678 AFFIDA VITOF' PUBUCATION STA TE O}i.... CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) .R1.g.h@rg....r.~.~_Q_~!~___.-...~.._......_...__._...___.~_..._.._..~...._._._._._ of said county, being fh:'st duly' sworn, says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of C~I- fornia over the age of eighte en y.ears; that he has no In- terest'ln, nor is he a party to the matter,herein mentioned: that he is the ,. . ..~~~.~~.!p~.!....-g1.~.~~...... --..m..m........._....__._..._...._.... of the Anaheim Bulletin .-.. ~ -..... ~................. ................. .............. . ...... ---........................-- -... ......... -.. ....... .........--................--............ au-dailY_....... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the sai(J Count)' of Orange that said ..An.ahe1.m. ...~.yl.l.e.!!.lDh. __. ...... ....................._...__..._..__..__.._..___ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid sub~cl'ibers, and is published tor the dissemination of both local and ~eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade. calJ1ng-, race or denomination. or. of a~y number thereof: that it ha:o:= been printed and publIshed In the City of Ana- hpim, County of Orange, State of California for more than onp. year next prpceding the first day of the publication hel'eto attached; that the -. - Q rd 1.na_nQ.~_.. J~.Q.p...n!?Z.~...m.. .n_..........._...__....................._..__ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in one issue Sll id n E"',," spaper at least............ .....nh.............n..._......__..._......._......_..._ C'ommencing on the...2.2nd... day of ......~.y.1..Y.__.n........_.n..... 1 ~.., and ending on the.......n.....nday of .n._...u._.........._........_ 1 !l:~ "'h' and that sa id ...-.......nN.Q.1!.1_Q.~m............__.......n..........._..,.. ''''as puhlished on the fOllowing days: ...Ju.ly_... .2-2.,.....1_944. _. - ...... __n........ ........-..n....m..un................__. . ....... ...... ---.. ...... -... ...... ..................... ...................................--........... .... ..-. -. _..U ....... n... n.................. '.".._n .......__..n._..~.:~~............_.. .-.-.... .'.-... ..~.. ... ..~:.......:::~~.. .._.~....... n.. .:.::.~::-:~~.~~!~..::~~:.~.._....._....... Rub~('l'ibed and ,:;worn to before me thls...~........day ot .. "'h;~:tf:.V. -h_h_._.........19~.t h. ......... .:.~?..f.f:~:~..::~::._....~~ot~~~~~ii.;;..:::.: ~LEGAL NOTICE- . . , .. -.; "'." .' "11"- an' . - - '. . :'II.... 1.... _ ' , t;it. ItO:tJ. p6t8... - .th. O~q'''~ .0.....71- ._' _"..l..:;~',~.. lout.l\_ INANCE OJ' TU C!T1' _ ~ ;__~J;- t1ie Nort.- mIX APPROV '18,'. .... '. ot uw. ilP;I'1'lON 01' CIliJ'.AIN' . ... .'.: "IW~" 'lRt~) fit ;:JOlUTlCD. UNlNHAJI .' _ ~. T~r.. (8), tll_.:. lib 1UtIT.oa~, KNOWN .AS f'C . af.. _'d: ...th liD, aIM! ~ actAL . fitRBET ANNE the .~it,. _mlt,.. to th. N ., .. :.\' ...t. OGJD.I' et .. Nortll- . ,. . . ~. w" QQ&I1IIit (lfW~). ot the i .; C!T!':COUN'dii, 01' Tn crtt NortMUt Wivtv ln~) of A.N.A'1IEIM: DOES ORDAIN AS tlM: ~u~W'..t .-rterb. (8W~) 'LLOWS. ot ..14 IectIOA. '1' ne el): TION i. The City COUQcll of th.~ ttol'tb &1011.. the ....t i 'CI~)" ot, Anaheim find.: That Un. ot aatc NCft'thwe.t.. gua.rte~ . eto~or. tbe City CouilcU of the ~~itk fl) ~t ~:J.l=:t::':t y. of Anaheim rtlceived a wrfttea I.vttl' (rwU) at, iatd SeotSon tltlO'l1 requesting that the unl". ~'"", .,. ,,, t'" f.- "blted terrltor.v cf.ael'lb~ fa' '8BC~ ,Tbre. (.8). aD4 a..oftC He c.., bfION I of this Ordinance be .n- llalta. II t..t to . polDt OD tb~ je.e4 to and in-cl.d witltin' 1&14 north Une .of COmftl.rel..llJtr.et, ;l::lty '" Anaheim. That, .a14 pet'.' tbenoe W~ &lo~.. aalel I\orth lion was slCUed by .the own~r. or Ita, ot. Co~mel"C!~ Street. ..11.4 "'Dot 'Ie.. than one-fourth ot the' saN llftl .~d.cI.:. to Aid we.t '! Id t it d Ilne fYt .North Lemon Str..t.: are~ of land In sa . err 01'1' an thence South aJoQI' laId .weat representing not Ie... .. than. one- Une ot North LeMOll Street to fourtb. of the ......ed value of Buoh the P!&oe of be 1""1121'. ("Clt,- terrl-tlory accordlnc to t~~ la.t froe- Ihnlt.- a. .Ulee! fD. the ,..tore.alel cedIQ.. '.equallzed u....m.nt rol ot 4..erlfttfolS I'.'er.- to the' City the Cdunty of Orang.. Stat. ot 11' Cl f .l_.", I C&1lfornl&. wherein s"ld territory I, n:-1t8 of th. tJ' 0 ft.AlWle iii. .ttuated. That said territory I. lln. Oallfomf&). mhabJte4 and is contllruOU8 to laid RCTION I. Tbat ImlDedlatel,. City ot Anaheim and d~.. Dot torm "~n thla Ordinance becomlnc et.. any part ot any municipal eorpora.- fecUve. the elt,' Clerk ot the CIt3l" tion. That pursuant' to the pro.. o.t ADahelm .,..11 m&ke. uIJ4er the vI.lema of a statute of the State at .M&1 of '1,104 Clbr. &114 trq.mlt to CeJltoml&. deSignated. and hereby the her.tar,. fYt State & certified "eterree4 to as .'Annexa"Uon ot Un- eop:v ot thl. Ordfn&l'1ce cfvb:tc the fDbablted Territory Act ot 1939'. date of It. P.......... "8&14: elty Coun.cU adopted It. RelO- SECTIOH 4. The City Clerk 0'1 lutlon No. 1-381 on JUne 20. 1944.. the eft,. ot AA&helm .11&11 certify 1.IVsel' Dotlce ot Iuch propoae4 ........ to the .,........ ot tilt. Ordln&DC8 . ne:xa.tkln.. &'11d desfenatine sa.ld tel'''! and C&1I.. the --.me to be published rl~tt_.. CbMME!tCIAL STREET In the Allahe1m BuUetfD, & d&ll,. ANNEXATIO:N' q,nd tlxlng the houl' D.W'.pa,.~ of ..ueN.I "fealatlon. ot eicht o'clock p.m. on JUly 11. prfnt~ publlabe4 aD4' Clr.Diilate4 In .1944. at the Council Chamber. ot the City et Allahefm. _4 thirty the City Hill ot .ald City o.f Ana- (10) day. trom &1'1d after' fts tlnaJ helm at 204 Ealt Ce.nter Street. Pusace it .hall take effect and be Anaheim, Ca.li~rDia. as the hour, 'in- full .fon:e. day ahd pla.ce tor heaTinc ot ob- The forel'Olftw ordl12a.Dctt f. aSCne4 JectlOD8 to .ald proposed annexa.- and approv-s by me,. thhi 18th dap ti-. That a copy ot s&ld resolu- ot JUly. 1844. tioD wa. pUblished In the Anaheim CUB.. 4.', PlU.RSON. Bul1etlD~ a newlpaper ot .eneral Jcrqor (If the Clt)" of AnaheinS clrcula.tlon once a week for two . Attest: '. Iu:ccelslve week. prior to Jul,. 11. CHA.ltLEs Je. GRII'J'ITH, l1U. That It hMrfng was held on City Clerk of the City of Ana.helm July 11. 194f. at elcht o'clock p.m. _ at .a14 Coun.cll Chambers ot 111.14 STATE 01' eALIJ'ORNIA ) City Hall of said City ot Anaheim COUNTY OF ORANG!: )... tor' the hearing ot Objection. CITY OF' 4NA.HEIX ) a.alnst saM prapoled annexation. I. Charles E. Gritflth. City Clerk That .t said hearil'e 1'10 owner ot of th. City ot Anaheim, do hereby &laid' territory, nor anYone elle certity that the toreCorna- Ordinance protested or 0 bjecte4 to .aid' pro- waa In.trodueed. at a t"..cular meet... po.er! annexation. tne ot the elt,.. Council of the City 8IlC'l'ION:. That tbe City Coun- ot ADahelm. 1'1.14 on the 11th d.,.. ell of 8..14 City of Anaheim doe. or July. 1944. an-d that the same her.by- approve the annexation ot W"I P.....d aD4 ad9Ptect at &D ad.. .a1d te.rrltory to sal ..city ot Ana.. jo ne4 regular meeting of sal4 h.J~. ,fd ter ,r~b:t:, ouneiJ heh! oft the 18th 4ay ot U . a] n-c,.. :1. bJP the tollowln8' votes: I em: . .;,:Qft1ncUmen: Pear.:oa. . eept. . / Vlift WqoDer, Ba.rne.. .~&8 & . ..,:. . ' ~: :' .....e;1' 'cflmel1: None. ~ . NT:'. ounellmen: NODe.. . ..... .. .I .f ;'. er certify that th. l\.Ia,.or' of the' - . it,. ot Anaheim ligl1. ed anl! apPJ"oved 8a1d OrcUn&l1Ce 011: the 18th day ot July. 1944. IN WITNESS WBEREO:r I have hereuDto set m,..' hand and attixecl the ..a1 tit .af~ Cit,. of A.nahefns thi. 18th day of JUly.- 18'4. <lEAL) . C!LUt:t.mS E. GItII':rrnr, CSt,. Clerk of the Cft,. of .Ak'hetm;. Rub. .July 22. 194'. .. .' 'of .~ ,~.' ."..t 8~.'... ..oath .. baeo. ~ . '.~.:.:'~~I:~...~... ' .::~.: '. OI'&11.e Cou_..)' . " th.. 80uthea.":' Jotr . thtftce . -. . .....' 11... ot.... ~ Un. axt.n4ed, '. cUt;- llmft line. ,. ~ ...... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 rlUI~ .. SCHUTZ ~.. LAw 411-._ II' ABItA ILDI. ...... cau.....,A . ....... 3456 1 ORDIBHCE NO. 6.7t' iN ORDINANCE OF THi. CITY OF ANAHEDf APPROVING '!'HE ANNEXATION' OJ' eERfADl UNIHCOBPOR4!'ED, UHIIHABITED TEBBITORY Don.AS 'COMMERCIAL ITREET ADEXATIO.'. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !'HE CITY COUNCIL o~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES. ORDAIN AS ~LL01fS: SECTION 1. The City Council ot the City of Anaheim find That heretofore the City Council of the C1ty of Anaheim received a wr1tten petition r.questing that the un1nhabited territory de- 8cr1bed in SECTION 2 of this Ordinance be annexed to and included within said City ot Anaheim. That said petition was signed by the owner of not less than one-fourth or the area'of land in said 10 11 12 territory and representing not less than one-fourth of the ass~sse ~alue of s'uch territory according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of Californ1a, wher - in said territory is situated. That said territory is uninhabited and is contiguous to said City of Anaheim and does not form anr part of any munioipal corporation. That pursuant to the provls1o 8 of a statute of the State ot Oalifornia, designated and bereb1 referred to as IAnaexat10n of Uninhabited Territory Act of 19391 said City Council adopted its Resolution.Noe 1381 on June 20, 1944 giving notice ot sgch proposed annexation, and designating sald. territory as OOMMElCIAL STREET ANNEXATION and t1~lng the hour of Eight o'clock P.M. on July 11, 1944, at the Council Chambers or the City Hall of sald City of Anaheim at 204 East Center Street, Anaheim, Californ1a, as the hour, day and place for hearing of objections to said proposed annexation. That a copy ot said resolution was published in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper ot general circulation once a week for two successive weeks pr10r to ~uly 11, 1944. That a hearing was held on July 11, 1944, at Eight o'olock P.M. at sald Council Chambers of said City Hall of said 13 - City of Anahe'lm for the hearing of objections against said propose annexation. That at said hearing no owner of said territory, nor anyone else prote.ted or objected to said proposed annexation. 1 _. . ~._"":l".. ...:~.",--~~. . ._~.'!~.. ~~.~~...~......... .. '_~.:L.''''''''''''~,..,,,,,, ................._...t.................\. .....:.... ~_..:-""~.'l'..:..;... 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Pins lit SCHUTZ ~., LA. "1Z"4~ UP IIBICA a... 1"-'''. CAUPlBIA tunall! 34S6 1 SECTION 2. That the City Council of aald City of Anaheim does hereby approve the annexation of said terr1tory .to said City of Anaheim; that said territory is hereby annexed to and incor- porated and included in said CiDl of Anahe1m; that said territory is herebY accepted :by said City of Anaheim as a part of said City of .Anahe 1m . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 That the ,said territory heretofore referred to, and whioh is hereby made a p~rt of said City of Anaheim, 1s situated in the County of Orange., ~tate of C~tllrornla, and. that' the descr1ption and boundaries of said territory are as follows: A port1on of t~e West half of the Northeast quarter (NEt) of the Southwe~t quarter (sWi) of Section 3, Township Fqur (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, S. B. B. & M., 1n the County of Orange, Sta~e of California, and more partlc~ar11 de- scribed as follows: 9 10 11 12 13 14 Beg1nn1ng at tne 1ntersection of the present city limit line of the Ci~7 of Anaheim with the west 11ne ot North Lemon street, wh1ch point 1s on the south line of Lot 6, M1ies Rancho, $8 shown on a map recorded. in Book 4, page 7, MiscellaneoUs Maps, Records of Orange County, 30 teet west of the sou~heast corner of said lot;.thence East along said south line of Lot 5 and'said line extended, being along said city l1mit line, 220 feet; thence North' along the city limits and parallel with the eait line of said Lot 5, to a point on the north line of the Southwest quarter (SWl) qt the Northeast quarte.r (NEt) of the South- west quarter (8wi) of said Section Three (3); thence East along said north line, and along the City limits, to the southeast corn~r of the Northwest quarter (NWi) of the Northeast Quarter (NEt) ot the Southwest quarter (evi) of said Seot1o'n Three (3); thence North along the east line of said Northwest quaDter (NWi) of the Northeast quarter (NEi) of the Southwest quarter (sWi) of said Section Three (3), and along the city limlts, 22 teet to a point on the north line of Commercial street; thence West along said north line of Oommercial Street, and sald line extended, to said west line of North Lemon Street; thenoe South along said west line of North Lemon Street to the place ot beginn1ng. ("City limits" as used in the aforesaid description reters to the City limits ot the City o.t Anaheim, Ca11fornia) . SECTION 3. That immediately upon this Ordinance becomin effective, the City Cle.rk ot the City of .:Anaheim shall make, under the seal of aa.1d C 1 ty, and transm1 t to the Secretary of State a certified oopy of this Or41nance giving the date of its passage. SECTION 4. The City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim shall 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 certify to t'he passage of this Ordinance and cause t'he same to be published 1n the Anaheim Bullet1n, _ dally newspaper ot general . .. ~.I.:""'" ~... "='~~..~._.""'''-''-~''''''''~.MoM...'~''''''''''~''~.. .._.............."'=-"'IIIL.............. 2 30 31 32 flUS.. SCHUTZ .~ /If LAw ..u..... ... AIBItA a.. A....n. CAUPlBIA iiuna- 3456 1 oirculat1on, pr1nt~) published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its tinal" passage it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance 1s s1gned and approved by me th1s 18th day of J~y, 1944. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /() ''? ~ ~ ,'~,,~ Mayor ot the Cltj of Anaheim ----. " .l'l"fEST : ", ., , ',' 'e', ott " ,ty of Anaheim 10 11 12 13 14 IT~fE. OF CALIFORNIA ) . UI'l'Y OF OJtAlGE " ) .1ft OF dAlEIM ) I, Charles E. Griffith, .C1ty Clerk of the City ot Anahe as. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 40' hereby 'oert1fy that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting ot the City 'Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 11th day of July, 1944, and that the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said City ,Council held on the 18th day of July, 1944, by the following votes: AYES: OOUNCILMER: Pearson, Sheridan, Van Wagoner, Barnes, Boney IOES: QOUNCILMEI: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEI: None And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved sa1d Ordinance on the 18th day ot lulj, 1944. 25 26 27 28 29 II WITHE" WHEREOr I have nereunto set .y hand and att1 d the seal of said City of Anaheim this 18th day ot July, 1944. ~1i*~~abe1m 3 ~.:.~. . ..~:...... _1__..\:..1........ - .~~..A.....~.~A~..;.:;r....~...................-.~. i............_...............