17 (15) Public Comment From:Azul Romero <romeroazul@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, August To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] In support of little Arabia designation now Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello, My name is Azul and I was born and raised in Anaheim in D2, living next to Little Arabia. I fully support a formal designation of Little Arabia District in Anaheim. The Arab/Arab-American community in Anaheim is an important and beautiful community in our City. Many of my friends and my parents friends are of Arab descent, as well as many of our neighbors. I urge you to support the formal designation of Little Arabia to recognize the contributions of the Arab and Middle Eastern/ North African (MENA) community, which will also enhance Anaheim by boosting the local economy. It will also further enhance Anaheim’s identity. Please vote in favor to designate Little Arabia tonight. Thank you. 1