Resolution-PC 2022-085 NORTH AMERICA | EUROPE | AFRICA | AUSTRALIA | ASIA WWW.FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration City of Anaheim, Orange County, California Prepared for: City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 714.765.5238 Contact: Heather Allen, Principal Planner Prepared by: FirstCarbon Solutions 250 Commerce, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92602 714.508.4100 Contact: Mary Bean, Project Director Cecilia So, Senior Project Manager Report Date: October 4, 2022 City of Anaheim–Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Preface FirstCarbon Solutions 1 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx PREFACE Section 21081.6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15097 requires a Lead Agency to adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) whenever it adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in conjunction with a project approval. The purpose of the MMRP is to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures occurs during project implementation. The Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) prepared for the Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project concluded that project implementation could result in potentially significant effects on the environment and mitigation measures were incorporated into the proposed project or are required as a condition of project approval that would reduce these potential impacts to a less than significant level. This MMRP documents how and when the mitigation measures adopted by the lead agency will be implemented and confirms that potential environmental impacts are reduced to less than significant levels as identified in the MND. This document does not discuss those subjects that the environmental analysis demonstrates would result in less than significant impacts and for which no mitigation was proposed or necessary. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 3 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Table 1: Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial 2.3 Air Quality MM AQ-1: Prior to the issuance of any demolition, grading, or building permits (whichever occurs earliest), the Owner/Developer and/or construction contractor shall provide the City with documentation demonstrating that all off-road equipment with engines greater than 50 horsepower used during project construction meet or exceed the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or California Air Resources Board (ARB) Tier 4 Interim off-road emission standards. The construction contractor shall maintain records concerning its efforts to comply with this requirement during construction, including equipment lists. Off-road equipment descriptions and information may include but are not limited to equipment type, equipment manufacturer, equipment identification number, engine model year, engine certification (Tier rating), horsepower, and engine serial number. Confirm receipt of construction contractor’s documentation and review project plans to confirm compliance with Tier 4 Interim off-road emission standards. Prior to the issuance of any demolition, grading, or building permits (whichever occurs earliest). City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. 2.5 Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural Resources MM CUL-1: An Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for Archaeology shall perform a “tailgate” Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) training to all construction personnel directly involved with project-related ground disturbance activities. The training shall include visual aids, a discussion of applicable laws and statutes relating to archaeological resources, types of resources that may be found within the project site, and procedures that shall be followed in the event such resources are encountered. In the event that inadvertent discoveries are found, an Archaeologist who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for Archaeology shall Confirm evidence of WEAP training through attendance documentation. The owner/developer shall provide documentation that a site inspection was completed by a qualified Archaeologist. If archaeological materials are Prior to any grading or project-related ground disturbance. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 4 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial perform an inspection of the site for potential archaeological resources once grubbing, ground clearing, and demolition are complete, and prior to any grading or project-related ground disturbance. In the event exposed soils indicate cultural materials may be present, this shall be followed by regular or periodic archaeological monitoring as determined by the Archaeologist, but full-time archaeological monitoring is not required at this time. It is always possible that ground-disturbing activities during construction may uncover previously unknown, buried cultural resources. In the event that buried cultural resources are discovered during construction, operations shall stop in the immediate vicinity of the find and a qualified Archaeologist shall be consulted to determine whether the resource requires further study. The qualified Archaeologist shall make recommendations to the Lead Agency on the measures that shall be implemented to protect the discovered resources, including but not limited to excavation of the finds and evaluation of the finds in accordance with Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines. Potentially significant cultural resources consist of but are not limited to stone, bone, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts or features, including hearths, structural remains, or historic dumpsites. Any previously undiscovered resources found during construction within the project area shall be recorded on appropriate California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms and evaluated for significance in terms of CEQA criteria. If the resources are determined to be unique historic resources as defined under Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines, mitigation measures shall be identified by the Archaeological Monitor and recommended to the Lead Agency. Appropriate mitigation measures for significant resources shall include avoidance or capping, incorporation of encountered, confirm archaeological monitoring is conducted. Confirm compliance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 permit(s) and confirm receipt of DPR forms; review qualified Archaeologist’s submittal of findings and documentation. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 5 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial the site in green space, parks, or open space, or data recovery excavations of the finds. No further grading shall occur in the area of the discovery until the Lead Agency approves the measures to protect these resources. Any archaeological artifacts recovered as a result of mitigation shall be donated to a qualified scientific institution approved by the Lead Agency where they would be afforded long-term preservation to allow future scientific study. MM TCR-1: Retention of a Native American Monitor(s) Prior to Commencement of Ground-Disturbing Activities Prior to the commencement of any grading and/or construction activity, the Owner/Developer shall coordinate with the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians Acjachemen Nation Native American tribe and the Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation Native American tribe in retention of Native American Monitors (Tribal Monitors) and a copy of the executed contract shall be submitted to the City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. The Tribal Monitors shall only be present on-site during the construction phases that involve ground-disturbing activities within disturbed and undisturbed sediments. Ground disturbing activities may include, but are not limited to, potholing or auguring, grubbing, tree removals, boring, grading, excavation, drilling, and trenching, within the project site. The Tribal Monitors shall complete daily monitoring logs that shall provide descriptions of the day’s activities, including construction activities, locations, soil, and any cultural materials identified. The on-site monitoring shall end when the project site grading and excavation activities are completed, or when the Tribal Representatives and monitors have indicated that the Project site has a low potential for impacting archaeological or tribal cultural resources. Confirm retention of a Native American (Tribal Monitor) from the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation Native American tribe, and the Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation Native American tribe by receipt of a copy of the executed contract. Confirm receipt of daily monitoring logs. If buried cultural resources encountered, confirm construction activities have ceased. If buried cultural resources encountered, confirm the development of Prior to commencement of any grading and/or construction activity; during construction activities. During construction activities upon discovery of any archaeological or Tribal Cultural Resources (TCRs). During ground- disturbing activities, if human remains are uncovered. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 6 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects Upon discovery of any archaeological or tribal cultural resources, construction activities shall cease in the immediate vicinity of the find until the find can be assessed. All archaeological and/or tribal cultural resources unearthed by project construction activities shall be evaluated by the qualified archaeologist and Tribal monitors. If the resources are Native American in origin, the Tribal Representative shall coordinate with the Owner/Developer regarding treatment and curation of these resources. Typically, the Tribes will request reburial or preservation for educational purposes. Work may continue on other parts of the project site while evaluation and, if necessary, mitigation takes place (CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[f]). If a resource is determined by the qualified archaeologist to constitute a “historical resource” or “unique archaeological resource,” time allotment and funding sufficient to allow for implementation of avoidance measures, or appropriate mitigation, shall be available. The treatment plan established for the resources shall be in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(f) for historical resources and PRC Sections 21083.2(b) for unique archaeological resources. Preservation in place (i.e., avoidance) is the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment shall include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavations to remove the resource along with subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution with a research interest in the materials, such as the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, the Copper Center, or the Fowler Museum, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, appropriate avoidance and treatment measures. If human remains are uncovered, confirm construction activities have ceased and the County Coroner has been contacted. If the remains are determined to be of Native American origin, confirm the MLD and NAHC have been contacted. If human remains are uncovered, confirm compliance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5; Public Resources Section 7050.5 and Public Resources Section 5097.98. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 7 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial it shall be offered to a local school or historical society in the area for educational purposes. Procedures for Burials and Funerary Remains In the event that human remains are uncovered during ground disturbing activities, the Owner/Developer shall cease ground disturbing activities and contact the County coroner, Tribal Monitors, and archaeologist to inform of the discovery. The Owner/Developer shall coordinate and consult with the county coroner, Tribal Monitors and archaeologist for advisory on the matter, protocol, and any applicable mitigating requirements. Additionally, If the remains are determined to be of Native American origin, the most likely descendent (MLD), as the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) shall be contacted by the Owner/Developer to determine proper treatment and disposition of the remains. To protect the area in which the Native American human remains are present, development activity shall cease until consultation with the MLD is complete regarding recommendations pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. Discovery of human remains shall also follow CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5; PRC Section 7050.5 and PRC Section 5097.98. 2.7 Geology and Soils MM GEO-1: The Owner/Developer shall implement the recommendations provided in Section 5, Preliminary Recommendations, and Section 6, Design Considerations, in the Geotechnical Feasibility Report prepared by Alta California Geotechnical Inc. These include general earthwork requirements for site preparation, soil removal, fill material, grading, foundation, design, and all relevant construction permits, as well as requirements related to structural design and pavement design. The Geotechnical Feasibility Report Confirm preliminary recommendations from the Geotechnical Investigation have been incorporated into project construction documents. Conduct on-site inspection. Prior to ground- disturbing activities and during construction activities. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 8 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial that is included in Appendix D is incorporated herein by reference as fully set forth in this mitigation measure. MM GEO-2: In the event that any significant paleontological resources (i.e., bones, teeth, or unusually abundant and well- preserved invertebrates or plants) be unearthed, the construction crew shall not attempt to remove them. All work in the immediate vicinity of the discovery shall be diverted at least 15 feet until a professional Paleontologist assesses the find and, if deemed appropriate, salvages it in a timely manner. All recovered fossils shall be deposited in an appropriate repository, where they shall be properly curated and made accessible for future study. If any paleontological resources are unearthed, confirm all work within 15 feet have been diverted and confirm a professional Paleontologist has assessed the find to salvage and deposit resources in an appropriate and timely manner. During ground- disturbing activities. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. 2.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions MM GHG-1: Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for the proposed project, the Owner/Developer shall provide the City with documentation, to the City’s satisfaction, that demonstrates the proposed project would achieve GHG emission reductions equivalent to no less than 812 metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year for 30 years, or 24,360 MT CO2e total, based on current estimates of the proposed project’s annual GHG emissions inventory contained in this analysis. GHG emission reductions may be achieved through any combination of the following measures or other measures approved by the City: • Commit to purchasing 100-percent renewable electricity. • Install on-site solar panels that provide electricity beyond the minimum requirements according to the current version of Title 24. Verify Owner/Developer has achieved reductions through any combination of measures provided in MM GHG-1. Confirm quantity of carbon credits purchased by Owner/Developer are sufficient to offset the proposed project’s greenhouse gas emissions. Confirm all purchased carbon credits follow Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for the proposed project. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 9 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial • Install solar water heaters or other renewable energy technologies. • Install solar on-site charging infrastructure consistent with the Tier 2 standards contained in CALGreen Section A4.106.6.8. • Design and construct all residences to be all-electric, precluding the installation of natural gas plumbing for space and water heating and appliance operation. • Purchase of voluntary carbon credits from a verified GHG emissions credit broker in an account sufficient to offset GHG emissions of no less than 812 MT CO2e per year for 30 years, or 24,360 MT CO2e total. Should the Owner/Developer elect to purchase carbon credits, all purchased carbon credits shall be pursuant to the following performance standards and requirements: (i) the carbon credits shall achieve real, permanent, quantifiable, verifiable, enforceable, and additional reductions as set forth in California Health and Safety Code Sections 38562(d)(1) and (d)(2). Such credits shall be based on protocols consistent with the criteria set forth by Section 95972, subdivision (a), of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, as determined by an expert qualified to make such a determination, and shall not include credits originating outside of California, except to the extent that the quality of the credits, and their sufficiency under the standards set forth herein, can be verified by an expert qualified to make such a determination. In no event shall credits from outside the United States be used. Carbon credits must be purchased through one of the following: (i) a California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved registry, such as the Climate Action Reserve, the American Carbon Registry, or Verra (formerly known as the Verified Carbon Standard); and (ii) any registry approved by the ARB performance standards and protocols stated in California Health and Safety Code Sections 38562(d)(1) and (d)(2), and Section 95972, subdivision (a), of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. Confirm alternative program sufficiently offsets the proposed project’s GHG emissions. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 10 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial to act as a registry under the California Cap-and-Trade Program; or (iii) the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association’s (CAPCOA) Greenhouse Gas Reduction Exchange (GHG Rx) or any program adopted or approved by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). As an alternative to purchasing carbon credits, the Owner/Developer may elect to contribute to carbon offsets through a local or regional program or institution in an amount sufficient to offset the proposed project’s GHG emissions by the previously identified amounts. Contributions to a local or regional program or institution may include, but are not limited to, funding for renewable energy infrastructure or technologies beyond what would otherwise be required for compliance with existing laws and regulations. Carbon offsets, expressed in an amount of MT CO2e per year, realized due to contributions made by the Owner/Developer for this purpose shall reduce the required MT CO2e reductions contained in this mitigation by an equal amount and be pursuant to the following performance standards and requirements: (i) the carbon offsets shall achieve real, permanent, quantifiable, verifiable, and enforceable reductions as set forth in California Health and Safety Code Sections 38562(d)(1) and (d)(2); and (ii) one carbon offset shall mean the past reduction or sequestration of one MT CO2e that is “not otherwise required” (CEQA Guidelines § 15126.4(c)(3)). 2.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials MM HAZ-1: Prior issuance of a grading permit, a limited subsurface investigation shall be conducted in order to determine the presence or absence of soil, soil vapor, and/or groundwater contamination due to the historical use of the subject property in connection with underground storage tanks (USTs ) on the project site. A Health Risk Assessment or Confirm a subsurface investigation has been completed and review the findings. Prior issuance of grading and building permits. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 11 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial similar shall be prepared by Owner/Developer summarizing investigation findings. If contamination is present, the Owner/Developer shall request oversight from the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and/or the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA), as applicable, and comply with all requirements to remove and/or remediate contamination to appropriate levels prior to issuance of grading plan for the proposed project with any required operational controls included on construction plans. Confirm a Health Risk Assessment or similar has been prepared by the Owner/Developer summarizing investigation findings. Confirm investigation and associated studies/assessments are approved by applicable oversight agency(ies). Confirm any removal or remediation required by DTSC, RWQCB, and/or OCHCA is completed prior to grading permit issuance. Confirm any operational controls required by DTSC, RWQCB, and/or OCHCA to be installed on the site are identified on construction plans. MM HAZ-2: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the in- ground hydraulic lift located at 1200 South Anaheim Boulevard shall be properly removed from the project site, and confirmatory sampling shall be required to determine the current conditions of soil and groundwater due to the use of current and former hydraulic lifts at the project site. A Health Risk Assessment or similar shall be prepared by Owner/Developer summarizing investigation findings. If Confirm that the existing in-ground hydraulic lift has been properly removed. Review documentation to determine Prior to issuance of a grading permit. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 12 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial contamination is present, the Owner/Developer shall request oversight from DTSC, RWQCB and/or OCHCA, as applicable, and comply with all requirements to remove and/or remediate contamination prior to issuance of a grading permit. contamination is present. Confirm a Health Risk Assessment or similar has been prepared by the Owner/Developer summarizing investigation findings. In the event that contamination is present, confirm the proper removal/remediation of contaminants in compliance with existing regulations and consultation with DTSC, RWQCB and/or OCHCA has occurred. MM HAZ-3: Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, the Owner/Developer shall conduct a comprehensive, pre- demolition asbestos-containing materials (ACM) survey in accordance with the sampling protocol of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and SCAQMD Rule 1403 (Asbestos Emissions from Demolition / Renovation Activities) prior to any activities with the potential to disturb building materials, in order to determine whether ACMs are present. In the event that ACMs are detected, the proper removal and disposal, consistent with existing regulations, of the building materials shall occur prior to any activities with the potential to disturb them. Review and approve comprehensive, pre- demolition survey to determine the presence or absence of ACMs in compliance with existing regulations. In the event that ACMs are present, confirm the proper removal/disposal of contaminants Prior to issuance of a demolition permit. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 13 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial compliance with existing regulations. 2.13 Noise MM NOI-1: Prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits, a note shall be provided on grading and building plans indicating that, during grading and construction, the property owner/developer shall be responsible for requiring contractors to implement the following measures to limit construction-related vibration impacts: Vibratory rollers shall maintain a setback of and not be utilized within a distance of at least 30 feet from the commercial warehouse building located at 1303 South Claudina Street. Site shall be staked or otherwise marked to clearly delineate area in which vibratory rollers cannot be used to compact soils during grading and asphalt during paving. Review of grading and building plans. Prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. 2.18 Utilities and Service Systems MM UTL-1: A proposed residential development, Midway Apartments, is anticipated to address the recommended diversion improvements at the Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue intersection to alleviate these capacity deficient sewer segments. However, if the diversion at Harbor and Katella is not fully constructed and operational, prior to issuance of first the Building Permit for the proposed project, the Owner/Developer shall construct the diversion and make it operational. Confirm sewer diversion improvements have been constructed and operational. Prior to issuance of first Building Permit. City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department. 2.20 Mandatory Findings of Significance Implementation of MM AQ-1, MM CUL-1, MM TCR-1, MM GEO-1, MM GEO-2, MM GHG-1, MM HAZ-1, MM HAZ-2, MM HAZ-3, MM NOI-1, and MM UTL-1. See MM AQ-1, MM CUL- 1, MM TCR-1, MM GEO- 1, MM GEO-2, MM GHG- 1, MM HAZ-1, MM HAZ- 2, MM HAZ-3, MM NOI- See MM AQ-1, MM CUL-1, MM TCR-1, MM GEO-1, MM GEO-2, MM GHG-1, MM HAZ-1, MM See MM AQ-1, MM CUL-1, MM TCR-1, MM GEO-1, MM GEO-2, MM GHG-1, MM HAZ-1, MM City of Anaheim Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FirstCarbon Solutions 14 H:\CASES\DEV Projects\DEV2021 Cases\DEV2021-00123 Anaheim Ball Mixed Use ido\Environmental\CEQA\Anaheim Ball Mixed Use Project MMRP.docx Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible for Verification Verification of Completion Date Initial 1, and MM UTL-1, above. HAZ-2, MM HAZ-3, MM NOI-1, and MM UTL-1, above. HAZ-2, MM HAZ-3, MM NOI-1, and MM UTL-1, above.