17 (18) Public Comment From:Khalid Memon <kmemon@IcnaRelief.org> Sent:Tuesday, August To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Little Arabia Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello respected mayor Pro Tem & honorable Council Members, I am reaching out today because I understand that the official Designation of Little Arabia is up for discussion and vote tonight. The nonprofit I work for has organized food pantries, free medical services, thanks giving meals to residents of Ana Drive, back to school backpack and supply drives. Hence Anaheim holds a special place in our hearts. The Brookhurst Corridor from crescent to Katella has been referred to as Little Arabia ever since I could remember, this ethnic enclave holds a very special place in the MINA community and Muslim American community. I urge you to recognize this jewel that makes Anaheim a special place. Please vote yes tonight. Respectfully, Dr. Khalid Memon ICNA Relief Sent from my iPhone 1