674 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE Olt' CAl...IFOUNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) . .R.1-Cl1GJ~.9:....F.1.s.~1.~..._. n..._._....._ of said count~', being first duly sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th.at lIe is the .J?J~JJJQ.4.Jx:~._l....!~:.l.~.~~.~~.... ........ . ......_.______.n._.'...__.... of the . .A.n..~"a.cJ.e.lm .-3.ul..l.e.tln... ...-....._.. a.--.Q.a.:1-1v-. . '. neWl'lpaper printed. publtshed and circulated in ffie sale!' County of Orange that said . -.:\.n:1.b~1.1J.~.:. ..~. u.l.l.~,t.l.n... __... ...n.m. ....m. ................................._ il'; a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid HubscJ'ibers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and l;elleral news and intelligence of a general char- adeI': that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the enter'ta inment of a parti ('ular class, profession. trade. calling". race or denomination, or of any number tbereof: that it ha~ bt.~en prinh'd and published in the City of Ana- IH:>im, County of 01~flnge. State of California for more than one year next prec.eding the first day of the publication hereto attu'l'hed; thl:! t. the Ol'(.i.l~ln.n c e S?4 ~.. . '.0._.... ... ..._.... ._____.. .... .. .....__.._ __..._...._......................._ ~_......_.............................__............_ of which thE" annexed is a printed copy, was published In said ne\\:spappr at INLst...... ....... ..9.n.?-...~.g.f:JJ~._h......m..___m.._ 1 '.' ....' An p ~ , comm~ndng on the. ._-......::'~.~.~}day of . ..._...-!.:......::.:i:.............m..... 19~.. and ending on the. ............._.day of ._._u..___.__.................... 193..____. and that s.aid l'~ O"t ice was published on tht.!"" 'tol'io'wj rig:'-(ja.ys.:.....mn.......................m....- ..__.~P_~..~.~.,~~.. ~.~.I.... ~:. J 44 -- .' . . . - . ..... -... --........... ........ ........ .-...-... ........---..-.. ...........................-......- ......>._ 6.:.;:;:"~.. ".~:!.~~__. ".._....~.:':~:~~.~...... Subscrlb~d .. a.nd sworn to before me thls_/~ay ot ~.1 .. .__m'-lJ~'_"'?;;h '''IF ....1~..~.'f ........1~J.I4iJ........_td~~_...- "::~" '.;~" ~1 , '., -.' i:.. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE 50. 87'4 Such business license shall be is- least e: sued in the same manner provided rest, wI AN ORDINANCE REGULATING bJ' ordlnlLDCe of the City of Ana- last pre t AND I:.ICENSING THE BUSINESS helm tor the issuance ot other busi-' hours, d OF CARRYING PASSENGERS ness license.. but shall not be is- secutive FOR HIRE. suec.f tor the ~se ot suoh taxicab or I formed taxlcabll u1ft1l a permit tor the .use , necti...,n , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of such taxicab or taxl'Cabs has I SECTJ ~ I OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS been obtained as proO'vided In this I rul for ~ FOLLOWS: ordlna.nce. permit, I SECTION 1. For the purpose ot SECTION 10. It shaU be unlaw-I visions j this ordinance, the follOWing term. ful for any person to operate or I or perm I shall have meanings here given to drive any taxicab within the City I ~ the ~ .. them. ot Anaheim unless such person: hereof. The term "taxicab" .hall mean (a) Is over the age of 21 years; I SECT.! I and include every motor vehicle (b) Is of good mora'l oharcter; have po,s used. in the business of carrying (.e) Can speak the Englil:dl lan-., exterior passengers f~' hire, and the desU-1 guage sufficiently to' deal with pas- of the s: nation and route of which are un- sengers: I or the : I der the cO'Iltrol of the passenger or (d) Posseses a Chauffeur's 1I-! the owr passengers being carried therein. cense Issued by the Department of 1 the tel The term "owner" shall mean and Motor Vehicles of the State of Call- I owner, inclUde every person. firm, or cor- fornla: ! than tw ! poraUon ownf.ng or controlling any SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful I in heigl I taxicab. tor any owner ot an~r taxtca,b to i l'lixteent: The term "driver" sha'll mean and permit a.ny person to drive or op- ! t)troke. Include every 1i>>erson in actual er.a.te a ta.xicab within the City at I Sx~CTl charge and oontrol of any taxicab Anaheim who has not the quaUfi- taxicab , I a. the driver thereof. cations presoribed by Section 10 the mos The terms uTaxloab Stand" a.nd hereof. I wioll car r i "Stand" shall mean and include a SECTION 12. A permit fee shall and ex}: portion elf. the street designated by be required for every person. firm naHons. ~ the City council for the use of taxl- or corporation requesting a permit Sl~CTI cabs while waiting ~or employment. under this- ordlna.nce.. Such permit I ful for a . The term "City Council" .hall fee shall be in addition to any busl- . tion to c . mean the City Council ot the City Dess license which permittee shall I or insig , I of Anaheim. .be required to pay under the pN1- I applicati SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful vision. of Seoction 9 hereof. Suoh r a new In the .City of Anaheim for' any permit fee shall be Five Dollars granu.n~ owner to oper.a.te, or c:e.use to be ($5.00) where no taxicab sta.nod pe~- I ordinanc c1perated. any taxi-cab owned or con- mlt Is requested. Where a permIt " SECT! trolled by such owner In the busl- top a taxica~ stan.d' or stand. is 1'ul for ~ ness of carrying passenger. for requested. an additional sum of the legs hire. or to maintain any taxicab Five DollaTs U5.00) will be requir- licensed stand. unless such owner has a per. ed for each such stand. In the havi-ng h mit so to d'o as herein provided. event that an application Is denied, son '\\;ho SECTION 3. Any owner desiring the permit fee posted with such ap- lioensed to obtain the permit required by plication shall be refunded to the the pers Sectlo,n 2 hereof shall make appli- appUoant, atter first dedu-cttn.g llIha:ll be cation t~erefor t.O' the City Council. therefrom all costs .ustalned by the Ser-tion : Ea-ch such application shall be ac- City Council In Investigating and I SECTI companied by a bond or policy of actlng upon such a'PpUcaUon. R.ny hold insurance and permit fee as are SECTION 13. No I1ce.nse or per-I suant t.O' hereinafter provided tor, shall be In mlt, granted by the City Council dinan-ceo writing. a.nd shall set 'forth the fol- pursuant to the provisions ot this any tax' lOWing: Ordlnan'Ce. may be transferred to permit. l: (a) The name. age. buslne.. and another. apply to residence addresses of applicant, If SECTION 14. Should an owner Of' mit so to a nat"ural person; or If a corpora- a taxloab desire . to ehange his hp. &o..-:oorr ti-G'n .its name. date a.nd place of In- schedule 01' rate!!!. he sllall make f~':'rmati(ll corporation. address of its principal written' appllcaUcm to the City furn ishe'{ place of business. and the n.a.mes of Council 8'0 to do. Upon receiving shall be its principal officers. together with such a'Pplicvation the City Caun-cil policY' of their respective residence addresses: shall conduot a public hearing upon qUlred b~ or It a partnership. assoolation or such application. and shall give the event th unincorporated company. the names applicant at least 10 days written that Rue of the partners. or of the pers<ms notlee of the time and place of such qulrp.rne-n comprising such association or hearing. Upon such hearing the nance it company. and the business and City Council shall determine m itting residence of each partner or person. whether such rates sha:ll be ctt.a.ng- finding'S (b) A desoriptio.n of each taxicab ed. and shall have the right to deny Counocil t which' the applicant proposes to such applicatio.n, or may make such be fi.nlt1. use, the name of the manufa-cturer, change as it deterrmlnes the facts I SECTH engine and aerial numbers, and warrant. The deci8t~ ot the City I mit iSSUI state license number thereof. Council opon such'~hearlng shall be sions of (c) The name. m.cmogram or in- I final and conclusive. .. ate any Ignis: proposeG to be used on such SEC'rION 15. It. 'shall be unlaw- those Spl j'aXicab or taxicab!!. ful for a.ny owner or driver of any out mak . (d) The soheodule of rates of fare taxicab within :tbe City of Anaheim mit so reposed to be charged for carrying to Charge IL"~.. . .. different from granted f assengers in su-ch taxicab or taxi- the S'Chedu' ..; :. on file and in Seotio 'abs. approved . ' Council. SECTH (e) The street number and exact SECTIO'" '. 11 be unlaw- pursuant ~cation of tIlP. place or places ful for any'" ..!:Dr driver of a . ordinanCE here the applicant proposes to' taxicab to' drf"'.... operate B. taxt- Cit~r '-;Ot: nd each taxiocab. oab withi.n the -~lty of Anaheim.. provjsiO'n , (f) If. the appUca.nt desires a' taxl- J and no permit for ,-'e.' 4tIlV""'" l.~~ os.b stand 'upon a public highway or I thereof shall be grlnted,"bnle..-, Anaheim. str~et. within the City c:Jt. Anahel~. there Is on file.. with .-tlle City Clerk I of CaUfCi lJ,e shall so state"ln hi. appUcatio,. of Anaheim and in tull force and el~ loot 8:ny s and. . shan set forth the names a_ teet at all time. whllJa such taxlca:b h~ve bee: respectl've addresse.. ot all lessee.. i.....betD.g operated. either:' . . .' lng. such .su.blessees and owne.rs in actual d.P . (al A bond.ot the '~wn"F of lIu~b" whether ~ conatrU'Ctive poss,._,lon of. t~. taxioc...b, approved bp ~e City Cout!:i- at the t I'. ground floor . fit -.)!:.. buU~1I1g . or cU.. with a solv"nt a~ re8~..i~,.. tor .U'Ch ,p8,l"cel.of real pro_tr:. eo~tll'u01.$l .Sur.ty 'Com.pant. autiari.. .to... 'No per _to .tI~at portion of h~ay or atret!it bu.lness In the. State of .CalUornl.' cept, In t . whate. .such taxioati:: .tand Is prQ~ .. ."rety In the sum. ot. Fltte.. (8:) Th I pda.d t9 be loca~e.:, the appllcat1~ 'tllouj'and Dollars. ('16~OO..O~~l!.. coa~, time and sull &:180 accompa.riy. ~Id apPUjC dlUo.tled' that siLl~ owner 'WIll. pay,n '.the! issue 'Ucjn"wlth. the wr~tt"'. cOn.ent of 1. "10" or damage, that. rn.a)' result..~. ..per~ft a~ f of '.a1d lessees. subl,.s.,ea a1)4., ow . :......0... (lnoludlu'g ~ss,_.r.' it!i . Cle~~. to er. of. said bul1dht&' or parcel .'aI4 . taxicab) C'I1 pro_rty. ~01lJ the 'notlOe ot r:eai.' property to tl~..: . locat.lo.n' . . . ll..l.Iien.t oper~tion'.. .or . d~r~tl""1 hea"-ng... su.ch taxicab at th~.:. ~po.e4 Ioc, . co.ttuotion of such ", .taxlicab.. 6f.1 ot. ~har,,~ tIOD. The signatu~.' of . su.... It!4-.. frbDi' the violation of ..t~e . )WOn..Ie)'" such". heal 'sees. sublessees an~. .~_r. sball tta. ~t. t111. ordinance or .:.of jaJ'lY. <rt:tt. betate th. . A1Qkno:wledged bero",..~ d.uly. ~-' ~rdIDance: of .the Clt, of: A.n.hel~ In.g.. . .mlsliicined NotaTY .~Uc.. . " .or.:ot. aby law ot the State of; .Cal:l~., (b) '1: (*) . The. appli~~".~ll t.~Di"" tornl.. ..e~overy on Mild bQ:Dd. 8h~~' i sucb;'n~il BUGh. addltJonal inf6tQlattoD. a. the be' llinl't'Ii~. to :Vlve Thousa'nd .>>oJ;., I mlt~~ pe City Council may ..1equlre. . " Ian.'. {$6,OOO.00r tor. t)1e InJutf ~r.' same upc :' '(b) :If the Clt7~":9oJmci1 require.. d.a~h:. 0' one persol4'. &ti~ to 'lj~ the: . sam : tile .applicant or apiiltcants shall ap;. Tl\I9ulanct Dollars <'.18.090.00), r.t Sta~'. 14: ~. :'pe~t. .pe:f80nally b.~~. the' City th~ bijujiy or death ot .t;w-o or... ..01"'; perrtdttee ~ COfIbCi~. It he. she .... t-hey ~e .Indlt p,erso~s In. the same. .ooh1.~lJt~ .... .'. his app(k I . .vl4Ja,a.1i. .and the. _~.1'8 of 8UCq I tq- Five ThQusand DoU-.-rs '('Di~.O, t .<~) Sll( . ...pjU.ca.n.t, sha.ll so ....r 'Personall, I top' :Injury .01' destruetl~'. of "l'tro~ and :perm ';. ,'if the.'applicant be :"..odrporati,cm. . erty.' SU.ch bond shan ~U-I1 to t~.,. to produ .~ .:':: POTION 4. '.U~o~:, receipt o~ anr City. .of' Anaheim, aD~ sbaIt mun' b~b&lt an " :'.~Ja .application l'eretred. to, In... Seelr- . by" it.. .termR to the "neflt of aVo attorney. ~'. .JUon .8 hereof, the .OllY 'Counrell' .haD 8.1\4'. an .persons sutttlrl,DS ]ou or (d) Thl ....:.make tnvesligatton. 'and may there,- '~"~&ce -cOvered there"y, and'. '.h~ll .the City.', - atter grant the' _me It it 'sha~ .pr..;vlle that suit may bt; '..b~glt. Bhalt. be : - find:' '. . . ther.on In any OO'Urt ,'Of eG,mpe:te"'" SJlCTIC '-. (a). That. the beD. or ponc,. '" jurled+ctlo.n by an.v suell; pe~on. ,8a.$4: the 'perm. 3 inltU.-&pc;:e. hereinafter "req,ulre.d.. h.., Mild' ah'all provide tb&'t. .tbere '.Ilal~. c.orprirath ' bee.n."lurnlshed,.'and .that the .am~ h"a c01l.tlnulng' lIab.1tty.. tbereo~,. the City '.: I., #1' .the form r~ulred. a~d'" th~ Jiotwl~hiltanding a 1I.'Y . .reO:ove~y or corpo. : . . the :sqrety thereon is I aJ)proved ~,. . thereon. If at any' tt.~e.. in tli.e a permit' f . the'". City 'Council; a~~ .:, .jUdgment of the City 'C01l~1I. sa~. 'after suc: · ;. (b) Tl\at each taxicab describe. bond is 110t sufficient for any re.~ SmCTIO ther.in i. adequate. ~d' .lIafe for t~J I' 'lion. the ,"Clty CouncU ~~y reCl:~lt. .the .taxlc .. .pur.pose felr which It t. to be .uslC'Qo .uch dWner to reptao.ee ,aid". bo~ has been and Is equ'lpped a. heretn required; with an.other bond or wltb a >>01l0l'. 011. such ' and '. . . ot ..Insurance as here'nafter .pro-I taxicab w (c) That the applicant Is ot &'004 vlded. satlsfn.ctory to 'the Olty COu.D~ I for a. pe moral ctlara-cter. ha.. oompJied .' with cll;. aD~ In default thereof. m~.y r'-.I the !'evoc : aU the terms a.nd conditions ot thJI voke such owner'. permi*. ana D-'I SECTIO "'IIQ:rdlnanCe and Is competent. t~. op- cense; 01".... .. .;: any pers .: erate a t.8.xicab bu.lness: and' .... (b), A poUcy of .....Bu:r~ce. a,'- holding I (d) That the public' convenience prove4 'by the City Oo'ubc.l1. ill .. mat.ntain v lor necessity requlr~. the operatloo .olvent &nd responsible compa.DJ!:ll~ au~ .for ~ of .uch taxicab C1r t~xlocab8. wlthhl authorlJed to do bUllne..' .i'n the. tive.. weel . the City of Anaheim; and '. State ot California, 1nslu.iq. tlte 'I stand for h.!:Lf:~~t ~~~,~~,,~~~~o~~!'~~.~! ~wner. ot .u_ch taxicab agaiust. lo.s. the' City - - I - U_ -............ _"""CIo& 0 \ .~U,,,,,,,.,,,, J. ,"uu-, time anod place for the hearing- cil I. shall a:180 aecomprany said appllca"; dlUQ.fted that sal~ owner wUI pay all the' issue of the revocation of such ti.O'n with the written consent of all. lOlls or damage.. that may result to permit and shall cause the City 10f said lessees, sublessees and own- persons' (InolucJbig passe~gerB in I Clerk to serve the permittee with, er~ of said bulM,lng or p.arcel of said taxicab) t# property. from the! notloe of l1uch time and pla:ce of I real property to the looatlon of negligent oper~tlon' or defective I heartn~, together with a statement I such taxicab at the 'proposed loca- - construction of such , taxicab. or I of chargeR which are' the bas-is for I tion. The signatures of such les-. fr-om the violation. of the. provisions such hearing, at least ten (10) days sees sublessees and ow.ners shall be of this ordinance. or of. any other before the time fixed for such hear- .atekrlOWledged before a duly 00'm- ordinance of the City of' Anaheim, ing. . i mlRsioned NotaTY Public. or of aby' law o.t the State of Calt- I (b) The Cft~7 Clerk may serve r (g) The appllcant shall furnish fo-rnia. Re~~:very on. Bald bond shall; such noUce and statement upon per- suoh additional information a~ the be limlt"e~: to :rIve Thousand 1>0'1- i mittee personally eIr may serve the City Council may require. . lars ($5,000.00) for the Injury or' same upon permittee by deli-verlng (h) If the City Council requires. death of one person. a.nd to Ten the same by negistereod United the applicant or applicants shall ap- Th'9usand Dollars .(.10.000.00) -lor States Mall. p'o~tage prepaid, to pear personally before the City the' Injury -or. death of two or more permittee, at the adodress given In 'Councll, if he, she or they be Indi- persons .In. ,the . same 8.ooident. Ilnd his application for permit. ; vtduals, a'nd the offleers of such I t~ Five ThQulland Dolla-rs ($5.00~.OO) (c) Suoh hearing' flhaIl be pubUc applicant shall so appear personally I for .Injury. -or delltructlQ.1l, of prop- and permittee shall have the. right . it the applicant be a CO'rporaUan. e'rty.' Su.ch band shall run. to the to produce witnesses on his own . SECTION 4. Upon receipt of any City. of: Anaheim. .and shall I'nure behalf and to be represented' by an , soch application referred to in Sec- by I.ts. terms to' the benefit of any attorney. ~ tlon 3 hereof, the City Couneil shall .8.nd all persons lIufferl.ng ]OS8 or (d) The flndi.ngs and decision of make investigation, and may there- damage ..covered thereby, and shall the City. Council upon such hearing - after grant the sa.me If It shall provide that. suit ~ay be brought shall be final and CO'noluslve. - i find: . thereon In' any CO'Urt of competent SECTION 27. In the eve,nt that I (a) That the bond or policy ~f jurt9dI'Ctlo.n by any such person. SaM, the permit of any person, firm or ~ I ImlUl'anCe hereinafter required ha~ bond sh'all provide that .there shall corpora:t1o.n has been revoked by bee,n furnished,. and that the sante be- a co.ntJnulng' Uablllty. thereon. the City Council. such person. firm . is in the form required, and' thll.t riotwl~h.tandlng an: y recovery or corpoaUon shan not be granted the sureh' thereon Is approved by . thereon. If at any time In the a permit ~.or a period of six m-O'nths r 'the City Council: and' . . ,judgment of' the City Council, said after F1uch revo.catfo.n. ' (b) That each taxicab described bond is not sufficient for any rea-I SECTION 28. In the event that therein is adequate a.nd safe for the ,"son, the .City Council may require the taxicab permit of any person : purpose fc1r which it is to be used, such mrner to replace said bond has been revoked by the City Coun- .1 and is equipped as herein required: with aDother bond or with a policy I oil. such pers.on shall not drive any I and . of Insurance as hereinafter pro- taxica'b within the City of Anaheim . (.c) That the appllca-nt Is. of good vlded. ~atlsfA.ctory to the City Conn-I for a perlo.d of six mo.nths after moral character, has oomphed with cn~ an~ In defaull: thereof, may re-! the revocahO'l1 of' such permit. : a:11 the terms a.nd conditions of this voke such owner's permits and 11-1 SECTION 29, In the event that ' r 'ordinance and is competent to op- celise: 01' .... .' any person, firm, or corporation. : I erate a taxicab business: and' (b). A pollocy of Insuran.ce, ap-/ holding a permit to operate and. (d) That the public convenience proved 'by the City OO'UncU. In a: maintain a taxlc.ab stand, should ;' or necessity require the operation solvent. a.nd responsible comp.a.ny,.fau for a period of two consecu- 01' such taxicab C1r t~xlocabB within authorlJed to do business In the tlve weeks to use suoh taxicab the City of Anaheim: and . State of California, Insuring the,' stand for his ta.xlcab or taxicabs, (e) That the name. monogram or owner ot such taxicab against loss the City Council may revoke sucb insignia to be used upon such taxl- by reason of. Injury or damage that I taxicab stand permit, .after a hear- cab or taxicabs is not In conflict play result' to persons (Including ling as provl'd.ed in SectloJl 28 u with and does not imitate any other. passengers tn said taxica:b) ar prop- .hereof:' name. monogram or insignia used erty from the n.egligent operation SECTION 30. No JJ-ersO'l't, firm or by any other person. firm cIr cor- pr detective construction of such corporation shall paTk any vehicle' J I poraUon heretofore lIocensed by said taxicab' or from violation of this lin any taxioab stand except a taxi- City Council, In such manner as to. criodlniuiee or iLny other ordinance of cab permitted so to' do by permit I be misleading or tend to deceive or the City.' CIf Anaheim..-or of any law grante,d by the City COllnocU. defraud the public: and of the State of California. Said SECTION 31. No person. firm or (f) In case of an application .for policy: '.may" be ItJnited to Five II corporati.o~ sh.a.n paint any curb a taxicab stand. that. the location Thoulla1l4.. Dollars <$5,000.00) for the of any taXicab stand except an em- of said stan.d is such that It will iJijary' or death If one per8'On, and ployee of the City of Anaheim dUly not OO'ngest or interfere with travel '1'en' TbouII&D4 Dollars ($ authorized so to do. The permittee on any public hlghwa~ ~r street~ for .the' .injury - or. death of two or of such taxioab sta.nd shall rehn- ..n~, Is not prohibited by any -ordi- Dlor. person. hi' the same accident. burse the City f.f1r such .palntlng, as nance of the City ot Anaheim. and' t-o' Five Thousand, Dollars may be required from tIme t9 time, (g) That the schedule of rates of ($6,000.00) 'for 'liljUry or destruction and failure to make su'Ch reim- ~ fare proposed to be cha.rged are J~f l>>~op,.r~y. . .~Id . p~Ucy of Insu!- bursem~nt 8~all ~e a .groun~ for re-. fair and reasonable. . . : . .....F..... ....~"!!ifr'1I...ymentl.. vdktngo stich taXlC!K1J' 8bU111 1181'J1Jit. The granting of said permit .hall to lLIly a~d aU such 'persons suffer- SECTION 32. Any person. firm or . constitute the approval of the City fnc'IDjury CIr damage to person or corporaUon Violating a.ny of the C.O'Uncil of the proposed schedule of pro~rty,- and '1:0'. those e:ntltled to I provisions of this ordinance' shall - rates. reQOVer 'for .the death of 'any such be guilty C1f a misdemeanor, and SECTION I. The City Council penon, of &1Iy final judgement ren- upon oonvlction thereof shall be shall detltgnate In any permit derod. a.-.inst such owner, within punishable by a fine 'of not more gra.nted by it the exaot location ot the lIiDlts above mentioned, irre- than Three Hundred Dollars - the taxicab stan.d:'such permit shall .peCtlve of the tlnaDClal condition I ($300.00) or by Imprisonment in a:lso specify the exact Dumber ell. or. any actions or omissions of either the City or County Jail for feet and location of any prarklng or such. o",",er. and .ball inure to the a period of not more than three stand 8pa.ce reserved for such taxi. belietJt of such' persons and those mO'nths, or by both such fine &nd oab stand, which reserved space .entlUed to'rec.ov.er for the' death of imprisonment. . may be at a:ny time cb&Dced. dim- &D7' luch. penon. If, at any time, SECTION 33. The City ClerIc: Inlshed or Increased by the Clt,.. lach . policy of I.Dsurance s.hall be sha-ll certify to the passage of thl. Council. Every taxicab stand .e' a&ncelle4 by the company Issuing I ordl'ft&n.,-e and shan cause the 8.ame desfgnated by the City. Council shall the .8&Jn'e or the authrol'lty (If such to be prInted and published once In be indicated by red p"lnt or other COmDany: to do business In the I the Anaheim Bulletin. a dally news- red material upon the entire ourb S~.t.. of C.Ufomf~ shall be. revo.ked. paper of general circulation. pl'lnt- surface thereof, with . the WlDrde Qr' .ID: Ithe JUdgment .ot the C'ity e~, published and clrouLat8'd In Bald - .'l'axic.a.bs Only" In white letterl CoUDCU' 'sald company Is tnsolve~t, City, and thlrtv (30) days from and . thereon. , the' City. Co6n'Cfl shall require s&'ld after Its final passallre, It s~all take SECTION 8. It shs:ll be unIawtu~ oW.Dei" to replace such policy with effect and be In full force.. for:'the owner or driver ell. any tazi- &n~her. policy or .bond, a8 above The for~golnsr ord~ance was. ap- . cab to pa.rk or Btand the same upon provided. ea1;lstactory to. the City proved, Bll1rned ~nd attested this any public highway or street In the 'Coubcfl,'. and in default thereof may 4th day of Anrll, 1944. City of Anaheim, other than at a revoke sucll oWner's permit and . CHAS. A. PEARSON, taxicab st&nd tor Which such owner ltcUlae.. . . Mayor of the City (If Anaheim has a permit. for anY' period of time. . 'SECTION 17. It. shall be .u.nla'W- Attest: longer than is neoe8S~ to .dls-: tu.1 tQr any owner to' drive. or to CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, charge passengers occupying .al~ '.:Il.8 to 'be driven or .operated any City Clerk of the City of Anaheim I taxleab: or receive passengers then'. .tlL:dca'b within .the City of An~\l.eim, . waiting far. such tq.xlcab; . provide... wbU'e the 8ame. or ~y. of the e4uip- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) . further, that a ta.xloab shall In no ~ll.t .u.,d thereon 'or therewith COUNTY. OF ORANGE )Sl. case. be parked f()r' a perold longer ~1t&11 be. 'in . a~ defective. unsafe or CITY' OF. ANAHEIM ) than 'five minutes on a~y public' "'.,ultary condltlon. Eve:ry taxl-, I. Charles E. Griffith, Cfty Clerk highway or street w~thln the CI~y. .... "~ha1J:' at all tI~es be Subject to of the City of Anaheim. do hereby of Anaheim. except i...... a taxicab ,~. "1~specUo~ of any' police officer certify that the foregoing Ordl-' stand for which 8uch ow.ner hu a or h.~ltb.. Inspeot..~r of the City of I nance was Intro,duced at an ad- permit. . ....G.hefm.. jour.ned reR'ulaT meeting or the City SECTION 7. Any t~l~b .tan~ .' ;.-.cTION "8. It. shall be uDlaW-1 Council of the City of Anaheim. that is granted to any personi fl.nII, ..~ .Ior "7 penrOD tD drive or Qper- held O'D the .28th day of Maroh, ' I or ool"po.ration, may be ..~.ed jolntlr: '.."I\'aI11.. t~l~ab, or' to cause any 1944, and that the same was pa88ed . by any two C1r. more p.,..ons, firms .____n tq. drive .or. o.pel'lB.te any taxi- . and ado'pted at a regular adjourned ~ or corporations holdln....,permltB un.-. ~,. within .tlle City of A:nahelm, m~etlng of said City Council held ' der thiB ordin-.mce. ~7' the mutual ..fOr ".lIio~e than twelve !(121 CODsecu- on the 4th day or April. 1944, by the consent.' of said. p~rsoD" firms': or. ~.. hour., or- foz: ~re than twelve following vote of the memberi corporatloDs, Which II&ld consent:: '-\Ira I!!pr~8Id rIV.er .. total.. of sixteen thereof: . ~.must be first reduced. .t~ wrltln..... '.~). con~.cutlv. hours. .01' to oper- AYES: COUncilman:. Pearson, VaD pJ'lO'perly elgnecJ. a~ tiled with the ._.:.~~' drl~e ~y. ~'Xtpab within the '\Va-goner. Barnes. BODey. Sheridan. Ity Clerk of the City of .A.Dahellll.:: 'J'ft~ ..ot.. Ailabelm" atter' having been. NOES: Councilmen: None. 'l SE'CTION ~ a.. No taxlcab~ st&D..': .,O."4~ty. .elther'.o'Derating or driving ABSJDNT: Councilmen: None. ,~ha.1l be ohanged 'Without obtalnl.DJt: J4:: .taXlcab, or In any office or- ga- And I further certify that the to permit from the Clt~ .CoUJl~l ::_. .of ~l1e ".holder of any taxicab MayO'!" of -the Cfty ot 411ah~lm )l1..n- ..fter application as .p~Tlded In Sec~; '1N*IDU:. hereun4er,. 'fIr 'at an,. .t~t- e4 and approved said - Ordinance on Ion 3 and 4 hereof. . ". . .' "~cI. ~r. -.Y .colllblnatl.on ot the .4th day 'of April. .19.44.. . SECTION 9. Every. perBon, fl~: '.',," . . :aiet_, ~tor. -~qre,...tl:taD. twelTe, .IlIJ .WlTNESS WHlDREOJ" I have · col'poratlon c:1peratlDg.a taxl~_' ::'.' ): ..,o~secutly. .'hours ~pread over hereunto set my hand aDd affixed . taxlcabs..,ltbln the.Olty of.Aila... :....~.~~~: ot'~1x~..'.(18) 'CODeecuti,~ the .Seal .of said Oit7 of Anaheim im shall oDtain ... bualness nCelJs.. ~1i1ll"~ .' .' !lJ.o~..P~OD:. .h&,11 . drive or thll!l ..4th day of April. 1944.... . eretor and. pa,.. . to' the 9ft,., of' Iilla. &ay' taxi_I>. <Ir can.. any . ClVDALl. , '_ _ .- . . t~efm the. busin.,ss...lloen.e .te.. :~ .... . on tQ dr'v. . or:' 9~.r..te. any. . C.HARLES E. GRIBTITB, vlded for. by or4ln8lQ.ce.. or 'bnll~ :.... .1<,"". ~lthID. the Cit,.. of. Ana- Ci'u Clerk of the elt. of A.tahelm oe. rC ~. QltF ., M&IIeI&: '. -'1Iia1.1' .~0Ia' irayel' .. h&'4'Ii.t: Pub.' April 11, -1844.' \ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE 01.' CALIFOllN1A ) )ss. County of Orange ) . .R.1.clJQJ~.;~.. ..~.1.5.~hl.~..._....... ...._... of said count)', being first duly sworn, says-that he Is & male citizen of the United States. and of the State ot Call- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tert'st in, nor Is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th-at he is the ...:PJ~-~n_Q.1.p_:~~..A:._..~.~.l.~. ~.~.~.~.... . ......... .n..........._.._.. of the . ..A.r~';\j;,;,e.lru....B.ul-1-e..tln.__ ........ .. a..--\la.-l.l~. .-.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in tlie' sale!' County of Orange that said .. _A.ne~_be.1J.i_:. ...;?_U_~.l.e..t:l.tl_. ... .......... ......... ....uu.....__...u............_ iR a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid HubNcJ'ibers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and g"t"lleral npws and intelligence of a general char- a.et<~r: .that it is not devoted to the interests or published for thE'! entf'I'tainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. 01" of any number tl1ereot; that it. }la:-z bt'en pri ntp.d and publishE'ti in the City of Ana- heim. County of Or,ung-e, Stale of California for more than on€' yea!' next prf.'c'cding the first day of the publication hereto atta<,'hed; thut the o ,!1~i.l_'1n.i1 c e . 3?4 .. .... ............--...-. ...............................-.-...... ............ ........................................-..............-- of' wh ich tht, annexed is a p l'illted cOPY. was published In said newspa[)(>r at Il'ust _.... ...... ....9_D_;;.....~~:.LM~.....__..uu...._...._ . l.:.th Appil (':omnl(~nc'lng on the. ............_....day of . ..__......;................__..........._. ] 9~_, and ending on thp. ...._...... ..day of ........................____...... 193_.. .n, and that s.aUt ""._'_" .--..~.;.Q-~.J.Q~..m.n.............._...............~. was published on the tol1owi ng days: ...J~P_!-.:tl..1.~::.I.. -:.J~Jl .~....-- . -...-................ -..........-.- ................................................................................ .' ...~. .- '.. ,,- "..... .. .' ..... .........,-.(.tIt -9~' .s..c., ~ .. .......1.. ..... ...:...i..._~.._. M:_~....._:.... .__...... ..".__._. ~~-=~.. .~..............__..................... SUbscribed.. a.nd sworn to before me thls.~a., of GA.u1_1 ~ ---.-- -V~./>.. ....O_..._..l~h~.'f ._...f~~....._td~~....- .~~.~ '/ .... ~ ~!t~ I . .;. ~:.: l: . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINA.NCE ..0. 8'4 Sucb business license shall be Is- least eight (8) consecutive hours sued In the Bame manner provided rest, while not on duty. within the AN ORDINANCE REGULATING by ordln&D'Ce of the City of Ana- last preceedlng twenty-four (24) AND I:,ICENSING THE BUSINESS helm for the Issuance of other busl- hours. during which eight (8) con- OF CARRYING PASSENGERS neBS licenses, but shall not be is- secutive hour~ l1e shall have per- FOR HIRE. sued for the Use of suoh taxicab or formed no a-cts (;Jr duties in con. taxicabs urttl1" a permit for the .use ! nection with sueh taxicab business. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of such t8.xlca'b or taxl-cabs has I SECTION 1~. It shall be unlaw- OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN.AS beeD obtained as pro'Vided in this I ful for the hotde-r of any taxicah FOLLOWS: ordln&nce. I permit, issued JJllrsuant to the pro- SECTION 1. For the .purpose of SECTION 10. It shaD be unlaw- visions of this c)rdinance. to causl::l this ordinance, the tollowing terms ful for any person too operate 01. I or permit an~' p~l"son to 'violate any shall have meanings here given to drive any taxicab within the City I C1f the provisiol"J s of Section 18 · them. ot Anaheim unlesR such person: hereof. The term "taxicab" shall mean (a) Is over the age of 21 years; I SECTION 20. J~\"en' taxl,cab ShCi n and include every motor vehicle (b) Is of good mora:J oharcter; I have p.ai.nted or affixed upon th~' used in the business of carrying (-c) Can speak the EngJfsh lan.../ exterior part of a door on each sick passengers fq.r hire, and the destl-1 guage suffiCiently to' deal with pas- of the same. the Ilame of the owr!f.'1" nation and' route of which are un- sengers; or the fictitous name under whid: I der the cO'ntrol of the passenger or (d) Posseses a Chauffeur's If- t.he owner opel.atf's. together with passengers being carried therein. ce'nse issued by the Department of the telephone number of said The term "owner.' shan mean and Motor Vehicles of the State of Cali- owner, in dist inet letters not les~ Include every person. firm. or cor- fornla: t.han two and one-half <2*) inche~. I poraUon owning or controlllng any SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful in height and not. less tha.n flvf.'- 11 taxicab. for any owner of any taxfca.b to flixteE'onths (:) J I)~ \ of an Inch 1'1 The term '"drfver" shaH mean and permit &ny person to drive or op. t-ltl'okp. Include every ~erson in actual erate a taxicab within the City C1t SgCTION ~ i The driver of ;; .. charge and oontrol of any taxicab Anaheim who has not the Quallfi- r taxicab sha.lI "an.\- passengers by "1 as the driver thereof. cations presorlbed by Sectfoon 10' the most. dir€".'t rOllt.,. possible that The terms '"Taxicab Stand" a.nd' hereof. I wHI carr~' SUf n Tla~~E'ngers safe1;\. I "Stand" shall meaD and Include a SECTION 12. A permit tee shall and expedltioll~dly if.) their dead. r portion C1f the street designated by be required for every person. firm I nati-one. , the City council for the use of taxl- or corpo~atlon requesting a perm!t SECTION 2~, ft ~.hall be unlaw. cabs while waiting (or employment. under thIs ordinance., Such permit I ful for an~' pE'J."'-;'I'tl, t'll'm or corpora... The term "City Council" shall fee shall be In addition to any busi- tion to change it;;; na.me, monogram, mea.n the City Council of the City ness license which permittee shall I or insignia without first making- ,I of Anaheim. be required to pay under the Pro'- I application to the C'i ty Council for SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful visions of Sectl'On 9 her~of. Suoh I a new taxi-cab pPl'mH and thE' In the .Clty of Anaheim for' any permit fee shall be Five Dollars granU.n~ of sU".h pE'rrnlt as in this owner to operate, or cause to be U5.00) where no taxicab sta.nl() per- I ordinanCE> :pr'fJvid~c1. Operated. any taxicab owned or con- mit Is requested. Where a permit I SECTION 2;1, It shall be unlaw- trolled by such own,er In the busl- fop a taxica~ stand' or stand, Is. ful for an~? pe-r:::;on to refuse to' pay ness of carrying passengera tor requested. an additional sum of the legal fare of' ;tny taxlca.h hire. or to maintain any taxicab Five DolIaTs ($5.00) will be requir- licensed under this Qrdina.nce. after stand. unless such owner has a per- ed tor each such stand. In the havlng hired th... :mme. 8.nd any per- mit so to d'o as herein provided. event that an application Is denied, son who shall hirp. ~lny taxicab so SECTION 3. Any owner desiring the permit fee posted with such ap- lioensed with the intent to defraud to obtain the permit required by plication shall be refunded to the the person frM~ whom It Is hired Sectlo.n 2 hereof shall ma.ke appli- applloant, after first dedu'ctln.g lIlha'll be pl1nillihahle a.s provi'ded b:!,. cation t~erefor t.(1 the City Council. therefrom all cO'Sts .ustalned by the Se~tion 82 her/?,')f Each such application shall be ac- City Council In investigating and I . SECTION 24. In tne event th.at companied by a bond or pollcy ot acting upon such a'Pplicatlon. any holder af a pf'f.mit. iS8ueod pur- Insurance and permit fee as are SECTION 13. No license or per-j suant t.O' the 111"0vi~ions of this or- ! hereinafter provided for, shall be in mite granted by the City Council dinance, shouJrI des! rf; to replace writing. a.nd shall set forth the fol- pursuant to the provisions of this any taxicab. f('1" '-\--hkh he has a lowing: Ordlnan'Ce. may be transferred to permit. hy Ilnot.her tHxica'b, he shall (a) The name, age, busl'ness. and another. apply to the ('ity C:oll.ncl1 for per- i residence addresses ot applicant. if SECTION 14. Should an owner of I mit so to do. ~\!':oh application Rha'l1 r a natural person; or if a corpora- a taxloab desire. to ehange his hp. a.o.~ompa.nied h~.. a11 pertinent In- \ tion .Its namE", date &nd place of In- schedule. of rates. he shall malie I "'ormation a'nd r1~t~! l'l"quired to h~. i corporation, address of its principal wriUe.n' appllcatf<m. to the City t'urnishe'd hy ~~~I~tion :~ hereof. anti : place of business, and the n.a.mes of Council s'o to do. Upon receiving shall be acoO"rr1 rani Nl hy a bo.nd Qr its principal officers. together with such a'Pplicvatlon the City Council pollc~' ot inst1rl'!nl~l;> f'f the t~.pe rew \ their respective re~i~ence addresses; shall conduot & public hearing upon qui red by Seotion 1 tl hporeof. In th~ or if a partnershIp, assoolatlon or such application, and shall give the f.:'vent that thfl: (.it;\' ("oun'cn finds u.nin.corporated company, the names applicant at least 10 days written that such tax,,'~b fulfiJls the re.. ot the partners. or of the persODs noUce of the time and place of such Qnirp.m€'ntFl set f'lf"th jn thiR ordi, comprising such association or hearing. Upon such hearing the I nance it shall P'rfll'll A pf.:'rmit, per- 'company, and the business and City Council shall determine mitting surh l.~pl...'l("eme.nt. The residence of each partner o'r person. whether such rates sha'll be c!1oa,ng- finding'S and 11,O{Ii!"j;')J~ 0 fthe Clt;\. . (b) A desorlptio.n of each taxicab ed, and shall have the right to deny Coun-cil upon ~u"h H ppJtcati'On sha.!! which .the applicant proposes to such applicatio.n. or may make such I be fin,,!. use, the name of the manufa-cturer. change as It d.eterrmines the facts I SECTION 25. Xo hol'der of a per- engine and serial numbers. and warrant. The decisi,dD of the City I mit Issued pUTf:Uant to the PI'C1vi~' state license number thereof. I Council opon such"-h..rlng shall be sions of this ol":linan'Ce. shall oper- (c) The name. m.cmogram or In- final and conclusive. ate a:ny taxicabs in addition to l"gnia' propose(~ to be used on such SEC..rION 15. It .shall be unlaw- thos,,~ specified ill hi::; permit with- #. xicab or taxicabs. ful for &ny oWl)er or driver of any out making- appli('util:'n for a per. (d) The soheodule of rates of fare taxicab within :th.~ City of Anaheim mit so to do 8 lHf \\' ithout 'bein.l;:' reposed to be charged tor carrying to Charge IL_~.: .,. different from granted such pprnlit n 11 as provided assengers In su-ch taxicab or taxi- the B'Chedu ",=:". on file and in S€,(ltions 3 an';l ,1 h"'re-o'f. abs. approved' .. Council. SECTI'O~ 26. .-\n~: p'~rl1ljt granteti . (e) The street number and exact SECTION'.:'" ,_- 11 be unlaw- pursuant to thl:' pr'yv isi(ln~ of thitl. ~cation of the place or places ful for any' .''':. ':~r driver of a ordinance ma:,{ J:le '!'p\,ol(€"d by th", here the applicant proposes to' taxicab t.O' driv" J.tr operate a taxl- City Council f~ll' \'i.-.latl{ltI of thA: and each taxlocab. oab withi.n the '~"fty of Anaheim. I pl'ovisi,O'ns of tlds "I'd 'n.ance, or of . {f) If the applica.nt desires a taxi- J and no permit for .-.he" .P.W".t~ l...8Ift~. '~c.e of t.oe. CiU,. of . oab stand 'upon a public highway or J thereof shall: be grlnted, 'urtle." Ana:hel~, or of any law of the 'BEate l str~.et. within the City C1f Anaheim. 'there Is on tile.. with -tile City Clerk I ot Cahfornia. or for the existence! l).e shall so state' 'In his appUcatlo., of Anaheim and In full toi"ce and e~-I-of 8:ny s~ate cYt, facts which would; and' shall set forth the names a~ tect at all tlmea while such taxiclrb h~ve beeD a good reason. for deny-. respective addresses. of all lessee.. Is':'betn-g operated, either:' .... lng. such permit whe'n applied tor, . .sublessees and' o*ners in actual ~ . (Ii) A bond. of the owner of su~~ ,. whether suoh state of facts existed j constructive posse}islon' of the. tazi'Cl;b, approved bp ~e City. Gouti- at the time application was made I. ground tloor C1f :"Y: building . or cll. with a solvfllnt a__a rel!rponslbl~. for s1I'Ch permit or not. pa;rcel . of real prop(ii"tJ: eonUguou_ Surety 'Company. autbori.e4 to. a. 'No permit shall be reVoked ex- to tb,at portion of h!*h~ay or street business In the. State. of Cal:lfornJa cept, In the fOllowing manner: :'Where '.such taxioa~,: atand Is prQ~ .a ,urety loll the sum ot Fitte,~. (II:) The City Council shall .:ti~ a I pOled to be loocate";, the appllcaJt~ ~hou.an.d Dollars ('~;OOO.OO'>.., col,l.~ time and place for the hearing C1t shan alao accomp&llV ,aId apPui' d(t1~fte4 that sal~ oW1le~ wlllp&y ,p . the,. issue of the revocation of such 'tf.c1n"wlth the wr.tte:n;. cbnsent of l: 10" or damage.. that may result to . permIt and Bhal1 cause the City lOt.' said lessees. subIeilsees and. ow . ......on. (lnoludltlg ~asselt&,er.. '11l I Cle~k. to . serve the permittee with ers. of. said bulldl". or p.arcel qt. .ald. taxicab) a, pro"rty. trolll 11,1. 'notioe of S\lc:tl time and place of real property to t~e: ,10oatloD-'. .. nel'lti81\t operation' or . defecU,. h.ea..t.ng. together with a statement such taxicab at the. p~POlle~ loc~- co....truDtion of such' I taxl-eall. 01' of charges which are the bas-is .for tlon. The signatur-._ .of sueb le~-.. .from the. violation of t~e. proYi-.IODS. suc~f hearing; at least ten (10) days 'flees, sublessees an4.- .'C)~~e,a shall ~ ~f this ordinance. or ':'Of Afty Q'th.r . bef(jte the thne fixed for such hear- ~kn:owledged befo~.. ::a dUly.~.. ~"UDan~e; of .the City... of':. .A.1'1.be,f~ Ing. . inls_ldned NotaTY ~'ti~lc.. .' . ,or ~or"aby lB.'w o.t the 'tate ot.. Ca~'''':1 (b) The City Clerk may serve (g) . The appliell~.. ~all fllrnistl foml&. .e~overy on ...Id bond i!lha,ll; such-..no~ice and statement upon per- . suob addltio'nal int~.tl.on. a! the be lImtte~. to "Ive Tbousand Dot-, mUtee personally ~ may serve the CI.ty Council may.requlre. .' lal'll....(.5.000.00) for the injury ~r same upon permittee by delivering . . (h) If the City:: Councfl require.. d~il.t~:.. ot one person.;. &t\d . to ~t,n the same by Registered United the applicant or applicants. shall api- T~u.and Dollars ($10,090.00).' r.,. StaUNI Mall. postage prepaid, to ~ pear .personally bet4)!e the' eit, th~ Inj\lty or death of .t~ or.. .ofe, perD'Ottee, at the address given In 'iC09ilcll. If he, she cpo ~hey be ...ndi~ p.erso~8 In, the same. .ccident.. . add his &Pp~I'Cation for ~ermlt.. I. vht~a.1i. -and the. (d~JrCers ot suclq to' ~h'e 'rhQusand D.ollaTs ($6.009.08) . .(c) SUob hearing shall be plibllc .. .applicant'shall so .pear 'personally tor .lnJury. .or destructfo.~.. .of Jlrop- and permittee shall have thew. right ." 'ff the....ppllcant be :.....CO'I'Poratt.cm. : erty. Su.ch band shall run to. the.: to >>roduce witnesses on his own ., :.~ aCTION 4. . Upon'. receipt of an, .Clty' of. Anaheim. aD~ sh.all mu~e b~haJ.t and to be represented/by an 'Bocb .appllcation ref...red. to In.l3ec~ by' It.. .terms to the 'benefit of any attorney. !' !tlon 3 It'ereof, the 'Clty Counell .ha~ ana an .pers'ons suft.rf.n.. losa or. (d) The flndf.ngs and decision of . .make investigation, 1lnd may t.)lere~. .da~ace '''covered thereby, .and. sh~~l th~ City. C~uDCI1 upon such hearing - atter grant the same If It shaD p~Wle .that 8Ult may b. .bro~gl;.t. shall be tinal and cO'nolusive. find:' , '.' ,thereQn In any OO"Urt of ~ompete~t. . SBCTION 27. In the event that (a) Tha.t the bon. or pou.cy ., jurtsdloctlon by an.y such:peNon. ,l3B.ld. the permit. of any person, firm or Inlturapce. bereinafter required. ha~ bond' aball provide t~t. .there shall c,orporatlq,n has been revoked by bee.~'.'turn.fshed.. . and that the .,sant. ~:'a. continuing liability.. thereoD,.. the City Council, such person. firm: Is .In .~the form r~q.ulred, and' that ~otwl*hstandlng all.7 ...r.eo:o'Ve~ or corpo_ion shn1l not be granted I ,the. .B~rety, thereon Is1 approved ~y ,thereon. It at any th..e:' In t~e a pe"r1!1lt~r a period of six mO'nths I r the City. Council: and '. . jUdgment of the City Council, 8a~ after such revo-catfo.n. . I .. ;' (b) Ti\at each taxicab descrlbe4 boD.d t. Dot suftlclent for any J"e~- SECTION 28. In the event that! tber~ln Is adequat~ -.nd' llIafe for the " '80n. the .City Council m&)" reqUire .the taxicab. permit of any person I pur-pose frlr which It Is to be' .used. such dwner to repta'Ce aid'. bond has been revoked by the City Coun- . .. and Is equipped as herein required; with another bond or wit~ .. poliCY' oil. such person sh.all not drive any' and . . of .Insurance as hereinafter pro- taxicab within the City of Anaheim, (-c) That the appllcant Is of 8'004 vlded. ~atlsfnctor~ to .the City Co~-I for a - period ~t six mo.nths after: moral ctJ,aracter. has oompUed. wlt~ ctJ~, an~ In default thereof', may ra- the revocatioO'n of such permit. · a'll the terms a.nd conditions of this voke such owner's permits and It- SECTION 29. In the event that 'Ordinance. and Is competent t~' op- cense; 01" .' any person.. firm, or corporation. ., erate II f,axicab business: and' ..' (b). A polfrey of lDllurat\.Ce. ap'- hOlding a permit to operate' and (d) That the public' convenl.ence proved by the City Octuncll, in II: matntain a taxicab stand. should v or necessity requlr~, the operation solvent a.nd responsible comp&ny .taU for a. period of two oonsecu- of such .taxlcab fir t~xl'Cab!l. within authorlJed to do business' In th.e tlve. weeks to use suoh taxicab. . the. City of Anaheim; and '. State of California, tnsurln.g.. the,' stand for his taxicab or taxicabs, (e) That the name. monogram o~ owner of such taxicab against 1088 the 'City Council may revoke sucb. Insignia to. be used UPQD such. .taxl- by reason of injury or damage that t taxicab stand permit, .after a hear-, cab or taxicabs Is !Jot In conflict Juay result to persons (-lncludi~g ling as provl'ded in Section 28 . [, with and does not Imltat~ any other . passengers in l!Iald taxlca:b) at prop-- .hereof." name... monogram or' bll~ignla us~ erty from the n.egllgent oper-.tlon SECT10N 30. No J}ersoft, th'm or by any other person. firm fir cor- or 4etectlve cronstruction .of such corporation shall park any vehicle po~atlpD 'heretofol"e lI~eDlled by lal4 q,xlcab.. or trom violation of this . in &1;1y taxioab stand except a taxi- City. council. In such manner aa t,Q. cft'dlniLnee or a.ny other oNii"anee of cab' permitted so to' do by permit be mlsl~lng or tend to deceive or the City: C1f Anahelm:'or of any. law granted by the City Coun-cfl. defraud the pubUc; and: . . of the State of CaJifornla. Said SECTION 31. No person. tirm or (f) x.n case of aJ! application .tor polley. may . be limited to Five corporat1.o~ sbaIl paint any curb a taxic.a.b stand. that. the location. TIlou.&'Ild. Dollars ($5,000.00) for the of any taXIcab stand except an em- 'of said stand Is sueh that It wfll lii-Jpry, or .death If one per.,on, and ployee of the City or Anaheim duly no.t. Ol1DgellJt or Interfere. W:ltb travel. 'ten' Tt1ous.a.nd Dollar.. (' a;uthorlz~d so to d,o. The permittee on an)" ..public hlghwaT ~r .tp.e~ for the Injury or death of twa or of such taxloab sta..nd shall rehn- and I. bot prohibited b)" anJ' -or41- more-: penons: In the lame ac~~t, burse the City foC'lr such palntlng~ as nance of the City ot. ADabelm.. aD.c!. toO Five Thou.and. Dol,lars may be required from time to time, (g) That' the 8cb~1. .of rat.. .0(. '...oo.eo) .for 'ID~ry or. deaueettoll'. and failure to make such' reim- tare. lH"opued to bj. 'oh~."'. u_ ...,-.t......-ny. Bald . 'Pol_ ... fllJ!l_~.: ..bUr~.~:g..t 8~1l:'...~~..a gr9u~d tor..r~- fair and reasonable. . anc. ahalJ guar&ntee the '-paJ$nt... voklngo weh taxica'b stand permit. The srantlng of .a14 penn-It .hall: to any &114 aU'such persons Bufter- SECTION ,32. Any person. firm or conitltute. the approval of the City. ,_- taJur.,. . r:Ir damage to pe~il or: corpQl"atfton : ViOlating a.ny of the Oc1ancll of the pl'lO>>o.ed Ichedul. of property,' and tIO' tho.. entitled: to. provf.illo~, of, .thls ordinance shall - ratel. recoVer 'for .the d'ea.th at 'an)" luclL. be g~l1ty C1t. a misdemeanor. and ~ D:r;' N I. The Clt7' CouDcll pereoD. of anY' final Judgement r8'll~ .upon OODvictlon' thereot shall be a ahall tpate In any pe~lt dePed ....tn.t such owner, within punl8hable by a tine of not more 8'rlLDted '., it the ezaot location of the lIinltil above mentioned. Irre- :than' Three Hundred Dollars the tuicab stand;'suoh permit Iball .pectlve of the financial condition ($300.00) .or by Impris'Onment In 'atso' apeelt,. the exact number dl. or. ~Y' &<'tlo'D.a or omissions of either the City or County .Jail for feet and location of aDy :p.a.rklnK or aach. own.er, and sball Inur.e to the a period of not more than three atan4 apace reserved ft>>r such taxl- 'b4metlt of Buch persona &l1d those m'elnths, or by both such fine &nd oab staDd,' which r..erved apace entltlect to' recover for' the' death' ot Im-Pr1sonment. may. b'- at a:DY time eb&Dced" 41m- auJ'" lucb. person. It,..t any tim~ SEQTION 33. The City Clerk l'DIshed or Incre&lled by the City .._'" ......11.._ _" .__.._____ _~_.. ..._ _~_,n _ __.u . FlUS fit SCHUTZ "*,--01 In La. 412..... __ .. AIlllICA lUll. ....11. CAU.....IA TII.Ir.- 34S6 10 \ I 1 ORDIHAJtCI NO. 6'14 2 ... ORDI1Wt~ REGULA'rIIG AND LIOENSING THE BUSIIEIS 3 ~ CABR!IIG PASSENGERS FOR HI~. 41 'fHE OITY COtJIOIL o~ 'mE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OROAIIAS FOLLOWSt 5 6 7 8 SECTION 1.: For the purpose of this ordinance, the fol- low1ng terms shall ~ave meanings here given to them. The term ~tax1cabd shall mean and include every" motor vehicle used in th. bus1ness of oarrying passengers tor hire, and the destination an& route of which are under the control ot the 9 I 111 l passenger or passe~ers being carried therein. !he term ~owner. shall mean and lnolude every persoD, firm or corporation own~g or controlling any taxicab. The term ~dr1ver. shall mean and inolude eTery person in actual charge and ~ontrol of any taxicab as the driver thereof. !he terms :ITax1cab Standi and "Standi shall mean.and In- 12 13 14 15 16 17 elude a portion of .the street de's1gnated by the City Council for the use of tax1cab~ while waiting for employment. 18 The term ~Olt1 Oouncll" shall mean the City Counc1l ot 19 I the City of Anahe1~.. 20 SEO'l'ION 2. It shall be unlawful 1n the Oity ot Anahel. 21 .tor any owner to o~erate, or cause to be operated, any taxicab 22 23 owned or control1e~ by such owner in the bus1ness. or car,ry1ng pas- ~engerB tor h1re, or to ma1ntain any taxicab stand, unless such 24 owner has a -perm1t "so to do as herein provided. 25 SECTION" a." Any owner desir1ng to obta1n the permit re- i 26 [Qu1red by Section 2 hereof shall make applicat10n therefor to the I 27 I City Council. Each such application shall be accompanied by a i 28 I bond or policy of ~surance and permit fee as are hereinafter pro- 29 vided for, shall be! in writing, and "shall set forth the following: 30 (a) The ~e, age, business and residence "aAdresse. of 31 32 . 1 1 appl1cant, it a na'ural person; or 1t a corporation, its name, 2 date and place ot ~ncorporatlon, address of 1ts principal place 3 of business, and t~e names of its pr1nc1pal officers, together 4 I with their reBpect~ve residence addresses; or it a partnershIp, 5 associat1on or un1,corporated company, the names of the partners, 6 or of the.persons +omprislng such association or company, and the 7 business and res1d,nce or each p~tner or person. 8 9 (b) A de~cr1pt1on or each taxioab whioh the applicant proposes to use, t~e name or the manufacturer, engine and serial numbers, and state:11cense number thereof. (0) The ,&me, monogram or insignia propose4 to be used on such taxicab or~taxlcab8. (d) The fchedule of rates ottare proposed to be charged tor carry-1ng passe,-cere 1n such t ax1cab or tUlcabs. (e) The .treet number and exact locatlon ot the place or places where the ajpl~cant proposes'to stand each tax1cab. (t) It tie applicant desires a tax1cab stand upon a pub11c h1ghway or .treet with1n the C1ty ot Anaheim, he shall so state 1n h1s applioation, and shall set forth the names and respec- tlve addresses ot all lessees, sublessees and owners 1n actual or construct"lve posse$sion or the ground floor or any building or parcel or real pro~erty cont1guous to that portion or highway or street where suoh 1ax1oab stand 1s proposed to be loeated; t~e applicant shall a1.0 accompany sald app11cation with the wr1tten consent of all of $aid lessees, sublessees and owners of sa1d building or parcel .ot real property to the location ot such taxicab at the proposed lo~at1on. The signatures of such .lessees, sub- , lessees and owners ~8hall be acknowledged before a dull commissioned 10 I 11 I I 121 I 131 14 15 1.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ,Rotary Publio. . 30 (g) The .ppl1cant shall furnish such additional 1ntor- as the City;Councl1 may require. (h) It tije City Council requ1res, the applicant or 31 II aatlon 32 I! ;1 II Ii FRIIS Iil' SCHUTZ 'I -..m ... LAw I 40.... .. .. AlBa ... I -~u:-IA I 2 i-... FillS Iir SCHUTZ .......ns iff LA. 4Dz.... ... .. AIIIIltA ILlIG. I ...n. CALI....fA I -- II 1 applicants shall a~pear personall1 before the City Council, it he, ahe or,they be lnd~.ldual8, and the officers ot such .app11c8Dt shall 80 appear pe~8onal~y 1t the applicant be a corporation. SECTION 4~ Upon receipt ot any such application referred to in Section 3 he~eot, ~he City Council shall make investigat1on, and may thereafter igrant the same it it shall rind: (a) That :~he bond or pollcy of insurance here1natter re- 2 3 41 5 6 7 8 qulred has been tu~nlshed, and that the same is 1n the torm re- 9 qulred, and that ttie s~e~y thereon 1s approved by the City COURQ11 10 and 11 12 (b) That ieach taxicab described there1n 1s adequate and eate for the purpo.. for wh1ch it 1s to be used, and is equ1pped as herein requlred;j and (c) That ;the applicant is ot good moral character, has complied with all ~he terms and conditions of this ord1nance and 1s competent to op~rate a taxicab buslne8s; and (d) That ;the public convenienee or necessity require the operation of such ~axlcab or taxicabs within the City of Anaheim; and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (e) That !the name, monogram or insignia to .be used upon luch tax1cab or ta~lcabs 1s not in conflict w1th and does not 1*1- tate any other nsm., monogram or insign1a use~ by any oth~r person, firm or corporat1on heretofore l1censed by sald City Council, 1ft such manner as to ~e .lslead1ng or tend to deee1ve or defraud the public; and (r) In c*se of an app11cation for a tax1cab stand, that the location of sa1d stand is such that it will not congest or interfere with tratel on any publ1~ highway or street, and 18 not prohibited by any qrdlnance of the City ot Anah~l.. (g) That the schedule of rates of fare proposed to be charged are fair a~d reasonable. The grant~Rg ot said permit shall const1tute the approval of the City Councl~, of the proposed schedule ot rates. 3 fillS Iir SCHUTZ ....05 AT LA" 41Z". ... .. ._au ILDIi. .-an, CALI......IA ~ 345fi 1 2 .SECTION 5~ The C1ty Council shall des1gDate 1n any "perBlt &ranted by 1t the ~xact locat1on ot the tax1cab stand; such permit shall also spec1fy :the exact number of teet and location ot any parking or stand s~aoe reserved tor sueh taxicab stand, walen re- aerved space may be at any t1me oh~ged, "diminished or increased by the City Councl~. Every taxicab stand as designated by the City Council shall ;be indicated by ~ paint or other. .~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 j material upon the entire curb surface thereof, ~ with the words .Ta~1cab8 Only. in 'letters there- 10 11 i)n. 8E9!IOI 6. It shall be unlawful tor the owner or driver 12 of any taxicab to park or stand the same upon any public hlgb,lIal 13 I or street 10 the C1ty ot Anaheim, other than at a tax1cab stand 14 tor wh1ch ~cb own~r has a permit, ~or any period ot time longer 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 than 18 necessa~ .0 discharge passengers occup11Dg said taxicab; or receive paseeng_rs then waiting for such taxicab; prov1ded further, that a t~1cab 8hall in no case 'be parked tor a per10d longer than tiTe m~.utes on any pub11c highway or street wlth1n the City ot Anahell, except 1n a tax1cab stand' tor wh1ch such owner has a permit. SECTION 7.. Any taxicab stand that 1s granted to 8117 person, firm or co~oratlon, may be used Jointly by any two or more persons, firms or 4orporatlons holding permits un4er ~his oP4lsanae, I by the mutual consent of said persons, ~1rm8 or corporations, which 8a1d oonsent must _. first reduced to writing, properly signed, and t1led with the .City Clerk of the C1ty ot Anaheim. SECTION e. No taxicab stand shall.be changed without obta1ning a permit .trom the City Oouncil'after app11cat1on as pro- Tided in Section 3iand 4 hereof. SICTIOR 9~ Every person, f1rm or corporat1on operat1ng a tax1cab or taxlc4bs within the City of Anaheim shall obtain a business l1cense t~eretor and P&y, to the C1ty ot AnaQelm the bus1- ness license tee p~ovlded for by ordinance or ord1nances of the Clt 30 31 32 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ I 31 41 I 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 ot Anahe1m. Such puslness license shall be issued in the same manner prov1ded by~ordlnance ot the City of Anaheim tor the 1ssuance of other ~u81ness licenses, but shall not be issued for the use of suoh ta,lcab or taxicabs until a permit for the use ot such taxicab or ta~1cabs has been obtained as provided in this ordinance. SEa~ION ~O. It shall be unlawrul for any person to oper- ate or drive any t~xicab within the C1ty of Anahe1m unless such person: 12 (a) Is ~ver the age of 21 years; (b) Is ~r good moral character;. (e) Can~speak the Engl1sh language sUfficiently to deal 13 w1th passengers; Cd) Pos$esses a Chauffeur's l1cense issued by the Depart ment of Motor Vehl~leB of the State of California; SECTION ~l. It shall be ualavtul for any owner ot any taxicab to permit any person to drive or operate a taxicab within the City of Anahal. who has not the qualifioations prescribed by Section 10 hereof. SECTION ~2. A permit tee shall be required tor every person, firm or co~orat1on requesting a permit under this ordi- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 !lance. Such permit fee shall be in addition to any bus1ness 11- cense which permitUee shall be required to pay under the provl~lon8 . of Section 9 hereo~. Such permit fee shall be Five Dollars (15.00) where no taxicab' s~.and perm1 t 1s requested. Where a permit tor a taxicab stand or s14,ands is requested, an additional sum ot F1ve . Dollars (t5.00) w1~1 be required for each such stand. In the event that an appllcatloq 1s denied, the permit fee posted with 8ucb app11cation shall Qe refunded to the applicant, after first de- duoting thererrom ~1 costs sustained by the City Council in in- vest1gating and ac~lng upon such application. BEeTlO.~. No license or permit, granted by the City Council pursuant tOj the provisions of this Ordinance, may be trans- flUS &r SCHUTZ ....IS.LA. f'erred to another. 4U-..... .. ...u allG, ....., CIIU"'IA ___II! 3456 5 t. 1 IEC!ION 14 Should an owner of a tax1cab des1re to change 2 h1s schedule of rat,s, he shall make written application to the 3 C1ty Council so to ~o. Upo~ receiving such application the City I 4 ICounC11 shall oonduft a publio hearing u~on such application, and 5 j shall give the appl-,cant at least lO days written notice of the I 6 time and place of s,ch hearing. Upon such hearing the City Council 7 shall determine whe~her such rates shall be ohanged, and shall 8 bave the right to d.ny such application, or may make .such change 9 as 1t determines th_ facts warrant. Tbe decision ot the City I 10 I Council upon such hearing shall be tinal and conclusive. 11 I SECTION 15. It shall be unlawfUl tor.any owner or driyer 12 I of any taxioab w1thln the C1ty ot Anaheim to charge any rate dlt- 13 I terent from the sch~dule of rates on file and approved by the City 14 Council. 15 SECfION 16~ It shall be unlawtul tor any owner or driver 16 of a tax1cab to dr1;e or operate a taxicab with1n the C1ty ot 17 Anaheim, and no per_it for the operat1on thereof shall be granted, 18 \lnless there 1s on tile with the City Clerk or Anaheim and 1& full I 19 Iforce and etfect at all times while such taxicab is being operated, 20 I either: 21 1 I 22 IC1t1 Council, with a solvent and responsible surety Co.paDJ author- 23 lized to do bus1ness in the State of Ca11forn1aas surety 1n the 24 I sum of r1tteen Tho~and Dollars (115,000.00), conditioned that 8a14 I . 25 \ oWner will pay all loss or damage that may result to persons (1n- 26 I eluding passengers .1n said taxicab) or property from the negligent 27 !operation or defec~ive oonstruction of such tax1cab, or trom the 28 IViolation of the pr.ovlsions of this ordinance or of any other o~d1- 29 I Dance of the City df Anaheim, or of any law of the State of Oa11- 3olfornla. Recovery Qn said bond shall be limited to Flve.Tbbuland 31 II Dollars (.5,000.00): for the injury or death of one person, and to 32 ! !!fen Thousand Dol1~s (810,000.00) tor the injury or death of two I, ii H I: FlUS &, SCHUTZ II' 6r__ IIr LA.. 4"'" ... . .....ICA allli. "'". cauMIIA II _366 II (a) A boQd of the owner of sl10h taxlcab, approved by the ~~ 1 or more persons in I the same $oooident, $l1d to Five Thousand nollars 2 (15,000.00) tor inj~y or destruction of property- Sueh bond shall 3 run to the City of !Anaheim, and sball inure by its terms to the 4 benefit ot any and~all persons Buffering loss or damage covered 5 thereby, and shall!provide that suit may be brought thereon'1n any 6 court ot competent :jur1sdiction by any such person. Said bond shal 7 provide that there : shall be a continuing liability th.reon, not- a withstanding any r~covery thereon. It at any time in the Judgment 9 I ot the Clty Councl~, said bond 1s not auttlc1ent tor any reason, 10 the C1ty Councll m4Y require such owner to replace sald bond w1th ! 11 I another bond or w11h a policy of 1nsurance as hereinafter provided, 12 satisfactory to the City Council, and in default thereof,. may re- 13 I yoke such owner's ~erm1ts and license: or 14 ~b) A po~lcy or insurance, approv$d by the City Council, 15 in a solvent and r~.pons1b18 eompany authorized to do business in 16 the State of Calit~rnla, insuring the owner of such taxicab against 17 loss by reason ~ ~Djury or damage that may result to persons (in- 18 eluding passengers in said taxioab) or property from the negligent 19 I operation ~r defec11ve construction of such taxicab, or from 20 I Yiolation of this ordinance or any other ord1nance of the City of 21 I Anaheim or of any law of the State of Californ1a. Said policy ! 22 I aay be limited to rive Thousand Dollars ('5,000.00) tor the 1nJury 23 lor death it one pe~son, and Ten" Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) tor 24 I the injury or deat~ of two or more persons in the same aocident, an 25 to Five Thousand D~llars (15,000.00) tor injury or de8~ruotlon of 26 property. Baid po11cy of.1nsurance shall guarantee the payaent to 27 I any and all such p_rsons suttering injury or damage to person or 28 29 property, 'and to t~ose entitled to. recover for the death ot any such person, of anf final judgment rendered aga1Dst. such owner, 30 within the limits $bove mentioned, irrespective of the financial 31 condition or any a.tions or ~issions of suoh owner, and shall 32 , inure to the benefit of such persons and those entitled to recover fillS.. SCHUTZ An_ Iff LAw c...... 181 .. AlBltA aM. .....n. I:IWMIIA rur- 3456 7 10 1 tor the death or &qy such person. If, at any t1me, such policy 2 of insurance shall ibe.oancelled by the company issuing the same 3 or the authority o~ such oompany to do business in the State ot 4 California shall b~ revoked, or in the judgment of tbe City Council 5 said company is 1n~olvent, the City Council shall require said 6, owner to replace sqch policy with another policy or bond as above 7 prov1ded, sat1stac~ory to the City Council, and 1n default thereot 8 .ay revoke such owqer's permit and license. 9 SECTION 17. It soall be unlawful tQr any owner to drlTe, or to caus'e to be 4rlven or operated any taxicab within the City or Anaheim, while ~he same or any of the equ1pment used thereon or therewith shall be in a defective, unsafe or unsan1tary conditio. Ivery taxioab shall at all times be subject to the inspection or any police ~tricer or health 1nspector of the City of Anaheim. SEC!ION 1$. . It shall be unlawtul for any person to drive 11 I 121 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 or operate any tax~cab, or to cause any person to drive or operate any tax1oab, with1. the City of Anaheim, for more than twelve (12) . consecutive hours, or tor more than twelve hours spread over a total of sl%t~en (+6) consecutive hours, or to operate or drive any taxicab within tbe City ot Anaheim after having been on duty, e1the operating or dr1v1,g a taxicab, or in any office or garage ot the holder ot any taxl~ab .permit hereunder, or at-any tax1cab stand, or any combination of such acts, for more than twelve (12) conse- 20 21 22 23 24 !cutive hours sprea. over a total of sixteen (16) consecutive hours. 25 I No person shall drlve or operate any taxicab, or cause any person 26 I to drive or operate any taxicab wi~hin the City of Anaheia unless I 27 i I such driver has haJ at least eight (8) conseoutive hours rest, 28 I while not on duty, within the last preceeding twenty-four (24) i 29 1 I hours, during which eight (8) consecut1ve hours he shall haTe per- 30 I j formed no acts or duties in connection with such taxicab bus1ness. 31 II SECTION 19. It shall be unlawful for the holder of any 32 II taxloab permit, ls_ued pursuant to the provis1ons of this ordinance, ;i I; ~ I fl~~..=.. ~~~TZ Ii .IZ." ... . ....1:1 alii. I -'111. CAU...... T..-.3456 I I II 8 1 to cause or permit lany person to violate any ot the prov1sions ot 2 Section 18 bereof. . 3 SEC!IOI 2q. Every taxicab shall. have pa1nted or aftixed . 4 upon the exterior part of a door on each side ot the same, the 5 name of the owner qr the t1ct1tlous name under which the owner 6 operate s, together !w1 th the telephone number o.t said owner, 1n 7 distinct letters ndt less than two and one-halt (2t> inches in 8 height and not les~ than five-sixteenths (5/16ths) ot an inch 9 I stroke. 10 I SEC~ION 2]. The driver or a taxicab shall carry passenger 11 i by the most dlreet jroute poss1ble that will oarry such passengers 12 .are~y and expedlt~usly to the1r destination. 13 I SECTION 2~. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or . 14 corporation to oh~e its name, monogram, or 1nslsnla without first 15 aaklng application .to the City Councll tor a new taxicab permit and 16 the granting of suQb permit as in this ordln~ce provided. 17 SECTION 23. It shall be unlawful tor any personto refuse 18 to pay the legal f~e of any tax1c,b l1censed under this ord1nance, 19 atte~ having hired the same, and any person who shall hire any 20 tax1cab so licensed with the intent to defraud the pe~~on trom 21 I whom it 1s hired 8~11 be punlihable as provldedQr Sect10n 32 i 22lhereor. 23 I SECTION 2~. In the event that any holder or a perm1t 24 issued pursuant to ~the prov1s1ons of this ordinance, should desire. 25 '0 replace any tax~cab, tor wh1ch he has a permit, by another tax1- 26 cab, he shall apply to tbe City Council tor permit so to do. Such 27 applicat10n shall Qe accompanied by all pertinent information and 28 data requ1red to be~ furnished by Section 3 hereof, and shall be 29 accompanied by a b~d or polloy of 1nsurance of the type required I 30 IbY Section 16 hereof. In the event that the City Council finds 31 jithat such taxicab ~fllls the requirements set forth in this ordi- 3211. . tnance it shall gra~t a permit, per.~ttlng suoh replacement. The /! . ,ifindings and dec1B~n ot the City Counc1l upon such application PillS Iir SCHUTZ 11\ Jlnaam AT Lay tH.... __ .. AIIIIWlILDli. ~n. CALI"""." II -- I 9 10 1 .hall be f1nal. 2 SECtION 2~. No holder of a permit 1ssued pursuant to the provisions of th1s ~ord1nanceJ shall operate any taxicabs in add1t1o to those speclf1ed:1n his permit without making " app11eat ion for a permit so to do anq without being granted such permit all as pro- vided in Sections ~ and 4 hereof. BIOTIO. 24. Any permit granted pursuant to the proY1s1ons of this ordinance ~ay be revoked.by the City Council tor violation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I of the provis1ons of this ordinance, or of any other ordinance of the C1ty of Anahei., or of any law ot the 'State of California, or 11 I tor the existence of any state of facts which would have been a goo i 12 13 14 15 16 17 reason for deny1ng:such perm1t when applied for, whether such state of facts existed a1 t~e t1me app11cation was made for such permit or not. No perm1t,shall" be revoked except in the follow1ng manner: (a) The ~1ty Counc1l shall f1x a t1me and place tor the hearing of the 1ss~e of the revocation or such permit. and shall 18 cause the City Cle~k to serve the permittee w1th not1ce ot such 19 I . time and place of .earlng~together with a statement of charge. 20 II which are the basi. tor such hearing, at least ten (10) days berore the time f1xed tor: such hear1ng. 21 I ' (b) The '1 ty Clerk lIay serve suoh notice and statement !' . . 22 i I upon-permittee per,onally or may serve the same upon permittee by 23 i I deliver1ng the sam. by Registered United States Mail, postage pre- 24 I , paid, to permittee, at the address given 1n his app11cation tor 25 i l permit. fillS.. SCltUTZ lIrTDlm at LIlY 412.... ... . AIIUItA ILl&. ~n. aw.......a Ta.~ MS6 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (e) Such;hear1ng shall be public and perm1ttee sball have the right to produ~e witnesses on his own behalf and to be repre- sented by an attor~ey. (d) The t1ndlngs and decision ot the C1ty Council upon such nearing shall; be t1nal and conclus1ve. SECTION 2'.. In the event that the perm1t of any person, firm or corporatlo_ has been revoked by the City COUDc1l, such per- I, Ii son, rirl1 or corporation shall not be granted a permit tor a period II 'I I, 10 1 of .1x months atte~ such revocation. 2 SECTION~. In the event that the tax1cab pe.r.l~ ot any 3 person has been re~ked by the City Council, such person shall not' 4 drive any tax1cab ~lth1n the C1ty of Anaheim tor a per1o~ ot six . I 5 aonths after .the r~vocat1on of such permit. 6 SECTION 2~. In the event that any persoD, firm, or cor- 7 porat1on holding a ~permlt to operate and maintain 'a taxicab I~and, 8 Ihould fail for a period of two consecutive weeks tO,use such taxl- 9 cab stand tor his taxioab or taxicabs, tne City Council may revoke 10 I such taxicab stand'permit, atter a hearing as ~rovlded in Seot1on 11 26 hereof. 12 SECTION 3q. No person, firm or corporation shall park any vehicle in any :tax1cab stand except a taxicab permitted 80 to 40 by perm1t. grant~d by the City Council. SECTION 3~. No person, firm or corporation shall paint any curb of any taxicab stand except an employee ot the .C1ty ot . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Anaheim duly autho~1zed so to do. The permittee ot such tax1cab etaad shall re1mbu#8e the City for such painting, as may be require. trom time to time, and failure to 'make such reimbursement shall be a ground for revok~ng such taxicab stand permit. SECTION 3'. Any person, firm or corporation violating i I 22 I any of the provisi~ns of .this ordinanoe shall be guilty of a mis- 23 I demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a 24 I fine of not more t~an Three Hundred Dollars <$300.00) or by im- 25 I I prisonment in eith.r the City or County Jail for a period of not 26 more than three mo,ths, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 27 28 29 SICTION 38. The City Clerk shall certify to the paasage ot this ordinanoe .nd shall oause the same to be printed and pub- lished once 1n the: Anahelm Bulletin, a daily newspaper ot general circulat1on, printed, published and ciroulated in said City, and th1rty (30) days from and' after 1ts final passage, it shall take 30 31 32 I effect and be in ro..11 torce. II ". r:~~~':lI s; ~~T z I", 4." .. .. ._leA aIL ....n. tALI.-.A I ~ a4S6 I I I 11 flUS Ii SCHUTZ arn.m ... LAw cu.. .. .. AIIDD IUIIi. .-an. wa.....IA Ta-.34S& 1 The toreg~1ng ord1nance was approved, s1gned and atteated 2 th1s, ll:tA... day of -1' ~npl1 , 1944. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ f ,.__..' /d~ I / ~ L .~A R.A.~! lI&Jor or t e 01 y ot Anahe1ll" . ATTEST: ./ .' ~ . -,. t .,8. ;,- the~~~elBl 10 '~ArE or C.ALIFORIlI-4- ) covin: or o_al . ) as. Q~!! OF _.IM ) '1, Charlef E. Griffith, City Clerk or the City ot Anaheim, 40 hereby certify 1hat the foregoing Ordinance was lntroduce~ at an adjourned regul~ meeting of the C~t1 Council of the City of Anaheim, held on tl$.e 28th day of Karoh , 1944, and that the same was passed an~ adopted at a regul~/~i~~~etf sald Clty COUDcil held Qn th~ ~ day ot'. .~orl~ lP44, by the tollow1.g . . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tote ot the member, thereot: . ,,' .l'IE8: COUNCI~: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Barnes, BODel, Sheridan. JOEl: COURCILMI_, HOlle ABSENT: COUlCILMI$s None An~ I tur~her certity that the Kayor .~~~the 01t1 ot ARab. ~. signed and approve' said Ord1nance on the 4a.... dai- or .A.DP1.1 1944. II WITHE_ WHEREOr I have hereunto set.., hand and aff1x. the seal of said C'~ ty of Anaheim th1s ...!I:SA. dB1 ~r .lDrl1 ,.194. (SEAL) , . / _ ...,/ __ _ -" .. . 4: ,'. .. - It - i"k ot the .. . .... o~~e1a 29 I I I 30 / 31 I I I I 32 ! ,j ii 11 il I' It Ii I I