698 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF' CALIFOUNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) Richard F1schle .. --........ . ...................... .... ....... ............ ................--.......... --...--..... ........ ........ .......... ....................- of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia. over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- t(~r('st In, nor Is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the Principal ~lel~k . ..-....-.. ................. - ...........--................... . ... _.u ....-- -. -... .............._.......... of the .. - . An.alle.1.:T !.. ..~.\&l.l.~.tJ:.1J. ..... ........ _ __. ...._..........................._...._ aJ~t~~:.t.l.y__.__.... neW:-lpaper printed. published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said .. . . A ~. ~;~ [1. ~J.~. ...~.~ J.!.~~.!.~ ...... ................................................._ i~ a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid ~ub~cribers, and Is published for the dissemination of botb local and ;;eneral news and intelligence of a general char- a(~ter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a partt cular class. profession. trade. calling. race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it ha~ bt"en printed and published in the City of Ana- llf~im, County of Or.ange. State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ..' . . Q .~~ 9-.~ .~~ !}~.~.__. ~~ .Q.!.. ...~.~ _~.. ......... _. ......................................._ of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published In one issue su td new s paper at least...... ...... ""'''''''' ".U ... ................................._.._ commendng on the_....l.7.tr..&..day of ....~!~Ul.t;,arI..........._. 19a4b.. and ending on them...m...._..day of ................_...._..._.... ~?: s' -. P~l ~n~ h~ ~a ~:.a ~ge ...fOliow.~~.ilY~e...................................- .. ~r ~_ ~ ~ .~rY, _. .1.7..1... .. ~.9 !:+-~... _"... _......... _ ...................................._..... ... ...... '.~ -.. ............"... ........ .......---.........- ................................--.....-.........................-- .... -". .. .-... .....n... n....". 00.. ........._........__........ ......_~........................_ .;'. .. ('" .<.....' ,. ............. ....-.. .:~..! ....... .:......... ~...:.-_... ..."...........i........ ..........._.........~........._......_ Sub~I'ibed and sworn to betore me thls...;::..t..:........day of ...-.. _. ...._~_.~~~~~:.:t..-i:..:...LL........191......._ , .I ... ...- ~R!L~li:!...:.:~~. .._.. ...__~:.'~_......... ..... .......__........................_ Notary Public. LEGAL NOTl(~ LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCe NO.. _ tended use. of th. structure. bulld- - ing and/or lot described in said .ap.. N ORDINANCE 011' TBB OITY 0.. plication Is' permitted by and in ac- A.NABEIM: A.MENDDG P08- 'Cordanoe with the provisions of said TION8 OF SECTION II-A. OF OR- Ordinance No. &09. then the Building DINANCB NO. 808. · Inspector shall Issue to such appl1- . .,... - cant a Certiflctae of. Use and Oc- .THE I" COUNCIL OF THE (~upancy. Such Certificate shall :TY OJ!' '. ' . ElM DOES t:)RDAIN c:ertify that the Inended use of the 9 FOL : structure.. buiding an~/or lot de- .SECT1QS . '" That Subsection "b" scribed in the application therefor . Section". .A ot Ordlnan-ce 609 of is permissive under the provisions e City 0., .::A:nahelm. entitled. "'An of said OrdlnaD'Ce No. 609. 'dlnance repealtng Ordinance. No.. . SECTION 5. That s.ub!llection hi" . 1 'and providIng for the creation of said Section" 15-A is hereby the ctty of Anaheim of six (6) amended to read as tollows: nest consisting ot various dis- i. No officer or employee or the 'iets and prescribing for the sev- City of .Anaheim shall issue any al zo.nes. the classes ot buildings. business license. building permit. ructures and Improvements; the house moving permit. or permit to ;e ot such bUildings. structures. relocate or move any buUding. or to lprovements and premises; the make lI.ny chance in use, without ,Ights and locations of bUildings '.'lrst receiving from the applicant :d the area ot lot covered thereby: therefor a truo copy of a Certificate 'fining certain terms used herein of Use and Occupancy as required ;d prescrlblng the penalty. for vlo- herein. The Building Inspector Uo.n of...,lhe provisions hereof," Is shall fur.nlsh .without char&'e. to the ,reby amended to read as tollows: holder ot any such:. Certificate. such b. No perSOll, firm or corpora tlon n um ber of.' true ..ples thereot as laIl: may be neces8ary"~ enable him t-o .(1) Use or occupy any vacaDt or furnish each aU!.9'ffICer or em- LU!lued land except for agrlcuI- ployee such true ~ "as shall be ,ral purposes; or requtred to contor .'.:.-lth the pro- (2) Us~. or occupy any vacant visions of the Immediate foregOing . HIding 01'. structure except as IL I sentence. !veIling: or I SECTION 6 Th b ti "1 .. (3) Be issued a businelll license . at au se~.c on . l tcept .... provided in Subsection of said Section 15-A IS hereby I" her: :c or " . amended to read as tollows: (4) Hued a buU4ln<< petmlt; t I. In the event that the Bundlng · ~ ti ' I 1.nspector retuses to issue a Cerd- · '(6) ; . ued a permit. to move & flc&t8 of Use and Occupancy. the ~. illld .~ structure. O.D to any ILpp"1lcant therefor may appeal to t.. ropert '. to relocate a building the City Council by filing with the ,. th.". I t or parcel; or C~y Clerk a written notice of ap- l '(6) .. ence or perform or P..J... which notice shall set forth , .use to . .' performed any excava- the" grounds of appeal and shall . ~n on ailY property in connection coIrtain appellant's address where tth or pr'eparatory to the construc- notice ot hearlnll' of appeal shall be ! ~n. establishment. erection. plac- pent him. The City Clerk shall pre- l g. or alteratio.n of any buhding se.nt 8uch notice to the City Counell ': structure upon such property for at t ts next regular or adjourned lich construction. establishment. regular meetin&, at which time the ~ctloD. placing or alteration a City Council shall fix a time. not ;rmit is required; more than 15 days thereafter. and Without first applying to and ..e- a place in wblch to hear such ap- .vinC frol'tl the Bulldln~ Inspector peal...J1:.The Clt) Clerk shall give ap- : the. City of Anaheim a Certlfl- pel.lant and the Building Inspector · le of Use and Occupancy. notice:. o~ time' and pla~e of hearing }JECTION 2. That 8ubse.;t10.u "e." of' app..... not Ies. tblla five daJ7s .ald Section. 15.-A Is hereby pri.or to', 'dlte time self.therefor. At llende4 to read as follows: such. heal-In.g appeOant and the · .. AD,. owner of any land upon BuUding Inspector may pre8~nt oral itch there is & valld non-conform- and .'written testimony and the J ..... .'Wlthln th~ meaning of the Coull~11 may call witnesses and ad- 'Q DEI of Section a of. said. Or- duoce t~st1mony on its ow.n motton. 11a. No. 609. may apply to the Appellant may be represented by · it Ir Inlpeetor tor a Ctlrtificate counsel at such hearing. At the I,' . and occupancY~~ clarin&, ~nclu8ion ot such hearing the City · f . e to be llon-c.Q . rmlng. Couaf,iiJ shan rAllder its decision 1 UcaVlo.n shall '~. writ- Whl':8h&1l be ~""'l and conclusive. be verttied. amI. all set In "eve.nt thl' the City Council faocts s}jowing s uae to find ... at a Cer ulcate of Use and · . Id no.n-.,onformlng' use -Occu . .Dcy shoul .: -Issue. the Bulld- ~tll the. nteanl*,;"of said Section jng . bspector 6a11 immediately : The Building Inspector shall re. issue the same to applicant. tr luch' appUcatlon to the City SECTION 7. That subsection "m:' anltln.g Commtsslon which ahu,n ot said Section 15-A is hereby Ltl a public hearing thereon and amended to read a8 follows: ter ~ucb bearing shall recomme.l1d m. As used herein. the term the .BuUdlng Inspector the &,rant- uBuUding Inspector" shall be deem- , or denial ot such Certificate of ed to mean the BuUmng Inspector e and Occupancy. The Building of the Clty.of Ahaheim and ~ny as- spector shall follow the recom- slatant appointed by. h.D1. by and ..JendatlO. ot tne Planning' Com- with the consent of th..' City Coun- mi.sion. provided. however, that t.n ell. to as.ist In recel'Vlng appUca-, the e:"ent said Plannlnl' Commission tlons tor Certificates of Use and , recommends the denial of such Cer- Occupancy. in passing upon the tltlcate the applicant may appeal to same. issuing Buch Certltlcates, re- .b.e ClQr. Copncll in t_ "Dllel' pro.. 3eetla..' aJ)pUcatJoD. cODtral7 ,to: the . "hid" .. fa: 8ubsectlon. ~'J . her.ot. In ~o...lslon. .of . this. Ol'4lnance.. and · .the. .y_t that ~.....~ty CouDcll carrylq out the provl.lo... of this .:M1o~\4. determine u.~ '.ald ,&pp11-. Ordinance. . '.. .' ~. t:... .ntltled to sMII C.rtlflcate. SJOCTION B.. Th. CI" Clerk :'~all :~... .1 ...0 flnel aD4 ~:~b.&1l tOJ"'If&rd c.rtify to the pu..... of this: 'Or- 1 !.., .. '.' , 1.11:". un to . tl."la,:,U41a.. In-' 4l1l~ce and cuue t1\... sa.~' ~ . be ~; . . who sb&ll ......UP.D I"U8. "bll.~ed once .ID', thefi' ab.11IJ Bul.. I e.. u.,':.:C.rtlfcate loA'. 14. appl_Dt. I.u:-.... dally liewe 'r prlDted. '. : r....~ of prlntl.. .:. .. ~ .aotloej' of ..>>I1811e4 .;an4 -'clrc1l1& ..: In .tbe O1t,. , . ealiba"'. .by the. PI . .. Co.allet ill . ....h.lm. CouOt", :of ,Or...... . m...O.u.':"8bll be paid ".r . .'PI_nt ltate of .Callfornla, aD4 .tblrty. ,(10) . 0.. .an.depo.lt wi.... lIUffng "=n. from; ..aDd atter .t. fhaa1,__ ~ ~.&tOr at the tl~.r.~ ..'.1Ia.... hi.' ...~. t. .aU b. .lft f1lU torce and. ;J~:jr::. co:t...U~=:ira~ t~':. .-' T-::' foregolrD. oIII.an~ w~, .1IiI . .. 1011 shall be: :,~".tru.4: al .1*b.4 aDel aPPrO've4. :._ . . m. this, B:... ....... that It .'hal1i.:h:DaaD4&~r,. lith 4&;V of January.. "114.. . .: . .000:""", per.o.n to ;-..,. for ~"cb. CHA.RLJDI A. ,.1:4280., .. .. . '....'- .howl.. ~iJiO. '.OD~OOD..: ;. 1I&tor of the Cltr~t AD....IIII :...;"_~e.... Tb&t...~~~tl~. :4'f.'" ~~i~LB8 JD.,GlUJ'ftTa. :~ .' ,aid Section 1'.."'.. is h.reby; I dttF a..-It .of tb. .Olt, of ....o.lm ~~ ~ read... .(fQirnvs: ,. : ...,.. .RU'I'H. DAOUST. ; ;.. ':; f., :./~.y. appllcatlo.. ."rOil".. .... C...tlfl-. nepllty CIt,.. Cler~ :~~~. ot tr.. and ~~ac)" ,hall be.., ~ '. _. ". F!... ~o ~d t11e4 wi.: tile ..~lI41D" 'TATH 01" CALIFORNIA. ) . -.or. ~ 8uch .......UOD 1I1111l be' COUNTY OF -ORANG.. )... ...~.. wtttln&, ..ud .i.....: by tbe appll- ,ClT'l 01' AN.ABBDil. ). 1:. ~... ..~~ appllq..... ,-___all stale, .,', _ .. · ,:propoled .u... Of.:.the .premlles or. .ebarl.. B. (Jrlffi~. .C.tr: Cl~rk . r whtcb a. certA'...... I.. ~e'lJ",edi'. of ..... Ctil' .l)f .A.Dahe... 40. ......by ~ w~ll. a.s the >>r...atJ-i:..... ... An,. ap.. 'c.rtlfJi. tb'kt the fore.~ "ll1a1lC4t Pllc..~I~~.' lQvolvln.." /: _ . .,' .PJ'9posed "..... .llltraduced. at a r~lar lDeet- _~.I'U~on .rectfo".~::'. ct~ral. al- Iq.,ot ~.. 'Citt COUDC'. of .,tlte.OIty _.....'IOD. ~Dlar..elll..t:;., hmod.Uag. ot ADab.lat. bel4 .on tile SUi, day" .of Gael... 01"' relocatlo.'. Df. .an,.. bulld-'. Jalluv,. '1148, ad t_t. tile. .ame ... ;."Of ,.truoctur. .n... 'b. .&CCcmm-' 'W." .....4 BAd .&clbPt.it4., at &.~....4.' ..; DIet..',. ~Ievatloft _"~oo.. plan,., .30ur.n" NPlar 1Ii~.tl"':'ot, tb_.Clty to!J. bter. with a, 'lo.....lan. !lboW'ing a>"ctl 1I;_ld Oil the 11th ..4&v ot ~ti ~...tton' of .~st_ :.s Well. as. ,J'&lntlZi';. 1'48. by 'Ut6 Io11.o.ID". yote: P. ..4 buf14In... _4.. atructures of the .member. thereof,; . " '[ ,.. be" lot. .All DI....'~.....ltt.4 'With "I. AT..: eOUNeILKBX.. P.....IO".' "I>>pllc.tl~s shall' ...~. re.tatned- by. 8h.rl4&n. Van, Wa.onw. 'son.y &n4. the 1iufldln.. Insp.c.tor. . The.. appll- Ke,.,,,.. .. can.t .MaIl ,urnish~4 .to the ..!laUd- NOml: COUNCIL'M,N: Noq I.. . J:.~.ctor such other bltorm&-' ..-NT: COUNCIIMIJH: N'ODe tlon 'as sai4 'BUlldlnlr ~a.pector. shall "'4.1. further" c.rt.,,,. ~t the teQult. 'In ordet to ..... upon the M&JV>>I".' of the City of ,A.r)&helm appU~&t1on. The City. COWlcll 'shall .t..-. a.ad approved .... Ofdhl&llce I itre.c:rlb. the form of .uch aJ)pllca-. OD the 11~. ~ay of Jaail.&l7.' 1141. " J tlO1;l... No oll..r..e .hall be made. for IN WITNI188 WHBUOP. I bav'.. the &PpU.catIOIl fo.r: ~,. .ara.ntlkla or hereuatd: ilet 'my h&D4 ana attlse4 ..ny.,O.rt\tfoate ..... .. provl46d tile l.a1 of S&t~ City of ....a~.IIII. In SUbstcUon ...... _etiet. . .~. this 16th. 4a1' of Jaftuanr-. 1.fl. . aenOM 4. '1'Q;tl~'. :....CtlOD "11':' . cauLJD8 B. GJUI'I'ITII, of aal~ "ctlOD' 1 ..<. Is hereby Clty Clerk of th.. .CI_ of. amea4.a to read... ... e~s:. (SB.4L)., Anabtlm . If. 111 the e~.Dt .' . '..&'D &ppllca- By RUTH DAO"UST,I lion tor. .Certlflcate.or;""e &lid Oe- Deputy' 'Clty CI.rk. cup.lle:.. shows.that tb;'declared. In- p.ub. JaD. 17. 1941. 1 2 ORDINANCE NO. 'ff .AN ORDINANCE OF THt CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING POR!IORS OF SIO'1'ION 15-A OF ORDINANCE tI>. 609. i THE CITY! COUNCIL or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 3 4 fOLLOWS: 5 6 7 8 9 SECTION 1. That Subsect10n .~ ot Sec~lon 15-A ot Ordl~ ; nance 609 ot the a~~y of Anaheim, entitled RAn Ordinance repealing i 10 11 12 13 1. 15 16 17 18 Ordinance No. 511 ~d providing for the creat10n 1n the Clt1 ot Anaheim of six (S)~ zones, oonsist1ng of various districts and pre- scribing tor the s~veral zones, the 01a8.88 ot build1ngs, siructur 8 and improvements; ~e use of such buildings, structures, improve- ments and prem1sesl the heights and locations ot bu11d1ngs and the area of lot covereJ therebYi defining certa1n terms used herein aD prescrihing the penalty tor the vlo1a~lon ot the provis1ons hereot , 1s hereby amended to read &s tollo..: b. No p~r.on, firm or oorporation shall: (1) Use or o,cupy any vacant or unused land exoept tor agr1- .cultural purposes;.~ or (2) Uae or o.cuP1 any vacant bu1ld1ng or structure except a. a dwelll.g; or (3) Be lSBU'- a buslne8. l1cense except as provided in Sub- aectlon '0" hereott or (4) Be 1SIU8~ a bu11d1ng permit; or (5) Be 1S8U'- a permit to move a building or struoture on to 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 any property or to: relocate a building on the same lot or parcel; 26 or 27 (6) Oommence; or pertorm or cause to be pertormea anr exeavat on 28 on anr property lft~ oonnection with or preparatorJ to the oonstruo- 29 t1on, estab118hmen~, erection, placing, or alteration ot any build 30 lng or struoture upon such property for which constructlon, estab- 31 I 11shment, erectlon~ plac1ng or alteration a permit is required; 32 Without first apply1ng to and rece1ving from the Bul1dln Inspector ot the Clty of Anaheim a Certificate of Use and Oocupana . fillS.. SCIfVTZ Am.os AI' LAY COl..... ... II' AIBItA IILDIi. "",In. tftUl'DInll\ . turn.l34S6 .A; ._. "-. ..~............... .._..................~....-.....~....-......-,... ..~....- 1 ....--............_o/:............,..u.l'o...-..-..G.~:I...:.............P:..:AWl_.........~........~ ....I~.~.......~~ FRIIS" SCHUTZ .trnnm JfI LAw 4az-4111.1 . ARDKA aD'" Arwa". CAUPIICIIIA ..... 34S& 1 2 SECTION~. That 8ub...tion le.1 of said Section l6-A i. hereby aaended to read as tolloW8Z 8. Any ~wne%' of any land upon which th.ere 1s a va11d non-conform1ng uset within the meaning ot the provl.~on8 of Beet10 3 of said Ordlnanct No. 609, may app17 to the Bu1lding Inspector to a Certificate ot U~e and Occupancy declaring such use to be non- conforming. Such .pp11cat1on shall be in writing, shall be veri- tied, and shall se; forth the facts show1ng such use to be a valid Ron-conform1ng use:with1n the mean1ng ot sald Sect10n 3. The Buil lng Inspector shal~ reter such appllcat1onto the City Plannlag Com- .18810n whlch shall call a pub11c hearing thereon .and after suoh hearing shall r.co~end to the Bu1lding Inspector the granting or len1al ot such Oer_ltlcate or ~8e and Ooeupanol. The Build1ng In- Ipector shall "follow the"recommendat1on of the Planning Commission, prov1ded however, ~hat in the event sald P~aDnlng Commission recoa- .end. the denial ot such Certificate the applioant may appe&lto I the City Counc1l 111. the maDDer provided in Subsection ,Ill hereof. l In the event that _he C1ty Council should determine that said appl~ oant 1s entitled td such Certificate it shall 80 tind and shall ! i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 forward its tindln_. unto ;he Building Inspeotor who shall thereupd 1ssue such Cert1tl0ate to sald applicant. All co.ts or printing any notices ot hea_1ng by the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on shall be pa1d by the applioant who shall depos1t w1th the BU11dlng Inspeotor at the time ot tll1ng:hls app11cation, a sum sutticient to COTer such costs. Nothing in.th1s subsection shall be construed as meaning 'hat 1t Shall be mandatory upon any person to apply tor such Certi- ficate showing 8UC~ non-contorm1ng use. SECTION ~.. Tha t sub..ct1on It. II of sa1cl Sect10n 15-.1 1. hereby amended to ~ad aa tollows: t. Any ~p11cat1on for a Certifioate ot Use and Oocu- pancy shall be mad. to and filed w1th the Building Inspector. Such application must be in writ1ng and s1gned by the app11cant. Such 29 30 31 32 app11cation shall ~tate the proposed us.. or the premise. tor wh1ch 2 . ,L....-. ....'It:.. ....:a:~__........~.,.,;:~.................................~__ 1 . certificate is d+8ired, a8 well as the present use. Any appli- cation involving ~e proposed construction, erect1on, structural alterat1on,'enlarg,ment, remodeling, placing or relocation of any bul1d1ng or struct*re shall be accompanied by ele.atlOD and- floor plans, together w1~h a plot plan showing the looation of ex18tlng as well as propos.e4 wildings and structures on the lot. All plane lubmltted with applications shall be retained b1 the Building In- .pector. The appl~cant shall furnish to the Building Inspector luch other lnforma~lon as said Building Inspector shall requ1re 1n 2 3 .1 411 I I 5 ! 6 7 8 9 10 I order to pass upon the appl1cation. The 0ity Council shall pre- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I 30 ~ 31 Ii 3211 fRIIS .. SCHUTZ AniIIai Ar LAw ..a...a4 -.r Dr AII!IJCA ILDli. AN.. CAU......IA Tu- 34SS scribe the form of,8uch application. No charge shall be made tor the applicat10n for or granting ot any Certificate except as pro- vided 1n Subsect1o~ "el. hereot. SIaTION 4. That 8ub..otlon 151 ot sald Seotlon l5-A ls hereby amended to IT.ad aa tolloW81 g. In t~. event tha' .an app11cation tor a aer'lr1oa'. 0 Use and Occllpancy .OW8 that the declared intend." u..'. ot the .'rue 'ure, buildlng andAor lot descr1bed in sa1d application 18 permlt- ~ed by and in acco~ce with the provisions of sa1d Ordinance No, I 109, then the Bull~lng Inspector shall issue to such app11cant a I Oert1ficate ot Use .and Occupancy. Such Certlt1ca'e ahall cert1fy tha t the intended q.e of the structure, build1ng -.ncl/or lot de-. acr1bed 1n the app~1cat1on therefor is perm18~1Ye under the pro- .ls1ons ot said Or~lnance No. 609. S'IO'fION 5.. That sub..ctlon ..1JI ot said Section l5-a 1s hereby amended to :rtead as followe: 1. No' o$'1oer or employee ot the C1ty of Anahelll .hall issue any business ,11cense, bulld1ng perm1t, hoas. mOTing perm1t, or permit to reloc~e or move any building, or to malte an1 change 1n use, without t1~t receiving trom the app11cant therefor a true oopy of a C.rt1tlc~e ot Use and Occupancy aa requ1red here1n. !he Bu1lding In8pe~or shall furnish, w1thout charge, to the holde 3 i ._..i._ -" ...~_:.~..........~_._...........................~..... ..~ !T.....-:..~.....oIItI'"_ ,I. "'_....._ . ~....:.._...... ~__. fillS. SCHUTZ ~15 /If LAw "U'." . AlBUILDG. "-ft. CAUPIIIIIIA .......... .3456 I 1 I ot any such Certlt~cat., such number ot true copies thereot as may I 2 1 be necessary to en.ble him to furnish each luch officer or employe 3 I 8uch true copy as ~hall be required to.cont6rm with the provision. 'j 4 1 of the immediate trrego1ng sentence. S ! SECTION.. That subsection 11/ ot said Seotion l5-A 1s 6 I hereby amended to tead as tollows: ! 7 1. In t~e event that the Bu11d1ng.ln.pector refuses to 8 issue a Cerilf1cat, ot Use and Oocupancy. the applicant therefor 9 may appeal to the City Councll by ti11ng with the City Clerk a wr1t 10 ten not ice ot appe~l, wh1ch not ice shall eet torth the grounds of I 11 appeal and Shall c.ntaln appellant's a~dress Where notice ot hear- 12 1ng ot appeal shall be sent h1m. The Oity Clerk shall present suo 13 notice to the C1ty Council at its next regular or ad~ourn.d regul' 14 meet1ng at which time the C1ty Council shall f1x a time, not more, 15 than 15 days there.tter, and a place in which to hear such appeal. 16 the City Clerk sha~l give appellant and the Building Inspector 17 notloe of time and:place or hearing or appeal not less than :rive 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 days prior to the time set therefor. At such hearing appeallant and the Building I,spector may present oral and written testimoDr and the Council mal cell witnesses and adduce testimony on its own I motion. Appellant may be pepre..nted by oounsel at such hearing. At the conclusion Or such hearing the C1ty Council Shall render its decision whlch:shall be final and conclusive. In the event t the City Council flnds that a Certificate ot Use and Occupancy .hould issue, the 'u11d1ng Inspector shall immediately i.... the same to applicant. SIO!ION t. That subsection Im.N ot sa14 Section 16-A 18 hereby amended to tead as tollowal m. As u,ed herein, the term IBull41ng Inspector' ahall be deemed to mean ~e Building Inspector ot the City or Anaheim and any ass1stant ~ppo1nted by h1m, by and with the consent of the C1ty Council, to a*s1st in receiving applicat10ns tor Certificate., 30 31 32 4 .. --~_..._...- ,_. ...-.-....--..- _.... ..~_. _...._--._......__.~...........".--'___ I ii I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 91 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 .30 31 32 rlus . SCHUTZ "'msLAY ..az........ DP AIBICA II.H. A....II. CAU......IA ...... 3456 . - Gt Use and Occupancf' in passing upon the same, 18 suing such Cert i- ' t.1cates, rej eating tapplicat10ns oontrary to the provisions ot this Ordinance, and car~1ng out the provisions ot this Ordinance. SECTION a. The C1ty Clerk shall cert1f7 to the passage I ot thil Ordinance ~d cause the same to be published ODce in the I Anaheim Bulletin, ~ daily newspaper printed, pub11shed and C1rUClattd in the City of An~im, County ot Orange, State ot California, and I thirty (30) days ~om and after its final passage it shall be in full torce and etr~t. The to~Ordlnanoe was 8igned and approTed by me J.. ~ 'hi. 15th day or ,'... . . , 1946. ATTEST: It!A~E or CALIroRllIAl. ) CIltJlTY or ORANG:&: ,) a%'1'Y OF ARAHEIM ) I, CharI. E. Gr1ft! th, City Clerk ot the City ot Anahelll S8. do hereby certify t~t the foregoing ordinanoe was introduced at a regular meeting ~ the City Councilor the City ot Anahelm, held on the 8th day of ~nuar1, 1946, and that the same was pa..ed alKi adopted at an adJo~ned regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of January, 1946, by the following vote of the umbers thereot: cOuleIS.... P.~son, Sheridan, Van Wagoner, Benel .. He,ing COUNeI ..1 None COUllCI ,:t Non. Ana I t~her certify that the.Mayor ot the City o~ Ana- heim signed and ap~ove4 .ald Ordinance on the 15th day ot January, .-IElt HoE. : .SENT: 5 .. ...- .,.~.._.~,_...... .-~..."L_~..........._-...-_______.......__w___"._. 1 1946 . 2 I IN IITN~S WHEREOF, I haTe hereunto eet my hand and at- 3 ,! tixed the seal of .aid City ot Anaheim this 15th day ot Jaaaary, I: 4 I 1946. 5 (SEAL) 6 7 8 9 10 I Ii 11 il I 12 i 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~h~/~~ City Clerk or. the 1" '7 . - - . e. BY fillS Ii SCHUTZ ~IIrLA.. ..12........ . AlBItA ... ~II. CAU'.,.." ,~ 34S6 ..__._._~-,...._..-._.. ~_..__.'.'._..'- .~...~_... -.L-..--.----.....-.~ 6