699 .f '~JECAL' Npn~ I .".. ~RDI5A~ K~. .., , Alii' "O".4KmI OP 'I'~, Oi'PY .0" ANAREI.II .AXENDING GIlDI- ..~.CS KO. IIW. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION March 14, 194i . . ..~......_. 00_' _.... ...... .. ............... _ . ..... .. ...._.... .. ............................................._ - THE Crl'Y COUNCIL OF"THE CIT'Y OF' ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN. AS FOi.JLOWS: Section 1. That Or.dtnance No. 191 of the _ City of Anaheiil1. entitled '"AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING 'A BOARD 'OF UALTH'AND A.U- THORIZING TBiI". APPOINTMENT OF A HEALTH mr-FICER IN .A NO FOR.THE CITY' OF 'ANAHFJIM, D~J- FINING . ,THE POWERS .AND DUTJE'S OF SUCH BOAR}) Oli', HEALTH AND HEALTH Oli'FICER. AND FORBiDDING CERTAIN ACTS 'VHICH. ARE PREJUDICIAL TO HEAIJrH." adopted the 13th day of Junei 18.07, as heretofore amended, be. and: the, same 1<< amended. by adding thereto.. new seC'ti-on nJim- bered ..,tR.... ~hich new' seetioll reads as tQl1~.''t , . 21.a. No ",.on ,sh.all place or depoBit upoi!..... the land. of : a.n,. other'" 's.ny thi. cS.ns, h.8.sh, ref- use, rubbish. garba.ge, offal. nauseous substan.ce, tre.e trim. mines. grass cutting!!, animal or vegetable matter" muck, or any m'aterial wh.ich ma,y becom.. de. l~ayea or pu trid. SeeUon 2.' The City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim shall certify to th'e passage. of this Ordinance Rnd CRU!lEl the' same ~o be published in, thf.' Anah-eim Bulletl"n, :a .daHy _.8WS- paper (if geneQI circulation. pr.int.., ed" PUbllShed~' '.d clrculated .i~:, the City of Ana , :and, .thirty da3..s tram' and aft ,';" ta, ftnal.. passage it sh,all t&ke effect and. .be, in _ full foree.. . i,. . . The foregofll..;.~rdil'lR.nce ,. lIig:nec! and &pproved '8Y me this 12th day ot:. March, 1946. . . CRAS ...4.., PEA'nSO;N. . Mayor of the Ct1y ot AnaheirrJ A tteilt . CHARLES E. GRIFlt"'ITH" . . City 'Clerk of the City' of. Ana.lleim STA!'E OF CALIF'ORNTA ) COUN'[''Y O~ ..onANG.E ).88. CITY OF I' ' HEHM ).. I, 'Charles , .' 'iffith, ~ity Clf'rk- of: the. .Clty 0 .... aheim, do 'hereby ce:rt~.fy.,that the:' ,regotllg Ordinall'ce 'was. introdUc~. . t & regular ad- journed .meeti' . i.of -the CitY,..fJ9Ulldl of the City of nahe.tm, . hel,,:.. the, ,5th d~y of 'March, 1946, aD1!" t the same .was .pal!}sed and ado 'at A. regillar meeting..o.t the City': oU111"il held on the 12th day of"Ms.r.ch,,19.J6, I by the following ,'oi.e of the DIem- bers thereof: .. , AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. \"an. Wagoner. Sheridan, Boney and I I-leylng. ~ '.: -L' . NOES: COUN'CILMES: ~l1e. ABSE;NT: cOUNcn..MENt:i....;, .-one. And I ,turt,h~r certify ,,1M ,: toP. l\f8.ye.r:of ~. 't..r of'..A.llahe~~'" ; nR. ed an! &P.' ,~_ " :sald o-rdf~:. .. ...;l.~n the 1-:-th .'. r~}-l, }946'f.;ih.:;~ ~ IN. WIT.. HF.RF..OF, .1 ,.nave hereunto s,t: hand and a.1ttxed the' "seal of. II City of' Anabeirn this'. 12th da.y'o :'~larch, 1946; (SEAL) CHARr.~ES E. ORTFF.'lTH. City Clf!rk of thE' City of Anaheirn Pllb~ ':MR.r.~h H. 194'-;. STATE 014'" CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Ora.nge ) Richard Fischia -.--....... --.... -..... ................---.....- --.-.._............_~ .................-.. .. .....................................-....- of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fornia, over the age of eighte en years: that he has DO in- tel't'st in, nor Is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th,at he is the . ..f.r.ln.Q1pal....c.l.e.~.k... .... __m.... _ "" ..m.. ,.............._.... of the .. . Anab.e1.m.....B.ull.e.t.1.n...... ........ ....... .m.................................. a.....dal111:. .__. new~paper printed, published and circulated in the sai?'.County ot Orange that said ... Anahe.1m...~.ul~e.t.1.n.. ............ ........ .................................._. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscl'ihers, and is published for the dissemination of both IO~3.1 and J.l:eneral news and intelligence of a general char- a('ter; t.hat it is not devoted to the interests or published for tilt"' entpt'tainment of a parti eular class, profession, trade, ca.lling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; thHt it hn~ hpen printed and published In the City of Ana- hE"im C'ountv of Or,ange, State of California for more than orw 'year next prE'l'eding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the .... g. ~-~~ .~~.~~. ~.... ~.O.!.....~~~....__.... ..........._..............................._ of whieh the annexed is a printed copy. was published in one 1ssue SM ill ne\v s paper at least. ........... ...n........... .........................................._ commencing on the._..~4th..day of ...Mar.c.h...................._ 196.6., and end1ng on them.............day ot ..........._...._...._......... . Not1ce 193. ...... and that sa Id __.....__....... ........................................................... was published on the following days: . . . .., ....... ..7........ _n...' ......... ':;;.:.'" --"::;.:?'" ....-...-.""'....................... ---::"J I ~ ,~~-~ .~ .~..f.:::':~..:. .~~.-:!....... .......?~~..~....................... SUb:??l.' ,'bed and sworn to before me thls.n......t..~....daY of ~~tv.., LI /' ..... .. ,... ... ........ ..~. .~........h._... ..19 3::;z:..,v ....~aL.~....--~ 1 .ORDI.AIOB -0. 699 2 All ORDI..l.OE ~J'TBE OIfY OJ' AI'.lBI:IlI AJlERDi.G OlUlUAI'CE IO. 197. 3 !HI OITYlaOUlOIL or THE aITY OF A.ARlI. DOBS ORDAI. AS 4 fOLLOWS: 5 SectioD~. That Ordinance Bo. 197' of the Oitr of Anaheim, 6 entitled -AI ORDII~E ISTABLI8HIIG A BOARD OF HIAL!H AID AUfHQR- 7 IZI:lG 'I'D APPOI.lfK*T or A B]CALfS OJ'rICJ:R III AID :rOR 'fD CIn or 8 .dABEIII, DDIXIBG __BE PODRS AID DU!IZS OJ' SOOR BOARD or BKALTH A:rD 9 D.lLTH OFFICER, All) fORBIDDIIG OIR!.lI. .lOTS IlIIOR ARI PUJUDIOIAL 10 '0 ID:AL!SI, adopteq the 13th day of June, 1907, &8 heretofore amende , 11 De aDd the saae 1s ~ameDded by adding thereto a new' section numbered 12 821.', whloh new section reads as follows: 13 21a. .0 ~per8on shall place or deposit upon the land of 14 another &By t~Jl cana, trash, refuse, rubbish, garbage, offal, 15 nauBeoua 8ubs"'&Doe, tree trimmings, grass outtings, aniaal or 16 vegetable mat~8r, muck, or aD1 material whloh may oeoo.. 17 deoayed or pu~~ld. 18 SectioD~. The Oity Clerk of the Cl~1 of ADahe1m shall 19 oertify to the pas"age of 'this OrdlJ18.D.c'e and oause the .aa8 to De 20 publlehed in the A~hel. Bulletin, a daily newspaper of general 21 o1roulation, pri.t~, published aDd oirculated in the City of 22 Anahel., and 'thlrtJ'. days from and after 1 ts fiDal passage 1 t shall 23 take effect and be :1n full foroe. 24 !he fore~1ng OrdlDaDoe 18 slgaed aDd approTed'by a. this 20 12th day of )[arch, 11946. 28 27 ~ 1; I :+- I I I I I I : ~7~ fc;,~ 30 ~~~ .b~1'i 31 32 . ...'. ::~~. . , . ..... -.::-~..~. ..., ,..~_._. .........'. ..............., _ ". ......".."..'toI ._,'....In~:.r_ "::'.1,1'......:. _ . ..~....... ....: ......""............_';.:,;~....~~~."'-'....................,. ,. ....~................---........... 1 STArE or aALIFORBI~ ) GOUlft o:r ORAlGE !) 88. 2 OI!T or .llr.ABJ:IJ[ i) 3 I, Gharl~8 E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 4 40 he~eby ce%tlfy 1hat the .foregoing Ordinanoe .88 introduced at a 5 ; regular adjourned ~e"t1ng of the 01ty OOUDcil of "the Oity of Anahel held on the 5th cl&t of Karch, 1946, and "that "the 8a118 was passed. and 6 7 adopted at a regu1~ meeting of the Oity Council held OD the 12th 8 clay of Karch, 1946~ by the follow1Dg Tote of the aeaber8 thereof: 9 10 11 12 13 ATU: COUllC ILJIZ' : Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Boney, Heying. 1018: oono ILJIE_: Hone. ABSJ:.! : COUl'C ILIII' : lone. ADd I f~ther oertify that the Mayor of the Oity of .lna- hel. signed and ap,roTed said Ordinance OD the 12th day of I&zoh, 14 1946. 15 II .I'.~8 WBIRIOr, I haY. hereunto set my hand aDd af- fixed the seal of ,aid Oity of Anahelm this 12~h day of laroh, 1946. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 elm 24 215 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I I ~ , .,~. --~ --.-- ........)i..~~_._ ~".;~...............~..l'~1 ---. "II rl .~_ .{~.....~..1lIIK b.... .