691 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )S8- County of Orange ) ...B_l.c.b.flrr.1....E.1..fl~hl~..._........................_.._..................__~_ of said county. befng first duly sworn. says-that he f. a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia. over th~ age of eighte en years: that he has no in- terest in. nor fa .he a party to the matter he"in mentioned: that he is the . Pr1nc1Dal clerk .......... ............... :........... ............ ........... . - -............. .... ........... ...-.....-... ot the ...An:ahe.1m.:. .:5.ul~e.t1.n.....~_.............................................._._ a_..J~.~.1.1.;L..._. newspaper printed. p.ublished and circulated in the said County of Orange that said '" .~.D.~J.!.~.J: .:TI....~.I.ll:l..t~.~.~........................._............_.._.__._ is a newspaper 0' general clr culatioD with a list of 'palc1 subscribers. and is published for the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or publIshed for the entertainment of a partf cular class. profession. trade. calling. race or denomination. or of any number thereot: that it has been printed and published In the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange. Stat e of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the ..._C~:r..g~.~.n.Ln.Q..e....~.LQ.Jl.....{2.9.1..............................._......_...._....__ of which the annexed Is a printed copy. was published In one issues sal d news pape r at least............ ....................................................._._ commencing on the....6.t.ll..... day ot .S.e.p.t.e..mb.e~._..._ 19~~ and ending on the................day of ..........._..._..._...__. 193__..... and that sa Id ...........H.Q..t.1.Q.~............................._...._.__ was published on the followl ng days: ~ 1 . ....Q .~.!?-1:..~.:nQ~.~....s:~.J...._ .1.9.=':5....................................................._ --........... -.. -.. -... - -.. --. .......... .......-. ..........................................................................-..........-. . ./.. -------.----~~:~.Z2~~= Subscribed and sworn to before me thfs....,2....=....4ay 0" .-m~._._.__..._..._l#.J. - ....~~_..-~--&N~~ia:- . ~. " ." I . ., . 'J. . ~.. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Wr..Arr'(o; 01" CALIFOUNIA ) )ss. Count) of 01:1 nge ) -..... ' .~ .C.: :.~.. -;'. ~.._..._;~~. .~. g.L.:.~~::.~L.._.. ......... _'_. ....___.......__.........................._ of ~1aid eount~.. hping first duly sworn, says-that he Is a r:lU)" dtizen of the United States. and of the State of CalI- fornia. O\'t!r the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tt'l.t.~t in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that. lie i~ the .L.... :...~ i~ .- ~. ..., ;.. 1" . ~.~..._-~...-....~....._......._.. .................... ............... . . .--. . '-- . .--....____...n........ of the "'. . -,. ~-:... ~ ...:... .:.:.-... .":l' ..~.~.. .... -...... -... - .~P~:._...-:"~.i.1_. . ....... _..... . - .. - --..... ... .....-............-........................... a '--....--.:........- '.-.- n(>w~paper printed. published and circulated in the said Count) of Oroange that oHaid .. " .- . .. -..oo.... __ ...... ... .................. ...................... - . ..................... - ._.._... __ __.................................._ is a llE'Wl:lpaper of general cir culation with a list of paid 8uh~('riht'I"~. and is published for tlw dissemination of both 1(I('al unci ....t'lIeral news and intelligence of a general char- al'tl'r: t hut :1 if; not devoted to the interests or published for tht' pnt.P}'t:lillmel1t nt a partil'ular class. profession. trade. l'a lliug', l'a(,t~ or denomination. or of any number thereof: f hll t it ha:-: hN'tl PI"j ntf'!d and published in the City of Ana- Ill'illJ. ('Ollllt"~. of Orang-e, State of California for more than 0l1l' ~'t'aIO nt'xt pl'l.,.t:>ding- the first day of the publication llt~l'(~to nttadwd; that the . .. . -.. .........~..... ........ ......-.. ~~..,;..._..-._..-..... .... -......... ...-....... ...........................--. of whicoh the' annexed is a printed copy. was published fn lEll!. ic1 new s paper at It.!aflt.. '__._..... .... ,_~.. ,.:... ...n~..~......~.~..::~.~................_. ('om men colug on the..o :"'~""'.h"" day of _:~;,~.!~u~ ..:::.:~~.--.~..t.t.l.~........... I .,. 193t~:.... and ending on the_..... ...... ___day of .n.........._..........._........ 1 ~I~ ..._, nnd that sa if'! "-"_ ....:-:.~.~.n::...j-.:;;.~~:.__......_.._...m_...n..._............_ WH~ puh) iHh('d on the foIlowl ng days: . . of....":. . ...i...._. .. ........._:........_...... ..........._................................................._ . ... -.......... -'"....... ....... ....... ............... ~...... ..... ..........--............................-.. a __.. _. . __ _ ....... ............ _. _. . ~. .._ ~ ............._.... ............... ........ ..._................................. .. .. ..-. ....,~.~ ..::-_..~.._:.::---~ ... . ...... . ... .~;--.. -.:.~::.~:~.....h........n.............._ ~. - Suhs('r'iht~d und S\\'o')rn to before me thls-...,t:..h.........day of .. .. A4. ~~.:...t.==:::...........~.~~e~~~.....__._ Notary Public. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE C'BDINANCE NO. "1 Anaheim. except only the property within the annexed territ-ories as described and approved by. Ordin- ances Numbers 423. 435. 4.56. and 678. for the purpose of paying the annual interest ot the indebtedness of said City i.ncurred for the pur- pose of the acquisition and con- struction of additions to and ex- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY" tensions of the sewer system of ,said OF AN,AHEIM DOES ORDAIN City. togetJ~er. with one-thirtieth AS FOLLOWS: (1/30) of said mdebtedness. 4 . . SECTION 11. That there De and SE~'JII0N . 1. That th.ere be and hereby Is fixed and 1evied a prop- hereby. is fixed and leVied a pro!!- erty tax for the fiscal year 1945- erty tax for the fiscal 'year 19~o- 1946 of Three cents. five mills and 1946 ~ Nineteen cents. three mills nlne hundred thirty-three ten I a~d se.:ven thousand five hund~ed thousandths mills ($00.0350'933) on nlDety.;idx ten thousa.ndths mills each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollafs ('OO.19:f1&~6) on each One Hundred of the assessed valuati'on of all real ($10...00.) Dollars of the assessed and personal property within th,e valuatfon, f?f aU real and persol'!al corporate. limits ot the City of Ana- property Within the corporate limits heim. except onl~r the property de- of the City of Anaheim. for the or- scribed and approved by OrdinanceS" dinary. annual expendftures of said Numbers 435. 456. a.nd 678. tor the . city. purpose of paying the annual in- SEqTION 2. That t~ere be and terest of the indebtedness of said hereby, i. fixed &nd 1..d a prop- City. incurred for the purpose of the erty tax for tbe fISCa.~t;....wJ ear 194~- aCQ.uisition. constru'CUon and com- 1946 'of One .cent, two ,~ and SJX pletfon by the City of Anaheim. thousand nlDe hundre... seventy- Jointly with the City of Sa.nta Ana. eiPit ten thousandths mills of a joint outfall sewer. together . ($OO.~lJ6978) on each One Hundred with one-fortieth 0/40) of said In- U100'.OO) Dollars of the assessed debtedness. ), valua~ioD ot. all real and personal SECTION 1~" That there be and property ....ithl.n the co~porate hereby is fix~d and levied a prop- . limits ot tile/. .City . of Anaheim. ex- erty tax for the fiscal year 1945- cept only ~ ~rop,erty within the 1946 of Four cent~. four mills and annexed terift"orles. as descrl~ed and four. thousand six hundred &ur ~en approved by Ordmances Numbers thousandths mills ($00.0444604) on 390.. 423. 436.! ~6. an.d 678. for the each One Hundred ($llW.QO) Dollars purp.ose of pa ng the annual In- of the assessed val uatrb" of all real t~rest of the debtedness of said and personal property;a.'Within the . ~Ity. fn,curred for the ex~e.nsl'On a~d corporate limits of the City of Ana- " Improvement of the city electrJc helm. except onl~' the~~. property light plant. together with one- within the annexed terrttorles as f.ortleth (1/40) of said fndebtedness. described and approved a,y Ordln- S~IN 3;. That there be and ances Numbers 435, 456. and. 678. (or here~ - at.!Ja fixed and levied a prop- the purpose of pnying the annual erty' for the fiscal year 1945- interest of th~ Indebtedness of said 1946 . w~..::JI1~lls and seven thou- Cit~1. Incvrred for the purpOse ot sand. e .~dred. se.venteen ten park improvement~, together with thou . s .'lnUls <-$00.0027317) o,n one-fortieth (1/40) of said Indebt- ea-ch ~un.4red ($100.00) Dollars edness of the' ., .: ssed valuation o.f 8;11 real .8BCTION 13. That there be and and per ODal property wlthm the b.er.eby Is fixed and levied a prop- corpoorate limits of the City ot Ana- ertt tax for the fiscal year 1945- beirn. except only the propert~ 19(8 of One ('ent, He".n mil1s and ... within the an'nexed. territories as seven thousand eight h1iPdred forty- described and approved by Ordin~ one ten thoUSa.ndthS~. ills ($00.- t ance.. Numbers .395. 423. 435. ~56. '.0177841) on each .e Hundred and 678. for the purpose ~f paYLng ('100.00) Dollars at.... ... assessed the annual. Interest .of the mdebted- valuation of all real..... personal ne~s of sal.d Clt),. ufcurred for the property within the c~.rat.e limits purpose of. the acquisition and con- of the Cit~.. of Anaheim. ~xcept only stru "on.. of additions to the c!ty the property within the annexed ele c .lIsht plant. together With territories as described and ap- on . entleth (1/20) of said indebt~ proved by Ordina.nces Numbers 4:1.5. ed .. 456. and 6;8. for the purpose of pa)'- TION 4. That there be and ing the annual interest of the in- he .Is . fJxed and levied a prop- debtedness of said City. In'Curre~ er: aX.lr t~ fiscal year 19~5~ for the purpose of ~he C'Ornp.letlon 1 ot. ente~n cents and five of the crty Hall. t__er with one- ~. nOO ) em each One Hun- ~ortleth (JI.40) ot 8"~!lcl..btedness. d. . '$100. . Dol\a,rs of the assess- SECTlOit~ 14. T~~.IicV1e:r.. be and ed luaU . of . '-11 r~al a~~ per-. ereby hi".'ftxed" an. r.tMied : a prop- sQn prop. _ witJt,in, the cbr.porate. . ty~.~ ro. th~."""1:'. y$- 1945- limits. of t ~City" ot An~h~fm. tor . '-+6. .di Sev.n tiMq....~ J\\.UI. one the. purpose... .'Of mainta'fnloDg the 'thoudJ\tt three '''1t..und~ tlXh'-slx publfc IIbrary":'of said City. . ten th.~sandths mills.. '($.&;I'1113GI)) ..SECTION 5. That there. be and on each One Hundred (1100.00) Dol- hereby fs fixed and levied a prop- lars of the Rflsessed valuation of .a11 erty . tax .for the fi8C~1 year 194-5- real and personal property within 1946 .'Of Two. cents. eight mills and the corporate limits of the City ot nine. thousand two hundred slxty- Anaheim, except only the property nIne 'ten thousandths mills ($00.- within the an.nexed territory as de- 0.289269) on each One HUJldred scribed and approved by Ordinances <$100.00) Dollars of the assessed Numbers 456. and 678. for the pur- yaluatlon. of all real an.d per~onal pose of pay1-ng the annual Inter-est .. .prqQe!.ty: w:U:.hln the corporate h~lts of the indebtedness ot said City. In- " Of ,tJ.l.....~.J~: of .Anah~I.n;a. ,..xce.pt only curred, tor the .purpo.., of joint .1 \b,o."" :.property . .wlthln ~ the . annexed sewer. \ construction. together,. with l' t~t<>>rlea .. as described. and.' &P- one-fortieth (1/40) .of 8ald 111de.bt- : ~~i~r~~:~:;.~~~m::~.~~:~ O~:MT~ON 15. That thoro be . ..Ild y. ~... ..9f. 'paying the ~~1l~1 fnterest hereby is ffxed and levfed a :prop- ). ..~. ,t~./ tJl~eb~edne~~' of ~ sa,ld.. City. .Qf. erty. tax for the ffscal year. 1946- 1 aaJlehn... .Incurred. fop..the .purpose 1946 of Four cents. eight mUIs. and J 4.(~::~;:'acq.~liJltlo.n .of .il: .s~~er farm three tholJsand. five' hulldre.....thi~ty '.4 .tfl..;:- e~Jlstruction!...~t . a sewer ten thousands mills UOo.~-48"&aO)..on t *t.b..; ':tocether .w:lt,b....~De-fortteth -each' One H'undred ($100~GO) Dollar. tl,tO.'..:ot .sald II)~bt..8S. ,. "of the aBsessed valuaUon: fDt all . ~~I~' 6. That:' ':,t.h~re be and .real and personal. prop'roty. within ....by.', . ill. .tixed and ::le.led '.. prop- the corporate Ifmi.ts of. the '~fty. ot tbtY.. taX' for.' t~e .tt..u...~ear '1945-. '.A.naheiDl. except only. the property .111'. of. Two. mills- """';.'Ix thousand 'Wfthln' the' annexed terr1.tory .. :'d-eT . ~'.'.~~ndred,~ forty-t.l': .t~n thou- .8'Cr.ibed. and. .approved by.~OrdlnaJlce~ ~cJth~.:,)nlll. .(.$00..001""4.) .on e.~h Nunlbers 4'66. and 678, f~r the. pur:- Oil;tr.:-.'Hu~cli'ed .($190.00). DoI~rs' of Pose of paYfng t.he annual Interest. th, &~iNU!'~ valuathN~. :.ot - aU real of the indebtedness of said City. hi- ~ . person,,1 property withfn the curred for the purpose of ex.ten-. · oCWPorate limit" of th8:Cfty of Ana- iJlons. and., improvement.. to. -the : 'e1.m~: . except onry';. tb~ property water works. of said City. together ' ,"t~ln. the . 'a~nexed twrftorfes as with- three-one J1undi'tfd . tenths i. .crtbe~".and.. approve4: by Ordl:n- .(3/110), of' said Jndebte~es~... !. .ces'~umb~s 396. 4-~",.,~'~, 4.5.8',-.od. .' SECTION. '16. The CItY Cleric 'of ' 8f..... for :th'e purpose.. of paying' the the City of Anaheim shall certlty .tbiual.lnterest of the Indebtedness. to the. paesage ot. this' Ordinance. ol{:..said City.. lnc\lrred.'.for. the pur-/.-.nd cause tb.e same to be published -. ..()t the. '.acqulsttf~n .ot. fire ap- once in the "ANAHEIM BUL- ":t.tlus..:tqr s":id Ci.ty. 't9ge~her with LETIN." a newspaper. of ceneral ~-e-(ortleth. (1/40) .Qf said. fndebt- circulation. printed. PUbUs.hed a.nd' eJ.~ess.' ,.... .. circulated fn said Cfty. and. there-' ..lSE.CTION. 1. . That ~her. be _Dc! trom and thereatter. the .sam.e shall '. hWeby'..I~ fl:x;ed and. h.~I.d a. prop- take effect and be In f1:1l1' force. .tlrty ~x for the .fl~~' 'year 194,5- . The foregoing Ordil'l&~ce was a". ot. Four cents!. ~Iftt ..mllIs ~Dd passed ~nd. adopted by.. th._ City * ,thousa.nd seven .hll1'Orta. nlnety- Councll ot 'the City of .A.llahelm...on seven'. teb. thousaiidthR.. mUls'.. (IQO.- the 4th day of Se;tember. 1945. and · 0'88.197>'. on each. OQe. Hundred was signed. approved an~.' attested (:f!i.O~OO)' .Dollars of the. use'Aed by me this 4th day of 8eDt'em'bet. · .oV.~ft8tfon. pI. all real: ,..n~ personal 1945.. . . . ~ertY' wfthln the. corporate limit., CHAS. A. PEARSON of .the .City ot Ana~eJDi. except only Mayor of the City of. Anaheim the' .property within. the annexed Attest: terrltorfes as descr-ibed and ap- . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. proved by OrdLnance Numbers. 4.23. City. Clerk ot t.he City ot A~ahelm 415~ 458. an'd. '78. for the purpos, of 'PLYtnJr the annual Interest.. of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) indebtedness. of said 'Cfty.. incurred COUNTY OF ORANGE )I!ls. for' the p~r1)ose of acqulsftion and .CITY OF ANAHEIM ) corn.ple'tloli ,by the City of .Anaheim ot a public park. . together. wfth I I. Charles E. .Grifflth, City Clerk one-to"leth. (1/40) of the said in- of the City of ,Anaheim. do hereby debtednesli~ . . I certify that the foregoi'ng .Ordlnance. SECTION. 8. That there be and~ was introduced at. a regular meeting hereby. fs fl~ed a.nd levied a prop- of. the City Council of the City ot erty' tax for' the :fiscal year l.9U- .Anahelm.. held on thp ~JI+h "a..r ...1' 1946 of Th"p. ,...."f.. +"'....... _",_ _ _ ~ AN ORDINANCE. FIXING A.ND LEVYING A PROPERTY '1',AX ON ALL PROPERTY WI'!'HIN THE VORPORATE LIMnS OF 'THE VITY OF A.N A.HEIM FOR THE. FISCA.L YEAR. INI5-1848. .... r."tI ,. III .. II,=, . ...~.~..................... day ot .:::i.!;...:.. -~-:;-....~_.~~~tj..J:.~........_.. . -.......... ............. .............................. --------..~gg V~ a~la (;1ty. Incyrred' for the purpose ot . ollIlI..na.ldred, se.venteen ten park Improvements, together ~ith thou . 8\, Is nOO.O.027317) o.n one-fQrtleth (1/40) of said h'idebt- e8tOh '. . ". ed Ul00.00) Dollars edD.~s.. . .of the' se . valuation of. all real . ','~TION 13, That there be and and pe 'al property within the b.61"~; Is fixed and l..vied a prop- co~pdrate U~ltl" of the City of Ari..... ell . "'tax for the fiscal year 1945.. helm, exc.ept. 'emly . the prop~r~~ 19 -~. of' One cent, seftn mUIs e.nd witbin the'. annexed:, territories' as seven thousand eight.' ," dred. forty- described' alld apln';o'ved by Ordi...."'. .one ten thousa.ndth '.' . :I11s ($00.- I anoe. Nulllli..... "6.. 413,. 436. 4N; . U78U) on each". '. Hundred ancl 678. for the' purpose ot, payLng. .' (1.100.00) Dollars 0 assessed r the .annual 'i,iatueBt ot the Indebted- valuation of all real~.,.,..' personal ne.., ot. 's.l~ ,~ty, hrcurre~" tor the property within the c e Ihritts pU~p ..8 o~;:.the .acqulsltion: and con- of'the City ot Anaheim. . X:~ pt_ only st~ I'oft:, of .. addltloD8 to the city' the property . wIthin the anDexed el. .c.:.Uibt....plant. together' with territories as described and ap.. .1 oil' . .:.~t:I.tb. (1/'0) of said Indebt- p.roved by Ordfna.nces Number8 '43'.0.. e.,.. "::.. '. . . -. 456, and 678, for "tbe purpose ot pay.. TION t. That there be' and. Ing the' annual interest of. the In- xed-: and lev~ed a prop-. debtedliess of said City, In'Curred.' . t . fl8cal ,year 194~- for th.~rpose CJ ".,' . ~mpletJon . .at !- cent. and' (Ive of the . Hall, t r_Ith 9.ne..;' ) . each .qne HuQ.- tortleth 0) of" nsedne... ',,:P r. ot tlie,.'aBse.~;.' .,~: S .:. I. . .14.' T e. be an'd' o~. I r,al. ~per-., . '. I>il'(" . e~.. ...~ ' prop- . wi, .IQ the.. rate. :" '.j-. . fbt. t . .r . 1945- ' , . '.. '. .' ot An~h. .. . tor. -' i;--Se'l.en . ., one t~e.- purpo., '. malnta'ln.Lftg, the hou'. lit tljree. n'. . . ~ ty-slx )I P~btlc l.Ibr . ".said City. . . ten thil1saadths lI'~. . .. 1366)' '~.~.q~I.PN' 6. ..~.~~~t.. there. be and on each One Hund~ecl 1. .0) "Dol.. h't:'~y..; Ii...,iix~<< a~d .levled a prop- lars ot the a8ses~ed' valuation ot .a~l . e'~1 J~!.~:r". t~e' fi.c4L1 year 194.&- real and' personal property' within 1~.4:. .!Ot. ~;cents, etg~t m:ll.1~ and the corporate Umf.ts ot.the CI.ty'ot nil). ,.: .tJ:a.iiUS...d :~'Wo hundred~ sixty- An.ahelm. except. only the l)ro.perty. ' nln', , te." tbousandths ~ll1s noo.- within the an.nexed terrlto~y as de.. 01.911_) :. .each One ~u.ndred scribed a=nd approved by Ordiilall~e. <'101..00:),. Do:l.lars. of t~e aBsessed Numbers 456, and 678. tor :the'pur- v..;.'" .. .....Qt:...~"l.. r~~ 'an,d' ,personal pose of paylng .th~ annual.lntereat P: .' . 1QW~:.e' oorpol"at~.li~f~ .of. the bidebtedne.. of .....f4.~~ ...Ib- pt. ;.t . e. . ity of' Anahe.lm, except only . curred. for the purpose' of' "1blnt .? ~t/.pi"pert3r. ;WIthin, the . ann,exed eewer' conetructlon.. togethei' . wIth 1 ~.~rlM,.:;,~ deB~r.becl' and &P- one-tortleth (1/40) of .ald Indebt.. ~ Pl'...d.:~_r.ordlnanc~. Numbers. 3~G,. edness,. ..!.,~. '~~,., .51 aDd ."71~ .~o~. the pur- SECTION 15. That there h.. 'and V. 110,.,. P'. ..1l&Y...... tlie . ..,llual Inte.....t hereby Is fixed and levied a prop. '1 dt t'e." .I.<<..'tedne~.: ot" .sa:ld, City .Qt, erty. tax for the fi8cal year' 1.4&. I 4n..~~~.:~)lc~rrecr.tor;.:the 'purp08e 1948 of F.our centa" ,eight ~Ills, .and' ~(,;:t~'~lI"'.l.~' .of :.a....~,ve~.. tarm three tho'u8and' five hundr~. .thi~t~. a.Jlcr.: 'Ute,: e(),,~uct~D! 'o.t ,a. .ewe~ ten thousands mills nO~..48~laO)'on I. sy4l(-. "~Ii... ,with. oae-fortteth .e&Qh. One Hundred U1OO'OOI..Dolla.... U14~ 'ot 'iia~ 1..4ebt~lles.. '. ot the aisessed valuation: rDt .all' i.meTIO. '. 8. . That .th~re be and. real and personal. property' within he.r.Iy.~' i.. "fixed, aDd le",ted 'a prop- the corporate Il.Inits ot. the :Clty. ot ert,~.. tax tor" t~e .ft.eal 'year '1945-. Anaheim, except oQly' the property .1-91,. ot T"wo..mUlif ."d. .ix thousand within' the' annexed. territory a,':d'e" 'JX; ';I1u.n.~r..~:. torty~t~pi" .t~n' thou- B'Crlbed aDd: .approved by:Ordlnances .ail."thil.)nUla: J,00.,-00268...) .on each Nunlbers .56, and 678. fOr .tbe. Pllr~ ()n'e;'.'~HU~\ii'ed '($1.90~00)', DoI~ar8' of Pose ot paYing the an~ual' Ibtere8t. the .....ed. 'val~.atlon. '.of - all .real ot the indebtedneBs ot said City. tn- ~~: personal. property within the. curred tor the' purpose ~f ex.ten- cOl"POr,te.:Umlt. ot.'the:Clty ot .4na- 8ion8 a.nd, ImDrov~ments to. -the beJ,D\~' exce)1t:. :onlil;. th~ . prop~rty water works of said Clt.y, tOgether. :witll-In tbe. ...~nexed te-rrltorleB as with. three-one Jtundr~ tenths ~~cr.t'b~~'~,an.d" approved,' by Ordin- (3/110). of said. Indebted:ness.. ances'NlImb.rs a9~, 433, ."6. 4S.6,'a.nd . SECTION '16. The City Clerk 'ot · n.i:' for .:the ;purp~e' of paying' the' the City of Anaheim .hall cert~ty adnual interest ot :the Indebtednes.' to the panage' ot. this' Ordinan.ce, ot'.~'.ald' City.. Jncut'red tor the pur- and caU8e the same to be pubUlh-ed . Pb8..~:'ot. th""a~qu-iBitl~n :ot. tire ap- once In the "ANAHEIM DUL- ".-.._tUB '1rtr. ..14 'G~ty. t9gether with LETIN," a newspaper ot general oD.e..;t"ortl~th . (1/40) '.e>t 8aid', indebt.. 'circulatlon, printed.. 'pu'bllshed ILDd eane... .'. . . .' 'clrculated in said' City. and there-' '~.SE.CTION'. .7.. ;T&at ~l1ere b. .n'd from and thereafter. the same shall ' h'weby' .1. fl:r;~ a~d'..l'ev.i~d a.'prop- take effect and 'be f'n tull'to.-ce. erty' tax' tor th..' .tl1tc41 'year 194.6- '. The toregoing Ordh;aa-.ce ~&. l.t~,. ot. Four' cent.. ~ .Ight .mllls. ~nd passed' and adopted by. . the City B~"~thou.a.ncl seven: hun~l'e~' nlnety- Coun~l1 ot "the Clt'y. of .A.Jlahelm~.'on Reven'- ten thouBanilthR' mOls', (t.QO.-. the 4th d,ay of ~,>>t~d1ber. 1945, and . 0486197) on each "One. Hu'ndrecl was .igned, approv~d and, I atteBted ('~'O.~O)" Dollars. of. the a8Ie'"ed by me' this 4th day'ot SePteDl'1;el', .'V."lft'ation, of, all r,al~ ~...n" personal 1945.. . . JrN)'&)erty -.Jthln, the" co),"porat.e limit., . CRA:S. A.. PEA.IUION.' of' the .Clty ot. Anahe'm. except only Kayor ot tbe' City ot Anaheim the' .property within. the. anBexed Attest: territories' as described and ap- . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, . proved by Ordinance Number.' 4.23, City Clerk 'of tJte. 'Clty ot Anaheim 436, 456, ana '78. t~r the purpoa, ot _ 'P&Ylnc the allnual l~tereBt. ot the STAi'E OF CALIFORNIA } fDdebtedneBs' ot .ald City,. incurred COUNTY 01' ORANGE )BB. tort the pUr1)088 ot. acqul.itlon' and 'CITY OF ANAHEIM ) c01DpletloD by' the. City' of Anaheim ot 'a pUblic park. '. together with I I, Charles E. .Grlfflth. City CI.rk one-tortleth, (1/40)' 'of the lIald in- ot the City ot .Anahelm, do hereby debtednell~.' .' . . certify that the foregoing Ordinance. SECTION.8. That there be andti' wa.s introduced at. a regular meetlnlf hereby. Is tb;ed a.n:d'levled a prop- "ot the City Council of the CI~y of erty:'tax tor .the 'fiscal year 19.5- 'Anahelm,. held on the 28th day or ~916 o;t. Three '~ents.: three mills al!d August, 1945, ~nd th~t the'same was nh:ae thou.and six' hundred tlfty-slx. pasBed and adopted at an 'adJourned ten thousa~~ths mlUB <$00.0339656) regular meeUng ot said City Coun- on each One' Hundred. Ul00.00) Dol- ell held on the 4th day of Septem- 11"-1'8 of" the....a.s.Bse~, valtaatlo'n of ~U .ber, 1946, by the fOllOWing v.o.te:. real an~' pe~s~llal property. -within. AYES: COUNCILMEN".' Pean~l1. the corporate Ibnlt.. 'ot tl:1e City ot Ve.n Wagoner,' Sber'ldan, Boney. An'ahelm, ,'axeellt anlv. the property Barne.. . . '. within' the" annexed . ferrltorles as NOES.: COUNCILMEN: None. described' and 'approyed :~by O~~in- ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: . None. ance. Nu~rnber.' '.4'21." 4.3.6; .' 468; . .an'd And I further. certlty that the 678~' for the PUrpf,)8. ot paylnR' the Kayor ot the City ot .A,niLhelm a1'lDual hitereBt' of t~4 IndebtedneB. .igned and approved said Ord~~aDc~ ot,cBaid City. IJltCurred' tor th(t pur- on the 4th day of September. 1-'4&.- pOse .ot aequ'l8ftlon 'lLDd qompletlcm . IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have by.~t~e 'Clt7.'of. Anah~lzn of a build'.. hereunto set my hand ~nd aftixed lng' for m,unl~lpal . uses,' to&:ether the Beal. ot Bald. City ot A...ahelm with 'qne-th1rtieth U/30) of saId in- this'. 4tl1. .day ot Septemb.er. 19.&... i.bted'lt~s.: ..... (SEAL) '.' . SlDCTtON .,; That there be "nel . CHARLES E. GRIFFI.'J'H. !1sreby is tlxed','and levied & . prop- City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim erty tax' tor' the: fiscal year 1945- Pub. 'SeDt. e. 194&. . . 194-6 ot Two' centB. one. mill and 'one :housand six 'hUl1d:red: .Ix ten thou- ~andth, 'mUls U'0~.0211606) on each O:ne Hundred' <'100.00) 'Dollars Qf the' alsesBed . valuation, of. all real :J.nd personal property wlt~ln tile ~'rporate limits ot. the. City ot ..4..na- 3e1m;' except, only tbe property within the annexed. t.errltorles as de.-.crlbecl . aid'.. approved. by' Qrdio- ~l1ce.". N1,1mbem 42,3, .as. .58, and 678, for the': purpose ot paying the flnr~~l interest -of. the i~debt-edness ot.:..ald....Clty,. JD'Curr.e4 ,(or the p.ur- pose of the &cqUfBitlon,. oonstrucUon ant( completloD 'by. t"'e-. City ot Ana- heim. or addltioDs ancl,.im,provements. ~~:tJ1e,watft:~.... s&id City.. to- gether with' ~n.-.~ . . ., ) ot~ BiLld Indebtedness~ ._ S:mC'IION 1~". .Th~t there tie and hereby dB fIxed a.nd' leyied & prop.. 'erty. tax tQr tb,e tlscal..year 1946~ 194.6. ot One: cerat, .. three' mills, live ..thousand elcht hundred' ...l:x:tY~three teu' ~hQ:~8a~.dths. .ml~.. ('$00.01.3&863) o.n 'each "One-lIu'ndre4.. ($100.00) DOl- lal'8' 'ot the ....es.ed. valllatlo~ .ot all r6al and" P9i'8Q!)al . property' within the :eorpo;ra~e. '.Jlinlt"s .ot...the City." et !. . '0' 1 !l8-t~,., and ~nding on the.. "U.._, . day of ........h.................._... 1 !I:I .... an d 1. hat sa j d ........ _. :,':.: ~:.:_)_:;;.~...._...h_..........___.....&..........._ W:'lS PH hlishE'd on the fo)Jowl ng days: t t . .' ~-- .! . . --.../l.., _'"'.. "_.. ... ~- -... ~.. ~.... ....-.. .......... ..... ~ ......... . --.... ... ......................................--.. . ...... ~ a .. _ ....... .. ........... ....o. ~ ..._. .......... _....... _........... ... ....__....~.........................._ .~' ~. ....- .... '<,:~.: _...-"':'~.':'~~.. . . 1'.... .. . :~..... . .....~~. "_.. t_~ ......... .. ..........~. .......~......._._............-........._.-.. SuhSt'r"ibed and sworn to before me thls,...I'....=....day of .... ~~,~t~~;.:::..'::.~~~....~....,~..,_._ Notary Public. 12 I 13 I a proper'y iax ~or; the fisoal year 1..6-1... of One oen', t.. .111 I 14 I and .lx.thouland n~ne hundre4 ..v8Bt7-elght ten thou...4~h. .1118 :1 I I 9 I I 10 II II I 11 15 16 17 18 1 2 ORDDIA.IOI ]I). ~ AI .OQIIWIC8 "UXI" .AID LlftIIG A PROpav !AX 01' ALL PBO....-x WIIIIII _I: "OOBPe~ LIMI!S' or 'rI1 CIft dr AIWIID roR '8 PIHAL !'EAIl 1941-11". . , to CITY CODICIL or TIlE CITY or ....i:I11 QOJ:8 OIUW:I AI roLLOWS: alCTIOB ~'. ~t there be and here"1 1. rlxed and ley18. . proper', tax tori the tiscal rear 18.0-1948 et 11..'... ....., three m1l1s and 1.~8n thousand tive Atmdre4 Illnetl,-a1x '.11 tltou.- 8andths .111. ('OO~:193"598) 011 eaol Olle .1UldPea (1100.00) Dellar. or the a.s.8.e4 valuation of all real ~ per80nal propert7 w1thl. the corporate 11m1'. ot the City of .lash.1m, tor the ord1nar7 annual ezpead1ture, of 8a14 c1t1. 3 4 5 6 BCTIOI I~ 'hat there be and he're"r 11 tixed 884 1.v1.... ( 100. OJ. 289'8 ) . ,on e..ch One Bundre" ( 1100.00) Dollar. ot t);).e ........ yaluatloa ot all r_al and per.anal property within the corporate limit. ot the City ot Anahelm, except onlJ' the property w1thlD the .annexed 'fierri tor1e. as de8cr1bed and approved by Ordlnanc.. luaber~ 19 . I 895,423, 436, 456, and 678, tor the purpo.e ot pq1ag the annual. I 20 interest ot the In-,btedne.. of said Clt." 1ncurr.a tor the ex'en- i 21 I elon and ~rov.m.*t ot the city electric light plant, together 22 w1th ene-fortieth (1/40) of 8ald 1DdebteID88.. 23 81OTI05 I. !hat the.. be and aerebl 18 tix.. and 1..184 . property tax tor the ti.eal rear 1941-1948 ot !wo aill. an4 ..... thousand three ~.4 8event.en ten thousandth. .1118 (100.0027317 en eaoh One Bunare4 ($100.00) Dell... ot the .......4 yaluat10D ot all real and p.r8o~1 property w1th1n the corporate lim1te ot ~. C1tr ot Anaheim, e*..p"t onll the property wlth1D the aMexed terri- tories .. ae8crlb._ and approved by Ordinance. Nuaber. 395, ~23, .35, 456, and 678, tor the purpo8e ot pay1ng the annual 1Dter..t .r the lDdebtednes_ of said Cltr, inourred tor the purpose ot the acquisit10n and conetruotlon or addition. to the c1t7 eleotric fillS. SCHUTZ ~lght plant, toget~.l' wltll one-t.entieth (1/20) ot sald l!l4ebtedne. . Arre..n IIr LAw ..oz.... ... .. ....a UG. ___n. ClWPOIIIA ~ 3456 24 25 26 27 28 I I 2911 30 ~ 31 .[ I I I 32 .L.. . 1 . ......... -.... .' ..-..... -.. . -_.............................."..~..- .----------.........-, 1 81:0'1'101~. That there be and. hereb7 1. tise" and lev-lea. 2 a property tax tor!the fiscal year 1946-1948 ot Sevent... eent. 3 and tive .1111 (~.1~6) on eac~ One Kundred (1100.00) Dollar. 4 of the &888.88ed va~uatlon ot all real and personal property w1th1D 5 the corporate 11m1la ot the C1ty ot Anaheim, tor the purpo8e ot 6 aalnta1n1ng the pulllc library or .aid CltJ'~ 7 _TIOR $. That there be and herebJ 18 fiDel.and levied 8 . property tax for~the flscal year 1945-1941 ot fwe cents, e1ght 9 .111s and nine tho'Band two hundred s1xtl-nlne ten thou8an4th8 .111 10 i! (tOO.0289269) OD e+eh One Bandrect (1100.00) >>ellare of the a...... 11 II yaluation ot all r.a1 and personal property vithia the corporate PillS.. SCHUTZ ......11 /If LAy 411"" ... . "ItA R.IIG. ....n. CAUI'IIIIIA TIur.- 34SS 12 l1Dll t 8 ot the C 1 ty : ot habe 1m, ezcept on17 the propert7 .1 thin the annexed terrltorlef a8 descr1bed and approved b7 Ordinano.. Ruaber. 395,423, 435, 458 ~d 678, tor the purpose ot paling the annual lnterest ot the iDt,bte4De'8 et said- 01t7 ot Anaheim, iaoune4 tor I 'a. purpe.. of the aoqu1a1tloB of a .ewer tara and.the oOD.truetl.. et a .ewer .,st.., together with oDe-torilet~ (1/40) ot 8&14 18- a.bte4n.... llOTIOll f. that there be and hereby i8 tiD4 and 1eYle" i I a propert7 tax tor. 'he tiBc.l lear 194&-1.4rI ot Two .111. and .1% I thousand 8U huadr"- tor,,.-tollr _en thou.andthe mill. (Ioo~002l644)1 en eaeh ODe .un4rel (t100.00) Dellar. of the .......4 valua'loD ot all real and per.a,al property wlthlD the corporate llalt. ot the elt, of ADahe1JD, ._~pt on17 the property wlth1D the anneDeI. terrl- torle. a. d8.C!'lb~ and approvea bJ' Ordinance. .1IIl~.1'. 396,423, 4:36, .'6, and 6'18, tor the purpose ot pa1'lag the aanual latere..t ot the ln4ebtedfte.. of saLd City, 1~curr.4 tor the purpo.. ot the aeqa181- tlon of tire appar.tu8 tor ,aid Cltr, together vlt~ oD.-t.rtl.~ (1/40) ot sald 1n4t);)t.an.... IleTIOR ,. fhat there b. and here., 18 tlse4 aa4 18.184 . proper"7 tu; tor: the t180al .,eu 19....1..8 ot rear ..nt., eight 8111. and six t~a-.nd ..ven hundred ninety-..ven te. tbe..aDd~. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2 ... "'... .... .,....,.''''=.1... I.......~ .-.:r...iIIiIro.. "' ................: .....I.c-...... _:.0 ...._.... . ~ -_.......&,......~-..........,_.......r~......,:..........'Y_.................,_ .._".: .... .. _....IE' .....~_.............-.....-..... ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 FRIIS. SCHUTZ Arranm Irt LA.. 4U." ... .IUaICA ILlIG. ....n. CALI...."." ,~ 34S6 1 .1l1s (tOO.048679'~. on each One XUDdre4 (1100.00) Dollar. ot the .......4 valuatlonlet all real and personal propertJ .1'118 the ! . eorporate l1111t8 o~ the C1tJ' ot An&helll, exoept 01117 the property wlthla the annexed~t.rr1torl.. .. ae8cribe4 and .pprayed b~ Ordl- ~aneesRWlb.r8 423, ~.35, 466, &114 .'78, tor the purpose ot pq1Dg tQ annual 1atere.t ot.~ the indebte4ne.8 ot said City, 1Dcurrea. tor the purpose ot aaqu181~lon and completion by the City ot An&het. ot a public park, toget~er witb one-fortieth (1/40) ot the 8a14 iDdebt. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ..... 22 23 24 25 26 8&CTIOH $. !hat there be and herebJ 18 fixe" and leYl... . proper', taz tor: the t18Cal 1e~ 1'~6-1946 of ,~.. ..nte, three .111. and alne tho,.an4 s1% hundre4 t1ttr-81x ten thou8andthl .111. (100.0339651) aD e__ ODe K1U1dn4 (tlOO.OO) Dollars of the aIS...8 yaluat10D of all rtal and personal propert7 wlthla the corporate l1alt. ot the City ot Anahelll, except only the pr~p.rt7 w1thin the annexed territorl., as de8cribed and approved by Or41nan... Ruab... ~23, 435, 4D6, and 178, tor the purpose ot pal1Jlg the. annual la- ter..t ot the lnde~t.dn.8. ot laid City, lncul'r." tor the purpoe. ; i of acquisition and. coapletlon by the Cltl ot Anahe1a of a bu1141ng ! I i tor llunlo1pal usee, together with oll....th1rtl.th (1/30) ot sa14 I ln4ebt.4D.... 81O!'10. ,. 'lh.:t there be and hereb1 18 tlu4 aad 1..18" . proper', tax tor: the tleeal fear 1941-1948 ot Two oents, ODe .111 anA .Re tho..and .~x hundrea s1x ten thou.andt~ .~11. .(100.021180e) en eaoh One Kundr._<11OO.OO) Dollar. of the a....... yaluatl.. of all real and perseaal property w1thia the corporate l1a1t. ot t_. C1t1 ot Anahe1m, .Jeep' oD17 the proper', within the anneuA terrl- tori.. a. d8.cr1bel and approyed by Ordlaano.. IUabere 423, .36, .06, and 678, tor the purpo.e or P&71ng the annaal 1.t.r..~ ot the lDdeb'.dne.. ot .a~ Cltl, lncurrea tor the purpose ot the ac- QU181tloD, constru.tlon and co~letloD by the C1t~ ot Anabeta ot addit1on. and tmpr.vement. to the water work. or .a1d 01t7, toe-tie 27 28 29 j 30 Ii 31 rJ 1 32 I I i 3 I ..J,..._. ..... _..~... ....._.___."........... ...___......~......__"..__.__._..__.. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 31 32 1 2 ;3 4 .ills, five thousaltd eight hUDdred 81xt7-thr.. ten thousand. mill. 51 (100.0131963) 0.. e~oh One IIWldre" (1100.00) Dollar. ot the ~.8.... 6 7 8 9 24 25 27 28 29 30 4. ........... fillS. SCHUTZ AmIIm Iff LAw 4az.... MIl UP A....CA aI", ~II. CIW.....1l ~3456 1 'he ln4ebtecln... o~ said C1t7, 1Dcurrecl tor the purpo.. ot p.ark 2 improvements, toge~..r with one-tortieth (1/.0) ot 8a14 lDd.~t.4n.. . 3 SJ:CTIOI ~I. That there be and herebJ 1. ~lx.4 and levied 4 a propert7 tax tor~the fiscal year 1945-1948 of 0.. cent, seven 5 m11ls and seven th~usand eight hundred tort7-one .'en thou8an4th. 61 711 ,I 8 .1118 (tOO.Ol'?841} on each On. Kundrea(tlOO.OO) 1011are ot the ....88e4 valuat10n ;of all real ana. per80nal propert"l within the oorporat. l1111ts ot the Clt7 ot Anahe1m, exoept 01117 the propert7 9 wlth1n the annexe4:terrltorl.. ae described and approved b7 Ord1- aancel Numbers 435. 456, and 6'8, tor the purpose ot paying the annual 1Dterest ot the lndebte4n... ot sald Clt7. lncurrea tor the purpose ot the cOmJlet1on of the C1tJ Ball, together with oae- fortieth (1/40) ot".-.1d 1ndebtedn..s. ."'ION 14. That there De and hereb:r 18 fix... and 18.,.1.4 . property tax tor the f1scal year 1946-19~. of S.yen cents, on. al11, one thousand three huadl'ea e1xt7-81z ten theu8aa4tha .UI. (IOO.O?1136S) .on e.cb One Bandrea (1100.00) Dollar. ot the ......eAl yaluat10D ot all rtal and per.onal property wlthla th' corporate l1a1h ot the Clt7 ot Anahe1.m, except oDl7 the propert7 within the I ~ I annexed 'errltory .. desoribed and approTe4 br Or41nano.. luaberl i .56, and 678, for "he purp08. ot p8.11ng the ann.a1 1a'ter..t .t the I i lDdebtedne.. ot 8a~d C1ty, 1ncurrea tor the purpose ot Jo1at se.er I i Gon.truct1en, toge;her with one-fort1eth (1/40) ot 8.14 lD4eDteln.. . 8EefIOR 15. !bat there be and hereby 18 t1xe4 and 18.1.4 a proper'l tax tor the fi80al year 1946-1948 ot rour oent., e1ght .111., aDd three tllousand tlve 1I1l1ldr... 'thlMl '8& :thoal&ll":t:\18 al11. (100.0483530) on each One Hundrea(l1oo.oo) Dollar. ot the .......4 yaluatloll of all ~al and personal pl'Oper'7 wit_1ft the oorporate . 10 11 II II 12 I I 13 I I i 14 I I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 lndebte4D... ot sald City, inourred tor the purpose ot extensions 6 . _.' J,..,o. ,- . . __. OOUlfCILJIEI: P8~.On, Van Wagoner, Sher1dan, BoneT, laPIl... COURCI~: Noae. 28 USSR'!': concILJI.: 101le. ADd I"tu*'her cer'lty that the Mayor ot the 01t, ot Aaa- 30 j Ilea signed and awaved said Ordinance on the 40th da7 ot Sept..bel" 31 111945. 32 FlUS. SCHUTZ ~QS /If LA.. ..az..... ...... ARIlIICA us. AlUilleII'l. ClWPDIIIIA T~ 3456 5 6 7 I I S! I I 91 10 II 11 II 121 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 1 and 1aprevellentl tb the water works of said C1t7, togetl;ier vith 2 three-one hundred ~.nth. (3/110) ot said ln4.bte4ne... 3 SECTION !LS. The City Clerk of the C1t7 o.t Anahe1l1 shall certify to the pa.~ag. ot thi8 Ordinance, and cause "the same to be pub118hed once in the "ANABEIM BULLE'INI, a newspaper ot general circulation, print_d, published "and circulated in sald CitJ. and therefrom and the~,att.r the .ame shall take etteo' and be 1n tull 4 toroe. The tor.ping Ordinance vas pa..ed and adopted by the C1t7 OOUDell or the C1ty ot ADahe~," on the 4th da1 ot Sept..ber, 19d, and was sign.el, approved and attested by.. th18 4th d.q or Septeaber, 1945. AT!18': 'TA.TE or CALIroUU ) to.!!: or OBAlGI ' ) 88. I CITY OF ANABEDI ) l 1, Charl,. E. Grltrlth, C1t7 Clerk ot tbe 01ty ot Anabe~, 40 hereby cert1tr ~hat the torego1ng Ordinance ... 1Btro4u..4.' I . regular uetlng elf the 01ty CounoU ot the 01tl of "abela, hel... ! en the 28't1l.. da1 ot ;- ..lMaH,:;:.~ 1945, and that the .... vaa p...ea and adopt.... :at .. ~JollrDed regular meetlag ot .ald 011;1' C01lll0.11 _e14 on the 4th daJ ot September, 1945. by the rollowlng vot.: AYEa: 10EI: II WI'l'm:~ WDREOI', I have hereuDte ..t JI.1 hand all" at~1x cl 'he 88a1 or sald City ot Anaheim thi. 4th da1 ot ..pt..ber, 1946. (SElL) ~~~1m ;. .