681 "w 1; .. ORDINANCE NO. (, f I. - 1 2 .AN 'ORDIIAlCE REGULATING THE PRESENCE or PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS II PUBLIC STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES BITnER CERTAIN 3 HOURS, DErINING THE DUTIES OF PARENTS AND OTHERS, AND PRESCRIBING I PEIfALTIES. ..4. I ' I THE CITY COtmcn. OF. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS reu.ows: 5 I ' I Section 1. That it 1s unlawful tor any person under the 6 ' 'I age ot 18 ye.rs to lo1~erJ idle, wander, stroll or pl~y 1n or upon 7 I ' I $D7 public street, highway, road, alley, park, playgroUDI, pub11c 8 ' · I grounds, publlc place, publlc bUllding, or vacant lot, or to tres- 9 J pass on prlvate property, between the hours of 10 o'olock P. M. ot 10 one day and 6 0 I cloak .A.. M.. of the folloving day. 11 I 121, Sectlon 2. That ln addition to any other powers he may 13 Ii have, any law enforeement offlcer who arrests aD1 person for v1ola- 14 II t1D1 any ot the prov1s1ons of Seet10n 1 of thls Ord1nanoe 1& hereb7 'I empowered to take such person home, and 1s also empowered to deman41 15 ' I 16 ! ot the parent, guard1an or other adult hav1ng the care and custody I 17 ot B~cn person, that such parent, guardian or adult take such per sot' 18 home. It 1s unlawful for any such parent, guardian or a4ult to 19 I tall or refuse to take such person ho~ atter such demand ls'made I I I 20 upon h1JB. I 21 Sect10n 3. That 1 t 1s unlawful tor any parent, guardian 22 or other adult having the care and custody ot any person under the 23 age ot 1Zyears to leave such person at home or at any other place ~ i 24 [between the hours of 10 o.clock P. M. of aD1 one day and 6 o'olook i 25 A. M. ot the following day without the supervision of a competent 26 and responsible person. 27 Section 4. That aDr person violating the provisions ot 28 Section 1 ot this Ordinance shall be oertitied to the Juvenile 29 Oourt. That any person violating any ot the provisions of Section 30 2 and Section 3 ot this Ord1nance shall be deemed gullt7 ot a mls- I I 31 I demeanor and upon convict1on thereot shall be punlshed by a tlne o~1 I 32 I not more than !hree Hundred Dollars (1300.00) or by lapr1sonment i I fillS it SCHUTZ II IImlllm 111 U. II tlNM .. II' AIBICA ILDGo . j AMnEln, CRUfIJIIIIA Ii Tmrtl..1l 3456 i I Ii 1 ----....-.~~-.~.~.... ."""=......I.~-.,-.~-~,.~........"'..."I,.~...._:_. ~ ~........... . .........-... .. __~. .....~'!"... ...... _~......~......~... .:._...'L...... ..? 1 1111 the C1ty Jail tor a per10d ot not I80rrl than three (3) months or 2 I by both such t1ne and impr1sonment. 3 I Section &. That Ordinance Ho. 90 ot the City ot Anaheim 4 adopted September 12, l89~, be and the same 1s hereby repealed. 6 6 Seot1on 6. The C1t~ Clerk oit the C1ty ot Anahelll shall certify to the paBs.ge of thl.s OrdlnaDjCe and cause t.~. same to be 7 I pub11shed once ln the Anabe~ Bulletin. a dally newspaper of gener 8 I c1rculation, printed and published and circulated in the, City of 9\ AIlahelm.and thirty (30) day. trom and atter 1ts f1nal passage,1t 10 I shall take effect and be 1n f!ull force'. 11 . The forego1ng Ordinance 1s signed and approved by *~ thl. L) ~ __ " 12 , -d. ds:t or ~ , 13 ! I ! 141 I 15 194 ~- - ~ Jlayo'r 0 . the C ty of Anahe . - ,----,"""0" 16 I Attest: 17 I ~R L~~;r../ 18 I ~t~~ of .Anahelm I 1910 STA!i: or CALIFORNIA ) eOUln OF ORANGI ) SSe 20 j CIr! OF AlARED, ) I, Charles E. Gr1ffith, C1tJ" Clerk ot the City of Anahe1a~ 22 do hereby cert1fy that the forego1ne Ord1nance was 1ntroduced at a I I 23 regular ~dJourned meet1ng of the C1ty C unell of the C1ty of Anahe~" · 24 held on ,{I;/ day or . ~ :. . J 194.t and that the t:.1" . ,', ~.*e~~ r 26 same vas passed and adopted at a re : ..." meeting ot sald C1ty ! 26 Councl1, held on the ~ day Of~~ . 194~by the fOllOW~ 21 27 vote: 28 AYES: 29 ROEI: 30 ABSENT: COURCILJIER: Pear8on" Barnes, Boney, Sheridan, Tan Wagoner COl1RCILJlEI: Hone COUlCILJIEI: None 31 32 I helm II PillS . S[HV~Z 'I'j AmUlIS /If LAw I taNl14 UII .. All!11CA RIIG. II' ANlIElft. CALlI'IIIIIIA 11 TUPHlII! 3456 . i 'I \i Ana I further certify that tpe Mayor ot the City ot Ana- signed and approved said Ord1nan~ on tne ~ dar ot 2 '1 ,f)g~,.~ , 194~ 2 I II WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m7 hand and 3 II af~ed the, corporate seal of sald Clt,. this .6- day of 4 ~.e.k. 194r: 5 Clt7~~~;' 6 7 I 8\ 91 i 10 I I 11 I I 12 !I I. II 13 l! 1411 II 'I 15 I I 16 17 18 1,9 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 ' 29 I I i I i I I I i I I I I I i I I I 1 1 I i I I I j 30 31 3211 II fRIIS .. SCHUTZ ~I! IIrUIII&IS AT L"" II 4az.4lM UIIC . "1ID1eA RAG. Ii "NAH~ln. CALlf...IA ! I j; la.crH" 3456 II II II 3 AFFIDAVIT. OF. PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County ot Orange ) . -. - R.i.cha.r.d....fi.s.c.lll.e...-_..p_l"'._______ ......__.....__..~.........._._.~....._ of said county, being fhst -duly sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over the. age ,of eighte en 'years; that he has no in- tel'est'ln, nor Is he a ':party to the matter her~in mentioned; that he is the . . . . , Fro5. de i'~"IHl ~: 1. ~.:!"k ....n.n............__n..:-........_.__. ....__n......._... .. __n..nn__._. ......... .eo__....._......... of the _~..n h -. It.:. .'"t ':: .:; l.~ :; t~ 1- 2. n ~. ~. -.- - ... ---.. --........ ....... -..- ..- .-...- -.....- ........... ..........---........... -.-.... '"....-.. -..... --..... ----- ---.--.......................-...... a...(,,~.~~"~~-l.:J........ newspaper printed, published and circulated in the sa]8 County of Orange that said ..:.:.. ~ ~ ~., '; (., .": !.., : : u 11 (:.. t . n ....-.- -..------....... -.- -......-..-. .. -- -.... -..... -.- .........-.................-.................-.- i.~.._~n~~~-~.~~~.~.; of general clr culation with a list of paid flU bscribcrs, and is published for the dissemination ot both local and '''enel'al news and intelligence of a general char- acter' that'it is not devoted to the interests or published for the ~ntel'tainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade, calling', race or denomination, or. of any numb~r thereof: that 1t ha~ been printed and published In the CIty of Ana- 'ht"'im C'ount.v of Or.ange, Stat e of California for more than one 'year next preceding the first day 01' the publication lle!'eto attached; that the i..,; '1 ';": .'~ . I ; . : 1 C e '..~.. .~-~:.:)~-..m.._._...._....__......u._u............._..._ .~f.--~h.i~i~..-t.h.~..~-;;~~~.~.d. i's >Oa' printed copy. was pubIlshed in sa id news paper at least__..___.____.. ..._.~?_;.~.:... ...J~.:~.:~.~_~.~_~.m_...._....~...._ (~()mm{>n('lng on the--.....~~:....u.day 01' _..J._':..c..e_:Jb.~:.r............. 193.4~~! and ending nn thE'!__....___._.__..day of ......_..__.___......._.......... 1 !13... ..... an d that s.a id ____..___ _u..'~~ _'.:..':: _:~~:.:~_~:~ __....n...un___n...................,.,. was puhlished on thp following days: f-:'(' ~. ,. ) .".. ..... .. ... ..:..... .. ........ ~.. ...... . .. . .-....... .... ......................................... y-_.. Subst.','ih('u :md 8Wl}rn to before me thls.u.m...nm.....day of < -.,:f; l-..~. L ~r · ::.~ :IJ. .'.:. .::'r:..:.:: _EL~::~~-:~No~rin~iifio:~-- ...._~......_...--r- ,LEGAL NOTI~ LEGAL NOTIt.c. OUIKAWOR NO. ~ ,S.pt.~~er 12. 18.1. b. and the aame . Ss lu~reby repealed. .&If ~BDlWANVID BIDQ1JJ,.ATD'G Section 6. The City Clerk of. the TB. PRBIBNOE or PBRSONS cSty of Anaheim shall c.rtlt~ to V.DB. TRB AGID or 18 YD.aS the passage ot ,this Ol'Jllnance and ... . 1'1J' aLIO ITR--rl' AND' cause the same to be pU.tiltsbfld once . ...... ---, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a da.l1y OTIIBB 'PUBLIO PLAc.,.... BE- newspap,r ot general elrculatlon, TWBBlf ~ERTA.IN HOURS. DE- printed and publiShed and clr~ulat- PINIWG .THE nUT"I' O,F PA.R- ed In the City. of Anaheim.. a.nd BNT.. A.5D U'J.'HERI. A.ND PRE- t~I'r.ty (30) days from and after Its SCRliliNG PEN ALTIE8. . I final passage, It shall take effect '. - . and be in full force. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I The foregOing Ordinance Is slpe4 . OF ANAHEIM. DOES ORDAIN AS . and approved by me thl. 6tb daJ' FOLlJOWS: ot December, 1844. Sectlon'1. That It Is unlawful tor I CHAS. A. PBARION. any per.on under the age ot 18'1 Mayor of the City of Allabelm years to loiter, Idle, wander. stroll I Attest: or play "In or upon a.ny public street,' CHA.RLES E. GRIFFITH, 'higllway, road, alley, pe.rk, PlaY-I City Clerk 01' the C1ty of ~n&helm ground. pUblic grounds, imbUe ,_ place. pubUc building, or vacant lot, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) or to trespass on private property, COUNTY OF ORANGE )... between the hours ot .10 o'clock CITY OF ANAHElM ) P. M. ot one'day and 6 o'clock A. :M. I I, Charles' E. Grl'ttith,:'.'-Cib' Clerk of the follOWing day., i ot the City ot Anahel~' do hereby Section 2. That In addition to certify that the tor8coll1lJ:~O"dlllltnc. &t1y other powers he may have, any was introduced a~. an',. '84journe4 law enforcement officer who arrests regular meeting ot life Cit,. Council ant 'p~rsoD. for ViOlating any ot the ot the City of Anaheim., beld Oft Provls101J8 of Section 1 of this Or- 2J.st. day.. of Novembe.r. 114.. &114 dlnan~. '. hereby empowered to that the' same was pas..d &a4 take such person home, and Is also ; adopted at an adjourned' ,.eBula.- empowered to demand of the par- I meeting ot said City Cnubcll he14 ent. &"uardlan or other adult having: on the 5th day of Decembe.., li.4 by the care and custody of such per- ; the following vote: . son, that such parent, guardian or 1 AYES: Councilmen PearsoD Vall adult take su-ch person home. It Is Wagoner, Barnes, Boney and She"l- unlawful for any such parent. da!!. . guardian or adult to taU or refuse r .NOES: Cou.ncflmen: None. to take such person home after such I, ABSENT: Councilmen: NOD.. demand Is made upon him. And 1 furthel' certlty that the Section 3. Th.a.t It Is unlawful. Mayor of the Ci~y of Aftabelm. tor any parent, guardian or other signed and 8,pprovecf ,al. prcllaaDce adult haVing the care and cu~todv on the 5th day ot l)ecember. 1..... ot any person under the age ot 13 I IN WITN:E~SS \VHJ;Ul.EOI'. I hay. years to leave euch person at home t hereunto set my hand,'.. afttxacl or at any other place between the the corpora.te seal ot s.14' Clt,. thl. hours of 10 o'cl.ock P.M. of anyone 5th da3<" of December. 18'.. day and 6 o'clock A. M. of the fol-! (SEAL) lowing day without the supenrlslon : CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. ot a c.ompeten t and responsible' City CIeri\: of the City of Anaheim.. persoll. I Pub. Dec. 7, UIH. I Section 4. .Any person vlolaUn~ I ________ the provisions of Section 1 of this! , Ordinance shall be certified to the: ~ Juvenile ourt. That any person! . I viOlating any ot the prOVisions of ~ I Section 2 and Se.ctio.n 3 ot this Or- : . dlnal1ce shall b~ deemed gull.ty Oi' a misdemeanor and upon conviction I thereot shall bo lJunished by a. tine , 10f not more than Three Hundrec.f Dollars ($300.00) or by imprison- ment In the City Jail tor a periOd ot not more than three (3) monthl'; ,or by both such fine 8Jud imprison. I ment. I ,Section B. That Orcllnance No.9'" of the City of Anaheim adopte(!