24_General Theresa Bass From:Pat D <pat7oaks@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, PM To:Ashleigh Aitken; Jennifer Diaz; Stephen Faessel; Natalie Rubalcava; Natalie Meeks; Carlos A. Leon; Norma C. Kurtz Cc:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Public Comments Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Dear Council members I am writing today on several items. I would prefer to be there in person, but my personal situation does not allow for that. Therefore, I once again ask that each of you commit to increasing public participation in Council and other meetings for those of us who are unable to participate in person due to responsibilities in our respective homes and limitations with personal and family care needs. You are well equipped to create a hybrid, real time, virtual process to allow for those without the ability to attend in person, to be able to view and speak at the appropriate agenda times from home. The Brown act allows for it as you well know. I appreciate folx who are actually in that space speaking to you directly. Everyone in the community also needs to be able to have our voices heard. Item 24 I am writing to insist that this body adjust/increase the funding of the investigation into corruption in our city as requested. Each of you either ran on a campaign declaring your commitment to transparency or continue to claim you had no role in the corruption led by the former mayor and his many cronies who directly and illegally have benefitted from that relationship. Therefore, it should be an obvious next step to identify the resources necessary to continue the contract with the JL group LLC and finalize the work which will expose what we the residents of Anaheim have the right to know !!! (Before you whine as to "can't afford it", you also need to take seriously revisiting the proposed 2% admissions tax on ticket sales for major entertainment venues in Anaheim.) If any of you are to be believed or trusted, you really can't afford not to fund this investigation through to completion. Public Comment You also have several items on your agenda related to funding and construction approval for several housing projects. I always get excited when see reference to affordable until I read further. While many undoubtedly have housing needs, this city is notorious for failing to approve or even recommend for approval, housing construction at the low and very low income levels so desperately needed in our community. To continue to reference "moderate" priced projects as meeting our affordable housing needs is misleading. Staff have spelled it out. What can this Council do to push for, support, insist on building affordable at the most needed levels for Low and Very Low income needs? You have done little to show us you are taking our RHNA numbers and Housing Element plan seriously! 1 Sincerely Pat Davis District 1 Resident Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. 2