17 (5) Public Comment From:Greg Camphire <gcamphire@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, August To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Designation of Little Arabia Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello Anaheim City Councilmembers, My name is Greg Camphire, a resident of Orange County and regular visitor to Anaheim. One of the only reasons I often visit is to support and enjoy the amazing restaurants of Little Arabia. I am writing/speaking today to urge the designation of Little Arabia as an official location in the city. This area is a cultural treasure that gives Anaheim a unique identity as a diverse home to communities from around the world, who generously share their cuisine and customs with everyone in Orange County, making it a must-see destination. Perhaps only Disneyland gives more people a reason to visit Anaheim. Historically, Arab-Americans have not been welcomed in U.S. neighborhoods, an unfortunate result of negative stereotypes and racist mischaracterizations in the media. Luckily, the citizens and business owners of Little Arabia represent a strong antidote to this phenomenon, and in doing so, they deserve our full recognition. By moving forward with the designation of Little Arabia, Anaheim is investing in its economic prosperity within the Brookhurst St corridor from Crescent to Katella Ave. Please let me know the details of your stance on this issue to officially Designate the Little Arabia District. Thank you for your time. Greg C. 1