1975-386 RESOLUTION NO. 751.{-33tj A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAIIEIl1 FINDING AND DETERMINING TRAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHElr~1 MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUND- ARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. miEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did hold a public hearing in ~classification Pro- ceedings No. 74-75-39 to consider an amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing did receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein and from its staff: . and WHEREAS, wi"thin a period of forty days following said hearing, the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the proposed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 22nd day of Jul'/ , 1973 , and continued to the day of , 19 , as the time, and the City Counc11 Chambers in the City Harr-Qf the City of Anaheim as the place for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Cede, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter described, fron the zone or zones in which it is now situated and the incor- 'peration thereof in the zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice thereof in the manner and form provided in said Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code: and l~IEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings and recommendation: and tiHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to wit: The SoUt~1 ilalf o:!: tl~.(~ SC't1ti1east qua.rter of the SOUtll- Ti~O ct '~ua.,...t~,... oJ: c "~ctJ... -n ,., ", . -. "..... IL ~ th R .. ..... ,.... _' -..... '.......... .:.. .....;:.. '-~ ~. ~ , ..i. O'''TnSll~ l-' " kJOU , ..anqe 11 ':)'cst, S3.n B'ari1arc.ino '.:feJ:'ic~ian, in tile ci ty of - A,"na.hej..7~~, .:;a.ccordiT'S: to tJ".e off i.cial 1?1at thereof. :~'~XC::;P? tl}.ere~rO!':'I., the ~'\j'esterl~..r 336.00 feet thereof. l~"LSO ~~-~XC:~:P,!~I t.~lerefro!:: that portion thereof included t'1; t(\ 1." n t-n' 0 J""ounc1 ar"t'!" 1 Ja nA~ 0+ F'Mract 7\10 22? n s p , -- .-- "" ... -' - - _r. ..~ __ ......., ........ '.to '"_'i . ..... ~, a er na~? recorded in ~-:ook 69 pa~;es 3l~ et seq., of l\!iscel- laneous ~~a~:)s, in the offic€.: of the county recorder Or ~~a.; 14 r"'Qu"'"'t" . -- - .... ............", J. "" .i.. l\I,SO r.;XCJ3F'.!' tl1.erefro:rr:. that portion th:ereof lying ;.~a3terly of t:1C follo\iing d2scriJ::,;ec line: :;ec:~innin.:;' at n. 9cint in "c]'1-e ~outharl.t{ line of said SoatL. ~1alf, .~:'~.is+:a::t tll.erco~ 30nth ~: gO 59' 15" :"Jest, 1 G e. 0 c. =\~ct fro:r:.~ tl-.i.(': Sout!.l~.]est corl:er of the land (le~;crib,~:io il: that c~rt.aip de.~(.~. t:o 'I.ier1 'E'. Kohli tz U.n~ ;.-Jife, recor.:lec~ ~JovelT,ber 3, lSL~7 in book 1594 ?ase 203 of Official ~ecords of saie ~ounty; thence parallel tc -t11e ":Teste:::-l:,/"" lip.e of sC'.id. Ian.:::. of !-:o::,- 1'; ~.r:: '!'J')va~'~ "";0 :'-':' ?(:" i::aC"t: ~~-, .,...-1-' ~Ol..t"!-' -rl T 1 a '-'3 .,-~_.,-, :..'-..L. ,-._.... ,'.'" "-"~. ..... ....;>._ '_'.' "",r_c ;..1 \...\. ......e :y. _~n,-, 0f ~r~ct No. 22~8, hcrein~c~orc nenticned in th~ sccon~ Ezce?tion, above. be excl t: :?cf. fr:OT~'~. .. RE - !-'.-~, 3 , ~) 0 ~_: If r_I~~~ I r.:Br.J'!.'IZ\L/.?-\.GH.ICULIJ.:'URP->-ot. ~OJ~TE a.nd i:r:cor{)ora t~~ in II p.r,1-12 0 0" 1t~SI'~;!:~~'rTIFJ-...., ~...:7TJI~~iI!>:'E-FA_~.'!ILY ZO~J:: S~.1:b- je~t to th~ follo~'7inr/ Gonc~i ti0113: 1. ei t:.." of line 0:: ~hat the o'mar(s) of subject ?rcperty shall deed to ~he .r~Clhei~~:' a 3'tri.~ 0:': lc'.Iv:~. 53 f'3et in ~~:ridth from the center- tl'lc street al:J~.~;' :-~all :1oa(~ fer zt.reet ~.!idening purposes. ") 1'j1-11~+- ~ 11 =-y"ro-"; .,..,00,...'; nr-- -r:::.r"~",; r(.:)m~"n+-s o-F t1,p C';tv 04= n~~lje;T"" -.. . - J...... '- _ '....--:- oJ" c_ A. ~.: -0"""....1:.:...---- ..l....._: J........'-' --;001- _ ._:::- .-- J.__ ........ .l- ,~~.I.,::",:, _ .....-,- alon~: I.all p'0a('. ~!1clnc.~:n.~ i?rep?.~.?..tJ.on. 01: J..mprove!nent plans anr.". J.n- stallation cf all i~?rovements suc~ ~s curbs and gutters, side- walJ:s, 3tr~et sra~inc an~. ~avin~, drainage facilities, or other a..:.~';::urten3.nt ~':or1::: shall be co:-.:~~!1:.e6_ ""i tl~. as req:uired b~t the City Engineer and in accor~&ncs wit~ sta~dard ?].ans and specification3 O~ ~ile in the nffice of the Ci~? Sn0inGcr and that street light- i:r}.\':,' facilities along Lall :1.03.(.: s:-:.a 11 b~ installed as required by ~le Director cf ~Dblic ctilities, and in accordance with standar4 -J'~~~ an;' ~~oc~~J.ocat~o~~ o~ ~i'~ ~n ~he n~~J."c~ of thl.e nJ."rector o~ .:.. ............f..J.........., _.:.U !..Jl:'~""" ~.._ __ ._~ .&..;"0 .:...... .....___"'..:.; -'-__ ....__"-" ~"9-".. ......... ...~....J _... Pu~}lic .C"tj_J..ities; a~~ t:~1at c. J..;ond in an. amour.t and forTI". satisfac- to!:,"<:7 t.e t~'~.e ci t"'," ("':: .~:=:1c-'t~1ei;~ ~}-:;.~11 h.:; POf!t..;~n to qllarantee the ).:!!- ~ + ...:i 1 at- ; 0,.... o.c {- ~ 0 .a1-"'O"(T~:::!l-rr'r.:lln+-'; on ~,..:::; -rer-l"l"; ,...o'!"":3nts - s....;; .._(""....__.._ ......_ ....... .. ....~..."- . .s_~'," I ~ __........... -...... .._"'.... __ ..... ~. .J-.z- .....J:...~'---... ... 3. '2:h2.t ti1iZ Ol--ll-:er (s) o:e su~:.;j ect ~.?roT'erty shall pay to the C:Lt:.~ o~: .::\nahei!-': the su~~ 0= si~=ty cents 2er front :foot along Eal1 Roc-c. -F.or tree j?la!1.tin~:: :;:'J.r~()ses. 4. ~hat trash storage areas shall ~e relocated/realig~ed in accord.ance T;~i th t.~1e requirer~.ents of -t.lle Streets and Sani tat.ion Divisio2"1 v.nd prov.:tdcl~- in accoro::l,?n.ce ~o:ith ?p~.?roved plans on file with the Offi6c of the nirector of Public ~~orks, as stipulate1 to by the ?etitio~er. r;-;~....::'l"'. .F;.,...c; ~-'''i,.;.:JV"..,,.,.,...... S.:....,..,.1' 1-._ ].-- t 11 ~ ~. ~ ...;. _~J.c.l.- _._.J....._ !..:...... ..~.4.c...I.~'-:':) .. .:....a._.__L. ~_~ .!.:s a eo.. ana c.tlargec. re~:~:"lire':" an~:~ ::'~cter~:~;.inoj t.e 1;..;;. :.:cccssar~l' .b"t:7' the Chief of the D~".""iar-f--r.~r'~1~t .....r1. a- i-..., ,....(").:11.Yt~.-I('""!:lIl~o~-.f- ......+= ,........r.. ~.,c+-~lr~l -:--a'r."l1- ng "J".- . """'.&.~.\..-...- ...,:..... ..1..1... --\...... '\""".... -..:...'...,-.I..~~ ~.l.~.....: .... V...:- ..;, t.. ~ ~:.. 4.-.. .......... .ll=...._ ... as 'W. _ ~re s . ~:l:a t :J.tili-ti2S. su:..'iec.,l~ '.~)rc:r'."\:3r.t-'...;- 8::0..11 b(;~ served b" under~roun(l . - - -. ..:. - .1 - .. in 7. T~a~ ~rainage of s~bject ;rope~t~ shall be disposed of .71 ~anne:::- sa.tisfactor:.," to tb.G City :"~'~s:illcer. ~hat .the o~'mr~r (s) of sul:.';ect ~~)ronertv shall na,?' to t:.1e ... - J..... .t;. ..r. .:;i toy of .z\.nahe.t:r;~ th8 ~~i2rO~?riate ?arl': an(~ r'~creation in-lieu fees as deter~ined to be 2ppro?riate by the City Council, said fees to De raift at t21e tir~e t~le l:-.~.!ilf!.ir.g perni t is issued. c. ....... 9. Tha.t a?propria.te ,;qa.ter assessment fees as determinec1. b~)' tb.e Director of Pl..lblic U.l:ilities shall l:.e paid to the Cit~! of l"~n~_- :':1eiJ.T: ~;rior tc the is f"~.la!1Ce o~ a l':~u~.ldinq pcrni t. 10. ~hat t~e interior ~alls of the proposed carports shall be stuccoed; that enclosed storage catinets shall be ?rovided along the rear ':-'7all of each carport: and tha.t adequate bumper gu.ards shall be Fro',idcc'. to ~rctect the interior ,,,alls of the rro- ?ose{ carports from damage. 11. ~ha t .tl1e r1inirr~u!rr (!.imens ions 0 f the parking spaces wi thin the 9rO?osed carports shall be ten (10) feet ~ide by twenty (~0) feet long, as stipulatec to by the petitioner. 12. ~hat ~ense la~dscaping sh~ll be ?rovided along the nort~erly progerty line, in addition to a six-foot masonry wall alon~~' tl~e n~rth.erly anc 'venterly :;ro~:)erty lines. 13. Tnat the sul:ject property shall be developed in accord- ance ~"1i th the site de'lelopJ'nent S"cnnl'jards of the und.erlying zone. 14. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning s~b- ject :)r0gerty, ~oD.':1i.tion :~1'os. 1, .~ and 3, aho,re-:Mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rigbts granted by this resolu- tion shall become null and void b~ action of the City Council un- less said conditions are complied with within one year from the d~ta hereof, or such f~rther tiTIe as the City Council may gra~t. 15.. That Con1ition ~os. 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13, ahove- Tentione&, shall te ~o~rlied wit~ ~rior to ~inal building and zoning inspections. 15. Tha t the de"Jelo'i:ier shall obtain. approval of plans for dense l~ndscapinq alon0 the northerly property line, prior to the issuance of R buildin~ ~.,erm.it. :-.;.E IIT Fl.."TRIJ:rE~;R !r~~SOL'JED that the City Attorney' be, and he is hereby, 2.uthorized and directed to ~repare and submit ~o the ci t"(..7 Counc:t1 an ordi!1ance amending ~i tIe 18 of the .?\naheJ.~~ ~~nici?~l Code to accomplish the objects herein fauna and deter- mine~ to be necessary an~ proper. rJ.lH:Y~'. :?OP}~~GOIj~!S ~~~;S()LUTIO:-..~ is c.~)proved and signed :-.1e tl~is 2?nd. (:. a 't.." of .Jul~{, 1975. ~.'IiTEST : ({~'C".~__ -),1- "l/' CITY C~?~y OF THE - .......... F;:, T. .TR! fIT' "~"l~ T~! OF A~~T]1J-!E Ir~ ...... . --) ~. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 8S. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, AIDNA M. HOUGARD, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 75R-386 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 22nd day of July, 1975, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Pebley, S'neegas a'nd Thom WES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: OOUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 75R-386 on the 22nd.day of July, 1975. IN ;~WI'lBESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff~xed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 22'nd day of July, 1975. CI~ ~ ~7T~~~'~ANAHEIH (SEAL) 1, ALONA M. HOUGARD, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 75R-386 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on July 22, 1975. (. .-( .l '.~.. I.- &'_ ) J 7. ......~~. ~"- ~1/1 ~~i:/ City Clerk 1/ ---......