15 (2) Public Comment From:Danett Abbott-Wicker <danettabbott2@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, June 3, 2022 11: To:Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil; Jose Diaz; Gloria S. Ma'ae; Avelino Valencia Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Please appoint Dr. Jose Moreno Interim Mayor of Anaheim Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Good evening councilmembers: Anaheim finds itself at the proverbial forked road and a decision to make: keep going down the same path of corrupt dealings that gives politics the bad name it's gotten for centuries, OR take the brave, honest and forward-thinking path and dramatically change the way the city has been run for the past several years. Anaheim residents have paid the price for this corruption, not only with their hard earned tax dollars, but with their trust. The city needs a person who has shown for years that he has a firm moral compass, who always does the right thing, does not succumb to peer pressure, and has the intelligence to guide the council through these turbulent times. The interim mayor should NOT be an outsider; it will take them too long to get "up to speed" with how the city works and what the issues are. The best and most qualified person for this post is Councilman Jose Moreno. He is the only Anaheim citizen NOT eligible to run for mayor in November, so he would not be using this as a stepping-stone to a permanent mayorship. He is the only Council member who hasn't received funding from the special interests involved in the current corruption scandal: Disney, SOAR, the Angels, the Chamber, and he is the only one never to have been invited nor attended any of the notorious Chamber "retreats." He is also the only Council member to have spoken out regularly for years against this "government by special interests". Fellow council member Valencia was critical of the Angels deal, but he was aware of all the secretive insider dealing and said nothing. Mr. O'Neil wrote recently in The OC Register that "history will judge us on how we respond," and pledged to "continue with the essential work of restoring trust and moving Anaheim forward." The best way to begin that process is to appoint Councilman Moreno interim mayor for the next six months. 1 Thank you for your consideration, Danett M. Abbott-Wicker Progressive Democrats of America, California National Field Team Assistant & Liaison Team Organizer, Western Region __________________________________ “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” John Lewis February 21, 1940–July 17, 2020 2