24 (3) Theresa Bass From:Bulmaro Vicente <boomer@chispaoc.org> Sent:Monday, February To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Chispa Letter of Support Item 24 Attachments:Chispa Letter to Anaheim City Council ; Let the Investigation Proceed.pdf Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hi, Please find the attached letter about our support for Item 24. In Solidarity, Boomer Policy Director | Chispa e: boomer@chispaoc.org c: 1505 E 17th Street Suite 117 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Chispa is building a political home for young Latinxs in Orange County! Please consider making a donation to help us build our casita. Chispa is a project of Tides Advocacy, a 501c4 non-profit organization. To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. 1 February 27, 2023 Anaheim City Council City Hall Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Chispa’s Support of Granting the Requested Funds to JL Group in Order to Continue the Internal Investigation in its Entirety Dear Anaheim City Council, We at Chispa respectfully request that the Council vote to grant JL Group, LLC, the requested increase in the NTE amount so that they can carry out the full scope of their investigation to completion. Chispa seeks to engage with excluded peoples to uproot systems of oppression and cultivate systems grounded in community accountability, solidarity, and self-determination for our communities to thrive. We are a membership base organization for young Latinxs advocating for systemic change across Orange County. At the most recent council meeting on February 7, 2023, we were disappointed to hear members on the council calling into question the merits of approving the contracted firm's request for additional funds in order to complete their internal corruption investigation. We worry that comments made by our Mayor and Members of the Council do not accurately reflect the urgency of this investigation. This effort is a critical first step in restoring the public’s trust in their local government. The findings of this investigation will play a crucial role in uncovering the layers of corruption that have plagued the city for so long. We understand the concerns expressed by members on the council regarding the cost of this request from JL Group. Several councilmembers echoed the sentiments that it would be reckless of them to approve taxpayer funds for an investigation that doesn't have a clear scope. And as Mayor Ashleigh Aitken stated in her comments, “I’m just trying to be sensitive as a steward of taxpayer money; Not one dollar of this is our money, it’s the citizens of Anaheim.” Taxpayers deserve to know the findings of the investigation for them to understand the corruption occurring in the City. The findings of this investigation will play a crucial role in uncovering the layers of corruption that have plagued the city for so long. The discussion regarding the NTE increase is scheduled to be brought back before the council on February 28th. We urge members of the council to approve JL Group’s request and fully fund the investigation so that they can complete their report by July 1st and show the public all that they have uncovered. It is in the council's best interest to rebuild trust with its constituents. Let this be the first step. Signed, Boomer Vicente Policy and Political Director Chispa