684 fRllS ft SCHUTZ "rrOIlIll:1S liT L..... ..oz.".... .III1K a~ 1\rn:IlICft ILD[;" , ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA Ta.trtIORl: 34S& I! 1 ~: 2 :' ORDINANCE NO. 684 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIANCE 3 4 THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. (a) That the owners of the real property de- scribed in this Section have filed with the City Planning Commis- slon ot the City of Anaheim a petition requesting that a variance be granted perm1tting the operation of a restaurant upon the fol- low1ng desoribed real property, which 1s 1n a 0-2 zone: All that certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: 5 " 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lots 1 apd 2 of Mary Goodman Tract as per map thereot recorded' in Book 7, page 21 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. (b) That the City Council finds from conslder~ 13 14 at10n and investigation of the facts and report and recommendation 15 : 16 ~ of said Planning Commission that: 17 (1) Special ciroumstances and exceptional conditions do ex- 18 ~ 1st as to said real property that do not apply generally to the 19 property or classes of uses in the same zone or distriot. (2) That the granting of such conditional var1$nce will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property 20 21 22 ' or improvements in the district wherein said property is located, provided the conditions set forth 1n subsection (0) of this Section 23 ' i ! 24 are complied with. 25 . (0) That a conditional variance 1s hereby 26 granted whereby a restaurant may be operated and conducted on sa1d 27 : real property subject to the follow1ng condit1ons: 28 . (1) That at no time shall any alcoholic beverages be sold, 29 i kept for sale or dispensed on said real property. 30 ' (2) That at no time shall any dancing be done, performed or 31 l carried on, on said real property. 32 : (3) That at no t1me shall any enterta1nment be provided, i; 1.; 1 i ~ 1 ~ carried on, done or performed on said real property, provided, 2 ; however, the,t for the 'Our~oses of th1s ord1nance, the word "enter- 3: ta1nment" shall not be deemed to include the selling, dispensing 4 and/or consumption of food and/or 80ft dr1nks. 5 : (4) That at no t1me shall there be maintained and/or dls- 6 " played on the exterior of said real property more than tour signs, 7 and that the aggregat-e area of all such s1gns so maintained and/or 8 displayed shall not exceed 140 square feet. 9 (5) That the owners of said real property shall, prior to 10, conducting or operating a restaurant on said real property, make, 11 execute and deliver unto the City of Anaheim a written agreement, 12 agreeing with said City of Anaheim, that in the event that said 13 City of Anaheim should at any time in the future institute legal 14 proceedlnes under the r1eht of eminent doma1a,. either by itself or 15: Jointly with e.ny other body politic, po11t1cal subdivision, or 16 : district formed under the laws of the State of California or of the: i I? :, Un1 ted States, to condemn said real property, or any part thereof t i 18 : that said owners, tor themselves and their heirs, successors, 19 ' assigns, executors, administrators, executors, and personal repre- 20 21 eentatlves, will waive any and all claim for damages and/or compen- sat10n arising aut of any loss, injury or damage to the goodwill 22 ; of any restaurant business conducted on said real property, and of 23 any loss, injury or d8~age to any restaurant fixtures on said real 24 ' property, or the value thereof, incurred by condemnation, and that 25 no such loss, injury or damage shall constitute any element of dam- 26 . age for which said City of Anaheim and/or said other body politic. 27 political subdivision or d.istrict shall be obligated or l1able to 28 : 9ay by reason of such condemnation proceedings. Such agreement 29 ! shall be binding upon said owners, their heirs. successcrs. aSSignS~ I 30 i executors, administrators and personal representatives and shall bel 31 ; so worded as to constitute the same, not merely a personal covenant 32 : out also a covenant running with the land. Such agreement shall be FRIIS fI SCHUTZ "nO~IIE" lIT Li\'" .!;~. .... IIINK Dr I\MIlICI\ Il.Dl.. ANAHETM, CALIFORNIA TeLfrllORE J4S& 2 Ii 1 1 in a form sat1sfactory to the City Attorney and shall be acknowl- 2 ;: edged so that the same may be recorded. 3; (6) That in the event that any of the conditions of this var- 4 1ance set forth in this subsection (0) be at an~ time violated or I 5 " not complied with, the City Council of the City of Anaheim may ter- I 6' m ina t e the variance granted by this Ordinance, s.fter a hearing, I 7 notice of time and. plE.tce of such hearing to be ,given to the OCCU- 8 pants of said property at least ten (10) days before suoh hearing. 9 " Such notice sh611 be mailed to tlle occu:pants of ss1d real property, 10 by the City Clerk, by registered mall. For the purpose of such 11 .. notice, the name or names of the uerson or persons to whom a City 12 business l1cense has been last issued for conducting a business on said real property, shall be deemed to be the name or names of the occupant or OCCUpclnts of said property, and the address to which 13 14 15 : such notice shall be sent shall be that which &ppears upon such 16 : license. In lieu of delivering such notice by mail, service ot 17 such not1ce may be made upon said occupants personally at least 18 ' 10 days before said hearing. The finding' and action of the City 19 . Council at such hearing shall be final. 20 Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 21 ! of this Ord.1nance and shall cause the same to be printed and pub- 22 11shed once in the Anaheim, Bulletin, a newspaper of general c1rcu- 23 . lation, printed, published and circulated in said City, and thirty 24 days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be 1n full force. 25 26 The foregoing ordinance was approved, s1gned and attested 27 28 . this 10th day of April, 1945. 29 : of the 30 . 31 Attest: 32 : fRIIS lit SCHUTZ "rrO'RC:Yi liT L".. 4 Dl-4CM .AIIK Dr 1\1tE11t/\ ILDt. ANAHElft. CALlfDRNIA rnl::'Hd~1! J-4Sf> 'Z \oJ i. ilIl ". 1 i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 8S. 2 i: CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 3 .. I, Charles E. Grlf'fith, City Clerk of the City of I 4 :; Anaheim, do hereby certify that. the foreg-oing Ordinance was intro- I i 5; duced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of' the I , 6' City of Anaheim, held on tlle 3rd day of April. 1945, and that the 7 same was passed and adopted at a re~u1ar meeting of said City 8. Council held on the lOth day of April, 1945, by the fo11owinf. vote 9 of the members thereof: 10 AYES: 11 NOES: COUNCILMEN, Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Boney, Barnes COUNCILMEN, None 12 ; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN, None 13 And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of' 14 Anaheim signed and a'pl'JI'oved ss.tel Ordinance on the 10th day of Apr1ll, 15: 1945. 16 : IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and 17 · affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 10th day of April, 18 " 1945. 19 . 20 (SEAL) 21 22 2.3 24 . 25 : 26 : 27 28 ; 29 : 30 31 32 : c~~-;-~naheim FRIIS ft SCHUTZ Jlnollll.us A' LA'" .&1.1 <ta. SAM Dr 'UlElle" ILDt.. """HEln. [ALlFORNIA TI9.I:'1111111: 345& 4 I ,- LEGAL NonCE .. n" .. ........ ..n..... .......... ......._........... ....................... .:.. ...... ..._ <..~. ...~ ~.. ~.. :..~~. .~. .~:'_.._...n...... ..::.~...~~~.:.~.m..........m......._ ORDIN~NCE NO. 8JM AN ORDINANCE" GRAKTING A. \ I \r ARIAN'CE - , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY; OF ANAHEIM DOES O:anAtN AS ' FOLLOWS: Section 1. (a) That. the 'owners l, of the real property described in ~ this Section have fUed with the ( City Planntnlr Cotnmlsl10D' of the I, Clt~. ot A1'18,heh1'1 a petition request... I. lllng that a. 'variance be .ra.nt~d -pet- : mUting the opetaU-on ot a Teetau- I rant urton the followlnir de,crtbe4 i i rea.l property. which Is in a C-2; . 'one: All that certain real propert~. altuated In the City of Anaheim. Count)" of Orange. State of Cali. fornla. described at; folloWil: Loti 1 and 2 ot Mary Good. man Tract a. per map thereof recorded In Book 7. Pace 21 of :MtlceUa.neou. Ma.pa. Records of I Orange Cout\t~.. California. I (b) That the City Counctt flnds . I from conl!lideratlon and htvestigll-: tion of t.he facte and report and; recommendation ot s&I4 Pla.nntnc ~ Commlsston that: i I (1) Special eircum.tanc@s anet .xc~ptlonal conditions do exist &. to I laid re&l property that do not ap. . pl~ cenerally to the 'Propert~.. or: eJaleel ot uses In the sa.me .one or ! district. ~ (2) That t~th'lI' of oueh i eon4ltlona] v. . ... win not be: detrimental to '. "'~',.pub1ic welfarel or 1njurlouI to the ''Property or 1m- ! I pf\..")vemefttl In .the '.I1.trlct wherelft If : Ia.id propert" III located. provided I ! the eondittnnr. eet forth in sub!!!ec- tion (c)'ot this Section are compl1ed ; I '\\"lth. . i . . (c) That a conditional variance t. ~ ! hereby cranted Whereby a reltau- ~ ! rant may be 6perated ,ed..' eon. : ,ducted on _atd real property ,Iub- ~ !I jeet to the tollowinK' c,ndltt'!)p.: (1) That at no time Bhall any al- ; ~ eohoUc beverag.~8 be lold, kept for, ; sale or dispensed on. said real prop. , r :ertv. i \ (2) That at 1M) time sha.11 any j i danclrtl' be done. pertormed or ea.r- ~ I J rled o~ on .a.ld real property. i , (3) That at no time shan an~ en. i' : tertalnment be provided. -:arrieet 011. , I . done or performed on said real t . : property, proytded, however. that: I for the purposes ot this ordinance, ; i the 'YVord "entert.alnment" shall not; ,be deemed to tnelude the selling.;" : dlepenstnJ:;' a.nd/or consumptlon of ~ " : food and/-or 30ft drink!, '. : (4) Tha.t at. no time shall there . ~ ; be maintained and/or displa~ped on , 1 ~ the exterior of said 1" el.l pro~e1"t.y: ~ n'1ore than. f.our a&ens, and that t.htl . i aggregate area. ot aU such "lgnR eo : . : Inaintalned and/or. displayed shall; . not exceed 140 ~quare feet. ~ ' 1 (5) T.hat the owners of safe! real: ; property Ih~l1. prior to conducting i : : or operating a reataural1t on said; : real propert3'. makep execute and: . deU"'er unto the City of Ana.heim 8.. .. . 1\Titt.en agreement. agreeln.. "WIth I . Bald City of Anaheim, that in the j 'event that Ia.td' City ot Anaheim! should 'at any time in the future 1 Institute legal proeeedlnp under. the rlcht of eminent domaLn. either ; by Itself er jointly with a.ny other ~ bOdy politic, political lIu'bdlvilJlon, or ; dlstrJct formed under .the lawa of i the State 'ot Calltcrnl& or of the 'I' United State.. .. to: . condemn aald: real. DJ'o-'perty, or &ny part thereot. : that _14 owner.. tOf' tbeml.e1gel ..neI j ..~~It,.. t "-In. .uce'..OI'I.' a'.ll'n.. I I --I\\. · ,u-t:tor.. . ..cQ~r.. .. n 4 : D .""'0 B & 1 r.pr....nt..tl"'... will i I wal... eay aild &11 plaimB tOT da.m. , ace, aDd/or e.ompenutloft. ....rllfn.. ! out ot ~ny' 1088, 11\jury or damage ; tob .t". ..ood'fVtl1 ot; any rest~urant ~ u...... con4act." 011 laid. real r I\rop~. &'D4 ~t ..' 10.', Injury '01" ~ 4..... to ..fty. l'e.u:urant. tixture. ! 0" ",4..r.al PI'bj>>.rt".. or the '9&lu. I I tber.t. .IBeutr64 _ cct.ftdemnatlon, I, uti:. ~h.t, ,'BO iuch. 1088, Injury or i 4....... th..n 'cotl*tltut... an,. ele':' ..~t 'of 4&ma.. tot. WhiCh" lal4. City ; ot AIIahelm &a4/or' i..td . other bod)" . poUtl~. POlitical luMlvt.loft or 4ia.,. trl~t:.IIl"l1 be obll."~ e". lI..ble to . ,..,..1tF r.eaBOIl of 8qeb o01l4t\1tUtfolt r pr~1a... Iftaeh ......_at 8ball be. 1)JD4Ift8' upoe .asc- e..... their h.lr~.. ~uoo..aor.. '~.'''~.!'*, .-cu- I tOtl,' _mtat"'to,.' "ntl ,petaoa&t r.pr..eD~&tlv...' ana .ntl be 10 'wOnU4 "':.. to ooa8tJtute tb. .a.me n~ . ~r.lv .. ,trloltal CO~eat:ft~ but ..180 ," .,co".aat nllaln. wttll the 1~4, 8.uCh .aN.meat ....U .,. In & t6f1ll ...tl.tactorY *- tb. CSt? .At. tOMlflV e4 ab$l1 __ e.Uao,,1.4.ea' " t.~...t ~. ..... ..." .. ,.ecorded. (I) 'that fa .th.' .eat tbat &ft:r et 1 the Qon4Stfo~. of tbl. va.fllaace .et , forth.. ID tbls .ublecUoa (0).' be at ..a-" ~.tnn. 'l'J01&toe4 br' not 'complled wltl\, t1\. C:lty .Oountl1. et the Clt" of . Aat.h.tm 1'0&" ter.lft.~. the. "'aPt. . all. : . pantte! by ttat. Oralealle.. after' ... laea.rtDIr. notf~ of ttllM &nt! >>~IIC~.:~' .ueh h...rto.. ~ be ctven to n. .~cu'''ftt8. of. aal4 protJert,. at least ten no)". dQoI betore luch hearl...... Sue1\ potlte Han 'be mall. .~4 .to. the oeeup'''~'' ot ...14 1'6a.l pro"rt,.. by the CIty CltI'Jit... b:r 1'... .I.t.... ,mall. For. the' p\tI'PG.e of ..~ "otlo.. tIl. ~... e; Slamel ot .a. """Oil br. .p.r.". to "'boln a elt"..'bu~n&aB lIoMa,.:. ha. b.en 1ut Inue4.: :ror conductS_*" & . .aU.ta.... Oft ....4. te..l prf:)petty. .ball be' d.emed to b. the name. or . aame. Of' tbe oc. eUP&.~ or .occupaftt. of ._14 prop. .rtl'.. ''&114. the -.l4r...' to. ....lilOti .ucb ft6t~ ."&11, ,. ...t .-:...11. h 'that , WIll" ""Peata upoWi'IQCb'.'UOitJl'" Ib 11Ie1l of d.U....rtnc .'Ioh.' 1lotlc. b,. 1'l1~I1. . ..~. of auct\ DOUce.: may be I i mad. u~. B&i4 oaeult&Jlta perlon.. '_l1y- at .Je..at 10 48.,.... b.tore lale! ! I ~""'IDC'.~ T.he tlndlnc and aetlon of ! the elty Councl1 at. auch he"rlnc' shan ,. ttnal. . . '8ect{OD I.. n.. Clt,. Clerk ~alI certlfF. -to. the pa....... of .'th.'''. Or. 4il\&l.lee.....ft4 .1\411 .,..a.. the' ....1\1. to b..... pJ:l1\ted and pubif.h.4' Otic. In ~h. ~"bell1'i. Bulletin.. &. D.e....pe.per I Oll.t ......ral circulation, prlate4. pub.. the '. &Del eI.raulat.4 .Ia lat4 City. &114. talJ'tJ' day. from -"lId aftw It I tlllal : ........ it Ib..n tap.. etfect ....: .. tD fall toro.. '. . ft. fo~ola&, ottl...... ....... &>>_ Pro.... .tne4:' ani ..ttelte4 ttill 10th. <<Ja::r of A>>rlr. 1.... ' .' CRAB. A.. PBAlUiow. K.,.ol" . 0(. the Clt;. ot .,.\De.hei!'Jt .Att..t: .'. . . . c:..Jt.L88 S. GJ\IPI'I'l'H. eftJ' (:lVk of thlt CttJ', 'of' .-allelm . .T.A..... ~p. e.u,rrOItWA' , eeOl!!ft'1' 01'. ORANG.. ).,. I..I:-~ 01" .A.NARBDr. ) I y, Cbarl".. 'E. Grltfftl'l. city CIe1"k of tb. Cit" of Aft&b,ehu. do .hertby ~!=ltf"~~\A~~ _ rOI'~pIQ.' Otdtn.a.ace AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~TAT~:: OF CALIFOHNIA ) )ss. County of Ora.nge ) Richard Ftschle ~f". ~~'id'" ~~~'~~;:'''b~i';~;.'''f'i~;~'t.-'d~i.;"';-';~ ~~~";;;~=ih'~t.h;..i;'.~ male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over t.he age of eighte en years: that he has no in- t(~rest. in. nor Is he a party to t~e matter herein mentioned; that he is the . ...r.~.~.!}.Q.~!?~~..u~__1u~.!:~~n_ .w__w.... .....__......__.............. of the . . ~_n_~.}}~J.m .. .~.~l.l.~.~J_~. .................. ......._...uuAmn...___.............. a......__dJi_1.1~..A new~paper printed, pu1?lished and circulated ill the said County of Orange that saId . ...A D.2h e.k m ....;?~.J~.1~.~.~.D:... mmn.... .munu............m........._......_ i~ a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid subscribt'rs and is published for the dissemination of both local and ';en(~ral n~ws and intelligence of a gene~al char- adeI" that it is not devotpd to the interests or pubhshed for the ~ntel'tninment of a paTti cular class, profession. trade, calling', race or denomination. or of any number thereot; that it hal-l b~en prlnt€'d and publishec;i in ~he City of Ana- heim. ("ounty of Or,ange, Stat e of Cal1torma for mor~ t~an one year next preeeding the first day of the pubhcatlon hereto attached; thut the Q.r .(1. i.n g..n.Q .~. h. ~~': .Q.!L. ..Q.~_~u.. u..o... __uu.... .n.........._................... of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published in one issue f!H id ne," Npapl"r at I€'ast: ._.. ....... ............_.... .................-.--...................... C'ommp.nt'lng on the..n~.?~.b-..day ot ......_~.2.~~.~..._...__.._._.... Jq.::, 19!!:...t., and ending on the........__......day of ............-..................... 1!l3 and that s.ald ......_...m__E9.t..:t_Q.~.................__._................._ ":as'.'p'uhlished on the followi ng days: .. ..APf.i 1. . .lZ."... ).-.~.~ 5. ....... .__.......... .. ..._. A.........._......u......m._.... /3 -. Subsel"ihed and sworn to before me this....~...::.:.........day of ~A~ ~ '.' // ' ... . -"~:.::. ::::::::=~~-~:::~:;~::~~~._---(:-:~ry-:~bli~._.:~ ('ommpne1l1g on the. --~o':::..~.~.:..day of .......~.~.l::'.-:..~.~................... J8et to the fOllowtD*-'.niii~:--I' . (1) That at. no time ft. .:m;- at- eohoUc beTerag. be 1014.' Ic..pt. tor sale or dispensed Oft lalel rell .prop- I J er~y. '. . . (2) That at. .. tlm." shatt any. dancla. be done. pertorll'le4 or car- ried .O.....OD said real property. (3) -ftat at no tlm. allall any eft- tertalnment be pro.,lde4. carried on, don. or pertormed Oil 'said real proJ)ert,.~ prov!d~d, however, that tor' the I' urpolel ot thts ordinance. the' wor "e~ertalnmeDt.. IhaU not t be. deetbed to IDclude' the 8.IUn~. 4Ie.eillln'g and/o!" conllumptlon of toocl and/-o!" loft drlnkl. .' (4) That at no time .hall there bl ~"'l\taIDe4 and/or dh~pla)ped on t. the ..xteJ"lor of. ..al~ real property ft10r"'tha~ four aIltna. &J:ld that 'the "'lP':e..&t~.. area ot".&11 luch ".'CDs s~ m~tatl)tp'd .lLnd/o',,; dlsl)lv,a. shall Dot'.. Qceed ,'1.fO IqQ&t-e f~" . (I). T"'t-~ oW1iers"ot""14 real .property ".b'p,U, prior to eOllducttng . ; or .opeta.tlh. :.. reltaurant 011 _Id . real 'proPlnJ\. make. e~.cut. and 4.11"__ UMo .the CJt~ of Allahelm & . .wr.ltt,en... a.re.ment;. acr.ei'nc With . __14 Ctt,. Qt Anaheim.' that fn the enat ~ tbat .1.14' ctty of A.nahelm '~"'.at afty'. tJ.e In' th." futul'Jl .1~.(t1lt... '1...&1 procee41ft.... under :tb.. '1'IOt of .emlnent 401ftafa.. either '~.".:Ite.ilt . er .fofntly with an,. other J)oi,...~t.~, political auhdf:vllloft. or ~-'for11led' 'Under .tbe law. of ! th....S.t&t. 'ot'''C&ll~rnl.. ot of the I mutt4 Stat.... - to c01141m.n .ald I :~~: N'o;.rty,. 01' &ft~ part thereof, . .t1Sf!"'ltI' owner.. tor' th.mli.el\'.1 &1\4 , ' ..t1J~",...:: ",Inr. - aueee"OI'I.' as.tn.. I . :'~I'tt&tor'*i. ezecutoJ'" &11 (I p....,..'o a'. 1 repr...nt&tsv.., Willi wat..' uur- aDd 1.11 claims tOr d&n\. "C" aac!/or c.ompenaatlon 'arlslne out. .of an,. IOltl, Injury Or damage I to .tb eRocl'tVtl1 ot a.ny resta-urantll bdlll..' eondueted 6n laid real Iro>>ertF. Ad ot an,..' 1"~.. Inju ry . Or ! ...... to any. re.taurant' .tlxtuTe. I 0" "a&l4', rM.l proj>>ert,.,. or the ,'a.1Uej tllereoft .llIeU".6<< b,. eo.n4emnatloft, ' ""'. tha.t.., 110 iuch 101., Injury OT 4....... than COtlltltute' any ate-. Ifteat ot 4&11\a... tor Which" said. City I ot' .Aftah.tft'l &1I4/or 1&14 other bOdy f "Utlc. POUtfcal lub4lvl.foft or 41.-. i t,l~ ahall be obU....ted or lIa.ble to I ."''''-b,o r.....011 ot IUell eolla.~hatlon Pl'oc.e4ta... hch &"'..lhftt sball he blftctlftC UPCN'l ..14- 0""".,.. their ta..rs. i1ucce..or-l. &!I..lrJl', axecv. tota.. a-4mtntltratoN ana ;PII"'O"&1 ...pr".D~atfvII.' an4 .balJ bl 10 Worded ....... to oonltltute the lame, Dot merelv a ,.rsoil&1 co~eh""t. but &litO a. ..eo....ftaftt RaBla. with the J_4'. . $ueh a~e.m_t '.all .he In & totm S..tl.factorY to the CIt7 At. t01"D6Y an4 .ban be e.okllowle4..4' JO that the .aml 1ft..,. Itl rleor4e4. . (I) That In the "".Ilt that &ftJ" or tb. Q.on4ItI01;1' ot tlU. ".a.rfallce .et . forth' in thl. lublecttOl'l (e). be at an,. '. tlm.. vlolateet or Dot 'complled . With, the elt)" 06UftCU. ot the Clty'of Ane.h.lm may ter-mlftat. th.. 'V"!'l- &ft" : . nallt.d' by tll. Or4_&llel. . *lter .. "&r'h~.... not Ie. ~t tfllM &n4 pllIC.'. ...of . luch b'''rlll~ t_ . be <<1gen to tile .~cuP"ftt8 ot'1&14 pl'6pert,. .at tealt.. ten nO). 4aYI befo.r' IUQh he&tfn,.," Such Jlottce .haU be mail. ~4 . 'to the. ocel1p...nt. ot ...14 r6al prof)ert,.. bF Uae City CI6rJc.. b:v r... I.t.-eel ' mall. For. the purpe.. ot .'elI notice, the aame oj! naml' of tb. . p.r.. or, p.rl'Oftl to ....bom a elt,.. . bUIIDel. Uo.n... has been I&.t fuued:. . tor. COft4uctln.-. & bu.lli.... Oft aUd. teal prop.rty. 8h..11 be' deemed tG be the naine or aame. ot. the oc.. e~p~~ or 'oce~Da~t. ot' '.~4 p~~ . .rtV. &nd. the IAdre..' to- WhiCh .uch ft6t~. 'h&ll, ,. ..at ...ah&ll . h .that W'blO1\ &,"al" UP01l ..tach 1I~1l'" Ita lieu . of . d.U".l1nc Iuch' "otic. by man. .e",~. ef such" notice' may b.. ma4e' u~' ilal4 occup..nt. per.on.. &Uy' at lea.t 10 48.31' before .a14 l)earIDi'~' TJle fSnatDI' and action Of I the . elty Council at. 'uob he.rlft&,' shall b. fllt*l. '. 8ect{OD .1. . ,'rile' CIty. CItric .11..11 c.rtJt,.. to. tile 1'1.1.&.. of .thli: Or. . 411\ano......84 .ball cau.. the: '''me to : be:.: printed ,-.net. publilhe4 .'. ODce In. I ~h. A.nabthri. Bulletin.. a' fte..._..~'; at ..aera.J. clrcuJatlen.. >>rIDted. puh. Ulllea' &Ill. ef.rauta.te4 .fa ,'..Id Clt,.. I.Ilt, thlrtp. da,.. tTom _4 afta' It. tlnal :~. It .h&11 ta_... -nttt ea.: .. In 1111 toro.. ... . ,TIt. torwolac oralaaa_ ,.,... g_ .,...tt. .In.4', aQa att..tea ttil. 10tb. da)" of Aprl.!.. 118.. '. . .. . CHA.,. A... PBUIOM'. . '.' M'.,.o,..~' 0(. th.. elt,. ot .~a.Il.l. 4t=i.uDl' B. GltlJ'"m.. ' I elt~. 01-n ot the Clt?'. '0" ......Im. . . . --- ~. 'TATIJ or ~omrA ) eol!!ft'y 01'. OlUNCl.. )... eI.L-~ 0.. ANARBDr..) . I, CharI.."'E. Grlffltb, Cfb' elel"k. of thl'. Clt,. of AD&l\e11d'. de' .It.,t'" cert.ltp :tbe.t t~ torlI'OIQ.: Ordln&llce . wa. lJltroc!ucecl' at. .an' &4t_uo",e4 rep!..... m'.t.nll" of tb'.. Clts- Couacll 0' th. CItJ' ot .Aaah.l~ .b.14 oa . tile. "1'4 4&" of ..,'II. .1"1.. &ft4. tbj.t' th... ..me ..... _'''4 and &t!opte" at a tlCUl..,. rn..~lft.. of lal4 Clt?" ..Coun.. 'cll' b.t4 . 01\ th elOth. .4..,.. of Aprlt.. I..'. b-J' the. tolJowllic: vot, ~t the . atem b.,.. tbereof: .' . . . 41'B1:. C~uncllmea. .ea,..-. ""12 W....r. -erlde.n. .Oft..~ ..!'De.. . =~._Dell*.l'I.' NOD":, .' ....., r &m~~~~';.N1r.... tla~ X~r of tile City Of'''iJi'','I~. e4' .... ~&'->>".e4' _I.: 'O~t,*,ee Oft. &h... lot.. _ 4pl'lI. t'CLi. .. .' hg,.~.. "',..,~~S. :i1l:u ~l:.~.~~?~i1~o:t~~ {p\~~'; ~:~~l~l~; . ...:,.:,.;~::.:.r.~:' .. )q:.:;. 19F:~o. and ending on the............ day of ... '_.00 "0' ..........._......... 193 and that E:aid . .........--j~Q.~--~.Q.~---.-----.........___m.u_.___u....... \\~~S "published on the tollow! ng days: >'.. ., .~. -J C. 45 A .)1 i 1 ~ _ ~.. __.......~.__... ... .... ....... ...................... ... .. . ............ ........ . . .. --. ...... -.-.. -.......... -...- ...."........- ....._._...~-:.._..._.... ...-... .... ~. - ..:-. ...::. ~.:.~.~~:~.-(:_.... .:~.. :~.:n~~o~~~~.....~~................. - /3 -~. Subscribed and sworn to before me thls..._~u.._u.....mda7 of .......~':::~~;tt~;~~~.i~~.....(~~{~i.~jif~~