697 LECAL NOTICE .. ....... ..... ....... ....~~:.. .~...: ~ :~:.:'.. '" ......... ...... ...~::.:~!:~:~~:~.~.~:::.... '~~I~~ !f0. "'.,' . .~~BD:~~~'f:DaD~~:g:16~~ ..~~'Ol"f;PIBB eft''!' OF A.NA.HEiM. . . ".' ~~ ---- TUB dlTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS It''OLLOWS: .. Sectlon 1. That Subsection (c) or Sect.lon 4: of Ordinance Ne. 609 ot the ~Clty of Anaheim entltl,d "An Ordinance repeaUng Ordfnf;n,ce No. 511 and providing for the 'C'reation in the. City of Anahehn of six (6). n zones, ,cons'fIUng of various distri'ctR and. prescribing for the several zones, the classes of buildings, 'e structures and improvements: the use of such buildings, structures. Im.lrovements and premises; the lS heights and locations of buUdings a.nl.! the area or lot covered thereby; 1, deflnlnlt certain terms used herein and prescribing the penalty for the violation of the provisions hereor..' adopted' July 27. 1937, as 11eretofor. amended, be and the same is hereby amended to read as ronows: . (c) Upon making of such find- In~s the Commission may recom- mend to the City Oounci.! tl1at con- ditional varlan<ees be made and the Baid Council may. by resolution. permtt the erection. alteration, re- construction,. or enlargement 0.(' any bUil4ing structure or improvement, or use of premises in any of said zones whIch are restricted against said building, R.tructure or Improve- ment, or such uJfe of ~r~mlseB, up~n such terms and condItIOns as slud Council' may deem propel'; pro.vided 'd that the Council shall ~peci.fically find a.nd determine from a consider- e aHon Rnd Investigation of the facts. s including tho~o stated in said peU- t. ;tion and' tbe report of the Commis- sion, that: (1) special clrcums~allceR .do exist: (2) that such exception or 'n permit is necessa.r~" for the pl'el'ler- ): vatlon' of. any All bsta.n tiR l .prop{'I'Uw Ie right of the petition~r; an~ .(3) th~t the granting of saH! petItIon 'WIll 1. not be'materlallY detrimental tothe '7 )iubllc we1far~ or injurious. t'O t~e property - or Improvements In said zone or district thereof. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify. t-o the passage of this Ord i- nance a.ncl shall cause the ~at11e to .be printed and publlshed 'oll.ree in the 1. Anabe.Im Bullrtin, & newspaper of general circulation, printed,' pub- . lfshed and circulated in said Cft)". 8.nd thirty da~:~ from and after ItR H!1al passage it shall take effect and be in full force. . The foregoing .ordJ-nance ~s signed ., anel approved by me this 18th day t ot December. 1945. ..' . CHAS. A. p}4~AnSON, ... Mayor of the City of' .A.nahe i m - : Attest: . . I CH4RI~ES E. GRIFFITH, -I CUrt.',Clerk of the City of Anaheim e By::.;1tUTH DAOUS'l\ - ~~ty Cit~k. 11 ~.'T: 'r STATF.t' OF CALTFQRNI4 ) - COUNTY OF ORANGE ) IBI. CITY OF. ANAHEIM ) l' I~ Charles E. Grlfflth, City Clerk .1 of the City ot Anaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoing OrdlnancfIl -I was., introduced at an adjourned ::. reg.ul"r meetLn.s of the. City Council of -th. -City' of A.nahelm!,. held on. th. 4th .day of .Deoe:tnbeJ-. lu.J, an4 that the ....me "as ,paBI' _4 . fP~,ed at ...:.-aJolirDtd're 'Ial' :~e. If of sald:...et.. eo_nU J4 .~. t . 18th day..,.>>.......r, . .~" 'y :tbe fol- l~W'~, .,,:ot. . of~: the ~_Dt1).r~-.. tbere. .0 A'Jill:- COt1NC~N: ~earson. ~ .lb.t*!4. ,~~n, ~ODer.. B.one~, ~ .-;: 'COUNCI!JKEN;- None. . ::aiJi5T:. CQUN<'IL14EM; None. AUd. I further _rUt,... that. the .Xa7i.iP: or tbe City oJ 'An.h.t~. '1I1..n- : e4 .....' ~J!PI'OVfl~ .~d _ Cl:rdlll&nIJe Oil s the: 1.ijl day ot Demmber, 18'1. : .U"-.WITNESS W lJtal1O~ I haye =, Il.r.1l.~o: .._ my h lid' an4' affbte4 1 ~~.. ,-.r of ..14 ~y.<< .-.naheim this .1lth d~r o~ ])e~:Mb~, 1t~l. t . (....L) . .. . . . ..CHA.BL:IDS 3. G1Un'ITH. CltF Clerk. of tlie Pity .of' ,A"DIt.heiJa . By'.RUTK DA.OUST. '. . . Deputy" Clt,. Clerk. .' ,Pub. Dee. II, 1'~&. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) Richard F1schle -..-........ ....................... ........ ... ............... .................--... ..... ................... .... ...........--.................-.....- of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years: that he has no in- ter.est in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the ..~rl.ng.1I? ~J.....QJ:.~r.~..... - __. n....... . _ .n. ..n....................... of th.:t ..A .n~h.e.lm.. )~Y.1J.~.:t~.r.!.... .m........ ....... ...................................... a...g.~.!..l3........ newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anallelm Dulletin ..... - ......... ... -...-.. .......... ..... ...- ............. -... ...........................--.. .............-...........................-.......................- iR a newspaper of genera] clr culation with a list of paid subscl'ibers, a.nd Is publiShed for the dissemination of botb local and ~,!:eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade, cal Jing, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: that it hal'l heen printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next prec'eding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the .. _9 r 9..!. n. ~.~ Q.~....~ :~.o..!. ....Q.9 .7............. ... .........~............................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was publiShed In one issue sa Id new s paper at least............................. ........................................... commencing on the...2lS.t.... day of ..1l.e.c..e.:~1.J'Je.1:..._...._ 1~.~.., and ending on the................day of ................._............... Notice 19:1. -.. .., an d that &a Id ........ ....__.. ........................................................._ was published on the fOllowing days: ..-P ~-~ .~. ~~.~ ~ -~....?~..L...~.2.~2..._ ......... ........................................._ ... ~- --.... . ~. -.. . ...... -........... - ............. --........ ........-..--............................................................................ -.... ........ --. ... .... --.... . - -... ------.-.... ..... ..... ...... .......--............... ........... .-.:~........_...,....---.~......._..- Subscribed and sworn to betor~ me thlS....::..5:........da.y of !.~.~1Zr {.. e .~ _.. .......... ..h.....~:::~}f:i;.t~;::~;.~~:.~(~~:;:~it~iiii~__ :;" is i:, .'. ~! . .t'T"'.'1n", .,- '.r." c.", t\.HEIM, GI.!..1 FD!!'IIl! ' .,. e\r;o~l!"f: :: 4'5f. ORDINANCE NO. 697 r ... AN ORDINANCE ~:~NuING SECTION 4 of ORDINANCE NO. 609 OF THE CITY OF ANAl[::II~. THE CITY (~CUr~;.-'IL '')f II.~L CrT;,'. ::F A~':A.'t{:IK :;CES ORDAIN AS FOLL01flS: '".;- Section 1. That Lubseclion (c) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. t::09 ot tl:1f '.':ll~'" ;)1' Ard<.hf'im er.~t1tled "An Ordinance repea11ng :rc;.lnE...nce \0. f:ll Fine ;)rovid1n~" far tIle creation in the C1ty of A. 't '-. -7'1 Q 1"" o'P ~ 4 .,. ( ;::: '. zo ne s . .. c""....L..... d.l ..,\ ..... J."l" '_' I " ~on8istlng of various districts ana pre- ecriblnL for thp .3€verc.,l zone s, t.hE' classes of buildings, structures :0 and improvements; ~he u.se or: s'~ci.l b:.l116.1ne:7s, structures, 1mprove- ments and prem1ses; the heights End locEJtlons of buildings and the , 1 :. ~' a.re& of lot covered tllereby; defining certain terms used herein and 9::'escrib1nv t;11e ~ena.lty for the vlo18.tion of the !>rovisions hereof", ; ~l .'1,... ;4 ao.o-oteo Jul~l ~r', l.~:Z''":', -:..,::,S herett)f'Jr'e amentied, be and tiLe same is ,I:. ~ \....: hereby [:mended to rea.\ 8.S fol1ol-1S: (c) Upon !nCA..k':1nf.~: of such f"'tnc..inf."s J the Commission may '1 6 , ...... r l reC')lIlmf~i ~ to tIle ."'~1t~.T ~')un(.~11 thct cono.it1onal variances be mfJ.de :~ ~~ Br:d the :!.aid Council me"y, by resolution, permit the erection, al- .r teratlon, reconstruction, O]~ enlargement of any building, ~tructure or lmurovement, O~ u~e of ~:)].emi.~e~ 1n eny of sS.1d z,ones which are rest:-icted. ap'E~lnst satd build.lng', structurE- or 1mprovement, or such use or :)rem1~es t uoon such ~',er~.,s B>;-} c<)nc:itions as B&.1d Council .." ~ ~.. \.' lE" cteem proper; provided that the Council shall specifically find' ..;.; 8.!1U :':::etpJ~::-1.n~ ~'.ro:.:. ("A ~~rin~~jrjer.~tlcn ::nc lrvestlge.tion of the fa.cts, ..~ 1r:--'lu8.inC those stated in said petition a.nd tl:le report of the Com- : (~: m 1 B S 10 ri. ~ t 1 ib t: ( l~. s pee i h :.. I.~ i 1"" ~ :.AfiL t 6. ~ C e 8 J.o e xi s t ; (2) the. t such exc~1)tion or nfrrr: -: is necessary for tn.e preservation of any Rub- ft;'.:l~~1&.~ pl~opeJ:.t~... :riCht or ,,:.e :>et1t1oner; a.nd (~) that the granting c< 3:.-1!'~. :'.,~t...;. i~n ,'ill n;:.~t .)(;' :1j,f:te}~iclly detrimental to the public \eJe~_:. ;".~ rf: ,")r In..! Ltri,~~;u;:: ..-..:) L;~le ~rCDlprty or improvements in said 2'one ': r -::. s t r i e t t rl~ r e (, ~:' . 3ect1o~ 2. ~he ~ity alerk shell certify to the passage r""; ( ~~ii.i.:-: I')j"':: lnb.r..ce :111<1 S:~l[i.1..'l.. cause the same to be printed and nub- 1 ,)2 FRllS ~ 5CH\.;": :: IITTDIiNl:Y5 liT LI,1I: ~C~ ~U4 I/lRK Dr 'll'ltF:ltn .. :",. f1NA"EIM, C!I.LlfDRNifl ll:Ll:rIfDNE .1455 .L 11shed once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a. newspaper of general clrou- 2 latlon, ?r1nted, published and circulated in said City, and thirty ,~ days from and after its final passage it shall take effeot and be 4 in full force. 5 The foregoing Ordinance 1s signed and approved by me this, 6 18th '~e.:l of' December, 1945. 7 ~~~-- Mayor of the City of Anahe1m '-~ I 8 l\TrfiEST: 9 .10 ~?'~t:~~d City Clerk of the ~-y of Anaheim By ~41t~d Deputy lty lerk 11 12 13 14 STATE OF CALIlf'ORN:Di ) 15 ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 16 ~ CITY OF A~~EIM ) J 7 . I, ~harle8 E. Griff1th, C1ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cert1fy that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 4th d.ay of December, 1945, and that the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said CitYi Council held on the 18th o.ay of December, 1945, by the following : vote of the members thereof: . 16 i9 20 _; .1. AYES: COUNClh~EN: Pearson, Sheridan, Van Wagoner, Boney, Heying NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None And I further c.rt1fy tha.t the ~la.yor of the City of Ana- 'l . I helm signed and approved said Ordinance on the 18th day ot Decembert 1945. ~... ';J ...... l-.1 2Z} ~4 . 25 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 18th day of December, 1945. 26 . i; ~7 ~/~/6 ~~~ City ~lerk or the Ct y. of Anaheim ::~. B ...; ':... 3Y~~-L-{~,r eputy City Clerk :~) :J t.; .J. 2