11 (5) Jennifer L. Hall From:jodiemosley <jodiemosley@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Jose Diaz; Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Anaheim Lodge Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. No on 11 I agree 100% that it makes no sense to put in a "temporary art exhibit" at a crime & prostitution ridden dirty run down motel. Can you imagine the filth & germs? Will the rooms be cleaned & sanitized regularly? Will Narcan doses be on site in the event of an OD and Fentanyl poisoning? And trained personnel to administer it? Since it is a city owned building I believe that an emergency defibrillator needs to be on site and a trained person who can use it. How will the artists be vetted? Will the artists have background & fingerprint checks done to screen for child predators and other criminals? If I get an adult coloring book and say that I want a room, then does that qualify me as an "artist?" So will the homeless "artists" stay there during the day? Will police check each room to be sure that no one sleeps there at night? I am concerned that the artists will use "art" as a way to have people visit so they can sell & use drugs and do prostitution. The motel rooms will have lockable doors so no one will know what goes on behind closed doors. Will there be inspectors who will have access to the rooms to inspect the rooms regularly? Is there mold and/or asbestos? Will the city be liable if someone is assaulted or raped? Or Fentanyl death? Because it is a city owned property. What does the city attorney think of the potential for the city to be held liable for injuries, assaults, & deaths? If the Anaheim Lodge has been condemned by the county, then what makes it passable for the city to use it as an "art studio?" Will there be Anaheim police officers on site at all times or just security personnel? The very idea that security is an issue also makes me believe that the "artist studio" is a very dumb idea. It defies logic to have an art studio temporarily when the grant money could be better used for other things to beautify west Anaheim. 1 I am quite literally astounded at the ridiculous decisions that the city is making. Is part of the grant money being used to paint the sidewalk paintings & building murals? I agree that the the Anaheim Lodge needs to be demolished. The city needs to fast track the progress on Beach Blvd. West Anaheim could be a jewel if the city does it right. We deserve to be as nice as the Disneyland area, and the decision makers that are doing this do not live here. This is worse than the Baymont motel homeless disaster. Bad idea!!!! Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device 2