2005-210RESOLUTION N0. 2005-210
N0.2005-00 l 14)
WHEREAS, on May 25, 2004, the City Council of the City of Anaheim adopted
Resolution No. 2004-95 approving General Plan Amendment No.2004-00419 in conjunction with
the approval of Zoning Code Amendment No. 2004-00029, ReclassiEcation No. 2004-00117,
Amendment No. 5 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SPN 2004-00023), Amendment
No. 2 to the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1 (SPN 2004-00024), and other related actions;
and adopted Resolution No.2004-94 certifying Final EIR No. 330, adopting a Statement of Findings
and Facts and a Statement of Overriding Considerations and adopting the Mitigation Monitoring
Programs (Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 122 for the General Plan and Zoning Code Update,
the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. l 06 for The Platinum Triangle and
the Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 0085a for the Anaheim Resort
Expansion Area) associated with the project ("Final EIR No. 330"); and
WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00419 provided for a
comprehensive citywide General Plan Update which included redesignating land use designations
within an approximately 820-acre area generally bounded by the Santa Ana River on the east, the
Anaheim City limits on the south, the Santa Ana Freeway (Interstate 5) on the west and the Southern
California Edison Company right-of--way on the north (referred to as "The Platinum Triangle")from
Commercial Recreation and Business Office/Mixed Use/Industrial to Mixed Use, Office High,
Uffice Low, Industrial, Open Space and Institutional, generally corresponding to the property subject
to the Anaheim Stadium Area Master Land Use Plan, except for approximately 15 acres adjacent to
the east side of the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway, north of Katella Avenue and further depicted in
Attachment A to Resolution No. PC2004-82; and
WHEREAS, the recently adopted General Plan envisions The Platinum Triangle as
a thriving economic center that provides residents, visitors and employees with a variety of housing,
employment, shopping and entertainment opportunities that are acc~s~ed by arterial highways, transit
systems and pedestrian promenades (as set forth in Goal 15.1 of the Land Use Element); and
WHEREAS, the recently adopted General Plan includes policies in the Land Use
Element and the Community Design Element to implement the vision for The Platinum Triangle
including providing for more detailed planning efforts to guide the future development of The
Platinum Triangle; encouraging mixed-use projects integrating retail, off ce and higher density
residential land uses; encouraging a regional inter-modal transportation hub in proximity to Angel
Stadium of Anaheim; maximizing and capitalizing upon the view corridor from the Santa Ana (I-5)
and Orange (SR-57) Freeways; maximizing views and recreation and development opportunities
afforded by the area's proximity to the Santa Ana River; developing a comprehensive Mixed-Use
Overlay Zone and Design Guidelines to implement the vision for The Platinum Triangle; providing
for a mix of quality, high-density urban housing that is integrated into the area through carefully
maintained pedestrian streets, transit connections, and arterial access; developing a Public Realm
Landscape and Identity Program to enhance the visibility and sense of arrival into The Platinum
Triangle through peripheral view corridors, gateways, and specialized landscaping; developing a
strong pedestrian orientation throughout the area, including wide sidewalks, pedestrian paths,
gathering places, ground-floor retail, and street-level landscaping; encouraging extensive office
development along the highly visible periphery of the area to provide a quality employment center;
developing criteria for comprehensive property management agreements for multiple-family
residential projects to ensure proper maintenance as the area develops; and, identifying and pursuing
opportunities for open space areas that serve the recreational needs of Platinum Triangle residents
and employees; and
WHEREAS, the adopted General Plan establishes a maximum development intensity
for The Platinum Triangle for up to 9, l ?5 dwelling units (at an intensity of up to 100 dwelling units
per acre), 5,000,000 square feet of office space, 2,044,300 square feet of commercial uses, industrial
development at a maximum floor area ratio of 0.50 and institutional development at a maximum
flour area ratio of 3.0; and
WHEREAS, the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan provides for the
implementation of the General Plan vision, goals and policies for The Platinum Triangle and serves
as a blueprint for future development and street improvements within The Platinum Triangle,
including setting forth planning principles, development intensities, conceptual street, park and
potential new signalized intersection locations and streetscape designs including, but not limited to,
landscaping, lighting fixtures and street furniture and by identifying the existing AmtracklMetrolink
Station and the conceptual Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) location;
WHEREAS, to further implement the goals and policies of the General Pian for The
Platinum Triangle, the City Council desires and intends to implement General Plan Amendment No.
20(}4-00420, Zoning Code Amendment No. 2004-00036, Amendment to The Platinum Triangle
Master Land Use Plan (Misc. Case No. 2004-00(}89), Amendment to The Platinum Triangle
Standardized Development Agreement (Misc. Case No.2005-00114), and Miscellaneous Case No.
2(K}5-00115 to rescind in-part Resolution No. 20()4-1 SO and Reclassification No. 2004-OOl 34
(collectively, the "project"), pertaining to The Platinum Triangle; and
WHEREAS, in order to develop in the Gateway, Gene Autry and Katella Districts
under the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone, Section 18.20.170 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code requires that the property owner and the City enter into a Development Agreement,
including a Final Site Plan, in a form approved by resolution of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Zoning Code Amendment No.2004-00036 includes, but is not limited
to, an amendment to Section l K.20. l 7() that provides that an approved master site plan may be
attached to a development agreement in lieu of an approved final site plan; creates development
agreement exemptions; and requires that the form of a development agreement used in conjunction
with a master site plan shall be as approved per Resolution No.2004-179 with the exception that the
term "final site plan" shall be replaced with "master site plan"; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the revisions to The Platinum Triangle
Standardized Development Agreement proposed to be required for development in said Districts
under the PTMU Overlay Zone, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this
reference (the "Development Agreement).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim that the City Council does hereby approve the form and substance of the Development
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anaheim does
hereby find and determine that this Resolution is conditioned upon and will take effect upon the
effective date ofOrdinance No.2005- amending Chapter 18.20 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
in its entirety, relating to the PTMU Overlay Zone.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim this 25th day of october2005, by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Council Members Sidhu, Hernandez, Galloway, Chavez
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Mayor Pringle
5 y 2 S 5.1 /mgardonli)9.10.05
City Council
City of Anaheim
c/o City Clerk
P.O. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92805
(Space Above Line For Recorder's Use)
Section 1.
l .9
l .20
Section 2. TERM
Development Agreement Date
Development Agreement Statute
Development Approvals
Enabling Ordinance
Existing Land Use Re ula~ tions.
Final Site Plan
Gross Floor Area/GFA
Interim Development Fee
Mort a ee
Parking Areas
Permitted Buildings
Platinum Trian 1~ a
1.19 Procedures Resolution
Support Commercial Uses
7.1 Permitted Buildings
7.2 Parkin Areas
9.1 Public Park
9.2 Utilities f Water, Electrical, Gas, Sewer, & Drainage
9.2.1 Water
Service .................................................................................................
9.2.2 Storm and Sewer Drains
9.3 Timin , Phasin a~ nd Sequence of Public
Improvements and Facilities
9.4 Traffic Circulation Improvements
12.1 Fees, Taxes and Assessments
12.2 Platinum Triangle Interim Development
Fees .......... .....................................
12.2.1 Electrical Utilities Under rog_ ending
Fee .......... .............................................
12.2.2 Fire Facilities
Fee .......... ................................................................................
12.2.3 General Plan and Environmental Processing
Fee ........... ...............................
12.2.4 Library Facilities
Fee .......... ..........................................................................
l 2.2.5 Park
Fee .......... ..............................................................................................
12.2.7 Public Works Supplemental Sewer, Storm Drain and
Beautification Fees...
12.2.$ Traffic Impact
Fee .......... ..............................................................................
12.3 Excluded Development Fees
12.3.1 Water Utilities Fees
12.3.2 Electrical Utilities Fees
12.3.3 Cit, Processing_Fees
12.4 Platinum Triangle Area Infrastructure Funding Shortfall
12.5 Accountin of Funds
12.6. Imposition of Increased Fees, Taxes or Assessments....
Section 14 NEXUS/REASONABLE RELATIONSHIP CHALLENGES ..................................
16.1 Existing Uses
1b.2 Rezonin
17.1 Basis for Den,~g or Conditionally Grantin Fg uture
Agpr^ ovals
17.2 Standard of Review
17.3 Future Amendments to Final Site Plan
Section 18 AMENDMENT
18. l Initiation of Amendment
18.2 Procedure
18.3 Consent
18.4 Amendments
18.5 Effect of Amendment to Development A reg ement
19.1 Non-Cancellation of Rights
23. l State and Federal Law
23.2 Building Codes
23.3 Public Health and Safety
24.1 Initiation of Cancellation
24.2 Procedure
24.3 Consent of Both Parties
25.1 Time for Review
25.2 OWNER's Submission
25.3 Findings
25.4 Initiation of Review by City Council
26.1 Defaults by OWNER
26.2 Suecific Performance Remedy
26.3 Liquidated Dama es Remedy
27.1 Notice to OWNER
27.2 Public Hearin
27.3 Decision
27.4 Implementation
27.5 Schedule for Compliance
Section 28. ASSIGNMENT
28.1 Ri ht to Assign
28.2 Release upon Transfer
Section 30. GENERAL
30. l 0
30.1 l
30. l 7
30. l 8
Force Majeure
Construction of Development A red ement
Cumulative Remedies
Hold Harmless A relent
Cooperation in the Event of Leal Challenge
Public AgencX Coordination
Initiative Measures
Attorneys' Fees
No Waiver
Authori~ to Execute
Further Actions and Instruments
Subsequent Amendment to Authorizin S~ tatute
Governing Law
Effect on Title
30.19 Mortgagee Protection
30.20 Notice of Default to Mortga ee; Ri ht of Mortg_ageeto Cure
30.21 Bankru tc
30.22 Disaffirmance
30.23 No Third Party Beneficiaries
30.24 Project as a Private Undertaking
30.25 Restrictions
30.26 Recitals
30.27 Recording
30.28 Title Report
30.29 Entire A reg_ ement
30.30 Successors and Assigns
30.31 OWNER'S Title to Fro~erty
30.32 Exhibits
Exhibit "A" Legal Description of the Property
Exhibit "B" Final Site Plan
Exhibit "C" Conditions of Approval
Exhibit "D" Platinum Triangle Interim Development Fees
Exhibit "D-1" Electrical Utilities Undergrounding Fee
Exhibit "D-2" Fire Facilities Fee
Exhibit "D-3" General Plan and Environmental Processing Fee
Exhibit "D-4" Library Facilities Fee
Exhibit "D-5" Park Fee
Exhibit "D-6" Police Facilities Fee
Exhibit "D-7" Public Works Supplemental Sewer, Storm Drain and Beautification Fees
Exhibit "D-8" Traffic Impact Fee
Exhibit "D" Development and Maintenance Obligations
Exhibit "E" Preliminary Title Report
This Development Agreement is entered into this day of , 20 , by and between
the City of Anaheim, a charter city and municipal corporation, duly organized and existing under the
Constitution and laws of the State of California (hereinafter "CITY") and (hereinafter
"OWNER"), pursuant to the authority set forth in Article 2.5 of Chapter 4 of Division 1 of Title 7, Sections
65864 through b5869.5 of the California Government Code (the "Development Agreement Statute").
This Development Agreement is predicated upon the following facts:
A. To strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive
planning, and reduce the economic risk of development, the Legislature of the State of California adopted the
Development Agreement Statute, Sections 65864, et sey., of the Government Code. The Development
Agreement Statute authorizes CITY to enter into binding development agreements with persons having legal
or equitable interests in real property for the development of such property in order to, among other things:
encourage and provide for the development of public facilities in order to support development projects;
provide certainty in the approval of development projects in order to avoid the waste of resources and the
escalation in project costs and encourage investment in and commitment to comprehensive planning which
will make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public; provide
assurance to the applicants of development projects (1) that they may proceed with their projects in
accordance with existing policies, rules and regulations, subject to the conditions of approval of such projects
and provisions of such development agreements, and (2) encourage private participation in comprehensive
planning and reduce the private and public economic costs of development.
B. These Recitals refer to and utilize certain capitalized terms which are defined in this Development
Agreement. The parties intend to refer to those definitions in conjunction with the use thereof in these
C. On May 25, 2004, the Anaheim City Council approved General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00419
setting forth the City's vision for development of the City of Anaheim (the "General Plan Amendment"}, and
certified Final Environmental Impact Report No. 330, adopting Findings of Fact and a Statement of
Overriding Considerations, and associated Mitigation Monitoring Plans {"FEIR No. 330"), in conjunction
with its consideration and approval of the General Plan Amendment, amendment of CITY's zoning code, and
a series of related actions.
D. CITY desires that the approximately 820-acre area generally bounded by the Santa Ana River on
the east, the Anaheim City limits on the south, the Santa Ana Freeway (Interstate 5) on the west, and the
Southern California Edison Company Easement on the north {hereinafter called "The Platinum Triangle
Area") be developed as a combination of high quality industrial, office, commercial and residential uses, as
envisioned in the General Plan Amendment.
E. In order to carry out the goals and policies of the General Plan for The Platinum Triangle, on May
25, 2004, the City Council approved The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, setting forth the new
vision for The Platinum Triangle.
F. To further implement the goals and policies of the General Plan for The Platinum Triangle, the
City Council has established The Platinum Triangle Mixed-Use (PTMU) Overlay Zone (hereinafter the
"PTMU Overlay Zone") consisting of approximately three hundred and seventy-five acres within The
Platinum Triangle as depicted in The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan to provide opportunities for
high quality well-designed development projects that could be stand-alone projects or combine residential
with non-residential uses including office, retail, business services, personal services, public spaces and uses,
and other community amenities within the area.
G. On the Anaheim City Council certified Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report No.
332, adopting a Statement of Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations and the Updated
and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No.106A ("FSEIR No. 332") to provide for the
implementation of the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Pland and in conjunction with its consideration
and approval of General Plan Amendment No. 2004-00420, Miscellaneous Case No. 2005-00089, Zoning
Code Amendment No.2004-00036 and a series of related actions.
H. OWNER represents that it owns in fee approximately acres of real property located
at , in the City, County of Orange (hereinafter "County"),State of California
(hereinafter collectively called the "Property") in The Platinum Triangle and zoned PTMU Overlay and more
particularly shown and described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference.
I. OWNER desires to develop the Property in accordance with the provisions of this Development
Agreement by developing a
all as more particularly set forth in the Final Site Plan (hereinafter collectively called the "Project").
J. CITY desires to accomplish the goals and objectives set forth in the CITY's General Plan and the
objectives for the PTMU Overlay Zone as set forth in subsection l of the Anaheim Municipal
Code, and finds that the Project will accomplish said goals and objectives.
K. The City Council, as duly recommended by the Planning Commission, adopted Ordinance No.
593b on August 24, 2004, reclassifying the property in The Platinum Triangle, including the Property, into
the PTMU Overlay Zone.
L. Pursuant to the Final Site Plan, OWNER will submit tentative maps and/or vesting tentative maps,
if required. OWNER further anticipates the submission of detailed construction plans and other
documentation required by CITY in order for the OWNER to obtain its building permits.
M. As consideration for the benefits gained from the vested rights acquired pursuant to the
Development Agreement Statute, to conform with the requirements of the PTMU Overlay Zone, and to
comply with the applicable mitigation measures imposed by Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring
Program No. l ObA and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. for the Project , CITY is requiring that
OWNER construct and install a number of public improvements, including off-site traffic circulation
improvements, and provide other public benefits.
N. In order to avoid any misunderstandings ordisputes which may arise from time to time between
OWNER and CITY concerning the proposed development of the Project and to assure each party of the
intention of the other as to the processing of any land use entitlements which now or hereafter maybe
required for such development, the parties believe it is desirable to set forth their intentions and
understandings in this Development Agreement. In order for both CITY and OWNER to achieve their
respective objectives, it is imperative that each be as certain as possible that OWNER will develop and that
CITY will permit OWNER to develop the Project and public improvements as approved by CITY within the
time periods provided in this Development Agreement.
0. CITY, as a charter city, has enacted Ordinance No. 4377 on November 23, 1982, which makes
CITY subject to the Development Agreement Statute. Pursuant to Section 65865 of the Development
Agreement Statute, CITY adopted Resolution No. 82R-565 (the "Procedures Resolution") on November 23,
1982. The Procedures Resolution establishes procedures and requirements for the consideration of
development agreements upon receipt of an application.
P. On , 20 , as required by Section 1.0 of the Procedures Resolution, OWNER submitted
to the Planning Department an application for approval of a development agreement (hereinafter called the
"Application"}. The Application included a proposed development agreement (the "Proposed Development
Q. On , 20 , as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 2. l of the Procedures Resolution, the Planning Director gave public notice of the City Planning
Commission's intention to consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding adoption of a
development agreement.
R. On , 20_, as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 2.2 of the Procedures Resolution, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
S. On that date, the Planning Commission after considering an Initial Study conducted pursuant to
CEQA for this Development Agreement, and the requirements of CEQA, including Section 21 l 66 of the
California Public Resources Code and Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines, found and determined and
recommended that the City Council find that FSEIR No. 332 previously certified by the City Council for the
implemention of The Platinum Triangle and related projects, together with the Updated & Modified
Mitigation Monitoring Plan No.106Afor The Platinum Triangle, together with Mitigation Monitoring
Program No. ,are adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for this Development
Agreement and satisfies all of the requirements of CEQA, and that no further environmental documentation
need be prepared for this Development Agreement.
T. The Planning Commission further found that the Development Agreement meets the following
standards set forth in Section 2.3 of the Procedures Resolution, to wit, that the Proposed Project: (a) is
consistent with the CTTY's existing General Plan, (b) is compatible with the uses authorized in and the
regulations prescribed for the applicable zoning district, (c) is compatible with the orderly development of
OWNER construct and install a number of public improvements, including off site traffic circulation
improvements, and provide other public benefits.
N. In order to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes which may arise from time to time between
OWNER and CITY concerning the proposed development of the Project and to assure each party of the
intention of the other as to the processing of any land use entitlements which now or hereafter maybe
required for such development, the parties believe it is desirable to set forth their intentions and
understandings in this Development Agreement. In order for both CITY and OWNER to achieve their
respective objectives, it is imperative that each be ascertain as possible that OWNER will develop and that
CITY will permit OWNER to develop the Project and public improvements as approved by CITY within the
time periods provided in this Development Agreement.
0. CITY, as a charter city, has enacted Ordinance No. 4377 on November 23, 1982, which makes
CITY subject to the Development Agreement Statute. Pursuant to Section 65865 of the Development
Agreement Statute, CITY adopted Resolution No. 82R-565 (the "Procedures Resolution"} on November 23,
1982. The Procedures Resolution establishes procedures and requirements for the consideration of
development agreements upon receipt of an application.
P. On , 20_, as required by Section l .0 of the Procedures Resolution, OWNER submitted
to the Planning Department an application for approval of a development agreement (hereinafter called the
"Application"). The Application included a proposed development agreement (the "Proposed Development
Q. On , 20 , as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 2.1 of the Procedures Resolution, the Planning Director gave public notice of the City Planning
Commission's intention to consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding adoption of a
development agreement.
R. On , 20_, as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 2.2 of the Procedures Resolution, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
S. On that date, the Planning Commission after considering an Initial Study conducted pursuant to
CEQA for this Development Agreement, and the requirements of CEQA, including Section 21166 of the
California Public Resources Code and Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines, found and determined and
recommended that the City Council find that FSEIR No. 332 previously certified by the City Council for the
implemention of The Platinum Triangle and related projects, together with the Updated & Modified
Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106A for The Platinum Triangle, together with Mitigation Monitoring
Program No. ,are adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for this Development
Agreement and satisfies all of the requirements of CEQA, and that no further environmental documentation
need he prepared for this Development Agreement.
T. The Planning Commission further found that the Development Agreement meets the following
standards set forth in Section 2.3 of the Procedures Resolution, to wit, that the Proposed Project: (a) is
consistent with the CITY's existing General Plan, (b) is compatible with the uses authorized in and the
regulations prescribed for the applicable zoning district, (c) is compatible with the orderly development of
property in the surrounding area and (d) is not otherwise detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare
of the citizens of CITY. Based upon the aforesaid findings, the City Planning Commission recommended
that the City Council approve the Application and this Development Agreement pursuant to Resolution No.
U. On , 20_, as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 3.1 of the Procedures Resolution, the City Clerk caused public notice to be given of the City
Council's intention to consider adoption of a development agreement.
V. On , 20_, as required by Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and
Section 3.2 of the Procedures Resolution, the City Council held a public hearing on
the Application.
W. On that date, the City Council after considering an Initial Study conducted pursuant to CEQA for
this Development Agreement, and the requirements of CEQA, including Section 211b6 of the California
Public Resources Code and Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines, found and determined that FSEIR No.
332 previously certified by the City Council for the implementation of The Platinum Triangle and related
projects, together with the Updated & Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 106A for The Platinum
Triangle, together with Mitigation Monitoring Program No. ,are adequate to serve as the required
environmental documentation for this Development Agreement and satisfies all of the requirements of
CEQA, and that no further environmental documentation need be prepared for this Development Agreement.
X. On , 20 ,the City Council found and determined that this Development Agreement: (i)
is consistent with the CITY's existing General Plan; (ii) is not otherwise detrimental to the health, safety and
general welfare of the citizens of CITY; (iii} is entered into pursuant to and constitutes a present exercise of
the CITY's police power; and (iv) is entered into pursuant to and incompliance with the requirements of
Section 65867 of the Development Agreement Statute and the Procedures Resolution.
Y. In preparing and adopting the General Plan and in granting the Development Approvals, CITY
considered the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of CITY and prepared in this regard an
extensive environmental impact report and other studies. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in
preparing and adopting the General Plan and in granting the Development Approvals, the City Council
carefully considered and determined the projected needs (taking into consideration the planned development
of the Project and all other areas within the CITY) for water service, sewer service, storm drains, electrical
facilities, traffic/circulation infrastructure, police and fire services, paramedic and similar improvements,
facilities and services within The Platinum Triangle, and the appropriateness of the density and intensity of
the development comprising the Project and the needs of the CITY and surrounding areas for other
Z. On , 20_, the City Council adopted the Authorizing Ordinance authorizing the execution
of this Development Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority contained in the Development Agreement Statute, as
it applies to CITY, and pursuant to the Enabling Ordinance, the Procedures Resolution and the CITY's
inherent powers as a charter city, and pursuant to the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the
parties hereto agree as follows:
The following words and phrases are used as defined terms throughout this Development Agreement,
and each defined term shall have the meaning set forth below.
1.1 Assessment District. "Assessment District" for purposes of this Development Agreement means a
special district, assessment district or benefit area existing pursuant to State law or the charter powers of the
CITY for purposes of financing the cost of public improvements, facilities, services and/or public facilities
fees within a distinct geographic area of the CITY.
1.2 Authorizing Ordinance. The "Authorizing Ordinance" means Ordinance No.
approving this Development Agreement.
1.3 CITY. The "CITY" means the City of Anaheim, a charter city and municipal corporation, duly
organized and existing under its charter and the Constitution and laws of the State of California.
1.4 Development. "Development" means the improvement of the Property for purposes of effecting
the structures, improvements and facilities comprising the Project, including, without limitation: grading, the
construction of infrastructure and public facilities related to the Project whether located within or outside the
Property; the construction of structures and buildings and the installation of landscaping.
1.5 Development Agreement Date. The "Development Agreement Date" means the latest of (i) the
date of recordation in the office of the County Recorder of this Development Agreement, or a memorandum
thereof, or (ii) the effective date of the Authorizing Ordinance.
1.6 Development Agreement Statute. The "Development Agreement Statute" means Sections 65864
through 65869.5 of the California Government Code as it exists on the Development Agreement Date.
l .7 Development Appro. "Development Approvals" means the Final Site Plan and all site
specific plans, maps, permits and other entitlements to use of every kind and nature contemplated by the
Final Site Plan which are approved or granted by CITY in connection with development of the Property,
including, but not limited to: site plans, tentative and final subdivision maps, vesting tentative maps,
variances, conditional use permits and grading, building and other similar permits. To the extent any of such
site specific plans, maps, permits and other entitlements to use are amended from time to time, "Development
Approvals" shall include, if OWNER and CITY agree in writing, such matters as so amended. If this
Development Agreement is required bylaw to be amended in order for "Development Approvals" to include
any such amendments, "Development Approvals" shall not include such amendments unless and until this
Development Agreement is so amended.
1.8 Enablin,~ Ordinance. The "Enabling Ordinance" means Ordinance No. 4377 enacted by the CITY
on November 23, 1982.
1.9 Existing Land Use Re ulations. "Existing Land Use Regulations" mean the ordinances and
regulations adopted by the City of Anaheim in effect on the Effective Date, including the adopting ordinances
and regulations that govern the permitted uses of land, the density and intensity of use, and the design,
improvement, construction standards and specifications applicable to the development of the Property,
including, but not limited to, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use
Plan, Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. ,Updated and Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No.
106A, and all other ordinances of the City establishing subdivision standards, park regulations, impactor
development fees and building and improvement standards, but only to the extent the Zoning Ordinance and
such other regulations are not inconsistent with this Development Agreement. Existing Land Use
Regulations do not include non-land use regulations, which includes taxes.
1.10 Final Site Plan. The "Final Site Plan" means the Project as described in this Development
Agreement and conditions with respect thereto, as set forth as Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part
hereof by this reference.
1. l 1 Gross Floor Area/GFA. "Gross Floor Area" or "GFA" means the gross floor area of any
permitted buildings.
l .12 Interim Development Fees. "Interim Development Fees" are the fees imposed within The
Platinum Triangle pending adoption of permanent fee programs by the City as set forth in Paragraph 12.2 of
this Agreement.
1.13 Mortgage. "Mortgage" means a mortgage, deed of trust or sale and leaseback arrangement or
other transaction in which the Property, or a portion thereof or an interest therein, is pledged as security.
1.14 Mort a ee. "Mortgagee" means the holder of the beneficial interest under a Mortgage, or the
owner of the Property, or interest therein, under a Mortgage.
1.15 Owner. "Owner" is ,and any person or entity with which or into which
may merge, and any person or entity who may acquire substantially all of the assets of ,and
any person or entity who receives any of the rights or obligations of under this Development Agreement in
accordance with the provisions of Section 28 (Assignment) of this Development Agreement.
l . l b Parkin Areas. The "Parking Areas" means all parking structure{s}, andlor all surface parking
servicing the Project.
1.17 Permitted Buildings. "Permitted Buildings"' includes all buildings
and the Parking Areas as identified in Section 6 of this Development Agreement and as further set forth in the
Final Site Plan. This Development Agreement establishes maximum and minimum characteristics for each
of the Permitted Buildings as set forth in the Final Site Plan.
1.18 Platinum Trian le Area. "The Platinum Triangle" means that portion of the City of Anaheim
generally bounded on the east by the Santa Ana River, on the south by the Anaheim city limits, on the west
by the Santa Ana Freeway, and on the north by the Southern California Edison Easement.
1.19 Procedures Resolution. The "Procedures Resolution" is Resolution No. 82R-565 adopted by
CITY pursuant to Section 65865 of the Development Agreement Statute.
1.20 Proms. The "Project" means the development project contemplated by the Development Plan
with respect to the Property, including but not limited to on-site and off site improvements, as such
development project is further defined, enhanced or modified pursuant to the provisions of this Development
l .21 Property, The "Property" means that certain real property shown and described on Exhibit "A"
to this Development Agreement.
l .22 Support Commercial Uses. "Support Commercial Uses" are commerciallretail uses which may
include retail uses, banking or financial offices, food service, restaurants, service establishments and other
similar uses in keeping with the nature of the Project and the required uses needed to support the occupants
of office buildings, other office development, sports and entertainment venues and residential development
in The Platinum Triangle.
1.23 Term. "Term" is defined in Section 2 of this Development Agreement.
Section 2. TERM.
2.1 The term (hereinafter called "Term") of this Development Agreement shall be that period of time
during which this Development Agreement shall be in effect and bind the parties hereto. The Term shall
commence on the Development Agreement Date and shall extend for a period of five (5) years thereafter,
terminating at the end of the day on the fifth anniversary of the Development Agreement Date, subject to the
periodic review and modification or termination provisions defined in Section 25 and Section 27,
respectively, of this Development Agreement, and further subject to a reasonable extension for completion of
the Project in accordance with the Timing of Development schedule set forth in Section 15 of this
Development Agreement.
2.2 This Development Agreement shall terminate and be of no force and effect upon the occurrence
of the entry of a final judgment or issuance of a final order, after all appeals have been exhausted, directed to
CITY as a result of any lawsuit filed against CITY to set aside, withdraw or abrogate the approval of the City
Council of this Development Agreement or if termination occurs pursuant to the provisions of the Procedures
Resolution and such termination is so intended thereby.
2.3 If not already terminated by reason of any other provision in this Development Agreement, or for
any other reason, this Development Agreement shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and
effect upon completion of the Project pursuant to the terms of this Development Agreement and any further
amendments thereto and the issuance of all occupancy permits and acceptance by CITY of all dedications and
improvements as required by the development of the Project.
The provisions of this Development Agreement to the extent permitted by law shall constitute
covenants which shall run with the Property for the benefit thereof, and the benefits of this Development
Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and all successors in interest to the parties hereto.
As a material part of the consideration of this Development Agreement, unless otherwise provided
herein, the parties agree that the Existing Land Use Regulations shall be applicable to development of the
Project. In connection with all subsequent discretionary actions by CITY required to implement the Final
Site Plan and any discretionary actions which CITY takes or has the right to take under this Development
Agreement relating to the Project, including any review, approval, renewal, conditional approval or denial,
CITY, shall exercise its discretion or take action in a manner which complies and is consistent with the Final
Site Plan, the Existing Land Use Regulations (as the same may be modified in accordance with this
Development Agreement) and such other standards, terms and conditions expressly contained in this
Development Agreement. CITY shall accept and timely process, in the normal manner for processing such
matters as may then be applicable, all applications for further approvals with respect to the Project called for
or required under this Development Agreement, including, any necessary site plan, tentative map, vesting
tentative map, final map and any grading, construction or other permits filed by OWNER in accordance with
the Development Approvals.
The Property shall be used for such uses as may be permitted by the Development Approvals and the
Existing Land Use Regulations. The duration of this Development Agreement, the density and intensity of
use, developable GFA, footprint square footage, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings and
structures, lot sizes, set back requirements, zoning, public improvements, and the provisions for reservation
or dedication of land for public purposes shall be those set forth in the Development Approvals, the Existing
Land Use Regulations and this Development Agreement pursuant to Section 65865.2 of the Development
Agreement Statute.
6. l Description of Permitted Buildin s. The Permitted Buildings to be located on the Property shall
be as set forth on the Final Site Plan. The Project shall be constructed substantially in conformance with the
Final Site Plan.
6.2 Parkin Areas. The Parking Areas shall be constructed so that there will be sufficient parking
spaces available within the Property as depicted and substantially in conformance with the Final Site Plan.
Prior to commencement of construction of the Erst Permitted Building, OWNER shall restrict the use of the
Parking Areas to, and shall record a covenant against the Property in a form approved by the City Attorney
stating that the use of the Parking Areas shall be limited to tenants, visitors, patrons, invitees and other users
of the permitted building. Said covenant shall also provide that the Parking Areas shall not be used to
provide public parking for patrons of Angel Stadium of Anaheim, The Grove of Anaheim or the Arrowhead
Pond of Anaheim without the prior written approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and the
Executive Director of ConventionlSports and Entertainment, which approval shall be at CITY's sole
The Permitted Buildings shall be between the minimum and maximum sizes, and shall not exceed the
maximum heights and maximum footprints set forth on the Final Site Plan.
Unless this Development Agreement is terminated or cancelled pursuant to the provisions of this
Development Agreement, this Development Agreement or any amendment hereto, shall be enforceable by
any party hereto notwithstanding any change hereafter in any applicable general plan, specific plan, zoning
ordinance, subdivision ordinance or building ordinance adopted by CITY which alters or amends the rules,
regulations or policies of Development of the Project as provided in this Development Agreement pursuant to
Section 65865.4 of the Development Agreement Statute; provided, however, that the limitations of this
Section shall not apply to changes mandated by State or Federal laws or other permissible changes or new
regulations as more particularly set forth in Section 23 of this Development Agreement.
In addition to performing any other obligations heretofore imposed as conditions of approval set forth
in Exhibit "C," as material consideration for the CI'fY's entering into this Development Agreement, OWNER
shall undertake the construction and installation of the following public improvements required to support the
Project and to enhance area-wide traffic circulation and emergency police and fire protection service within
the time periods as set forth below and in conformance with the Existing Land Use Regulations. CITY shall
cooperate with OWNER for the purpose of coordinating all public improvements constructed under the
Development Approvals or this Development Agreement to existing or newly constructed public
improvements, whether located within or outside of the Property. OWNER shall be responsible for and use
good faith efforts to acquire any right(s)-of way necessary to construct the public facility improvements
required by, or otherwise necessary to comply with the conditions of, this Development Agreement or any
Development Approvals. Should it become necessary due to OWNER's failure or inability to acquire said
right(s)-of way within four months after OWNER begins its efforts to so acquire said right(s)-of--way, CITY
shall negotiate the purchase of the necessary right(s)-of-way to construct the public improvements as required
by, or otherwise necessary to comply with the conditions of, this Development Agreement and, if necessary
in accordance with the procedures established by State law, and the limitations hereinafter set forth in this
section, CITY may use its powers of eminent domain to condemn said required right(s)-of way. OWNER
agrees to pay for all costs associated with said acquisition and condemnation proceedings. If the CITY
cannot make the proper findings or if for some other reason under the condemnation laws CITY is prevented
from acquiring the necessary right(s)-of way to enable OWNER to construct the public improvements
required by, or otherwise necessary to comply with the conditions of, this Development Agreement, then the
parties agree to amend this Development Agreement to modify OWNER's obligations accordingly. Any
such required modification shall involve the substitution of other considerations or obligations by OWNER
lof' similar value) as are negotiated in good faith between the parties hereto. Nothing contained in this Section
shall be deemed to constitute a determination or resolution of necessity by CITY to initiate condemnation
9.1 Public Park. If the Property is eight (8) or more acres OWNER shall be required to dedicate,
improve and maintain a minimum size of 44 square feet for each residential unit for public park purposes as
set forth in the Final Site Plan. The value of the parkland dedication will be credited against overall park in
lieu fees paid for the project. Consistent with existing Code requirements and policies, no credit will be
given for improvements.
9.2 Utilities (Water, Electrical, Gas, Sewer, and Drainage). OWNER shall construct the public
improvements necessary for the provision of requisite water, electrical, gas, sewer and drainage requirements
for Project as more fully set forth in the Development Approvals. OWNER shall construct and relocate
utilities as may be required to provide services to the Permitted Buildings on the Property or that are
displaced by the construction of the Permitted Buildings. As OWNER submits detailed construction plans in
order to obtain building permits for a Permitted Buildings and/or the size and nature of the Project varies, the
utilities that OWNER will construct or relocate maybe revised accordingly by the CITY.
9.2.1 Water Service. OWNER will provide engineering studies to size the water mains for ultimate
development within the Project. Said engineering studies will be conducted prior to rendering of water
service or signature approval of the final water improvement plans, whichever occurs first. The studies shall
be subject to the approval of the General Manager, Public Utilities Department or authorized designee. The
water system may be constructed incrementally, provided that said incremental phasing is adequate to
provide municipal demands and fire flow protection for the proposed development phasing. OWNER will
conform with Rule l5D of the Water Utility's Rates, Rules and Regulations which provides for, in part, a fee
based on GFA and the advancement of additional funds to construct the upgraded water facilities. OWNER
shall be entitled to reimbursement in accordance with the terms of Rule 15D for the advancement of
additional funds to construct the upgraded water facilities.
9.2.2 Storm and Sewer Drains. Prior to final building and zoning inspections for each Permitted
Building, OWNER will construct sewers and storm drains to serve the ultimate development of the Property
as provided by areawide engineering studies to be conducted prior to issuance of any building permits for the
first Permitted Building and updated prior to the issuance of any building permits for each subsequent
Permitted Building. All studies shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. OWNER will construct
improvements identified in said studies. The systems may be constructed subject to the approval of the City
Engineer incrementally provided that said incremental phasing is adequate to provide capacity for the
proposed development phasing.
9.3 Timing, Phasin a Sdna Sdng_ equence of Public Improvements and Facilities. The timing, phasing and
seyuence of the construction of public improvements and facilities or the payment of fees therefor shall be
constructed or paid in accordance with the timing, phasing and sequence set forth in this Development
Agreement and the Final Site Plan
9.4 Traffic Circulation Improvements. In order to assist CITY in providing for area-wide traffic
circulation as required by this Project, OWNER shall cause to be made the traffic circulation
improvements identified for the Project including all applicable measures from the Updated and
Modifed Mitigation monitoring Program IObA approved in conjunction with Subsequent EIR
No. 332 as shown on the Final Site Plan.
In the event OWNER is required to construct public improvements which are supplemental to the
requirements of the Project for the beneFt of other properties, CITY will work with OWNER to establish
mechanisms for proportional reimbursement from owners of the benefitted properties. All costs associated
with establishing said mechanisms shall be paid by OWNER.
Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Project, OWNER shall irrevocably offer for
dedication the rights-of--way, including the public connector streets and Market Street, if applicable, and other
areas as more fully set forth in the Final Site Plan for the uses set forth in the Final Site Plan. These
dedications shall be in fee or as an easement at the discretion of CITY, and upon completion and acceptance
by CITY of the associated improvements incompliance with the specifications as approved by CITY, CITY
shall accept OWNER's offer of dedication. Nothing contained in this Development Agreement, however,
shall be deemed to preclude CITY from exercising the power of eminent domain with respect to the Property
or the Project, or any part thereof.
12.1 Fees, Taxes and Assessments. OWNER shall be responsible for the payment of fees in the
amount and at the times set forth in the Existing Land Use Regulations, as said amounts and timing maybe
modified in accordance with this Development Agreement.
12.2 Platinum Triangle Interim Development Fees. CITY anticipates that a number of fees will be
adopted to pay the costs attributable to new development in The Platinum Triangle. The Interim
Development Fees constitute amounts estimated by the applicable City Departments to be the approximate
fair share of costs attributable to the Project. If an identified fee has been adopted prior to issuance of the
first building permit for the Project, the OWNER shall pay the fee. If an identified fee has not been adopted
at the time of issuance of said building permit, the OWNER shall pay the applicable Platinum Triangle
Interim Development Fees set forth in attached Exhibit "D." If the OWNER has paid a Platinum Triangle
Interim Development Fee, and upon subsequent adoption of a corresponding fee it is determined that the
OWNER has paid an amount greater than the amount payable pursuant to the adopted fee, the excess amount
paid as an Interim Development Fee shall be refunded to the OWNER. CITY shall not be obligated to adopt
any of the identified fees. If any such identified fee is not adopted, the parties agree that the Interim
Development Fee is adequate to address the impacts of the Project.
12.2.1 Electrical Utilities Under rounding Fee. OWNER will pay an Electrical Utilities
Undergrounding Fee as set forth in Exhibit "D- l ."
l 2.2.2 Fire Facilities Fee. OWNER will pay a Fire Facilities Fee as set forth in Exhibit "D-2."
12.2.3 General Plan and Environmental Processing Fee. OWNER will pay a processing FEE
attributable to the cost of creating and establishing the Master Land Use Plan and the PTMU Overlay Zone
for The Platinum Triangle, as well as the costs of associated environmental documentation, as said additional
costs are set forth in Exhibit "D-3."
l 2.2.4 Library Facilities Fee. OWNER will pay a Library Facilities Fee as set forth in Exhibit "D-4."
12.2.5 Park Fee. OWNER will pay the Park Fee as set forth on Exhibit "D-5." and, if the Property is
eight ar more acres in size, OWNER will dedicate, develop and maintain a minipark substantially in
conformance with the Final Site Plan.
12.2.6 Police Facilities Fee. OWNER will pay the Police Facilities Fee to defray the costs of capital
facilities and equipment as set forth in Exhibit "D-b."
12.3 Excluded Development Fees. Fees Excluded from Existing Land Use Regulations. The
following fees shall not be included among the fees which would otherwise fall within the definition of
Existing Land Use Regulations:
12.3.1 Water Utilities Fees. OWNER will pay all applicable fees in accordance with the Water
Utilities Rates, Rules and Regulations in effect at the time of application for service including Rule 15D
which provides for, in part, a fee based on GFA to construct the necessary water facility improvements within
The Platinum Triangle.
12.3.2 Electrical Utilities Fees. OWNER will pay all fees in accordance with the Electrical Utilities
Rates, Rules and Regulations in effect at the time of application for service.
12.3.3 City Processing_Fees. OWNER shall pay all standard City-wide processing fees for building
permits, zoning review, and other similar fees associated with the Development of the Project which are in
existence at the time of approval of this Development Agreement at the rate inexistence at the time said fees
are normally required to be paid to CITY.
12.4 Platinum Triangle Infrastructure andlor Maintenance Assessment District. Prior to the date a
huilding or grading permit is issued relating to implementation of the Final Site Plan, or within a period of
ninety {90) days from the date of execution of this Development Agreement, whichever occurs first, OWNER
shall execute and record an unsubordinated covenant in a form approved by the City Attorney's Office
wherein OWNER agrees not to contest the formation of any assessment district(s) which may be formed to
finance Platinum Triangle infrastructure and/or maintenance, which district(s) could include the Property.
The covenant shall not preclude OWNER from contesting (i) the determination of benefit of such
improvements to the Property, (ii) the properties included in said district or area, (iii) the manner in which
paid fee is determined or (iv) the manner in which said improvement costs are spread.
12.5 Accounting of Funds. CITY will comply with applicable requirements of Government Code
Section b58G5 relating to accounting of funds.
12.b Imposition of Increased Fees Taxes or Assessments. Except as expressly set forth or reserved in
thi s Development Agreement, CITY shall not, without the prior written consent of OWNER, impose any
additional fee, tax or assessment on the Project or any portion thereof as a condition to the implementation of
the Projector any portion thereof, except such fees, taxes and assessments as are described in or required by
this Development Agreement, including the Existing Land Use Regulations or the Development Approvals.
The rates of such fees, taxes and assessments shall be the rates in existence at the time said fees, taxes and
assessments are normally required to be paid to CITY. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to
prohibit CITY from imposing fees, taxes or assessments on the Property which are unrelated to the
implementation of the project.
Ir. consideration for CITY entering into this Development Agreement and other consideration set
forth in this Agreement, OWNER agrees to record unsubordinated covenants, conditions and restrictions
(CC&Rs) applicable to the Property in a form and content~satisfactory to the Planning Director and the City
Attorney incorporating the requirements and obligations set forth in Exhibit "E" to this Agreement, entitled
the "Development Requirements and Maintenance Obligations."
OWNER consents to, and waives any right it may have now or in the future to challenge the legal
validity of the conditions, requirements, policies or programs required by Existing Land Use Regulations or
this Agreement including, without limitation, any claim that they constitute an abuse of the police power,
violate substantive due process, deny equal protection of the laws, effect a taking of property without
payment of just compensation, or impose an unlawful tax.
Timing of Development shall be as set forth in the Final Site Plan.
Section l b. EXISTING USES.
CITY and OWNER agree that those existing legally established uses on the Property maybe retained
until the Project is implemented. When those existing uses are demolished, no credit for any such
demolished square footage for which Interim Development Fees have not been paid will be given OWNER
against Interim Development Fees due on a square footage basis as provided for in this Development
Agreement. 0~1VNER will pay the full Interim Development Fees for Permitted Buildings constructed
pursuant to the Final Site Plan.
17.1 Basis for Denying or Conditional Grantin Future Approvals. Before OWNER can begin
grading on the Property or other development of the Property, OWNER must secure several additional
permits and/or approvals from CITY. The parties agree that to the extent said Development Approvals are
ministerial in nature, CITY shall not, through the enactment or enforcement of any subsequent ordinances,
rules, regulations, initiatives, policies, requirements, guidelines, or other constraints, withhold such approvals
as a means of blocking construction or of imposing conditions on the Project which were not imposed during
an earlier approval period unless CITY has been ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Notwithstanding the previous sentence, CITY and OWNER will use their best efforts to ensure each other
that al] applications for and approvals of grading permits, building permits or other developmental approvals
necessary for OWNER to develop the Project in accordance with the Final Site Plan are sought and processed
in a timely manner.
17.2 Standard of Review. The rules, regulations and policies that apply to any additional
Development Approvals which OWNER must secure prior to the Development of the Property shall be the
Existing Land Use Regulations, as defined in this Development Agreement.
17.3 Future Amendments to Final Site Plan. Future amendments to all or a portion of the Final Site
Plan which increase the intensity or density of the Development of the Property, or change the permitted uses
of the Property, and are not among those described in Section 18.4 of this Development Agreement may
subject the portion or portions of the Project being amended or affected by the amendment to any change in
the CITY's General Plan, zoning designations and rules applicable to the Property and further environmental
review and possible mitigation of adverse impacts under CEQA in effect at the time of such amendment.
Any such amendment to the Final Site Plan shall be processed concurrently with the processing of an
amendment to this Development Agreement. It is the desire and intent of both parties, except as set forth
herein, that any such future amendment of the Final Site Plan will not alter, affect, impair or otherwise impact
the rights, duties and obligations of the parties under this Development Agreement with respect to the
unamended portions of the Final Site Plan.
Section 18. AMENDMENT.
l 8.1 Initiation of Amendment. Either party may propose an amendment to this Development
l $.2 Procedure. Except as set forth in Section 18.4 below, the procedure for proposing and adopting
an amendment to this Development Agreement shall be the same as the procedure required for entering into
this Development Agreement in the first instance. Such procedures are set forth in Sections 2, 3 and 5 of the
Procedures Resolution.
18.3 Consent. Except as provided in Section 25 of this Development Agreement, any amendment to
this Development Agreement shall require the consent of both parties. No amendment of this Development
Agreement or any provision hereof shall be effective unless set forth in writing and signed by duly authorized
representatives of each party hereto.
18.4 Amendments. Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Section, the parties acknowledge that
refinements and further development of the Project may demonstrate that changes are appropriate with
respect to the details and performance of the parties under this Development Agreement. The parties desire
to retain a certain degree of flexibility with respect to the details of the Development of the Project and with
respect to those items covered in general terms under this Development Agreement. If and when the parties
find that changes or adjustments are necessary or appropriate to further the intended purposes of this
Development Agreement, they may, unless otherwise required by law, effectuate such changes or adjustments
as specified in the Development Approvals.
1$.5 Effect of Amendment to Development A reement. The parties agree that except as expressly set
forth in any such amendment, an amendment to this Development Agreement will not alter, affect, impair,
modify, waive or otherwise impact any other rights, duties or obligations of either party under this
Development Agreement.
19.1 Non-Cancellation of Rights. Subject to defeasance pursuant to Sections 25, 2b or 27 of this
Development Agreement, the Final Site Plan and other Development Approvals as provided for in this
Development Agreement shall be final and the rights once granted thereby shall be vested in the Property
upon recordation of this Development Agreement.
The direct and indirect benefits CITY (including, without limitation, the existing and future
anticipated residents of CITY} expects to receive pursuant to this Development Agreement include, but are
not limited to, the following:
The participation of OWNER in the accelerated, coordinated and more economic construction.
funding and dedication to the public, as provided in this Development Agreement, of certain of the vitally
needed on-site and area-wide public improvements and facilities, and assurances that the entire Project will
be developed as set forth in the Final Site Plan and this Development Agreement in order to encourage
development of The Platinum Triangle; and
The considerations set forth in Sections 9 and l o of this Development Agreement.
OWNER has expended and will continue to expend large amounts of time and money on the planning
and infrastructure construction for the Project. OWNER asserts that OWNER would not make any additional
expenditures, or the advanced expenditures required by this Development Agreement, without this
Development Agreement and that any additional expenditures which OWNER makes after the Development
,Agreement Date will be made in reliance upon this Development Agreement. Without limiting the generality
c~~f the foregoing, this Development Agreement provides for the completion of public improvements and
facilities prior to the time when they would be justified economically in connection with the phasing of the
Project, and of a size which would be justified only by the magnitude of the Project provided for by the Final
Site Plan and this Development Agreement. The benefit to OWNER under this Development Agreement
consists of the assurance that OWNER will preserve the right to develop the Property as planned and as set
forth in the Final Site Plan and this Development Agreement. The parties acknowledge that the public
benefits to be provided by OWNER to CITY pursuant to this Development Agreement are in consideration
for and reliance upon assurances that the Property can be developed in accordance with the Final Site Plan
and this Development Agreement.
The mutual undertakings and assurances described above and provided for in this Development
Agreement are for the benefit of CITY and OWNER and promote the comprehensive planning, private and
public cooperation and participation in the provision of public facilities, and the effective and efficient
development of infrastructure and facilities supporting development which was contemplated and promoted
by the Development Agreement Statute. CITY agrees that it will not take any actions which are intended to
circumvent this Development Agreement; provided, however, that any action of the electorate shall not be
deemed an action for purposes of this section.
23.1 State and Federal Laws and Re ul~ ations. In the event that. the State or Federal laws or
regulations enacted after this Development Agreement has been entered into, prevent or preclude compliance
with one or more provisions of the Development Agreement, such provisions of the Development Agreement
shall be modified or suspended as may be necessary to comply with such State or Federal laws or regulations,
provided, however, that this Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the extent it is
not inconsistent with such laws or regulations and to the extent such laws or regulations do not render such
remaining provisions impractical to enforce. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CITY shall not adopt or
undertake any rule, regulation or policy which is inconsistent with this Development Agreement until CITY
makes a Finding that such rule, regulation or policy is reasonably necessary to comply with such State and
Federal laws or regulations.
23.2. Model Codes. This Development Agreement shall not prevent CITY from applying new rules,
regulations and policies contained in model codes, including, but not limited to, the Anaheim Building Code
as adopted in Title l5, Section 15.02.
23.3 Public Health and Safety. This Development Agreement shall not prevent CITY from adopting
new rules, regulations and policies, including amendments or modifications to model codes described in
Section 23.2 of this Development Agreement which directly result from findings by CITY that failure to
adopt such rules, regulations or policies would result in a condition injurious or detrimental to the public
health and safety. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CTI'Y shall not adopt any such rules, regulations or policies
which prevent or preclude compliance with one or more provisions of this Development Agreement until
CITY makes a finding that such rules, regulations or policies are reasonably necessary to correct or avoid
such injurious or detrimental condition,
24.1 Initiation of Cancellation. Either party may propose cancellation of this Development
24.2 Procedure. The procedure for proposing a cancellation of and cancelling this Development
Agreement shall be the same as the procedure required for entering into this Development Agreement in the
first instance. Such procedures are set forth in Sections 2, 3 and 5 of the Procedures Resolution and Section
65868 of the Government Code.
24.3 Consent of OWNER and CITY. Any cancellation of this Development Agreement shall require
the mutual consent of OWNER and CITY.
25.1 Time for Review. CITY shall, at least every twelve (12) months after the Development
Agreement Date, review the extent of good faith compliance by OWNER with the terms of this Development
Agreement. OWNER's failure to comply with the timing schedules set forth in the Final Site Plan shall
constitute rebuttable evidence of OWNER's lack of good faith compliance with this Development
Agreement. Such periodic review shall determine compliance with the terms of this Development
Agreement pursuant to California Government Code Section 65865.1 and other successor laws and
25.2 OWNER's Submission. Each year, not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty (6U)
days prior to the anniversary of the Development Agreement Date, OWNER shall submit evidence to the City
Council of its good faith compliance with the terms and conditions of this Development Agreement.
OWNER shall notify the City Council in writing that such evidence is being submitted to CITY pursuant to
the requirements of Section 6.2 of the Procedures Resolution. OWNER shall pay to CITY a reasonable
processing fee in an amount as CITY may reasonably establish from time to time on each occasion that
OWNER submits its evidence for a periodic review.
25.3 Findings. Within forty-five (45) days after the submission of OWNER's evidence, the City
Council shall determine, on the basis of substantial evidence, whether or not OWNER has, for the period
under review, complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of this Development Agreement. If the
City Council finds that OWNER has so complied, the review for that period shall be deemed concluded. If
the City Council finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that OWNER has not complied in
;,;ood faith with the terms and conditions of this Development Agreement for the period under review,
OWNER shall be given at least sixty (60) days to cure such non-compliance and if the actions required to
cure such non-compliance take more than sixty (b0) days, then CITY shall give OWNER additional time
provided that OWNER is making reasonable progress towards such end. If during the cure period, OWNER
fails to cure such noncompliance or is not making reasonable good faith progress towards such end, then the
City Council may, at its discretion, proceed to modify or terminate this Development Agreement or establish
a time schedule for compliance in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 27 of this
Development Agreement.
25.4 Initiation of Review by Cit, Cy ouncil. In addition to the periodic review set forth in this
Development Agreement, the City Council may at any time initiate a review of this Development Agreement
upon the giving of written notice thereof to OWNER. Within thirty (30) days following receipt of such
notice, OWNER shall submit evidence to the City Council of OWNER's good faith compliance with this
Development Agreement and such review and determination shall proceed in the manner as otherwise
provided in this Development Agreement.
26.1 Defaults by OWNER. Within forty-five (45) days after the submission of OWNER's evidence,
the City Council shall determine on the basis of substantial evidence, whether or not OWNER has, for the
period under review, complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of this Development Agreement.
If the City Council finds that OWNER has so complied, the review for that period shall be deemed
concluded. If the City Council finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that OWNER has
not complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of this Development Agreement for the period
under review, OWNER shall be given at least sixty (60) days to cure such non-compliance and if the actions
required to cure such non-compliance take more than sixty (60} days, then CITY shall give OWNER
additional time provided that OWNER is making reasonable progress towards such end. If during the cure
period OWNER fails to cure such non-compliance or is not making reasonable progress towards such end,
then the City Council may, at its discretion, proceed to modify or terminate this Development Agreement or
establish a time schedule for compliance in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 27 of this
Development Agreement.
26.2 Specific Performance Remedy. Due to the size, nature and scope of the Project, it will not be
practical or possible to restore the Property to its pre-existing condition once implementation of this
Development Agreement has begun. After such implementation, OWNER may be foreclosed from other
choices it may have had to utilize the Property and provide for other benefits. OWNER has invested
significant time and resources and performed extensive planning and processing of the Project in agreeing to
the terms of this Development Agreement and will be investing even more significant time in implementing
the Project in reliance upon the terms of this Development Agreement, and it is not possible to determine
sum of the money which would adequately compensate OWNER for such efforts. For the above reasons,
CITY and OWNER agree that damages would not be an adequate remedy if CITY fails to carry out its
obligations under this Development Agreement. Therefore, specific performance of this Development
Agreement is the only remedy which would compensate OWNER if CITY fails to carry out its obligations
under this Development Agreement, and CITY hereby agrees that OWNER shall be entitled to specific
performance in the event of a default by CITY hereunder. CITY and OWNER acknowledge that, if OWNER
flails to carry out its obligations under this Development Agreement, CITY shall have the right to refuse to
issue any permits or other approvals which OWNER would otherwise have been entitled to pursuant to this
Development Agreement. If CITY issues a permit or other approval pursuant to this Development
Agreement in reliance upon a specified condition being satisfied by OWNER in the future, and if OWNER
then fails to satisfy such condition, CITY shall be entitled to specific performance for the sole purpose of
causing OWNER to satisfy such condition. The CITY's right to specific performance shall be limited to
those circumstances set forth above, and CITY shall have no right to seek specific performance to cause
OWNER to otherwise proceed with the Development of the Project in any manner.
26.3 Liquidated Damages Remedy. The parties hereto agree that this Development Agreement
creates an obligation and duty upon OWNER to undertake and complete development of the Project within
the time and manner specified herein. In the event OWNER breaches this Development Agreement by
failing to undertake and complete development of the Project within the time and manner specified herein,
the parties further agree that CITY will suffer actual damages as a result thereof, the amount of which is
uncertain and would be impractical or extremely difficult to fix; therefore, OWNER agrees to pay CITY, in
the event of any such breach by OWNER, the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00} as
liquidated and actual damages which sum shall be in addition to any other remedies available to CITY as a
result of such breach pursuant to this Section 26.
If pursuant to Section 26.1 of this Development Agreement, CITY elects to modify or terminate this
Development Agreement or establish a revised time schedule for compliance as herein provided, then CITY
shall proceed as set forth in this Section.
27.1 Notice to OWNER. CITY shall give notice to OWNER of City Council's intention to proceed
to modify or terminate this Development Agreement or establish a time schedule for compliance within ten
110) days of making the CITY's findings.
27.2 Public Hearin. The City Council shall set and give notice of a public hearing on modification,
termination or a time schedule for compliance to he held within forty-days after the City Council gives notice
27.3 Decision. The City Council shall announce its findings and decisions on whether this
Development Agreement is to be terminated, how this Development Agreement is to be modified or the
provisions of the Development Agreement with which OWNER must comply and a time schedule therefor
not than ten (10) days following completion of the public hearing.
27.4 ImRlementation. Amending or terminating this Development Agreement shall be accomplished
by CITY enacting an ordinance. The ordinance shall recite the reasons which, in the opinion of the CITY,
make the amendment or termination of this Development Agreement necessary. Not later then ten (10) days
following the adoption of the ordinance, one copy thereof shall be forwarded to OWNER. This Development
Agreement shall be terminated or this Development Agreement as modified shall become effective on the
effective date of the ordinance terminating or modifying this Development Agreement.
27.5 Schedule for Compliance. Setting a reasonable time schedule for compliance with this
Development Agreement maybe accomplished by CITY enacting a resolution. The resolution shall recite the
reasons which, in the opinion of CITY, make it advisable to set a schedule for compliance and why the time
schedule is reasonable. Not later than ten (10) days following adoption of the resolution, one copy thereof
shall be forwarded to OWNER. Compliance with any time schedule so established as an alternative to
amendment or termination shall be subject to periodic review as provided in this Development Agreement
and lack of good faith compliance by OWNER with the time schedule shall be basis for termination or
modification of this Development Agreement.
Section 28. ASSIGNMENT.
28. l Ri , ht to Assign. OWNER shall have the right to sell, mortgage, hypothecate, assign or transfer
this Development Agreement, and any and all of its rights, duties and obligations hereunder, to any person,
partnership, joint venture, firm or corporation at any time during the term of this Development Agreement,
provided that any such sale, mortgage, hypothecation, assignment or transfer must be pursuant to a sale,
assignment or other transfer of the interest of OWNER in the Property, or a portion thereof. In the event of
any such sale, mortgage, hypothecation, assignment or transfer, (a) OWNER shall notify CITY of such event
and the name of the transferee, together with the corresponding entitlements being transferred to such
transferee and (b) the agreement between OWNER and such transferee shall provide that either OWNER or
the transferee or both shall be liable for the performance of all obligations of OWNER pursuant to this
Development Agreement and the Development Approvals. Such transferee andlor OWNER shall notify
CITY in writing which entity shall be liable for the performance of such obligations, and upon the express
written assumption of any or all of the obligations of OWNER under this Development Agreement by such
assignee, transferee or purchaser shall, without any act of or concurrence by CITY, relieve OWNER of its
legal duty to perform said obligations under this Development Agreement with respect to the Property or
portion thereof, so transferred, except to the extent OWNER is not in default under the terms of this
Development Agreement.
28.2 Release Upon Transfer. It is understood and agreed by the parties that the Property maybe
subdivided following the Development Agreement Date. One or more of such subdivided parcels maybe
sold, mortgaged, hypothecated, assigned or transferred to persons for development by them in accordance
with the provisions of this Development Agreement. Effective upon such sale, mortgage, hypothecation,
assignment or transfer, the obligations of OWNER shall become several and not joint, except as to
OWNER's obligations set forth in Section 10 of this Development Agreement. Upon the sale, transfer, or
assignment of OWNER's rights and interests under this Development Agreement as permitted pursuant to the
Section 28.1 above, OWNER shall be released from its obligations under this Development Agreement with
respect to the Property, or portion thereof so transferred, provided that (a) OWNER is not then in default
under this Development Agreement, (b) OWNER has provided to CITY the notice of such transfer specified
in Section 28.1 above, (c) the transferee executes and delivers to CITY a written agreement in which (i) the
name and address of the transferee is set forth and (ii) the transferee expressly and unconditionally assumes
all the obligations of OWNER under this Development Agreement and the Development Approvals with
respect to the property, or portion thereof, so transferred and (d) the transferee provides CITY with security
equivalent to any security provided by OWNER to secure performance of its obligations under this
Development Agreement or the Development Approvals. Nan-compliance by any such transferee with the
terms and conditions of this Development Agreement shall not be deemed a default hereunder or grounds for
termination hereof or constitute cause for CITY to initiate enforcement action against other persons then
awning or holding interest in the Property or any portion thereof and not themselves in default hereunder.
upon completion of any phase of development of the Project as determined by CITY, CITY may release that
completed phase from any further obligations under this Development Agreement. The provisions of this
Section shall be self executing and shall not require the execution or recordation of any further document or
instrument. Any and all successors, assigns and transferees of OWNER shall have all of the same rights,
henefits and obligations of OWNER as used in this Development Agreement and the term "OWNER" as used
in this Development Agreement shall refer to any such successors, assigns and transferees unless expressly
provided herein to the contrary.
By entering into this Development Agreement and relying thereupon, OWNER is obtaining vested
rights to proceed with the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Development
Agreement, and in accordance with, and to the extent of, the Development Approvals. By entering into this
Development Agreement and relying thereupon, CITY is securing certain public benefits which enhance the
public health, safety and general welfare. CITY therefore agrees that except as provided in Section 23 of this
Development Agreement, neither the City Council nor any other agency of CITY shall enact a rule,
regulation, ordinance or other measure which relates to the rate, timing or sequencing of the Development or
construction of all or any part of the Project and which is inconsistent or in conflict with this Development
Section 30. GENERAL.
30. l Force Majeure. The Terrn of this Development Agreement and the time within which OWNER
shall be required to perform any act under this Development Agreement shall be extended by a period of time
equal to the number of days during which performance of such act is delayed unavoidably by strikes,
lock-outs, Acts of God, failure or inability to secure materials or labor by reason of priority or similar
regulations or order of any governmental or regulatory body, initiative or referenda, moratoria, enemy action,
civil disturbances, fire, unavoidable casualties, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of OWNER.
30.2 Construction of Development A reg ement. The language in all parts of this Development
Agreement shall in all cases, be construed as a whole and in accordance with its fair meaning. The captions
of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Development Agreement are for convenience only and shall not
he considered or referred to in resolving questions of constructions. This Development Agreement shall be
governed by the laws of the State of California. The parties understand and agree that this Development
Agreement is not intended to constitute, nor shall be construed to constitute, an impermissible attempt to
contract away the legislative and governmental functions of CITY, and in particular, the CITY's police
powers. In this regard, the parties understand and agree that this Development Agreement shall not be
deemed to constitute the surrender or abnegation of the CITY's governmental powers over the Property.
30.3 Severability. If any provision of this Development Agreement shall be adjudged to be invalid,
void or unenforceable, such provision shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof,
unless such judgment affects a material part of this Development Agreement, the parties hereby agree that
they would have entered into the remaining portions of this Development Agreement not adjudged to be
invalid, void or illegal. In the event that all or any portion of this Development Agreement is found to be
unenforceable, this Development Agreement or that portion which is found to be unenforceable shall be
deemed to be a statement of intention by the parties; and the parties further agree that in such event they shall
take all steps necessary to comply with such public hearings and/or notice requirements as may be necessary
in order to make valid this Development Agreement or that portion which is found to be unenforceable.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Development Agreement, in the event that any material
provision of this Development Agreement is found to be unenforceable, void or voidable, OWNER or CITY
may terminate this Development Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Development
Agreement Statute and the Procedures Resolution.
30.4 Cumulative Remedies. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may institute
legal action to cure, correct or remedy any default, to enforce any covenant or agreement herein, or to enjoin
any threatened or attempted violation, including suits for declaratory relief, specific performance, relief in the
nature of mandamus and actions for damages. All of the remedies described above shall be cumulative and
not exclusive of one another, and the exercise of any one or more of the remedies shall not constitute a
waiver or election with respect to any other available remedy.
30.5 Hold Harmless A red ement. OWNER and CITY hereby mutually agree to, and shall hold each
other, each other's elective and appointive councils, boards, commissions, officers, partners, agents,
representativesnnd employees harmless from any liability for damage or claims for damage for personal
injury, including death, and from claims for property damage which may arise from the activities of the
other's or the other's contractors', subcontractors', agents', or employees' which relate to the Project whether
such activities be by OWNER or CITY, or by any of the OWNER's or the CITY's contractors,
subcontractors, or by any one or more persons indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for OWNER any of
the OWNER's or the CTTY's contractors or subcontractors. OWNER and CITY agree to and shall defend the
other and the other's elective and appointive councils, boards, commissioners, officers, partners, agents,
representatives and employees from any suits or actions at law or in equity for damage caused or alleged to
have been caused by reason of the aforementioned activities which relate to the Project.
30.6 Cooperation in the Event of Legal Challenge. In the event of any legal action instituted by a
third party or other governmental entity or official challenging the validity of any provision of this
Development Agreement andlor the Development Approvals, the parties hereby agree to cooperate fully with
each other in defending said action and the validity of each provision of this Development Agreement,
however, OWNER shall be liable for all legal expenses and costs incurred in defending any such action.
OWNER shall be entitled to choose legal counsel to defend against any such legal action and shall pay any
attorneys' fees awarded against CITY or OWNER, or both, resulting from any such legal action. OWNER
shall be entitled to any award of attorneys' fees arising out of any such legal action.
30.7 Public Agency Coordination. CITY and OWNER shall cooperate and use their respective best
efforts in coordinating the implementation of the Development Approvals with other public agencies, if any,
having jurisdiction over the Property or the Project.
30.8 Initiative Measures. Both CITY and OWNER intend that this Development Agreement is a
legally binding contract which will supersede any initiative, measure, moratorium, referendum, statute,
ordinance or other limitation {whether relating to the rate, timing or sequencing of the Development or
construction of ali or any part of the Project and whether enacted by initiative or otherwise) affecting parcel
or subdivision maps (whether tentative, vesting tentative or final), building permits, occupancy certificates or
other entitlements to use approved, issued or granted within the CITY, or portions of the CITY, and which
.Agreement shall apply to the Project to the extent such initiative, measure, moratorium, referendum, statute,
ordinance or other limitation is inconsistent or in conflict with this Development Agreement. Should an
initiative, measure, moratorium, referendum, statute, ordinance, or other limitation be enacted by the citizens
of CITY which would preclude construction of all or any part of the Project, and to the extent such initiative,
measure, moratorium, referendum, statute, ordinance or other limitation be determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction to invalidate or prevail over all or any part of this Development Agreement, OWNER
shall have no recourse against CITY pursuant to the Development Agreement, but shall retain all other rights,
claims and causes of action under this Development Agreement not so invalidated and any and all other
rights, claims and causes of action as law or in equity which OWNER may have independent of this
Development Agreement with respect to the project. The foregoing shall not be deemed to limit OWNER's
right to appeal any such determination that such initiative, measure, referendum, statute, ordinance or other
limitation invalidates or prevails over all or any part of this Development Agreement. CITY agrees to
cooperate with OWNER in all reasonable manners in order to keep this Development Agreement in full force
and effect, provided OWNER shall reimburse CITY for its out-of-pocket expenses incurred directly in
connection with such cooperation and CITY shall not be obligated to institute a lawsuit or other court
proceedings in this connection.
30.9 Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any dispute between the parties involving the covenants or
conditions contained in this Development Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
reasonable expenses, attorneys fees and costs.
30.10 No Waiver. No delay or omission by either party in exercising any right or power accruing
upon non-compliance or failure to perform by the other party under any of the provisions of this
Development Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof. A
waiver by either party of any of the covenants or conditions to be performed by the other party shall not be
construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of non-performance of the same or other covenants and
conditions hereof.
30.11 Authority to Execute. The person executing this Development Agreement on behalf of
OWNER warrants and represents that helshe has the authority to execute this Development Agreement on
behalf of hislher partnership and represents that helshe has the authority to bind OWNER to the performance
of OWNER's obligations hereunder.
30.12 Notice.
30.12.1 To OWNER. Any notice required or permitted to be given by CITY to OWNER under or
pursuant to this Development Agreement shall be deemed sufficiently given if in writing and delivered
personally to an officer of OWNER or mailed with postage thereon fully prepaid, registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested, addressed; to OWNER as follows:
or such changed address as OWNER shall designate in writing to
3U. l 2.2 To CITY. Any notice required or permitted to be given to CITY under or pursuant to
this Development Agreement shall be made and given in writing, if by mail addressed to:
City Council
City of Anaheim
c/o City Clerk
P.O. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
or such changed address as CITY shall designate in writing to OWNER:
With copies to:
City Manager
City of Anaheim
P.O. Bax 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
City Attorney
City of Anaheim
P.O. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
and if personally delivered to the City Clerk, at the Anaheim Civic Center, 200 S. Anaheim. Blvd., Anaheim,
California, together with copies marked for the City Manager and the City Attorney or, if so addressed and
mailed, with postage thereon fully prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the City
Council in care of the City Clerk at the above address with copies likewise so mailed to the City Manager and
the City Attorney, respectively and also in care of the City Clerk at the same address. The provisions of this
Section shall be deemed permissive only and shall not detract from the validity of any notice given in a
manner which would be legally effective in the absence of this Section.
30.13 Captions. The captions of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Development Agreement
are for convenience and reference only and shall in no way define, explain, modify, construe, limit, amplify
or aid in the interpretation, construction or meaning of any of the provisions of this Development Agreement.
30.14 Consent. Any consent required by the parries in carrying out the terms of this Development
agreement shall not unreasonably be withheld.
30.15 Further Actions and fnstruments. Each of the parties shall cooperate with and provide
reasonable to the other to the extent contemplated hereunder in the performance of all obligations under this
Development Agreement and the satisfaction of the conditions of this Development Agreement. Upon the
request of either party at any time, the other party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit
if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any actions as may
he reasonably necessary under the terms of this Development Agreement to carry out the intent and to full 11
the provisions of this Development Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated
by this Development Agreement.
30.16 Subsequent Amendment to Authorizin Sg_tatute. This Development Agreement has been
entered into in reliance upon the provisions of the Development Agreement Statute in effect as of the
Development Agreement Date. Accordingly, subject to Section 23.1 above, to the extent that subsequent
amendments to the Government Code would affect the provisions of this Development Agreement, such
amendments shall not be applicable to this Development Agreement unless necessary for this Development
Agreement to be enforceable or unless this Development Agreement is modified pursuant to the provisions
set forth in this Development Agreement and Government Code Section b5868 as in effect on the
Development Agreement Date.
30.17 Governing Law. This Development Agreement, including, without limitation, its existence,
validity, construction and operation, and the rights of each of the parties shall be determined in accordance
with the laws of the State of California.
30. l 8 Effect on Title. OWNER and CITY agree that this Development Agreement shall not continue
as an encumbrance against any portion of the Property as to which this Development Agreement has
30.19 Mortgagee Protection. Entering into or a breach of this Development Agreement shall not
defeat, render invalid, diminish, or impair the lien of Mortgagees having a mortgage on any portion of the
Property made in good faith and for value, unless otherwise required bylaw. No Mortgagee shall have an
obligation or duty under this Development Agreement to perform OWNER's obligations, or to guarantee such
performance prior to any foreclosure or deed in lieu thereof.
30.20 Notice of Default to Mort ag_ ee, Ri hg t of Mortga.
Cure. If the City Clerk timely receives notice from a Mortgagee requesting a copy of any notice of default
given to OWNER under the terms of this Development Agreement, CITY shall provide a copy of that notice
to the Mortgagee within ten (10) days of sending the notice of default to OWNER. The Mortgagee shall have
the right, but not the obligation, for a period up to ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice from CITY
to cure or remedy, or to commence to cure or remedy the default unless a further extension of time to cure is
granted in writing by CITY. If the default is of a nature which can only be remedied or cured by such
Mortgagee upon obtaining possession, such Mortgagee shall seek to obtain possession with diligence and
continually through foreclosure, a receiver or otherwise, and shall thereafter remedy or cure the default or
non-compliance within thirty (30) days after obtaining possession. If any such default ornon-compliance
cannot, with diligence, be remedied or cured within such thirty (30) day period, then such Mortgagee shall
have such additional time as may be reasonably necessary to remedy or cure such default ornon-compliance
if such Mortgagee commences cure during such thirty (30) day period, and thereafter diligently pursues and
completes such cure.
30.21 Bankruptcy. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 30.20 of this Development
,Agreement, if any Mortgagee is prohibited from commencing or pursues and prosecuting foreclosure or other
appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof by any process or injunction issued by any court or by reason of
any action by any court having jurisdiction of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding involving CITY, the
times specified in this Section for commencing or prosecuting foreclosure or other proceedings shall be
extended for the period of the prohibition,
30.22 Disaffirmance.
30.22.1 CITY agrees that in the event of termination of this Agreement by reason of any default by
CITY, or by reason of the disaffirmance hereof by a receiver, liquidator or trustee for OWNER or its
property, CITY, if requested by any Mortgagee, shall enter into a new Development Agreement for the
Project with the most senior Mortgagee requesting such new agreement, for the remainder of the Term,
effective as of the date of such termination, upon the terms, provisions, covenants and agreements as herein
contained to the extent and subject to the law then in effect, and subject to the rights, if any, of any parties
then in possession of any part of the Property, provided:
30.22.2 The Mortgagee shall make written request upon CITY for the new Development Agreement
for the Project within thirty (30) days after the date of termination;
30.22.3 The Mortgagee shall pay to CITY at the time of the execution and delivery of the new
Development Agreement for the Project expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, to which CITY shall
have been subjected by reason of OWNER's default; and
30.22.4 The Mortgagee shall perform and observe all covenants herein contained on OWNER's part
to he performed, and shall further remedy any other conditions which OWNER under the terminated
agreement was obligated to perform under its terms, to the extent the same are curable or may be performed
by the Mortgagee.
30.22.5 Nothing herein contained shall require any Mortgagee to enter into a new agreement pursuant
to Section 30.22.1 above, nor to cure any default of OWNER referred to above.
30.23 No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Development Agreement and all provisions hereof is made
and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of CITY, OWNER and their successors and assigns. No
other person shall have right of action based upon any provision in this Development Agreement.
30.24 Project as a Private Undertaking. It is specifically understood and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that the Project is a private development, that neither party is acting as the agent of the other in
any respect hereunder, and that each party is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms,
covenants and conditions contained in this Development Agreement. No partnership, join venture or other
association of any kind is formed by this Development Agreement. The only relationship between CITY and
OWNER is that of a government entity regulating the development of private property and the owner of such
private property.
30.25 Restrictions. Property OWNER shall place in any agreements to sell or convey any interest in
the Property or any portion thereof, provisions making the terms of this Development Agreement binding on
any successors in interest of OWNER and express provision for OWNER or CITY, acting separately or
,jointly, to enforce the provisions of this Development Agreement and to recover attorneys' fees and costs for
such enforcement.
30.2b Recitals. The recitals in this Development Agreement constitute part of this Development
Agreement and each party shall be entitled to rely on the truth and accuracy of each recital as an inducement
to enter into this Development Agreement.
30.27 Recordin .The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Development Agreement to be executed
by CITY and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County no later than ten (10) days after CITY
approves this Development Agreement.
30.28 Title Report. CITY is required to sign this Development Agreement only after OWNER has
provided CITY with a satisfactory preliminary title report evidencing and showing OWNER's legal and
equitable ownership interest in the Property, current within six (b) months, unencumbered except for the
exceptions (hereinafter the "Permitted Exceptions") set in the preliminary title report for the Property dated
attached hereto as Exhibit "F" (the "Preliminary Title Report"). Any instrument of monetary encumbrance
such as a deed of trust or a mortgage entered into subsequent to the date of the Preliminary Title Report and
prior to the Development Agreement Date, shall contain language expressly subordinating such instruments
of monetary encumbrance to the provisions of this Development Agreement. OWNER shall present
evidence, satisfactory to CITY, of OWNER's legal title to Property, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions
and any such subordinated instruments of monetary encumbrance, at the time of recordation of this
Agreement, or a memorandum thereof.
30.29 Entire A reg~ ement. This Development Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Development Agreement, and this Development
Agreement supersedes all previous negotiations, discussions and agreements between the parties, and no
parol evidence of any prior or other agreement shall be permitted to contradict or vary the terms hereof.
30.30 Successors and Assigns. The burdens of the Development Agreement shall be binding upon,
and the benefits of the Development Agreement inure to all successors in interest and assigns of the parties to
the Development Agreement.
30.31 OWNER's Title of Property. Neither party hereto shall be bound by any provision of this
Agreement unless and until OWNER shall record this Development Agreement or a memorandum thereof, in
the office of the County Recorder of the County sufficient to cause this Agreement and the obligations
contained herein to attach to and encumber OWNER's fee title to Property.
30.32 Exhibits. All exhibits, including attachments thereto, are incorporated in this Development
Agreement in their entirety by this reference.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and OWNER have executed this Development Agreement as of the
date and year first above written.
municipal corporation
City Clerk
City Attorney
5414 l .2/smann.7/28/04/1gm
By: _
On this _ day of , 20_, be undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of California duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me
on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person who executed the within instrument as Mayor of the
City of Anaheim, the municipal corporation executing the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that
the corporation executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
On , 20_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally
appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the person who executed the within instrument as on behalf of ,
the corporation therein named that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such
corporation executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
On this _ day of , 20_, BEFORE ME, THE Undersigned, A Notary Public for the State of
California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared SHERYLL SCHROEDER, personally known
to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person who executed the within
instrument as City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the municipal corporation executing the within instrument,
and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
Residential Uses $11.42 per unit
The Anaheim Master Land Use Plan and the Underground Conversion Program envision that the
public utilities along Katella Avenue, between the State College Boulevard and Anaheim Way will need to be
undergrounded. The City-owned facilities will be undergrounded using City funds, pursuant to the Rule No.
?0 of the City of Anaheim Rates, Rules & Regulations
Some of the facilities along Katella Avenue are owned by Southern California Edison (SCE},
Moneys available to underground City-owned facilities may not be used to underground SCE facilities. The
interim fee will collect the funds necessary to underground the SCE lines, and thereby significantly improve
the appearance of The Platinum Triangle.
The cost to underground the SCE lines is estimated at $104, 775. These funds will collected by
imposing an interim fee on the Mixed-used residential units planned in The Platinum Triangle.
The formula for calculating the fee is the following:
Cost to Underground SCE lines = Per-Unit Fee
Number of mixed-use residential units
The Per-Unit fee is calculated at:
104 775 = $1 l .42 per Unit
9,175 Units
Residential Uses $350.00 per unit
Commercial/Office Uses $ 0.20 per square foot
The purpose of establishing a Fire Protection Fee is to finance improvements and additions to
facilities and equipment to support fire protection and paramedic services made necessary by new
development and expansion of and additions to existing development within The Platinum Triangle.
Development will generate additional need for protection and paramedic services in The Platinum Triangle.
There is a need in The Platinum Triangle for expansion of fire protection and paramedic services and
for new and expanded development to contribute its fair share towards the costs of additional and improved
facilities and equipment.
There is a reasonable relationship between the need for the described fire protection and paramedic
facilities and equipment and the impacts of the types of development proposed for The Platinum Triangle, for
which the corresponding Fire Protection Fee described above is charged. There is also a reasonable
relationship between the use of the fee and the type of development for which the fee is charged, in that these
tyre protection and paramedic facilities and equipment provide support for fire protection and paramedic
services and accommodate additional demand generated by development.
The cost estimates set forth below are reasonable cost estimates for adding to fire protection and
paramedic facilities and equipment in The Platinum Triangle. The Fire Protection Fees collected pursuant to
this agreement shall be used to t:inance only the additional facilities described, which additional facilities are
needed to augment existing fire protection and paramedic facilities and equipment serving The Platinum
Triangle, to offset the impacts of new development and expansion of and additions to existing development
within The Platinum Triangle.
Fire truck company with equipment $1,000,000
Fire engine company with equipment $ 750,000
Fire station $3,500,000
TOTAL $5,250,000
Platinum Tt~iangle Documents SEIR No. 332 T=
Residential Uses: $8.00 per unit $24.00 per unit $32.00 per unit
Commercial/Office Uses: $0.01 per sq. ft. $ .03 per sq. ft. $.04 per sq. ft.
These fees are intended to recover the costs associated with The Platinum Triangle including costs
incurred in the preparation of the following:
The Platinum Triangle Documents including The Platinum Triangle Master Land Use
Plan, the Platinum Triangle Mixed Use Overlay and associated environmental
documentation (approved by the City Council in August, 2004); and
Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) No. 332, which has been prepared to
serve as the environmental documentation for activities implementing The Platinium
Triangle Master Land Use Plan (certified by the City Council in , 2005).
The fees are based upon the following calculations:
The Platinum Triangle Documents Fee
Contract Costs: $146,000
New Development Allowed in The Platinum Triangle:
7,044,300 sq. ft. ofnon-residential uses
9,175 residential units (assume average unit size of 800 sq. ft. = 7,340,000 sq. ft.)
7,044,300 +
14,384,300 total square feet
$146,000/14,383,300 = $.Ol per square foot
7,340,000 x $.01= $73,400
$73,400/9175 = $8 per dwelling unit
Residential Uses: $8.00 per unit
CommerciallOfficeDses: $0.01 per square foot
*SEIR No. 332 Fee
Contract Costs:
Planning Department Costs FY2004
Planning Department Costs FY2005
4,24b,522 sq. ft. of commercial
5,495,200 sq. ft. of residential use
24 492.72
(assume average unit size of 800 sq. ft.
6,869 residential units x 800 sq. ft = 5,495,200)
9,741,722 total square feet (non-residential and residential}
$299,770.5519,741,722 = $.03 per square foot
5,495,200 x $.03 = $164,856
$164,85616,869 dwelling units = $24.00 per dwelling unit
Residential Uses:
$24.00 per unit
$00:03 per square foot
Note: The Planning Department Costs represents staff time and materials associated with the preparation of
SEIR No. 332 and the square footage listed above reflects the number of allowable PTMU Overlay Zone square
feet not entitled at the time SEIR No. 332 was certified.
Residential Uses $149.73 per unit
The amount of the Library fee is based upon the current fee structure for East Santa Ana Canyon residential
development for single family residential uses. The 2004 fee for such residential uses is $317.67, based upon
an estimated 3.3 persons per dwelling. Using an estimate of 1.5 persons per unit in The Platinum Triangle,
the proposed interim developer fee for The Platinum Triangle is $149.73 per unit.
Residential Uses $7055.74 per unit
Park fees are established by implementing various values identified for The Platinum Triangle into
the Park Dedication fee formula, as established by Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapters 17.08 and 17.34,
which is as follows:
(Land Acquisition Costs + Land Development Costs) x 2 x DU density proposed =fee
Land acquisition costs are estimated by Keyser-Marsten to be $50/sq. ft. of property purchased (for
industrial properties, including goodwill and relocation costs*). This equals $2,178,000/ac.
Land Development costs have been established by the City Council at $173,913.33/ac.**
City Park Acreage Standard of 2 acres/1,000 population was incorporated in the formula set forth in
Chapters 17.08 and 17.34, as approved by City Council.
Estimated dwelling unit density of 1.5 persons/unit for both the single family attached and apartment
complexes as estimated in Final Environmental Impact Report, No. 330, Table 4.3-1, for the City of
Anaheim's General Plan and Zoning Code Update.
Using the above figures the park fee is $7,055.74 per unit.
($2,178,000 + $173,913.33) x 2 x 1.5 = $7,055.74 per unit
Parkland dedication will be required for each 8 acre or larger parcel proposed for residential
development. The City's Platinum Triangle consultant, EDAW, has recommended that each dwelling unit
for parcels of 8 acres or larger dedicate 44 sq. ft. of public parkland per each dwelling unit proposed.*** The
value of the parkland dedication will be credited against overall park in lieu fees paid for the project.
Consistent with existing zoning and policies, no credit will be given for improvements.
As an example, if a subdivision were required to dedicate a .5 acre park, credit would be given against
the Land Acquisition value, established above, of $2,178,000 per acre. Accordingly the Developer would be
entitled to a credit of $1,089,000 for the dedication.
* Memorandum by Keyser-Marsten dated December 29, 2004 and updated January 15, 2004 by Jame
Rabe of Keyser Marsten, available in the Parks Division office.
** As approved by the City Council in Resolution No. 2004R-128, dated June 15, 2004.
*** The square foot figure for required recreational space per dwelling unit in The Platinum Triangle
is lower than the figure used elsewhere in the City, as set forth in Section 17.08. The lower figure is
recommended because of the type of residential projects anticipated for The Platinum Triangle. The mixed
use type of neighborhoods proposed require smaller human scale parks within a walking distance of 2.5 to 5
minutes of each dwelling unit.
Residential Uses
Office Uses
Commercial Uses
$31.62 per unit
$ .10 per square foot
$ .21 per square foot
The Revenue and Cost Specialists Consulting firm is still in the process of establishing fee guidelines
for The Platinum Triangle area. During the interim the foregoing formula will be applicable to offset the
equipment cost for police services in The Platinum Triangle area. The interim fee will be replaced with a
one-time capital facilities fee which will be applicable to the Project.
As a condition of approval of Development Agreement No. ,the City requires OWNER to
undertake and implement the maintenance of certain slopes, landscaping, [a park (if Property is 8 or more
acres)] private streets and private utilities, and the performance of other obligations, as set forth herein. Prior
to the earlier of either the sale of the first [residential] lot or the issuance of the temporary or permanent
"Certificate of Occupancy" for the first [residential dwelling unit] in Tract Map ,OWNER
shall execute and record with the Orange County Recorder a declaration of covenants, conditions and
restrictions ("CC&Rs") satisfactory to the Planning Director and the City Attorney creating maintenance
obligations for an incorporated association ("Association") to establish a financial mechanism or financial
mechanisms to maintain those areas and facilities (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Common Area")
depicted on Attachment No. 1 attached hereto. Such Area shall include the following:
[Describe the maintenance obligations imposed on the project, which may include the following:
a. Private streets and street lights (include street name, if applicable);
b. Private sewer and storm drain lines, together with all appropriate appurtenances;
c. Landscape slope areas and all drainage facilities (including, but not limited to, french
drains, down drains, drainage swales, retaining and crib wall(s) etc.};
d. Landscape maintenance easements.
e. Parkway landscaping and irrigation.
f. Covered on-site storage for bicycles, scooters and athletic equipment
screened from public view.
g. Washer and dryer in each dwelling unit.
h. Centralized recreational amenities appropriate to the population mix in
the development, as approved by the City.
i. Maintenance of minipark.
j. Public restrooms, if applicable.
The obligations described above and depicted in the Maintenance Exhibit shall collectively be referred to as
the Maintenance Obligations. Until such time as the Association is formed, the CC&Rs are recorded, the
Common Area is conveyed in fee to the Association, and the Association has assumed responsibility to
maintain the Common Area and perform the Maintenance Obligations, OWNER shall be responsible for the
maintenance of the Common Area and performance of the Maintenance Obligations, including any additional
obligations which maybe specified herein. Reconveyance of all or part of the Common Area or any propert
interest therein to a party other than the Association shall require {i) the riot written consent f y
P o the City, (»)
appurtenant easements over the Common Area for the benefit of each and every lot in the Property and (iii)
that the reconveyance expressly affirm that the provisions of Civil Code Section 1367 relating to lien rights tc
enforce delinquent assessments and the CC&Rs shall remain applicable. The CC&Rs may provide any of the
Maintenance Obligations maybe assumed by a duly formed Platinum Triangle Infrastructure and/or
Maintenance Assessment District subject to CITY's written approval.
The covenants and restrictions set forth herein constitute a general scheme for the development, protection
and maintenance of the Property for the benefit of all owners. Said covenants and restrictions are for the
benefit of the Property and shall bind all owners thereof. Such covenants and restrictions shall be a burden
upon. and a benefit to, not only the OWNER but also its successors and assigns. All of such covenants and
restrictions are intended to be and shall be declared in the CC&Rs to be covenants running with the land or
equitable servitudes upon the land, as the case maybe.
The CC&R's shall provide that termination of the CC&R's or amendment of any provision which may
negatively impact performance of the Maintenance Obligations shall require prior written consent of the City.
Termination of this Declaration is not a release of Declarant with regard to Declarant's independent
obligations in connection with development and approval of the Project or with regard to obligations and
liabilities incurred prior to such termination.