessary book. and 18 reoords ot.AnY person to who. a liceDse ha. been issued pursuant to 19 Uhe provls1oDS ot this Seotion. Any failure or ~etu8al on the part 20 of any person l1aeDJed uDder this Sectlon to exhibit to and allow 21 ..xamlllatioD by sald.' acoountant so deput1zed shall oODstltute a m1s... 22 demeanor pun1shable as in this Ord1nanoe prov1ded. 23 SEeTIO. 47. Every person, not having an fJ.~tabl18hed plaoe 24 of bus1ness within th1s City, conduoting, managing or oarrl1ng on t 25 bU81ness of sel11ng at reta11, by mean. ot vehlo1es, &nr m11k, 4alr7 28 products, or other.tood 1ntended and a~ltable tor human oon...ptloD, 27 to regular customer. along an established route or route., shall pay 28 .an annual l10ense ot E1ghteen ~ollar8 (118.00) tor eaoh veh101e used 29 in 8uoh bus1nes8. 30 SECTION~. Ever1 person oonduotlnSi manaSins or oarr,lDS 31 on any apart..nt hOl1se ot three or more apartaent8 shall. par an ann 32 a1 license ot Fltt7 Cents (50;) tor each apart.eat. proY14e4, howeye , ,hat the .&xl.um annual liceDse .hall be Twel91 Dollar. (112.00). 22 ~_~..~:~C'ItIfI'III':.:._.........-.-.._....~. 1 BEeTIO. 4,. !ver1 perSOD oonduotiDS, lI8Ilaglng or carryiag 2 oa the bU81ne88 of .peratins an offioe bu1ld1ng shall pal' an annual 3 license ot '.0 Doll~. (12.00) tor eaoh otfioe therein. 4 An otflce building i8 hereb7 detined &8 meaning &D7 bu1ld- 5 lag oontain1ng tbret or aore ottices. e SECTION 5~. Ever1 person oonduoting, m~aglng or c&rr71ng 7 OD the buslnes8 ot living st... baths, eleotrla light batba,eleotrlo 8 tub baths, shower baths, .poage baths, or operating any publio bath 9 whlah 118.1ntains in oonneotloD therewith a steam rooll, plunge, bath 10 or sleeping aooommolatlone shall pay an annual license of F1tt, 11 Dollars (150.00). 12 Bothing i. this Seatlon oontained shall app17 to ph7810al 13 culture institution.. 14 SECTION 51. Ever7 person conduoting, aanaslng or oarr1ing 15 OD the business ot .olioitor shall pa7 a 4.117 liceDse of Ten Dollar 18 (110.00) tor eaoh per.oD employed or engaged in sueh bu.l..... 17 For the parpoee ot this Seotion the word -solicitor' .hall \ be defined as An1 per.on who 1s engaged in the bUlin... ot solng fro 18 house to house, and plaoe to plaoe, or at or along the streets ot th 19 01ty ot Anaheim, selling or taking orders tor or otteriag to sell or 20 take orders tor go04s, or ..rohandise, or other thingB ot value, tor 21 22 23 24 tuture delivery or tor 8erYices to be pertor.ad in. the future. Thi. Seotion shall not apply to &n1 person, or emplo1..:::.01' asen' or repre .entativ. ot any person who haa a vooational 110ense in t~. City.as proylded b7 this O~Danc.. SEeTIOR 52. Every person oonduotlng, managlng or oarrylag 25 28 on the bu.lnes8 ot .olioiting cueto. or patronase upon any publio 27 .trest, a1187 , or other public plaoe, tor any hotel, 1nn, room1D~ 28 house, loclg1ng..hous., ap8.1'tlHnt house, restaurant, dining-rooll, or 29 house or plaoe where meals or board or lodging are furnished for 0011 30 .peneatloD, shall par an annual l1cense of Fifty Dollars (150.00). 31 SEOTIOR 53- Eyer1 person, not having a regular17 e.tabM '32 lished plaoe ot business in this City, who sel18 or otterl tor sale, 23 1 ,oods, warel, or ..rohandls1 in his pOlselslon at, on or tro. a st 2 .pon &D7 publlo st~et, allll or other publio place, or a doorway 0 3 all1 room or bu11dlaag, or unlnolosed or Taoant lot or paroel ot land, 4 whloh bualness ls 4Qt otherwise 11censed by the terml ot thi. Ordl- 5 nanoe, lhall pal a dally 110ense ot Ten Dollars (110.00). e SECTION 54. NotWlthstanding any other prOTislon. ot thll 7 Ordinanoe, any perSon, not haTlng an establlshed plaol ot bUlinesl a in this City, OOQd~tlng, mana81ng or oarrying on the buainess of 9 '.lling or dellTlrlDg kerosene. gasoline, benzine, engine dlstillate . 10 furnaoe dlstl11ate, stove dlstlllate, dlesel 011, butane or aD1 othe 11 petroleum produot, by _ans ot tank wagons, tank truoks, or other 12 vehioles, tor sale or de11very to other. to be used other than tor 13 resale or manufaoturlng, shall pay an annual lioense ot Twenty-tl.. (125.00) tor each wagon, truok or vehicle used in suoh busl- 14 Dollars 15 11.8B. \.. L '\" 18 r ..,ri , 0 SECTIOX 55. Every person conductlng, managing or earrying . fYl,' et.~~~C. on the buslne.. ot Golleotlng artlo1es to be laundered a~a plant or 17 ....,', <;L < I~ .. I-- 'l r l'" . .-- laUndry operated by steam or other motor power,' shall ptq an ann~l 18 r license ot Eightean Dollars (.tg.OO) tor each vehlcle used in such 19 b.s1ne8S. 20 SEOTION 56. Every person conduct1ng, managing or oarrying 21 oa the bUliness ot oolleotlng or turn1shing llnens supply shall pay 22 , an annual lioens8 ot Eighteen Dollar. ('1S.00) tor each vehiole used 23 24 1n suoh bu.lness. eECTION 57 Every person cOnduoting, manaS1DS or oarr71ng 25 OD a phySical oulture 1~ltu'1on where instruction in phy81cal culw 26 ture or beauty oulture, oal1athenl~or exerolaeare given, shall 27 pq an annual 11oens. ot Twenty-t1ve Dollars ($25.00). 28 29 strued to apply to ..., gJBlDaslum conducted 1n connection with any 30 prlvate club, any public or pr1vate achool where other courses ot 31 Ine tructlon are g1 veil. 32 Rothlng 1n th1. Seot1on oonta1ned shall be dee..d or OOD- 24 . . 1 _~~......~... 1 SEeTIO. 5'. Every person oonduot1ng, .anag1ng or oarrying 2 OD the business of 4eallng in or selling tireworks shall pay a 4a117 lioen.. of Flve Dollars <15.00), provided that any holder ot any 3 other l1oen.. i.sued p~.uant to the provi8ions ot th1s, Ord1nanoe, 4 tor the oonduct ot any busine88 in which gOOds, wares or ..rehand1s. 5 are sold, "7 deal 1n aDd sell tireworks without obtain1ng the 1108D . 8 provided bJ thl1 Seotlon. Hoth1ng in this Seotion shall be Gon.true" 7 aa permitt1ng the d..ling in or sale ot any type or kind ot tir..ork 8 proh1bited by any O~lnanoe of this C1ty or by any law of the state 9 10 11 12 ot California. SECTION 59. (a) E...er7 person engage4 in the bU8111... ot ma1ntaining an1 amuaement maahine, apparatu8 or 4e'l'108', d..lgned or construoted tor the purpose of produoing or reproduo1ng, or pl~71ng 13 any musloal tOfte, tOIles, or o"oablnatlOD;', of tones, and the us., "opera 14 tlng or play1ng of such Ilachine J appara.tu8 or de.,,1oe 18 perlll tted 15 allowed by the deposit of any 001D, plate, di80, token, or k.y 1n 16 8lot, orevice or other openlnSt or D7 the payment ot a tee theretor, 17 shall pay an annual lioense of Twelve Dollars (112.00) tor eaoh 8uoh 18 lIachiDe, apparatus 01' devioe. 19 (b) Every person ensased in the busine88 ot ..1~talD1Dg anT 20 amusement aaahlne, de80rlbed in 8ubsection (a)ot thls Seotlon,\ whlch 21 i. operated from a central 8tation (whioh machine is als<<;) oalled a 22 remote control maohlae) shall p~ an annual lioense of Twelve Dollar 23 (112.00) tor eaoh 8ueh machine. 24 (0) The term 'person., as used 1n this Seot1oD, shall inolude 25 the tollow1ng: 26 (1) The person who owns any 8uoh maahine, a.vic.tor 27 apparatus; 28 (2) The person in who.. plaoe of buslne.. such maohln., 29 dev1oe, or" apparatus 18 plaoe4 tor the use of the public; 30 (3) The person having oontrol over such aaohln8, equ1p~ 31 ment or devioe. 32 (d)~. paymen' ot the license tee required by th1s Section b7 ,( '25 1 aDY person enumerated in subsection (0) ot th1s Seotion shall be 2' deemed a ooapllano8:w1th thl1 Seot1on. 3 (e) Ever1 per.on eDsased in either or both of the bU8in8.... 4 de~lbed 1n subseotions (a) and (b) ot this Section must app17 tor 5 aad'. obtain any and all lioen8e. required by this Seotion. 1n addi tlon 8 to an7 other l10ense he may be required to apply tor and obtain 1n 7 aocordance with the provis1ons ot other Seotions ot 'hi- OrdinaDce, 8 aad this Seot1on shall oonst1tute an exoeption to Paragraph '76 hereo . 9 (t) Any l1oen.e 1ssued pursuant hereto shall be issued tor a 10 .part1cular maohine, -apparatus or devioe. TheN shall be written 11 upon eaoh l1cense t. ser1al Dumber ot the ll8ohine, apparatua or 12 devloe tor whloh lt 1s issued. 13 (g) The Chlef ot Polloe shall have the right to examlne aD7 14 suoh maohlne at any time to ascertain it the provlelon8 ot this 8eo- 15 tlon are being oomplied w1th. 16 (h) No l1cense issued pursuant to the provi81on. ot thi. See... 9 .I ti0D shall be transferable to any person O~ trom one machine, 17 . a.... 18 tU8 or devioe to another. SEmlOR 60. (a) Every person engaged in the busine8s of ma1ntain1ng any devloe, maohine or other lnstrument tor amuseaent purposes tor the use or entertainment ot wh10h there is requlre~ to be deposited 1n suoh dev1oe, maah1ne,or instrument, or any oontainer 19 20 21 22 in conneotion therewith, a co1n, token or other thing ot valu.,shall' 23 ~ pay an annual lioense ot Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) . eaoh suoh 24 26 device, maohine or other lntrument. (b) The term .'person", as used in this Seotion, ahall include 28 t1...e t 1 1 a 0 low ng: 27 28 (1) The person who owns any suoh dev1o~, maoh1ne or instrument (2) The person 1n whose place ot business such dev198, maoh1ne 29 or 1nstrument 1s plaoed tor the use ot the publio; 30 (3) The person having oontrol over such devioe, machine. or 31 iDstrument. 32 (0) The payment ot the license tee required by this Seot1on 26 .",' 1 b, any person enumejated in lubsection (b) ot th1s Seotion shall be 2 deemed a oomplianoe with th1s Sectlon. 3 (d) Every per~on engaged 1n the business desor1bed 1n 8ub- ~ section (a) ot this .Section must app17 tor and obta1n the license 5 requ1red by this Seotlon In add1t1on to anT other 110ense he -.ay be e required to apply tdr and obta1n in aooordanoe with the provi8ions 7 ot other Seotions of this Ordinance, and th1s Seot1on shall oon8t1~ 8 tute an exception to paragraph 76 hereot. 9 (e) Any 110enae issued pursuant hereto shall be issued tor a 10 particular deviae, machine, or 1ntrument. There shall be wr1tten 11 upon eaoh lioense the serial number and any other identify1ng name 12 ot suoh dev1oe, machine or instrument. 13 (t) The Chief of Police shall have the right t.o exam1ne any 14 such deYlo., maohine or instrument at any time to asoertain it the provis1ons ot this Seotion are being oomplied with. 15 16 (8) Ro license lssued pursuant to the provisions ot.this Sec~ tiOD shall be transferable to &D7 person or trom ODe devioe, ..ah1ne 17 18 or instrument to another. (h) .othlng in thi8 Seotion shall be oonstrued to applr to the 19 lioenslng ot mU81a bOxes, Juke boxes or 81al1ar instruments, devioe. 20 21 22 or maoh1nes. (1) No l1cense shAll be issued under this Seotion tor &n7 de- v1oe. machine or oth.r instrument which violates the prov181on8 of 23 &D7 OrdinaDce of thl1 City or any law ot the state of California. In 24 tha event that &n7 licensee under this Section uses, permlt. to be 25 used, or countenance. the use of any 8uoh devioe, maohine or other 26 in.trument, in violation ot an7 Ord1nanoe ot this 01t7 or any law ot 27 the state at Oa11toraia, then 8D7 license issued tor such device, 28 maohine or other instrument, and tor an7 other llke deVice, maohine 29 or other instrument situated at the same plaoe ot business shall be 30 reTOked b7 the City Oounoll. No such license shall be revoked exoep 31 atter a publio hearing ot whioh the lioensee shall be given wrItten 32 notioe b7 registered united states Mail, postage prepaid by the 0It7 27 ~ ,.1'."...,.-.. ~ 1 .......... . . 1 Clerk., at least ten' 4a18 before s.uoh hear1ng. The deposit ot such 2 notioe in the Un1te4 states Post Offioe at Anahelm, addr...ed to the 3 .lioensee at the address whe~. suoh device, maohine or 1nstrument 1. 4 situated, at least ten days 'betore such hear1ng shall be d....d But... 5 tlo1ent servioe ot .otioe. At such hearing the licensee .hall have e the right to be heatd and present witnesses on hiB UWD behalf. ae 7 ma7 be represented ~7 legal oounsel. The deo1s1on of the C1t7 Coun- a 011, at the term1nation .ot suoh hear1ng, shall be final and oonolu81 e. 9 SECTION 61. Every p~r8on conduot1ng, manag1ng or carrylng 10 08 the busines8 of operating or ma1nta1n1ng a oard wr1ter's stand in 11 or upon any publio street, alley or other publio place, tor the pur~ 12 pose of writing, printing or engraving any oard., 1nv1tat1ons or an~ 13 nounoements, or tor taking orders tor the same, .hAll P87 an annual 14 lioense ot One Hund~.d Dollars ($100.00) or at the opt1on ot the liceDsee a daily lioense ot Five Dollars <$5.00). 16 SECTION 62. EverT person oonduot1ng, l18.Daglng or oarrying on the bU81nees ot sriDd1ng or sharpening scissors, razor., kD1yes, 17 outlerr or mechanioal tools, when 8uch person oonduot1ng suoh bU8i- 18 ness traTele trom plaoe to plaoe, or trom house to house. .hall .pay an annual 1.lcens8 ot Twelve Dollars ($12.00) or at the option ot the Lioense. a dally 110ense of One Dollar (11.00).. SECTION 6,. . Every person oonduoting, managing or oarrying business ot operating or mainta1ning a shoe sh1ning stand or shall pay an4PDual license ot Fi~t.en Dollars <115.00). SECTION 64. Every perlon conduot1ng. managing or carrying business of ~eratlng or ma1ntain1ng any stand 1n or apoD any street, alley or other publlc place tor the sale ot candy, 27 peanuts, popoorn, chewing gum, 10e oream. or other oonteotions, or 28 for sharpening razors or performing other mechanical work, shall par 29 an annual license of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or at the option 30 of the licensee a da1ly license of Five Dollars ($5.00). 31 SECTION 65. Every person conducting, managing or carrying 32 on the business of operating or maintain1ng any news stand 1n or upo 1e 19 20 21 22 011 the 23 parlor 24 26 Oil the 2e plIDllo 28 .,..... ..~............~.......... ,.. -~._~....- 1 &Ay publio street, .11e7 or other public plaoe, tor the 8ale o~ newe S papers, p.rlodlcals.or magazlne., ahall pa7 an' ann.al license ot 3 E1ghteen Dollars (t~8.00) or at the option ot the license. a dally 4 lioense ot Two Dollars (82.00). 5 SECTIOR 6'. Every person oonduc1:1ng, managing or oarr71ng 8 OD the bU81nes8 ot operatlng or maintaining a tlow.r stand in or upo 7 &DY pub110 street, alley or other public plaoe, tor the purp08. of 8 selling tlo.ere, planta, terns, or other nur8er7 stook, shall par aD 9 "Dual 110ense ot One Hundred Dollars (1100.00) or at the option ot' 10 the l1censee a da111 license ot Flv. Dollars ($5.00). 11 SECTION 67- J:Y.1'1 per80n oonducting, managlAg or oarr71ng 12 oa any bU81n..., protes81on, s..i-prot.salon, trade or oooupation 13 h~elnatter 1n this .Sectlon enumerated, or aDr oomblnatlon thereof, 14 8"11 pay an annual licens8 or Twenty-tive Dollar. (125.00)& 15 Abstraotor ot titles; aocountant; adyertls1ns ooun..li a~ Ie praiser; aquarlan ohlrothe81an; arohitect; agricultural adv180r or oounselor; assayer; .ttorney~at-law; auditor; ball bond broker; 01a1 I 17 adJu.ter; oertified publio aocountant; chemist; chiropod18t; oh1ro- la praetor; o1vil engineer; ohemical engineer; oonstruction e,ng1neer; 19 con8ultlng eng1neer; interior deoorator; dentl.t; dental laborator7i 20 21 22 23 designer; deteotive; deteotive as-nay; draftsman; drugl... praot1oDe ; electr10al eng1neer; employment agency or bureau; eleotrolog18ti geologist; herbalist; insuranoe broker; 1nsuranoe adjuster; lnve.t~. ment counselor; landscape architect; lapidary; meohanlo1 .ng1~eeri 24 naturopath; ooulist; opt101an; optometrist; oral 8urseoDi orchard 215 oUte; o8teopath physlc1an; phY8101ani physioian and 8 urge 011; real 2e e.tate broker; sanitation eng1neer; stook and bond broker; deal1ng 27 1n stooks, bonds and other seourities; surgeon; sur".:ror; taxldel"S18 ; 28 tra--el bur t t 1 t t 1 1 · 1 w eau; ree surgery; ree remov ngi ree r mm ng; Ye~.r n 29 lan. .30 Th1s Ord1nance shall not apply to persons who treat the 31 s1ck through prayer or spiritual means on11. 32 29 1 .~....-~.........-~......... _~... " 1 SECTION 68. <a> Eyery person oonducting, managing or oarr _ 2 lag on the business of a retail peddler ot meats, gam., poultr7Jt18~ 3 trult, eggs. vegeta~les, butter. buttermilk, milk, cream, ohaese, 4 dalry'produots, 10e oream, bread, oraoker., oakes, pl.., bake.tutts, 5 oonfect1ons, or other edibles intended tor use tor human oon.umpt1oD 8 wbo has no establ18~d place ot bus1ness 1n this City shall pa7 the 7 following 11oense: 8 (1) When suoh peddling 18 dODe by means of a motor propelled 0 9 &Rlmal drawn veh1ole, an annual license of Twent7-tlve Dollare<t25.0 ),. 10 or at the option of the l1cense. a da117 license ot Five D~llar.(15. 0)1 11 (2) When suoh'.peddllng 1s done b7 lIeans ot any tray, baeket or I 12 other container oar:r1ed b7 han~, or by means of a vehicle driven b7 13 huan power, an annual 110ense ot TwentJ Dollar. 1120.00), or at the option ot the l1oen8l. a dally licenee ot Three Dollar. (t3.00). 14 15 (b) Every person oonductlng, managing or carrying on the buelae8S ot a retail peddler of 8D7 artiole or oomaoditT Dot 16 in any other subsection ot this Section, or not specitloal17 license 17 any b7/auoh sub~8eot1on. who has no .8tabllshed place of buslne.. 1n thi 18 19 CltYJ.Bhall,pa7 the following license: rKf (1) When suoh pedd11ng 18 done by ..ans of a motor propelled, 0 20 aa1mal drawn vehicle,. an annual lioen.. ot Twent7...tlve Dollar8(125.0 ) 21 U~ ' or at the opt1on ot the l10ensee a dalil lloen.. of 1L..n ~ sntl~e ~ ~. ' Dol.Lars (~); 23 (2) When such pedd11ng 1s done by means ot anJ't!'q, ba.ket 01' 27 24 other oonta1ner carried by hand. or by means of a vehicle dr1ven by 25 hWDan power, an annual license of Twenty ~s <120.00). or at the I 26 opt1on of the l1censee a daily license of ~. Dollars <".00). ~I I <c) Every person conduct1ng, managlng or oarrying on the I 28 buslness of retail peddler of flags, banners, balloons. canes. hornst' 29 trumpets. musioal or ~o1se-mak1ng instruments of any klnd. toys, 30 badges, buttons, shoe strings. hairp1ns, lead pencl1s. combs or sou- 31 venire of any kind. shall pay a daily license of F1ve Dollars <15.00). 32 30 . .....-.-,"" ~ ""-'............... -:.=114.,;. ...._.~.. ... h l . ....&C~I..o....~~_.._ . I --L. fff 1 (d) Eyer)" person oonduoting, managing 01' =~~~JD the 2 basin8ss ot a peddler of medicines, ointments, drugs,. ..at II;!' oom... 3 pounds J or &117 appl~anoe or applianoes tor t~e treatment .f'~;.ll..a.. 4 or lnJur1es, or any :notions, or other merohandise, who oa11e .tt.n~ 5 tlon to hi. wares or advertises the same by the use ot mU8ic, enter- 8 talnment, sp.ech, fanoy or ~ote8que ar..., or other deviae, upon pUblic 7 .~re.t, a1181 or otn.r publio place, doorw&7 of aDJ room or building 8 U~edOI' vaoant lot 01' parcel of land, whether the aotual sale 9 0 '1I&t wares is Maese upon the premises, or els.where, shall pal' a 10 dal17 license ot Fifty Dollars <850.00). 11 (e) Every person oonduotlng, managing or carrying on the 12 bus1ness ot a peddl.~ of medioines, ointments, drugs.or .e4iolnal 13 oempounds, or any applianoe or appliances tor the treatment of 41sea . 14 or injuries, or by haranguing crowds 1n a publio hall or bu1l41ng, 0 15 by u81ng mus1c, enterta1nment in any form, or by lecture in aD1 pub- 18 110 hall or bu~ld1ns. ro~ the purpose ot attraoting person. to whom medicines, ointments, drugs, medioinal compounds, or &D7 appl~anoe 0 17 app11ances tor the treatment of dlsea.sea or injuries ma,. be sold, 18 shall pay a da1ly l1cense or F1fty Dollars ($50.00). 19 20 (r) Every person oonduoting, managing or oarrylng on the CfJ bus1ness or a peddler of med1oines, o1ntments, drugs or medioinal oom 21 22 pounds, or any applianoe or applianoes 1'01' the treatment of elS:1S8. __ or injuries other than in the manner described in sUb-seotioDS~e) of 23 this Seotion, shall pay a daily l10ense or Twenty~tlve Dollars ($25.0 ). 24 SECTION 69- Every person oonduoting, managing or carrying 25 D the bus1ness of bill posting, advertising by means ot eleotria 28 19ns, or s1gn advertis1ng by means ot billboards or advert18ing sl8ft oards shall pay an 'annual l10ense ot One Hundred Dollars (1100.00). Nothing here1n oontained 'shall ~e deemed or oonstrued as 27 28 29 pplylng to the owners ot real estate or their agents 1n advertising 30 heir property for sale or lease by means ot billboards or advertlsM 31 ag s1gn boards s1tuated upon the property advertised for sale or 32 ease by such bill boards or advertising sign boards. 31 I 1 1 SEOfION 70. Every person oonduoting, managing 01' oarry~n 2 on the busine8s of advertising by posting, sticking, taoking, afflx- 3 .ing or painting bills 01' signs to 01' upon posts, fenoes, buildings, 4 01' other structures except bill boards 01' advertising sign boards, shall p~ an annual license of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). For the purpose of this Section, the word "busines8" is defined to be, and is oonstl'ued to mean, the doing or performing of 5 6 7 8 any act, 01' series of acts, of advertising by means 01' in any manner 9 in this Section speoified, or the doing 01' performing of any ao~, or 10 series of acts, of posting, stioking, taoking, affixing, 01' pal~ting 11 bills 01' signs to or upon posts, fenoes, buildings, 01' other struo- 12 tures, except bill boards or advertising sign boards; provided, that nothing in this Section contained shall be construed to affect 01' 13 apply to any person, firm 01' o 01'p 01' a 10 ion posting, stioking, tacking, 14 affixing, painting 01' ereoting any business sign on the p1'emiSe8 01' 15 building Oooupied aDd used in the business of suoh person, firm or 16 17 18 001'po1'ation, and which said sign advertises the goods, wares, mel'- ohandise 01' bUsine8s of suoh person, firm 01' 001'p01'ation only_ 19 SECTION 71. on th$ business of advertising by means of ste:reoptioan, biograph, 20 moving pioture or 8A1 similar device shall pay an annual license of 21 One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) for eaoh such stel'eoptican, bio 22 graph, moving picture maohine 01' similar devioe u8ed in said busine8 . 23 This Section shall not apply to theatres l'egula1'ly license a4 under this Ordinance. 26 For the purpose of this Section the word "business' is de- I 28 fined to be, and is oonstl'ued to mean, the doing 01' performing of 21 aot 01' series of acta of any advertising in any manner 01' by any me 28 in this Seot1on speoified. 29 SECfION 72. Every person oonduoting, managing 01' C81'1'ylng - " 30 on the business 01' profession of barber 01' the art of oosmetology 01' 31 any branch thereof, who has no regul81'ly e8tablished place of bU8i- 32 ness in this City shall pay an annual license of Twenty-five Dollars I (t25.00) 32 _1 . .~.-... ..-. ,.. .. ....... :..~ F"lO'''-. 1 "___ .............. "."I~"'=", .~-.....--... .._~... ~._. .. 1 SECTION 7'- Every person oonduot1ng, managins.or oarrr1ng 2 on a tire -"sale J bankrupt sale or wreck sale shall paY' a m9nth17 3 l10ense or One Hundr~d Dollars ($100.00) payable 1n advanoe before 4 the oommenoement of "such business. 5 SECTION 74. Every person oonduot1ng, managing or oarr7ing 6 OD the bus1ness ot advertis1ng by means ot any vehiole oontaining 7 aapllflers, phonograph, loud speaker, microphone, broadcaatlns 8 radlo, or a device tor publio address, and/or carr71ng advertising 9 slgn~J and whlch 1s .8.4 for announoing or advert1sing upon the 10 pllb11c "streets or pub11c grounds 1n the C1 tl of AnahellB shall par 11 an annual l1cense .ot F1fty Dollars (150.00) or at the option of the 12 lioensee F1ve Doll~8 (85.00) per dare 13 SECTION 75. Exoept as otherw1se expressly provided 1n this Ordinanoe, any person oonduot1ng, manag1ng or oarrying o~ two 14 or more bus1nesses, l10ensed by thIs ordinance, at the .... location 15 and under the same management, shall be required to apply ror and 16 obta1n a license tor only one of s~oh businesses, prov1ded,.however, 17 that 1t the amount or suoh lloenses dlttemtor luoh ~u81n.8.e., suoh 18 person shall obta1n a license tor that business tor which the large. 19 20 21 ..ount or tee 18 pro~ded by this Ordinance. SECTION 76. Ord1nanoe No." 507 ot the Oity ot Anaheim, ent1 tled · AN ORDINAlICE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BUSINESS, 22 I PROFESSIONS, SHOWS J J:XHIBITIONS AND GAMES CONDUCTED OR CARRIED ON lIt I 23 fBE OIfY OF ANAHEIM, FIXING fHE RATE OF LICENSE fHEREFOR, PROVIDING I 24 FOR COLLEOUON THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLAUON fHERJ:i 25 I OF., adopted June 9, 1927, as heretofore amended, i8 hereby repealed, SECfION 77. The City Clerk shall oertity to the pa1sase 01 21 this Ord1nance and shall oause the same to be printed aDd published I . I 28 once in the .Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper at general o1rculation, I 29 printed, published and c~roulated in said Cit1, and thirty 4ar. trom 26 30 and after its final passase it shall take effeot and be. in full toro . 31 The toregolng Ordlnanoe was approved, slgned and attested 32 this 2gth day ot Kay, 1946. ~~;j1;~,/H: ~ ~~8t&Ll. ~An ela 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fI" 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) aOUITY OF ORANGE ) 88 . 2 a:ITY OF AIJ.AH!III ) 3 4 5 I, Charl.. E. Griff1th, City Olerk ot the City of Anahel., do hereb7 oertity tbat the torego1ng Ordlnanoe wa. lntroduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Oounall ot the City of Ana- helm, held on the 21st da7 ot lIay, 1946, aDd that the .... was pass- ed and adopted at a regular meeting ot sald C1ty Counoil held 011 the 28th day ot May, 1946, by the to110wlng vote ot the member. thereot: AlES: COUNCILMEN: pear.on, 10"1....11 Bone7, He71ng and Pace. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. AlSENT: COUNCILMEN: ,..eWaloael'. AND I J'URBER OERTIFY that the Mayor of the CitY' ot Ana.... helm slgned and approved .a1d Ord1nanoe'on the 28th da7 ot lIa7,1946. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and at... tlxed the 8ea1 ot sald Cl ty ot Anaheim th1s 28th day ot lIay, 1946. 6 ( ~EAL) 1lhe1m ........... ." ...~I ... ...... _~~.. -:-1-. . ........_ __ ..~..........._... ..~.~ "......;. ,...-,.. ""... ~~_._........... ......... _ ....... ~_..~___..~......---...-. I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )8S. Count). of Orange ) r.1 _.. .5.1 Q.b~rg ....~.~.I.Q.hl~t..... _. ........... ........................................._ of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of elghte en years: that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the ....~.r.'--.n.Q1p.l:l....Q.l.~.rk.. ",.. ............ u_. ....._..... ..........._... of the Anaheim Bulletin .... -.... ...................... ..... -- -..-..............-.-.........-.... -- --------------- ....---....................... ................. a--dal~x......... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said ___ _An ahe.1m....~.ull~.t1.n .......................................................- is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list ot paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination ot both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- 'acter; that" it Is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a partt cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim County of Orange, State of CalifornIa for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the O.rd1nanc.e....~.Q"'.u.7._Q1............. .... ...................................- -;;,' which the annexed Is a printed copy, was published In . one issue sa I d new spaper at least............ .....-............ .......................-.................. commencing on theu...31.1.1i.. day of _....._.M.a!.........._.............. 19~., and ending on the........... .,day of ........ .... ...... ............. . Notice 1!'3 ho.' and that saId ....... ... . - .. was published on the followi ng days: w.ay . '?~'" ..1.~~. . ........,. ....... ................. ...... ..........._.. .... .........._.. .............. ....... .............. ....... t ~ . .., ' ~ .---... ........ ..........-. ......- ....~ ., - _I SUbfh.'1 ibed and ~worn to before me thf!!~_~.... ..day of .~._..n.7../=nlF-.l:~i. /. ,.-; , . ........_.n.n-fr~..Nf!fa-~/P<;,'r,trt-.....- f'I,'lv :"':,'; r(:: I.. , ANAHEIM (Cat.) BULLETIN , _':~~A_~_~~!I~~'_I ,__ __~EG~~.~_?TICE , LEGAL NOTICE _, LE~A~_~OTICE , LEGAL NOTICE r Ii ()RDI~_\~("E NO. 701 ::-5ECT10N' 6. ~o license il'sued un-I hut f.l.1:-;1) an~' sums or amount Which i pel':-:ons a daIl~' liC('nlSe of Two Hun_Ii neliH of renting the use ot any m,o-II disassembling, or who dismantleI' or - dp.r tho provisions of thiH ordinance I the Cit~, ot .\naheim would have rt>- I dred Dollar:-l ($200.1)0) for the 1"11'~t tor propelled vehicle for the trans- disassembles any sueh motor ve- : AN ORDIXA~(;E OF THE (~lT}" OF, :-:hall be conlitl'ued as ~uth8rlzing ('f>iv-ed hAd It li"f>m~E' been i!oll:lued a:-; da.... and One HundrE."d ])ollll.r~ portatlOll of persons, 1'.:> be driven I hide whether for the purpose of I' A:'\"AH~~nl pn()\'IDIX(~ ...un THI1~ the conduct of or Nmtllluance of' rel.luired h;\' thi~ Ordinance. I ($100.00) for each su'cceeding ('on- by the person or persons hiring or I dealln~ in the parts there'of or \Ucln~ J.ICENSINf'; UF CJ~~R'J.'AIX RIJSJ- lln~' illeg-al or llnla w ful busln~ss. SECTIO~ Ii. All feE'~ penalt ies !olecuttve da~r that the liHl!ne Is con- renting the Rame, at rates per milE', the same foJ' the purp()s~ of re-con- XBS'S"'~S, 'J'U.-\DI'1S, PRn....l;~SSION.S SECTION '7'. The allFHlllt of any Rncl otlH'r Ilwnies re<:ci,,'ed by thf' rluded, managed or (,'RlTlen on. ppr trip. pE:'I" hour, per day, })I:'1" dltioning any other vehIcle, or for ~l~.fnA~'~~c~~:t:~~~~~...~ 'I~;:~k~~ ~~~:;t~e:n~i1~e~ n~.y p~l~i:lt~~~~di~~~~e~ ~:l~\~~;f Or;o~~i~ Pg;~?:~~c~o ~~~lrr~~ dll~~~i~O~ia;~Kin~ve~.~ (~~;;~~l~gCOo~~ ~~r: I~r l'~~fedn~~~l~r at~~ ~Y~~~tioe; I ~~~li~u:~~s~h~f n~,~~~lr~~l;~fo;~~rlw~:~ I FOR, I'R()'"IDllU. FOR T.lIJ~ eOI.- iug thereon, ~hall be deemed a debt by him deposited with the Clt~. an~' street exhibition, out door en- of the person hlr.lng the same, shall hlcle or vehicle!l. . 1...~eTIOX THEREO...., AND FIX- clue to the City of Anaheim lrom Trea!llurer of this City up.on the tertaillment, or :similar (>nt('rpriRe. pay an annua! hcense of Ten l~ol- For the pnrpose ot this tiection & ,t.!, I~(l. PJ'~X_"I.TIES F"OIl 'I'HE "OIO_ the per~on required to l)ay the bUfoline:-:~ rll1.\- next following the re- : or any t('nt :;;how \\-hel'l! St~ating :l1:_jla.rH (.$10.0.0) for each Ruch vehIcle; Junk df'ah'r is de-fined to be al1r J....\.TIO.s TH~~REOF. Mame and an immediate cause of (:eipt of. the ~al11e. I e'ommodatlons are not provided for, used m SR1rl business. perlllon having a. fixed place of I - aetion lihall accrue to f:laid City of On or before the 10th day of e:H'h which exhihition, f'ntHtainmf'nt. (f) Every pel"~on conductinl?, bUsines~ in this City engaged in the ; THF. ('TT1. f.'()LT~CJ L 01"" THF.~ C~ITY Anaheim fo). t.he collection th€'reof anti E.'v('r~' month the Chief of Pnlil'e I cnterprh;e or ten t. ~h'ow i/i not manag-Ing 01: carrymg on th~ ~USI- h\I~in€'fols of buying or selling. either ! ()l<' A.~AJH<JUl DOEl:; OUDADl AS in any court of competent jurisdiCw :-:hall delh'er unto lilaid City Trf'as- lipeclficall,)' provided for ill thi~ Or- ne:-:~ of rentmg the u~e of traIlers at wholesale or retail, or storing on , I }4'Ol.LO\V8: tion. urer and unto the City Clerk of th i~ dinance and !or which a charge ifol Ilel:!lgned to ~e attached to motor any premlseA any ragFl, ~a~ks, bot. 1 SECTION 1. It shalt be unlawful tiEC'TlON 8. Before allY license Is Cit.). at fu!J Rta.tE."ment of all licenseM made or colleocted shall pa). a dail~' propel~ed vehlc1~8 shall pay an an- tIes, ('anF~, papers, metals or other for any pE:'rson, whether a::> pI'incipal issued toO an;}' person, a written ap- issued by him during the immediate license of :Fifty Dollars ($50.00). nual lIcense of One Dollar (11.00) articlel!l of Junk, l or agent, clerk or employee, either plication by the applicant shall be preceding month, the namefl of the SECTION 28. Every per~on con- pe!-' wheel for ~Il trailers used in SECTION 41. Every person con- for himself or for any other person, made to the Chief of Police. Such licenl"lees. the numberfl of their re- ducting, managing or carrying on a saId bURlness. ducting. manaR'ing or carrying on or for any body corporate, or as an a.pplication shall contain the follow- spective licenRes, and the amount ot: theatre where moving or motion (g.). Every per~on conducting, the business of junk collector shall officer of any corporati-on, or other- ing informatlon: feeR, penaltiefl and other monies col- pictures, or legitimate theatre. or managmg or carrymg on tJ:1e busl- . pa~' an annual license of One Hun- t wise, to commence or carryon any (a) The exact nature or kind of lec.tp.d on each liocenHe. vaudeville flh0ws are exhibltE'd. neSR of .transporting f.or hire J:!as- dred Dollars ($100.00) or at the op- trade. calling, profession or O(:l'upa- husiness, profession, show, exhibiw The Chief of Poliee shall kf'>pp l"lhal1 pay the loU-owing annual li- sengers In a motor propelled vehIcle tlon of the licenlllee a daily license II tion in this Ordinance specified, in tion, game, occupation or enterprise full. adequate and a(!curate re(~o1"dR cenRe: 'Over a defined route, which vehicle of Five Dollars ($5.00). j the City of Anaheim, without fh'st tor which the license is requested. pertR.i'ning to the i~suance of Jicen- (u,) For any fluch thelltre having receives and dfRchargE:'s pa.ssengers For the purpose of thIs Section & " : having pl.ocured a license from the (b) The pla'Ce where su('h busl- ~es under thh; Ordinance and the a ~eating' ('apacity of less than 1.000 ,.dong such route. shall pay an an- junk collector is defined to be any I City of Anaheim ::>'0 to do. <>1' with- ness, profession, ShOlV~ exhibition, collection of all fees, penalties and persons, an annual license of One' nual license of Ten Dollars ($10.0~) person, other than a junk dea.ler. 7 out complying- with any and all game, occupation or enterprise is to other monies in connection there- Hundred Dollars ($100.00). for. each such vehicle llsed in saId engaged in the bmclneAs of buying 1 regulations of such trade, l'all.ing, be caJ.ried on, and if the same is with. . (b) For any such theatre having busmess. or selling ,either at wholesale or "1' profession or occupation contatnp.el not to be carried on at any per- SECTION 18. On or before the Ii seating capacity of 1,000 or morp. (h) Every person conducting, retail of rags, bottleR, papers, cans. .J in this Ordinance; and the ,~an.;ring' manell.t place of business. the places 10th day of June, of each year. it persons, an annual Jicen~e of Two managinR' or ('arryIn.g on th.e busi- metals or other articlt's of junk. ) on of any trade, calling, profC'f:l'lion of rel;ldences of the owners of the shalt be the duty of t.he City Ch:~rl, Hundred Dollars ($200,00). ne~R of operating a slghtwseemg bus SECTION 42. Every person con- .. or O'ccupatinn menti'Oned in thil:l Or- same. . of the City of Anaheim to deliver SECTION 29. Every perl"lon con- or automobile shall par an annual ducttng .managing or carrying on . rlinance without fir~t having- pro. . I~'.! .A~Y '.. fu~th~r 'l ~~forJn~tll')n. 1~l1to the C'hlE:'f or 'P('l1ic~ a l.i!":t. nf du(.ting, m~l1a~ing or t'ar~:dng nn :-J,l(',.;_IHle of TwentY-flv~ Dnllarl"l I the bUlllness or. pawnbrokE'r 3ho.Jl " cured a lieelll'!e fr'om ~a.id c.jt.\- ot \\h,1I.,11 lolULh .. hier ot Fol1ce ma;t re-111('('!nfolef.:~ to vihom h~vA b..'p.n 1:-;:-;\1f'(1 Hn~' theatl.tl'Rl or vaudf'vllle pt"~r- ::L;I.O(l) for f"(lch .such F:lght-sep.lng i pa~" an annu8.11Icenl't~ of Three Hun- , _\nnheim ~l) to dl', nl' WitlU)IIt. I'nm. C1l.1u'e ~o. E'llA.ble hlI~l to issue the I' :.I 11 I1lPl1 )i(,~llse:.,; :-:il1;'''' tl1f~ 1...:1. dn~' ..1" ! r"~'I"!Ian('fl ",. t=-\:hibiting all'\. liH.,...iJih' ~P1."1 and autr'l"nObIle u:::ed in tu\Id.. dr.'d Dn!!ars (S~OO.O(lL :! pl~'ing" with any and all reg-ulHtions t~'pe 01 lll.'('llt-:P, applJed for.. . Ih(' prf>f'0ding month of .Jl\l~'. Tt I nr motion pkilJl"f'R in an~- th'_aTI'f'. , l.>lll'.lness. . For the Pl.ll'pOfolf' of this Sel."tion I: of fo:l1eh tI'ade, ealling-. l.ll'ofefol:WlTl fll. , (d) In the evp.n~ that applica.tlon. Rhall be the dut3' or thE! {.nipf nj'I' p:lhlie hail, r'ilJh room. or u.:"::-"'1I1bl~' \Ij l<':\'('r~ person '-~ondtl'-.tlng, thE" t~nn "pawllt't"nJtf'r" is rtf'flned i Il\.'cupalioll l'ont.ainNl in thi~ Onli- IS made for" the ISSllanC~ qf ~ J1- l'nli('~~ to examine FlHi~ li~t Hrlll ~h.:f~ hall. ~or \\'J;id~ a charge I:;; lllad,-~ .'H' l!1,'ln~glng :)j. .:arrylng on thf> husl- :-l.ncl I"hall he ('on:-:trllt.'rl to mean and ~: l1alll~E'. ~hall l"'nnstittltl:' a rH'pflmto rense to.~ pt'rR'On doing Dusmess thp flR.me as thE:' hasl~ of maklJ1Jr fJ011atIon:-: l'PCI?JYf'rt, ~hall pay a 11:'I1I~' n~'~1'I of a tli:'){Pt. agency tor thfJ SAle lIlCllldp eVE'ry per~"""fl, ~l)ndu('ting. 1; violation of this Ordinancl" for ea.ch Hn~er a JIctltlous name ,the appli- ,"nlJet't.ionA for the llE"Xt. liC'f\n~p. l}!('t?'llse e.f Flft.O'!'en Dollars ($1.i.OP). rlf Ii('ket.~ jOl' n-anspl'lrtatlon in An~. nlnnagin~ or carr~'In~ nn the bu~i- . : ~n~' e\'f'ry rla~" that "'1\('11 tradp, f"nll- ('atlOn shall ~et forth the names ~nd p€'l.i......d. At thE" end of t'ar.h month! :\inthin2" ill I.hil'l ~ection !':hall hp ~tg:ht-l'Ieeinlif hill; or automohlle ~haII ""!'lC: :"r ln~t1iro;r TT1n,.,I!'~' p.lthpl" fnr inK. prOfE>Sf;ion or 1.)('cuIHltieJn IS S'] plf~.~e of .rt~s]dence of ,those owning "H'l"t~a!t€'r, I"('lmmenl'in~ with fllt>: 1~>'/"I11E."d ," '"n:-:lrued tn re1u;I.(; tip pn..,' an annual licenF:e of l~~ightr'cr,: hitllM'lj or tor an:; ntheJ' pl:'rl'lon. '. ('a!'l'ied on. ~1f.~Il~ .huslnes:-::, prof~'\~~II),n. show. .ex-I month of July. the Chit~f nf !'Ijli,:,~! l,t/itler Oi theatre liet:'n::-=e :'~:-:l;,.d l"'llJ:'ir~ ($l~.r""l. Thi:o: SUhfol"'('tii'lll, firm (11" ('orpnrRTioll, upon any per- , :-:;I'~('TIC):': 2. Neither thp arlr'lltilln 11l1?!tlOn, gamp- ,occupatIOn or Nlter-, ~hall J'f'port to :-Iaiti ('ity ('If'ri, !h.' i !J1lf';.:uant ., 111I' prl)vi:::;inl!1.,; nl' ~"'" sllalT not hp H;'J?llcR.hlp to Hn~' [Wr- : <jnnHI PI'i11H!'rt,'.. perflnnp.l lII""'llrit~.. or I of this Ordinance nol' the repeal II)(';;~' . IIH:l.rne~ of th~ Jicell~et'N l1p",n :"udl i t~l)n 28 ht;l eo! to procure an audi. I ,-..Jil tn WlWill i. l1ce~~e is i~I'Hlf!{i pur.. i purc'ha~in~ per~ol1al property and h\"...l)\' of allY OI'll1nance ()f tlJi~ Cit\'.. SI!..CTION 9. ThE: ChIef of Pollee, ii:-:t who have not paid 1:"'('11<;"::' an..t! :""I1Allh"'I''-;'' t.r) \'ondu'C't. nl~UJ:lg'~' (oJ'; ':!anf' tn thr. provI:';!OrlS of SUh:O:H'-: !",~~pl1in~ or l:!~rf'pjnC' to r"-l'lall F.'l'Ch ,.;h~;l1 'in l'I.nj.-' manner C1~f~r:t th{~ i;:-O h~~.":b.~' .alltll\ll'l.Zt:tl. ;~mpo",'e[:~d j r(\~(lrt \\'h.'! I"uch license8 hil.'"P n'l1t i ';:In'~- OJ: ("1:'-' t.llentrkl'l r'.r'..Y;~'I/!r'", tl"",!~ Ih) of t}'i~ Secthn.. . 'PYdj)f'rt:,. t.o the \'''l-ri(l~ t;)r .:'lthE'r RS- 1l!I);o.>!(:utioll tor thE: vll')lati.~)Il vf Or"I'.iJ~d (]Ilp.~teil. tll.enlolre l'lll~ adnllt~-lh;E"n paId. : \'IJlf':.per'.!'m:tlI~.p. or .to (.Xli;;'.? .11"1:', ,.q .EvE'r.'- per~')11 ('(lllc!I1\'!lnf,;.-:lg-nee At ~rkr.'" pr"':-I''''I~I-.:I:t.. a~r~E':4 dlnall~€'s. whieh violation~ were I J,~'he.~ th18 Ordllla!lce.. to ]flSl~~ .11- SECT!ON 1!l. All I"p.portl'i lI'1~riE'.,b~. i t~10\.'Jng (Or Jl1nt!()n picturE'S at an,.: flltJI1a.gIn~ (11" ('arr~lne- nn th!\ hl~~I- ! 1l!:'\('I'11. ~t)thln~ 11' thl'; ~E"('t'O!1 ('nllw l'onllnilted ljl"ior to tlH~ et'lu.ti\"t.! I (p.nl"€'S 8;nd coll.E>C1 fee!Z. pe,naltles I t!lC C'hl,:,t (".r Police t.o till=! I. a:' i t!"f"loItre f":' ~:('(:nl:!ed. ; ;V"f'f; of l'€'nt'l"g- b:l'"y,-,ll~llI and (,f ,If'r 1;I:H(!''! i:lll~ll hf. rl~".'n!l_d or rnn,.tru~d rhtp. hE.'rf.of. n'ot" be (""lTll'1tt"t1~",l f'~ R Huel 11l0~IeS prOVIded fl)r herem, nnd I ('Iprk c"ar'h month ~hall he h". :-::air!! ~T~CTln~ :H1, Evp.ry f1pr~nn ""/1.' \'t'hicleR propf\l1ed h~' human power I fl"\ ft1"ll\l~' tn thp 1I"\A1';~H!" nf mnn,'lIY on \":Hi~"E.r c'f all" licf:'n~f'> It I' penalty or III apPol!:f.. b.r and with the c()n~ent! ('jprk rl(~lh'('I'ed tn tht? c.it~. {"Ollllo"il: dllc'ting, lndling-ing or eal'l"~'jng' )11 H or dl"R.wn .Jl\' "nimHl:c; shall ~Hn: ;111, 1">I'Q,-,tlfl.l !11'nppr'~ rHo p~'r!oHln;ti )'If'. : '.ill. penal pI:l)vi~h'n:-: Hl)plicahlc. to (~.f. thf', (I~Y c...oundl. rlePtltf~s V.. asw I "Ill it.N flr~t l"ee-ulat" 1l1f'e~inc: t)f t.ft ,":l , ; ....I..I~ltlng .:.;ldlE'I'Y. :-:hIJot.in;: /':11l~",; :!~'.lIi1al Ih(:1'I:,~' of Tw..., n(),~.':l's i "1~1..t.\. h~' li"~. h~ld~. ~lIth','ll'iz.....tl to all'- vit)latj,Jll~ tllt"rl'f1f. u,n' 10 Hi'f.~(,t. ~l:-:t l11m.1n hIS duties prescribed by llidnt]) Cor the In::pectlon or 8.11.I. .111'nel'Y 1"IIll/S(!. or l'arl'.'nn~:: nn any. (~2..f')O) tor t'.~ll'h :,u'(~h ~l(':'o'('lp. ancl, 1'1" sn unch'r th" Iftwl'l (If the 8lat~ the '\"'Hlidity o( anv huncl OJ' t'.l~il dt;:- lhl:o' tlrdIIlat1l"e. C"llunc-iL I gitllle of L.a;) l'oIling.. ring- lbr\.\\"in~. i \'~'hl('Jt' \I.fler1 Iii S8.Hl bl~~l1I~:;:~. IIj (.'a!ifl.lrnia 'r nf thf" l"nited . 1""1,...;;1. 'in ii!~lI th~ren". ,..'qUil'f'l; t"1 Jh: . 1; ,It. sl':~l.l, hp ..thp duty .of e.....~I::-.. '~o-: SF.I.~TTOX :!r~ ..\ ~I':'ilnltf' li""n-:/"': d;~,:' Uil',..... ing. .::ti('k tlll:()\';:!~':':' 'w .:"1?"'T'!"I!X ;~-, (8,), I'~~.EH'~" 1~1.1:~"n . ::-:l:l.'~':-:,. l,)l'o;tf"'C'! fiiNl 'i!' c1C:'l"I:..:.!t'll piJi'-llfllli .,,~ n(ll1.I': .11 t~f.'! Clt~ .rlf .\n~h!'lm. I."ll.:=t h.. nbtalllHl l"r each h,ilH,-I., '!~;,\" gan,f 'If' I?:alflf':-; ,)1 ;'oi;{;ll iI/'. ;"l1tlU(;tJll~., 1I..ln8.gln~ .01' ('HII.'dllg: :--.r..I'nON 4a. J'.:\'(,'rv perf'nn e.on. t,~' an\: (lnUI'..p -(' It;1'1 aU ri~111~,' I..) mak~~ .1ll~mt'rl1H.tt: wrItten r(>p,~rt! ('....tahli~hm?nt f'Jr 10/~a1ion pf th.': ~"iQfl~e n(,t I)thA1'wlsf' :-:pr~l"ir~...'.qI!\.1 "'n t~le bU~Inf'~!' of haulIng- or frAl1:C:. : d:~."t!!~~, rIHl.na~':ng' "r earn"ing f.\n : ';tnrl i)bllg-ati,'n" 'th~r'-:\1lLtn a"p,'r-! ~C1 .thl-~ ( hit',l.of )'n!II'e of e.ver.~' '\'1'.)-1 hllsinel'o::=I engaged in anrl each li- i provided ;'(\1. in thh~ t)rrlinHn!'~'. ;11 p...r.ung gond!'!l. ware~. I~ler('halvl':..;f.'. IlIn',. il'e or rr>]r-r ~I(atin~ rink. en- t:dlling' I-'ha11 . niltfnl1~' j'l fIll! r'-'I'l ,. ~;dinn .,f tJlI~ urduHlnce comIng to,' I'n~f' ::;hn11 allth'~rl7.F' thp Ikf'IH.f'O tn \\"~i('h a ,.I,;p'g-r> i~ paif'l I'(\~' N,"tj(-'- I j!,I"-lo.:rht nr h:~::!;"~a.~e w1th;n. to ;iUrl.'''''' ..~ ""11"" rl!. p'll.k !-<'l~~Jl 1)11\' An an':lIA.l "11(1 effer.t ' lll::; alt,'IIl,lnn. I (o1lE:'fl~!'P onl~" in tht". h'l"il1f'~:-: 11('I.'n.<::/'II "Hliilg t'l. ;" ill ~h~!! l":": :,', :I.~-t:'l-'! :'1' ~;1 th::..: 4 t.. ex' l'l'~:"I'ly '1, r,Pl', .~ ,1:' I' ".' fin" Tf",;:'rl~.,.r! F"~'f~"f(lt\l' , 8EC;l'iON 3. 1f a 11\' ~edinn. ~ub-I ~ECTi().:\' 10: All Ilcenl:iee ,shall .be thf.'reby .at thE' h"lf'ation or in th~ li('~nl':e ')1 On(~ Hundl.':d VollHrs' :-;IIll:-;, (inn~ and corporatioll:-- U~~llg I j)o!!a.r~ ($14.UIO). ;.:e.!'tton :-:ell1.p.rWt' dt\u:-;('. phru:--e or I pl:~par~rt and l!olsuerl by -RaId Chl.et 1111.111nf.'r fle:::fg-nati;'cI in ~t1('}l 1i1-Em:.:e:' (~l(}f).OO). ~ ~al!1 gond~1 ware!'. n.ler:h3nril~f.'., ~E(,Tlnx H, E\"(~ry 'PCrIOO!l c'on- :"""";'1 ion' pf thi~ n~r1i1HI.lIl'(,' I>; ,'''I' ;In~' ! 01' P'.'lJ{'~ npon the. pa:vm("nt ~I) hl~ l"'o..-id.'ti t.hat \"HI'~.hflll~(~~ A.n(l (li:o'-: ~r'X~Tl!l~; :n. l<~\"":T """:-'",11 ,'("Ii" , t ""'I.~ht or hagf-':RgP .I'XI'It1~1\.'r'.l\' ll~~ '~'I tlll~'. '1~i-\na~inJ.'." ',r 1.'l,,'rVlTIg on I'PI1Rnn held 1'~ he ill\'aild 1)1' 111\' 1)t1- ')~ tile :o:um ,n>qutrefl to bt. fHUd tl'lhuting' plants oIl""'li in ('(lnnf'.:1Io!l : ,ht ling, '.,:tllaging ,II' ,';UI'Ylllg 1111 ~ l't:~alf! or In manutn.<'tal"ll1g'. :-;1'U!.II. an~' :;;tl)("krard. S8.I€'!-' stahle or c.~)r- .,tit1\tional b\' thp d~I:!:'d'n (Ii an, h/~r(>lI}Hll?r. htH~h Ilc-enFla l'll) l:'lsued '.' ith anti in,'irl..ntrli tll :i hu...ilv':-=:,->. .lll) pub]:, Il1t1US~IlH"rtt rlll'l"lI, hp...i 1'1:1;\' l)n annl.l~l :!('f'n~~f: "f Thrf'(. Dol. nd wht.re hIJr:-::~I'o. ,'little, goata. . ";1\11'1' nf ('on1P"(~l1t jl\\"i~clkti'HI. '~l\('h ~hnll l"t::tt."'. upon the face tht'reof li"P.lll'lp.d IU1('ler Ihl' p!'(l\'illdon~ nf thi!= i '1('~~ or pHI'ior. :)ther thElI1. ~ +h(,Atr~'. lar~ I$:tllll.) f.....r ea("h "..p.hklp \lfolo?f1 in RI1f:ep. mulE';>: :lnd I)th{'r livef;tnr'k 8l"~ 'It~r'hdon shall not. arr.'('1. th~ valid- thE) fnllnwlng: l)1'dinan('~ :-;hHlI ll,lt Ih~ ({0t?nwd tn; .shnw, tJ:"atl.kai pl'rforillall""" or SIll'"h bU~lnet;:.H. prov.df'd ft,lrthf>r. hrOll~ht. s(lld or exehR.ngeti at pub- it\. ()f t.he rl~mailljnf.; porthnl= r>f t.hi<l . (.a.1 TIl(~ person 1'0 whom the sa.me 110. ~epar:.:tt' pl:'lN':" 1)( hu~!n('''l''! or. tlthl?r typo (It' Rlri~IS('Il,...."t ftt' r"l'p'a. thllt ~hf' m:l,,~,p.~tlln flllHlllnt "'nqr~~. !Ii"' p.lIl.'f;{'n rlr- Of"'..I........-:P :'Ih:lll pa~' (lj'din-an('~~. The Cit;v CrllJncil of thi:-l 18 1:'l~ul...(I:. '.' hrA.nc.h e:-:tflhliHhnl('nt~. i tiOl~ in thi:-l flrdinan(;t. el!olp.\'.lH.n' ~l~. allle I'O!" a IH'E'ns~ fl"lllll an~' nnt' I~- ~n annual \i('E!nllE' n[ One Hundred C.il" hHJ't-'tn- dE'c'lareR l.hnt it w(Jul(l . (11) 'lhE." kInd .of .buSlllefo:S, profes- ]~very p('rs(}u whll Ollel'ute~ an~' j ~enbed, :-;hall pay the 1(JlluwllIg- .~en~e,,' undl.'r il1H:l :-:_ubl"e('t.:II11 :-;11011 :)lOO.1I0) ])IJlIarN. . '1\.(1 .lrloPl...(l Ihi!ot PnllIHil1'.:t" find :-:1(It1. show, extllbl~'on, .~anH", 01'('11- J-.iH"in~"':-l, \Vh~tlH"r upon a Cl/:"H l't'lItHI I annual li:-E-r1Ht'; i h., Tw(~rll.;\-follr l)(.lIan:l ($24.:11) pf.} ~I':~'TJ(I!'I; 45 }1;..t-l..V P~I'~"!\ (.I.'ln. ":'1 'He\'ti.;n !-illi~"'l'll'I;..n ....(.llt.'lJ1.P I ~,atlqn ('ar p.nterpnSf~ Ilcen~e(]. )lnd. '.11' c'unll11L:;!.;i..ll hHl"i~ HS H (:on"":O;I'::ioll, 11-\) y;',)r un." ~q\l.'h ~IHhli,. AlIIlll"t..: ;'-I.:-tr. dll,.t'n'..:-. t'rllt!l;l':ir;~!, .r ,..:-trryin.l.{ on . ',:" I P.' . ph'ra~e' o~."p~~.tion thtll'p.of' the lucation of the 8~me. lor upon rentec] fInll!" !4p:II.'P in nl l'IlH:nt room, busint'folN ,)r parlor" (h) Every person ('I)ndul'tlng-, 1he hUl-;lnli':;s of l'old :::t'orage or re- . ;r~~~~~)(~ctive ~f the flt(",t. th:lt an5" on,: (C') :';he amount pal.d t~erelor: , upon thE' flr(\mf~~!'" of nry~' pE'rl"c:-'" 11. Wherfoin no ponl .tHhlE'~. hilli"J'r1 mRn:Hrin~ nr c.arrYin~ on tht" ht~~l- fl.tg-I"r#\tin~ rlp.~t for thp 'T'11rpn!l;~ nf ,.]" .lm,ol'E' S~"l.tion:;:. ~llhf'f'actinn:;;. I ' (n) Ihe date of eXpiration of sueh cen.~ed ll!1df'r ::tn~" I'!'n\"l~,hn i'lt tht~. tahle:;! and/nr hnwll1:g' '1]11'.'''~ .~Il'P.! l'lI'~~ {"If hn.uhn~ ror trfl"~~;lr~1ng- ::;tr'rin~ frult!-l,. \"Pg-etp.hlE'~. meat, ,'l:-iusp.~. hl.#\!':I'!ol. or port!:ll1~ bf' de- I lh.'l!lI:-if>. '. IOr.dir.a.nc"'. :-:hal! hf' !~t'QllIrt"ti 1.0 oh-I kE."pt or maintalne~ for tllla:. h.,' th.~ I g'nOfl!'l, "Hrf'~, n1r:r('ha.nrl1:-:t>,. f1.P!ght fl!ol~, P~Iif~ 1"\1. f1Hlr~.,. prnr1".r.t~. and/or .'. . 1 I p.. fin I. I"n 'nn':t'I'l.il1n!l1 ill n.) 1.a.sA Mhall f!n~' nll~take of, hun a ~.'JlHJ'at~' HIHl 'ntiepr-'nrlf'Ht It- publlc..4n annllal 11('E'n~p ,.f :-'''\'l:'nfV- I nr hHg;n!I~~ within .to nnn ;)1" frnm llHl1tltl'l:ntng' ltnti npPl'Httrlp,' fro7.E'n "~r~~'~T;~~~ 4. /lIt :~h':t1I'h,', \;lllllwj'1I1; I.IH~ \.hi(~f IIi T',.'II',:~ in HtntinJi; Ll"'~~ce'n;::~' .JllIn;l.Il1~t. t~'1 file yplH'opriAtf>' iiv.e JJn,lars 4$';:,,(111). :t!lis 1.:!I~' ,i'ther ihal~ fo;\ll'h. hHl'lIll~~'" f:";rl Ind,.......:. !"h~ll! J'''~. nn i\nn\lnl '.: -. .r" n to viol'li" 'U'V prll-! ar1l'0u}!t III 11 l!('en~lE' prpvElnt. .Of I proviRIOn:-o fir tn];.: ()J.lllnnn( (\ :I1H1 I l b) I"or Iln~. !-:Ildi ]"'1.11'111' jlnll~""h; Il~'S('!'l "'(\0 :11 suh!', ;otlnn I fl I I"\f thl:-t !l,'p'l~,.~..f Fl(t,. Ih.llal"!-1 I ':)f).f,ti). :."~};j,'.;~~)rPI(;l ~r:li] ft" ('fHn<pl~' :.'.-~ill ;1!1\' I p~'l'i:I,(!i'i': t~P. .('().~If?'C',t,i()~."b:v ~h~ (,'/.I.~. ! s~Hl.lI be f;~ll'>iI,~.t .to !ill nf t.he provi- tlle:.nt roo~. h~J~i1H'"'' <Ii' p.!i" 'I' ,:-:f'f.:tk'l1 "il'lll pn' c.llp hll,,\,"inr,:- Rn- ~'..("rrtl'\.; Pi i'l.) F"...n. lH'r~nn : ~:':,) ~',J::::\".':',~'~ '::,~,: \~'~::',:'l::; :.;' : '::j:::' '~:;:' ",' , .,': '::~~~ .': /:~!; ~~i i:~ ~;;;\Y;;:II1;:' i ~ ~~,~ LD.;:' '," ,:: :,/~ i:: ~;"..,~',:.. ;:.:; :,: :,:';; i ;;:: ,;, ~\: , ';8~:'::;~ ,(: ..:' I . " , ", , :, ': " . "}'. ,:,~ : "',~' . ' :. I":,; I'f::; i~. ;:; ;i; r': ~ :/l~~;'~ 1 :"::ll1n "I' a ""...(i,,:!,"::Il"1' 1,';,[ : I,.t., .';1.: ';";':' II 7'>:.1 Iir';'!l~e shall ~"" (1,) '1;;'/1':-"1111 "llll]ur iin;~.' 1~~I,;':l' ::,bie. b,il~..lld d,.,.i 'I .' ,. Ii.r). ~i; n.':'<jl\....:.~ i\r-I,'inKj ;;;:';'~~;It(or:!i~hil~ fZf"~\'I"'1>: f'1'a.tI0tl. (.,r },rll\i:-=!l"ll!'l I,f I::!>~ l'Jl'dina',.". :,nd 1.....11'.,; ~.i iiilr P('I-::::on fadI.ng t,) ~"" nla.r:a~'iJ:~\' i.' I...r:'.'..i~::r or! It harhr.r ho\\"!ir:.' B.lIe,\.". .,' .~'.., "lI"Elr.. )~r'nh ..f :"Int 1;0.1 )'1{'W:;;P.'lJlI'1'. .,!' 1.'l.Ibllc g."aragtl. nr : 'Ial: t.., lollII i:-=h:1 h,..~ nr fl. f..',,' "r. ,'to I~ It. llll'" than T}ll...... HllTlnr,"1 l'I'I:q" "";,' .I"~ lan( \H;C~ pp.rml l'equll-"II:-;ho\l h:i'."ili~: 1:,.)1'1' t1lan ."In.:. ,h:)'r ~1'>""IOI' .32. E\." 1,,;,..,../1 ,,,n '~,,;,""(' ol:\{' tOTI, T\v~'''''1':' l)"IlE\r~lllrjnt:llK ~...;t:l.hli:-;hn1ent, and every ,1$UIOJlf.l) (lr b~' impl'j:>;onJ11E'llt ii' tIll' b,\' I)nlinan.'€' ........(1. 6:,R of thit-; ('.1., I :::hall pH~' arl ;Inl.lai licl:'I1:o:e l,:'UiUl.l to dUl'lil:';':, manag-illg 101' !'lll"l'd.tlfl:~ a Il$.I::....): I pel"l'lon' c()}lduetlng, 1l1a1\a~lng nr c'itv Jail for a pt'liod 0] r;',11 111"t'.,: ,'I' who ha~ r"~!.th!d to ('(.,mply Wlf~, . thE' ~l\n! ..r F;I~!-dpl'n nI11Ia..~ puhli,' Ilance hall "l1a,1: l,,-ty :111 an" (~n .F..r each 1"! .-..tClr f1]"()lleJ1ed 'Ve- "alTyinK on :tny wholeHalE> busineftlll. . h n t i thp. pr.-.YiAi"n::: of any othp.r ()r,n,.. I ($u~,nn). r~I1~. Tw(\ P.nlll'lrll:l (.$2,00) nUl'll Ih'ense of Two .T-TllnrlrFoti Dnl- I hid~ mH'~ in slilO hllsinpr,t; h:n'inK (lr fl'\tl3il h'i!>l:i'1....~R, or i"nhi"g hH~f... . q",n ~:'rE"'~ (~) '...,nntll~, t,r y .~d..: ....,...,"l 1'\( Il~;~ "'ity hR.ving to lir) 'wl'l . ("nI" Po.";,"" "il" n .o:~J"!"l ,.:!'.np 3n px- )~r~ I~JOO.OO). fir lit !h~' '.r'I:"1'I ,-,~-!'I 71','.'.,.... ~'llrel"'. l"...r.I,,,.:. ".f me'rE>! Th'!.:,:, ,'1' "',rll'l1 !";o;ln!l hlll"llnt~';!'l. llllc1 :...~~;.:.','I~i~;~II:;;'~.~~ L.il:;it~"~l.;.'_I'..:.' p,;;:'/'l;' ';:'-' 1"l-!J1;1I1::U1nn ~f IIn}' !.radp, bll'" . r'p-~::: .,f (I,... ll;h(" li".~nsee, Ten n.)!l~Il'~ ':FI!.,.r1l11 (!1:1n t(1n. l'ii! H'lt t'l f'""'l?f!rl; ,: "n :,"l'..'nfl "(Hld\ll"tin~, I:Ht"llgihl!: :' "11"" '1'1' I':"~' "Ld t:"':(.r., oil;: r1ilr 'XII:"~ or /I(,(,lIp~t~I~?: __.. ".~.,~;_.. _..., ~1~CTIt,:\" 2.; (a) F~"f'I'Y JH'I'~()n ',or .~Hdl da"n(:~ J)fl~.H.b1t.. h"[f):"! \'1m": tlll'f."<:' ".1';", 'I'wet.::.,' P~iJlal":ol ~S21).(JO):; nr C:Jf.,'.\.jng I'n 111l.... Ill};.;jn,.ss ot Page Seven LEGAL NOTICE Subscribed and sworn to before me tbls~.~.....d8.J' of .....~.__.._.-/-......1J!.k. ~ -.:/ _.._...._...-r:~-l!:Ia;y~ My (:~rl".(l~~~~!n p;~pj('("~ 1::,!.; /.b '.IY~~d ~ a.nd ol)ugattons tnerel.llHO apper-. I -.- .--" -------. tainin~ Mhall 'Continue in full force ]B:tlon of ~hls Ordinance coming to ~;~;e-~ha]l"~u-th~'i-I;~. tl~-~-lfc;i;~ee -to Which-"; ch.-arge' I.-.paid- for-p"artlcl-': freight or baggace within, to and/or a.nd effect. hIS attentIOn.. engag-e onl~' In the husine8s licensed patlng therein. shall pay an annual from this City, exclullively to per- ~f.o~CTJON 3. J.f an\" section, sub- SECT1QN 10:. All lIcenses ,Rhall ,be thereby .at the 10(,fltion or in the license of One Hundred Dollars so'ns. firms and 'corporatlons. using Hed-ion, ~(>ntp,nce, clause, phraRe or prepar!3d and Issued by -IIald Ch~et n1anner designated in such license; ($100.00). said coods, wares, merchandise, i p'ort.ion of thi!ol ordinfl.IF'P. if! for a.ny of PolIce upon the, payment to hl~ provided that warehouses and dis- SECTION 31. Every perso'n con- freight or baggage exclusively for I: "Plu!On helel t.o be invalid or \lncon- of the sum requIred to be. paid trlbuting plant.s ul'led in connection ductlnl'. managing or carrying on resale or'. in manufacturing, shall : :-;tit.lltional hv the deei:o;:on of an~' h~rE'under. Each license 80 Issued with and Incidental to fl bUl'llness any PUblic amusement room. busi- pay an annuallfeense of Three Dol- "'.lU"1. of competent juri:-odl<:tion, lo:ll("h shall ~tale. upon the face thereof )icenRed under the provisions of thhlJ neRS or parlor, other than a theatre. lars ($.3.00) for each vehicle used in rlE't?h-:ion shall not affect the valid- the fo1J.owlng: Ordinance shall not be deemed to show, theatrical performance or such buslne'8. p'rovlded further, . itr of the remainin~ portiom; of this , (a) Th~ person t'o wkom the same be separate places or business or other t7'pe of amusement or recrea- that the maximum amount charge- nl"(linli n('f', The Citr Council of thil'l IS issuen,. . bra.nch establishments. tlon In this Ordinance elsewhere de- able for a license trom anyone 11- ('it;\" hereby deelares that it would (b) The kInd .ot ~uslDess, profes- Every person who operates any scribed. shall pay the following censee under thll 8ubsectlo'n shall have adopted this Ordinan'ce and s1o~, show. exhIbition, game, occu- businesA, whether upon a cost r~ntal a'nnual lrcense: be Twenty-four Dollars <'1'.00 per , ea('h section. Rubsection, tientence, pabon or enterprise licensed, and "r commission basis as a concession (a) For any such publle amuae- yea(br.) E...r- .{person oon~ucttn"", ,'lal\~f>. phrAs/?' or pnrtion tht:'!,'p.of, the location of the I!l~me. . or upon rented floor space In or ment room, business 't)r parlor. ". 07 U e! '. . t' f tl" p f.. t thaI allV' OJl~ (,.) The a.mount paId therefor, upon the premises of any person 11. wherein no pool tables, billiard managing or c'arrylng on the bUIlI- } ;::el-;l~~~~::e o~e('~ron';~ aubRet~tionl'l, . (d) The date of expiration of 8ueh cenHed under any provisl.on of this tables and/or bowling alleys are nesa of hauling or transporting ,"Iauses. phrase~, or portintHI be dc- lIcense. .R Ordinance, shall be required to ob.. kept or maintained for use by the goods, wares, lnerchandise. freight darE'd Invalid or uncon:-tilut.innal. in ...n~ ~as~ 8ha~1 any mI.. take of lain a separate and fndependent If.. public an annuallfcense ot Seventy- or baggage within ,to a'nd/or from . SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful the ChIef of P?l1ce in stating the te'nse pursuant, to the appropriate five Dollars ($75.00). this City. other than such busine"l for any person to violate any pro- a.m'ount of a lIcense prevent .or provisions of this OrdInance, and (b) For any such public amuse-I described .in s.bsectlon (a) of thil visi-.:m or to fail to comply with any prej\HUce the collection by the City shall be subject to all of the provl- ment room, busl"ness or parlor. Section, shall. Jay the foollowlng an- of the requirements of thfs Ordi- of what should be acutally due sions ot this Ordinance, wherein pool tables, billiard tables nual license: nance. Any person vfolating any of froI!l any person carrying on ~ny SECTION 21. (a) Every perRon and/or bOWling alleys are kept or (1) For eaeh vehicle ulee! In ,laid the provisions or failing to comply busmeslIJ, professio!1, show. exhlbl- eondu'CUng, managing or carrying maintained for use by the public, business, draw-n or operated by with any of the mandatory require- tlon.. game occupatIon or enterprise on a barber shop having not more an annual license of Seventy-five means other than motor propul.loft,.. ments of this Ordinance shall be subJect 'to a .1icens~ under the pro. than one ('hair Flhal1 pay an annual Dollars ($75.00) together with the Six Dollars <$8.00); . guilty' of a mlRdemeanor under the visions of thIS Ordmance. license of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00). sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each (2) For each motor propelled ve.. provisions of this Ordinan'Ce, and SECTION 11. No l1ce!1se shall be (b) Every perRon conducting, pool table, billiard table and/or hicle used in said business h~vin.. shall be punishable by a fine of not issued to any person falling to pre. managing or carrylnR' on a barber bowling alley. a manufacturer's rating ot... not to more than Three Hundred Dollars sent any land use permit r!tqul:ed shop having more than one chatr SECTION 32. Every person con- exceed one .tori, Twelve Dollar. . ($300.00) or b). imprisonment in the by Ordinance No. 698 of thus Cl.ty. . shall pay an anual license equal to ducting, managing or operating a (f12.00); . City Jail for a period of not more or who ~as failed to comply. Wlt~ the sum ot Eighteen Dollars public danc. hall shall pay an an- (3) For each motor propeUed ....- tha.n three (3) months, or by both the provlsi?nll5. of any other Or~i1- (U.8.00) plus Two. Dollars <$2.00) nual Ucense of Two Hundred Dol- hicle used in laid bUlln.s. having such fine aqd imprisonment. Each nance of thl!l City ha.ving to do With tor each chair ill such shop In ex... lars ($200.00), or at the option of a manufa~turer's rating of' more person shall be guilty of a separate the regulatIon of any trade, busi. cess of one. the )lcellseer Ten Dollarl ($10.00) than one to It, but not to exceed offense for each and every day dur- nes.. or occupation.. SECTION 22. (a) Ever)r person for each. dance payable before con- three tons, T.enty Dollars U20.00); ing any portion of which any ;vlola- No ltcense ftor any succeeding cur- conducting, managing or earrying ducting such dance. (4) F.or every motor propelled ve- tlon of any provision of this Ordi- rent C?r unexpll:ed Heense term shall on a beauty shop. ha.ving not more For the purpose of this Ordinance, hicle used tn. ~ald 'business havlnl' nance is committed, continued, or }inowmgly b~ Issued to al\Y person than one operator, 'where the art of a dance 'hall is defl'ned to be any a manufacturer's rating of more permitted by s'uch person, and shall who at the tIme of making applica- cosmetololt"y Is practleed, either In place where the business of holdin" thl!-n three toas, Thirty Dollars , be punishable Rcoordlngly. In addi- tion ~or any license is indebted to whole "or In part, shall pay an an- or conducting public dances is ($30.00): tl to the penalties herein provid- the City of Anaheim tor any unpaid nual license of Eighteen Do 1.1 ars regularly earried on for profit, pro- (5) For every trailer used In laid e~nany condition caused or permit- license fee. ('18.00). ;vlded that nothing In this Section business, Four.Dollarl ($4.00). t d t -I t in violation of any ot SECTION 12. No license issued (b) Every perlon conduetlnl', contained. shall be deemed or con- (c) In the-'event that any perlon t~e ~r;~i:io~8 of this Ordinance pursuant to .this Ordl'nance shall be manal'ing. or carrying on a beauty' strued to require the h'older of an conducts, mana...s or carries on the h II be deemed a public nuisance transferable, provided, .however, shop. having more than one opera- annual lIcenle to eonduct the' busl"- businesses deiCribed In both sub-. :n~ may be, by this Cit)", summarily that where a license i8 Issued to a tor, where the art of cosmetOlogy is ness ot . dance. hall to! procure any sections (a) a.d '(b) ot this 'Sectlon b t d a uch and each day that person to conduct a business at a .practiced. either in . whole or in additional . llcense to conduct a he shall be r",uired only to' apply :lI'~h eviol~t~')n (:ontinue~ I'lhall bt> I"e. particular l.oca~ion. such licensee part. shall pay an annual license dancing ~ademy, in the event that for and obtabt: the llcen.e- required . .ct d .. new and ..:eparate of- ma~', upon applICation therefor and equal to the sum of Eighteen Dol- such daneing academy Is. conducted by said subseation (b). . ~HI e as,1... ~ . the payinf of a fee of Fifty Cents larA ($18.00) plus Two DollarFl at the same location and under the' This Section Bhall not. be appUe- feS~~CTI-O~ ::i. (a) The following ~50c). 'have the license previou~ly ($2.00) ['or each operator in excess same management as such public able to any,p8rBOn who has an es- wordl'l allrl plll'a~es when(~ver used in .ssue? amended .80 as to authorIze of one. dance hall. tabl1shed pla-ce of buslnes8 In this this Ordinan('f\ shaJl be c,anl';trued as ~h~ condu~t o~ ~u-ch business from (c) For the purpose of this Sec- SECTION 33. (a) Every person City wherein he conducts, man...ges 1 f' d' th'..' 't' n u 111p",,~ from such othel loea tlon. tlon. the word "operator" shall be conductlDg. managing or carrying or carries on any of the businesses ( e .m,e. In IS ~~c 1.0 , me~~in iR SECTION 13. It shall be unlawful deemed to Include all persons, on a danQln~ academy shall' pay an or occupations described in this Sec- the cl/ntext a dlffel ent '. go for any person to loan his license whether owners, managers or em- annual llcense of Eighteen Dollarl t,ion, but every such perlon shall int.en?ed, or u.n~e:;~ a ~lfferent to another. p:toyees of such shops who are en- (lt18.00). . obtain and fta., for the llcenae pro- 'l,panlllg' il'l :-:pee' flNI Ilv <1p.f1l1pd R.nc'l S .. 'Tl )N 1~ I th' t th t ., AI ;n" rp. ar.tkul~~'h.' dit",.,l'oi'cl to the L l!.(;, (. 'to n e even a gaged as manag.er.operators, hair' For the purpose of this Ordinance vided tor by Section 46 hereof. ~IS~ ~f ~;u('h - \\'n1'11'8 HllO phntF;(~H: ~~1~" II~ensee loses his license. or the dresserR, cOFlme1ttclans, ~osmet()lo- a dancinc academy Is defined t.o be SECTION 38~ Every' penon eon- (1) "("it ," ~lHll1 1"'. P"l nth,~ <.':~ ',' of ~am(' 1~ destr,oyed, he may pro('~re I gists. operatoTFl and jumor opera- a regUlarly estabUshed place of ducting. mana.lng or operating any \. I .". ~ ,- " . <. '. a duplIcate hcense from the Ch ler tors, as defined by the laws ot this business or entertainment where tn- open air automobile storage or ~ n(~)e!'~(~unf'ir' ~:hl.,n rn~.~1 n t hf' City ~r Poll.ce })y payment to him ()f the State. structiona In dancing or da'nce les- parldng place, 'i'J)arking lot or park- t ;ouncil of thiR Cit~': ,. :-;UI~\, ~f .F Ifty Cents (50~). . SE;CTION .23. Every person con- sons are ..hen or taught and a tee ing station shall pay an annual Ii- (3) "Oath" illdudf'l'I ~tr flrma lion: SEe ~ION 1.5. Any l)(~ens.e en ductmg, mana~ln~ or c~rrYing on for such instructfoon or lesson is cense of Twenty-fL..e Dollars (4) "Chief of pol lee" 111l'anF- the gaged.In busmess at a fixed. place a carnival or Slml1a~ bU~lDess shall made, paid or received. ($25.00). ('h' f f P Ii p ot ihi~ cit.\' and any ,~)f busmess. shall keep the hc~nse pay the folowing dally lIcense fees: (b) Every person engaged In the SECTION 81. Every person con- r;('~:ono dep~Itf~eci h~' him t'n a~~i:::t. in IIRsued to hIm posted In 8: cons~lcu- (a) For each Ferris Wheel. Sce- profesrdoD of dancing teacher who ducting, manaring or carryinc on lhe enforl'pment nf rhi~ f)rninance ous pla-ce upon.the premIses '\\her~ nie Railway, Merry-Go-Round, has no regUlarly established place anybuslnessheret'nafterinthl.Sec- ; . .. I' ", h d d such business IS conducted. An~ Swing or similar device belonging of busln.s8 where instruction in tion enumerated, or any combinattDn : anl1 to ;,l:;.suethlCentelO; e-reun er an licensee not operating from a fixed to !laid carnival or similar business dan'Cing is given shall pay an an- thereof, shall pay an annual 11- . ,....0 Fert..~r~e~l" r~€'l1~'~'rlllaU'r\" "may" place?f business shall keep the Ii- the l1cenf;e fees required by Section nual license of Eighteen Dollars r.ense of Thlrt,. Dollars (t10.00),'. or 1'0 '~t.rrr:js~~\.'''' ' . . . . eem~E' Is.sued to him upon his. perso!1 24 hereof. ($18.00). . a.t the option of the Ucensee .. (lUar- . (rti) "\\"~i 11"'=:11.' lo;hl:l.ll illC'llIde prin l. _ i at a 11 ~lm.e8 wh II~. engaged In busI- (b) li'or each tent show with a SECTION 34. (a) Every person ter.annual license of Ten Dollarl "I'i '. , ,:' . . '.. ':r', .h'd . i nel'!!'l WIthIn the CIty. seatmg capacity oC not more than conducting. managl-ng or carrying ($10.00). ... ~~pl;'\\,J.ttPn, J'l11,11el...gl,t.} ( 011 8~~CTION 16: Licenses sRaU be 1,000 persons belonging to said car- on any trade school, trade college. (a) The business of eOllltructJ.n&, I )1H~~tlg}:ap~:~l:.. ." , . , ~I"' 1 ",1,1 . 'Ii : pRid ill-' foll(nn;: nlval or ~tmilar business, the sum business school or business college houses. bulldfnl's andlor structures . " .. ~ ~1il~ '~:.,"" . .:.11"11. . l"t .1 i ' ,t I~~ i l a) All 1icen~es toIha.1l be paid for of Twenty.Five Dollars ($25.00) for shall pay an annual lIcen8e of as a general contractor; I ~'~~~f~~:'i~',n:' (.I"t;~~'~~' :;~l:"cup~~I~~>' I i!, la wful money. of the United each day. Twenty.five Dollars ($25.00). (b) The bUllness, either a. con... , I "f"'nterpri,.:I'o," "g'arne." "exhibftion"; States of America., _ (cJ For each tent show with a (b) 1Dvery person eonductlng, tractor or 8uNontractor. of,lnltal- . . ~) ., p" ,... . ,. 'Th' \\'or'i "PPl'- , (h) . Excep.t as .to lIcenses pro seating capacity of more than 1,000 managing or earrying on. at an es- ling, maintain1ng and/or repairing : . (.... cl s,m, '. ( 'I d { II . . nd('d ~Il SectIOn 4ti hereof, all an~ persons and not more than 4,000 tabl1shed place of business a school electrical wlrhig or electrical light- ,!O;C.'ll Rrh~1l mean ancl. 111(. ,~ ,e a: I," nUB I lI('en!l~s !;hall he paid In ad- persons, belonging to said carnival where Instruction is given in music, ing, power or heating fixtures; . ~11,~'~r~,u.~'l.I~. ~u. n~tllral I;L..I.:O~~. (ill \'ance on the ll'lt day ot July of eaeh or similar business, One Hundred dramatics .art, designing, dressmak- (c) The business, either as con- ,1~ 1.".I~lal pr.-rs'.~n:;.. 8.1.1 d~ ~......~1{ .an;l! .\'eClr, pl'OViflt~d, however, that an;}" Dollars ($1.00.00) tor the first day ing. meochanics. or any other trade tractor or sub-co'ntractor, of instal- I fill E"Ig n c.ort:'o,rat lOn:-;, .1. l"oc. lat'~J1,.. 'pprson NJlllmenclng any business, and Fifty Dollars ($.50 00) tor each or. tine art. shall pay an annual Ii- ling, maintaild'ng and/or repairing : :-;:'''I~rllc~.t(,:-l. JOIJ~t foltnek . ;'~'mp~:nll;~~'1 Jlr(lfes~hm. liho\\', exhibition, game, succeeding co'nsecutlve'day. cense of EI-ghtee'n Dollars ($18.00). plumbing, fixtures, and/or ..as fit- : pal tne, ship!' of ~~er~1OL' .I~; ~'ld, ..Iu bs, occupation or other enterprise r~- (d) For each tent show with.. (c) Every person engaged in the tings, tixtures. 'or pipes. : ;\.la:l'l~('.~,lI~~p.~t\ ~l!)nP.~:.. ....' ,?o~m()n quired ~o be li~ensed by this Ordl- seating. rcapaclty of more than 4,000 profession of teaching music, dra- (d) The builness, either as con- : :.1.\\. t ~ ':':~'" '.' ~f. ..II'.,If.>Y.'.('~., l. ~.I~~~(.d ~~I ,nanee ~nall, b~l"l)re ...'~)mmenclng ~he persons, belonging to said carni,val mattes, art, designing, dres'smaklng, tractor or 8ub;'contractor, of instal- : ,'lll}' b~I:lIl1t.:Sl'i l:lS dellllf..(. In.l t.IlI, Id I t;ame, pay a license for the remam- or similar business. Two Hundred mechanicl. or any other trade or llng. maintallUtlK andlor repairing . thJ~ Clt,r., .".... ',' '. " . der of the license period, the.am.ount Dollars ($200.00) for the first day fine art, who has no regularly es- roofs;.r ' ...y{:'I). 1...I"OS.l"i I_\~(.I,.lPh;. .... Th(' ,te!jm pf whieh shall be determined by and One Hunrlred Dollars ($100.00) tabl1shed place of business where (e) The bu.lneu. either as oon- ; . ~.l 08S ':.":eq:H l". . ~~~ 11... f.',d hI ~f. ,... IllJ.nratin~ the required fee HS of the for each succeeding consecutive such teaching is carried on. shall tractor or SUbiooeOl\tractor, of paint- : ~h~II, !11~.'m t.h,t' ~I,'?~!-: ~P' fllP,tlll ~f. ,~,IJ I fin'lt dB.V (If the month nf'xt pree",d~ day. pay a'n annual license of Eighteen ing, plasterl.. masonry, RtuccO . ,.1t!n~l:d ..1: ~~n~'; ."'~l,.'nrl .'lI1fi l~ ~1t-:,'1L net, ing the cx>mmencenumt. of tll~c!t (e) For earh person selling fla.gs, Dollars IU8.00). work. floor 'poliShing, hard'wood ,rl~ j 0110\\ ~', n.~. t.)I al H.IlIG un.l .' I I' bu~inel'lfl. 'profef.lsjon, Rh'oW', exh lbI- banner~ balloons canes horns SECTION 35. Every person con- floor InstallatiOn. Iathln... shingling. I ~he,..~a,le ,'-:I~l("':~....n/ ,all ~~l~~',/h~ ~otl'l~ tion, game, occupation or other en- noise making inst'ruments; bactges: ducting, managing or carrying on acoustical instaflatlon, glazing. car- ., In :1.1, t . l...l r._..~ (. lr r (~'\ L'. .~. .H, , th. : ~. f~rpri;:':i-~, ~ouvenlr~ anl1 othe-!' n'ovE"ltf~s, In the buslneRs of takfng or producing pentry. interior decorating, wall ,.f'! >T'" 't'," . .,' ..:. 1 ..., ~ .'1 (. p, ({". Tilt, minimulI! HJ'i.li\t:d,. H:~('.nse, "~In~e('t.il'n ,wH.h :-;aid I'urnhl:jl 4I1'! 'me or morE" mo.ving' or motion pf.c. paper hanging; !!',l.j"., ':. !:' '" '.' ",:." \f'."..:l;:i(l..i't: i:; i{"P !ll l.o:lloi:'llt.f'':''1l .I.h.lilar:ol I$PS,:'l.Il re-: ....mllar bllf.llif1~:-:, f".I.IH'1' thall :from a.: tllres or photopla;\o-s ~hall pa)' an (f) The bushut88, either a8 con- ,'.~, j. :,.1'::. '.',,:';.; \". ..:....-.!~i :_':.: ';>11,'(;"1 ,itld Pl'I..\'i'}':" b\. :-:.'".!i"'r! 4'6 ~ '.t~nl.J, w;;q':"",ll 'd' t'-'ni. :-1 <1ai1~' Ij,:'~'n!':p i f1rHlual ]~('pn:~e of One Hundred Dol. tractor or lIub.co'ntractor, of iUf4tal- ....'.'.'.'.'.',..'.';.1':'.:: ,','!, . , .' .';" ',/ '. ,.' . ; ~~.'~.~(".;~:,;,~",7r-:~' I~.~ ~~I\~ ?:~'f.1 ~iR":~~lC~~ M;~ I :'~'j; f~( J;,~( )::~I~: u ~-~.~i ~~i...I)~}';)"'ef'~k)n, ! la~~~!.V6\~~O~i;. (a' Even" pl!'rson ~~nr~II~:i~~~n~": u~ltf~ftd~~a~~I:t~ '. !~,:-..:'!: f.j : ~:':"/'l:';;-:' ',~';,.';od.' "f ,~: ;.~.iit ~'-;~.' . . ,.......'...!..d, hnwf'\"f'!', th:-;{ any pfl.rr:;on: '.h'1\:\", ('Xhlblt.1'"lIl or enterprIse of.her I ronductlng, managin~ or ca.rrying ing system!!; ..... ;:.11. '11'iIJdir,:.:~ ,.ji l"."'i'i,":", l'H'-j':, . "';""'''''.\'. ing any "'H.;j"P~:'l ,.p.~ll.ired II!Hln tho!'... :;;pf.'dflcali~. mentloneci Ion a taxfl'a.b bu~inesR, or the busi. fg) The business. either as eOIl- I t.dil!- ;H"l l:r"'~I...rt.\ >..t" J.I.n~ ldlld ()!' tn, tH~ ,11...'f:~I.Reri. Undf)~ the pl"ovJ~ll)ns h.pr~in, heln!'JIting to R~id c!,,-rnival or I !less of carryin~ passengers for hire tractor or sub.contractor. ot instal- ".'I t lilt", :'1,1 \. :1 ~11l'1"11. fol' ",11 kit l'rpil i I. ,,1. Hud .,ecUvn Hi jo,Ilut.ll, before ;- i mlln r bWHne::5S a da.lly license fee I In vehiCles where the. operators ling. malntaini~ and/or repairing !~ 8110\\"("'-1' h\ !.lv' ...~.ii...~I' to II!!.. JJIl1'- l'ntlltnf'l1dng thE' same, pay a mlnl-,nr Ten f)nl1ars ($10.00) per day. I thereof are furnished by the per- venttlatin.. and/Gr air-eo~dltiOnIIlI' . ;"'.l~-:~'''' "..i'I1,:'o1 :!:t.... ,1,"rInd;p!! 11!~r(>. Tllll!J'o Il'11nual 1((~en,8~ (~e for.the re- HFi~("TION 24. Every perfolo~ con- Ron co~ucting. managing or carr,.- units. systems or.~appal'atu8: ,'.", I,!', pn. ;'. .... ;,;,' )~. Ilu' 1"'1 (! r:'l' 'll:llt".'I.:" r,f llIp.. ll('~'n!ole pf.'oflOn. the, ,1'iI't1l1f.r '11~Il:HrlTlg nr l'arrrITlg' IJD inp; on.Sllch business, shall pay an (h) The buslneBs, either as eon- ~p~lPllnf nf Whkh Sohal! ""~ tt...t.er- i~' "P'fTil' \\-I1I:'4-'!, 8...enic RailwHv l8.nnual'li~en8e of Fifteen Dollars tractor or sub-contractor, of instal- '.1 .':',!~\" ~.'" :, :.::~ "'1,' :.,;;,';' : "I:~~F 'I:~" il'~'/.' ~.....:~\~~: ~:-~: ~~).~I.l hK.!~'.:.1:a,t!~g...:'H~1\ .~'~n1~~~ I :~.~~~~~~.(~?,~ ~~~u~d, 4'~~"lr.,g...~~ ..:~~iJ~~ .~~t~:.~!t,~~~ 1~a.c"~'Ata~~~~~a~! O,}.~~~ ~~i,.~p~a!:~~1~~ft!..~n~t~f ~~~tiri.~~ cloRure or J)&rk .ha'l pay an ..aDU~ license of. One Hundred Forty-four Dollars <$144.00). SECTION 44. Every per.on con- ducting.' mana'gln~ or carry in I' Oft any atockyard. la1es stable or cor- ral where horees. cattle, .oat., Ihe.p, mules and other Uv..tock' are brou&,ht, sold or exchanged at pub- lic auction 01' otherwise. shan .pay .an annual IIcenle' of One Hundred '100.00) Dollars. . SECTION 4.&. Every' 'Perlon con- ductin8', manag'inc or earrylll. on the business ot cold .tor..... or re- trlgeratln,{ plant for the 'Purpos. ot storing fruits, vegetables. meat, fish, e8'l's or dairy products,.. and/or maintaining and o,peratinr; frozen food lockers shalt pay an annual license of Fifty Dollars UI50.00). SECTION 46. (a) Every perlon conducting, managing or carrying -on the.. business of relt&urallt. or 804a fountain, or eatln.. place, or boarding house, or hotel, or dry- cleaning establlshment, or 10dl'In8 house, or dyeln8" plant, or laundry. or automobile' servl-ce Itatlon.. or newspaper, or public I'arace.' or printing establishment, and every person conducUn... manal'lnc 01' carryl-nl' Oft any who1elale bUllnes.. Dr retail .buslnell, or jobblft~ busl- nesl. or commission bUllnes., .n.d ever.y person conductlnc, ma1la.inc or carrying oft any . bUllnel1 of manufacturing,. processing or fab- ricating' any prodqct, eoinmodlty. airplane. ship. machine, Instrumen- tality, or. part. ot lame, and ."ery person conductfn., madacID.'. '01' carryin.. on any buslnesl, trade. protel.ion, occupation, exhibition. game, or enterprl.e 'not spec;lfleallY licensed by thil Ordinance or by any othe.r Ordinance ot thl8 City, shall pay an: annual license liaseel upon groll receipts of ..uch bUllnesB, trade, 'professlon,: occupation. .xhl- blt19n, game 'or enterprise accord- Ing; t() the followlnc sche@le: Gross Receiptl Fee per Annum per Annum Less than '.26.000.00.........._.. '18.00 $25,000.00 and les8 than $60.000.00 .._......_.....~.... U6,OO $50,000.00 and leiS . than .100,000.00..............._...... 'JI.OO $100,000.00 and leBa than '160.000.00 ................._ '40.00 '150,009.00 and less than $200,000,00 .........._...._.... 4&.00 '200,000.00 or more .............. .'"0.00 (b) The tee of '18.00, above Bet torth, is hereby designated the minimum annual Heenle fee. (c) On the 20th day ot July of eILeh and every fear. commencing' July 20, 1941, every perlon to whom a license has been illued. pursuant to the provlaions of this Section, shall dellver unto the Chief ot, Po- lice, for hil guidance In ascertaining the amount 0"1 I icense to be paid by such pers.on. a written atatement sworn to before an officer authoriz- ed to administer oaths, showl'ng the total amount of gross receipts ot the business.. trade, 'profession, oc- eupat1on. exhibition. ..ame or ent.r.. prise for which sueh license was issued, for the annual Jtcense period next precedlnc. Su-ch statemeat shall not be eon.lusive upon the City of Anaheim. or upon any .of- ficer thereof, as to the matters therein lIet forth. and the Bame Jlhall Root prejudice the right ot said City to recb.ver any amount that rna,. be ascertained to be due from such person in addi tlon to the amount shown by' such statement to be due in cale such 'statement .hall be found to be incorrect. (d) It an)" person hereby required to make t1)e statement prescribed by thl. Section shall fail so to do. such per.on shall be requir.d to pay a ltcense of the maximum rate herein pre8'Crlbed. (e) .All statements flied pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2'lhall be deemed confidential In character. and shall not be subject to public Inspection. It .h..n b. the duty o~ the Chief of Polio_ to so pre.erv_ and keep saki .~t.m.llt. that the contents thereot may not beoome known except. to the per- Ions eharced by law with the ad- ministration of this Ordinance, pro- vided. ho'wever. that the same may be i'ntroduced as evid.ence in any ,.n"'Pt It' ,.",,.,.,'I\_t_,,t ""'PI.""f,.tln" ftt 'J 1 '''enterpr,~se,'' "g~me;' .-eXIl1UIU':,'" 'I (b) J!oixcept,; Al:5 '"v..."''''.....'''.. ,l'A ~ ; (~,) Person. The word p~r- vided In Section 46 hereof. all an- .. S(;>n shall mean and include all In- nual licenses shall be paid in ad- . I dlv~duals. all natural person~, ~n vance on the 1st day of July of each a.rtlficlal pers'ons, all dome8~lc. and year. provided. however. that any foreign corporations. aSSOCIationS, ~ person commencing any business, Hyndlcates. joint stock ~ompanies. profession. show. exhibition. game. partnerships of every kmd. clubs, occupation or other enterprise re.. ~la8sachusetts business or common qulred to be liq"ensed by this Ordl- . law trus~8, and sO'Cietles, eng'aged In nance shall. bef~re commencing the . an.y bus mess as defined herein. in same, pay a license for the remaln- .1 thIS City. der of the license period, the amount , (9) "Gross Receipts." The te~m of which shall be determined by . "groBs receipts," as used herem, prorating. the required fee as of the i shall me~n the grolls receipts of an first day of the month next preced- . i annu8,1 lH~ense J'II.'''r\od and 19 def'ne~ ing the commencement of such ~ I a.s follows: The total amount or business, profession. shoO,,", exhlbi.. the sal. price of all Bales. the total tlon, game, occupation or other en... amount charged or received for the terprise. . performance of any act, service or (c) The minimum annual ltcense , employment of whatever nature it fee of Eighteen Dollarll ($18.00) re- may be. whet)1er such Ber.vice. act or quired a'nd provided by Section ~ employme'nt IS done as a part of or hereof shall be paid in advance on in connection with the Bale of goods. the 20'th day of July of earch year. wa~es. mercha~dise or not.. for provided. however, that any pe~son wh l.ch a charge IS made or credit al- commencing any business reqUired lowed. including aU receipts. cash. to be licensed under' the provJsI'ons' credits and property of any kind or of said Section 46 shall. before nature. any amount for which credit commencing the same pay a mlni- is allowed by the seller to the pur- mum annual ltcense fee for the re- chaser without any deduction there- malnder of the license period. the from o'n account of the cost of the amount of which shall be deter- property sold. the cost of the ma- mined by prorating such minimum terlals used. labor or service costs. annual ltcense fee as of the twen.- interest paid or payable. losses or tleth day of the month next preced.. other expenses whatsoever; pro- Ing the commencement of such vlded. that cash discounts allowed business. Any additional license or. taken on sales shall not be in- fee aocrulng. pursuant to the pro- eluded. and this Ordina~ce shall not visions of said Sectloon .46. In addl- be construed to impose any tax tion to said minimum annual lIcens. upon any business or transaction fee, shall. be paid on the 20th day o'f which the City ot Anaheim is not July next succeeding the date whea authorized to license or tax under the said minimum &l\nualllcenle f~ the .laws of the State of .Catlfornla became payable. .. or of the United States. Any.. tax (d) Notwlthstandln.. any other' required by law to be included in provisions of this Section. should or added to the purchase price and any person llcenle~ under the pro~ collected from the consumer or pur- visions of said Section 46 cease op- chaser. and such part of the. Bales eratlng the business for which h~ price of any property previously was so licensed he shall immediate- tlold returned by the purchaser to 11' upon ceasing such business make the seller which is refunded by the a. sworn statement of the gross re- seller by way of cash or credit al- ceipts of .such business from the lowance given or taken as part pay- immediately preceding 1st day of ment on any property so accepted July up to and including the date for I'esale. shall be deducted for the of so ceasing business all in the purpose of determining. the gross manner and form required by said receipts hereunder. Section 46. and shall immediately (10) '.Ltcense Period." The an- pay unto the Chief of Police the nual license perfod commences o'n amount of license fee which has ac- the 1st day of July of each year and cr1.ted to such date of ceasing busl- ends on the 30th day of June of ~he ness. which amount shall be based next year. The dally ltcense perIod upon the schedule set forth in said commences at the hour of 8 o'clocl{ Section 46. a. m. of any day and ends at 8 (e) All daily license tees shall be o'oc1ock a. m. of the next day. The paid in advance on each day. All quarter-annual license periods com~ quarter-annual licenses shall be me,nce on any day of issuance of paid at the time of appli'Catioon such license and three (3) months therefor. I after such da~.. . (f) In addition to any other pro';' (b) The followmg: l'U~eB flhall visions provided by this Ordinance. govern in the grammatIcal mterpre- there shall be added to all unpaid tation of this Ordinance: license fees a penalty of ten per (1) Any gender Includes the other cent of the amount of the fee so ! gennerFl. unpaid for the period of the first I ("2) Singular nun~ber includps ~he month ,or any portion there.of, that pluru.l and plural Indudes the SIn- the same remains unpaid. and for gular. earh and every month thereafter (3) '''.ord5 used in the preflent that such fee renlains unpaid a pen- ttmse include the past and future alty of ten per cent of the amount tenses, those in the past tense the of such fee so unpaid, provided. present and future tenses. those in howeVer, that the maximum amoullt the future tense the past and pres- ' of such penalty shall not exceed an ent tenses. I amount equal to amount of such (4) 'Vords and phrases ~~~d n fee. this Ordinance and not ~lleclflcalhr For the purpose of thlR Ordinance. (leflned shaH be con~trued Rccord- the term "unpaid lice'nse fee" shall ing to the c'on text and approved Ule mean not only all license fees ow- of the language. in~ for licenses theretofore issued,. p~;;~ii's ~a~d- not more than 4,000 tabllshea place OJ; 'PUI5IUG.U. - ......u....... ~~r.:.:h::lt':,~\~~s:' J:~d ::i~:J~:J rr~~:J:t:-.~I~~s::nfn~~nd~S::'.::~"; 1";;';Pcirt: :~..~~n~lg:~ur::~n_1 :b:il V~;tVii;.~OD.rUat..1iiOi="tI'i\";' Dollars (flOO.OO) for the first day Ing. mechanics. or any other trade tractor or suliieoDtractor. of Instal- City of Anahel.... or upou alU' ..t- and Fifty Dollars ($50 00) for each or. fIne art. shall pay an annual 11- ling. malDta~ and/or repalri.. flcer thereof. ... to the matt8J'8 succeeding consecutl';'e'day. eense of Eighteen Dollars (U8.00). plumbln... fl. ...; _4/or ... fit- therel.. .et torth..-. tbla.......a.hall (d) For each tent show with. (c) Dvery perlon enaaged in the tings, fixture iE- r pipes. .' BOt prejudice the right of...1 CIty seating <lapaclty of more than 4,000 profes.lon of teaching mu.lo, dra- (d) The b ..... .Ith... .. .00"- to r_vep any amount that.....,. lie persons, belong;,fg to said eam\val mattc., art. de.lgnlng, dre8"lmaklng. tractor or .u': ntractor. of Instal- __lid to b" du. from nell or similar business, Two Hundred mechanl... or any other tr&de or ling. maln~c aD.d/or ,,"pairlD&" pe..... In &ddltlon ~ the ........nt Dollars ($20000) for the first day fine art. who has no regularly es- roofs. 'jf-- - shown b7. such, atatena.at to be due and One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) tabllshed place of buslnes. where (e)' The buiiia-. .Ither as ""n- In cue - .~t. lIl!I!U lie for each succeeding consecutlve such teaching J. carried on, aball tractor or .u~atractor., of palnt- found to be incorrect. .: day. pay a'll annual licen.e of EIshteen i'ng. Plalterll" masonry. stucco (d) If &Ii,. person her."" required (e) For each p.r.em ..1lIng n..... Dollars "18.00). work. floor. '1IPIn... hardWoOd to mak." .~. .tate-~. ...-!'tlbe4 banners. balloons. cane., horns, SECTION 31. Ev..-:r p.rtIOft ""n- floor \uW1& 1atIl1i... .hl....lIU. .,. ~,!IIlatloll .hall. all .. ....... . noise making instruments. bad-ges. ductlnl'. managlnS' or oarrylng on acoustical fnst& attoll, jlazlng, car- lIuch penon sl1alt be .recau,rea to ..." souvenirs and other novelties. In the bu.lne.. 'Of taldD'. or prOducing pelltry, Interior decorating, wall a ltc.n.. of the maXimum. tate connection with said carnival or one or. more mo.vlng or motion ple- paper Ilaatrlng: herela preKrlbed. similar busln.so. other than fr!>Rl a tur.. or photoplay. shall pay an (t) Th. bulia_, either .. co... (.),A.1l .tat.mente ftllld PIII'lIU&ftt .ta..d. wagon or tent. a dally IIce...e annualIlcense of On. Hu..4red Dol- tr_ or. ...b-cotitractor. of Instal- to th6 provisions. of. thl. Sectl!>n fee of Five Dollars ($5.00). lars (8100.00). . liD&". 1IIIliatatnlq ....4/- repairing lhaU b. deemed ~OIIfl4entlal. In (f) For each .ta..d, concHslon. SEC1'ION U. (a) l!lvery PeraOn fUrnace" heatl... elu .ad/!>r h..t- character. and shall ..ot he ...",.ct show, exhibition or enterprise other conductlnl'. managing or carrying fn'g lIystems; to public Inspection. It .ba11 be the than thoae speclflcaUy mentfo'ned on a taxicab business. or the busl. Eg) The bu.ill..... either as co.- 4ut,. o( tile Chief of Pollpe ~~ 80 herein, belonging to said ,carnival or neBS of: carrying passengers for hire tractor or .ub-contractor, of Instal.. pr.erv. and keep Baht s~tem.at8 similar business a daily license fee in veh.lcles where the. operator. Ung. matntainlUC and/or rep~iring that the' contentl. .thereof. m",. aot of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day. therEl'Of are furnished by the per- ventilating and/or air-condltlonlllg beoome known except" ..... tit. per- SECTION 24. Every person con- son c01lductlng. managing or carry- units. systems or apparatus: son. charged by laW with the' ad- ducting. managing or carrying. on ing on. auch business. shall .pay an (h) The buslaels. either as COIl- mini.tl'atlon of this Ordlllance, .pro- a Ferris Wheel, Scenic Railway. annual. license of Fifteen Donars tractor or .ub-contra.etor of Instal- vldect, however., that the .ame ma,. Merry-Go Round, Svllng. or .imtlar ($15.00) for each taxicab or other llng.'. malntalniftC and/or repairing be .'ntroduced a.' evt~.ence in any device where a fee Is charged or vehicle' used in such business. This bollers, cabinet alld mill worki in- court of competent jurl,,4lctloa ,In collected for carrying any personll subsection shall not apply. to the sulatioR.. pipe co.erillg, cement. COIl-' cue.. of . allepd. vlol.tlo~ of this thereon. shall pay a daily' llcense busineu of operating ambulaaees or crete, ,levators, fencing, metat,.a.b OrcllD&DCe by. aa,. maker of auch for each such Ferris Wheel. Scenic Invalid" coaches., and dQor, gUllJte, floorS.ng. .Onla- .tatement.. , " · Ra.ilway. Merry-Go-Round. Swlng.or (b) :,;Every person conductill'A'. mental Dletall. Sleet met-.., terruao, (f) For tJa. .purpo'~ ..of .tlle -- similar device of Ten Dollars managing. carrying on or maintain.. moslac. machlnet7, pump-. awnI8..,' forcement. ~f, th.s Ordlaance, ,the ($10.00) for tbe flrot day and Five Ing a taxicab stand upon any pub- glaos .\pI spNkI.r .,..t..... re- Chief .of Police 1Il&Y, with th. prior Dollars (85.00) for e&'Ch succeeding lic stNet, l'l()ad, altey or way In inforctnB' ste,el, ~.truct1,lr&1 steel: tn.. co~..~t ofot~~ 'Clty. COU1lo11, deputize consecutive day that the same is or this Clty shall pay the followtng waterProofin.... f'~'" ".ath.erproofl~c a ;qu&lltl~ .aacot.utant. .~~ .x&JDlne are so conducted, manag.ed or car. annual:'ltcense: ,damppr.oofln8'. ....de.i. Unoleutll, re- t~. Il~e..~' .1;took. ..... ~orcl8' of rled on. (1) 'Where such taxicab stand .fl frigera,tloD u'lllt.;.or systeml; hoas.- any person to. whom "'::1t~BS. hal SECTION II. <a) Bvery per.on desien, to accommodate. vehlclel hold fixtures. or. storeflxture.; . ,been Illued pursuant to..the provi... conducting. managing or carrying being" rked parallel to the curb or (I). The bu.i.... elt~et: ... ~on-. '..Ions of this. Sectlbll. Any failure on & circuI' or siml1ar . exhibition side 0 .:. such street. road. .alley or tractor or. sub-..ntractor of 'exca- or refusal on the part. of, afty. penon · ha.ving. a seating capacity' of IlDt waY'lannual license of One Dol- vating." .rading :~d/or trenchlllg;,: UeellBed 'Qnder this 8~tloft to ex.. more than 4,000 persons shall pay .lar (, 00) per lineal foot of the (j-) The bUSI!' .B. eltlJ,er all con"; hlblt .to &'Jl4. alloW' euitdn~~lo. by a dally I1cense of On. Hu..dred Dol- leugt ..,.. .uch taskab .ta..d. meas- t~. Or .ub- '~,!r.. .ot . -- ~d ,ft!lOOllDtaat .... 4_tIHd Ilball lars ($100.00) for the first day.and ured,.' ng the side or.curb of such InS'.. hOll.... bu ....aM/or ilaac- "o~~tlt..~\\"I' ml.4e....~r .p_teh.. Fifty Dollars. ($~O.OO) for each .uc- street, ..'toad, all.,. or way. tur..:.. .. . ...' c.. .. .Il~ . ~. Oral..... provllla4- ~:~~nf. ';,':,';,"i:gt~de. ~~n:::J t~~ de~~~n:b~~e :~~:m~:A~: ~~I~'t~l~: tr~:loror:: s:~~~t;a::"~~lbe::: havl......;' .~=" .I:'~"-~"! carried on. , parked diagonally. an annualIlcense lug or oth"",,ls. demollohlng. n... wJthln W. .cltr. _dUeUn... (b) Every person conducting. of. Twenty-five Dollar. ($25.00) for. houses, bulldlq.. and/or otber manaClng or. . carrying en the buol- managing or carrying on a circus or each space designed tu accommodate structure.. . ne.1 of Belll~g at retail, by means similar exhibition having a seating 'one ve~lcle. . (I) The. bushiess. either a~ con. of vehicles. any milk. dairy prod.. capacity of more than' 4,000 persons (c) /Ever,. perROD conductinB'. tractor '01" ,IIUb-I" tractor, of I~stal. ucts, 01" other food Intended and shall pa.y a dally lIce-nse of Two man...arIn&' or carrying on the bust- ling. maintaini .. and/or rep..i~ln.. lultable tor buman con.umptlon. to Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the' ness of operai'ng ambulances or in- l!I~werl &'Q4 dra';" '. , ", rel'ular c~s~~.rs aloD" aD e.t~b~. first day and One Hundred Dollars valid coaches shall pay an annual, (m) The busi. 'Iii, either as .con- UBhea route or r01lte., ~1 paJ' .11 ($100.00) for each succeeding con- license. of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) tractor .or Bub1lDntractor. of fur- annual llceJlI. of. Eigbteen D.ol1~!'8 R8'Cutive day that the same is con- for ea-ch ambulance and invalld nishing any labOr, skill and/or ma- <-$18.00) tor each vehtel. use4 ID ducted, managed .or carried on. coach .sed in such business. terlal for or HI the conltructloll.' Iuch bushl.... ; (C) Every person conducting. For the purpose of thIs Seetlon mal..tellance auetor repair. of ani SJlCTION 48. lIlvery parlon col- managing or carrying on a side the term "Invalid coach" is defined butldlng .house or structure. which lecthll'. mall"l'ln~ or aAo.l'ryrln<< on show or after show to a circus or I to meal1 and tnclude a vehicle 1,1..4 bualueu,ll not _cltiO&l!7 mention. any apartment house ... three or Rimilar exhibition shall pay a daily i to traQSport the sick and infi~m ed .or described.. .thls Section. . more apartments shall pal' an an- license of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per from place to place. such vehicle not This sectlonfe.l1 not .be appllc... nualllce..e of Fifty Cellt. (IOe) tor day. .being an emergency vehicle. able to aay pe " n I who has an .each apartm,ent. provi4ec1; bowever. SECTION 26. Every per8'on con. (d) Every penon conducting. eltablllhed pIa of bUlin... In'this that tbe maxlmulIl aDnual license ducting. managing or carrying on manal'lng or ,earrylng on the bust- City wherein he.;..eon:ductll...m&nages shall be Twelve Dollars ('11.90). any tent Ahow not otherwise spe- nesl ot renting the use of any' truck' or carries on an.r. of the Duslnesses . amOTION 49. Every person con- <'ifically provided for in this Ordi- or motor propelled vehicle for the or occupations ~ribed I. thl. See-. ductlnl'.' managinB' or carrying on nanace 'Wherein seating accommo- transportation of materials. com-' tlon. but everY':.::such perlon shall the buslnes. 'of operating an office daUons are provided for spectators. modiUes or products. or the trans- I obtain and pavir' the license pro.. building .hall pay in allnual Ucense ,hall pay the following dally 11- portatloq of any other object. to- be vlded' tor by S. Ion 48 hereof. ... . of Two Doll.... ($1.00). tllr each of- cenRe fee: driven.:by the person or. per.ons SECTION 40..' ery p....on con- tlce tb.ret1lo (a) F'or each tent show having hiring the same at rates per mtle.', ductiill'. mana . or cal'l7111g 'on All, Q-fflo-.. b\lUdin.. I. hereby de'" a seating capacity of not more per trip, per hour. per day.. per week t.he business of"' auto wrecker or ftnetl... meaning any 'building con.. than 4.000 persons, a daily Ucense or per month and such .tr~ck or ve- junk' ~ealer sha" f:iy a.n annual 'U- talninlihree or more office., . of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) hicle is routed under the direeUon cen.. ,of' . On.~~', undred Dollars du~1DCtt...: ~~!!~I'nE..v'orI'Y ....... _.I!,...COOftll- for the tint day and Fifty Dollars of the person hiring the same, shall ($100.00"). ". ~ ...--- earrv: H <$50.00) for each 8uceeding con- pay an annual license of Ten Dol- For the purPG;" of this Section 'an the bUlln.s' of, ..IYing'stearn bathR. oeeutlve day that the sa.me Is con- lars ($10.00) for eacb .suc\l. truck auto wrecker r .' defiped to b. and 4lectrlo U..ht bathe. 4180trlc tub duoted, n,anaged or carried on. and vehicle used In said bu.inese. constr..ed to m D and Inolude any batll.. .1I.....r hath.. ...,!!~ (b) For eacl} tent sho,v having a (e) Every -person conducting. person who /bu "any motor vehl~le .eating capacity of more than 4.000 ma..aClng or carryi..g on the bu.l- for the purpbs .'.of d18mantllnc or tOcldlliuMl-..... ~