17 (7) Public Comment From:KC Marie Pandell <kcmarieuu@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, August To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Re: 8/23/22 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 17, "Designating Little Arabia" Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Good evening Anaheim Council Members, My name is KC Marie Pandell, I am the current minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim, as well as an Anaheim resident. I am writing today in vehement support of designating Little Arabia. The Arab- American community is a welcoming one, inviting people of all cultures, backgrounds, and denominations into their circle. It is a robust immigrant and cultural community that seeks to bring prosperity to the city of Anaheim, to the benefit of us all. Their small businesses have always, and continue to encourage visitors to engage more deeply and wholly with our city outside the typical tourist destination, in ways that build multiethnic and communal bonds; a personal point of enjoyment is the encouragement of public art, such as with the Hijabi Queens, which serves to further beautify our city. Designating Little Arabia will encourage growth and development in the area, and investing in the continued hard work of this community is a reflection of all that is good and unifying in our city, and will be an important historical point as the first district of its kind in the country. The successes of this mighty community are successes for the city of Anaheim, and each of us as a part of it. Designating Little Arabia is the right choice for Anaheim, and is long overdue. Thank you for your time. Gratefully, --- KC Marie Pandell (she / her / hers) Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Anaheim Intern Minister Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Congregation ( 1