688 il !I II " I! .1 I' II Ii I! 1 Ii Ii 2 ., n jl ORDINANCE NO. W AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A V~~IANCE i: 3 ;;THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: :1 f: 4 SECTION 1. (a) That the owner of the real property de- 5 soribed in this sect10nhas filed with the City Planning CommlFslon 6 of the C1ty ot Anaheim a petition requesting that a variance be 7 granted permitting the operation of an educational enterpr1se for 8 I teaching the de'sign and construction ot women I s clothes upon the I 9 IfOllOWing descr1bed property which 1s in Zone R-3, multiple family 10 liresldence zone; all that certain real property situated in the City: 'j :! 11 \!Of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as 12 iirolloWS: 13 14 15 r ! Lot Two (2), in Block "G", of New Sub- division of Vineyard Lot D-5, as shown on a map recorded in Book 17, page 72 ot Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California. 16 i (b) That said City Council f1nds from con- , Ii 17 Islderatlon and investigation of the facts and the report and ree- I 18 ,1o~endation of the City Planning Commission that: 19 II (1) Special circumstances and exceptional conditions do exist 20 /;as to the real property described in this Section that do not apply 21 1generally to the property or classes of uses in the same zone or 22 ' l:d1str1ct. 23 .: (2) That 1 1 f th t1 d l. a var ance 8 necessary or e oreserva on an 241': ;enjoyment of a substantial property right of said petitioner. 25 I ! (3) That the granting or such cona.ltlonal variance will not 26 : be detrimental to the public welfare or 1njur1ous to the property 27 !: I:or improvements in the district wherein said !)roperty is loca.ted, 28 'i l~roV1ded the conditions set forth in subsection (c) of this Section 29 Ii /,are complied with. 30 i: I; (c) That a conditional variance is hereby 31 ~ranted whereby an educational enterprise for teaching the design 32 .1 I~nd construction ot women's clothes may be operated on the real ,I Ii FRIIS ft SCHUTZ !; IInaKllfYS liT lIlw l: 4QZ.UM IIIIlK Dr AnellCA ILDIi. · ANIIHEln. CALIfORNIA ;: T!Le,nolc 3456 ; : oj II II 1 FRIIS &- SCHUTZ IIrroilllc'B AT LI\W' 401-<1114 lANK Dr A"ClltII ILIlIi" ^fU'"Eln. CALIfORNIA TII:Lf'IlDK 3456 1 property descr1bed in this section for the l1m1ted t1me hereinafter 2 set forth and subject to the follow1ng condit1ons: 3 (1) That subject to a sooner termination as provided for in 4 the follow1ng subsection of this subsection, the term of the var1ance granted in this section shall be for a ~er1od commencing with the effective date of this ord.inanoe and end1ng July 25, 1946.; 5 6 7 (2) That sa.1d enterprise shall be confined to the exlBt1ng 8 main apartment building on se.id real property. 9 (3) That there shall be no enlargement of said building to 10 oarry on the purposes for which this var1ence is granted. 11 .f (4) That no sales of e1 ther a retain or wholesale nature shali 12 :l be made upon said property. 13 : (5) That no sign shall be erected upon said property adver- 14 : 15 ! I I I 16 I 17 i I 18 tie1ng said enterprise or anything connected with sald enterprise except one s1gn which shall be not more than three square feet 1n area. That the word "algn" as used herein shall be deemed to 1n- clude any sign painted on said building or attached to said bu11d1nt or aff1xed to a separate support. (6) That in the event that the persons occupy1ng, using, or having control of sHld real property described in this section, at any time use said property in viole,t1on ~the terms of this ordlnanc~or in vlo1s.t1on of any other ordinance of the City of 19 20 21 22 23 I Anahelm,or any law of the State of California, or in such manner 24 I. i: as to constitute a public or private nuisanoe, that the City Coun- 25 ," I. oil of the City of Anaheim may termlna.te the variance gra.nted by 261 I~ this section, after a hear1ng, not1ce of such hear1ng to be given 27 '; I: to the owners of said property at least ten (10) days before such 28 I: : hearing. The f1nd1ng and act10n of the City Council at such hear1nt 29 ; ! shall be final. 30 ~ Ii SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 31 Ii of this ordinance and she.ll cause the same to be pr1nted. and :}ub- 32 !: !\ lishe.d once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general cir- Ii " , culat10nJ printed, published and circulated in said City, and. 2 \ , II il I! 1 Ii thirty days from and after its final passage it shall take effect if and be in full force. 2 Ii ~ ! 3 Ii The forego1ng ordinance wes approved, s1gned and attested ,1 4 thia 2Bth day of June. 1945. 5 6 ~7~-~_~.~ R..~lor of the City of Anaheim NO ...... 7 ATTEST: 8 ~~ 9 ' ..". '" 10 I . t . -brk 0 .'. "ittof Anaheim 11 12 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 8S. 13 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 14 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of 15 Anaheim, do hereby certify that t~~le foregoing Ordinance was lntro- 16 duoed at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the 17 ICity ot Anaheim, held on the 19th day of June, 1945, and that 18 tthe same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City 19 lCouncl1 held on the 26th day of June, 1945, by the following vote 20 of the members thereof: 21 AYES: COUNCILMEN, t Van Tllagoner J Sherld.8.n, Bone.y, Eernes 22 NOES: COUNCILMEN, None 23 .ABSENT: COUNCILMEN, ,~~.. 24 I \: And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of I .... iiiii 25 I~Anahelm signed and approved said Ordinance on the 26th day of 26 I: j:June, 1945. 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and 28 affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 26th day of June, 29 1945. 30 ! !. 31 I: 32 !i ii ~~:foi~~ahelm fRIIS " SCHUTZ IIrro!UlcYS lIT LR. 401-4114 IlINK DI' I\flll:lrltl\ ILDIi" ^"AItEln. tALlfOR"IA TII:Lr.'HQIIII: 3456 ""2: U AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION ;:-'T..\T!': "Jl' ('i\LIFOHNIA ) )88. I. ""1I1t~ -.If Orang'e ) Rl.ch.ard. ..F.l.e.Qhl.e...__......._.... __..""" _m... ..._.._...:___... nf" ::;aid ('ounty, being .firdstsdutly swodrn'fst~sS:~t~t o~ed:'Ji": u.alt> ::it'xeli of the Unl~e ta es, an 0 "' . . _ t'ol'llia. '.'\ l'r t.he age of eIghteen yean; that ~e has tnl 0 l~. t,'l',,~t in, nor is he a party to the matter herem men one. 1 ha t il.' i:.-: thE" P r:" nc i ()Hl clerk ot the A. n.&~.he 1- m Bul.l.e.till I t d } I fled and ci rculated H .di,;,,-i 1 v. nP'W:,lpa~e,r pr n e _' P,U ) is ill th.' l"aliY C"unty of Olangf-! that. said .ltna~:iei.m Bul.le.t.ln, .. -... . ,. __",_ ...n..."".. .......h._....._.. iH a nt-wl'I}Japt>t" of gener~1 ch-culation ~i~~I~a~~~~ ~~ c:~~ !oi,l1l:-:crih'I's, and is publIshed, for ~he dlss f enel'al char- l(';CHI a.nd ~'eJH""'al news and I nte]h~ence 0 a g bl' hed for ader: !.lla1. it is not devoted ~o the Intel'~sts or pUi ~s trade tlw ""II"j'i't"lhIPlt-'nt ot a part! ('ular class, profe~s 0 th f: c~dlill~': n~;~e' (~I' den~mination. 01' .of a~y IlUnL...er ofel~oa~ t~1'11 i' I,'u-" J\~"'n prInted and pubhMh€'d In ~hef City th n h't:im,"\ ";;~l1t.\. nf Ol'anf:re. Stal p. ~f C'ad]}t~l.nf1ath~rp~br?cati~n 1)"'1" \"'a' 1Jf-\,r pJ'eeedlng th~ fIrst a) 0 .' "';'!"l.to a t~;..I.C'~;"d; that th€' ~og :~;-~ l nBJl C .~.. :'\.9.~....~.. _ _ _P, .. "'" ..... '" or wh it-I. t hf' annexed is a p I'inted C()P~:. was Imbl iMhed in !otl'f 11.1 n.. ',', :'.l,al'l.r at least . O.~1.~ .1esq.~. CV!lim('!~"in~' ')11 the...2.8th...day of ..Ju.oe 1 ~5..-. :llld f>!l!ling- on the. ...._ __ ... . day of i'~ 0 t 1 c e 1 n:~ :uHl t iw t s.a id .. __.. . ..... ........... W:tl": P'li ~;i ish>(l on th.. tollow i ng days: .~ ~n e 2.<::; ~ .. ~9~5. ....~,;..:.:. ":..::~ ;... .-i_i.' l' '.1 h!'ll" !"i ~}ed ,'Hld sw'or'n to lIt.fore me this .... _ '. .....day of ......-..-.......-... .. ...--. ] 93,.......... tJ ..... ...~L,_.'cL_; ".m_.....::!;:.... N~tii.~: ~bj l'~:: ....- LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE aitDlN AftlD' JlO. .. .AN ORDINANCEGRA.NTING A. VARIANCE on the purposes tor which thl. vari- ance is granted. (4) That no 8a1ell ot either a re- taU or wholesale nature IIhall be made upon said property. The City Council ot the City of (5) That no sign shall be erected Anaheim does ordain a8 follows: Upon said property advertising said SJ!}CTION 1. (a) That the owner enterprise or anything co'l1nected nt the "eal property described in with said enterprise except '~m.' 81gn this seetio:p has filed with the City which shall be not more than three. 'Plan.nlng Commission of the City square feet in area. '.rhat the word. ot Anahebn a petition requesting "s1gn'. as used herein shall be. that i. variance be ..ranted permit- deemed to include any sign painted ting the operation of 'an educfl,- on said blinding or attached to lIaid tional enterprise for teaching the building or affixed to a aeparate design and construction ot women's support. rlothes Upo.n the following descrlb- (6) T.hat in the event that the ed property which is in Zone R-3. perso,ns Occupying. using. or bavlng , J11ultiple family residence zone; all control ot 8&Id real property de- 1.hat certain real property 1!I1tuated scribed in thll!l section, at any time ; in the CitY' of Anahe.im. County of use said property in v~olat1on ot the . f)range. State of California. de- terms of this ordinance. or' In vlo- . Ff"rihed as follows: latfon of any other ordi'nance ot the I' Lot Two (2). in Block "G," of City of Anaheim, or any law of the New Subdivision ot VIneyard State ot California, or in such I T..Iot D-i'i, as shown on a map ma.nner as to constitute a public or l"e~orded in Book 17, page 72 ot private nuisance. that the ct.ty , l\1iscelIaneoul!l Reaords of Los Council of the City of Anaheim may .A.ngeles Cou'nty. California. terminate the variance granted by I (b) That said City Council finds this section, atter a hearing, notice from consideration and investiga- of such hearing to be given to the, tion of the facts and tile report and oW~ers ot said property at least ten Ci PI (10) days before such hearing. Th~ l'peollunendation of the ty an- tt'nding a.nd actfolltof the City COlln- flinA' ()ommission that: en at such hearing shall be tinal. 0) Spedal eircumstances a.nd ex- SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall (!cptio.na.1 eonditions do exist as to certify to the passage of this or- the r'eaI property described in this dinance and shall cause the lIall1e to Seetion that do not apply generally . h d I' tn the property or dasl'les of uses in. be printed and pUblIs e once 11 the Anaheim Bullethl. a newspaper the .ame ZOl1e or district. of general circulation, printed, pUb- , (2) That a "-ariance is necessary lIshed a.nd circulated in said City, to[' the preseryation and en.i.oyment and thirty days from and after 11.. .,r a 8ubloltantlai property right of final passage it shall take etfect .aid lJetitioner. 'and be ill full tOI'ce. (3) That the granting of such The foregOing ordinance was ap- ~onditlo.llal varja~ce will not be proved, signed and attested this detriuleutal 1.0 the public weltare 26th day of June. 1945. 01' injuriolls to t.he property or Im- H. E. W. BARNES, provemenls in the district Mlerein Mayor of the City of Anaheim ' "'H id propert~. is located. J:?rovlded pro tern t l1f~ l"~ol1ditjons Met forth III sub- Attest: section (p) of this Section are com- CHAULES E. GRlb"FI'.rH. plied with. City Clerk of tne City of Anaheim . c) That a conditional variance h. hc:'reby g'ranted Whereby ,!-n edu- STATE O}l" CALUi'ORNIA "ationaf enterprise for teaclung the OOUN'.ry Olt' 01l.ANGE )85. rJf"~;jgn Rnd constructioll of women's CITY . OF .ANAHEIM ) 'IF,. I f'loUies rna~' be operat~d 0!1 the real I. 'Charles E. '~riffith. City Clerk ~lI'OPf'I.ty df'scribed in thiS section of the City of Anaheim. do hereby I' PI' the limited time hereinafter set certify that the foregoing Ordl- rot.t.1t and SUbject to the following nance was j,ntroduced at an ad- r:OllilitiollR: journed regular meeting of the City (1) That subject t'O a sooner Council ot the City ot Anaheim. 1 PI'minaUOIl as provided tor tn the held' on the 19th day of June. 1946~ fnllowing subsection ot this Hub- and that the same was passed and ~'(~dion. the term of the variance atlopted at a. reg'ular meeting of ;~Tanted in this section shall be for said City Council held on the 26th H pel'iod (~oJnmenclng with the ef- day of June. 1945, by the following 'E'I'Uve dat.e of this ordinance and vote 'Of the member_s] thereof: end ing .July 25, 1946. AYES: COUNCILMEN. Van Wal'- (2) That Raid enterprise Ihall be oner, Sherjd~, Boney. Barnes. .:on fined to the exlstirlg main apart- NOES: COUNCILMEN. None. ment building on saId real property. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN Pearson. (:n That there IIhall be no en'- And I further certify th.8.t the hn'g'e1Uen t ot said building to carry Mayo)' pro-tem ot the' City of". Ana- heim signed and approved aaid Or- dinance on the 26th day ot June. 1946. .'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I" have hereunto set my hand aad. affixeel th_ seal of' said City of' ADahelm thl. 26th day' ot June. 184&. (S&..\L) . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City 'of Anaheim ' Pub. Ju.ne 28. 184-5. ' ,