RES-2022-066 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-066 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES, FEES AND CHARGES FOR RENTAL OF SPACE, PARKING AND FOR CERTAIN LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES AT THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim is the operator of a multipurpose convention facility and an adjacent arena located within the City of Anaheim, California, commonly known as and herein referred to as the Anaheim Convention Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim (the "City Council") has heretofore established fees, rates and charges (herein referred to as the "Schedule of Rates") to be charged for the rental of space, parking and for certain labor, equipment and services within or upon the Anaheim Convention Center, which has been amended and revised periodically by the City Council. The Schedule of Rates was most recently amended and revised by the adoption by the City Council of its Resolution No. 2021-065 on June 22, 2021 (herein referred to as the "Prior Resolution"); and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the Schedule of Rates for the rental of space, personnel services, cleaning services, technical services, facility equipment, box office usage, parking, and other related services in the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, commencing as of, on and after July 1, 2022; and WHEREAS, to accommodate shows which do not require the use of an entire exhibit hall, the City Council desires to authorize and direct the Executive Director of the Convention, Sports&Entertainment Department or such person's authorized representative (herein referred to interchangeably as the "Executive Director") to offer a rental rate of one-half of the minimum rental rate for said exhibit hall, with any use exceeding one-half of the minimum square footage for said exhibit hall to be charged at the approved net square foot rate for said hall; and WHEREAS, to ensure that the City of Anaheim remains competitive and can attract exhibitions and conventions, the City Council desires to authorize the Executive Director to negotiate lower-than-adopted rates to be charged for the rental of space, parking, labor, box office, equipment and services at the Anaheim Convention Center, when it is deemed necessary and appropriate by the Executive Director to attract exhibitions, conventions or events which would otherwise not utilize the Anaheim Convention Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and declares that adoption of the Schedule of Rates in the form set forth in Exhibit A hereto is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 21080(b)(8) of the Public Resources Code and California Code of Regulations Section 15273, in that the fees, rates and charges are established to meet operating expenses, including employee wage rates and fringe benefits; purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment or materials; and meeting financial reserve needs and requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a duly advertised public hearing on this date to consider the proposed Schedule of Rates in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and any testimony received at the meeting at which this matter was considered. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Anaheim resolves, finds and determines on the basis of the facts set forth in the agenda report presented to it and any testimony received at the meeting at which this matter was considered, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. Section 2. The Schedule of Rates to be charged for the rental of space, personnel services, cleaning services, technical services, facility equipment, box office usage, parking, and other related services at the Anaheim Convention Center, in the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, is hereby adopted and shall be and become effective as of, on and after July 1, 2022. Section 3. The City Council finds that the fees, rates and charges set forth in Exhibit A are set at a rate to reasonably ensure that the cost of the facilities, services and equipment rental is borne by those seeking to utilize such facilities, services and equipment and to meet operating expenses, including employee wage rates and fringe benefits; purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment or materials; and meeting financial reserve needs and requirements for the Anaheim Convention Center. Section 4. In order to accommodate shows which do not require the use of an entire exhibit hall, the Executive Director is authorized to offer one-half the minimum rental rate for an exhibit hall based on utilization of one-half of said hall. Utilization exceeding one-half of the minimum square footage of said hall shall be charged on the basis of the approved square foot rate, except as otherwise provided in this Resolution. Section 5. The Executive Director is authorized to negotiate lower-than-adopted rates to be charged for the rental of space, parking, labor, box office usage, equipment and services at the Anaheim Convention Center when the Executive Director determines, in his sole discretion, that such action is necessary to attract exhibitions, conventions or events which would otherwise not utilize the Anaheim Convention Center. Section 6. Those fees, rates and charges set forth in the Schedule of Rates attached as Exhibit A to the Prior Resolution shall no longer be effective and are hereby rescinded effective as of the close of City business on June 30, 2022. Section 7. Nothing contained in this Resolution shall be deemed to impose any limitation upon the City, or the procedure to be followed by the City, in establishing or amending the fees, rates and charges set forth herein which would not otherwise apply in the absence of this Resolution. Section 8. If the fees, rates or charges set forth in this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance are held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any 2 court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other fee, rate or charge, or application thereof, which can be implemented without the invalid fee, rate or charge, or application thereof, and to this end the fees, rates and charges of this Resolution are declared to be severable. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 21 day of June , 2022, by the following roll-call vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem O' Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma 'ae, Moreno, Valencia and Faessel NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None [Mayoral vacancy] CITY OF ANAHEIM MAYO PRO TEM OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY CL RK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 145247/bmm 3 EXHIBIT"A" SCHEDULE OF RATES (Effective July 1, 2022) [Behind this sheet] ANAHEIM Public/Ticket Events and Consumer Shows Rate Schedule 7/1/2022 - 06/30/2023 EXHIBIT HALLS Exhibit Halls Minimum Rental Per Event Day Percentage Rate Per Event Day Exhibit Hall A $17,850 12%% Exhibit Hall B $17,850 12%% Exhibit Hall C $17,850 12Y:% Exhibit Hall D $24,000 12%% Exhibit Hall E $14,600 12%% ARENA/ARENA LOBBY/ARENA MEETING ROOMS Arena Area Non-Exhibits Minimum Rental Exhibits Minimum Rental Percentage Rate Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Arena $15,300 $15,300 • 12'/:% Arena Lobby $1,600 $1,800 N/A Arena Room#1 $300 $600 N/A Arena Room#2 $200 $400 N/A Arena Rooms 1-2 $500 $1,000 N/A Arena Plaza 1 $2,000 $2,000 N/A Grand Plaza Center $500 $500 N/A Section $500 $500 N/A Grand Plaza East Section Grand Plaza West Section $500 $500 N/A Grand Plaza $1,500 $1,500 N/A ACC NORTH ACC North Minimum Rental Per Event Day Percentage Rate Per Event Day Level 1 $15,600 12%% Level 1 North Half $10,400 12'/:% Level 1 South Half $10,400 12%% Level 2 $15,600 12%% Level 2 North Half $10,400 12%% Level 2 South Half $10,400 12%% SECOND LEVEL MEETING ROOMS I THIRD LEVEL MEETING ROOMS Non-Exhibits Exhibits Non-Exhibits Exhibits Meeting Rooms Minimum Rental Per Minimum Rental Meeting Rooms Minimum Rental Minimum Rental Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day 201A $425 $745 210A $425 $745 201E $425 $745 210B $425 $745 201C $425 $745 210C $425 $745 201D $525 $965 210D $525 $965 201ABCD $1,800 $3,200 210ABCD $1,800 $3,200 202A $315 $550 211A $315 $550 202B $315 $550 211E $315 $550 202AB $630 $1,100 211AB $630 $1,100 203A $315 $550 212A $315 $550 203E $365 $650 212E $365 $650 203AB $680 $1,200 212AB $680 $1,200 204A $565 $1,000 213A $425 $745 204E $1,060 $1,860 213E $425 $745 204C $675 $1,190 213C $425 $745 204ABC $2,300 $4,050 213D $525 $965 205A $315 $550 213ABCD $1,800 $3,200 205B $315 $550 303A $450 $800 205AB $630 $1,100 303B $450 $800 206A $315 $550 303C $450 $800 206E $365 $650 303D $450 $800 206AB $680 $1,200 303ABCD $1,800 $3,200 207A $425 $745 304A $450 $800 207E $425 $745 304B $450 $800 207C $425 $745 304C $450 $800 207D $525 $965 304D $450 $800 207ABCD $1,800 $3,200 304ABCD $1,800 $3,200 208A $340 $600 Ballroom A $2,450 $4,310 208E $340 $600 Ballroom B $2,450 $4,310 208AB $680 $1,200 Ballroom C $2,450 $4,310 209A $345 $600 Ballroom D $2,450 $4,310 209E $395 $700 Ballroom E $2,450 $4,310 209AB $740 $1,300 Ballroom ABCDE $12,250 $21,550 RENTAL RATE • Tenant or Tenant's contractor shall be responsible for the • Public ticketed event and consumer rental rates are based on a removal and proper disposal of all exhibit related trash minimum charge per show day for each area or 12'% % of including, but not limited to crates, lumber and bulk trash and gross ticket sales,whichever amount is greater. the cleaning of aisle carpet or other floor covering installed by • The Arena will be based on minimum charge per show day or Tenant or Tenant's contractor throughout the term of the lease. 12.5%of gross ticket sales,whichever amount is greater. • Meeting Room rental includes one standard initial theater, • One complimentary move-in and/or move-out day is provided classroom or banquet style set-up. Room re sets will be for each paid exhibit event day, based on availability. Full charged at prevailing labor rates. Costs for additional facility events may receive one extra day of move-in or move- equipment or personnel shall be charged to Tenant at rates out at no additional charge. Additional requested move-in revailing at the time of event. and/or move-out days will be charged 50% of the minimum �jENT REQUIREMENTS AND STAFFING daily rate. • Event-related staffing, including but not limited to, security, NON-FOOD ITEMS ushers, crowd control, registered nurses; fire watch, and Box • Merchandise sales of programs, novelties, CD's, DVD's, Office personnel may be required from Convention Center at videos, tapes, books, publications, clothing (t-shirts, caps, the Tenant's expense. All event requirements must be belts, buckles) etc. in the Anaheim Convention Center at approved by Convention Center management at least twenty- events open to the general public or at any event where such one days prior to beginning of tenancy. sales are to be made in public areas (such as, but not limited ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT to, lobbies and concourses) are permitted. The City of • Food and beverage service is provided exclusively by Anaheim is to receive twenty percent (20%) of the total gross ARAMARK Sports and Entertainment Services. ARAMARK sales (after sales taxes are deducted), or as negotiated in the offices are located in the Convention Center. Arrangements for contract. The Anaheim Convention Center Box Office these services shall be made through the General Manager of Manager has been designated as the Manager of the Non- ARAMARK at(714)765-8800. Food Sales Program and is the person to contact regarding the • Exhibitor and Show telecommunication services; voice, data sale of these products. For further information concerning the and internet access, wired and wireless data and internet Non-Food Sales Program, please call the Box Office Manager service, networking and custom configuration services, cable at(714)765-8970. TV and connectivity to such services is provided exclusively by MEETING ROOM RENTAL Smart City Networks. Arrangements for these services shall be • All meeting rooms used for meetings will be charged made through their offices located in the Convention Center at according to the "Non Exhibits" rates listed on the chart (714)765-8600. above. • All Audio/Visual services can be provided through our preferred • All meeting rooms used for exhibit purposes will be charged vendor, PSAV Presentation Services. Arrangements for their according to the"Exhibits"rates listed on the chart above. services may be made through their office located in the • Business Centers or Concierge type services brought in by Convention Center at(714)765-8667. Tenant will be charged at the prevailing daily meeting room • PSAV Presentation Services is the exclusive rigging provider in rate. the Arena, the Ballroom, Meeting Room, ACC North and all ADVERTISING non-trade show events in the exhibit halls. Arrangements for this service may be made through their office located in the • An exhibitor or sponsor advertising banners or signs which are Convention Center at(714)765-8667. hung or otherwise displayed in public areas of the Facility for • Based upon availability, Convention Center can provide which Tenant receives a commission or any other financial equipment within the limits of Convention Center's inventory at benefit, shall be charged a rate of $500 per sign or banner. rates prevailing at the time of event (see Equipment and The location, size and ad copy of signage is subject to prior Services Rates Schedules). Arrangements can be made with approval by the Convention Center Executive Director or his the Convention Center's Event Manager. appointed designee. PARKING • As stated in the CPC (California Penal Code) section 556- 556.1, Tenant may not unlawfully place, post, erect or display • The Convention Center reserves the right to charge a fee to all any signs or other forms of advertising on any public street or users of its parking areas at the rate prevailing at the time of thoroughfare or on any private property which pertains to your event. Vehicles requiring more than one parking space will be contracted event at the Anaheim Convention Center. Failure to charged at a higher rate. There are no in and out privileges adhere to this provision may result in the cancellation of future and no guarantee regarding the number of spaces available to bookings. any specific event. SERVICES, FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN PROHIBITED ALTERATIONS/DECORATIONS RENTAL • Placement of self-sticking tape, glue, nails or other fasteners • Designated show offices shall be provided to Tenant based on on any walls, carpets,furniture, railings or other property of the availability. Convention Center is strictly prohibited without prior written • House lighting, ventilation, heat and/or air conditioning will be approval of the Convention Center Executive Director. Any provided on event days. Facility will provide a minimum tape, adhesives or fasteners affixed by Tenant or any guest or comfort level and work lighting on other days of tenancy. agent of Tenant to Convention Center property without consent Additional cost for technician labor calls that begin at 7:00am or will result in a charge to Tenant of up to$250 per placement. earlier and end after 11:30pm shall be charged to Tenant at rates prevailing at the time of the event. • Public address system in the Exhibit Halls and the Arena with one hardwired microphone. tE Trade Shows and Conventions Rate Schedule ANAHEIM 7/1/2022 - 06/30/2023 EXHIBIT HALLS I EXTERIOR SPACE Exhibit Halls Non-Exhibits Minimum Rental Exhibits Minimum Rental Net Square Foot Rate Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Exhibit Hall A $12,500 $25,000 $0.42 Exhibit Hall B $12,500 $25,000 $0.42 Exhibit Hall C $12,500 $25,000 $0.42 Exhibit Hall D $16,600 $33,300 $0.42 Exhibit Hall E $9,400 $18,875 $0.42 Exterior Space N/A N/A $0.18 ($0.08 per gross square foot) ARENA I ARENA LOBBY/ARENA MEETING ROOMS Arena Area Non-Exhibits Minimum Rental Exhibits Minimum Rental Net Square Foot Rate Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Arena $15,300 $15,300 N/A Arena Lobby $1,100 $1,500 $0.42 Arena Room#1 $300 $600 N/A Arena Room#2 $200 $400 N/A Arena Rooms 1-2 $500 $1,000 N/A Arena Plaza $2,000 $2,000 Grand Plaza Center See Exterior Space Section $500 $500 See Exterior Space Grand Plaza East Section $500 $500 See Exterior Space Grand Plaza West Section $500 $500 See Exterior Space Grand Plaza $1,500 $1,500 See Exterior Space ACC NORTH ACC North Non-Exhibits Minimum Rental Exhibits Minimum Rental Net Square Foot Rate Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Level 1 $15,600 $15,600 $0.42 Level 1 North Half $10,400 $10,400 $0.42 Level 1 South Half $10,400 $10,400 $0.42 Level 2 $15,600 $15,600 $0.42 Level 2 North Half $10,400 $10,400 $0.42 Level 2 South Half $10,400 $10,400 $0.42 SECOND LEVEL MEETING ROOMS 1 THIRD LEVEL MEETING ROOMS Non-Exhibits Exhibits Non-Exhibits ' Exhibits Meeting Rooms Minimum Rental Minimum Rental Meeting Rooms Minimum Rental Minimum Rental Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day Per Event Day 201A $425 $745 210A $425 $745 201B $425 $745 210E $425 $745 201C $425 $745 210C $425 $745 201D $525 $965 210D $525 $965 201ABCD $1,800 $3,200 210ABCD $1,800 $3,200 202A $315 $550 211A $315 $550 202B $315 $550 211B $315 $550 202AB $630 $1,100 211AB $630 $1,100 203A $315 $550 212A $315 $550 203B $365 $650 212B $365 $650 203AB $680 $1,200 212AB $680 $1,200 204A $565 $1,000 213A $425 $745 204B $1,060 $1,860 213B $425 $745 204C $675 $1,190 213C $425 $745 204ABC $2,300 $4,050 213D $525 $965 205A $315 $550 213ABCD $1,800 $3,200 205B $315 $550 303A $450 $800 205AB $630 $1,100 303B $450 $800 206A $315 $550 303C $450 $800 206E $365 $650 303D $450 $800 206AB $680 $1,200 303ABCD $1,800 $3,200 207A $425 $745 304A $450 $800 207E $425 $745 304B $450 $800 207C $425 $745 304C $450 $800 207D $525 $965 304D $450 $800 207ABCD $1,800 $3,200 304ABCD $1,800 $3,200 208A $340 $600 Ballroom A $2,450 $4,310 208E $340 $600 Ballroom B $2,450 $4,310 208AB $680 $1,200 Ballroom C $2,450 $4,310 209A $345 $600 Ballroom D $2,450 $4,310 209B $395 $700 Ballroom E $2,450 $4,310 209AB $740 $1,300 Ballroom ABCDE $12,250 $21,550 RENTAL RATE • All rental rates are based on a minimum rate or a net square foot rate,whichever is greater. • For the purpose of calculating rental,the net square foot rate versus the minimum rate will be calculated for each hall,not in aggregate for multiple hall shows. • Full room rental will be charged regardless of actual space used. • One complimentary move-in and/or move-out day is provided for each paid exhibit event date contracted,based on availability. Full facility events may receive one additional day of move-in or move-out at no additional charge. Additional requested move-in and/or move-out days will be charged 50%of the minimum daily rate. NET SQUARE FEET • Net square feet is defined as total display area less aisle space and food services areas. Convention Center shall have the right to determine what,if any,exhibit space will qualify for exclusion from rental charges. MEETING ROOM RENTAL • All meeting rooms used for meetings will be charged according to the"Non-Exhibits"rates listed on the chart above. • All meeting rooms used for exhibit purposes will be charged according to the"Exhibits"rates listed on the chart above. • All areas used as meeting function space will receive a credit equal to 10%of the net amount charged to the Tenant for catered food and beverage served in the facility. This applies to all catered food and beverage only. This credit does not apply to areas used as exhibit space. The maximum credit cannot be greater than the total rent charged for meeting space per the contract. • Business Centers or Concierge type services brought in by Tenant will be charged at the prevailing daily meeting room rate as listed. • Trade Shows with exhibits will receive a credit against their total meeting room rental fees in the amount of$4,900 per paid event day for Halls A,B,C and E and a credit of$7,300 per paid event day for Hall D(if rental is paid on full Hall,otherwise a$4,900 credit if wedge is not used)and a credit of$3,275 per paid event day for ACC North(based on 100,000 square feet of each exhibit space) ADVERTISING • An exhibitor or sponsor advertising banners or signs which are hung or otherwise displayed in public areas of the Facility,for which Tenant receives a commission or any other financial benefit, shall be charged a rate of$500 per sign or banner. The location, size and ad copy of signage is subject to prior approval by the Convention Center Executive Director or his appointed designee. Exterior advertising per separate published rates schedule. GENERAL SESSIONS • For General Session meetings held in an exhibit hall, a maximum of 2,000 chairs is included in the rental. Additional chairs will be charged to Tenant at rates prevailing at the time of event. SERVICES,FACILITIES AND EQUPMENT INCLUDED IN RENTAL • Designated show offices shall be provided to Tenant based on availability. • Tenant or Tenant's contractor shall be responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all exhibit related trash including,but not limited to crates,lumber and bulk trash and the cleaning of aisle carpet or other floor covering installed by Tenant or Tenant's contractor throughout the term of the lease. • Public address system in the Exhibit Halls and the Arena with one hardwired microphone. • House lighting,ventilation,heat and/or air conditioning will be provided on event days. Facility will provide a minimum comfort level and work lighting on other days of tenancy. Additional cost for technician labor calls that begin at 7:00am or earlier and end after 11:30pm shall be charged to Tenant at rates prevailing at the time of the event. • Meeting rooms shall be used for purposes directly related to Conventions or Trade Shows. • Meeting Rooms shall not be assigned or sublet to others without the approval of the Convention Center Executive Director. If approval is granted,Tenant will be charged a daily rate for each room sublet per the applicable Meeting Room rate schedule. Tenant will also be responsible for any other meeting room related charges incurred. • Meeting Room rental includes one standard initial theater, classroom or banquet-style set-up. Room re-sets will be charged at prevailing labor rates. Costs for additional equipment or personnel shall be charged to Tenant at rates prevailing at the time of event. EVENT REQUIREMENTS AND STAFFING • Event-related staffing, including but not limited to, security, ushers, crowd control, registered nurses, fire watch, and Box Office personnel may be required from Convention Center at the Tenant's expense. All event requirements must be approved by Convention Center management at least twenty-one days prior to beginning of tenancy. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND EQUPMENT • Food and beverage service is provided exclusively by ARAMARK Sports and Entertainment Services. ARAMARK offices are located in the Convention Center. Arrangements for these services shall be made through the General Manager of ARAMARK at(714)765-8800. • Exhibitor and Show telecommunication services; voice, data and internet access, wired and wireless data and internet service, networking and custom configuration services,cable TV and connectivity to such services is provided exclusively by Smart City Networks. Arrangements for these services shall be made through their office located in the Convention Center at(714)765-8600. • All Audio/Visual services can be provided through our preferred vendor,PSAV Presentation Services. Arrangements for their services may be made through their office located in the Convention Center at(714)765-8667. • PSAV Presentation Services is the exclusive rigging provider in the Arena,the Ballroom, Meeting Room,ACC North and all non-trade show events in the exhibit halls. Arrangements for this service may be made through their office located in the Convention Center at(714)765-8667. • Based upon availability, Convention Center can provide equipment within the limits of Convention Center's inventory at rates prevailing at the time of event(see Equipment and Services Rates Schedules). Arrangements can be made with the Convention Center's Event Manager. PARKING • The Convention Center reserves the right to charge a fee to all users of its parking areas at the rate prevailing at the time of event. Vehicles requiring more than one parking space will be charged at a higher rate. There are no in and out privileges and no guarantee regarding the number of spaces available to any specific event. PROHIBITED ALTERATIONS 1 DECORATIONS • Placement of self-sticking tape,glue,nails or other fasteners on any walls,carpets,furniture,railings or other property of the Convention Center is strictly prohibited without prior written approval of the Convention Center Executive Director. Any tape,adhesives or fasteners affixed by Tenant or any guest or agent of Tenant to Convention Center property will result in a charge to TENANT of up to$250 per placement. ANAHEIM Rates, Services & Equipment Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees Personnel Services Minimum Hourly Minimum Call Rate Charge Crowd Control Supervisor' 4 Hours $32.00 $128.00 Crowd Control Personnel' (Fire Door Guards, Ushers,Ticket Takers) 4 Hours $28.00 $112.00 Coat Check (Coat Check$100.00 set-up fee plus labor) 4 Hours $32.00 $128.00 Booth Security Arranged 15 days in advance 4 Hours $33.00 $132.00 Arranged less than 15 days in advance 4 Hours $36.00 $144.00 Box Office Specialist 4 Hours $49.00 $196.00 Parking Lot Cashier 4 Hours $28.00 $112.00 Parking Lot Attendant 4 Hours $28.00 $112.00 Parking Lot Captain 4 Hours $30.00 $120.00 Registered Nurse' /EMT 4 Hours $50.00 $200.00 Police Officer2 4 Hours $108.00 $432.00 Police Sergeant2 4 Hours $125.00 $500.00 Police Service Representative2 4 Hours $49.00 $196.00 Motorcycle Officer2 4 Hours $95.00 $380.00 Police Dispatcher 4 Hours $85.50 $342.00 FT Traffic Control/Split Shift 4 Hours $40.00 $160.00 Traffic Control Assistant2 4 Hours $25.00 $100.00 Traffic Control Supervisor2 4 Hours $59.00 $236.00 Fire Personnel - As Quoted - Security Personnel 4 Hours $38.00 $152.00 Electrician, HVAC Operator(House Light/Sound Operator; HVAC) 1 Hour $103.00 $103.00 Cleaner/Set-Up Personnel 1 Hour $35.00 $35.00 Service Shift Supervisor 1 Hour $77.00 $77.00 Skilled Crafts Personnel (Painter, Carpenter, Plumber) 1 Hour $89.00 $89.00 Forklift/Scrubber and Operator3 1 Hour $160.00 $160.00 Scissor Lift/Small Genie Lift and Operator3 1 Hour $185.00 $185.00 Snorkel Lift/100 Ft. Genie Lift and Operator3 1 Hour $210.00 $210.00 Box Office Fee- Remote/Portable Per Day N/A $250.00 Box Office Fee- Main Per Day N/A $400.00 Permit Fee-(ACC Lifesafety system on bypass-Arranged 15 days in advance) Per Permit N/A $50.00 Permit Fee- Late Fee(ACC Lifesafety system on bypass-Additional charge for late request) Per Permit N/A $50.00 NOTE: Time-and-one-half will be charged for all classifications on New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In addition,the same premium will be charged for Electricians and Skilled Crafts on those holidays listed above, as well as on President's Day, Veteran's Day and the Friday following Thanksgiving Day. Double time will be charged for any electrician/HVAC technician labor calls that begin before 7:00 a.m. and end after 11:30 p.m. Client will be charged 1/2 hour of double time for an event start time of 7:00 a.m.for an Electrician and 1 hour of double time for an HVAC technician needed to provide lighting and /or heating/air conditioning. 5%Staffing fees may be assessed if contractual time deadlines are not met. A"House"Light/Sound Operator is required for all Arena events other than exhibit use. ' Personnel subject to a mandatory 15-minute pre-event orientation or shift overlap(approximately 6%of total bill). 2 Subject to change based on actual billings from the police department. 3 Subject to availability. ANAH El NI NV Effective July 1, 2022 C E N T E k ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE www.anaheimconventioncenter.com ANAHEIM Rates, Services & Equipment Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees Technical Services Rate Ballrooms A, B, C, D or E $80.00 Per Hour Air Conditioning Arena, Halls A, B, C,or E,ACC North Level 100,ACC (non-show hours,by North Level 200 $250.00 Per Hour individual location) Hall D $275.00 Per Hour Audio Feeds (from all materials or to recordist) $25.00 Per Feed/Per Day $70.00 Per Feed/Per Event AudioNisual Transmission Lines (selected locations) $100.00 Per Connection Clear Corn Intercom (includes 2 headsets) $80.00 Per Day Extra Headsets $30.00 Per Set/Per Day Halls A, B, C or E,ACC North Level 100,ACC North Lighting (full exhibit Hall Level 200 $150.00 Per Hour lighting other than show hours) Hall D $200.00 Per Hour Supertrouper* $175.00 Per Day Spotlight Rental Trouperette* $100.00 Per Day Metal Hallide $150.00 Per Fixture Removal of Lamps Fluorescent(2 Hours Minimum) $103.00 Per Hour Wireless Paging Microphone $140.00 Per Day Hard Wired Paging Microphone $40.00 Per Day Microphone Paging Microphone(Replacement Cost) $100.00 Each Microphone—Lavalier(Replacement Cost) $450.00 Each Microphone Wireless(Replacement Cost) $475.00 Each 3-phase,208V $7.00 Per Amp 1-phase, 110V $3.00 Per Amp Power 1-phase,208V $5.00 Per Amp (800 amp,single source max) Plug Strip,20 amp, 120V $30.00 Per Strip Splitter Box(50 amp, 3 phase multi-use distribution box) $110.00 Each Power Adapter(Replacement Cost) $1,000.00 Each * Equipment must be installed, removed,and operated by House Electricians(or Facility approved labor at Tenant's expense). ANAHEIM Effective July 1, 2022 CONVENTION ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CENTER www.anaheimconventioncenter.com ANAHEIM Rates, Services & Equipment CONVENTION CENTER Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees Technical Services Rate Exhibit Hall A $1,700.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall B $1,700.00 Per Event Tape Removal Exhibit Hall C $1,700.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall D $2,500.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall E $1,700.00 Per Event Arena Floor $500.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall A $400.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall B $400.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall C $400.00 Per Event Black Mark Removal Exhibit Hall D $575.00 Per Event Exhibit Hall E $400.00 Per Event Arena Floor $100.00 Per Event Grand Plaza $250.00 Per Event Arena Plaza $250.00 Per Event Grand Plaza $85.00 Per Event Grease Removal Arena Plaza $85.00 Per Event Box Office Cleaning $150.00 Per Event Carpet Tile(Replacement Cost) $150.00 Per Tile Carpet Tape(3M Clear Tape) $25.00 Per Roll Replacement of Portable Light Dimmers (Charge applies if not returned by tenant) $160.00 Per Unit iPad Controller(Replacement/Lost) $350.00 Per Unit Lighting Control Console (Replacement/ Lost) $570.00 Per Unit Wireless Receiver(Replacement Cost) $700.00 Each * Equipment must be installed, removed, and operated by House Electricians(or Facility approved labor at Tenant's expense). Effective July 1, 2022 ANAHEIM ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CONVENTION CENTER www.anaheimconventioncenter.com ANAHEIM Rates, Services & Equipment Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees Facility Equipment Rate Low Boy $750.00 Each Recycle Processing Compactor -Up to 8 Tons $1,010.00 Each Recycle Processing Recycle Processing 1/2 Compactor -Up to 8 Tons $505.00 Each (Arrange 14 days in advance Recycle Processing DOB 30 Yard Roll Off-Up to 8 Tons $880.00 Each If choosing to use this service) Recycle Processing Y2DOB 30 Yard Roll Off-Up to 8 Tons $440.00 Each Waste Characterization Report*(Arrange 14 days in advance;subject to availability) $400.00 Per Bin Easel $15.00 Each Lectern $45.00 Each/Per Day Barricade $15.00 Each Room Set Change(Contact Event Manager for entire room re-set rate) $35.00 Per Hour(1 hour min.) Water Service $35.00 Per Station/Per Day Room Key $10.00 Each Re-Key(High Security) $65.00 Each Key Hall E Re-Key(High Security) $300.00 Per Hall Keys not Returned $85.00 Each Baby Grand $250.00 Per Day Piano Upright $175.00 Per Day Tuning Prevailing Per Piano/Per Event Rate Basketball Floor $3,300.00 Per Event** Basketball Floor Protective Covering $800.00 Per Event Scoreboard $250.00 Per Event(Flat Fee) Chairs $4.00 Per Chair/Per Event Dance Floor(3'x3' sections) $12.00 Per Section** Dance Floor(4'x4' sections) $12.00 Per Section** Stage Risers(6'x8' surface- 18",24",30",36",42",48",56", $30.00 Per Unit** 60",72"heights)- Meeting Room Portable Equipment Stage Risers(8'x8' surface-48",54",60",72"heights) $30.00 Per Unit** Concert/Arena Rope&Stanchion $10.00 Per Unit** Tables $22.00 Per Table** Tables,skirted $30.00 Per Table** Tablecloths(85x85)Regular $8.00 Each Tablecloths(8'x6') $20.00 Each Tablecloths(120 Round) $22.00 Each Table Drapes $20.00 Each Vinyl Table Covering $1.25 Per Linear Foot *Rate subject to change based on actual billing from vendor. **Set in place ANAHEIM Effective July 1, 2022 ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE www.anaheimconventioncenter.com Rates, Services & Equipment Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees MEETING ROOM RE-SET FEES Meeting Room Re-set Fee Meeting Room Re-set Fee 201-A $212.50 210-A $212.50 201-B $212.50 210-B $212.50 201-C $212.50 210-C $212.50 201-D $262.50 210-D $262.50 201-ABCD $900.00 210-ABCD $900.00 202-A $157.50 211-A $157.50 202-B $157.50 211-B $157.50 202-AB $315.00 211-AB $315.00 203-A $157.50 212-A $157.50 203-B $182.50 212-B $182.50 203-AB $340.00 212-AB $340.00 204-A $282.50 213-A $212.50 204-B $530.00 213-B $212.50 204-C $337.50 213-C $212.50 204-ABC $1,150.00 213-D $262.50 205-A $157.50 213-ABCD $900.00 205-B $157.50 303-A $225.00 205-AB $315.00 303-B $225.00 206-A $157.50 303-C $225.00 206-B $182.50 303-D $225.00 206-AB $340.00 303-ABCD $900.00 207-A $212.50 304-A $225.00 207-B $212.50 304-B $225.00 207-C $212.50 304-C $225.00 207-D $262.50 304-0 $225.00 207-ABCD $900.00 304-ABCD $900.00 208-A $170.00 Ballroom-A $1,225.00 208-B $170.00 Ballroom-B $1,225.00 208-AB $340.00 Ballroom-C $1,225.00 209-A $172.50 Ballroom-D $1,225.00 209-B $197.50 Ballroom-E $1,225.00 209-AB $370.00 Ballroom-ABCDE $6,125.00 Effective July 1, 2022 ANAHEIM ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE www.anaheimconventioncenter.com Rates, Services & Equipment Personnel Services, Technical Services, Facility Equipment, Cleaning Services, Re-Set Fees MEETING ROOM RE-SET FEES - ACC North 7 Meeting Room Re-set Fee Meeting Room Re-set Fee 151 $413.00 256-A $ 275.50 152 $637.50 256-B $ 275.50 153 $449.00 256-AB $ 551.00 154 $678.00 257 $ 683.50 155 $683.50 258-A _ $ 275.50 156 $678.00 258-B $ 275.50 157 $683.50 258-AB $ 551.00 158 $714.00 259-A $ 219.50 159 $683.50 259-B $ 219.50 160 $719.00 259-AB $ 438.50 161 $688.50 260-A $ 224.50 162 $698.50 260-B $ 224.50 163 $688.50 260-C $ 224.50 251-A $214.50 260-ABC $ 673.00 251-B $224.50 261-A $ 275.50 251-C $224.50 261-B $ 275.50 251-ABC $663.00 261-AB $ 551.00 252-A $219.50 262-A $ 148.00 252-B $219.50 262-B $ 153.00 252-C $219.50 262-C $ 153.00 252-ABC $658.00 262-ABC $ 454.00 253-A $219.50 263-A $ 153.00 253-B $219.50 263-B $ 153.00 253-C $326.50 263-C $ 153.00 253-ABC $765.00 263-ABC $ 459.00 254-A $219.50 264-A $ 153.00 254-B $219.50 264-B $ 153.00 254-AB $438.50 264-C $ 225.00 255-A $224.50 264-ABC $ 530.50 255-B $224.50 255-C $224.50 255-ABC $673.00 f ANAHEIM Effective July 1, 2022 ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE www.anaheimconventioncenter.com ANAH E I M EXTERIOR ADVERTISING GUIDELINES Exterior Advertising is available for full facility closed campus events. Exterior Advertising Guidelines for the Anaheim Convention Center(ACC)include all exterior sponsorship advertising signage for the following areas: • ACC North • ACC South • Grand Plaza • Arena Plaza • North and South Palm Court Your Event Manager will work closely with you to assist with any sponsored event signage request. A detailed signage plan needs to be submitted with location,type of signage and dates of installation/dismantle,a minimum of thirty(30)days in advance of the event. All signage locations and verbiage are subject to approval by the ACC. Some signage locations may also require approval by Anaheim Fire& Rescue and should be included on the floorplan. All approved signage locations are to be verified and installed by the General Service Contractor(GSC). GENERAL • Graphics,verbiage and content must be approved in advance of your event by the ACC. • Sponsorship signage is only permitted in approved locations and may not be visible from the public street. • Any company, logo, and/or graphic that is on exterior sponsorship, must be participating in the event. • All event exterior sponsorship signage that requires rigging is to be installed by the GSC and is subject to facility inspection. • Advertising signage rates are based on size and location of signs, please reference rate sheet for detailed breakdown. • Client will be responsible for repairs for damages to the ACC.All damages will be billed accordingly. • Signage may not be intrusive to other events or activities within the center.ACC reserves the right to request that signage be removed based on the impact to an event(s)or public safety. • Installation Options ACC South has multiple signage hang points located on the exterior of the building. Your Event Manager will work closely with your GSC to coordinate the use of these hanging points. ACC North exterior signage is limited to window clings installed on the west and north side of the building. Clings on the south side may also be installed, but cannot cover the ACC North logo above the entrance doors. No signage may be attached to the railing of the Katella Terrace. • Banner Poles Exterior signage on banner poles is available in the Grand Plaza,Arena Plaza, North and South Palm Court. Permanent City banners that are installed on the banner poles must be removed,stored and reinstalled by your GSC.City banners in the Arena Plaza, North and South Palm Court are labeled by location and should be reinstalled in the same order. Please work with your Event Manager for Banner Pole-specifications. • Floor Graphics The material used must be anti-skid and non-residue.A sample of the proposed material is required for testing and approval prior to install.Approved materials include 3M Controltac Graphic Film Serial#IJ160-floor decal with anti-skid laminate for use on window cling(standard)or Outdoor/Indoor. • Existing Signage Event Signage may not cover or block ACC directional signage or exit signs. Requests to cover existing signage must be approved by the ACC or Anaheim Fire& Rescue for exit signs. Approved event signage must include the information contained on the existing signage. ANAHEIM Exterior Advertising Rates Location Rate Halls BC Main Entrance above doors (Banner must remain 30 Ft or lower) $3,500.0 Per Event Hall D Stairs $1,500.0 Per Event Ocean Fountain Steps $1,500.0 Per Event Floor Clings (2'x2') $500.00 Each Entry Doors Above Halls $1,500.0 Per Event Lobby Doors $500.00 Each Ocean Fountain Benches $500.00 Each Hall D Landing Wall $750.00 Each Stairwell Rails $500.00 Each ACC North Bridge Columns $1,500.0 Per Event ACC North Bridge $1,500.0 Each ACC North Balcony $750.00 Each Pole Banners $750.00 Each Trash Bin Exterior $200.00 Each Benches $200.00 Each Planters $200.00 Each Effective July 1, 2022 ANAHEIM ALL RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE E- CENTER www.anaheimconventioncenter.com ANAHEIM BOX OFFICE SCHEDULE BOX OFFICE - SERVICES BOX OFFICE - RATES Please contact your Box Office Management team to • $250 per day for Remote/Portable Box Offices discuss overall ticketing and admission needs for the event (AB,CD, E,&exterior portables) in advance of going"on-sale"for your event. • $400 per day for the Arena Main Box Office Staffing, equipment, and cash handling arrangements for any onsite or advance ticket sales will be the responsibility • Box Office Specialist Labor cost at$49.00 per hour,4 of the promoter or show organizer. hour minimum. All cash orders,vault/money storage, money pick-up,and money deposits are managed by show organizer/promoter. The Anaheim Convention Center Box office locations are as follows: Arena Box office:features a 13-window, main box office facility that may be utilized by events located on the North NON-FOOD CONCESSIONS side of the facility campus. (MERCHANDISE) Non-food concession items that are being sold onsite for Halls A-B and C-D:each office features an 8-window purchase by the Show Organizer(or designated vendor)are remote box office located in the Lobby areas between with subject to a Merchandise fee. both interior&exterior window sales capability. Non-food concession items could include,but are not limited West side of Hall E(near Parking structure CP4):features to novelties,souvenirs,tapes/records,books,DVD/Blu- a 3-window box office located with interior window sales ray/Recordings,clothing,programs,and/or any other item capability only. that showcase specific dates,times,and/or locations. Contact your Box Office Management team at(714)765- Contact your Box Office Manager and/or check your contract 8969 for a cost estimate and to answer any questions. to review terms. ADVANCE SALES/OFF-SITE SALES CREDIT CARDS Please contact your Event Manager and/or Box Office The Show Organizer or Promoter is required to Manager to review needs. provide any credit card machines or credit card swipe attachments needed for POS devices for the The Show Organizer or Promoter is responsible for all on- purpose of ticket or admission sales for the event. site ticket/admissions sales staffing. *When providing credit card devices,a secure For early/late access to the Arena Box Office location, internet or cellular connection within the box office additional staffing may be necessary. operation location should be setup to avoid delays in credit card processing. The Show Organizer or Promoter is required to provide the Event Manager and Box Office Manager with consistent The Anaheim Convention Center accepts credit updates for all advance and/or off-site ticket sales.This is cards,debit cards,Apple Pay, and Google Pay at our for the purpose of reconciling and maintaining Fire location. Cash is not an accepted form of payment. Department set capacity restrictions. lill ANAHEIM BOX OFFICE SCHEDULE COAT CHECK OPERATIONS CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS Your Event Manager will assist with recommended location Please refer to your contract and the Policies, Rules and options for coat check operations. Regulations regarding required complimentary tickets to be provided. Complimentary Coat Check (no cost to attendees) - Anaheim Convention Center crowd control personnel are Following the close of the event,an official sales available for staffing. Please contact your Event Manager report showing total gross sales for all outlets for estimate assistance. (online,advance,onsite,off-site,outlet locations, etc.)is required to be provided to the Box Office Fee based Coat Check: (cost to attendee) -Show Organizer Manager for the purpose of financial reconciliation, is responsible for staffing and cash/credit handling. per the Tenant Contract. Please provide your armored transport schedule to either FLOORPLAN/SEATING MANIFEST your Event Manager. Contact your Event Manager or the Box Office Manager for the most current Loge,Terrace,and Riser seating options The Anaheim Convention Center accepts credit for the Arena space. cards,debit cards,Apple Pay,and Google Pay at our location. Cash is not an accepted form of payment. The Show Organizer or Promoter is required to provide a diagram with detailed information (including distances and INTERNET/DATA/CELLUAR measurements)to the City of Anaheim Fire&Rescue for Your Event Manager and/or our Telecommunications team the purpose of floor plan approval and for the setting of can review dedicated internet,cable,or data needs overall capacity(including allowable tickets sold)within (including POS devices,scanners,credit card machines, contracted space PRIOR to going on-sale for an event.You etc.) may contact Anaheim Fire& Rescue at(714)765-4040. TICKET REFUNDS ONSITE PROMOTION Information on your event may be displayed rotationally Show Organizer, Promoter,and/or your designated on a two-sided electronic marquee sign, located on Katella ticketing provider will be responsible for all Event Ticket Avenue as well as being listed on the events page on our refunds and any related costs. website. +� J 1 ■ NL /.1 N• ! HALL 0 wLL NM. a 51". -. 111111[Or • • • . .., . : -ill : _•....1 .... - —. 10 • _ �. _I c=� ol /`' .,. . .;: : : : - - - - - - - - - - - , X illi � - .r... �tiw �� � . . ,R ..._. B..en L..fL.w1 0 o,Me l.nwrcn C.M. ►.*c I 1. Mai, '-- Arena Box Office let Level of the Convention Center — Yellow—AB Box Office —CD Box Office —E Box Office ANAHEIM —Portable Box Offices(2—can move) July 1,2022—June 30,2023 REV 2.5.21 ANAHEIM PARKING LOT REGULATIONS 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 PARKING RATES The established parking fee for each entry is: TYPE OF RATE RATE Standard Rate $20.00 Premium Rate $25.00 VIP Rate $30.00 We accept credit card, debit card,Apple Pay, and Google Pay at our location, cash is not accepted for payments. FOR OUR GUESTS AND VISITORS 1. Please contact the Anaheim Convention Center(ACC)at 714.765.8950 for the current daily parking rate. Note that vehicles in excess of 20 feet in length will be charged twice the daily rate per entry and must be parked in designated spaces.Total length of vehicle cannot exceed 40 feet. 2.The ACC accepts the following forms of payment: Master Card,Visa,American Express, Discover,Google Pay,and Apple Pay (Credit Only) 3.The parking fee is surrendered upon entering the parking lot and the parking receipt is not transferable. 4.The parking ticket is valid for one entry only and is not valid for in and out parking. 5.Speed limit is 5 m.p.h. 6. Please observe all overhead structure clearance signs. 7. Please park in marked parking spaces only(Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.170). 8. Backing into parking spaces is not permitted(Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.176). 9.Overnight parking of any vehicle is prohibited (Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.220).Vehicles onsite at 2AM or an hour past the end of any event(the later of), may be subject to a citation. FOR OUR CLIENTS AND EXHIBITORS 1. Please contact your Event Manager or Parking Management team to confirm the parking rate for your event. 2. Exhibitor parking fee will be the prevailing daily rate and will include unlimited in and out privileges through the West Street entrance ONLY. Parking and re-entry is provided on a space-as-available basis. Exhibitors must present their daily paid parking receipt AND their Exhibitor badge to the Parking Cashier in order to be granted re-entry. 3.The ACC accepts the following forms of payment:Master Card,Visa,American Express,Discover,GooglePay,and ApplePay (Credit Only) 4.The parking fee is surrendered upon entering the parking lot and the parking receipt is not transferable. 5.Speed limit is 5 m.p.h. 6. Please observe all overhead structure clearance signs.Vehicles,displays, machinery,towed loads,advertisement,etc.,parking in the parking lot to be used in conjunction with an event currently using the Anaheim Convention Center must have prior approval, and if permitted,will be required to pay rental space and/or parking fees as referred to in the contract. 7. Please park in marked parking spaces only(Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.170). 8. Backing into parking spaces is not permitted (Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.176). 9.Overnight parking of any vehicle is prohibited (Anaheim Municipal Code 14.32.220). 10.Security Gates will be closed at 6PM.Any requests for vehicle entry after 6PM must be made through special arrangements with the Event Manager,Security and/or Parking team in advance. 11. Equipment storage of any kind, including but not limited to forklift, high lifts,scissor lifts,electric carts,etc.,must be stored in the crate storage area located east of Car Park#6 only. Equipment stored in unauthorized areas may be towed.The responsible party will also be liable for the payment of storage fees and the time spent by ACC personnel to research the status of the equipment.Time spent to make arrangements for equipment removal will also be calculated and included in the billing. 12. ALL staging, parking,and/or unloading/loading activities are prohibited on Hotel Way and Convention Way at all times. 13.All special requests regarding the aforementioned regulations must be submitted in writing to ACC Management and receive approval prior to the start of the event.Your cooperation in observing the regulations is requested.Violations will result in citation and/or tow away. Your cooperation in observing the regulations is requested.Violations will result in citation and/or tow away. I iA DISNEY WAY t ; ANAtit:IM At ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER ACC Panting at 110 g PARKING GUIDE Disney 91 ill II The Shops at Anaheim Portal GardenwAk KATELLA AVE Parking OK Entranrw "�\\M\�\i\\ _, !�• I Arena J I Lspnn„m s �s MYESTIN HOTEL i'1+ ` v J Myatt House MO � �� ��� Plaza Car Park 1 Walgreens ' OA* (ACC Mort!) R"10 K' 57 .,4 yR34R �., o �. �n Car Park 7 +\P c"'b��vry`ryS7 i4 c Nq - (ion i Suites:- m ,V`'' Car Park 2 I • a P``" (Hilton) ! Car Park 6 � At4•4 °cc Sheraton Park Hotel at y M L* (C the Anaheim Resort 73 Parkirtg� Cart Storage; 84. P I Entrants an j u r d Ca I itg• �r HILT* < ......� 1 " e DOC Car Park 5 ? \ Hilton Anaheim g � Ns u•30` yq I^ = Parking �°Q`�° • d �� �+ �� TAXI STAGE RIDESHARE —�tNALL �� at O X, a� I Disney's 32 v Grand Plaza st> CONVENTION WAY Toy Story =33.37 — �e I. .--1 Parking Car Ha E yq ir / r ART Park 4 `°'d"O«4s3 4C. 4 O , -RT —c_fia Hotel Marriott �' J ' aS fj :::-...Pt3t�tr antorndor Anaheim Marriott m HALL E Ridesh Ma1r w parson Hotel Lower Level DROP o Parking Parking BUS STAGING / MARRIOTT DOCK ACCESS G, ;' TRANSIT PLAZA a N ce T TAXI STAGING/RICIESFIARE PICKUP ' 4 Updated 01/29/2021 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Resolution No. 2022-066 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 21st day of June 2022 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Pro Tem O'Neil and Council Members Diaz, Ma'ae, Moreno, Valencia, and Faessel NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None [Mayoral vacancy] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of June, 2022. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)