0776AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STXrE OF (1.:11,iF(11,N1A ) ) ss. County of Orange ) Richard Fischle til' said rnunty, beirrs:• first duly sworn, says—that he is a wale citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, o%?er the age of eighteen years; that he has no In- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that lie is the Principal clerk ... ... of the Anahe lm Bul.le.tin.-- .. a....a!k�ly new wLpea• printed, paal)liglae[l and circulated i'u the skid Comity of Orange that .staid Anahe i.m...-Bulle tAn..... ... ...... ................................. is a newspaper of gk•neral circulation with a list of paid ,stibscribers. and is Published for the dissemination of both aoc:al and general news and intelligdnce of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the etatr�rtainme t of. a particular class, profession, trade, fAlling, race car n ation, or of any number thereof; that it has been . intW ihid published in the City of Ana - holm, i•oainty of Orange, State of California for more than +;ne Yv-,i next pre« (-ding the first day of the publication hereto ntt.,wbP -. that the Ordinance No, ?70 ,,f v. -hi,•►; t1ar nnne-,od is a Printed copy, was published in ^"r% 4 .. _ LEGAL NOTICE annual license of Twenty-five Dol- lars (125.00). (b) Every person conducting, managing 'or carrying on a beauty: shop, having more than one oper- ator, where the art of cosmetology is practiced, either in whole or. in part, shall pay an annual license equal to the • sum of Twenty-five -Dollars ($25.00) plus Two Dollars ($2.00) for each operator in excess of one. SW -"PION .84: ' (a) . Evetry Person conducting, managing or carrying on a dancing academy shall pay an annual license of Twenty-five Dol- lars ($'25.00), For the - purpose of this Ordi- nance a dancing academy is de fined to be a -regularly .establish- ed place of business or, entertain - anent where instructions 'in dancing or [lance lessons are given or taught and a fee for such instruction or lesson is made, paid or ' received. (b) .Every person engaged in the profession of dancing teacher who h4Ls no regularly established place of business where instructioA in dancing is given shall pay an an.; nual license of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). SECTION 46: (a) Every person conductithg. managing or carrying on the business of i restaurant, or soda fountain, or eating place, or boarding house or hotel, or dry- cleaning estabishment, or. lodging house, or dyeing plant, or laundry, or automobile service station, or newspaper, or public garage, or printing establishment, and every person conducting, managing or carrying on any wholesale busi- ness, -or retail business, or jobb;njj business, or comMission. business. and every person conducting, man- aging. -or carrying on any business of manufacturing, . processing, or fabricating any product, commodity, airplane, ship, machine.. instrumen- tality, or parts of same, and every person conducting, managing or carrying on any , business, trade, profession, occupation, exhibition game. or enterprise not specifically licensed by 'this Ordinance or by any other Ordinance of this City, shall pav an annual 11e nse based upon gross receipts of tuch busi- ness, trade, profession, occupation, exhibition, game or enterprise ae- cordinC to the following schedule: GROSS RECEIPTS. FEE PER' ANNUM PER ANNUM Less than $25-,000.00 $ 25.00 $25,000.00 and less than $50,000.00 $ 30.00 $50',000.00 and less than $100,000.00 $ 55:00° -$100,000.00 and less than $150,000.00 $ 40.00 $150,000.00 andless than: $200,000.00 $ 45.00 $200,000.00 and more $ 50.00 (b) The fee of 25,00, shove set forth. is -hereby desIgn-ated the min- •fmurn annual license. SECTION 2: Any .person violat- ing any other provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and 'vpbn con- viction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section' 4 of said Ordi- nance No. •701. SECTION 3: That the City Client shall certify to the passage• of this Ordinance and shall cause the. same to be- printed and published once within fifteen -(15) daym from the date of Its passage and adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of ' general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated in said City and thirty (80) days from- and after Its final passage, it shall take .:ef- fect -and be in full force. REGOING ORDINANCE rSl o PRO SSIONSi NDi PITIONS. ING T TE OF LI - NSE RE PROVID- F THIN VECTION [EREOF, AND . VrIXING PEN - MES. FOR THE VIOLATION IEREOF". E CITY COUNCIL OF T OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDA 'OLLOWS: ICTION 1: That rection le, 0u pion (c) and subdivision on -$1; -Section 12, subdLyisi 4and subdivision (b): Secti rid Section 46. subdivision ( subdivision (b) of Ordinan )01 of the City of Anaheim e "AN ORDINANCE OF TV OF ANAHEIM - PROVIAUIP t TH `. LICENSING OF CE: $ ESSES, TRADES PR �I N$ . AND OCCUPA'rIOr iNG THE RATE OF LICEN1 REFOJ% PROVIDING F( f) COLLECTION- THERF(l FIXING PENATAIE$ F( C VIOLATION THEREOF" Eby amended to read as follow CTION 16 (c):- The minima dal license fee of Twenty-fi .,,rs ($25.00) required and pt e y of An helm, held on the - -24th day of 11; iS51, -and est the same 'w ,:pe,ssed anal pied at a regu meeting of City Council held*.on the 8th y of May, ' 1951., by tU followinW to of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL?4EN: Pearson, Wieser, HeyIng, Bo j,63r:;• and. Van Wagoner. •V Y iLT; NOES: COUNC'IL'�iw: None. IN ABSENT: COU NOILMEN : Nono. And I further ,Certify that the b- Mayor of the Citv of Anaheim ap proved and signed said Ordinance i') on the 8th day of May, 1951. on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have on hereunto set my hand and affixed of 'WRs ."ap9 f ed 1 &A4 6140ed by ..me LEGAL NOTICE this .= day of May, 1951. CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the City -of Anaheim ORDINANCE NO. 'll"td ATTEf (BEAU: ORDINANCE Off' ' THE CITY � CHARLEg E: GRIFFITH ANAHEIM AMENDING N 19, SUBD�ISION (c) TIO is, City. Clerk of the City of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) i3N ION ' (f) ; SEC- N 9E, SVBDI- N 21; $%'I COUNTY 07 ORANGE )sig CITY OF ANAHEIM I>tOI�• (a)SVSDIVIBION �; RECTION ><$ AND SEC- I, CHARLES E. • GRIFFITH, City Clerk ,of the City of Anaheim, do )N 48, SUBDIVISION (a) D BDIVI BDIION (b) OF AN "AN hereby. certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a reg- D 11NCE ENTITLED .�NCE OF THE CITY OF #%f meeting of the City. Council of th Cit rSl o PRO SSIONSi NDi PITIONS. ING T TE OF LI - NSE RE PROVID- F THIN VECTION [EREOF, AND . VrIXING PEN - MES. FOR THE VIOLATION IEREOF". E CITY COUNCIL OF T OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDA 'OLLOWS: ICTION 1: That rection le, 0u pion (c) and subdivision on -$1; -Section 12, subdLyisi 4and subdivision (b): Secti rid Section 46. subdivision ( subdivision (b) of Ordinan )01 of the City of Anaheim e "AN ORDINANCE OF TV OF ANAHEIM - PROVIAUIP t TH `. LICENSING OF CE: $ ESSES, TRADES PR �I N$ . AND OCCUPA'rIOr iNG THE RATE OF LICEN1 REFOJ% PROVIDING F( f) COLLECTION- THERF(l FIXING PENATAIE$ F( C VIOLATION THEREOF" Eby amended to read as follow CTION 16 (c):- The minima dal license fee of Twenty-fi .,,rs ($25.00) required and pt e y of An helm, held on the - -24th day of 11; iS51, -and est the same 'w ,:pe,ssed anal pied at a regu meeting of City Council held*.on the 8th y of May, ' 1951., by tU followinW to of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL?4EN: Pearson, Wieser, HeyIng, Bo j,63r:;• and. Van Wagoner. •V Y iLT; NOES: COUNC'IL'�iw: None. IN ABSENT: COU NOILMEN : Nono. And I further ,Certify that the b- Mayor of the Citv of Anaheim ap proved and signed said Ordinance i') on the 8th day of May, 1951. on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have on hereunto set my hand and affixed of At I FIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I d6 . ..till .�'...�� ::��. 1� !11• •t.)t{' i). i';�]i- t�i. 'i1 eighle� t, s, that 1.1; 1I.a.4 �n- is lie :.i party to the matter horell Ei,{.-tla i+�t�p the f the 11C. ..i.' � �1. ..ice. : ...�" t• }�� �.. + ;sty ��llh]�s:j:.•ii in + .- • r J r i s 4 i` rl�sr;iF);•cJ rirl _,;.:•rt, t„ )(y�11 1 r.:r. ?tti ' daY of 7 ',t Notary Public '$ LEGAL NOTICE y O11t.D1NAANCE' NO. 776 ` 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ANAHEIM AMENDING y CTION 16, SUBDIVISION (c) 'D SUBDIVISION (f): SEC- )9- 21: SE ON 22, SUBDI- ION (a) kib SUBDIVISION '0 4; SECTION 33 AND SEC - 3N .46, SUBDIVISION (a) ,n WBDIVISION (b) OF AN 1, 1111 ANCE • ENTITLED "AN '1 XWL&NCE OF THE CITY OF NG FOUR •,CERTAIN e rsIN 1rB, PRO - Ir 7SSIONB SND;. tip TIONS. XTNG TIS NATE OF LI - 0 INSE )a ZrOR, PROVID- G F TE COLIIECTION [EREOF, AND . FIXING PEN - 'TIES FOR THE VIOLATION t'EREOP". - [E CITY COUNCIL OF Tar, 'OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN "OLLOWS: Q ;CTION 1: ;That Section 16, hub - n tion (c) and subdivision (f); on 21; •Section 212, subdivision land subdivision (b); flection nd Section 46. subdivision (a) subdivision (b) of Ordinance ?01 of the City of Anaheim an - ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE OF ANAHEIM PROVI117ING C THE". LICENSING OF CF.R-- $I NTRADE PRO- t.S ANDS, OCCUPAfi ONS. ANG THE RATE OF LICENSE REFOA, PROVIDING FOR 3 i l COLLECTION TI•IMROF, i- FIXING PENALTIES FOR FIXING THEREOF" is i '`yv amended to read as follows: e i r CTION 16 (c):- The minimum Ir Oal license fee of Twenty-five Ors (;25.04) required and pro - by Section 46 hereof, shall aid in advance on the 20th day y ;aly of each year, provided, how - e that any person commencing Ebusiness required to be licensed 'f tsr the provisions of said See - r146 shall, before 'commencing same, pay a minimum annual 3 'ose fee for the remainder of the rose period, the amount of which til be determined by prorating I minimum annual license fee vof the twentieth day of the ith next preceding the com- t icement of such. business. Any litional license fee acbruing, Pur - Ent to the provisions of said See- . 46. • n to said mini - an fee, sh4ll be t Ed on t ay of July next Eceeding. t it 0 when the said iimum anIni license fee became able . I.-]i .,kP,.t• SECT. f): In addition to Cr ' otl' sions provided by Ordthere shall be ad - to sib ' "unpaid license fees a Salty of ten per cent of the I aount tof . the fee so unpaid for the : mu od 9f the first inth, or nny rtien­thereof, that the 'sante re- dia• unpaid, and for each and cry month thereafter that such toremains unpaid a penalty of In per cent of the amount of such pe is unpaid, provided however, oat the maximum amount of such Welty shall not exceed an amount quaff to amount of such fee, and oviited further that if said li- eI snag :.'fee Isbell. net' be -paid within I mfxty (60) days from the date'wheu the same becomes due and payable, that' said license shall be revoked, aksd It any firm, porion- or corpora- tion shall continue to operate or cepduct any business, traft or pro- feision covered by this Ordinance after such license shall have been. .r..evoked or without a license, -they' Shall.. be subject to 'the penalties Provided in Section 4 of *aid Ordi- nance No. 701. For the purpose of this Ordi- nance, the term 'unbaid licen,pe fee' shall Mekn not :only all licenee fees owing for licenses theretofore is- sued. but also any sums or amount Which the City of Anaheim would have received had a license been issued as required by this Ordi- nonce. 8ECTTON 21: (a) Every person .conducting, matlaKing or carrying on a barber shop haven` not Dore thkii bne chair shall paY an annual license of Twenty-five Dollgre managing, 4 gingorycarorying ona barber' shop having' more than one chair shall pay an annual license equal to the suin of Tirenty-five Dollars $5.00) plus -Two Dollaro (#x.00) four each chair in sueh shop In a%. cess of one. SECTION 22:. 00 Every person cdhducting, managing or carryifig on a beauty shop, havinr not more than one operator, where the art Of cosmetology, is practiced, either in whole or in Dart, shall pay an --1 1 a.ca LAay {.V in@ passage, or this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be, printed and published once within fifteen 115) days from the date of its passage and adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin a newspaper of general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated in said City and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, . it shall take ef- fect •ftd be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE was approved and signed by me this 8 day of May, 1951. CHAS, A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST: (SEAL) CHARLES Jr. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ESTATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0r, ORANGE ) as CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wa.s introduced at a. reg- ular rneeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim. held. on the -24th da3- of Ail. 1951. and that the same R►a ps.ssed and pted at a regular meeting of d Cit.• Collneit held - on the Jtth fatye of May, 1951. ■b� the following of the memberq thereof.: AWES: CpQ- ttNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Hetiing, Botley,' and Van Wagoner. r NOES: COL*NCTL16N: None. A13SEI�T: c'OUNC11ATEN: Non4q. And I further certify thn.t the hfavor of the City of. Anaheim ap•. proved and signed said Ordinance on the Sth day- of NTay. 19;1. IN hereunto et smy WHEREOF myand affixed i't.OLji" s.�'• ~. :i.p :�. =r;t e0rc•!11:lt4:!d s +h �.: i :Ir!rt:r ' c,rtd ..i l:. , . i i...�•5. ..:ti , r, 1 :.' .. ;)e11 :,r of paid u,.:, :;: ina6on of both at"1 I�Irvr' of a general char- :.t{ ,.3:it.<: I tit$ ear published for ' 1I':!'.!'.Ill. i.. '! 1!ari li';:i i`i =.4. I:5 i)tf'9s1c.)ti, rade, `. =7t{'e(W.�l1 n:tttnt r►r r,l :. ry �;umber tliereof; .. !1 ±1`�4►r1 in The City of Ana - for more than ii�,ry 1'1• irtit. ,la... P the puhl-Niation �.. + ;sty ��llh]�s:j:.•ii in + .- • r J r i s 4 i` rl�sr;iF);•cJ rirl _,;.:•rt, t„ )(y�11 1 r.:r. ?tti ' daY of 7 ',t Notary Public '$ LEGAL NOTICE y O11t.D1NAANCE' NO. 776 ` 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ANAHEIM AMENDING y CTION 16, SUBDIVISION (c) 'D SUBDIVISION (f): SEC- )9- 21: SE ON 22, SUBDI- ION (a) kib SUBDIVISION '0 4; SECTION 33 AND SEC - 3N .46, SUBDIVISION (a) ,n WBDIVISION (b) OF AN 1, 1111 ANCE • ENTITLED "AN '1 XWL&NCE OF THE CITY OF NG FOUR •,CERTAIN e rsIN 1rB, PRO - Ir 7SSIONB SND;. tip TIONS. XTNG TIS NATE OF LI - 0 INSE )a ZrOR, PROVID- G F TE COLIIECTION [EREOF, AND . FIXING PEN - 'TIES FOR THE VIOLATION t'EREOP". - [E CITY COUNCIL OF Tar, 'OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN "OLLOWS: Q ;CTION 1: ;That Section 16, hub - n tion (c) and subdivision (f); on 21; •Section 212, subdivision land subdivision (b); flection nd Section 46. subdivision (a) subdivision (b) of Ordinance ?01 of the City of Anaheim an - ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE OF ANAHEIM PROVI117ING C THE". LICENSING OF CF.R-- $I NTRADE PRO- t.S ANDS, OCCUPAfi ONS. ANG THE RATE OF LICENSE REFOA, PROVIDING FOR 3 i l COLLECTION TI•IMROF, i- FIXING PENALTIES FOR FIXING THEREOF" is i '`yv amended to read as follows: e i r CTION 16 (c):- The minimum Ir Oal license fee of Twenty-five Ors (;25.04) required and pro - by Section 46 hereof, shall aid in advance on the 20th day y ;aly of each year, provided, how - e that any person commencing Ebusiness required to be licensed 'f tsr the provisions of said See - r146 shall, before 'commencing same, pay a minimum annual 3 'ose fee for the remainder of the rose period, the amount of which til be determined by prorating I minimum annual license fee vof the twentieth day of the ith next preceding the com- t icement of such. business. Any litional license fee acbruing, Pur - Ent to the provisions of said See- . 46. • n to said mini - an fee, sh4ll be t Ed on t ay of July next Eceeding. t it 0 when the said iimum anIni license fee became able . I.-]i .,kP,.t• SECT. f): In addition to Cr ' otl' sions provided by Ordthere shall be ad - to sib ' "unpaid license fees a Salty of ten per cent of the I aount tof . the fee so unpaid for the : mu od 9f the first inth, or nny rtien­thereof, that the 'sante re- dia• unpaid, and for each and cry month thereafter that such toremains unpaid a penalty of In per cent of the amount of such pe is unpaid, provided however, oat the maximum amount of such Welty shall not exceed an amount quaff to amount of such fee, and oviited further that if said li- eI snag :.'fee Isbell. net' be -paid within I mfxty (60) days from the date'wheu the same becomes due and payable, that' said license shall be revoked, aksd It any firm, porion- or corpora- tion shall continue to operate or cepduct any business, traft or pro- feision covered by this Ordinance after such license shall have been. .r..evoked or without a license, -they' Shall.. be subject to 'the penalties Provided in Section 4 of *aid Ordi- nance No. 701. For the purpose of this Ordi- nance, the term 'unbaid licen,pe fee' shall Mekn not :only all licenee fees owing for licenses theretofore is- sued. but also any sums or amount Which the City of Anaheim would have received had a license been issued as required by this Ordi- nonce. 8ECTTON 21: (a) Every person .conducting, matlaKing or carrying on a barber shop haven` not Dore thkii bne chair shall paY an annual license of Twenty-five Dollgre managing, 4 gingorycarorying ona barber' shop having' more than one chair shall pay an annual license equal to the suin of Tirenty-five Dollars $5.00) plus -Two Dollaro (#x.00) four each chair in sueh shop In a%. cess of one. SECTION 22:. 00 Every person cdhducting, managing or carryifig on a beauty shop, havinr not more than one operator, where the art Of cosmetology, is practiced, either in whole or in Dart, shall pay an --1 1 a.ca LAay {.V in@ passage, or this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be, printed and published once within fifteen 115) days from the date of its passage and adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin a newspaper of general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated in said City and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, . it shall take ef- fect •ftd be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE was approved and signed by me this 8 day of May, 1951. CHAS, A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST: (SEAL) CHARLES Jr. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ESTATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0r, ORANGE ) as CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance wa.s introduced at a. reg- ular rneeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim. held. on the -24th da3- of Ail. 1951. and that the same R►a ps.ssed and pted at a regular meeting of d Cit.• Collneit held - on the Jtth fatye of May, 1951. ■b� the following of the memberq thereof.: AWES: CpQ- ttNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Hetiing, Botley,' and Van Wagoner. r NOES: COL*NCTL16N: None. A13SEI�T: c'OUNC11ATEN: Non4q. And I further certify thn.t the hfavor of the City of. Anaheim ap•. proved and signed said Ordinance on the Sth day- of NTay. 19;1. IN hereunto et smy WHEREOF myand affixed AFFIDAVIT OF ?UBIXATJO�11 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Orange jes. Richard Fisc -------------•--.._---_..--- hl.e of said county, being fifet duiy sworn, says—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteeUnAfter ears; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a pdrt�•; t0 heroin mentioned; that he is the ' PrInalpal clerk ......................... of the -Art .................... ......................... ...._.......... .a ------ �. .l+moi newsp,ag* printed, published an4'el.rculated 1b thi a County of OxApge that said Anaheim Bul le t in.x - -- .......... ......:�,- ............................... Is a newspaper of general circulation. with a list of ald .abseriber$ ani. is published or thq.Q 41gsej i nn ! both local and general news and i'rttelliga ce•of at.: dralar. acter; that it is not devoted to the ipterests or publishe�for the entertainm o rti pular classy profession. trade, calling, race of on, eg of any number thereof; that it has been d pu fished -In the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, state of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ordinance ....�o..---�'6.---....-- . X .......................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at least_._sn_OYi@ iBge commencing on the .... 1ljkday of.._May.............................. 19 3l and ending on the................day of .......................... 19 ...... and that said Not ice was published on the following days: Mair --.11: ..... 195.-1 ............................. ...---......_..--• ...� .................--- - ......-- -.....---1. .. .............. Subsga Wje and sworn to before me this.-.�- ...... :qday of ._...---•__----- • ....... ........................ ...........................: ::..._-.._..- - . --- .......... No blies 1 Mg Commiwiou Expire, Aug. 8, 1953 �I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151 161 171 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 311 321 URDINANCE NO. 776 AN ORDINANCE;,OF THE CIVI OF ANAREIM AMMMING SECTION 169 SUBDIVISION je) AND SUBDIVISION (f); SECTION 21; SECTION 22, SUBDIVIS .QN (a) AND: SUBDIVISION (b); SECTION 33 AND SECTION 469 UBDIVISION. (a) AND SUBDIVISION (b) of AN ORDINANCE ITLED NAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FO . THE LICENSING OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TI1.A,DES9 PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, FIXING TAE BA'T'E OF LICENSE THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, ARID FIX- ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF n . THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION It That Section 16, subdivision (c) and subdivision (f); Section 21; Section 22s subdivision (a) and subdivision (b); Section 33 and Section 46, subdivision (a) and subdivision (b) of Ordinance No. 701 of the City of Anaheim entitled "All ORD IIUTCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE ?LICENSING OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADES, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, FIXING I TM RATE OF LICFDISE Tr .EFOR, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF' is hereby amended to read as follows; SECTION 16 (c): The mi.:iirimm annual license fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) required and provided by Section 46 hereof, shall be paid in advance an the 20th day of July, of each ;dear, provided, however, that any person commenc-- Ing any business required to be licensed under the provisions of said Section 4.6 shall, before cowencing the sane, pa;; a minimuni annual license fee for the re-- mairider of the license period, the amount of which shall be determined by pro— rating such minimum annual license fee as of the twentieth day of the month nelit preceding the commencement of such business. Amy additional license fee accruing pursuant to the provisions of said Section 46, in addition to said minimum annual license fee, shall be paid on the 20th day of Julj* neat succeeding the date when the said minimum annual license fee became payable. SECTION 16 (f): In addition to any other pr6visions provided by this Ordinance,.there shall be added to all unpaid license fees a penalty of ten per cera of the am-otint of the fee so unpaid for the period of the first month, or ani;. portion thereof, that the same remains unpaid, and for each and every month thereafter t1la.t such fee remains unpaid a -:')enal ty of ten per cent of the amount of such fee so unpaid, provided "however, ti a.t the maximum amount of such penalty shall not exceed ars amount equal to amount of such fee, and provided further that if said _license fee shall not be paid within sixty (60) days from the date when —1— I1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 231 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 t -he same becomes due and payable, that said license shall be revoked, and if any firm, person or coryoration shall continue to operate or conduct any busines trade or professio�-L covered by this Ordinance after such license shall have been revoked or without a license, they s -hall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 4 of said Ordinance Ifo. 701. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term 'unpaid license fee' shall mean not only all license fees owing for licenses theretofore issued, but also any sums or anourlt which the City of Anaheim would nave received had a license been issued as required by dais Ordinance. SECTION 21: (a) Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a barber shop having not more tham one chair sh a,li pal.7 an annual license of Twenty five Dollars ($25.00). (b) Every person conductin-, managing or carrying on a barber shop having more t1yan one ckait shall pay -an annual license equal to the sum of Twent; five Dollars ($25.00) plus Two Dollars ($2.00) for each chair in such shop in excess of one. SECTIO 22: (a) Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a beauty shop, Navin-• not more than one operator, where the art of cosmetology is practiced, either in whole or in part, shall pay an annual license of Twentyr-five Dollars ($25.00) . (b) Every person_ conducting, managing or carrying on a beauty shop, having more than one operator, where the art of cosmetology is practiced, either, in whole or in part, shall pay an annual license equal to the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) plus Two Dollars ($2.00) for each operator in excess of one. SECTION 33: (a) Every person conducting, managing or carrying on a danciLg academy shall pad- an annual license of Twenty-five Dollars ($25,00). For the purpose of t'r�is Ordinance a dancing academy is defined to be a regularly established place of business or entertainment where instructions In dancing or dance lessons are ;-iven or taught and. a fee for such instruction or lesson is made, paid or received. (b) Every person engaged in the profession of dancing teacher who has no regularly established place of business where instruction in dancing is given -24" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 shallpay an annual license of Twenty—five Dollars ($25.00). SECTION 46: (a) Every person conducting, managing or carrying on the business of restaurant, or soda fountain, or eating place, or boarding house, or hotel, or dry --cleaning establishment, or lodging; house, or dyeing plant', or laundry, or automobile service stations or newspaper, or public garage, or print- ing establishment, and every person conducting, managing or carrying on any wholesale business, or retail business, or jobbing business, or commission bus— iness, and every person conducting, managing or carrying on any business of manufacturing, processing or fabricating any product, commodity, airplane, ship, machine, instrumentality, or parts of sale, and every person conducting, mance,ing or caxryi�:g on ar�v business, trade, profession, occupation, exhibition, game or enterprise not specificall;yY licensed by this Ordinance or by any other Ordinance of this. City, sUall pay an annual license based upon gross receipts of such business, trade, profession, occupation, exhibition, game or enterprise according to the following schedule: GROSS RECEIPTS PER ANNUM FEE PER ANNM Less than $25,000.00 $ 25.00 $2j,000.00 aced less than $509000.00. $ 30.00 $50,000.00 and less than $1009000.00. $ 35.00 $100,000.00 and less thaw. $15 0 , 000.00. $'0.40 $150,000.00 and less than $2049000.00. $ 45.00 $200,000.00 and more $ 50.00 (b) The fee. of $25.009 above set fort?:,., i -s hereby designated the minimum annual license.. SECTION 2: Any person violating &Tky other provisions of this Ordiljanc shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section 4 of said Ordinance No -.701 - SECTION 3: That the City Clem shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed and published once within fif tee (15) days from the date of its passage and adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City and thirty (30) da�.-s from and after its final passage, it shall take effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDIRUCE was ap aroved and signed by me this Ad(Aay of may } YOR of THR CITYor jiumim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1€ 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 24 21 28 29 30 31 321 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY of ORkNGZ s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM j It CHARDS E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 24th day of.April, 1951, and that the same -was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 8& day of 1951s by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Dieser, Raging. Bong mad Tax V&Vner NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ;lose And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the _ 8th day of 1951. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 8th day of MWr� 1951. —5= 119 a -.-. .. �. ..,,.�e .. . . _ . . ... ... .. ........ _... .... ,,..a.. — ire -- � �.....-.......�. �..�.�.�.- ......... .. F. . .