700 .."J . I I I I I ! 11 I I 21 3 .r f AN ORDIU1.CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING '!HE ANNEXA TIel~ TO S ID CITY cPr ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY 4. KNmlN AS "EAST ANAH4Il'I ANNEXATION". , 5 TFJ!: CITY ,*,UNCIL OF Tf[C CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 6 FOLLOWS: 1 ORDINANCE NO.~ " e SECTI01~ I.! The Cit.y Council of the City of Anaheim fincts: (a) That ~he proceedings for the annexation to the City o. 9 I Anaheim 9f the hereinafter uescribed unincorporated territory were i . 10 had in cqnformity w~th and pursuant to the provisions of an act of 11 the Legl~lature of "!She State of California known as the "ANNEXATION 12 ACT of l~H;'1 and. all acts ameno,atory thereof and supplementary ther - I ; i 13 I to. (b) That before any 'proceed1ngs were commenced tor the i 14 I ! . 15 I annexati~n of s&i~ territory the Planning Commission of said Clty I : 16 I of Anahe~m maoe its report and recommendation to the City Council Ii' . 1'1 i of 8alo, ~ity of Anaheim stE,ting that the design of all subdivisions, I ; . . 18 i the cons~ruction or all buildings and all public improvements in I , i 19 : said territory cOrinlied \'rith ant i':2.S not inferior to the standard flUS it SCHUTZ .6r.... ., LA. 4OZ.. .11. .. A_ItA ..... "'1". tAU.....A lae....-a 345C 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 of deSiEr of sU~Jaiv;1sions, bui16ing construction'requirements and publiC iFprovements of saia, Cit~r of Anaheim and recommended that i sa1c- territory be annexeo. to 8B.10... City of Anaheim. I i (0) That ;thereafter and before any proceedings were com- I mencea. ~or the annexation of said territory to saiEe City of Anaheim ! th&t sa~Q City Council of said Ci~y of Anaheim consented to the i I I annexat~on of said.' territory to said City ot Anal1e'1m.. (d) Th&t thereafter certain proponents published a Ili\Iotice of IntentlQ>>n to Circulate Petition Relating to the Annexa- tion of Territory to the City of 'Anaheim, a Municipal Corporation" 30 which nftice conta~ed., among other things, a description of said, territory, ana, ata.tee. tl"ls.t said, petition for the annexat10n of I i ! sa1c. terri tor~." to $E,ic1. 01 ty shoulc. contafn So reoue at that the 31 32 ,.J~-j- flll$ Ii SCHUTZ *-m IIr LA. .oz-... _ .. IUI!IIEA ILDIi. "....... eft......,,\ ..... MIl II Ii II II i! !: I; !! 1 l~cue8tion to oe submi~ted to t~e electors in said territory should b , Ii ., . 2 !' "!;.'h.et;ler suel'l :new territory shoulc1. be a.nnexed to, .incorporated in 3 I a:1c. made a pLrt of s~ic. City J and the property therein be J after _. ,. i .. 4 suel'1 a.nnexB.tion, subUect to ta.xation, equally v-lith the property . ~ - i 5 ,within said City,;-to1pey all of the bonded indebtedness of said Cit i 6 I outstanding at the t~e of the filing of such petition or thereto- 7 fore authorized. 8 (e) That _ t~ereafter', to ~11 t: on Hovember 20, 1945, said t j 9 I City Council IidoPte~1ts Resolution No .1439 ,in which .it acknow- 10 I led[e( a recel~t of B copy of said notice of intention to circulite 11 7Jetition, in 't-lhlch it 8.pproved. tIle intention of s8.10 'proponents to 12 13 1. circulate 8UC~ oetl~lon. (f) That there2,fter to-wit: on.Januc9.ry 29, 1946 there wa filed with said City Council a written petition asking that said 15 territory, hereinaf~er a~escribed, be annexed to said city of Anahel 16 I anB said netition cdnt&ined a request that said City Council ! .L; I 17 ! special election to 'be helf in 5a1& territory proposed to b~ annexe 18 to said. City, giving the notice thereof required by law, and. sub- 19 : mltt1ng to the electors residing within sald territory the question 20 j whether said new territory should be annexed to, 1ncorporated in, i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I' 29 ! 30 , ,. 31 i 32 ElnCt macle a part of ~.aid. City of Ana11e1m, and. the ~roperty therein be, after such annexa,t1on, subject. to l.taxat1on.,:. equally with -the property within said Ci~y, to ~ay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed v&lu&tion, of all the bonded indebtedness of said C1ty outstanding at the date of filing said petition, or theretofore authorized. (g) That _aid City Council found and determined that said pet 1 t ion vlS.S signed by more than one-fourth of the qualified electo 8 residing within s&i~ territory as shown by the registration ot vote s or Orange Count~,r J Ca11:Cornis_, in which County said territory is situated.. (h) That Qn February 5, 1946, said. City Council sa.opted 2 I. j- !; fll.l~ ft SC"UTZ ~ IIr L.. .a~:=.ar:~ "'e .. 1 its Resolution No. ~44? wherein it declared its intention to call a 2 : sp.ec1al election on ~arch 2d, 1946, and. to submit thereat to the 3 4 5 6 7 electors residing w~th1n said territory the question of whether territory should be lannexed to, lncor~orated. in ~nd made a part of sa1cl City of Anahel~, and the property therein be, B.fte:r tlon, subject to ta~ation, equally with the property within said Clty, to pE:,~r its proj rata portion, based u.pon ~tssessed valuation, 8 of all the bonded indebtedness of said City outstanding at the date 9 IOf the filing of SG.4!- petition, to-wit: January 29, 1946, or there 10 I tofore authorized. That in said Resolution said C1ty Council deS1g- 11 Inated said territory: as EAST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION as the name and 12 I words of id.entificat!1on by l-rh1cbt said territory should be referred 13 .1 . t b b th 1 +1 t q to and indicated UDon 11e allots to e used at ... e e 8.C)I ....9n a 1.f.lwhiCh the auestion.' o~ annexation was to be submitted. !ll&.'T by said I - 15 IResolut1on said City Council fixed. February 26, 1946, at 7 o'clock 16 I . Ip .1:. at the Council 'hambers of the City Hall, 204 East Center 1'7 i IStreet, Anaheim, California, as the day, hour and plaoe when and 18 I !where any person owninf reEl property within said territory, and 19 I il1avlng any objections to the proposed annexation, might ap]je.dbetore I 1. . 20 lsald City Council and show cause why such territory should not be 21 :80 annexed, and gave notice thereby to all such persons owning such 22 !reB-l property of suoh hee.rlng. Said re'solut1on described the 23 :boundaries of said t.~itory so proposed to be annexed. 24r (1) Tllat a copy of said Resolution No. 1447 was published 25 ; ;once E. week for 't'\'tlO successive 't'lTee}~s ~rior to sa1cl hearing in the 28 i ~AI'JA!I~Il'! BULLBTIN, e newspaper of general circulat10n publ'~-.h.d'. .In 27 i !se.ic3 CitJ, of Ana11eim, there being no newspaper published within 28 29 .said territory. (J) Thc-,.t 0. February 26, 1946., at 7 o'clock P.M. at said 30 :Councl1 Chambers of ,s,ld City Hall, 204 East Center Street, Anaheim, 31 :: 32 iPalifornia, a publichear1ng was held. by and before said City Counci iwhereat certain persGns owning property within said territory 3 -_-_.-__...___ ....L__- : i I I Ii i ~ I! 1 Ii appeared and made p~test against said proposed annexation. 2 r (k) That ~t the conclusion of said hear1ng said City I 3 Council fo~d and Q~erm1ned 'that nrotest was not made by owners 4 of a majority of th~ separate parcels of property within said 5 I territory proposed tio be annexed &nd thereupon, to-wit: on 'ebruar 6 7 26, 1946, adopted i~s Resolution No. 1451 oalling a special electio to be held. on Me~rach ;28.. 1946, and. directing the City Clerk to give 8 notice thereof by posting notices thereof in thr.ee public places I . : 9 I conspicuously in satd territory. The.t in said Resolutlon said City 10 Council descr1bea. the bounclar1ee of raid. terp1 tory, established one 11 voting precinct for :s.uch election which it designated as EAST ANAH1~I 12 ANNEXATION PRECINCT which precinct included all of said territory 1-. 13 'i -pr'oposed to be anneJded. ~.Y said Resolution said City Council al.so 1. I . !established a polling place within said territory and designated I 15 I election officials for said election, which officials were Quallfie I 16 I . electors residing w~th1n said territory. By said Resolution said 1'7 I .City Council described the ballots to be used in said election. 18 I (1) That on February 2?, 1946, the City Clerk ot the City 20 . in three .publ.lc. pla4.~ oo~sp-1c.uousl:v:'.1n:- sa1c1. terr1 tory proposed to 21 : ; be annexed. Ths.t iri said noti~es of election said Clerk declared 22 1 that sai& election wou10 be held within said territory on March 28, 2S i : 1946, for the purpose of submitting to the electors residing there- 24 I I in the question of whether said territory should be annexed.to, 25 28 ~ incorporated in, and made a part of said Oity ot Anaheim, and the : property therein be, after such annexation, subjec.t to taxation 27 I : equally wlth the pr~perty l'lithin said City, to pay lts pro rata. 28 II port1on, based upon:aasessed valuatlon, of all the bonded lndebtedne s 29 I ot sald City out8ta~dlng at the date of the fl1.1ng ot the petition 30 I I. for annexat1on, to-w1t: January 29, 1946, or theretofore authorize. 31 i. . :: laid notice contained a description of the boundaries ot said ter~ 32 L . r1tor~- B.nd designated the same as EAST ANAHEI}v! ANNEXATION. Said FRIIS fir SCHUTZ ~IS . LAw taz......'. GI' ..... .... A...... ~" ..... MIl 1; !! 4 l. ..,oiI;. ..~:.:.... .~M"'__... .~...........~.~~........-.............. flllJ. .. SI:" VI Z ___ . Law 4I;*:=~ '-;:': .. I I I ! i ! 1 Ilnotlce set forth thei question to be placed on the ballots to be sub I . .' 2 I; Ir mitteo.. to the electors at said. election, and gave instructions on a the manner of voting_ Said notice described the voting preoinct 4 theretofore establ1~ed by said City Council for the purpose ot 5 election, described ~he polling place as the Lincoln School at 6 1402 East Center St~etJ and gave the names ot the.eleotion " and the t1me of opening and closing of the polls- Said not1oe set 8 forth the amounts of e,ll bonded indebtedness of said City ot Anahe 9 la.lreadY incurred, o~standlng at the time of first posting of notic. 10 IOf election, the amdunts of such bonded indebtedness theretofore 11 11 13 authorized, and to be represented by bonds thereafter to be issued, and the maximum rate of interest paya.ble on or to be payable on sue bonded indebtedness, together with the specification of the improve 1. mente for which such bonded indebtedness was incurred or authorized 11 the description of Which is the sEtme as tJ1St set forth in Section II 11 13 hereof. (m) That said election was duly held on Maroh 28, 1946, 18 within-said terr1to~y, at the polling place heretofore described, '1' pursuant to sala. Re.olution No. 1451, and in accordanoe w1th the provisions of said 4l!NEXATION ACT OF 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof, and supple*entary thereto, and the election laws applic- able thereto, and 1* accordance with the Notices posted by said. City CleI'k. (n) That ~pon the ballots used and submitted to the electors at said. election, in addition to other matters required by law to appear th.reon, was pr1nted the following: Shall East Anaheim Annexation be annexed t~ the City of Anaheim, Callfornl., and the property in said East! Anahe1m Annexation be, after such annexation, subject to taxation ~qual1y with the property within sa~d City ot Anaheim to pay its pro r~ta portion, based upon assessed taluat1on, of all the bonded In'ebtednese ot said City or Anahe1; outstanding on January 29, 1946,> or theretofore authorizedt 2G 21 22 21 24, 25 2. 27 28 29 30 Ii 31 32 YES NO . . 5 ~ -.-...L-. rlU:s .. SCHUTZ ..... LAw ..~--~ I'T.:;.: 1& I I I I I I: Ii 1 I! (0) That ~edlately on the olosing of the polls, the II 2 Il judges and inspecto~ of said voting precinct counted the ballots, 5 made up, cert1f1ed ~d sealed the ballots and tally sheet of the 4. ballots cast at s8..1c3~ polling pla.ce, and. delivered said ~allots, 5 tally sheet and returns to and deposited the same with said City 8 CI'erk of said City atf Anaheim. , 8 (p) That ~id City Council did, at the time provided tor I its regular meeting lnext atter the expiration of three days from · and. after tile date oi.f election, to-wit: April 2, 1946, meet and lQ proceed to canvsJss .1d returns, B.nd upon tIle same day completed 11 su.ch canVG.ss a.no. 1mrried1sttely thereafter caused a record thereof to 11 I be made ano. enterecl :upon its rn1nutes. That from its canvass of sal 18 ! II returns said City Cdunc11 find.s that the whole number. of votes cast 16 II et . said election was 103j that the number of votes cast in said 16 ,election in favor ot annexation of said territory to said City ot I II I Anaheim was 73; tha~ the number of votes cast in said election 17 I against annexation/~j that the number of ballots received as 18 absentee votes was none. 18 SECTION 2~ That the City Council of said City of Anaheim 28 cloes hereby approve .the annexa.t1on of said territory to salo. City 0 21 Anaheim, a municipal corporation; that said territory is hereby 22 21 2. 25 28 2'1 28 29 annexed to ana. 1ncozPpore.tec. in sait. City of Anaheim; that said territory is hereby accepted by sa1d City of Anaheim as a part of said City of Anaheim. Tha.t said territory' heretofore referred to, and which has heret~tore been designated by said City Council as EAST ANAHgIM A!~NEXA~ION, 1s situated within the County of Orange, State of Oalifornia, is unincorporated and is c0ntlguous to said C1 y of Anaheim, and. the a.escription and specific boundaries thereof are as follows: 30 31 32 Beg1nnlng:at a point on the easterly oity limit line of i the City of Anah.el!11j Orange County, California, which point is the : intersection of the.northerly prolongation of the easterly line ot 6 I .....~....u;v. .... ~~..~ ....""..~+......IIIo...-...~I.... .~...."""'.~, I I i I II 1 Ii Lot 4, Anaheim Exte9sion, as shown on Map o~ Survey made by William 2 lHamel, Licensed Sur~yor, and filed for record in the office of the 3 County Recorder of tps Angeles County., California, with the center ~ line of Sycamore St~et as said street 1s shown -on said map of Ana- 5 helm Exteni1on, whlclh street 1s also Itnown as East Sycamore Street 6 \tT1thin the city I1mit'ts of said City; thence Southwardly along' saie. 7 city limit line anc. ~long the northerly prolongation of the easter 8 line of sa1d Lot 4 ~d along the easterly line ot said Lot 4 to its . 1ntersection with tne east and west center line of sa1q Lot 19 ilestwEl.rdly along the city limit line of sa1d City and along the 11 and west center '11n~ of said Lot 4 to its intersection with the 12 and south center line of Bs,1d Lot 4; thence Southwardly along the lS 'I City limit line of Bald. City and along the north and. south center I 1. I line o~ said Lot 4 and along the southerly prolongation of the nort I . 15 and. south center line of said Lot 4 and along the north and south 16 center line of Lot 8 of said Anaheim Extension and along the Bouth- 17 ; erly prolongation' ot the north and south oenter line ot sa1d Lot 8 18 I to its intersection with the center line o~ Santa Ana Street as I 11 ! i shown on said. map of Anaheim Extension, which street 1s known as 20 I I East Santa. Ana Stre$t w1thm trle City limits of sa.id C1ty; thence 21 Eastwardly along t11~ center line of said. Santa Ana Street to 1ts intersection with the southerly prolongation of t~e westerly Lot 10 of sa1d Anaheim Extension; thence Northwardly along the southerly prolongatlon of the westerly line of said. Lot 10 and a10 22 21 24 25 : the westerly l1ne ot sa1d Lot 10 to its intersection with a l1ne 28 I I parallel to, and diStant 330 feet southerly, at right angles, trom 27 ! ! the center line of Oentre Street as said street is. shown on said ma 28 i ot Anaheim ExtenBio~, which street 1s now known as Center street 29 fl~~[~:TZ. !: wardly along the so,*therly right of 'tlay line of said Secondary J:;. ....~'f~ -- A......~A ....' .. H ? r .. ....~.......,a.I............~~..-w- .?:.~r..:_..~. flUS. SCHUTZ ;: ".LAw ':; "1':* -::~ ..... Ii A--=-~A !! ...,.:.. Ii ~ : ~-,.. ''-'':''..., . ,~- -. .. 1 I Sta. te Highway Route ~o. 1 78 to the west line o~ Placentia:~.lvenue I ~ 2 I \.vh1ch is the most e~terly of the nortll and south streets shown on 8 the ma.p of sa.id Anahfeim Extension; thence North along the west line , of said Placentia A~nue to the northerly line ot the right ot way 5 of said Secondary St~te Highway Route No. 178; thence Southeastward 6 1y alone the northe~Y right of way line of said Secondary State 7 Highway Route No. l~ to its intersection with a line parallel to 8. and distant 330 feet~ east at right angles, from the west line of I I Section 12, Townshl~ Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, San Bern- 10 a.rcl1no Be.se and l~er~1B..n; thence North, parallel to the west line 11 ot'said. Section 12, .to a point in the north line of said Section 12 12 thence North, parB.l~el to the west line of Section 1, Township 13 Ii Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, San Bernardino Base and Meri- 14. I ldlan, 425 teet; thence West, parallel to the south line of said 15 - Section 1 to the east line of said Placentia Avenue; thence South 18 along the east line of said Placentla Avenue to its intersection l' I , with a line parallel to and distant 330 feet north, at right angles 18 19 20 21 from the south line .of said Section 1; thence West, parallel to the south line of said Section 1, to the west. line of said Section 1; thence West, par.llel to the south line of Section 2, Township Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, San Bernardino' Base and Ker1- d1an, to the west l~ne of the east five and one-fourth (5i) acres 0 the Southeast one q~arter (sEi) of the Southeast one quarter (SEt) ot the Southeast one' qua.rter (SE.;) of said. Section 2; thence South along the '~est line of said. five and one-fourth (5,> acre parcel and along the south "prolongation, of the west line of said parcel to the intersection of "the south prolongation of the west line of said five and one-fourth:(5t) acre parcel with the center line of said. Sycamore Street; thence Westwardly along the center line of said Sycamore Street to *ts intersection ~dth the easterly city limit 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 I 29 " I 30 I. /.- 31 ~. line of said City, which point is the point of beginning. 32 Ji 8 .~ . l I J I I j I 1 Ii SECTION 3.: That all of the bonded indebtedness of said II . 2 I!City of Anaheim outs~and1ng on January 29, 1946, or theretofore I authorized, is as fo~lo"llS: . (a) The amounti~ amounts of such bonded indebtedness there- 5 totore authorized, a~e to be represented by bonds thereafter to be 8 issueCi., 1s NONE. 7 8 . Ie 11 11 13 1.1 I 16 1. 17 18 II 28 21 22 21 24 25 2. 27 28 29 30 I 31 32 flUS i' SC"VTZ ..... .. LAw ~~...'~'-: ~~a;~ ~- !' I' ........ ...-.-......,.,...... ._............."..~. -w- (b) Light & wafer Addit'1on Bonds, series 4: Amount out~tand1ng: 11,200.00. Maximum ra~'e 'of interest: 5%. The 1mpro~ment for which such bond.s were issued and such 1ndebtedne.s incurred was to make additions to the light and water department of the Oity of Anahel~. (e). Light & W~er Addition Bonds, series 6: Amount out~tandlng: $1,275.00. Maximum raJte of lnt.erest: 5.%. '1'he 1mpro-v1ement for which sucb. bonete were issued and such 1ndebtedn~8S incurred was to make additions to the light and water :department of the City of Anaheim. (d) Outfall S~er Bonds, series ?: Amount ~u~stand1ng: $13,500.00. Maximum r_te ot 1ntere.st: 5%. The improvement for which such bonds were issued and such indebtedness incurred was to construct the Orange County Joint Out~all Sewer System. (e) fire Appa~tus Bonds, series 8: Amount ou~tandlng: $1,575.00. Maximum r_te of 1nt.erest: 5%. The 1mpro~ment for ,which such bonds were issued and such 1ndebtedn~s incurred was to purchase tire fighting ap- paratus forr tkle fire department of the City of Anaheim. (r) City, Park ~onds, series 9: Amou~t out_tanding: 837,500.00. 9' i . ".. ---"--~'~'-"~ I) 6 7 8 . 10 11 11 13 1. 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 2'1 28 291: I: 30 I' 31 :: i 32 II !: fins" SCHUTZ .... /If LAw ~-=t..~-: . ~ I; !; ; I i I 11i 2 II a .., Maximum rajte of interest: 6,%. The 1m~rov~ment for which such bonds were issued and such 1ndebted.ne~'s incurred "Jas to purchase land. for 01 ty park purposes apc' develop said land into a park. Sald land is I known as Apaheim City Park. (g) City Hall ~u11ding Bonds, series 10: Amount out~tanding: 815,000.00. Maximum ra~e of interest: 6%. The 1m'Prov~ment for which such bono.s were issued and such lndebtedne_s incurred was to construct the present City Hall of th~ City of Anaheim. (h) Waterworks; Improvement Bonds, series 11: Amount out_tanding: $2,000.00. Maximum rate of interest: 6.%. The lmprov.ment for which such bonds were issued and such 1ndebtedness lneurred was to improve and make additions to the Trlater ,ystem of the City of Anahe1ni.. (1) Outfall Selrer Extension Bond.s, series 12: Amount out~tandlng: $6,000.00. Maximum ra~e of interest: 6%. The 1mprov,ment for which such bonds were issued and such lndebtedne's incurred was to improve and extend the Orange County Joint Outfall System. (J) Joint Outr.ll Sewer Bonde, series 14: Amount out,tanding: #34,000.00 Maximum rate of interest: 5%. TIle 1mprov.ment for which such bond.s were issued and such 1ndebtedne.s incurred was to do construct1on and lmprove- ment work ~n Orange County Joint Outfall System. (k) City Park %mprovement Bonds, aer1es 15: Amount out,tanding: $42,500.00. Max1mum ra~e of interest: 5%. 10 ; 11 .. I 11 i 2! a Tlle lmpro~ement for which such bonds were issued and such indeoted.n~ss lncurrec 'V-!as to da construction and 1mprove- ~ (1) Cit~l' Hall ;Complet~~on Bona,s, series 16: ment worK ;on Anaheim City Park. i 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 IS 14t 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 28 2.- 25 26 27 28 29 I I I, 30 I 31 32 flit'S" SCHUTZ ..... . ...... .oz........ __... A...... CALlfIIII'" .... 34SI 1 ~ I V"" , \ dol J Amount'ou~standing: $17,000.00. Maximum r~te of interest: 5%. T~le 1mpro~ement for Wl1ich such bond_s were issued and such indebtea.n~ss incurred. wa.s to complete and furnish the City Hall:of the City of Anaheim. Joint Cut~all Sewer Bonds, series 18: Amount ou~stand1ng: $72,000.00. !:laxlrnum rate of interest: 5~~. T11e 1rnprovement for 1o:h1c11 such bond.s 'titJere issued ana. such ino.ebte(ness incurred. l,.:e,s to do construction and 1mprove- ment 'For~,,: 'on Ora.ngs County Joint Cutfall Sewer System. (:1) "';:D.ter't.;orke im!)rovernent Bonds, series 19: Amount Qu"sta.nding: $44,000.00. Maximum r4te of interest: 5%. The ln~rotement for w~ich such bond.s were issued and such in(tebtedn~se incurre6 't"las to make improvements and. a.o.di- tlons to the 1rlater system of the City of Anaheim. (0) . Metropolitan Water District Bond,s: Amount of bonds outstand.ing which the City of Anaheim 1s ob11gatea to pay: $843,638.00. 1~ax1mum r$.te of interest: 4"~%. The 1mpro'ement for which such bonds were issued and such indebted11tsS incurred was to construct aqueducts, dams, filter plant, reservoirs, pumping plants and other appur- tenances ~ertain1ng to the water system of the Metropoli- tan Water District. That the ~ount of bonded indebtedness above described., e.ne"!. tl1e {!.escriptlon thereof 1s the same as that described in said 11 i . ~...:ItII8IfiIH:- .. ~.... . .~~.; . . ....~ ::....::l.!~ ..W r......._ . .............. .'III..I..~.~ ....:......."""-....__._.__ I 1 I: notice of election,' s.ncl is the bond.ed indebtedness for which saia. I 2 I; territory shall be tubject to ts.xation equally with property within I a se.id C1t:r of Anahe11b to .~Jay its pro rats. portion, based upon as.sess d 4 valuation. 6 6 , SECTION 4~ The City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim shall certify to the pa8s~ge of this Ordinance and cause the same to be nubllshed in the An~elm Bulletin, a daily newspaper of general 8 circulation, "Qrinted, j')ub11shed and. c1rculEtted 1n the City of Ana- I I :teiro, B.nd thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shal I 10 I tQke effect ant be In full force. 11 I SECTION 5. Thet immediately uryon this Ordinance becoming 12 13 effective, the City. Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall make, under the seal of sa.ia. City, Etnd transmit to t:1.e Secretary of State a 14 certiflecl copy of th~.s ord.ins.nce giving tr.l,e a.e~te of its passage. 15 I The foregoing ordinance is signed. and approved by me this q Ie 17 18 19 20 Attest, clay of Aprl1, 1946. 1m . . :: ~- 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I :n I 32 fillS.. scnVTZ .....111 ... LAw coz... ... . -.u ... -'n. au...IA t.... 3451 12 .. -.J.........._."'..........,,~....._................... .....-.-..-...-. -...... 1 2 3 4 ITA!E or oALlroRlI41 couln (JF OJU.JGK : 88. eIn OF AlADDI 1 I, Obaz1+. E. Griffith, Oity Clerk of the 01~y of Anaheim, do liereby!c.r~1ty that the toreso1Dg Ordlnamce ... intro- duoed at an adjour,ed regular Meting of the 01".,. OOUDC11 of the City 'of Anahe1a, h+ld on the 2Dd day of April, 1,46, ~ that the .aa. was passed ~ adopted a"t a regular aee",1ng of .a1d 011;7 Councll held on 'th. 9th day of April, 1946, by the follow1., vote of the ...bars t~.,eof: AYE: COU.OILJIEI:: PearsoD, Van WagoBer, 'Bon.,., B87181- .0. : aOUJa 1:LIID : j .one. ABlD'!: aouKoII.III?J: Sheridan. And I f~ther oertify that the Kayor of th~ City of Anahe1. 81gned an& appro.ed .a1d O~41DaDC. on' the 9th 4&7 of April, 19Jt.6. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 I. WI!,-,S WHlRZOr, I haye hereunto Bet my hand aad , t affixed the ..al qf said City of Anahei. this 9t~ 4&7 of April, 1946. 18 17 18 19 (SIAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 _,,.-....L......-.- AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION ST&-\TE OF CALIFORNIA) )98. County of Orange ) . ...~ .~.Q h~.rg....[.~.*1.~.h.l.~......... ,"u..','" ..... ..... .............. .................. of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that be is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighte en years: that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th,at he is the Princ1pal clerk. of the ... Anaheim... ~u1.la.tl.ll.. u................ on. ............u on_. ................ am..da.1~~...... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the sai(f" County of Orange that said u .Anahe.1m....Bul1.e.tln... ...............................................--.....- is a newspaper of general eir culation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of .Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ... .9!.~.~.~.~~~.~. ...~~~.Q~.....!.9.Q...... ........... ...... ................................. of which the annexed Is a. p dnted copy. was published in one issue said ne\'"spaper at least............,' ,,--..-- ................................................ commE'ncing on the...~~th..day of ...A..pr.1~..- ................... 1dS... and ending on the. '...-- . ..day of Notice 193 ...,. and that said ,. -, \\tlS lJul..lisht'd on the t~~l'I~;\\"i ng' da~'s: ~prl,l l~ 1. 194..5 . .. ..,.~..~L.< ~:( , .I I ..day ot :-:I,h!',...rilwd and ~\"orn to })t'COJ't':! me tld~ ...,f:': .w/ 'f.';..:' .'~. \ . .~.,...:(.".. , , .... ..19t.,L~,:;.. .! ~~. ..... ..':, '. .;~ ....~.:.L..t.- ~~~~. . - .~~... . . ....:.. ~'.~ ,. ~~._.~. ~'_:::". ......... ............ .. Notary PubUc. -'g - -~..- LEGAL. NOnCE OBDINANOB 50. fOO ~ -:ir-- A~ ORDINANCE, OF THE CITY UV ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF AXAHE1~I Ob' CERTAIN UNINCOH.- POHATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS "EAST ANAHEIM ANNEXA- TION." 'r HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C'l T l OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN .A~ b'OLLOWS: SECTION ~ 'fhe City Council of the City of Anaheim rinds: la) 'that the proceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of the hereluafter described unin- corpOl'ated territory were had in conformity with and pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia konown as the "ANNEXA- TION ACT of 1913" and all .acts amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto. (b) That befo!:e any proQeedln.s were commenced for the annexation of said territory:the Planning Com- mission of said. City of 'Anaheim made its. report F.,.a.nd recommenda.- tion to the City OQuncU of said City of Anaheim. statirik' that the design of all sub.divisions. the construction of aU buildings. 'and all public im- prOlveme.nts . in ,8aid territory com- plied with and was .not Interior to the standard of, desig.n of subdivi- sions, ' . building construction re- quirements' and' pUblic Improv.- ments 'OI' said City, of Anaheim and recommended' that .said .territor)" be an'ne~ed' to' said' City of Anaheim. (c) That. thereafter' IWld before any proceedings were commenced for the 'annexation' of said territory to said, City of. Anaheim that said Cih' Council. of: said City of .Ana- heim consented to the annexation of said terr.itory to, said City of Ana- heirn. . (d, That. thereaner certain pro- p,o.nents publiShed a "."Notice of In- tention. to .Circulate Petition Relat- l.ng to. the An'l1exaUon of Territory "to the City, of Anabeim. a M.unicipal Corporation',' w hlch notice con- tained,' among other things, a de- scription' of .said territor)-. a.nd l!;tated that. sa.id petition for the &nnexatiol::t of said territol'Y to said Ci ty should, contain a request that I he question to be submitted to the p-Jectors in 'said territory should be, whether. such new territory should be annexed to. incorporated in and made a part of said City. and the property theretn. be, after such an- nexation. :;ubject tq taxation. equal- l~' with the prop~rty within said CitJ.", to .pay all of the bonded in- debtedness of said City outsta.nding ;l t th e time of the fiUng of such petiti:on or thei'etofore authol"1zed. (e, Tha.t thereafter. to-wit: on November 20, 1946, said City Coun- eil adopted its Re8'Olution No. 14:39. in w hh::h it ackonowledged & receipt of a copy .of said notice of inten- t.ion to circulate petItion. in which it approved the inte'ntion of said proponents to circulate such peti- tion. (f) That thereafter to-wit: on January ~9. 1946 there' was filed 'with Iiaid; City Council a writte.n petition askina' that said territory. hereinafter described, be annexed to said City of Anaheim and Baid petio. tion contained,a' request that sa.id City Gouncil call a special electi.on 1.-0 be held in said territory pro- posed' to' be a.nnexed to said Cit)'l, givi,ng the notice thereof required n~" law, and 8ubmitting . too the elec- h:or& rt!sidiug within said territory t!~... question whether 8ald new I (~rrito!":l..' should be annexed to. in- "~I-\,f,""'i'E>tj in. and made a part 01' .-~Id ~,:i(." of Ana.heim, and the prop- (';I"(} therein be, after such an,nex- .<j IIOU, Fubject to taxation equally with the property within aald City. to pay' it:::! pro rata portion. based upon assessed valua.tion. of &11 bonded indebted'ness of said City ~:"l1,u;la,nd:n.g at the date of tHing .;;, tal petillon, (If thereto tore auth- f1j"jzE'd. LEGAL NOTICE within said City. to pay Its pro rata portion.. .:based upon assessed valuation. of: ....!";,.. the bonded In- debtedness of ~,'City outstanding at the date of":, Jlli~g of the pe- tition for anne#tl~~.."t.,...wit: Janu- ary 29, 1946. or '.~(6for6 author- ized. Said notbJi."'eonta1D~~ a de- scription of the b.oU~".. of said territory and designa:telh the same as EAST ANAHEIM ANNEXATION. Said notice set forth the question to be placed on the ballots to be submitted to the electors at said election, and gave instructions on the manner of voting. Said notice described the voting precinct there- tofore established by said City Council for the purpose of said election. described the polling place &8 the Lincoln School at 140'2 East Ce'nter Street, and gave the names of the election officials and the' time of opening. and closing of the polls. Said notice set forth the amounts of all b.onded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim already in- curred. outstanding at tht time of first posting of n'Otice. of election.. the amounts of such bonded indebt- edness theretofore authorized. and, to be represented by bonds there-' after to be issued. and the maxi"': ,mum rate of interest payable on or~' to be payable on such bonded iD"t. debtedness, together with the speci1 ficatlon of the Improvements f'Or which such bonded indebtednesEI was incurred or authorized. the de-~ . scription of whioch is the same as: that Bet forth j'n Section 3 hereof. (m) That said election was duly,; held OD March 28, 1946, within Baift territory. at the polling' place her.~ tofore described. pursuant to sald Resolution No. 1451, and in accord- ance with the provisions ot said ANNEXATlON ACT 01" .1913. and all acts amendatoJ'Y thel'eof, and sup- plementary thereto, and the election laws applicable thereto. and in ac- cordance with the Notitces posted by said Ci ty Clerlc. (n) That upon the ballots used a'nd submitted to the electors at said election, in addition to other matte rs req u ired b~' law toO appear thereon, was printed the following: Shall East Ana- heIm Annexation I be annexed to the I City of Anaheim. YES California, and I the property in said East Ana-I heim An'nexation be. after such an- NO nexation, .subject I to taxation equal- ly with the property within said City of Anaheim to pay its pro rata portion. based upon assessed valua- tion. of all the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstand- ing: on January 29. 1946. or there- tofore authorized? (0) That immediately on the clos- ing of the poll~ the judges a.nd in- spector- of said voting precinct counted the ballots. made Up. certi- fied and. 'sealed the bal~'Ots and tally sheet of the ballots cast at said polling place. and delivered said ballots, tally sheet and returns to and deposited the same with said City Clerk of Raid City of Anaheim. (p) That said City Council did. at the Ume. provided for Its rea-ui..r meeting next after the expiration ~f three days from and after the date of election, to-wit: April 2, 1946. meet and proceed to canvass said returns. and up.on the same day completed such canvaRS and imme- rliately thereafter caused a rec'oJ"d thereof to be made and entered upon its minut.eE. That from its can.vass of ~aid returns said City Council findl-,i that the 'whole nUIB- ber of votes (~ast at said eleetion was 103: that the number of votes cast in said election in favor of a'nnexatfon of said territory to said City of Anaheim was 73; that the number of votes cast in said ele.~ tion against annexation was 30';' that the number of ballots re~eiveil as abl:lentee votes was none. . SECTION 2. That the' City Coynclft" LEGAL NOT~~ the 80uth line of 8ald Section 1., thence West. parallel to the 80uth -line of said Section 1. to the west line of said Section 1: thence West. parallel to the south line of Section 2. Township Four (4) South. Range Ten (10 ) West. San Bernardino Base and Meridian. to the west line of the east five a.nd one-fourth (6 ~ ) acres of the Southeast one-quarter' (SE*) of the ~outheast one-quar- ter (SE*) of the Southeast one... quarter (SEJA,) of said Section 2; thence South,.Ji.long the west line of said five and one-fourth (6 ~) acre parcel and aJong the south prolon- gation of the west line of said par- cel to the Intersection of the 'sOuth prolongatio'n of the west line of said five and one-fourth (6~) acre parcel with the ce'nter line of said Sycamore Street: thence Westward- ly along the center line ef said Sycamore Street to its intersection with the easterly city limit line of tlaid City. which point is the point of beginning. . SECTION 3. That all of the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on January ~9. 1946. or theretof,ore al1t\1orized, IS as f.ollows: (a) The amount or. amount. of such bonded indebtedness thereto- fore authorized. and :.to' be, repre- sented by bonds thereafter to be issued. is NONE. (b) Light and Water Addition Bonds. series 4: .:. Amount outstanding: '1.200.00. Maximum rate of interest: 6' per cent. The Improvement for which such bonds were .ued' and such indebtedness Incurred was to make additions to' "the light and water department of the City of Anaheim. fo~ J..~ight &: 'Water Additien Bonds, series 6: Amount outstanding: '1,275.00. Maximum rate of interest: 6 per cen t. The improvement for whirch such bonds were issued and such indebtedness incurred Wa,s to make additions to the ligh t and water department of the City of Anaheim. (d) Outfall Sewer Bonds. .eries' '1: Amount out.taadiI'lC: '13,- 500.00. Maximum rate &f intere.t: 6 per cent. The improvement for which said bonds were issued and such indebtedness incurred was to c.onstruct the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer System. (e) Fire Apparatus Bonds. se- ries 8: Amount outstanding: $1,575.00. Maximum rate of interest: 6 per cent. . The improvement for which such bonds were issued and . such indebtedness Incurred' was to purchase fire fighting ] apparatus for the fire depart- ment of the City of Anaheim. (t) City Park Bonds, series 9: Amount outstanding: '37.- 600.00. :l\1aximum rate of bllterest: 6' per cent. The improvement. for wht'eh such bon.ds were i.sued and sucb, i'ndebtedness incurred 'was to purchase land for City Park purposes and develop said la.nd into a park. Said land 1S known as Anaheim Cit~' Park. (g) Cit,.. Hall Building Bol'lds, series 10: .A mount outstandin&,: '15.- 000.00. :Maximum rate of Intere.t: 6 per cent. The Improvement for which such bonds were issued. &lld -such Ind'ebte4nes. .. t~C1AIT", w... t. CODIIU'.\JOt ... .....C., City Hall of the City' of A!l"~ helm. (h) Waterworks Improye_eDt 'R/U"~ it !lu'1"f A Ill' 11. LEGAL NOTIcE upon thl. ,Ordinance 'becoming ef- fective. the City Clerk of the Ctty . of Anaheim ..h'all Ipake.. .uJJ4ler the .:;.eal of said 'City. ...nd ..ansmJt to the Secretary of State. a. 'cer'Ufied copy . of this ordinance g,ivlng the date of its passage. '. , Tpe foregoing' ordinance Is 81el1ed and approved' by me this 8th day' ot . April. .1946. . , CHAS. A. PEARSON, Kayor of the City of Anaheim (SEAL) . Attest: . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. '... City Clerk of the City of. Anaheim. STATE OF CALIiORNIA. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM' ) I, Cha~les E. Griffith'. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. do hereby certify'that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at aD adjourned regular meeting of the City' Council of the City of Anaheim, held' on the 2nd day of April. 1946. a:Dd~that the same was passed and adopted ,at a regular meeting of said. City Coun- cil .held on the 9th day' of April. 1946~ by the. following vote' of the mem bel'S thereot: ' . . AYES.: COUNCILMEN: PearlloD. Van Wago1!er. Boney. 'He)"lne. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Sheri- dan. : An'd' I turther, ~rtity' tbat the. Mayor ot the City"of Anaheim sig;n- ed and approved said Ordinance on ,the 9th day of' April. 1946.', . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,' I have hereunto set my hand ..nd' affixed' the seal .ot .aid CitY' of. Ullrheim this, 9th day of April. 184". (SEAL) . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheir Pub. April 11. 1946. I' :, ~t . . eo II t--i:::'..d;i', of .ll.p.r;, ':'.1. ~;~::.;_., :t', I,fl 'h~ ~ta~ .)( \.\ ~ I. to,: :. ~ r ~ 1 .; i ~ \',)." 1 p,~ ..:. r~o ~J ice :, i rJ th,. fl.tlcHvi n;..: dnys' d!H'1. 194d ._..,~.:l.-;..f.:~' . ~,d.~. ,.,'" .d,d :o:'\\"orri to betol't~ me this l ~ ,&. day of -..----.... - ...-. . 19!:"" .!:.~ >.'~.!. .~:... .~1-~.. _..c. ~ 1. 11. . t e........ "..... ...... "N'~'t.arY'P'\l bJiC;:-.... '" -,.c..., ......'o>"t::II"'::l..I. LV Ltla .ILUa.A.a.,,~un VI ---.-.------~.~.. ~L""", '-.... _'''.L... rJ.Uu. cUI lllf' l:lt.y nr ,'\"::II1f>irn. :;;~Id territor,,,, to.said City of Ana- acts amendatory there-nf, and sup. fat I.ight k \'. atel- Adrl:it;~n .heim. plementary theret.o. a.nd t.he eleetioll Buml,.:. ~'!l'i~:..; h; ,d~ That thereafter eertain :pro- laws applicable then'to. and in al~- .Arn"'"nt. oU\,,.:t#-ln{)inf;: $1..?....:..f10. pO.lI~-'nts publi~hed a "Notke of .Ln- cordanee with the Notioces posted bJr" :\IH.\imlll'lr ,.aLe of intf:>I'psl: tp.nl.!':'n. t..) Circulate Petition Relat- said City Clel.k. Jl P'.'!, ("'Ani_ 'n~ 10 the .,\unexation or TerrItory (n) That upon the ba.llots used "1'110 i.lnp"'J\lt"IlIE>lIi (n,' wll"l'b j 0" t !H:' Cit.y of Anaheim, a Municipal and. submitted to the pLeclors at ~;IJ("h bOJ1d:-. \\ 1;>1''''' i~s"ed ~ 1"./ t.'o.-,.,...' "al iou" "\\ h.ich n'otice con- said election, in. addition to other F-IH'" i ndf~bt l:~rl np:-;~ i 11" U 1".Pfj tam'ed, among oth.er things, a de- matters required by law t.o appear WHIoI to rnal'\o a.dditiol"lf; t., ,hE:' ""'I'ipl.1on of said tel.ritor;r, a.nd thereon. was priuted the following: lig!!1 and WfI_tf'l" cieNll'tment ao.tated that sa.id petition tor the Shall East Ana- or 111~ c~it~. ~)f Anahf'il1l. anl1f'X<:ItiOll 01' said territory to Baid helm Annexallon I (d) Outfall Sewel' Bonds, series be annexed to the I .. '''ii~' ~l1ould, contain a l'equest that Cit..y of Anaheim. Y"'''S .1':t'II'""lnt Iht=' questiol1 to be submitted to the f' I.IU . outstanding; $13,- f.d(-(.tor~ HI 'said t.erritory should be. Cali ornla. and ;:-,OU.lIl1. whet her z.;uch .new terrJtory should the property in :\I~ \ i IIIUUI rate of interest: be annexed to, incorporated in and said East Ana- I ;-l !.leI' c~ell t. llla.de a llal.t of said City. and the hbeim Annexation I The il11vrovemeJlt fOI' 'whidl 'pl'.operty therei.n. be. after such an- e. after such an- NO S~ it:! bonds were iSl:'ued Clnd nexatioD. !:Subject t(l taxation. equal- nexation. ,subject ~lIch indebt.edness incun-ed I~r with the propt!Jrty within said to taxation equal- was to c.onstruct the Orange Citro to pay all of the bonded in- ly with the property within said COUllt.V Joint. Outfall Sewer debtedness of said City outstanding City of Anaheim to pay its pl'O rata Sr~telll. a.t the time of the tiling of such portion. based upon assessed valua- (e) Fire Appa.ratus Bonds, 8e- petition 01' theretofore authorized. t1on. of all the bonded indebtedness ries 8: (e) That thereafter, to-'wit: on of said City of Anaheim outstand- AmOllnt out.standing: $1.57;).00. November 20. 1945, said City Coun- ins on January 29, 1946. or there- .l\laxiluulll rate of interest.: c;il adopted its. ResoOlution No. 1439. tofore authorized? fl pel' cent.. in whi'ch it ack,nowledged a receipt (0) That immediately on the clos- The imp]'ovem~nt for which of a copy .of said notice of in ten- ing of the poll.. the judges B.nd in- s;;ueh bO"nd~ wel'e issued a.nd tion to circulate petition, in which spector' of said voUng precinct suell indebtedtle~s incur,'ed it approved the intention of said counted the ballots, made Up, certi- was to pUl~l'Ilase fire fighting pl"'Vponents to circulate Buch peti- fied aDd s:ealed the ball'Ots and tally appal'atus rOt. the fire depart- tion. sheet ot the ballots cast at said ment of the City of Anaheim. to That thereafter to-wit: on polling pI_ceo and delivered said (f) City Park Bonds. fierieR 9: January :&9. 1946 there was filed ballots, tally sheet and returns to Amount outstanding: $37.- with said: City Council a writte.n and deposited the same with said 500.uO. petition asking that said territory. City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. .Maximum rate of interest: hereinafter described, be annexe" to (p). That said Cfty Council did. at 6 per cent. said' City of Anaheim and. said peti;;. the time provided for its regular The improvement tOl" whfoch gu~ ~~~I~~Ue~~~ ie~~:~tal~~~c~r;:' ft~:~n:a::i~:~te:n~h~;t~~I~~~O:;a~~ :~:~~ bt;d~bt~~e::~shI8Y~:ur~~: t-o be held in said territory pro- of election. to-wit: April 2. 1946. 't\'as t.o purchase land for City posed' to' be a.nnexed to said Cit)'. meet and proceed to canvass said Park purposes and. develop ~;V~~~, t:~d ~~t~:it~r:~~f: t~~q~~~:~ ~~:~re~eda::Chu~~~v~~: a~admjm~~~ ~:~~ lrSndk~~lla a~ar~ita:e~~~ t'orB residing within said territory diately ther,after caused a record City Park. thereof to be ma.de and entered (g) Cit~~ Hall Building Bol'lds. the question whether said new upon it. minutes. That from its serieR 10: territory should be an'nexed to, 1n- canvass of said returns said City Amollnt outstanding: $15.- (:orporated in, and made & part of Council finds that the whole num- 000.00. t'aid Cit.y of' Anaheim. and the prop- bel' of votes cast at said election :Maximum rate of Interest: erty therein be. after such an.nex- was 103: that the number of votes ... per cent. Rtiol1. SUbject to taXation equally cast in said election in favor of The improvement for which with the property within said City, a'nnexatlon of said territory to 8aid 8uch bo'nds were issued and to pay' ibl pro rata portion. based City of Anaheim was 73; that the such indebtedness incurred upou assessed valuation. of all number of VOtes cast in said elec- was to construct the present bOl1d~d. Indebtedness of Baid City tion against annexation was 30; City Hall of the City of Ana- outstanding at. the date of liUn.g that the number of ballots received Iteim. ~aid petition. or theretofore auth- as absentee votes was none. . (h) W kIt ol'ized.. . SECTION 2. That the City Council aterwor ". mprovemen (g) That, said City. Council fou.nd of said City. of Anaheim does here. ~~no~~;'tS~~~:~a.~~~ing; $2.000.00. I ~ nd. determined that said petition by approve' the an'nexat1on of said ~Maxlm\lm rate of interest: was signed by ..more than on8- territory to said City. of Anaheim. a 6 per cent. fourth. of lhe qualified electors' re- municipal corporation;. that said The improvement for which ~ illing within said territory as territory Is hereby annexed to and Fluch bonds were issued and ~hown by the registration of voters incorporated in said City of Ana- Ru('h indebtedness tncurred f':)f Orange COunty. California, in heim; that said territory ia herebY] was to improve 8.nd make ad- '....hil:h said territory is situated. accepted by said City of Anaheim ditiOlllll to thp. water system t h) rfhat on li'ebruary 0, 1946, .aid aa a part of said City of Anaheim. of the City of. Anaheim. Cit;~.. Co.u.ncil adopted .21s Resolution That aaid territory heretofore re- (i) Outfall Sewer Extension No. 1417 wherein it declared its In- ferred to. and which has hereto- BondF:. series 12: tention to..caU a special electi.on' on fore beeD designated by said City Amount outstanding: $6.000.00. 'March 28. 1946, and to submit Council a. EAST ANAHEIM AN-Maximum rate of interest: t.hereat . to the electorll residing NEXATION. is situated within the fi pel" cent. within said territory. the question County ot Orange, State of Califor- The impro-vement for whkh (If whether.8'aid territory should be nia., and the description and spe~ Ruch bonds were issued and .;.nnexed to. incorporated in and cific b01Hldaries thereot are aa fol- ~uch indebted'ness incurred lTHtde a part. of said City of Ana- lows: was to improve and extend I heirn. and the property' therein be. Beginning at a point on the east- t he Orange County JOhlt Out- after. such annexation. subject to erly city. limit line of the City of faU S~'stem. taxation. ;equally 'with' the property Anaheim, Orange County. Califor- (j) ~rotllt Outfall fgewer Bond., within said. City. to pay its pro nia. Which point il the intersection lIJeries 14: rata 'Portion, based upon aSIl...ed' of the Bortherly prolongation of the Amount olltatalldlng: '14,- ''"aluatiol'l. of all ta. bOllded indebt- euterly ltn. of Lot 4. Anaheim Ex- 000.00. ~dnes15 of Baid City outstanding at teD.loII. u shown on Map of SUr- :Uaximum rate of IntI-rest: the date' of the filing of lIald peti- vey made by William Hamel, ~ per cent. Hon. to-wit: Janu~ry 29. 1946, ot'. Licensed SlIrveyor. and filed fOI' The improvement for whirh theretofore authorized. That ia record ill the o~fice of the County .Much bonds were issued a.nd Raid '.Resolution" said City COUDell Recorder of Los Ang.eles County. Jl;lIch indebtedness incurred designated said territory a. EA8T CaUforllla, with th& center line of was f t) do c.onstruction a.nd .ANAHEIM ANNEXATION a. the Sycamore St~eet &8 said street is impr.ovement wo!'k on 01'- name and w,ords "of identif.ieaUoD ShOWD on said map of Anaheim Allgl:\ County Joint Outfall by \\~hich lIaid .territory IIhould be kteDsloa. which street is also System. . refe-rred to and indicated upon tae kl'lO"wn as Ealt Sycamore Street (k) Cit~' 'Park Improvement ballots tQ be used at the electioR at wJthin the citY.llmits of said City; Rondfl. series 1.5: which the question of annexation thenee Southwardly along said city Amount oustandi'ng: UZ,- ~ra.S to be 8ubmitted. That by said limit liBe and along the northerly 5UO.00. Resolution said City Council tiKed proloRgatioB of the eatlterly line of Maxin-lum rate of iaterest: Io'ebruary 26. 1946, at 7 o'clock P.M:. said Lot 4: and alon'g the easterly 5 per cent. ..t the Council Chamber II of 'the City line of said Lot 4 to its intersection ThA improvement for which H.all. 204 East Center Street. Ana- with th.e east and west center line IHlCh. bonds were lelued 8.nd beim. California. &II the day. hour of said Lot 4; thence 'Vestwardly ~llch idbetedness incurred R.nd pla.ce when and where any per- along the city limit Une of said City was' to do constTuet;on and 1II0n .owning real property withill and along the east and west center improvement work on Ana- :-laid terdtory. and having any ob- line' .of said Lot 4 to its. intersec- heim City Park. je('l ions to the proposed annex.ation. tion with the north and south cen- f1) GUy Ha.ll Completion Bondll, might appear before said City ter line of said Lot 4; thence Reries 1.6: Council and show cause Why such Southwardly along the city limit Amount outstandIng: $17,. t~rritory should not be &0 anDexed. Une of. said City and along the 000.00. and gave notice thereby to all Buch north and south center line of said Maximum rate ot inter.st: perBonll owning suock real property . Lot 4 &Jld 'aloag the southerly pro- fa per cent. ,,1' sur.h hea.Ting. Said res.olutton. loncation of the north and' '.outb The impl'Oveme.nt tor 'WhIch ri.er.~ribed. the bounda.ries ot lIaid center line Gf satd Lot 4- and a.long ..u~h. bonds wert:!! Issued Rnd I erriton" 80 propolled to be annexed. the north and south centp-r line of lI;u(~h indebtE"dn.el!los inr.urred. 0) That R.. copy of said Resolu- Lot 8 of said Anaheim Extension was to complet.A And fUTnish ' .. ion No. 1447 was published onc-. & and along the southerly prolonga" t he City Hall ot the City of "'eek for two successive weeks prior tion. of the north and south center Ans.heim, 1.0 said hearing in the ANAHEIM line of said Lot 8 to its intersection (m) .Joint Outfall Sewer Bonds, ".BULI.lETIN. a newspaper of general with the center line of Santa Ana l15eries 18: drculation published in said City of Street as shown on said map of Amount outstanding: '72,- ,.,\ naheim. there being no newspaper Anaheim Exte'nsion. which street is noo.Oo. .pu blished within lIaid territory. known as East Santa Ana Street ';\laxhnum rat. of int.rut: (j) That on It'''ebruary 26. 1948. at within the City Limits of :qai.d City; il per c~ent. or o'C'lloc~k P. Y. at said Council thence Eastwardly along the center ~rh~ improvement for which ....hambprs of said City Hall. 204 Une of said Santa Ana St.Teet toO its MUCh. bonds were issued and F;13st Center StJ.eet, :Anaheim. Cali- intersection with the southerly -pro- :<Iuch indebtedne88 incurred f(~rnjll., a public heari'ng' was held longation of tRe westerly line, of was to do c'onstruction and '0.\.- and before said City Council Lot 10 of said Anaheim Extension; .jmprovement woOrk on Orange Wh~l'eaf. certain persons owning thence Northwardly along the (~ount~' Joint Outfall Sewer pl'opert~' ',,'ithin said territory ap- southerly prolongation of the west... S;rstem. ppared and made protest against erly liJ;le of said Lot 10 and a.long (n) 'Va.terwork~ Improvement l';aid proposed a.nnexation. the Westerly line of said Lot 10 to Bondf.:. series 1~: (k) That at the ~on'clusion of ita intersection wf.th a 1 ine parallel ~\mo\1nt outstanding: $4:4.- ".-1 id heari-ng said City Council found to. and distant 330 teet southerly. OUO.OO. ;wd determined that protest was at right angles. from the center ~"laximum rate of interellt: "ot. made by owners of a. majority line of Centre Street as said street 5 per eent. 01' the separate parcels of property is shown on said map of Anaheim The improvement for which 'vithin :'!laid territory proposed to be Extension. which fltreet is now supch bonds were issued and a nnexE'd and thereupoft, to-wit: on known as Center Street and also as su'ch indebtedness incurred February 26. 1946. adopted its Reso- East Center Street; thence :E~ast- was to make. improvements 1ution ~o. 1451 calling a IIpecial wardly along a line paralJE'1 to the and a.dditionR t" the wa.ter p.l~ction to be held on March 28. center line. of said. Center Street, to ~ystem of the City of Ana. '1 :~4:-6. and directing the City Clerk a point on the Southerly line of the heim. to give notice thereot by posting right of ,way of Anaheim-Olive ('0.) .Metropolitan Water' DIslrict notices therp-of in three public Road. known also as Secondary Bonds: 'p1aep.s f"ollspicuously 1l'l said ter~ State Highway Route No. 178; Amollllt: ot bonds oustandlng r.itOT:\I'. rrhat in said Resolution said thence Southeastwardly along the which the City of Anaheim 1s Cit.y Council described the .boun- southerly' right of way line of said obliged to pa.y: $843.638.00. rJaries of said territor3F. established Secondary State Highway Route No. :Maximnm rate of interelt: · one voting prednct for such elec- 178 to the west Une 'Of .Planentia '41r., pp.1" cent. tiul1 which it designated a. EAST ;Avenue which is the mOlllt eaflltet'ly 'rhp. improvemp,nt tor which ANAHEIM ANNEXATION PRE- ..of the north and south streets such bo-ndll were issued and f'l NeT which precfnct i.ncluded all shown on the ma.p of saId Anaheim ~1Jch indebtedness incurred of t:lsfd territory proposed to be an- Extension; thence 'North along the was tl) eonstruct aqueducts. Ilexed. By said ReRolution said west line of said Placentia Avenue clalns. filter plants, reser.voirs, ("ity Council also established a poll- to the northerly line of the rig'ht of pumping plants and o~her ap- ing place within said territory and way of said Secondar~v State High- purtenances pertaining to the designated election officials for said way Route No. 178; thence South- watel' system of the Metro- plef'tion. which officials were quali- eastwardly al'ong the northerly politall 'Vater District. (ied electors resid.ing within said right of way line of said Secondary That the amount o.r. bonded In- 1.f'1'I'ito]"~', By said Resolution. said -State HI&hway Route No. 178 to its debtedlless above described, a,nd the (,~ity Council described the ballots. intersectioOn with a Une parallel to description thereof is the same as t.o he used in. said election. and distant 330 feet eaRt at right that described in sa.id noOtice of (1) That on February 27, 1946, the an$'Ies, from the west line of Sec- election, and is the bonded indebt- Cilv Clerk of the City of Anaheim i\on 12, TownShip Four (4) South, edness for which said territory sha.ll ;;u.\'e notke of said election by Range Ten (10) 'Vest, San Bernar- be subject t.o taxation equally with il'Jflting' n'Otices' thereof in three dino Base and Meridian: thence property within said City of Ana- public places conspicuously in said North.' parallel. to the west line of heirn to pa~' its pro rata portion. 1 f'l'ritoIT proposed to be annexed. said Section 12, to a point in the based, upon assessed valuation. "rha t. in said notices ot election said . n'Orth line of said Section 1.2; t.hence SECTION 'l, The CI ty Clerk of ~ 'Ierk declared that said election North. parallel to the west line of the City of Anaheim shall certify would be held witbln said territory Section 1, Township j1'our (4) South. to' the passage of this Ordinance on :\tarch ~8, 1946. for the purpose Range Ten (10) Welllt, San Bernar- and cause thl? same to be publiShed nf liubmltting to the electors re- dino Base and Meridian, 425 feet; in the Anaheim Bullettn. a daily 8iding' therein the question 'of thence West, parallel to the south newspaper of general circulation, whethf>l. said territory should be Hne of said Section 1 to th.e east line printed. published and .circulated in unnexed to, incorporated in. and of said Placentia. AvenuA; thence the City of Anaheim, and thirty] lI1ade a part of said City or Ana- South along the e.ast line of ~a.id (30) days from and after ita final hpirn, and the property th,erein be. Placentia Avenue to its intersection I passage it 8hall take eff.ect and be a.ftE'T I'luch annexation, SUbject to with. a line parallel to and dhttant . in 'full for.ce. taxa.tion. 8Q,u&1l7 -witll.. the . Jl"QDIHl. UO ~ D'Ol"th. at right aqlea. trom SECTION i. That immediatel)"