675 ~ . -. . - - - -.. - - .. -- --- ----....... -.... -.........---... ---....-...... ......-...----. -..---.. I OBDDA.Kma .0. .. . AN' ORDtNANC:Br '011'- Tma"~ITY 01' ANAHEIK J'ORBmDING' roR. I TUNE TELLING 'AND 8IMILIAR BUSINESSES. I T~E'CITY bOUN-aL..OP. '1'HlD CITX : OF ANABEnl DOES ORDAIN AI FOLLOWS: . '. Section 1. It I.. unlawful In tb. Olty of Anaheim 'for aDY P.i"IIou. firm or obrpo~atlon to. carry on. . practic. . or protes. to practice th. business or art elf utrolol7, palm- Istry, .phi-enolo..,.! lff...readln'g, t~r- tune telling. "Ca,rtODl&DCY, clairvoy- ance, oIa.lraudl.DlCe,. crystal . Kazln~ hypnotism, medlum.hlp, spirit pho- ! tograp\1y. . spirit wr1tlug, spirl' ; V'Oices, spirit matei-laUsation, ethe- . realization. prophecy,," a~..ury, 41vl- : nattoD, D'WIClc, ntpcromacy, or. otheJl ,similar buslne.. fir art, and to de- ; mand' or receive directly or Indl.. . reotly a fee, gift, donatlOZl . or r.... ward for the exercise .or exhlbltl'04 of his; her or its art therein. Section I. 'It t. unlawful In th. - City of. Anaheim tor. any person. : firm or corporatk1ri to give' an ex- , hi bi tlo.n . of astrology,'. palmistry, phrenology, life-reading, tortune telling, cartomaDcy, . clairvoyance. clair-audience, crystal gazli1.g~ ,.hyp- noUsm, m~4lumshlp, spirit photog- ,raphy, spIrit writing. spirit vol,ce.. I spirit materialization, pJ'lO'phecy, I augury, 'dlvlnatlon, magic, necrom- I' ancy, or other slmlll[ll' business or art. at any place where an admla- ! sion fee, gift. donation OP reward i. ~ oha-rged, asked or received, directly ; or indirectly. . j Section 3. It III unlawful In the' I City of Anaheim for any person, I firm. or cO'rp.oratlon t;q ..teach or give instruotlon in astrology, palmistry, phrenology. life-reading, fortune I telling, 'cartorilanocy, ctalrvoyanoe, I clair-audience, crystal gazlng, hyp- notism, medlumship, s:pirlt photog- raphy. spirit writing. spirit voices, spirit materiaUzatlon; ethereaHza- I tion. prophecy, augury, dlvi~atl.on. r maglo. necl'O'man'Cy. or other similar , business or art ..nld to dema.nd. aak. or receive, directly or indirectly, & gift, fee. donation or teward for Euch teaching or instruction. Section 4. Any person, firm 01' corporation violating, an)' df the provisions of this Ordinanoe 1. guilty of a' misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall' be punish- able by a fine of not more tha.n Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) C1r by Imprisonment in the City ot" . County Jail for a term not exceed- ; Ing Three (3) months. or by both ! such fine and Imprisonment... : Section. 5. Subsection 41 . See- : tlon 10 of Ordinance No. 60I~~Of the City C1f Anaheim, as lit of ore ; amended, i. herp-by repeal"" ' . . Seotloll 6. If any paragr ',sec- . tl~. se.ntence. clause or "'e ~f thiS Ordinance for any ~ IS held to be un'~onstitutlonalii'~ *.1 in- valid. li$u'Cl~ shall not affect . '.M't'e_ maining portions of this Or.. '.' n\:9 and the City Council 'hereby' dE'- olares that it would have passed each para~-ra'ph, Rf'ction. aentenee, clanse and phrase there-O'f irrespt~c- tive ot the fact that anyone (Ir more than one paragraph, se'cUnn, sentence, eo]ause or phrase be de- clared unconl:~titutional or Invalid. Section i. The City Clerk shall certify to the passal{e 01.' this Orl1i- nan-ce a.nd shall cause the aame to be p.rlnted and pubUshed once in the Ananeim Bulletin,' a dally neWR- paper :of general. circulatlO'n, print- ed, pubUs~&d. and circulated in said City, and thirty (30) ".days from and after Its tinal passa~e. It shall take effect anti be in full force. The foregoing o.rdlnan-c8 was ap- prpved, signed an.d' attested this 10th day of April. 194.4. · J.JEO J. SHERIDAN, Ma)"Or of the City of Anaheim, . . Pro-tern.- Attest: . CHARLES E.'GRIFFITH, City ..Clerk of the City of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )S8. CITY OF' ANAHEIM ) I, Charles E. .Grlt(fth, City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim, do, h,erebY' certify that the' fO'regolng. Ordl- na..ce "W&8. lntroduc~ at a regular meet;lng of the ~Ity ..Council. of the City 'of 'Anaheim. held on the 4th day of April, 1944,' and that the same was passed and, adopted at a. regular." adjourned meeting of said City Counocll held o.n the 10th day I' of April, :J. 944, by 'the' follOWing vote 'o.f the' members -thereof. . AYES: Councilmen. Van Wagoner, BaTnes. ;Boney. 'Sheridan. . . NOES: Councilmen. NODe.. ABSENT: Counol1man Pearson. And. I further certify that the Mayor ~G'otem ot the,"Clty of Ana.. ; helm' signed and. approved Bald Or- ; dinance on the 10th 'day.. of April, : 1944.' . IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal . of said City of Anaheim this' 10th' day o.t Aprlt, 1'44. . (SE~~ .'___ __ _ __ _--=--_ AFFIDA VlT'OF PUBUCATION STATE Oll"'" CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) Richard F1schle -. - -.. -.... - - - - - - -.. --- -.. -..... -- --. - ..----- ..-.......-.-............ ..... - - ~-- - ...... ----.- ---............. -...........--...- of said county, being first- duiy: I!Iworn says-that he ia a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the' age of eighte en years; th~t he has no in- terest in: nor i~ be a party to the."~att~r hef~in mentioned; that he ]s the . . Pri:1Clpal clark .--.--- ...... --00--. ....... .___00....... '''un. ...........M .... ___. ......_ _ _... .___. _..n_...___.._..... of the .- -~D_~r~_~.~_ ~~f. - --~.~.1_l.~.~.~rt __...._. _.._._. ....m__ ............u..mm_..._...m_ a.---~~;~JJ~.:L_..._. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said A . · --""1 +- 1 . - -'" .D:~':" !."~- ~ -~. ~P. ...~. ~_: ~_:::.~_~..mIt .. _____.. m... ..mmnnm__..m..M..MM.M.....M..M.... is a newspaper of general cir culation with a lfst of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination ot both local and g-eueral news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or publlshed for the Emtf>l'tainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereot. that it ha~ bE-en printed and published In the City of Ana~ heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ... Q_r~}~. r ~.Q!~. ~- Q.~. - j:~.o.!......g_7;?n. ........_. -n..M...........M...mMM....MMMn.MM...u. of which thf' annexed is a printed copy, was published in sa Id new spaper at least_....n..... ....Q.n~...--~J?_gJJ.~_..__.........nM____._ c.~ommE'nl..'lng on the--l3th.._day of .-..-Apri~...._......_...M..M 1!ft.4.., nnd ending on the....M....m._..day of _..___............................ 193. . .-_. and that s,ald _n..___...____. ..-...--HQ.~J..gJL.......m.m.M_..mMU._ was published on the following daJrs: A....;r. 11 ....L .,~__~.....~. 9.4.4 .............-----.......-.n.....................n....__.....M. .,.. ~1:.,~.:',~~,~':::::~:=:~;;~;;.~:.~ Sul:'lRel"ib('d and sworn to before me thisL~ay of ~"T'"",f)",,,hul~f,,~y .'u t-~",u.(J'N~-..-- ~.( ~'f:" ,.'i:: .).~::1;.:: .. - _. -. . . . -. . - . -.. -oo - - - __..._ - ___ .___......_oo - ___. .___...oo ..__ ...._.._._...._..._.___......_._._... _...._. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OlJl ANAHEIM FORBIDDING FOR- TUNE TELLING AND SIMILIAR BUSINESSES. - THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AI FOLLOWS: Section 1. It ts unlawful tn th. Oity of Anaheim tor any person, firm or oorporatlon to carryon. practice or profess to practice the business or art at. astrology, palm- istry, phrenology, life-reading, for- tune telling, cartomancy, clairvoy- ance, olalraudlenlCe,. crystal . gazing. hyp.notlsm. medlumshlp, spirit pho- tography. spirit wrttlng, splrlt V'Oices, spirit materialization, ethe- realization, prophecy, augury, divi- nation, ID&gfC, nt'fcromacy, or othep ,similar business fir art, and to de- mand . or receive directly or Indl.. reotly a fee. gift, donatlo.n or re... ward for the exercise or exhlbltfooa of his, her or its art therein. Section 2. It ts unla wtul fn th. City of Anaheim fot' any person. . firm or corporaUC1J1 to give an ex- ,. hlbitio.n of astrology,' palmistry, phrenology, Ufe-reading, tortune telling, cartomancy, clairvoyance. I clair-audience, crystal gazlQg,. hyp- i notism, medlumshlp, spirit photog- I raphy, spirit writing. 8plrlt voice.. ! spirit materialization, p!"tC1Phecy, I' augury, dlvlnatfon, magic, necrom- i ancy, or other slmll~r business or ! art. at any place where an admls.. ; sion fE!le, gift. donation OP reward Is : oharged, asked or received, directly or Indirectly. . i Section 3. It ts unlawful tn the' I City of Anaheim, for any person, I firm or CO'l"ppration to teach or give lnstruotlon in astrology, palmistry, phrenology, life-reading, fortune I tell i'ng, : cartomancy, cI.a.lrvoyanoe, I clair-audience, crystal gazing, hyp.. notlsm, medlumshlp, spirit photog.. raphy. spirit writing, spirit voices, spirit materlaUzation, ethereallza- I tion, ,prophecy, augury, dlvll)atl.on, I maglo. necl'O'IIlanrcy, or other similar . busin.esB or art &nd to dema.nd, ask, or receive, directly or Indirectly, & gift, fee, donation or reward for Euch teaching or Instructfoon. Section 4. Any person, firm 01" corporation violating, any elf the provisions of this Ordlnanoe is guilty of &' misdemeanor. and upon : conviction thereot shall' be punish- able by a fine of not more tha,tl . Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or- by Imprisonment in the City ot'" County Jail for a term not exceed- Ing Three (3) months, or by botb such fine a.nd imprjsonment..~ Section. 5. Subsection 41 fJ See.. tlon 10 of Ordinance No. 10 O,1€o f the City rtf Anaheim. as " of ore amended, i. herp-by repeal" '. . . Seotloll 6. If any parag, II sec- tlO'ft. sentence, clause or e or this Ordinance for any is held to be un.constitUtlOnalll';' ".' in- valid, SUlCI: shall not affect .:.')'e- main1.ng portions of this Or n c.:e and the City Council 'hereby'" d('- c.lares that it would have passed each para~ra'ph, section, sentenee, clause and phrase therE!l-O'l irrespE:.!c- tive of the fad that anyone or more than o'ne paragraph, secti 0.11 , sentence, olauRe or phrase be de- clared uncom;titutional or Invali'd. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Orrli- nan'ce s.nd shall cause the same to be 'P.rlnted and pubUshed once in the Ananeim Bulletin,' a dafty neWR- paper: of general circu1.atlO'n~. print- ed., publlshed and clr.cillated .in .sald City, and thirty . (30)'~.da'Y' from and after Its final p&Ssa_e, It sh&ll take effect ant be In' fuU' force. " The toreg()lng' Ordlna.nce waa ap- prpved, signed an.d' attested this 10th day of Aprll. 1'44.. · J~mo J. SHERIDAN, JlaJ'C)r of the City of Anaheim, . . Pro-tern.- Attest: , ' CHARLES E. GRTFTITRi' CitY,.Clerk of the City of Ana~ehll -. STATI:, OF CALIFOllNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )218. CITY, OF ANAHmIM ) . I, Charles E. .Grlf'th, City Clerk of the City ot Ana'helm. do- h,ereby certify that the" f.egolng .Ordl- na.ce:w8.8. l,ntrOduc8lJl at a regular meet;I..... of the ~Ity ',Council.. 01. the City ,of 'Anaheim, hlld on the 4th day .of ,April, 1944,', and' ~hat the same. was 'Passed and. adopted at a. regul.J>: edjourned ,.nteetlng of said City COllDocll held ~ the. 10th da.y t of ~pj'Jl, 1,944, by 'the' follOWing vote 'of the' qembers thereof. . AYES: Counc.lmen. Van Wagoner, Barnes. Boney. 'Sheriftan. . . NOBB: CouncfTmen. NODe.. ABSENT.: C.ounollman PearsoD. .And. I. further cel'tJfy that the 'Mayor PlV-tem of the"Clty of Ana.. ; helm' signed and. appro'Ye4 Bald Or- : dlna.nce on th.e 10th'. 'day,: of April, :194~ .' . . . . IN 'WITNESS WH1!]REQF l h.ve hereunto set my haild aile! atfb:ed the Beal' of said City of. Anaheim this' 10th. day 01 April, If44. . (SEALl" '.. . , .' CHAltLES ;HJ, GRIFFITH. I City Clerk' of th'e City of ,Anaheim Pub. ~prl1 .13, 1944. . ! T AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ST ATE o Ii' CALIFOHNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) R1~hard F1Echle . .. - - -.... - - - . - -oo.....oo.... - - - - ___oo ______._..._ _.___.....__............_ ______.._____ - - ___....___.._...__.......__.__........._........._ of said county, being first. duly sworn, says-that he is a malE' citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no In- ter{'~t in, nor i:8 he a party to the. matter herein mentioned. that 11e is the '" Pr:..'ioloal clerk ....... .. ....... 'n__.. .~... ......--- _.. .._ __n.. ........... . ........ ._, _. u__ ..... _.. ...__ ._....._..... of th.a ., AD.~:~1~.~ .~.;:~. n~.gJ.1.~~.~.~!.l_ ....._.m__.., a..._~.~~~.~J.J,~..~~_.. "" newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said .. . ~}~?:~ ].'~. ~.~. ~!l. .. ;?~J_~~;.~ -~J~_D:_ _ __ .m.... .... _m..... ..........___....._............_... i8 a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid ~ub~cribpl's, and is published for tile dissemination ot botb local and g-ellel'al news and I ntelligence of a general char- aeier; that it i~ not devoted to the interests or published for the entf.'J'tailll11ent of a parti cular class, profession, tra.de, calling', r'a(~e or denomination, or of any number thereot. that it ha~ b~en printed and publishe-d in the City of Ana~ heim, County of Or,ange. State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day ot the publication hel'eto attaC'hed; that the '.- QJ~ ~~.1. :. ~.Q!~_~.'~ .~....Lf.)..!.__...g.7~._....u...._.........___..........._........___......._ of which thf' annexed is a printed copy, was published In sa id ne\..' spappr at lE'ast.........m....Q_n~m..1..~.Q.y.~................._.__... commt"n('ing on the__l3.th...day of ....-Apr_il......._..._......... 1!ft.4._, a.nd ending on them...___.....__day of .__..___..._.._____.............. 193.. ...., an d that said __.............. ..--..J~QJ~J.Q.~_........h.................,... was published on the following dal"s: ...~2,~~ 11 ..L <J,.~__...1 ~.1~...,.......... .....h......m..........__......................_ ;' ..... ..r-- ;j;;;.~;~~:~:.:==:~;;~~2:~~~ SU}:\Rc.:I'i~~'d and sworn to before me thisL(~aY ot - ~.T-h..nf).n......l~I..1t.Y ..-.-f~..h-t.J.N~.-.- Ad) ~.l.;~~;Ji-!;::.::' ':'~,:". . _ . . ,j 1 ORDIIARCE NO. .212- AN ORDINANCE pF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FORBIDDING rOR'fUIlE' T~LIHG AND SIMILAR BUSINESSES. 2 3 I 41 'tHE CITY COUNCIL oF1 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: i 5 . Section 1.. It 1s unlawful 1n the City or Anaheim tor any 6 person, firm or co~poratlon to carryon, practice or prates"s to 7 practice the busin~ss or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, 8 life-reading, fort~e tel11ng, cartomancy, cla1rvoyance,. cla1r- 9 aud1ence, crystal gazing, hypnotism, med1umsh1p, spirit photography 10 8p1r1t writing, sp~rlt voices, spirit materialization, etherea11za- 11 tlon, prophecy, augury, divination, magic, necromancy, or other 12 slm11ar bus1ness or art, and to demand or receive directly or 1nd1- 13 rectly a fee, g1ft, donation or reward for the exerc1se or exh1b1- 14 tlon of his, her o~ its art therein. 15 Section 2~ It 1s unlawful in the City of Anaheim tor any 16 person, firm or corporation to give an exhibition tor astrology, 17 palmistry, phrenol~gy, l1fe-reading, fortune telling, cartomancy, 18 clairvoyance, clair-audience, crystal gazing, hypnotism, mediumsh1p I 19 I spirit photography;, spirit writing, spirit voices, spirit materiali 20 I zation, prophecy, augury, divination, magic, neeromancy,or other 21 I similar business or art, at any place where an admission fee, gift, I ' 22 I donation or reward is charged, asked or rec,e1ved, directly or 1ndl- FRIIS it SCHUTZ An...... '" LAw ......... ... . ....a IloIG. AIIAIIBR, CAU~1l T..- 3456 23 24 25 26 ectly- Section~. It is unlawtul in the City or Anahe1m for any person, firm or c~rporat1on to teach or give instruction 1n astrol- oglJ palmistry, p~enology, life-reading, fortune tell1ng, car- 27 I tomancy, clalrvoy~oeJ clair-audience, crystal gazing, hypnotism, I 28 mediumshlp, spirit photography, spirit writing, spirit vo1o~s, 29 30 sp1rit mater1al1z_t1on, ethereal~zat1on, prophecy I augury, divi- nation, magic, neoromancy, or other similar business or art and to demand, ask, or r~eeiTe, d1ractly,or indirectly, a gift, fee, 31 32 . donation or rewar4 tor such teaching or instruction. fIllS It SCHUTZ " .... /If lAw I ..... .. . _leA ILIIi. I ....... tAU..... i . Tt!u!r-. 3456 I 1 Section 4~ Any person, f1rm or corporation violat1ng any 2 of the provisions df this Ordinance 18 guilty of a misdemeanor, 3 and upon conviction thereof shall be pun1shable by a tine of not I 4 I more than Three Hu~dred Dollars (8300.00) or by imprisonment in 5 i the City or County ,Jail for a term not exceeding Three (3) months, 6 or by bot"h such f1q.e and 1mprisonment. 7 Section 5~ Subsection 41 of Section 10 of Ordinance No. 8 60? .of the City of 1 Anahe 1m, as heretofore amended, 1s hereby re- 9 pealed. 10 Section 6. If any paragraph, section, sentence, clause .or phrase of this Ordinance for any reason is held to be unconsti- tutional or invalId, such shall not atf'.ect the remaining portions of this Ordinance and the C1ty Counc1l hereby declares tbat it 111 121 13 I I 14 would hE.ve passed each paragraph, sect ion, sen tence ,. clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more than one paragraph, section, sentence, clause or phrase be declared unconstitutional 0' invalid. Section? The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance *nd shall cause the same to be pr1n~.d and pub- lished once in the Anaheim B~11et1n, a daily newspaper of general circulat1on, print*d, published and circulated in said City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it shall take etfect and be in r.ll force. The foreg.1ng Ordinance was approved, signed and attested 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I this l2!e day of 26 I I I 27 I I I :: i AT'l'ES!: '~~/~ "-. . ~~~ahelm , 1.944 . ADrl1 &//4~~-~ Mayor rrJ:I....ot the- e1ty ot ~nahe1m 30 31 32 2 1 STATE OF CALIfORNIA ~ cohn OF otWIGE ~ CIty OF ANAHIIM ~ 88. 2 3 I, Charles lB. Griffith, City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim, 4 do hereb1 oertify t~t the foregoing Ordinance was introduoed at an 5 adjourned session otjthe City Oounoil ot the City ot An8helm, held 8 on the 4th day ot Ap~11, 1944, and that the same was passed and adop - 7 ed at an adjourned m~etlng ot said CitY' Council held on the lOth day 8 ot April, 1944, by t~e .follow1ng vote of the members thereot. 9 10 AYIS: NOIS: COUNCILMEN: :Van Wagoner, Barnes, Boney, Sher1dan. COUNCILIIEN: iNone. 11 ABIENT: COURC:J:LKEN: !Pearson. 12 13 14 15 And I turt~r certify that the Mayor Pro-tam ot the City ot Anaheim s1gned and approved sald Ordinanoe on the lOth day of Apr1l, 19lf.11.. IN WITNESS !IHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and aff1xed the seal of said City ot Anaheim thls lOth day ot April, 1944. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (SEAL) ~~e1m "r ""t.",--- ........ .. --. .~...~ ..~. r............. _....-._ ...................~.:.~_.__ ........._." .-e...-,...-.-____.........__~;&.__".:.;",,_..~~..