General Public Comment From:spgc182 forever <spgc182_forever@yahoo.com> Sent: To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Watering During a Drought Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hi there, Yesterday, September 7th, I was driving down Katella (from the 5 towards Disneyland) at around 15:19 (3:19PM). As I approached the intersection of Katella and Haster area, I noticed that the city had gardeners out replacing the plants in the median. I was shocked and angered at what I saw. Not only were these new flowers beijg planted non-native plants, but the sprinklers were running and spilling all over the sidewalk and street. I find it incredibly disrespectful, insensitive, and insulting in the wake of the growing climate change and drought conditions that the City of Anaheim is permitting planting of non-native plants at such a crucial time when our cities need to be rethinking their landscaping to fight climate change. On top of that, during the middle of a drought where people are being asked to conserve water, the city of Anaheim was watering plants and letting sprinklers waste precious water. This is unacceptable. If the citizens of Southern California are being asked to do their part to combat climate change and conserve water, the city of Anaheim should be doing their part as well. It is a complete disregard to all living creatures to continue practicing in this way. It is essential that the city of Anaheim change these practices immediately. Climate change is real. This drought is real. It is going to take EVERYONE to pitch in for us to continue living. Please bring this up at your next board meeting. I request a response as well as information on how the city of Anaheim plans to immediately change these two courses of action. If I do not hear from the city and their immediate plans, I will continue to write and demand changes. This is not acceptable. Sincerely, - Brittany 1