ARA-2009-010RESOLUTION NO. ARA 2009 -010 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE 2010 -2014 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE ANAHEIM MERGED REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33490 OF THE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW, AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency ( "Agency ") is a community redevelopment agency organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq. ( " CCRL ") and has been authorized to transact business and exercise the powers of a redevelopment agency pursuant to action of the City Council of the City of Anaheim ( "City Council "); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the CCRL the City Council is the legislative body of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan ( "Redevelopment Plan ") for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area exists and was adopted by and through a series of ordinances of the City Council, specifically Ordinance Nos. 5913, 5914, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5918, 5973, and 6034; and WHEREAS, Section 33490 of the CCRL requires that on or before December 31, 1994, and each five years thereafter, each agency that has adopted a redevelopment plan prior to December 31, 1993, shall prepare, consider, and shall adopt after a public hearing, an implementation plan that shall contain the specific goals and objectives of the agency for the project area, the specific programs, including potential projects, and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the next five years, and an explanation of how the goals and objectives, programs, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the project area, and a description of how the housing program will implement the requirement for the housing fund expenditures; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 1994 by resolution of the Agency and in conformity with the requirements of CCRL Section 33490 (a), the Agency approved the Implementation Plan for each of project areas (the "Component Areas ") which were later merged into the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area; and WHEREAS, on December 7, 1999 by resolution of the Agency and in conformity with the requirements of CCRL Section 33490 (a), the Agency approved the Second Five Year Implementation Plan for each of Component Areas; and WHEREAS, in December 2004 and subsequent to the merger of the Component Areas into the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area, the Agency, by resolution and in conformity with the requirements of CCRL Section 33490 (a), adopted its Third Five Year Implementation Plan for the period 2005 -2009 for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area; and WHEREAS, in 2006 in connection with the amendment of the Redevelopment Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area pursuant to CCRL Section 33333. 10, et seq. and related CCRL requirements, the 2005 -2009 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area was amended and updated for those amendment proceedings by action of the Agency and by action of the City Council in its adoption of Ordinance No. 6034; and WHEREAS, after review and evaluation of the 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area, and after making it available to the public and providing the public with the opportunity to review and comment on such plan, the Agency held a public hearing to provide all interested parties the opportunity to be heard on matters concerning the 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area; and WHEREAS, in conformance with CCRL Section 33490 (d), notice of the public hearing was published pursuant to Section 6063 of the Government Code, mailed at least three weeks in advance to all persons and agencies that have requested notice, posted in at least four permanent places within the project area for a period of three weeks, and such publishing, mailing, and posting was completed not less than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Agency by this Resolution desires to complete the evaluation and review of the 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area, which is on file as a public record in the offices of the Agency Secretary /City Clerk and fully incorporated herein by this reference. NOW, THEREFORE, THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Agency finds the above Recitals are true and correct and are made a substantive part of this Resolution. Section 2. The Agency has duly undertaken the review and evaluation of the 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area. Section 3. The 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area, on file with the Agency Secretary/City Clerk, is adopted. Section 4. The Agency Secretary /City Clerk shall certify the approval of this Resolution and a copy of 2010 -2014 Implementation Plan for the Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area shall be placed in the Agency Secretar3?s/City Clerks records and in the offices of the Agency. 2 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THIS EIGHTH (8TH) DAY OF DECEMBER, 2009, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Chairman.Pringle, Agency Members Hernandez, Sidhu, Galloway, Kring NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE ATTE SE RETARY OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRISTINA IL. TALLEY, CITY ATTORNEY E. WOODHEAD IV, Assi tant City Attorney CHAIRMAN OF THE ANA EIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY