693 LEGAL NOTl<:E 'Ie . _.. .. -.. ... .... ..--.. ...................--.----........ ..-...... ................._.:\............. ORDINA.NCE NO. _ I AN ORDINA.NCB A.MENDING 81..' TION IS-A OF OBQINA.NCE 1\ 487'. ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN I. FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 97-A . 'Ordinance No. 487 of the City t Anaheim i8 hereby amended to rea as follows: Section 27-A. No driveway aha: be established or maintained wlthi:L the business district of the. (:ity ni Anaheim fur the purpose of gaining j access .to or ingress from any street without first obtaining & permit from the City Councll so to do. Application for the establishmen t and maintenance of such driveway shall be made in writing to the City Council and shall be signed by the owners and occupants of the. prop- erty from which it i8 proposed to gain access to or ingre.8s from a street. Such application shall con- tain a statement of the intended use of the proposed driveway and shall show the exact location of such proposed driveway. . The applicant shall furnish to the City Council surch other Information as it shall require to enabl& it to pass upon the application. In the event. that the Council shall ftnd that such" driveway. if established. will not constitute an undue hazard to ve- hicular and pedestrian traffic it shall issue a 'permit granting the establishment and maintenance of such driveway. In .issuing such permit the Cou.ncll. may prescribe I such terms and conditions al!l it deems necessary to protect life and property.' and may i'n its dil!lcretion authorize a driveway' only for ac- cess too a I!Itreet or only for an in- gress from street. The decision of the City Council with respect to granting: or refustng a permit or in prescribing l!Iuch conditions a. it' deems necessary I!Ihall .be final. Any I' permit i.sued purl!luant to the. terms of this Section may be revoked at ally time by the City Council I!Ihould it find that such driveway described in such. permit is being used in vio- lation of any ordinance of the City of Anaheim 'Or 'of . any law of the State, of' . California. or. in violation of. any condition of the permit. . No permit shall- be revoked without a public hearing: of whl'Ch permittee shall be gtven ten days notice by the .City Clerk. at which hearing, the permittee may be prel!lent a,nd I be represented by cou,nsel and may present evidence on his own, behalf. The finding. and decil!lion ot the City Council at afty .Iuch hearing shall be final. . As ul!led in this section, the term "business district" shall have the mea.ning as it is elsewhere defi'ned I in thil!l Ordinance. As used in this I section t~e. word "street" shall not I include' the 'Word "alley." Section 2. The City Clerk shall I certify to the passage of. this ordi-I' nanc.e and cause the. same to be , pubhshed once tn the Anaheim I Bull~t.in, a daily newspaper prLnted, l PUbhshed and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orangt:, I ' I State of California. and. thirty (30) , da).s froll;'.. and after its flnal- pass- l aga it shall be in full force and I effect. ' '.' The toregolng ordlnanoe Was" . signed and approved. .by me this 30th day 'ot O~toober. 1946. . .'. CHAS. A. 'PEARSON. M~yor ot: the City' of Anaheim Attest: . . CHARL..,:' .~. GlUJ.'FITK,- City .CI.~~:Q'..the.'c,lty ot'.A.R.heim i i STATE 'Otr.~.c.:A:LIFORNlA ) '. COUN'r~ "QF' "ORtA.NG~' ).... CITY . OJ' ,'A.N~EIM. ) . 1 .... . '. l' . I. 'Car)... JL. G:rlttith, "City, Clerk of the Clty:-of .A,l1..h~im" ,do', hereby , ce.rtlf;y. ~hat ..the .for.~ohle 'ordf- L nance waa ,Introduced ,at.... reculiJ.r I ': meetlnc ~t ,:the City .a.uDell of th e I City of Anaheim held :'on the ,I3rd day of. Octo~e.r. 1945. and t.bat the ~~me. WM i)l~.'l..e~. an4..~op,t.d, at.an adjourne4 regular' meetlnc ':ot said : City ',Co.bcll held 'on .the 80th day I o~ Oct~)e~,., .194&. by the. follOWing vote ot..the ',members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN:. Pearson, Van Wa&'Oner.~ Boney, Sheridan, He'yfng.'. . , . NOES: COUNCILMEN: No.ne. ABSENT: 'COUNCII..M:EN:. None, And -I farther. certify that the 1\layor of 'the 'City of Anahelin sign- ed and' approved said'Ordinance.oD the 30t}1 d'ay. of October.' 194&. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand. and '.atflxed the l!Ieal ot satd, City. ot A.nahelm this 30th da17 of October. .1945. . . CHARLES' .E.. GRIFFITH. City Cler.k, of the City 'ot. Allaheim Pub:" N,,\!~ ':.'. '194-6. . "" .' . . AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OIt' CALIFORNIA) )ss. COUIi ty of Orange ) ..-R-i c.l:l.aJ:'.d....E.l.S.c.L1.U... __......n..... . ................................._...._ of said county. being first duly sworn says-that he is a malt; (~1tizen of the Uni~ed States. and of the State ot Call- forma., over t~e age of eIghteen years; that he has no in- tc!,pst lIl, nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned. that he is the ' .---~.~.~-!.~.Q~P-~J:..uQJ..~.~~n "'_ ___m__..., ._.. ._._, __""__..n......_. ot the .-- ..~n.ah..eim.., Bulle.i1rl.... .... ........ _. ..... ...._..............................._ a----.d.ai.13..... newl:';paper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . -. _A.n.ah e.1.m.-..~.u..ll.e.t.ln .._ .___....___......_.___....._.............._...._.._. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list ot paid sub~cl'ib"rs. and is published for the dissemination ot both local and g-elleral news and 1 ntelligence of a general char- al'ter; that it is not devoted to the int.erests or published tor tht~ entel'tainment of a parti cu]ar class. profession trade callin~, race or denomination. or of any number thereof: th~t it hal-l been printed and published in the City of Ana~ 11t~nn, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ... - Q.~.g j _nf!n.QJ~..j \Q.~.....6.9.3.... ..__..... .-....................n................._ of which the annexed is a printed copy. was publiShed In said new spaper at leasL........._..n..s?!.l:.~.....~.~.~.~~...._.................. commel1dng on the....:20.d...... day of .......N.OY.emb.er.....__ 193_.4~ and en ding on the...... .__...no.day of ........:.nu.._.........._.... 193, .._.., and that said n......._.__... .~-Q.t1.c_e........._.....____................... was published on the tollowing days: . ~ovember 2 104:5 ,_n. ..... --... -. .. _.hn.... ...._.... .,. u.... ...1.___ .. _ n. .n_........... ....................................... . -. ~.. -. ~. . ~. ............ .......... --... -...-. ......... ........-..................................................--......---... , ..,. - " ... .. -............ -.-.. ..... ... ........... ........ .......... .. -.......-...................... .....................--.........................- -.r:- Subscribed and sworll to before me this.....~:..........da.y ot .. u.. ,?i: u ..':..:.~.l.~.~:~._.::_:::_:.....n 193# . _..._......<:!.LZ..!.k_:.L.....!L:...:::--~-:~i:/~~ii--- FI" . StttVTZ ...... _LA. '.-&-:i' .~ 1. '~~,~.() l ~,.1 '.~. ~ ." "::~' ,.~_'.,~.r : .-itl: ..,. .;....I_".lt~_:--lil~ ~.~ ~~ ~;.e }..:~nr1. t ;;&1"'-.1=;.11 'be 1:-0, 2.. '?'c,:':':;:?iI~~OIHall'SP"DD.'.~slo'IOI1 ...&t~r~l!tl_Gtt}..l U~1"-,. :.. ,~~ 3 t '.... '. .:'...... : .,;.. .':- . ". ".:' ." ,~. " ~".'; Z f " ...'.~1>..~~ ;-,':.~~j.:~"\n;:' ;:~'.~I! ';f..~:~~:)i.:. '~~~!lo;. .., 'fRE. Cln ,ptlUICIL or !H~ C~TY ~~ A.~Epl, ~~v.,.9~P.~ .J1.. ~ ...' .'~"'(..' .:lI;": ~'" <:..... /"~o:','.~.>< ~~'".~~..: .~.:.:;. ",: ':.:t .~:'t-;t-J.. .~nl..'. !1t.~.~! .~',i.'":':~).'."~L-;'.: ,;.:.J,}.' POLLOWS: l' .,... _ , '. u, ...Ai. :" _... -... ~ . .. Ii} -. ". :.'....1:"' ";.';.. . .."i., ',":,; ~". \. ':','. ~);,.. ".;,~ ....~.;,H, ~:., '. ~ . Seotlon 1+:. ~t Se~t"oD.. 2"~~ .f!t Or41IWlo,. 110. 4:8., ot .!,,_". ~. . .. '. ..., .,' ..t ~ "~'~ ....:: ;';~. ::~. .:. .?". :. ~9:: :~~. ',j 'he 01t;r 0~,Anah~~,:18 ~r~,: ~~D~,1iC:\f.~,a4)~~';o~~Ho~hro,;,c:o;' g' 0'1 . 8.~~~0~,~"7A. :'t:.O ~lT~~f ~~~~~,,~,"e~~~~~~~h~ 'ri~~'~(', l~t~~~c.~t~ ~~~~n~~~t~~~t1~~t,~, ~f.~:t~, ~.~~~ :;O~..l~!!b'i~ !~~}~M ,~o. ot sa~Dl~ aco... to or ingress trom any street without tirst ob- W,":: .r" (.t ":~:.~ i.. f~ ..,~' ~- ta1Jalng a ~~\~;"r~. ~ Q,~l~ 9.~~~~l1'Cht~i>'~~,~,~~, 'Co tr..e >doL~~' e; t~. ':..7': 2't~~t~.~~t;~~ ~.~~:,~~~,h~'i ,'.B~~~~~i,,"~~t ;.:t'~lftt~t~~~O'r:O~'nIUC ~,~r~,.~ ~;~~~t,~,e ~..~~ ~~l,~.,~o,~"~;,.Q,~~;roo,~~~~t\0~C~" ~ ~~\g~e4b~ ~~t 01r~~,4,"oCO;~~l.,~ -;t'",\<,~~5.~ ~~D~&'~:,~ IS' l\,~l'o~~,~~~ '~'(osa;D,~~!~I!: t,~,or A~Jr'~~.~ ~,"~"ar',t~~~l. .\. ,,s"'h,l!., . ,,~~,~{~~t~..~.~:(~~~~~. cnn~~:.~-~ a stateaent ot the 1I1teade4 use of the propo..d ~~~.~&7, f:d,,; ~pa~:L 'l'~;'! ,;:~,",~~~.)f~'~\~l'~~'!"~~~. ~:~~.~,:}' :~?~~..,~~, s~~ furnlsh to the OU1 OOUDCU such at r lntoraat1on as it Shall require to 8na~1. 1t to p... uP9a the ~ ...::7' .:.: ~lcatloD. ~ the .~nt t~t th~~~_ .1~Wa7, it establ1.he4, w1l1 nctti..'~'ollDlt;l1M'te \'1.Y<~/l~~ td. 6 5 7 8: 9 l(); 11 l~ IS"' 14 14-' . t1' . 18' l~ I 20 I I 21 28.-. 23~ 2-4.:- 2-5> 2fl- ," :H'"'~!!~.1: t shall ls8ue a peNl t sraat1Bg I i;',~al~i1;~~c'en: or such drlT.Wa;r. III 1..ulDg I. .uoh permit the Couael1 may presor1be suoh term. and condit1one .a 1t d.... nec...ary to protect lite and propert7, aDd a., 18 it. 41.cr.t1o~ authorize a dr1ve.aT onl1 tor aoo... to a .tr.e' or onl, 27~ tor ingr... tro. .'re.t. The decision ot the Clt7 CouBcil vl'h 2.g:, respect to grantlq or rerus.lng a permit or 1n pr".l'lb1ltg ..u 29:' conditions a8 it d..me nee.Bearr sball be tiDal. Arq pemit 1..u ~ pur.uant to the terMs ot th1s Sect10n may be r.~ok.4 at &DJ '1.. 31 by the City Council 8hould it find that such drl...., d..or1be4 32:~' 1n 8uch permit 18 being u..a in violation ot aDJ ordinanoe ot the CltJ of Anahel. or ot aD1 law ot the Stat. ot Ca11torDla, or 1a 1 ........---". ~..~....-=.~~..,. "_.~~..._--"__-..J...MK ..i.....O:"__....:.~...... ~l FillS fir SCHUTZ ......,. lIT LAw caz-c. ... .. ....ICA .... MMeI". tALlPDIIIA T~ 345& :i 411 51! 61! 7 II i 81 91 I I 10 II nil 1211 1311 I 14 I I I 15 ! 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ii 1 I Y101at1oD ot an1 cQadlt10a ot the permit. No pera1t sball be re- 2 I yok.ed w1thout a publio hear1ng ot whlc)l perm1ttee shall be given i 3 ,I ten days notice by the C1ty Clerk, at wh1ch hear1ng the peraltt.. a8Y be present and be represented by couns.l and .., pre8ent evl- dence on n1s own behalf. The findings and decision ot the C1ty Councll at any such hear1ng shall be t1nal. As used 1n th1s sect1on, the term lbu81ne.a Diltrict. .hall have the meaning as 1 t 1s el.."here detined 1n th18 Ord1nance A8 used 1n thi8 eeotion the word Istreet- shall not include the word 1&11871. Section 2. The CltJ Clerk. shall certlt1 to the pa88age ot this Ordinance and caU8. the sue to be pub11shed once in the Anahe1m BulletiD, a daily newspaper printed, publishea. and clrou- lated in the City ot Anahe~J County of Orange, State of Calltorn1 ., aadtth1rty (30) dale from and atter ita tinal pa..age it shall be in full torce aDd ettect. The torelolng ordinanoe was signed and approved b1 .e thl. 30th day ot O.tober, 1946. A'1'TIS'1': ahela 1 2 ;3 4 5 6 711 811 9 I 10 I 11 il 1 IJA'-'E OF OALIroR1fIAi~ ! (Jl)UIft or ORAIB din 01' APD%II ' 88. It Charle. E. Grltt1th, City Olerk ot the Clt7 of Anahe de herebf certify t~at the foregoing ordinance was iatraduced at & regular meeting Olr the Clt,. CouncU or the Clt1 or Anahe1ll held O:D the Sard day ot October, 194:5, and that the' salle 1f~1 pas..4 and adopt... at an -.Journecl regular meeting ot la1d City Coullc11 held on the 30th d~ ot Ootober, 1945, b7 ~h8 tollowlng vote ot 'he ...bers thereo1t:: , 4YEI: OOURCILBIt: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Bon., .and Heying. COUlCILMFJf.1 Hone. IOE8: 12 DaaT: OO.CILK.: RODe. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 281 29 I 1 30 ,I 31 32 PII-IS . SCHUTZ *-n I<< LAw ca.... ... .. AIBICA ... ~ft. CIW.....IA ........ 345& ._,,.,...1111.,-_, 1 ADd I t~"her oer'ltr that the MATor ot the C1'J ot Aaa- _.la elgDed and apJroved 8&10. Ordinance on the 3Ot;h d&1 of Ooto'ber, 194D. D 1fI~ WBRIOI'. I haTe hereunto .et .., Dana, aDel af- tlxed the seal o,t .,aid Clt7 of ~ahe1ll thls 301;h "ay ot Octo..r, 194fi. ," .111 ~ .....d.- , .---....L--... , ..I...~... ,~. ......