690 j' 10 !' 11 " 12 .' 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 ORDINANCE NO. h90 ...-.- 2 3 1: AI ORDDANCE GRANTING A VARIdDz' 4' TBE CITY COUNCXL or. THE CITY or ~EIM DOES ORDAIN ,AS. FOLLOWS: UCTIO,H 1. (a) i I T~t the owner ot the real property de- I I i. 8crlbed 10 this ..~tlon baa tiled with.the C1~7 ~1ann1Dg CQ..l.81o~ 6 I' I ot the Clty ot AnaJ;l.e1lll a petl.tlon I'equeatlng that a variance be ! granted perm1tting the operation ot a recreat10n ~all upon th~ toll 8~ 9!' lowing descr1bed property, which 1s in the s1Qgl.~t..ilY residence 5! 7 zone: All that c.~ta1n real property s1~uated 1n the City ot Anaheim, County ot'Orange, State of California, ae- ..Qrlbed ae: The Soutberll 120 teet or the lort~erll 595 t.,t ot the Westerly 130.32 'teet of the Easterlr 135"'32 fe'et of L"Ot A,.. S lnclalr , Ran~h, Trac t ,No. 97, .e shown OD. a ,ap re- corded in Book 11, page 3g, ot Miscellaneou8 Kapil, Ree- ord8-er OraQge County, Ca11fornia. (b) That sald City Counc1l finds tro. con- 814eratlon and invest1gation of the tacts and the report and rec- ommendation of the Clt1 Planning Commission that: (1) Special ciroumstances ant. e.oeptil~~;.,.eo.cl",~~.,.40 .x1.~ -. . I ..,to the real propert1 described in this Section that do not appl I general1l to the p~operty or classes ot uses in the same zone or ,l:lltrlc''C. (2) That a varianoe 18 neceseary tor the preservat10n and 24 enjoyment ot a substantial property right ot sald petitioner. (3) That the grantlng ot such cond1tional varlance will not detrimental to the pub11c weltare or injurious to the propert7 1mprovements in the distriot where1n said proper'l 18 located, prOVided the conditions set forth ln 8ub.ectlon (e) ot th1s Sectlo 25 i be 26 27 or FRIIS.. StH UTZ IInallll:YS lIT LA... "OZ-"lM lilll( ar AIII!IICA ILDG. I\RI\Heln,. Cl\L1fDIRII\ TGD_ 3456 28 i i 29" are complled w1th. 30 (c) That a cond1tional variance 18 hereby 31 granted whereby a recreation hall may be operated on the real pro- 32 perty described 1n this Section, subject to the follow1ng conditio . . 1 ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 I I 161 17 18 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) aOUITY OF OHANGE ) IS. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 2 I I 4, Anaheim, do hereby oertify that the foregoing Ordinance was intro- I 5" duced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the I I I I the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of sald C1ty I 8 Oouncil held on the 28th day of August, 1945, by the tollowing vot~ I I i I I I I I I I I i i I I 3 :' I, Charle. E. Gr1ttlth, City Clerk ot the C1ty or 6 City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of August, 1945, and that 7 9 of the members thereot: AYES: COUNCILMEN, NOES: COUNCILMEN, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN, And I further cert1ry that the Mayor ot the City ot Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 28th day or August, 1945. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal ot sald City of Anahe1m this 28th day of August, 1945. ~- ,/ / ;~ ...- ! ' lerk of the ~ ~ ot .A.nah.ela 19 20 (SEAL) 21 22 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS ft SCHUTZ JlnaIBII!YS /IT LA" 4OZ-4D4 IIIIK Dr AftI!.lltII. BLDG. ANAHEI". CAUFDRNJA TII!IDJlGIII! 3455 3 .i il 1 !: (1) That said var1anoe, hereln granted, sball terminate and 2 ;.end sixty darB atter the City Council ot the City or Anaheim adopt. 3:8 resolution declaring suoh var1ance~ and use thereunder, terminate.. 4 (2) That within sixty days atter the owner of ~a1d real pro- 5 :.perty 1s served with a cOP1 ot such resolution, said owner shall, 6 :w1thout cost to said C1t1 remove all building. trom said propert1- 7 ..Such service may be made personally or by registered United States 8 .Mall, or by posting a copy ot said notice on said property. 9 .' SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 10 .ot this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed and pub- 11 .11ehed once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general c1r- 12 culat1on, printed, publ1shed and c1rculated 1n said C1ty, and 13 :thlrty days trom and after its final passage 1t shall take eftect 14 .and be in full force. 15 : The foregoing ordinanoe was approved, signed and atteeted 16 ;:th18 28th day of August, 1945. 17 l: 18 : ,--pi;/, J l____ . /... /-" ~~ -R- ....~ Mayor ot 8 1tr ot nahelll'--- 19 !~'r'fES'1': 20. d~/ L,.,~~~-.nf/ 21 i~ru'~t~lnahelll 22 : 23 : 24 ' 25 : 26 : 27 : 281 29 i j. 30 ~ 31 ; 32 ~ FRIIS ft SCHUTZ "1'r!JR:IIr:Ys. III L~. .UZ-4G4 IlInK ur A~IICft IlDli. """"Eln. CftLlFOIfNJIl TtLtrllone 3456 2 011' Pr in.clx)H.l. c l.er..l~ . . Anaheim BuJJ..etin .. ... of th.e LEGAL NOTIC& " i -.....---.-.-- ...._..-..~-:_.~.." ._._ I ORDIN A ~ CIi..N'f: . ' '., I --- ..~.. 0:), A.N OBDIl\:~~CI~; T~G' A .~ " { "\ AIlJAN l/'J\::':rIJ'- JI' TH.E,,~Y ('ou~~ oP:dna!:' ("ITl tn' ANAHEIM DOES ORD..\ I ~ AS }I'OLLOWS: l:;ECTION 1. (a >> Tlaa t t hE' II \\' Ill':' - or the real propert y del'lcl'! lied ill this r;ectloll has filed with till:: City Planning Commi:>:slon of tl1f~ I.:il.\' of Anaheim a petitiolJ l'P.qll~l"tillK that a variance be granted pcrlllit- I tlng lhe operation or a l'ecreatiu~1 hall upon the folJl)wing del'icrih~11 property. whh:~h is in the.llinglf:- famiJ.lT residence zone; I All that eertain re'a I prop(,I'l~' - liltv,ated in the Cit~. of Anaheilll. . Co1iO~Y of Orange. :3tale of Ca.li. f~~I)~ descri bed as: , ~.ol.1Sout.her]y 120 feel or t1IP No___rJy 596 feet of the 'VeHt- erly 130,32 feet of the l':a~tt"l'i.r 135.32 teet. or Lot .A. ~inl.:lnil' Ranch, Tra(":t No, 97, a~ sh-.J\\'u 'on a map, ret"orded in Booli 11. page 39, of Misc:ellaneoulll Maplo1:. H.e-cords of Orange County. Cali. Cornia. , (b) That !laid CilY ('ouucil fill(l~ trom consideration and InVeRtig:.. tion or the tact.. and the report anti recommendation of the City Pla,n. nlng . Oornmission that: (1) Special drcumstauces anti I exceptional conditions dl) e>..ist. 'IS to the real property desc'rlbed ill - this Sect .~,-that do not apply gell. . eraB)" to. . I W"op.erty or <<..lasses c..r . uses In thO :....e zone or district. f (2) Tha '."'Yaria.n~e is necessar;\' .:1 tor the pre tlon and enjoymelll. .~. of a substiUU.J .property right of said petltioolWP:'" . (3) That tkJ' ~rantil1g of lSudl. conditional variance- will not bl'! detrimental to the public welfaro 01" injurious to the Pl'opert~' nT illl- provements In the distl'iet 'Whel'('i.ll Naid property is 10cat.p.d. providf'.J the conditions pet forth in sub~p.c', tlon (c) of this SecUon are complied 'vi tho . (c) That a eondi~lonal V8,riaal'f' Is hereby granted wneJ:eby a recte- ation hall may be operated on the . real property descl'ibed.;,t~ th1R "$-ec.... I tiO~l, SUbject to the fo11~~in&,' ~c>;n ~ - dltlOns: . t (1) That said varl~ ;,Jlerein granted, shall term In .:, enrt - sixty days after the Cit~' , .cll or , the City of Anaheim ad .:~_ - lution declaring such v . d use thereunder. termi.na "". 0:) That within ~ixty .. er the owner of said rt'al . ~. is served with a eopy of ~"'II'oJu- tion. said owner shall. . . 'ost to said. City remo .. - 8 from said pro pert ma~. be made perso, Ist@red United StateL'!J posting a (~opy ot said. - sa.ld properh'. -,., it.,.. n ~aECTION 2. The Citwi:... k 'f "hall certify to l.ht~ passage"'&r- t i:.; ordhiance and shall ....ause the samA .~. to' be. printed and published Oln(~e ill the Anaheim Bulletin. a new~papN - of general .ctrculat.ion. printed. pub- lished and cireulaled in said (,it~,. - and thirty days from and aftel' i1.l'lI ;0 final passage it shall take eftel.'t e and be In full force. 'I'he foregoIng' ordi.l"ICJ nee was a.p' proved, signed and at tested th il'l r 28th day of August, 1945. CHARLES A. PEA.RSON. Mayor' of the City ot Anaheim Attest: . ., CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. S City Clerk of .the City of Anahe.i"1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION wr.\ 1'10: Ol" CALIFOHNJ..\ ) )88. County of OrHnge ) R '-C.h{lT',d.. ..F.1..Q Q~~l.e_..u~..__........ of" :-:aid county. bt.>-ing first duly ~Wc)l'n, says-that he is .a ilia h.' dti?t>n of tilt> United States, and of the State of C~lJ- fonda, on'!r t he age of eighte en years; that ~e hus ~o In- tt')'l.'Ht il" nor i~ he a party to the matter herem mentIoned; t h.a t Iw i s t h f' It q,:,t.l~J.:r. . nE.'w.""pap~1' printed, published and circulated in Ow said C'ounty ot' Ol'ang-e that ~H id ,\ na ~'j ~ 1 t;i BUll I~t- in ,,'"'i. .#'--' \.,.. ....... .... ...-... ._._ r..~- _..__....... ......._ ...~._ i~ a ne\\ Hpalwr of gl'neral cir c'ulation with a lI.st of paid ~Hh.oll'l'ih..l's. and is pub1i~hed for the disseminatIon of both I II ell I and ~'f'III']'nl nl.'WS and i ntelligenee of a genel:al chal'- ad...)': t hat it i~ not. dt-.'votl'd to the int'~re~tA or pu~hshed for thp c.ntf.!.tailll":u'nt of It PRl'ti eular claSR, professIon, trade. (~allil1g., nwe or denomination. or, of a~y numb,er thereof: t hHt it lla~ het'lI prinit'd and puhlHlhE'o In the CIty of Ana- }1t'im ('Illlllt\" of Or.llflg-e. Stat €' of Cal ifornia for more than Ctt~t> '~'P~ll' HP:d Pl'p('pding- the first dH.~' of the publication 1:t'l'pto ntta<'lu'd; th:tt tht> o.r::1J "~.~ne~..___,'.Q.~. GDO ....u..__....._..._._.......__ nf whkh th,. annexc>d i~ a. pl'inted e(lJl~.. was published In n n e i. :~ S n ~:;- SlI id nt~\n;pnJ'c.r' at Ic'ast l.'(lmmpnl'ing- on the .30.thday of _Augus.t............... .. 19345 Ulld E"nding- on th€'o ........ .da~' of 1 fl~ . Hilt) that ~aid _.. ..lio.tl.o.e. wa~ p;.hlishpo on 1111' following days: ._A.U.t;.tl;~' t ~jO J,. -L.~!,45 .._. . _~- J:' <:i~.>~f.......;..~t":. ...' ......,;,..:... -.._.. ...._... _...~.......a....._ '.' ./" . - ~.:-:-: .~:~ .~::r!:~.~~~~.~ .~::-:'. . _ ... SUhRI'I'PH'rl and sW:lI'n to uefore me thi~ ~. .~~...day of ... ..193'....~... . no. ..-. ... ....~.....i;r.~~h- Notary PUDIic. _ STATE OF. CALIFORNIA. ) 1 COUNTY' OF ORANGE ) ... CITY '. 'OF ANAHEIM') Ie I. CharI.. E Griffith, City Qle'rk ot the City of Anaheim.. do hereby .~- certify th.i the toregoinc; Ordinance t was introduced at n.' adjour.ned ~- regular meeting of the City Council ot the City 'of .Anaheim. held on the - 16th 'daY'. of AUlrust. 1946. and that .s the same .w... passed a'nd .adO"pted n at a regular" meeUng of. said' City Council' held,' on the 28th day 0 r G August. 19-&5; by the tollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: .Co.UNCILMEN. r AYES: .COUNCILMEN, Pear-Bon, o ~1"an. Wa.on,r, BArnes. Boney, Sheri- .r da.D. . ' ,8 ~,0ES: COUNCILMEN; No.n@. ABS'ENT: COUNCILMEN. None. And I further certity that the 4r Mayor of'the'.City of Anaheim IIll'n- ~- 84 and. approved said OrdLnance.. on 1. the 28th day' of August. 1945. . 'e (SE.AL) d CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, . City Clerk of the City of Anaheim Pub. Au'g. 210. '19~6.